Interactive techniques of learning in the high school in the context of globalisation

Identify the need for alternative learning options that put interactive learning at the center of analysis. Study of theoretical aspects of interactive learning. Analysis of the process of ensuring high motivation of students to receive new information.

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Дата добавления 30.03.2023
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Interactive techniques of learning in the high school in the context of globalisation

Tetiana Tkachuk,

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Vinnytsia Trade and Economics Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economics University

(Vinnytsia, Ukraine)

Inha Paslavska,

Assistant Lecture at the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Vinnytsia Trade and Economics Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economics University (Vinnytsia, Ukraine)

In the context ofthe implementation ofeducational standards of a new generation, the educational system needs updating of the existing approaches in training specialists that satisfy the needs of a modern society and the state. A range of different methods, techniques and approaches were adopted through the years to meet with the needs of learners. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the needfor an alternative learning options which put interactive learning in the centre of analysis. Research studies in recent years show that approximately 60% of the total number of learners is not focused on the study of the theory, more precisely on the practical aspects of the content. And the percentage of such students increases from year to year. Students want to immediately gain experience of direct activity and experimentation, rather than first studying the theoretical concept and only then apply it in the practice. Interactive learning from the theoretical and practical point of view serves to intensify the process of understanding, mastering and creative applying of knowledge in order to solve practical tasks, communicate and build relationships with other people, sncourage interest in the profession, form patterns of conduct, provide high motivation so strengthen communicative proficiency, which stands as the ultimate goal of language learning and contribute to the complex competences of future professionals. In addition to exаmining the theoretical aspects of interactive learning, it is important to consider that the traditional methods of educational process such as lecture, explanations, exercises are certainly important for professional development but proper and regular application of interactive techniques allows learners to enrich their knowledge in English language, form independent thinking, organize self-learning environment cind helps teachers to mаke classes interesting, useful and productive.

Key words: interactive techniques, interactive technology, interactive learning model, independent thinking.

Тетяна ТКАЧУК,

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземної філології та перекладу Вінницького торговельно-економічного інституту Київського національного торговельно-економічного університету (Вінниця, Україна)


асистент кафедри іноземної філології та перекладу Вінницького торговельно-економічного інституту Київського національного торговельно-економічного університету (Вінниця, Україна)


У контексті впровадження освітніх стандартів нового покоління освітня система потребує оновлення наявних підходів до підготовки фахівців, що задовольняють потреби сучасного суспільства та держави. Мета цієї роботи - продемонструвати потребу в альтернативних варіантах навчання, які ставлять інтерактивне навчання в центр аналізу. Наукові дослідження останніх років свідчать, що приблизно 60% від загальної кількості студентів зосереджені не на вивченні теорії, а на практичних аспектах змісту. І відсоток таких студентів зростає з року в рік. Студенти хочуть одразу отримати досвід безпосередньої діяльності й експериментування, а не спочатку вивчати теоретичну концепцію, а лише після цього застосовувати її на практиці. Інтерактивне навчання з теоретичної та практичної точок зору використовується для активізації процесу розуміння, володіння та творчогс застосування знань для того, щоб вирішувати практичні завдання, спілкуватися та формувати стосунки з іншими людьми, заохочувати інтерес де професії, формувати моделі поведінки, забезпечувати високу мотивацію студентів до отримання нової інформації, тим самим зміцнюючи комунікативну компетенцію майбутніх фахівців, що є найвищою метою вивчення меви. Окрім вивчення теоретичних аспектів інтерактивного навчання, важливо враховувати, що традиційні методи навчального процесу, такі як лекція, пояснення, вправи, безумовно, важливі для професійного розвитку, але правильне та регулярне застосування інтерактивних методик дає змогу учням збагачувати свої знання англійської мови, формувати самостійне мислення, організовувати середовище самонавчання та допомагає вчителям зробити заняття цікавими, корисними та продуктивними. interactive learning motivation information

Ключові слова: інтерактивні методики, інтерактивна технологія, модель інтерактивного навчання, самсстійне мислення.

Formation of the problem

Innovations have touched all aspects of the human life and activity, and education has a lead in the modern world, as education is the fundamental sphere that determines the existence of human beings. In the modern educational system, one of the main requirements of society is the formation and education of a responsible, ambitious, all-round personality, capable of finding innovative solutions in difficult situations, thinking creatively and learning throughout the life. Now more than ever, in the context of the implementation of educational standards of a new generation, the educational system needs updating of the existing approaches in training specialists that satisfy the needs of a society and the state (Latypova, 2014). At present we are the observers of the process of reappraisal of values of the modern society toward educational system, overcoming established stereotypes that prevent a new view of the problems of becoming a developed person, who has the ability of creating the own life project, taking life in a responsible way, and accepting the historical challenge of the XXI century confidently (Sazonenko, 2000). The society requires more skilled specialists with communicative competence to exist harmonically and accept challenges of the life in the modern world. The problem of applying interactive learning in higher education is of value to study.

Research analysis

The immediacy of the problem of application of innovative interactive technologies in the modern learning context of teaching foreign languages is certaintly confirmed by many experimental and theoretical studies in the field of domestic and foreign didactic and methodological science and practice, which is reflected in the works of L. Danylenko, V. Genetsinsky, J. Golant, N. Ostro- verkhova, O. Pometun, G. Sazonenko, S. Seowling, S. Sisoeva, Y. Turchaninova.

The purpose of the paper

In Ukrainian teachers' mind gradually formed the idea that interactive teaching techniques and methods create the necessary conditions for both to develop proficiency and language learning competencies of students with the corresponding system of values. In this regard, it seems important to articulate the concept and essence of interactive learning and interactive techniques of language learning as a means of intensifying the process of understanding, mastering and creative applying of knowledge in order to solve practical tasks and to prove the advantages of using innovative interactive techniques with the help of which a person learns English in order to Ьє able to communicate and build relationships with other people so strengthen communicative proficiency, which stands as the ultimate goal of language learning.

The concept of “educational technology” with a new option in pedagogical science, despite its novelty, has genetic roots. Thus, the basis of this concept is the word “technology”, which comes from the Greek “techne” - art, skill, and “logos” - science, law. That is, “technology” (literally) is the science of a skill. However, the meaning of term “technology” in the last 50-60 years has expanded significantly, and this term was widely used in the field of information processing - “information technology”, physiology - “biosystem technology”, education - “educational technology” etc. With the proclamation of the idea of programmed learning in the 50-60's in the United States and England, the term “pedagogical technology” was appeared. In contrast to the concept of “technology in education”, which corresponded to the concept of “technical means of teaching”, under “pedagogical technology” began to understand “a set of tools and methods of the pedagogical process” (Padalka, 1995). S. Seowling considers pedagogical technology as “an overall process of goal setting, the constant updating of educational programms, testing of the alternative strategies and educational material, the evaluation of pedagogical systems in general and establishing the goal of learning in a new way, just a new information about efficiency of pedagogical systems” come out (Padalka, 1995). According to Y. Turchaninova, pedagogical technology is “the ability to form a pedagogical process in accordance with the established goal and taking into consideration certain operating conditions”, (Turchaninova, 1998), whereas N. Ostroverkhova and L. Danylenko define pedagogical technology as “a certain order, logic and consistency in accordance with the established goal, as a certain degree of algorithmization of joint activities of teachers and students in the learning process, the consistency of their actions and relationships” (Ostroverkhova, 1995). V. Genetsinsky considers pedagogical technology as a knowledge about pedagogical activity carried out with the help of certain means (Henetsynskyi, 1989). Thus, the performance of pedagogical activity involves the use of versatile technologies at the level of creativity and skill. Among the modern pedagogical technologies are singled out by researchers the following: problem-based learning, games, differentiated approach to learning, personality-oriented teaching, development of critical thinking, interactive learning, distance learning, etc. The variety of technology is explained only by the fact that each performer introduces into the pedagogical process something of their own (Novolokova, 2009).

It is known, that it is impossible to learn something for the life as well therefore, the main task of the teacher is teaching students to think, to understand the essence of things, to comprehend ideas and concepts and only on this basis to search necessary information, interpret it and apply it in specific conditions, to formulate and defend own opinion. This is facilitated by innovative technologies. Innovative technologies facilitate collaboration, as collaborative learning fosters language development since learners can see a reason to use language in order to interact and give the opportunity to implement personality-oriented learning and bring up a skillful person with independent thinking. Independent thinking is based on critical thinking and a critical attitude to existing knowledge.

Independent thinking falls into two categories: creative and project. Creative thinking is a method of mental activity aimed at creating, providing a fundamentally new solution to a problem-based situation, in order to get a new result according to the existing knowledge. Project thinking is characterized by the attitude to solving a particular problem as a project, it is focused on the result, and not on the process, consequently, using different means to achieve an established result. The efficiency of the educational process can be achieved due to setting a problem-based task which can be accomplished with reference to the didactic rules and laws of logic.

In order to articulate the concept of interactive technologies, we describe the three main models of learning proposed by J. Golant in the 60's of XX century. J. Golant singled out active and passive models of learning depending on the participation of students in educational process. The passive model of learning - student acts as an “object” of learning, must learn and reproduce the material given to him by the teacher or the textbook what is meant as a source of correct knowledge. This model of teaching includes methods, by which students only listen and watch. Active model of learning involves the use of methods that stimulate cognitive activity and self-sufficiency. The student acts as a “subject” of learning, performs certain creative tasks, enters into a dialogue with the teacher. The main methods are individual work, problem-based and creative tasks (often homework), questions from student to teacher and vice versa, which develop creative thinking. It is clear that the term “passive” is conditional, because any method of learning necessarily involves a certain level of cognitive activity of the student, otherwise the achievement of results, even minimal, is impossible. In such a classification, J. Golant rather uses “passivity” as a definition of a low level of students' activity, primarily reproductive activity in the almost complete absence of independence and creativity in the learning process. Interactive learning can be added to this classification as a kind of active, which has its own patterns. Interactive learning can be defined as the interaction of participants in the process of gaining knowledge with the help of a teacher who has in hands methods targeted at mastering this knowledge. Interactive technologies as a process, according to

I. Dychkivska, are purposeful, systematic and consistent reduction to practice of individual and innovative methods, pedagogical technologies and means, covering the whole educational process from definition of its purpose to expected results.

It is interactive learning technologies, in contrast to active methods, are able to make qualitative changes at the present stage and fill the educational process with new content. The interactive learning model is qualitatively new. This is a special form of organization of cognitive activity, which has a specific, predictable goal - to create a comfortable learning environment in which everyone feels their success, intellectual ability. It should be noted that interactive learning is a special form of organization of cognitive activity. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary for the teacher to create some certain conditions under which the student will succeed and be aware of the intellectual ability. To create an atmosphere of good will and mutual support will allow not only to gain new knowledge but also to develop the cognitive activity itself what brings it to the highest level of collaboration. Such conditions will lead to an effective learning process. In the learning process all the students are involved in the cognitive activity, have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. The joint student activity in the process of cognition and mastering of educational material means “everyone makes the individual contribution and an exchange of knowledge, thoughts, ideas, takes place in the learning process”. It is of importance to note that a student in a class using interactive technologies will be active only in the case of not being frightened by the atmosphere of the class, without criticism from the teacher's side, and comments will be constructive and relate primarily to the results of his activities. Only lack of fear in front of something new that the teacher offers, the student will be able to experiment with the patterns of behavior, determining the role in the joint work, and be able to choose and form his or her own position, opinion and point of view. On the base of information listed above, it is important to highlight some of the most positive features of the interactive learning offered by Sysoyeva: 1. Interactive learning technologies allow to intensify the process of understanding, mastering and creative applying of knowledge in order to solve practical tasks. If the forms and methods of interactive learning are applied in a regular way, it forms effective approaches to master information in sufficient scale, disappear the fear of expressing an incorrect assumption or opinion and moreover establish a trusting relationship with the teacher. 2. Interactive learning increases the motivation of the students to learn and forms the ability to think unusually. 3. Interactive activity provides an enlargement of knowledge, skills, abilities and facilitates communication. 4. One of the purposes of interactive learning is to change not only the experience of students, but also the current environment of the student, whereas, interactive learning methods are often the representation of interactive types of activities, which take place in the public and state practice of a democratic society. Didactic feature of interactive learning lies in the fact that in the implementation of the learning process is often observed some changes in the usual logic of the process: the educational material is learnt not from the theory to the practice, but from the formation of a new experience to its theoretical comprehension through the establishment (Sysoyeva, 2011).

Among widely spread and popular interactive techniques can be singled out the following: creative tasks, games (role-plays, imitations, development games), use of human resources (excursions, inviting experts), use of new material (interactive lectures, video material, student in the role of a “teacher”, asking questions), solving tasks (associative maps, brain storming, case analysis).

In conclusion

The main goal of modern language learning system is that learners are able to apply the knowledge acquired in the high school to communicate in English efficiently, build relationships with other people and think creatively in challenging situations in business and day-to-day life, so the classroom environment should be as “lively” and not artificial as possible, in which all solutions to problems and discussions are held in English. We can conclude that interactive learning is the most effective method in the language learning process which takes place only through constant, active interaction between all learners engaged. An English teacher is not a lecturer but a facilitator and interlocutor who acts as an organizer, adviser and a motivator of the language learning process. It is the only approach which promotes an atmosphere of attention, participation and desire to learn more with less efforts, using innovative technologies. It also makes it clear that it is not only a set of memorized vocabulary or grammar points. Students have to experience the language in authentic and meaningful context in order to develop proficiency. Proper and regular application of interactive techniques in the class allows learners to enrich their knowledge in English language and helps teachers to make classes interesting, useful and productive.


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  • Глобализация образования как педагогическая проблема. Тенденции информационной и культурной глобализации. Формы использования сетевых технологий в условиях глобализации образования. Система управления обучением Lotus Learning Space.

    дипломная работа [807,3 K], добавлен 07.07.2003

  • Problems of child's psychological development. "Hot-Cold" games (for children till 7 years old). Intellectual Eye Measurer. Definitions and classification. Assessment. Computer, teacher's version. Mathematics. Statistics (for training of banking workers).

    реферат [46,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2015

  • The problem of linguistic abilities of a child. Goals and objectives of foreign language teaching preschoolers. Number of pupils in a group, the frequency, duration of sessions. The game as the leading method of teaching preschoolers. Learning vocabulary.

    курсовая работа [39,5 K], добавлен 26.06.2015

  • Approach - one’s viewpoint toward teaching. The set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning which is translated into the classroom. Learner, performance and competency based approach. Teacher’s and student’s role in the teaching.

    презентация [447,5 K], добавлен 21.10.2015

  • Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.

    презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011

  • Intercultural Communication Competence: Language and Culture. The role Intercultural Communicative Competence in teaching foreign languages. Intercultural Competence in Foreign language teaching. Contexts for intercultural learning in the classroom.

    курсовая работа [94,1 K], добавлен 13.05.2017

  • Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.

    презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013

  • History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.

    курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016

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