Present moment issues of foreign language learning in non-linguistic universities

Reforming the Russian system of higher education. The state of foreign language teaching in non-linguistic universities. Cooperation with foreign universities, scientific communities and international foundations. Getting scholarships to study abroad.

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Дата добавления 06.04.2023
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Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

Achinsk branch

Department of Agroengineering

Present moment issues of foreign language learning in non-linguistic universities

Klyuchnikova L.V., PhD., Ass. Professor

Russia, Achinsk


The work discusses issues of teaching foreign language in non-linguistic universities nowadays. The publication tries to value general situation in higher education at present. The article describes the problem of decentralization of Russian system of higher education as one of the most difficult in the aspect of reformation. New realities put barriers in this process. There are refusals to cooperate at the level of individual foreign universities, scientific communities and international foundations that issue grants and scholarships to study abroad. Education should not suffer in these conditions. The article dwells upon different opportunities for Russian science and education to work in a new environment.

Keywords: a foreign language, new approaches, teaching technologies, difficulties of the present moment, language teaching, a non-linguistic university, next generation of professionals.


Вопросы изучения иностранного языка в нелингвистическом университете в данное время

Ключникова Л.В., к.ф.н., доцент кафедры Агроинженерия ФГБОУ ВО Красноярский ГАУ Ачинский филиал Россия, г. Ачинск

Статья рассматривает вопросы сегодняшнего состояния преподавания иностранного языка в нелингвистических университетах. Публикация пытается оценить общую ситуацию в высшем образовании в настоящее время. Статья затрагивает проблему децентрализации Российской системы высшего образования как одной из самых трудных в аспекте реформации. Новые реалии воздвигают барьеры в этом процессе. Имеются отказы сотрудничества на уровне отдельных иностранных университетов, научных сообществ и международных фондов, которые выдают гранты и стипендии для обучения заграницей. Образование не должно страдать в этих условиях. Статья рассматривает различные возможности работы для Российской науки в новой среде.

Ключевые слова: иностранный язык, новые подходы, технологии обучения, трудности настоящего момента, обучение языку в нелингвистическом университете, будущее поколение профессионалов.

A profound specialist uses foreign languages quite freely in the field of professional activity. Study of a language should acquire a professional status for positive results. Differentiated teaching process is a common thing for a non-linguistic university. The concept of a foreign language for specific purposes is used in the practice of teaching. New approaches and teaching technologies are in wide practice for students. Teaching the foreign languages for specific purposes is a creative process. The use of various technical supports in the learning process implies extensive variety of multimedia learning tools. In turn, the use of these means can make learning more interactive and diverse. The role of the teacher is to choose the right learning strategy, the content material and the direction of learning activities. Taking into account the limited period of training it is especially important to teach students to work independently for further autonomous processing and creation of information using the foreign languages. The roles of individual creative assignments, creative projects implemented in groups, as well as global simulation of professional situations in the foreign languages allow students to acquire independent skills, gain valuable practical information in the language study process. The process of teaching the foreign languages for specific purposes is complex and multistep. The effectiveness of teaching the foreign languages for specific purposes depends on previous work, proper selection of learning material, methodology, planning and evaluation. The research experience and practical experience in teaching the foreign languages for specific purposes makes it possible to provide linguistic training at a high-quality level.

The foreign languages learning creates the grounds for the formation of the next generation of professionals in the different spheres of industry and science. Difficulties of the present moment put barriers in this process. Study abroad, visiting professors, international internships and student exchange programs, joint educational and scientific projects and programs with Western universities: what opportunities may be lost? Not only business breaks off relations with Russia against the background of a military special operation in Ukraine. Foreign universities and foundations began refusing to work with Russia. There are refusals to cooperate at the level of individual foreign universities, scientific communities and international foundations that issue grants and scholarships to study abroad. The student exchange programs may be broken. The programs that provide scholarships for studying, including Russian students abroad, are likely to close. The country may lose various ways of passing the TOEFL and IELTS exams. As a result, it will become impossible to enter a western university. A number of agreements on interuniversity cooperation and the student exchange are in danger of closing. In addition, Russia may lose foreign students who came from different countries. Some of the students came to study entirely at their own expense for a two or four-year training cycle. Now their flow will obviously decrease. Some students came for a year or for some separate module. Most of them applied for training through some kind of a university or national fund. These funds will stop funding at least now, until the situation normalizes. The students from Russia will not be able to go abroad to study in these conditions.

Many western universities are now confirming their readiness to continue the dialogue. Education should not suffer in such a situation. Russian students abroad will continue their studies. Most students receive a fellowship for some period of time, after which the fellowships are automatically prolonged. If the students do not want to stay in the country, they will not even need to be expelled. It will be enough just not to prolong the fellowship. Those students who were planning to enroll were out of luck, because many programs are likely to be stopped. The large number of Western and Eastern universities are very careful about all decisive actions. They do not want to destroy educational ties with Russia. For many educators and students these ties, including personal ones, are very meaningful. People still divide education and politics and are not interested in breaking off relations.

What consequences will all these results have for education and science in Russia? For science, it means a noticeable decrease in access to the volumes of scientific knowledge: conferences, scientific developments, grants. Many people can only rejoice that we will develop our own science. The things, that we are developing, and the problems, that we are solving, may have already been solved in the world science. There is a risk that we will reinvent the wheel where we could just borrow a solution. The idea of student exchanges is to demonstrate different scientific and educational schools. It is necessary to continue this experience in national and educational interests.

Russian scientists rating is determined by the system of scientific publications indexed in western databases: Web of Science and Scopus. The first database is of European origin, the second one is of American. For more than a year, there has been dissatisfaction in Russian science with the fact that indexing is carried out according to western standards. Russia will get rid of this in one way or another. It is possible that Russia will start creating its own indexing databases, together with China and India, or develop an existing database - Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

International indexing provided competition and allowed determining the level of Russian science in the world. Now Russian universities will not participate in the world ranking. Russian science will need to develop its own rating. It will reduce the influx of foreign students, who mainly focused on international rankings. Citations in western journals, participation in international rankings are part of the indicators by which the work of our teachers and universities can be evaluated. Web of Science or Scopus indicators will have to be replaced by the RSCI. Many Russian journals are included in the international databases. Will these databases break off relations with Russian journals? It is also important for our western colleagues, because many highly rated articles by Russian scientists are translated into English and our achievements become part of the world. It is important for Russian science to keep all these ties.

The idea of the need to modernize education using humanization and innovative technologies is becoming more widespread. For the Russian system of education, the problem of its decentralization is one of the most difficult problems in the aspect. On the one hand, democratization of educational relations of educational institutions are an inherent condition of development of the modern domestic educational base. On the other hand, the condition of higher education, the improper order in it and existing abuses determine the necessity of administrative control building up the pressure on educational institutions. The way out of the situation is improvement of legal regulation with provision of broad university democracy without centralized control. European progressive social, economic and political changes influence educational ideas of Russia and determine the nature of training of future specialists. Analysis of modern European and domestic tendencies of higher education showed a relevance of transition from the simple awareness to a higher level of formation of high competency of future specialists.

foreign language nonlinguistic university scientific scholarship


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