Analysis of institutional policies on the personality and quality of human resources in maintaining teacher productivity and motivation during the pandemic

Improving the institution's policy on the quality of work of teachers and staff in improving productivity in the post-pandemic period. Features and characteristics of the policy in the form of good internal and external motivation and excellent rewards.

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Analysis of institutional policies on the personality and quality of human resources in maintaining teacher productivity and motivation during the pandemic

Widya Adhariyanty Rahayu*

Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang Indonesia

Adriani Kala'lembang

Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang Indonesia


Institutions are an important part in terms of employment for both educated and uneducated workers. Policies in increasing productivity and motivation play an important role in education management in Indonesia, especially in Malang Regency. This study used a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The data obtained came from interviews, personal notes, questionnaires, and documents needed to conduct research. This study resulted in an institution policy on the quality of work of teachers and staff in increasing productivity in the postpandemic period. The results show that the provision of policies in the form of good intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and excellent rewards in supporting the performance of teachers in educational institutions. In the implementation to improve teacher performance, the efforts made by the principal are a) Training by the field of study offered. b) Provide motivation, and inspiration in achieving goals. c) Giving confidence in doing something. d) Appreciate the work of teachers in educating students. policy motivation productivity human resource

Keywords: policy, motivation, productivity, human resource


Widya Adhariyanty Rahayu

Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang Indonesia

Adriani Kala'lembang

Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang Indonesia

Інститути є важливою частиною зайнятості як для освічених, так і для неосвічених працівників. Політика підвищення продуктивності та мотивації відіграє важливу роль в управлінні освітою в Індонезії, особливо в регіоні Маланг. У цьому дослідженні використовувався якісний метод дослідження з описовим підходом. Дані були отримані з інтерв'ю, особистих нотаток, анкет та документів, необхідних для проведення дослідження. Результатом цього дослідження є вдосконалення політики закладу щодо якості роботи вчителів та персоналу в питаннях підвищення продуктивності у постпандемічний період. Результати показують, що політика у формі доброї внутрішньої та зовнішньої мотивації та відмінних винагород підтримує продуктивність вчителів у навчальних закладах. З метою підвищення продуктивності вчителів директор докладає наступних зусиль: а) Навчання за запропонованою галуззю навчання. б) Забезпечувати мотивацію та натхнення для досягнення цілей. в) Надання впевненості у виконанні чогось. г) Цінують працю вчителів у вихованні учнів.

Ключові слова: політика, мотивація, продуктивність, кадровий потенціал.


Policies in increasing productivity and motivation play an important role in education management in Indonesia, especially in Malang Regency. Institutions are an important part in terms of employment for both educated and uneducated workers. Educated workers in an institution are workers who have trained or educated abilities, such as teachers, principals, and staff. Meanwhile, workers who are not educated in a school such as gardeners and school guards. Institutions as parts that accommodate the world of education must be able to contribute to easing the movement in the post-pandemic COVID-19. Resilience is needed in an institution based on how to interpret the relationship with its human resources as a valuable asset and how an institution becomes a popular policy so that teachers and students will remain motivated in carrying out educational knowledge.

Each institution has the best policies that can be produced by a series of quality work for teachers and employees. Teachers and employees who are known as the academic community are human resource managers who play a major role in creating the best performance and quality of work to provide services in the world of education. In addition to monitoring the expertise or skills of the academic community, human resource management also has the responsibility to create conducive characteristics for teachers, employees, and students to obtain the best quality of service and community performance in defense efforts and adapting to new situations in the post-pandemic. This means that an institution must be able to carry out targeted restructuring and adjustments by an institution to achieve institutional goals. The preferred form of adaptation is in the field of human resource management in an educational institution such as career development and training to improve the quality of work of teachers and employees, and holding seminars or webinars for students. Along with adjustments to changes in the policy order in the post-pandemic, of course, the arrangement of human resources will also change. Thus institutions must also be more sensitive and monitor changes that occur to maintain the quality of teachers, students, and the entire academic community so that they remain productive in the post-pandemic Covid-19.

In improving the quality of the performance of teachers, students, and even the entire academic community, a conducive work environment is needed and a work environment that can continue to motivate so that the entire academic community can carry out their responsibilities, obligations properly, and professionally to create a lasting work culture that will produce students quality ones. Institutions play a very important role in maintaining the working culture of the academic community so that, the academic community as work resources can be more productive and comfortable with their work and work environment. Work is a very basic need for society because it always lives considering the income obtained from a job. Along with the increasing need for a decent life in society, work in various fields will certainly become a priority.

Related to this situation, many open job opportunities are needed for the community to realize a better standard of living and welfare. Ironically, the impact of the pandemic has made people lose their jobs. Therefore, an institution as the place for the growth of the nation's next generation must be able to create personality, and commitment, motivate students, and the entire academic community to survive and improve their performance and quality to be able to compete in the post-pandemic era. This will be a very important spotlight as well as a hope for creating agility to think in realizing the balance of a good management ecosystem to survive in the pandemic era. In line with an agency's target to print the nation's next generation, strategies and policies are formulated to motivate them to remain productive which is the main key to staying stable even in the pandemic era. Therefore, this study will discuss the analysis of institutional policies on the personality and quality of teachers in maintaining the productivity and motivation of their students during the pandemic.


One of the factors that have the potential and play an important role in the quality of the institution is its human resources. These human resources have various potentials in the form of mindset, knowledge, quality, motivation, and produce works that can improve the quality of the company. All of these potentials can affect the company's resilience in dealing with this pandemic situation. However, if environmental conditions, technology, economic growth, and the development of information are not balanced with the quality of its human resources, then the institution will have difficulty achieving the aspired goals.

Marwansyah (2010), human resource management can also be interpreted as the utilization of human resources in the organization which is carried out through the functions of human resource planning, recruitment and selection, human resource development, planning and career development, compensation and welfare, occupational safety, health, and industrial relations. This statement is supported by Hasibuan (2013), human resource management is a science and art that regulates the relationship and the role of the workforce to be effective and efficient in helping the realization of the goals of the company, employees, and society. On the other hand, Stavrou et al. (2010) it is mentioned that internal training and career opportunities positively affect product and service performance. HRM is often important for companies to achieve competitiveness in the market (Poloski et al., 2008; Saha et al., 2017). Yuniarti (2019) explained that one of the functions of human resources is training and development, in the sense that to get an educated workforce and the right resources, employee training, and development are necessary. Veithzal (2011); Mangkunegara (2013) explained that human resource management is one of the fields of general management which includes aspects of planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling as well as supervising the maintenance and separation of workers to achieve organizational goals. From this explanation, it can be concluded that the utilization of human resources in an institution, organization, or company is very important to be done through training and development.

HRM is often important for companies to achieve competitiveness in the market (Poloski et al., 2008; Saha et al., 2017). In addition, the competitiveness of companies is crucial for long-term business excellence (Bordevi et al., 2016). Yuniarti (2019) explained that one of the functions of human resources is training and development, in the sense that to get a well-educated workforce and appropriate resources, it is necessary to hold employee training and development. Human resource management must be considered because every human being has creativity, taste, and initiative to build attitudes, so this attitude underlies human behavior and daily human actions (Saharuddin, 2014).

Based on this explanation, it can be concluded that human resource management is very important to pay attention to achieve market competitiveness in the long term. In addition to achieving market competitiveness, human resource management is also needed to improve the quality of education. This is very important considering that an agency or company will be more advanced and developed with the support of human resources. Therefore, every agency or company that wants to develop must pay attention to human resources and manage them well, to create quality education. Companies or agencies must have a goal to achieve the ideals of the company or agency.

To achieve market competitiveness through increasing human resources, motivation is needed either from co-workers or superiors. The role of colleagues and superiors is very important to build motivation. If employees have good motivation then the goals or objectives of the company can be achieved easily. This motivation holds an important component in determining employee attitudes in the world of work. As a leader who can influence the level of work performance, quality of work life, security, job satisfaction, and morale of his subordinates in a government agency, ability, and leadership skills in direction are important factors of leadership effectiveness, (Samsudin, 2011:87). On the other hand, Kanfer et al (2017) argued that some common words like goals, incentives, needs, aims, wishes, wants or desires are included in motivation. According to Cameron and Green (2019), the inner force which gives energy to individuals for the accomplishment of organizational and personal goals is known as motivation. Chhotray et al (2018) argued that employee motivation means empowering the employees for leading the company towards competitiveness.

Based on the explanation above, motivation can be divided into two, namely intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Research by Jain, et al (2019) stated that motivation is a significant factor that urges people to give their best execution and help in arriving at big business objectives. Motivation is divided into intrinsic, extrinsic, positive, negative, minor form, incentive, fear-based motivation, and achievement-based motivation. George and Sabapathy (2011) added that extrinsic motivation stems from the external work environment to the task and is usually applied by someone other than the person being motivated. External motivation maintains that the relationship between an individual's motives and behavior is moderated by the individual's affection, and cognition of the outcomes (Dwivedula et al., 2011). Extrinsic motivation is related to `tangible' rewards. (George and Sabapathy, 2011). Extrinsic motivation is influenced by environmental factors, while intrinsic motivation is influenced by factors from within a person.

The conclusion based on the explanation above is a motivation that comes from outside is a motivation that is influenced by external factors in the form of the environment while intrinsic motivation is a motivation that is influenced by factors from within a person. Both of these motivations will affect the performance of an employee at work. According to Mangkunegara (2015) performance is the result of quality and quantity achieved by an employee and carrying out his duties by the responsibilities given to him.

Employee performance is the result of work achieved by an individual or group of employees in a company. Employee performance is carried out with full responsibility to achieve company goals by what the company aspires. Hermina, Yosepha (2019:71) explained that performance comes from the word job performance or actual performance which means work performance or actual achievement achieved by someone. Al Mehrzi and Singh (2016) added that performance is the result or level of success of a person as a whole during a certain period in carrying out tasks compared to various possibilities, such as work standards, targets or targets, or predetermined criteria that have been mutually agreed upon. If human resource performance runs and functions well in managing employees, turnover and absenteeism can be reduced.

Boer et al.(2017) also stated that there is an important role in employee retention the HR management. Girdwichai and Sriviboon (2020) stated that some evidence is rising that HR management plays an important role in retaining the existing high-quality workforce. Kasmir (2016) added that performance is the result of a person's work and work behavior in a period, usually 1 year. Several factors affect performance, including ability and expertise, knowledge, work design, personality, work motivation, leadership, leadership style, organizational culture, job satisfaction, work environment, loyalty, commitment, and work discipline.

The explanation of employee performance can be concluded that HR management plays an important role to maintain the existing high-quality workforce. Employee performance can be influenced by several factors, namely ability, expertise, work environment, and motivation. Employee performance itself can create a quality of work life that serves to improve the organization, institution, or company. Nawawi (2016: 23), argued that the quality of work-life (Quality Work for Life) or abbreviated as QWL is a company's effort to be able to create a feeling of security and satisfaction at work so that human resources within the company become competitive. Siagian (2015: 320), the quality of work-life is a systematic concept in organizational life that emphasizes the involvement of workers to determine how they work and what contribution they can make to the company to achieve productivity goals and objectives. Parvar et al., (2013) explained the definition of quality of work-life as an effective program in improving working conditions (from the employee's point of view) and greater organizational effectiveness (from the manager's point of view). This quality of work-life plays a role in monitoring employees about the quality of their work and the quality of their work-life in helping managers to get ideas for improving an organization.


The purpose of this study is to analyze the policies of an institution or company in growing the motivation and productivity of employees or teachers in the post-pandemic. Knowing agency and company policies can boost employee performance to defend productivity in the post-pandemic so that the number of students will not decrease due to the influence of the pandemic.


This study used qualitative research methods through a descriptive approach. The data obtained from this descriptive qualitative research came from interviews, personal notes, questionnaires, and documents needed to conduct research. According to Sugiyono (2017), qualitative descriptive research methods are in the form of research using case study methods or approaches. Qualitative research is carried out on natural or natural object conditions.

Qualitative descriptive research is used because there is a clear definition of the research subject in obtaining the required information. This research was conducted at an educational institution, namely a junior high school in the Malang district. The subjects and objects of this research are teachers or employees and school principals. The data collection method used is through the variables studied by researchers as instruments and data collectors. The data analysis technique used aims to determine the policies and work quality of teachers or employees. The data analysis component consists of five interrelated components, namely data collection, reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing, and verification.


This study resulted in an analysis of an institution's policy on the quality of work of teachers and staff in increasing productivity during the pandemic. The results of this analysis use a qualitative descriptive method which will show that the policies of a given institution can improve the quality of work of teachers or staff. Through policies in the form of motivation for teachers or staff, it can increase productivity in this post-pandemic.

There are several strategies carried out by the principal as the head of the institution in improving the performance of teachers and staff, namely through discipline development by providing direction and being an example for teachers and students or the entire academic community. In addition, schools as institutions also hold seminars, training, and collaborate with other educational institutions to bring in experts and share experiences. The second way is to motivate teachers by creating a harmonious situation and cooperation between the academic community, meeting needed during the teaching and learning process. The next way is to give awards to teachers for improving performance, namely improving welfare by creating a safe, peaceful school climate, and treating teachers as partners by acknowledging their existence. In the implementation to improve teacher performance, the efforts made by the principal are a) Training by the field of study offered. b) Provide encouragement for a strong will so that teachers are confident and enthusiastic in doing so, motivation, and inspiration in achieving goals. c) Giving confidence and motivation in doing something, and acts that are forced or act hard in the duties of the teachers, d) Giving appreciation for the work of teachers in educating students.

Improvement efforts need to be made because based on data the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) noted that there were 3,357,935 teachers and education personnel (GTK) in the country until early 2022.

Based on the diagram in Figure 2, it can be seen that during the pandemic several things are needed to increase the capacity of teachers as human resources in the teaching and learning process. As many as 46% of teachers need a clean and healthy lifestyle, 43% of teachers need emergency education management, and effective, and fun learning methods, 33% of teachers require the provision of psychosocial support for themselves and students, 31% need prevention and handling of covid, 26% requires mastery of information & communication technology, 25% requires the use of the pandemic curriculum and lesson plan of Freedom to Learn.

The description of this research is divided into a description of informants and researchresults:

1. Description of Informants

The characteristics of the informants in this study were principals and teachers in the academic community who were considered representative in collecting information during this study.

2. Description of Research Results

Data from the results of this study were obtained through in-depth interviews conducted by researchers at junior high schools in Malang as an institution engaged in the world of education. The informants are the principal as the policyholder and the teacher as the academic community.

Figure 1 Teachers and Education Personnel by Position Sourced from Databoks

With a large number of teachers there are several things needed to increase teacher capacity which can be seen in the following diagram:

Figure 2, Increase the Capacity of Teachers as Human Resources

Sourced from Databoks

The description of the research results in the in-depth interview method on several variables is: The principal has a role as a manager in charge of planning, organizing, directing, and coordinating activities. Questions were asked about company policies which essentially contain the substance of institutional policies to motivate teachers as human resources who play a role in the field of teaching. Teachers as human resources are in charge of planning teaching programs and implementing programs that have been prepared and conducting assessments after the program is implemented. Questions related to the implementation of programs and policies from the principal.


The result of this research is the process of collecting data from informants by research procedures. This study uses a qualitative description of institution policies on the quality of teacher performance as human resources who play a role in the teaching and learning process to maintain their productivity during the pandemic. The institution used is a Junior High School in Malang. The results showed that the provision of policies in the form of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and rewards is very good in supporting the quality of teacher performance in educational institutions. In the implementation to improve teacher performance, the efforts made by the principal are a) Training by the field of study offered. b) Provide encouragement for a strong will so that teachers are confident and enthusiastic in doing so, motivation, and inspiration in achieving goals. c) Giving confidence and motivation in doing something, and acts that are forced or act hard in the duties of the teachers, d) Giving appreciation for the work of teachers in educating students. Improving the quality of teacher performance is needed to maintain the quality and stability of student admissions during the pandemic so that policies to improve the quality of teachers as human resources who play an important role in the teaching and learning process are needed.


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