Historical and didactic definition analysis of approaches to the humanities role in the teaching content formation: west european experience

Approaches to understanding the role of the history of the humanities in European Research as an opportunity to influence the selection of training content for teachers of philological specialties and the formation of their intercultural competence.

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Historical and didactic definition analysis of approaches to the humanities role in the teaching content formation: west european experience

B. I. Rubinska, candidate of pedagogical science, associate professor, associate professor of of the Romance and Germanic Languages and Translation Department

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine Національний університет біоресурсів та природокористування України, Київ, Україна

Abstract. The article is devoted to Philology teachers' intercultural competence formation. The aim of this article was to review different historical and pedagogical approaches to the understanding of the history of Humanities role in the teaching content choice in modern European research papers as ways of influencing the teaching content Philology teachers' formation and their intercultural competence. Different understanding of the term “approach” was considered as well as the application of it in Europe. Our research is also based on the idea of uniqueness in the choice of foreign language teaching content and peculiarities of this sphere. The typical choice of the teaching content is teaching in the target language about the country and its habits and traditions. It is multicultural approach. Globalist and antiglobalist approaches to the study of the role of Humanities were briefly defined as contrary. They differ in the description of the history of Humanities, the sources they use as a basis of research, the definition of the notion “Philology” and attitude to comparativism. The authors only agree on the question that subdivision into Humanities and Nature Studies is artificial. Comparison of common and different points of view on the problem in Europe was undertaken. The conclusion was that studying of its role in the history of mankind should be included into content of teaching philologists and chosen for research problems as it can improve the content and quality of teaching. It gives a fine perspective for the professional research formation and future Philology teachers' intercultural skills.

Key words: antiglobalist approach, approach, globalist approach, content of teaching, Humanities, intercultural competence, modern European research papers, future Philology teachers.


Б. І. РУБІНСЬКА, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри романо-германських мов та перекладу

Анотація. Стаття присвячена одному з аспектів формування міжкультурної компетентності майбутніх вчителів-філологів. Метою статті є зробити короткий огляд різних підходів до розуміння ролі історії гуманітарних наук у сучасних європейських дослідженнях як можливості вплинути на відбір змісту навчання підготовки вчителів філологічних спеціальностей та формування їх міжкультурної компетентності. Зроблено огляд різних точок зору на термін «підхід» а також застосування його у Європі. Наше дослідження базується також на ідеї унікальності відбору змісту навчання іноземних мов та особливостей спілкування у цій сфері. Типовим відбором змісту навчання є включення до навчання матеріалів про країну, мова якої вивчається, її звичаї та традиції. Це полікультурний підхід до формування міжкультурної компетентності. Глобалістський та антиглобалістський підходи до вивчення ролі історії гуманітарних наук були коротко визначені як протилежні. Вони відрізняються різними способами опису гуманітарних наук, джерелами на яких базується дослідження, визначенням поняття «Філологія» та ставленням до компаративізму. Спільним для них є уявлення про те, що розподіл на

гуманітарні та природничі науки є штучним. Було здійснено порівняння різних та спільних точок зору на цю проблему в Європі. Це уможливило зробити висновок, що вивчення її ролі в історії людства слід включити до змісту освіти філологів та обрати темою для наукових досліджень оскільки це може покращити зміст та якість навчання. Це чудовий та перспективний напрямок для формування професійних науково-дослідницьких та міжкультурних компетентностей у майбутніх вчителів-філологів. humanities intercultural competence

Ключові слова: антиглобалістський підхід, глобалістський підхід, гуманітарні науки, зміст навчання, майбутні вчителі-філологи, міжкультурна компетентність, підхід, сучасні європейські дослідження.


A lot of changes in modern training of Philology teachers take place under the influence of different processes. Firstly, these are global processes: integration, globalization and humanization of education. In the European higher education system a lot of changes have taken place after the adoption of international documents and program of the new development projects [1; 4]. The main types of competencies of a modern specialist were enumerated in them. Special attention was paid to the future Philology teachers competencies. They are: literacy, communicative, informational, sociocultural, intercultural, social, lexicographic, reader's competencies and others [1; 4]. But there is no unanimity of views on the question of competencies, especially intercultural competence.It is impossible to make well- grounded decisions on the Philology teachers intercultural competence formation without the analysis of West-European experience. In this respect the comparative research of it in the leading countries such as Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and others are of great importance. Due to Bologna process in these countries enumeration and introduction of general and special competencies into practice of training philologists allowed to raise the quality of their training at the expense of unification of curricula, terms of studying, levels and realization of principles of intercultural Pedagogy, one of which constituent elements is intercultural competence [4;10]. According to M. Luisa Perez Cabani Josep Juando Bosch Esther Argelagos [12] the concept of competence has been, and still is, one of the most controversial issues during the process of restructuring the university studies within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). She explains that the concepts creating greater controversy are the most complex ones but at the same time, they are the most interesting and innovating ones. We agree that those concepts encourage debate and equally they bring changes and improvements to the knowledge field (Mora, 2011, Salaburu, Haug, Mora, 2011, Teichler, 2011, Perrenoud, 2012) [12]. Much depends upon the approach. But the category approach is also dependent on the category methodology. There are many definitions of the category methodology in different researches.

There are many modern approaches and they can be subdivided into three groups: com petence-oriented, activities and integrated. If the approach is competence- oriented, the essence of the category is competence(combination of skills, attitudes and knowledge). According to Tovkanets G.V., Lendel L.V., Kyrlyk O.V., who studied competencies of young children in school, the formation of such competencies as general cultural, social, analytical and synthesizing are the key ones for successful socialization of primary school children. Their formation at the foreign language lessons were grounded by the scientists. They consider it can be done by teaching it on the basis of children's life experience, description of what a pupil sees or hears at the lessons with the help of pantomime, method of telling stories, that helps them to use foreign language, evaluation of which are the content of teaching program. That is why key competencies are connected with methodological culture of pupils, owing to which pupils can speak and communicate with others [16].

Another approach is activities one.”Competence has to be defined both as competence for successful activity and as a sphere in which someone possesses knowledge, skills and experience.

Methodological knowledge can be referred to cognitive sphere and include skills, while competencies are connected with practical usage of knowledge and skills in real life situations [14].

Modern approach has to integrate the best ideas in both of them on the new spiral of investigation and be its unity. “A part of the globalizing tendencies described by scholars such as Smith, Dow, Hattam, Reid,and Shattock (2000) or Robertson (2000) or can be seen as part of the wider change in the management and delivery of public services depicted in work on social policy and economic development” [10].

Five interesting ideas were expressed in TLRP research in the UK. The first one shows that levels of commitment and resilience of teachers are influenced by many factors, including teachers' own background, their initial professional education and induction and the learning environment within which they are working.

The second one concentrates on variability factors such as cognitive processes being less significant than emotional .

The third one deals with the impact of the priority given to narrowly-focused learning outcomes which has been found to be restrictive to teachers' identities and professionalism.

The fourth idea is connected with the extent to which the values basis of teaching is addressed as it varies across different contexts, but teacher identity is more positive where such matters are a common topic for professional discussion.

The fifth one states that it is important for teachers to be provided with opportunities to undertake reflective, collaborative, classroom- focussed inquiry in order to develop a well- informed approach to their ownlearning journey or trajectory. Approaches to initial teacher education and continuing professional development across the UK should aim to support teachers in this way.

TLRP was based on the premise that research is essential in the improvement of education. That was one of the main reasons for its emphasis on capacity building. There was a specific initiative supported by TLRP, as well as by other UK-wide organisations, that sought to develop a resource that would support the development of teacher education research. Another modern idea is blended learning, in the research of Maulam S. M., Ibrahim R. [11]. Of no less importance is the key role played by the technological skills of the students [15].

Nataly Melnyk considers that pragmatic approach in European theory is typical when defining professional competence. Under it scientists understand the ability acquired during professional training and activities which show their ability to execute professional functions and duties [9]. According to her research the notion understanding in the Ukrainian science is connected with the qualities of a personality, which is formed by it, due to volition qualities and professional motivation. Our research is also based on previous analysis of different levels of communication in this sphere.

An important idea is formulated about content of teaching the language. She supposes that there is a unique peculiarity pertained only to teaching the language, which is different from any other sphere. The typical choice of the teaching content is teaching in the target language about the country and its habits and traditions, e. g, in German "Landeskunde". They ground it by the conviction that it is impossible to use a foreign language properly without the knowledge of its culture, that each language expresses a certain individual picture of the world and that an ideal pupil will learn it to a certain degree of a native speaker competence. In many cases the learner's argument in favor of learning one language but not the other is that the society it represents has special cultural values - English for democracy, French for Philosophy, German for scientific precision. Such modern approach is characterized as multicultural and multilingual. But of no less importance is historic and didactic consideration of the definition of the Humanities role in the question of how looking for the ways of influence on the teaching content of Philology teachers formation and their multicultural professional competence helps to solve the question. It hasn't been researched well enough yet. During the time of independence much attention in Didactics has been paid to the formation of national education Humanities science in Ukraine. This requires specialists who would be familiar with the best national achievements and world heritage of the whole mankind and pedagogical heritage of mankind. They will be able to develop creative research in Pedagogics. It is important for the teachers to have multicultural competence and encyclopedic knowledge. Nowadays greater and greater interest begin to arouse in many researchers not only to the history of Pedagogy within limits of one historical science but also all Humanities both in our country and abroad. In this way a synergistic approach to the study of the history of Pedagogy is clearly established. Without the knowledge of historical and didactic approaches in this fields of science a future teacher cannot be considered competent and conduct independent research. Ways of forming competencies have been analyzed in research papers by M. Bolina, M. Vachevsky, J. Iskanderova, V. Kashnytsky, S. Kozak,

I. Megalova, V. Ohotnikov, O. Pahomova, O. Petrova, O. Prozorova, O. Semenog, O.Solovyova, A. Trofimenko, O. Usyk and many others [8].

But the problem of common approach to the formation of different kinds of competencies hasn't been solved yet. And the understanding of Humanities role in the history of civilizations both in our country and modern researches abroad haven't been connected with one of the most important levers of influence on the philological specialties teachers content of education and training selection.

The aim of the research

Our purpose is to make a short review of different historical and didactic approaches to the understanding of the role of Humanities in modern European research papers and the possibility to take them into account in the choice of philological specialties teachers education and training content

Research methods: analysis of latest research papers, comparison, antithesis, synthesis.

Discussion and results

The problem of the definition of such notions as “humanities teacher”, “philologist”,

“Humanities” has a long-life history. We have already written about different approaches to the definition “Philologist” and will base our understanding of the term on the following: “English philologist is a specialist, who not only has mastered a foreign language, grammar and stylistics in use, but also knows its culture, oral communication and literature. For the English philologist it is important to have good pronunciation, know the language perfectly. Such specialist spends a lot of time on translation, that's why good memory, ability to concentrate and correctly plan one's time are very important” [13].

The discussions on the value of “Humanities” are going on all over the world, especially after Japan has greatly cut the number of humanities subjects, which many scientists consider extreme in understanding them as irrelevant. According to Geert Lernout there exists a negative attitude to the notion "humanitarian, in Europe they even changed the name of the faculties from humanities to philology, and their diplomas indicate the profession of language and literature” [7]. We strongly oppose such attitude. Therefore we think it important to make a historic and didactic analysis of the problem in foreign research papers to find elements that prove its importance in the past and its relevance to West-European countries and Ukraine nowadays. To support this idea we'd like to quote S.S.Averintsev, who wrote: “The present is so important because it reveals the mysterious depths of the past and the mysterious breadth of the future” [6, p.9].

According to our analysis there are different approaches to the solution of the problem in Ukraine and other countries. The leading role depends on the scientists approach and attitude to the question. In didactic methodology one can trace different names of them. Thus, M. B.Yevtuh and V. M. Galuzinsky call them differentiating and individual approaches [5]. According to the classification by Ahverdiev K. N. they are system, personal, activities, polysubjective, culturological, anthropological, ethno-pedagogical [2]. B. Yevtuh and V.Galuzinsky have named differentiating and individual approaches [18]. According to the classification of Ahverdiyev K. N. they are systemic, personality, activities, polisubjective, culturological, anthropological, ethnopedagogical. There are also other approaches: subjective, communicative, axeological, achmeological, personally- oriented. Systemic approach presupposes that in order to give the definition it is necessary to study its two main components at the input: the student and the professor. The former is already mastering such methodology, while the latter is deepening and improving student's vision and improving his own methodology.

Personal charachteristic features of a scientist play the leading role in it. But scientists'points of view change under the influence of new theories and approaches.

The category “research methodology” as a teaching is based on the understanding of pedagogical main concepts of higher school, which are the main elements of transformation process. They form 3 groups of categories: methodological(pedagogical theory, pedagogical concept, pedagogical idea, pedagogical regularity, pedagogical principle), procedural (education, training, education, development and formation of personality, educational process) and essential (purpose, objectives and content of education); professional profile of the specialist, activity (teacher and student); differentiated and individual approaches; forecasting the consequences of pedagogical influence, planning educational work; forms, methods and means of teaching and education; pedagogical technologies of teaching and education; management of the educational process; independent work of students; research activities of students; humanitarization and humanization of universities, etc. [5]. All these categories are closely connected with each other and form the holistic educational system . Their main characteristic features are ambiguity, interdependence and interconnectedness. An important category in the system is the content of teaching, which is considered as a final result of higher education It is a system of elements of mankind's objective experience, specially selected in a history and recognized by society, the assimilation of which is necessary for successful activity.

Realzation of such approach presupposes the working out of the certain research methods development. This category is also defined differently in different approaches and needs clarification.

Methodology is also considered in culturological approach. According to Slastyonin this approach forms methodological culture in the teacher-to-be through a number of the main categories forming the framework of pedagogical science; what are the degrees of ascent from the abstract to the concrete; attitude to the transformation of pedagogical theory into a method of cognitive activity. This approach directs the teacher's thinking to the genesis of pedagogical forms and their holistic properties; to reproduce the practice of education in the conceptual and terminological system; and the desire to reveal the unity and continuity of pedagogical knowledge in its historical development. It promotes a critical attitude to the "self- evident" provisions, to the arguments that lie in the plane of everyday pedagogical consciousness; stimulates reflection on the preconditions, process and results of one's own cognitive activity, as well as the movement of thought of other participants in the pedagogical process; reasoned refutation of anti-scientific positions in the field of anthropology and provides an understanding of the worldview, humanistic functions of pedagogy [18]. For our research an important idea is anthropocentrism and anthropology. "This approach to the study of pedagogical education is a set of theoretical and methodological provisions and organizational - pedagogical measures aimed at creating conditions for the assimilation and translation of pedagogical values and technologies that ensure creative self-realization of the teacher in professional activities. The study of pedagogical education, taking into account the requirements of the culturological approach, requires the realization that the main system-forming factor in the formation of a teacher is the formation of professional and pedagogical culture" [19, p.22].

We can also base our understanding of this category on the works of I. O. Zymnia, who wrote that there are two approaches to methodology and levels of research. The first is related to the approach described above and considers the need for research based on the characteristics of disciplines (philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, anthropology, interdisciplinary, etc.). Activity, culturological, personal approach is distinguished on the basis of the object, and systemic, complex and structural according to the organization. Philosophical, general scientific, specific scientific and methodological levels of analysis are distinguished according to a different approach.

We can also add two more modern approaches: globalist and antiglobalist, which are typical for the researchers in Europe. We can illustrate these two opposite approaches with the help of two works in the history of Humanities. They were created by R. Bod and J. Turner [3; 17].

We have compared them and found some differences and similarities in them. The first difference is connected with their description of the history of Humanities in different ways. J. Turner describes it from the point of view of Philology forming role in Humanities, while R. Bod sees more global in them. The second difference is related to the sources they use as a basis of research. J.Turner uses mostly English speaking sources, while R. Bod includes philological discussion of works from different regions and continents such as Africa, Asia, Far East and Europe. J. Turner was inspired by the fact of the subject content as a text, which was spread in other sciences and considered the formative role of Philology in the Humanities. Special focus on influenced parameters in Philology is characterizing his research. He considered its development in the English speaking countries, without taking into account culture and history beyond those limits. R.Bod examined the question on a much wider scale, demonstrating his great erudition and global knowledge, yet the drawback of it was that he did not study the development of Humanities on the territories of Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the former Soviet Union. The next difference can be traced in the definition of the notion “Philology”, which in the course of time included more sciences such as Numismatics, Rhetorics, Antiques. R.Bod posed a question: “ Is it possible to use the term `Humanities” to describe previous work of scientists before the X th century or for history study is it an anachronism?”, but he noted that the unbreakable tradition of teaching makes it less problematic and that in this case the use of anachronism is conceptually productive because it allows to create a single story.

The next difference is comparativism. J. Turner thinks all knowledge has national specifics, which makes comparison problematic. R. Bod contradicts. His argument is as follows: “the study of a larger scales of cultures, certain models of them makes comparative research more objective”, thus it makes his views on the history of Humanities global. Another counterargument of J. Turner is that comparativism sometimes hampers the real understanding of history. R. Bod thinks quite opposite, because every research project has its limits. The act of comparison gives another but not necessarily less degree of understanding.

But in the question of the difference between Humanities science and Nature science they are of the same opinion. J. Turner sticks to the point that the difference was part of ideology discourse at the end of the XIX th century. Its aim was to maximize the differences between sciences. It was the result of propaganda by scientists, who wanted to stand out. R. Bod agreed that such standpoint is based on the idea that

Humanities sciences find less laws than

Nature ones. His counterargument is that only a small number of Nature Sciences find out enough laws beyond the boundaries of Astronomy and Physics. The opponents too often use the statement that Humanities sciences are less “exact”. One of the reasons that influenced this process is the so-called institutionalization. According to J. Turner in the English-speaking countries scientists are more concerned with the question how the disciplines are organized and which of them to include into Humanities science owing to content of education. In the USA sciences were subdivided into 3: Humanities, Social and Nature and Mathematics due to historical process. This didn't happen in Great Britain, where they mostly discuss the question which discipline should belong to which faculty. They understand what is the institutional composition of disciplines, but not everything is so clear with their content. Both scientists think that science is always productive and they question it historically. If the research is not based on such extreme opposition, one can raise many questions in science, which would be impossible under such polarization. Such position of scientists makes it possible to unite them. They found out that a turn to historicism and the understanding of history as essentially “foreign” are two important elements that characterize modern

Humanities science, as well as professionalization, that has been going on since the XVIIIth century. Such approach shows the potential of the history of Humanities sciences as multidisciplinary and global way of studying history. It is, in fact, synergistic. It can become the basis of intercultural competence formation. Studying of its role in the history of mankind should be included into content of teaching Didactics and chosen for research problems as it can improve the content and quality of teaching.


We have considered the category approach in different research papers as a constituent element of the category methodology. From the standpoint of the above, under the "methodology of scientific pedagogical research" we can understand a multifaceted interdisciplinary term that reflects the contradictory object that provides each of the sciences in the pedagogical field object and subject of research, includes a number of research units that lead to success, use of intuitive, combined with conceptual pluralism of different pedagogical sciences, and cognitive, based on well-studied approaches, principles and research methods.

There are many different approaches to the Humanities role in the teacher training content formation. Our aim was achieved through a short review of different historical and didactic approaches to the understanding of the role of Humanities in modern European research papers and the possibility to take them into account in the choice of philological specialties teachers education and training content.

Competence-oriented, activities and integrated approaches have been characterized. The concept of competence has been, and still is, one of the most controversial issues during the process of restructuring the university studies within the European Higher Education Area. Historical and didactic analysis of approaches to the definition of humanities role in the formation of teaching content showed that history could be considered under different angles and described differently. Multisided history of Humanities sciences, written with different approaches will be a stimulus in understanding the Humanities and their role in history of mankind. It will show that what is considered the qualities of exact sciences - rationalism, empirism, systematicity can be applied to Humanities sciences as well. We agree that the humanities are not purely prescriptive or descriptive, nor are they generalizing or clarifying separately. This is a broad, diverse, beautiful and much-needed field of science that deserves public approval and should not be offset by the "usefulness" of the natural sciences. It must be acknowledged that the humanities not only underlie humanity as a whole, but have also contributed much knowledge that has truly changed the world. A promising area of research may be a synergistic approach to studying the role of the humanities in Ukraine and its contribution to the humanities of all modern civilization. Such research in Didactics on the grounds of synergistic approach can show the role of studying Humanities to future teachers in Ukraine as it can illustrate its contribution into science of all modern civilization.

Such researches can be included into the problems of the research papers, their knowledge of different approaches will help to form their own point of view, which is based on the intercultural civilization knowledge. In such a way their professional competence will be formed. Studying of the Humanities sciences role in the history of civilization should be included into the practice of teaching and choice of teaching content as it can improve it and raise its quality.

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