Stem education as an innovative means of increasing students’ creative potential

Peculiarities of preparation a new generation of competitive teachers of Ukraine. Development of recommendations for the introduction of STEM technologies in the pedagogical process. Consideration of the positive and negative aspects of STEM education.

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Дата добавления 12.04.2023
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Stem education as an innovative means of increasing students' creative potential

Mykola Moskalyuk Mykola Moskalyuk PhD hab. (History), Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine, Natalia Moskalyuk Natalia Moskalyuk, PhD of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine, Len Maria Len Maria, English teacher languages Ternopil School-lyceum № 6 named after N. Yaremchuk, Ukraine.


The article substantiates the relevance of the introduction of STEM-education in the education of secondary school students. This publication highlights the features of STEM- education, because at the present stage of development of society special attention is paid to the problem of forming students ' independence, ability to receive, analyze information and make optimal decisions, use new information technologies in practice. The introduction of the STEM education system will ensure the comprehensive development and preparation and acquisition of knowledge by students from various fields of science, engineering, technology and programming, which will further allow the formation of a competent specialist. The positive aspects of the introduction of elements of STEM education and the difficulties that arise during its implementation are considered. There are also examples of information sites and applications that will help both teachers and students in the implementation of STEM-learning. This study theoretically substantiates the feasibility of using STEM technologies, identifies the main advantages and disadvantages of using this training, the possibility of use in the classroom and its impact on the formation of students' personalities. The future prospects of the research and the importance of the considered problem at the present stage of society development are determined. Recommendations for the introduction of technology in the pedagogical process of educational institutions of Ukraine for the training of a new generation of competitive and competent professionals have been developed. It is noted that with the development of technical capabilities of teaching methods and technology, it became possible to use new organizational forms of the educational process, using information and communication technologies.

Key words: STEM-education, distance learning, distance technologies, information and communication technologies, student.


Formulation of the problem. Today STEM education is becoming increasingly popular in the educational space of Ukraine. The previous studies have shown that the widespread introduction of STEM education can change the economy of our country, make it competitive, and help today's students become successful professionals in the future. In today's world, students need modern teaching methods, so the introduction of STEAM education is a priority, interesting and new way of using teaching-learning materials. Future professionals must solve problems by understanding and using scientific approaches, knowing the technologies that can solve these problems.

The rapid evolution of technology leads to the fact that soon the most popular and promising specialists on the planet will be programmers, IT specialists, engineers and high-tech professionals. In the distant future, there will be professions that are beyond our imagination today. One thing is for sure, they will be related to technology and high-tech manufacturing at the intersection of the natural sciences. Specialists in bio- and nano-technologies will be especially in demand.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of implementation and use of STEM education is studied in the works of such scientists as T. Andrushchenko, S. Buliha, S. Brevus, V. Velychko, S. Halchenko, L. Hloba, K. Huliaieva, V. Kamyshyn, E. Klimov, O. Komov, O. Lisovyi, L. Nikolenko, R. Norchevskyi, M. Popov, V. Prykhodniuk, M. Rybalko, O. Strizhak, I. Chernetskyi and others. The analysis of literature sources shows that the main advantage of STEM education for students is their preparation for real life. STEM approach allows children to develop flexibility and critical thinking. The ability to learn and accept changes comes to the fore, not the knowledge itself, which is today becoming increasingly obsolete. Lessons full of theory are boring and unexciting for students, but unfortunately they are the realities of the most current schools. During the lessons students learn theoretical information, numerous formulas, but have no idea how it really works and where all this knowledge can be used in everyday life. Lessons are lacking practical activities, creativity and experiments. The STEM approach is much more effective in organizing the educational process: learning through modeling, design and experimentation becomes a kind of adventure, so students feel pleased and excited about it.

The abbreviation STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. These areas are the basis of this method of education, and these disciplines are studied in a complex. Transformation into STEAM (STEM + Art) is an improved version of STEM education in which art is integrated. A system has emerged at the request of business, because today the vast majority of the workforce does not have the skills of the XXI century and is unable to respond quickly to the changes brought about by progress (Kukharska, 2018).

According to D. Shulikin, in order to prepare the younger generation for life in a high-tech competitive world, it is necessary to develop interest in scientific and technical creativity, technology and high technology (Shulikin, 2015). We agree with the opinion of O. Patrykeieva, O. Lozova, S. Gorbenko that it is very important for each teacher to dedicate some time during the lesson for the application of modern learning technologies, taking into consideration the rational use of gadgets in the educational process, because for most children STEM education is a «game» and «toys», not a means of learning (Patrikeeva, 2017).

The purpose of the article in view of the above-mentioned, the aim of the article is to try to reveal the features of STEM education, justify the need for its use and application as a necessary learning condition for modern students.

Presenting main material

In many developed countries, STEM education is becoming increasingly popular. Developed countries realized the significance of this trend long time ago. Australia, China, the United Kingdom, Israel, Korea, Singapore and the United States have been implementing government programs in the field of STEAM education for a long time (STEM- education, 2022). Now, perhaps even more than ever, education should be advanced, which makes it necessary to predict future trends in social development. Innovative scientific and technical system of STEM education is gaining popularity around the world. The educational process is aimed at helping participants in the educational process to acquire skills of the XXI century. Instead of studying each discipline separately, STEM integrates them into a single learning scheme (Shulikin, 2015).

Due to these changes, our generation of teachers needs to update their teaching methods and techniques.

First of all, we should pay attention to the formation of the student's metasubject results, namely the ability to learn. While choosing methods, techniques and means of learning attention should be paid to modern gadgets and STEM technology. It is difficult to imagine a modern person without a tablet computer or telephone, the usage of which during lessons by both teachers and students is difficult to overestimate (Why do gadgets, 2016). As for Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science in 2016 published the first version of the «Conceptual Principles of Secondary Education Reform» and the Concept of the New Ukrainian School (NUS) (On innovation activity, 2002; On the implementation, 2018; Old, 2019), where one of the core students competencies are:

- ability to think logically and mathematically;

- scientific understanding of nature and modern technologies;

- confident use of information and communication technologies

- awareness and self-expression in the field of culture (Old, 2019).

The introduction of STEM education allows to implement effectively the requirements of the NUS Concept, promotes the formation of students' skills in research and engineering, invention, entrepreneurship, early professional self-determination and readiness to make an informed choice concerning future professions. teacher ukraine education stem

Let's consider the advantages of STEM education, namely (Resources for STEAM, 2019; STEM education in Ukraine, 2021):

- Integrative learning. The STEM approach combines design and interdisciplinary approaches, which are currently recognized as the most successful worldwide.

There is an integration of natural sciences, technology, mathematics and engineering, which are interconnected in practice;

- Application of acquired knowledge in real life. STEM turns theory into practice and experience, demonstrates how children can use the information obtained in life, makes science interesting and useful;

- Development of critical thinking. STEM is inextricably connected with critical thinking and aims to develop it. STEM education improves the ability of analytical and research work. Students have to learn to navigate independently, even in difficult situations and solve problems without assistance, form their own opinions and make decisions;

- Confidence in one's own abilities. Creating interesting projects, students learn, experiment, increase their self-esteem, and moreover are not afraid to make mistakes;

- Teamwork. STEM involves teamwork. Students work on the project together, express their ideas and suggestions, discuss, justify their opinion and come to certain conclusions together;

- Increasing interest in technical disciplines. One of the key tasks of STEM is to demonstrate the benefits of technical and mathematical sciences;

- Innovation. STEM projects usually cover six stages: task (or problem issue), discussion, design, structure development, testing, and further development.

This approach allows you to study, apply technology and sciences and create innovative projects simultaneously;

- Direct path from study to career. STEM education is based on the integration of knowledge, cooperation of skills and the involvement of a large number of resources. That is why project work is the most effective way for the implementation of STEM approach in the educational process.

Unfortunately, there are a number of disadvantages in the introduction of STEM education. Firstly, even with sufficient state funding, schools are often unprepared to use such teaching aids. And it is not only the lack of material and technical base, but also the lack of experience in using the STEM approach and the ability to use innovative equipment by teachers. Secondly, the use of gadgets in the classroom is not for educational purposes, it's considered by the majority of students as a game or a means of entertainment and of course, it distracts the student from studying the subject, and these devices still strain students' eyes and are harmful.

Creating an educational STEM environment in an educational institution of any type and form of ownership is one of the main tasks of the current stage of development of STEM education. The concept of educational STEM environment of an educational institution can be interpreted as a set of intellectual and material conditions for the implementation of research, technology, engineering, integrated knowledge that ensure self-development of free and active personality, realization of students' creative potential.

An integral part of the STEM environment is a network of STEM centers, STEM laboratories (including virtual) and of course lessons during training. One of the main forms of STEM learning is classes aimed at establishing interdisciplinary links that contribute to the formation of students' holistic, systematic worldview, the actualization of personal attitude to the issues. Such classes can be conducted by combining the topics of several subjects or the formation of integrated courses or separate special courses (STEAM-education, 2022). Modern gadgets allow teachers and students to «be on the same wavelength», communicate «in the same language», which is equally important in today's world, and the search for new applications allows students to develop creatively, work with large amounts of information, analyze, draw conclusions and reasonably make a choice.

Therefore we recommend a number of platforms and mobile applications that will help diversify lessons and make them more interesting. The main thing during training is not to forget that the secret is not in new technologies, but in getting students interested in research activities.

Kahoot is a learning platform that allows you to present almost all learning material in the form of surveys and tests. The service is designed for indoor use, namely the teacher shows the material on the home screen, while students answer questions and discuss information using a special browser on smartphones (Android, iOS, Windows Phone) or computers. In order to enter the virtual classroom, students must enter a special code that will be sent by the teacher. The service allows you to find out how each student answered the question, or build performance charts for the whole class. Students themselves can monitor their results in special tables. The advantage of this service is that it is free and fully available after registration. is an online service that allows you to create interactive exercises and is a designer for developing a variety of tasks from different subject areas to use in class and in extracurricular activities, storing interactive tasks from different subject disciplines, with the help of which students can test and consolidate their knowledge in the form of games, which contributes to the formation of their cognitive interest. The LearningApps service allows you to receive code that will let you place interactive tasks on the pages of websites or teachers' and students' blogs.

Popplet is a service that is easy to use and powerful in terms of functionality, which allows you to create mental maps. It allows you to add clouds with text, pictures; add YouTube videos; change the colors of each cloud and the background of the map as a whole; edit the map; save the map as an image or pdf file; publish a mental map; show the map in the presentation mode; make a recording during the demonstration of the screen of the finished mental map; systematize ideas; create a timeline; tell stories; present your work.

Tagul is a web service that allows you to create a word cloud from a text entered by a user or from a web page with an address, and the cloud can have different shapes and colors. Each word cloud is a hyperlink to Google search. Genially is a service designed to create bright interactive posters, presentations, exhibitions, quizzes and other digital materials. works with the cloud, so you can easily access or change your creations from anywhere in the world.

There are a number of resources that are designed specifically for individual disciplines, namely:

Voyage AR is an augmented reality mobile application for biology, geography and history lessons. LiCo.Organic mobile application allows you to read images of organic compounds from a book for a three-dimensional image to understand the spatial structure of organic compounds better. In addition, you can see how atoms and electrons move, see how the universe is arranged with the help of Atom Visualizer. service will help to study the periodic table of chemical elements with links to videos about each chemical element. This service is in English. - All-Ukrainian biological site dedicated to some aspects of biological education and science in Ukraine. Scientific Animation is a site that contains visualizations of biology and medicine (microfilms, animation illustrations at the global level).

Skyscrapers AR is a mobile application that allows you to be close to the world's famous skyscrapers, view them in detail from all sides, finding out the features of the architectural work (Burj Khalifa, Petronas Towers, Eiffel Tower). Bridges AR is an application that allows you to explore the basic structures of bridges, which can encourage students to think creatively when developing their own masterpiece, as well as to «fly» over the bridge and view it from a bird's eye view. Star Walk 2 allows you to learn about the sky, planets, stars and constellations, and Amazing Space Journey gives an opportunity to learn about the solar system, planets and their satellites in detail and will be useful for exploring the world. You can travel in space with the CleverBooks Space app.

CleverBooks Geography is a mobile application that allows you to travel across continents in 3D, see the geography of different countries, play with the weather and seasons, learn about flora and fauna, observe the objects that are under the protection of UNESCO. This program can be used not only in class, but also at home to travel around the world in 3D and interact with animals, see monuments and nature in different parts of the world. You can use the AR Geometry application to show 3D images of geometric shapes, and you can use the CleverBooks Geometry application to study three-dimensional shapes. 3D Graphics GeoGebra allows you to create geometric constructions in 3D, save and share your results. The program allows you to create 3D objects, build sections and find points of intersection.

My Cardiac Coach helps teach students to provide first aid and can be used as an augmented reality. It is best to study the structure of the body, the internal system of human organs with the resource AR Anatomy 4D. The mobile application Quiver - 3D Coloring App allows you to «revive» the child's colored coloring pages, you can also view three-dimensional images of plant and animal cells, sea creatures, volcanoes, maps contained in the database.


Thus, the use of STEM education in practice is a great opportunity to teach students to think and find the necessary information, solve complex problems, make decisions, organize cooperation with other students and teachers. STEM education is the tool that will create conditions for the comprehensive development of students, taking into account the abilities of each. At the same time, the introduction of STEM training should take place gradually, on the basis of personal, activity and competence approaches.

Джерела і література

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Про реалізацію інноваційного освітнього проекту всеукр.рівня за темою «Я - дослідник» на 2018-2021 роки: Наказ МОН від 13.04.2018 № 366. URL:

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Stem-освіта як інноваційний засіб підвищення творчого потенціалу учнів

Микола Москалюк доктор історичних наук, професор, Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет ім. В. Гнатюка, Україна

Наталія Москалюк кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет ім. В. Гнатюка, Україна

Марія Лень, учитель англійської мови

Тернопільська школа-ліцей № 6 ім. Н. Яремчука, Україна

У статті обґрунтовано актуальність запровадження STEM-освіти під час навчання школярів загальноосвітніх шкіл. В даній публікації висвітлено особливості STEM-освіти, адже на сучасному етапі розвитку суспільства особливої уваги набуває зараз проблема формування самостійності учнів, спроможності отримувати, аналізувати інформацію та приймати оптимальні рішення, використовувати в практичній діяльності нові інформаційні технології. Впровадження системи STEM-освіти забезпечить всебічний розвиток і підготовку та отримання знань учнями з різних освітніх областей природничих наук, інженерії, технологій та програмування, що в подальшому дозволить формування компетентного фахівця.

Розглянуто, позитивні сторони, від впровадження елементів STEM-освіти і труднощі, які виникають під час його впровадження. Також наведено приклади інформаційних сайтів і додатків, які допоможуть як вчителям так і стимулюють учнів при впровадженні STEM-навчання. У даному дослідженні теоретично обґрунтовано доцільність використання STEM технологій, визначено основні переваги і недоліки використання даного навчання, можливості використання на заняттях та його вплив на формування особистості школярів. Визначені майбутні перспективи дослідження та важливість розглянутої проблеми на сучасному етапі розвитку суспільства. Розроблено рекомендації щодо запровадження технологій у педагогічний процес закладів освіти України для підготовки нової генерації конкурентоспроможних і компетентних фахівців. Зазначено, що з розвитком технічних можливостей методики та технології навчання з'явилася можливість використовувати нові організаційні форми навчального процесу, використовуючи інформаційно-комунікаційні технології.

Ключові слова: STEM-освіта, дистанційне навчання, дистанційні технології, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, учень.

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