The use of ICT in foreign language teaching of future primary school teachers

Consideration of the role of information and communication technologies in education. Characteristics of informatization of education, the main direction of which is the introduction of information and communication technologies in certain industries.

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The use of ICT in foreign language teaching of future primary school teachers

Liubov Terletska,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Methodologies

Pedagogical Institute of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

The article discusses the role of ICT in education. Information communication technologies (ICT) at present are influencing every aspect ofhuman life. They are playing salient roles in workplaces, business, education, and entertainment. Moreover, many people recognize ICTs as means for change in working conditions, handling and exchanging information, teaching methods, learning approaches, scientific research, and in accessing information. Therefore, it's important to consider the role of ICTs, advantages and disadvantages, limitations and key challenges of integration to education systems in general and for foreign language training offuture primary school teachers in particular. Distinctive features of modern society are integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) with scientific and production areas, which requires all members of the information society readiness to use ICT in their professional activities. In this communication is one of the priority areas of informatization of modern society is a process of informatization of education, the main direction of which is implementation means of information and communication technologies. As one of the ways to modernize secondary and higher education a lot researchers consider a rational combination of traditional educational technologies and modern ICT. Traditional pedagogical technologies ofteaching foreign languages are limited in the ability to model a foreign language environment, take into account the individual differences of students and create conditions for authentic communication in the target language. Therefore, pedagogy includes in the educational process of computer and telecommunications equipment and develops ways to apply it. Foreign language teaching is based on the integrated application of technologies in order to form the necessary educational information and communication environment. The use of ICT in a foreign language lesson provides an imitation of a foreign language environment, creates conditions for authentic communication, allows to take into account the individual characteristics of students, allows to increase motivation to learn a foreign language and intensify foreign language speaking skills. Interactive learning of a foreign language is one of the important areas offoreign language training of students.

Key words: information and communication technologies, interactivity, Internet, podcast, e-mail, sites, blogs.


кандидат педагогічних наук, старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов і методик їх навчання

Педагогічного інституту Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка (Київ, Україна)


У статті розглядається роль ІКТ в освіті. Нині інформаційно-комунікаційні технології (ІКТ) впливають на всі аспекти людського життя. Вони відіграють помітну роль у роботі, освіті та розвагах. Більше того, багато людей визнають ІКТ чинниками змін умов праці, обробки та обміну інформацією, методів навчання, підходів до навчання, наукових досліджень та доступу до інформації. Тому важливо розглянути роль ІКТ, можливості, недоліки та основні проблеми інтеграції до освітніх систем загалом та до іншомовної підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи зокрема. Відмінними рисами сучасного суспільства є інтеграція інформаційно- комунікаційних технологій (ІКТ) з науково-виробничою сферою, що вимагає від усіх членів інформаційного суспільства готовності використовувати ІКТ у своїй професійній діяльності. У цьому сенсі одним із пріоритетних напрямів інформатизації сучасного суспільства є процес інформатизації освіти, основним напрямом якого є впровадження засобів інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у окремі галузі. Як один зі способів модернізації середньої та вищої освіти багато дослідників розглядають раціональне поєднання традиційних освітніх технологій та сучасних ІКТ. Традиційні педагогічні технології викладання іноземних мов обмежені у можливості моделювати іншомовне середовище, враховувати індивідуальні відмінності студентів та створювати умови для автентичного спілкування іноземною мовою. Навчання іноземних мов базується на інтегрованому застосуванні технологій з метою формування необхідного освітнього інформаційно-комунікаційного середовища. Використання ІКТ на заняттях з іноземної мови забезпечує імітацію іншомовного середовища, створює умови для автентичного спілкування, дає змогу врахувати індивідуальні особливості студентів, підвищити мотивацію до вивчення іноземної мови та активізувати розвиток іншомовних мовленнєвих навичок. Інтерактивне навчання є одним із важливих напрямів іншомовної підготовки студентів.

Ключові слова: інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, інтерактивність, Інтернет, подкаст, електронна пошта, сайти, блоги.

Formulation of the problem

Informatization and computerization of education in today's globalized world involves both training teachers to use innovative technologies and the student's willingness to work independently, especially in the process of learning a foreign language.

Education in Ukraine acquires new features: computerization ofthe educational process, encourages the revision of traditional forms and methods of teaching a foreign language, emergence of new forms of lessons. Unlike traditional methods when the teacher is accustomed to provide certain knowledge and require their mastery, when using interactive forms of learning the student himself becomes the main figure and he discovers the path to learning. The teacher acts in this situation as an active assistant, and his main function is to organize and stimulate the learning process.

Research analysis

Domestic and foreign scientists study the problem of using the capabilities of modern means of information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process. Recently, a number of scientists have appeared in Ukraine research on this issue. Pedagogical and theoretical aspects of the use of IT in the educational process are investigated in the works of B. B. Besedin, Y. V. Goro- shko, Yu. O. Zhuk, V. I. Zagvyazinsky, V. M. Monakhov, S. A. Rakov, Y. S. Raisky and others. In the context of this article it is necessary to allocate scientific works devoted to a technique of teaching English by means of modern technologies (Ye. S. Polat, Ye.S.Bukharkina, H. Dudeney (Dudeney, 2007:158), O.S. Bodnar (Боднар, 2013: 77), D. V. Kostenko, V. M. Titova (Титова, 2009: 190), O. P. Tokmenko (Токменко, 2006: 98)

The aim of the article. The article aims to consider the use of ICT in the mode of practical English lessons for future primary school teachers and to determine possible types of tasks for students learning foreign languages using ICT. information communication technology education

Presenting main material

In Ukraine today there is a system of continuing foreign language education, supported by the language policy of the state aimed at the mandatory mastery of one (several) foreign languages. Mastering a foreign language in educational institutions of different types (preschool, secondary, professional, higher) is governed by general didactic and linguodidactic principles, which in close connection ensure the effective acquisition of a foreign language. The content of foreign language teaching should be diverse and reflect three interrelated components: language and speech knowledge, practical skills and abilities of foreign language speech, moral, ethical and worldview values. According to these components, teaching foreign languages in educational institutions should include the following elements:

- formation of a foreign worldview (information about a foreign language and language system (phonetics, vocabulary, word formation, morphology, syntax, stylistics, spelling);

- mastering the functional system of foreign language speech (listening, speaking, writing, reading);

- cultural aspect of speech (observance of the rules of oral and written speech, accuracy of utterances, optimal tempo and intonation, variety of syntactic constructions, application of foreign language speech in various spheres of public life);

- cultural aspect of the country (basic worldview ideas, ideas, mentality, materials related to the history, geography, culture and traditions of the country whose language is studied).

Effective foreign language learning of the younger generation is impossible without the following conditions:

1) introduction of educational technologies (personality-oriented, interactive, cooperation technologies, etc.) into the educational process of educational institutions of Ukraine;

2) improving the content and objectives of foreign language education;

3) providing educational institutions with qualified staff (teachers, lecturers);

4) creation of proper normative-methodical support of the process of teaching foreign languages (curricula and textbooks, scientific-methodical literature, educational-methodical complexes, additional manuals, original foreign-language literature, etc.).

In modern Ukraine, education is being reformed in the direction of European integration. The Sustainable Development Strategy “Ukraine 2020”, adopted in 2015, identifies the study of foreign languages as a priority area of education reform. The document defines the task of increasing and optimizing Ukraine's presence at international events and venues, its presence in the international academic, cultural and public environment. For its implementation there is a need for a qualitatively new level of foreign language youth in accordance with European standards. In addition, the Strategy states that 75 percent of graduates of secondary schools will speak at least two foreign languages, which will be confirmed by international certificates (Стратегія сталого розвитку «Україна - 2020», 2015: 1).

In 2015, the Go Global National Program for the Study and Promotion of Foreign Languages was approved to change the system of language learning in educational institutions with the support of the National Council of Reforms of Ukraine. The Program identifies projects in four areas, namely: GoCamp - a new format of school language camps with foreign volunteers, Global Government - an initiative to introduce mandatory knowledge of a foreign language in the civil service, Go Teaching - improving the level of language teaching in secondary schools, Global Content - activities aimed at promoting the study of foreign languages in Ukraine (Global Office, 2015: 1).

Today in Ukraine there are changes in the system of training foreign language teachers, teacher training, introduction of international standards for assessment of foreign language skills, implementation of new approaches and methods of teaching foreign languages.

It is increasingly recognized by researchers, governments and educators around the world that ICT presents many opportunities for teaching and learning. ICT consists of IT, emphasizing the role of unified technologies and the integration of computer telecommunications, software and audiovisual systems that allow users to create, access, store, transmit and modify information (Титова, 2009: 10). The use of ICT allows to make the learning process mobile, differentiated and individual.

Any pedagogical technology can be considered informational, because the basis of the learning process is to obtain and convert information. Usually, a computer is used to carry out learning tasks, which is used to prepare and transfer information from those who teach to those who teach. The ability to communicate is the main purpose of learning a foreign language.

However, the successful learning of a foreign language requires an appropriate language environment, because the same one of the native language turns it into an artificial means of communication. Using information and communication technologies (ICT), the lecture gets access to authentic modern material that can be supplemented and adapted according to the age and professional preferences of students. Students gain physical, social, linguistic and cognitive autonomy needed to increase both foreign language and socio-cultural competence, communicating with representatives of educational institutions in different cities and countries.

When planning foreign language lessons using ICT, the lecture usually seeks educational and information sites on the Internet or presentations of new material. If the technical support of the university allows, you can conduct a joint telecommunications project with foreign educational institutions or organize vebinars or online communication with native speakers through Skype, Zoom or Google Meet. It should be noted that the introduction of ICT in the process of practical training should be methodologically structured with educational, developmental and educational purpose.

The lecturer can also build lessons using e-mail and writing informal or formal writing, by working on dialogues, taking online tests or watching sites, podcasts or videos, through online tasks to consolidate phonetic lexical and grammar skills. The use of e-mail to learn and teach a foreign language can play an important role, as it allows students to communicate directly with their peers, native speakers and the lecturer. The advantages of involving of this type of communication in the process of learning foreign language include the fact that e-mail:

1) provides an opportunity for authentic natural communication;

2) expands the range of communication of e-mail users: students exchange letters with their peers and lecturers;

3) becomes one of the sources of information about the culture of the country which language is being studied;

4) increases learning motivation;

5) contributes to the development of a situation where the role of the teacher is decentralized as students have the opportunity to choose topics for communication;

6) change the course of discussions and debates, because the main goal is to acquire skills and abilities of interpersonal communication, rather than reproducing error-free.

Among modern ICT can be distinguished social networking services, audio, video services, microblogs, social networks, e-mail, web forums, chats, educational Internet resources.

Teacher blogs, student personal blogs, and study group blogs are often used in the learning process. The teacher's blog is an effective means of organizing students' work due to the possibility of informing about the material studied in a particular lesson, posting thematic links to useful Internet resources and sources for additional processing (reading and listening), publishing links to online tests for self-control, topics for students, listening etc.

Well-known and most frequently used Internet technology, which allows to receive written assignments and send papers, provide additional information on a particular issue. Web forums and chats help students to communicate in a foreign language with each other and with native speakers of a foreign culture, as well as gain experience in intercultural communication. This will not only promote the development of speech skills, but also have a positive effect on the formation of the logic of thinking, the ability to respond clearly and quickly to the situation, the formulation of ideas.

Working with audio and video services promotes the development of listening and speaking skills. The effectiveness of tasks for self-listening or watching videos in the language being studied, creates students' own audio and video files which can be used later.

To organize effective work with students, you can use podcast services, which are audio or video recordings available for download, listening or viewing. Social networks are extremely popular and can also be used for educational purposes to learn a foreign language. Students, creating their own pages using foreign language learn, develop writing, get the opportunity to share information.

At all stages of learning a foreign language can be used materials of Internet-resources, which plays a particularly important role. They are needed to obtain new, authentic information, to test the level of knowledge, to create a real language environment (in international telecommunications projects, audio and video conferencing), which contributes to the natural need to communicate in a foreign language and increase motivation.

Podcasts - audio or video recordings that can be viewed on the Internet or downloaded to an appropriate device for listening and viewing offline are also very helpful in learning English.

On the other hand, podcasting is the downloading of a variety of audio and video podcasts from the Internet to listen to or play from an iPod, computer, car stereo, tablet, mobile phone or smartphone. They can range in volume from a few minutes to hours. On the Internet you can find both authentic podcasts created by native speakers (news) and other one for educational purposes. Possibilities of podcasting are considered as a means:

1) to supply educational materials to students, obtaining authentic information by language users;

2) dissemination of administrative and organizational information;

3) repetition and consolidation of educational material and preparation of students for lectures and seminars.

The didactic qualities of the podcast include its sound nature, multimedia, efficient organization of time, interactivity, accessibility to users.

Sites that are useful for a foreign language teacher or lecturer and that can be used in the classroom can be divided into informational and educational. Informational sites are used to find and choose interesting information, creative tasks, search for additional material. Special training sites contain tasks and exercises for the development of different types of learning skills and are designed with different levels of knowledge. The use of electronic resources in the educational process makes it possible to fully implement the principle of personality-oriented learning. With the help of modern Internet-resources, students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the communicative environment of native speakers, learn and memorize new words, phrases, expressions, idioms to form English language competence.


The article attempts to analyze the use of ICT in foreign language teaching of future primary school teachers. With the help of ICT it is possible not only to create an artificial language environment, but also to bring it closer to the completely natural through the organization of communication with native speakers. In other hand, it is possible to solve the problems of learning English in cooperation, as well as individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account various factors: level of foreign language proficiency, speed of mastering of it, time limits, learning style, personal educational needs and learning trajectories, etc. The use of ICT in the teaching and learning of English is not only unquestionable to the general public, but has become a necessity and a sign of today. The effectiveness of learning a foreign language depends on how often it is used for communication. The use of ICT helps to fill the gap in communication, to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice.

The introduction of ICT in the practical activities of students in the classroom promotes the development of all four language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening), mastering oral spontaneous speech and development of critical thinking.

The use of ICT in the study of a foreign language is of great practical importance as it is an effective means of visualization of educational material, stimulates students' search activities and helps increase motivation to study the subject.


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4. Стратегія сталого розвитку «Україна-2020». URL:

5. Титова С. В. Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в гуманитарном образовании: теория и практика. Москва : П-Центр, 2009. 239 с.

6. Токменко О. Інформаційні технології у викладанні іноземних мов: сьогодні і скрізь віки на допомогу. Іноземні мови в навчальних закладах. 2006. № 2. С. 98-100.

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2. Romanyshyn, I. Vykorystannya Internet-resursiv Brytanskoyi Rady z metoyu kontrolyu ta samokontrolyu u navchanni anglijskoyi movy [Use of British Council online resources for control and self-control in English language teaching]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

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7. Dudeney, G. (2007). How to teach English with technology. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. 192 p.

8. Global Office. Retrieved from:

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