Criteria and indicators for measuring the formation of diagnostic competence of future officers in the process of professional training
The concepts "criterion" and "indicator" for measuring the formation of diagnostic competence of future specialists in physical training and sports of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (hereinafter - respondents) in the process of their professional training.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 03.05.2023 |
Размер файла | 32,8 K |
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Criteria and indicators for measuring the formation of diagnostic competence of future officers in the process of professional training
O.M. Kyrychenko
V. V. Yahupov
The article substantiates the content of the concepts "criterion" and "indicator" for measuring the formation of diagnostic competence of future specialists in physical training and sports of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (hereinafter - respondents) in the process of their professional training. The scientific approaches of foreign and domestic scientists to their definition have been analyzed and summarized. The choice of the author's criteria and indicators was carried out considering the diagnostic function of the military-professional activity of the respondents - future officers as specialists in physical training and sports in military units. criterion diagnostic competence
On the basis of generalization of scientific sources and taking into account the specifics of respondents' professional activity, the criteria of assessment of the formation of their diagnostic competence, containing value-motivational (complex of values and motivations of diagnostic activity), intellectual (theoretical and practical knowledge concerning their diagnostic activity), psychological (communication, principality, tolerance, objectivity) and reflective (methods, techniques, methods and means of diagnosis) are determined. For each criterion, respectively, the indicators of measuring the formation of a particular component of the diagnostic competence of the respondents in the process of their professional training at Military Academies and Army War Colleges.
The article presents the criteria and characteristics by means of which the degree of merit of the research goals is evaluated. Diagnosing of physical preparedness and readiness of respondents is carried out on leading provisions of methodological approaches to diagnosing of their professional activity. Criteria and indicators are necessary for measuring the formation of the respondents' diagnostic competence, by which it is possible to find out its formation at different stages of their military-professional and professional training. In this connection the allocated criteria should be impartial and include attributes of their diagnostic competence.
Key words: diagnostic competence, professional training, criteria, indicators, measurements, diagnosis, future officers - specialists in physical training and sport of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
О. М. Кириченко, В. В. Ягупов
У статті обґрунтовано зміст понять "критерій" і "показник" щодо вимірювання сформованості діагностувальної компетентності майбутніх фахівців фізичної підготовки і спорту Збройних сил України (далі - респондентів) у процесі їх професійної підготовки. Проаналізовано та узагальнено наукові підходи зарубіжних і вітчизняних науковців їх визначення. Вибір авторських критеріїв і показників здійснено з урахуванням діагностувальної функції в військово-професійній діяльності респондентів - майбутніх офіцерів як фахівців фізичної підготовки і спорту в військових частинах.
На основі узагальнення наукових джерел і з урахуванням специфіки фахової діяльності респондентів визначено критерії оцінювання сформованості їх діагностувальної компетентності, яка містить ціннісно-мотиваційний (комплекс цінностей і мотивацій діагностувальної діяльності), інтелектуальний (теоретичні та практичні знання щодо своєї діагностувальної діяльності), процесуальний (володіння методичними прийомами, методами, методиками та засобами діагностування), психологічний (комунікативність, принциповість, толерантність, об'єктивність) і рефлексивний (сприйняття себе як суб'єкта діагностувальної діяльності). Для кожного критерію відповідно підібрані показники вимірювання сформованості конкретного компонента діагностувальної компетентності респондентів у процесі їх професійної підготовки.
У статті представлено критерії і показники за допомогою яких оцінюється ступінь досягнення дослідницьких цілей. Діагностування фізичної підготовленості та готовності респондентів здійснено на провідних положеннях, методологічних підходів до діагностування їх фахової діяльності. Критерії і показники необхідні для вимірювання сформованості діагностувальної компетентності респондентів, за якими можна з'ясувати її сформованість на різних етапах їх військово-професійної та фахової видів підготовки. У зв'язку з цим виокремлені критерії мають бути неупередженими і включати ознаки їх діагностувальної компетентності.
Ключові слова: діагностувальна компетентність, професійна підготовка, критерії, показники, вимірювання, діагностування, майбутні офіцери - фахівці фізичної підготовки і спорту Збройних сил України.
Introduction of the issue. Russia's open military attack on Ukraine on February 24, 2022, forever changed the military and political situation not only in our state, but also in the whole world. Ukraine has well-trained professional Armed Forces (hereinafter - Armed Forces) of Ukraine, which have been courageously and heroically fighting since the Russian invasion in 2014. Protecting the territorial integrity of the state, one's home, one's family from the Russian enemy today depends directly on a competent military professional and a member of the combat team - a citizen and patriot of Ukraine. This is an honorable and responsible job, which real defenders, as evidenced by the combat experience of servicemen of the Armed Forces and other military formations of
Ukraine, are taken to perform. This requires them to actualize all kinds of their potential, including directly physical - physical preparedness and readiness to perform combat tasks. Scientists rightly note that "In modern conditions of functioning of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and their performance of combat tasks to ensure the territorial integrity of the state, the physical preparedness and readiness of servicemen must be ensured and observed on the basis of objective information necessary for commanders (superiors) to comprehensively assess the combat readiness of military units (parts) in general and by its components, among others. In this connection it is necessary to purposefully consistently and systematically diagnose the effectiveness of physical fitness of servicemen in general and their individual categories, in particular, by assessing their physical condition consisting of a set of interrelated attributes - physical performance in various situations of daily, combat training and, most importantly, combat activities, which is the result of their physical fitness and physical readiness" [16: 378].
Specialists in organizing physical training and sports in military units are officers - chiefs of physical training and sports. To implement their job competencies, they must be professionally competent, militarily well-trained - military professionals who are able to implement their job competencies autonomously and responsibly as subjects of first professional activity. V.V. Yahupov notes that professional competence is a complex, complex and systemic professionally important formation that ensures professional preparedness, ability, and readiness of a specialist to successfully perform professional duties [18; 19]. And a reliable basis for the implementation of their job competencies is their diagnostic competence as organizers of physical training and sports in the military unit. In this regard, the formation of their diagnostic competence is a topical theoretical and applied problem in professional pedagogy. Its actual formation, as military experience shows, is the key to their successful professional activity based on specific training and combat tasks of certain military units.
Thus, there is a need to justify the criteria and indicators for assessing the formation of diagnostic competence of future officers - specialists in physical training and sports (hereinafter - respondents) at Military Academies and Army War Colleges. Which forms a solid basis for improving the quality of organization, leadership, and oversight of the physical fitness and readiness process of military personnel as their respective supervisors.
Current state of the issue. Analysis of the results and systematization of scientific sources allow us to understand that the problem of substantiation of criteria and indicators of formation of respondents' diagnostic competence during professional training is reflected in scientific research and works of few scientists. According to the works of American scientists Edward L. Desi and Richard M. Ryan [17], when performing any activity, a person constantly evaluates his/her own activity, internal motivation for this or that activity. Diagnostic activity of teachers is presented in the scientific and training works of G.A. Gatz [3], I.P. Podlasogo [7], V.V. Yahupov [13-16; 18; 19] and others that reveal the structure of pedagogical diagnosis. And D.V. Pogrebnyak [8] presented the criteria for evaluating the professional competence of chiefs of physical training and sports of military units. A.A. Baldetsky [12],
S. Grishchenko [12], S.M. Zhembrovsky [13], S.F. Kostiv [12], O.V. Petrachkov [12], V.V. Yahupov [14] and others studied the problem of diagnosing the physical fitness of servicemen in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
At the same time, the analysis and generalization of scientific sources indicate that, first, officers - chiefs of physical training and sports as teachers, should be able to diagnose the effectiveness of physical fitness of servicemen; second, to implement the diagnostic function they should have an established system of diagnostic knowledge, skills, and abilities, which is an important precondition for his successful professional activity.
Outline of unresolved issues brought up in the article. To the main previously unresolved parts of the general problem in the system of testing and diagnosing the physical preparedness of servicemen we can refer to the fact that its evaluation is referred to a rigid framework. The fulfillment of individual standards by servicemen does not provide sufficient opportunity for objectively ascertaining their physical fitness and readiness, on the one hand, as an individual serviceman, and, on the other hand, as a member of a combat team. Accordingly, this approach to diagnosing servicemen's physical preparedness does not sufficiently stimulate them to improve their physical self-improvement. S.O. Sysoeva and T.E. Kristopchuk dealt with a complex process - measurement in pedagogy. They believe that the problem of diagnosing is connected primarily with the uniqueness of the personality of the subject of learning, the peculiarities of educational subjects and the like. And measurement should be carried out, in their opinion, through a meaningful pedagogical analysis of relevant aspects and processes of learning and education [11: 233, 235]. They also noted that one of the most important aspects of the effectiveness and quality of scientists is to work out the criteria for assessing the results and the very process of scientific research. Thus, in formalized ballot systems for evaluating the results of scientific research, a criterion is understood as a parameter that one wants to measure. The criterion is the rule, according to which assess the choice after measuring the "criterion" - the main parameter”. [11: 13]. A specialist in
physical training and sports should always predict the course and result of physical training and sports in a military unit, timely identify shortcomings in physical fitness of different categories of military personnel as military professionals, promptly identify the causes and organize appropriate
measures for their timely elimination.
Thus, the diagnostic competence of future officers - specialists of physical training and sports in military units is a necessary component of their military professional competence as a military professional, providing an objective assessment of their results of physical training and readiness of different categories of military personnel in the military unit.
Aim of the research - to determine and characterize the system of criteria for measuring the formation of diagnostic competence of future officers - specialists in physical training and sports of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the process of professional training and to determine their indicators.
Results and discussion. Diagnosing a phenomenon or process is considered to be the most difficult task of every scientific research, because the main requirement for research is the availability of reliable criteria and indicators for evaluating the experimental results obtained. The diagnostic activity of respondents to find out the physical preparedness and readiness of servicepersons under different conditions of military-professional activity is one of the manifestations of their implementation of their diagnostic function in military units (subunits). And diagnostic competence is a necessary component of their military-professional competence, the actualization of which ensures organization, planning, control, and evaluation of the obtained results of physical preparedness and readiness of various categories of servicemen in a military unit [18]. Consequently, to be a military professional and a specialist in physical education and sports, there should be a clear understanding of the fact that they should have diagnostic competence.
Some researchers rightly believe that the results of the fight against the Russian invaders have revealed a number of problems in the system of military professional training of servicemen in general and in their training, in particular. Yes, it has been confirmed that an important element of combat training of military units and units should be their contextual physical training. For this purpose, the respondents should have a formed diagnostic competence. This will make it possible to systematically find out the physical preparedness and readiness of both individual servicemen and military units (units) as a whole, as well as to analyze the dynamics of their changes over a certain period, to identify shortcomings and work out measures to eliminate them in the process of militaryprofessional or combat training. Accordingly, in order to form their ability to independently plan, practically think, predict the state and prospects of physical training of servicemen in a military unit, purposefully influence subordinates by their own positive example, as well as primarily for successful implementation of their job competences, it is necessary to purposefully form diagnostic competence as the basis for all types of activities to perform tasks on assignment.
Consequently, it is necessary to purposefully form the respondents' diagnostic competence, which includes their values and motivation of diagnostic activity, diagnostic knowledge, abilities and skills, professionally important diagnostic qualities for its
implementation, as well as the perception of oneself as a subject of diagnostic activity in the system of physical training and sports in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The assessment of the levels of formation of military-professional competence of future officers is based on the corresponding criteria and indicators [8; 14]. In this regard, the logic of our study prompts us to define such criteria and indicators by which we can assess or measure the formation of respondents' diagnostic competence as one of the main results of their military-professional preparedness and readiness to implement job competences according to their official assignment.
S.V. Honcharenko noted that measurement is the first important condition for correctness of any quantitative research: "When choosing
one or another method to measure the results of pedagogical research, focus on quality criteria of pedagogical measurements: objectivity, reliability,
validity, accuracy”. [4: 237]. He believed that the problem of measurement in pedagogy is complicated by the fact that many variables of the pedagogical process cannot be directly observed and measured (for example, the degree of complexity of the teaching material, the process of students' knowledge transition, the effectiveness of didactic, methodological, or educational impact, etc.) [4: 234]. Accordingly, measurement in pedagogy occurs through the allocation of criteria and indicators of assessment, for example, a certain type of competence, as well as according to the appropriate diagnostic tools. Such a benchmark in pedagogical research is usually considered to be a criterion.
According to scientists, ”in a general sense, the criterion is an important and defining attribute of officers' professional competence, characterizing its main qualitative aspects, manifestations and simultaneously the essence. We believe that the criteria allow us to determine both the content of officers' professional competence and the actual state of its development at different stages of measurement and find out its dynamics in a particular officer and a group of officers during a certain period of service activity” [16: 166].
We must always remember that evaluation criteria and indicators are based on the principles of impartiality, fairness, transparency, objectivity, openness, and most importantly, contextuality, which allows researchers to achieve objectivity in implementing their diagnostic function. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the content of the concepts of "criterion” and "indicator”. "Criterion” comes from the Greek "kriterion” - the ability to discern; a means of judgment, a measure. According to the Large Explanatory Dictionary of the Ukrainian language ''criterion” - the basis for assessing the definition or classification of something; a measure [2: 587]. ''Indicator” - evidence, proof, sign of something. Clear evidence of the results of some work, some process; data on achievements in something [2: 1024].
In the pedagogical theory under the concept "criterion" understand an objective sign by means of which the comparative estimation of the corresponding phenomenon concerning which research was carried out, or a set of such phenomena subject to estimation is carried out [6]. S.V. Honcharenko defined "criteria" as "an attribute on the basis of which something is estimated; a measure" [4: 245]. Only through
appropriate criteria it is possible to draw conclusions, to calculate the results of the whole pedagogical process and its individual results. In the dictionary "Pedagogical Education" the concept "criterion" is defined as a means of reasoning, an attribute on the basis of which determination or classification of something is made, a measure of evaluation [10: 154].
The system of international ISO standards defines a criterion as a measure of reflecting the integrity of the object properties, ensuring its existence; methodological tools of education quality management; ideal sample, reflecting the highest, perfect level of the phenomenon under study; means of choosing or measuring alternatives [5]. Such an evaluation criterion makes it much easier and faster to manage a certain pedagogical phenomenon and objectively evaluate the results obtained. An indicator is a part or component of the criterion that measures a certain available for observation, accounting and recording of psychological and pedagogical manifestation of a particular studied pedagogical phenomenon. Characteristics of the criterion directly depends on the object and subject of research. In turn, for each criterion must be defined indicators that characterize the properties of the subject under study, and in our case - diagnostic competence of respondents. The indicator must be necessarily specific, which allows it to be specified as a part of the criterion and capable of practical application in diagnostic procedures, and the results obtained with its help must be available for observation and accounting for all scientists interested in the studied pedagogical phenomenon [17].
So, in general, the criterion in our study is a measure by which the degree of achievement of research goals is assessed, the integrated manifestation of which is the formation of diagnostic competence of respondents. The concept of "indicator" in its volume is less in relation to "criterion". The indicator must necessarily be with specific manifestations, allowing to specify the content of each criterion. Accordingly, with one criterion can be several indicators. We believe that criteria and indicators are necessary to measure the formation of the respondents' diagnostic competence, by which it is possible to find out its formation at different stages of their military-professional and
professional training. In this regard, the highlighted criteria should be unbiased and include attributes of their diagnostic competence. Accordingly, based on taking into account the specifics of their military-professional and special activities, it is advisable to determine a clear number of criteria and indicators to assess the formation of diagnostic competence as future specialists in physical training and sports. According to the components of their diagnostic competence that we have justified - value- motivational, cognitive, methodical, individual-psychic, subjective - it is advisable to determine the appropriate criteria for assessing their formation.
Based on the goals, objectives, content, specificity, features, functions and results of military-professional and professional activities of respondents - future chiefs of physical training and sports of military units, respectively, the specificity of their professional activities, we selected a list of criteria and indicators to assess the formation of their diagnostic competence value-motivational (set of values and motivations of diagnostic activity), intellectual (theoretical and practical knowledge of their diagnostic competence), procedural (mastery of methodological techniques, methods, techniques and means of diagnosis), psychological (communicativeness, integrity, tolerance, objectivity) and reflexive (perception of oneself as a subject of diagnostic activity).
For each criterion, respectively, the indicators of measuring the formation of a specific component of diagnostic competence of the respondents in the process of their professional training (table !)*
They allow you to measure it by components, respectively find out the diagnostic preparedness, ability and readiness of the subjects to solve the diagnostic function in the military unit in accordance with the functional responsibilities as a subject of professional activity.
Basic criteria and indicators for measuring the formation of diagnostic competence of future officers - specialists in physical training and sports
Table 1
Comp onents |
Measur ement criteria |
Measurement parameters |
Methods of measurement |
Value-motivational |
Value-motivational |
Diagnostic values |
S. Bubnov method "Diagnosis of the real structure of personal value orientations" |
Diagnostic motivation |
Methodology of K. Zamfer, modified by A. Rean "Diagnostics of motivation of professional activity" |
Diagnostic values and motivation |
Author's Questionnaire |
Cognitive |
Intellectual |
Special diagnostic knowledge in physical training and sports in the Armed Forces of Ukraine |
Author's methodology. Test to determine the levels of knowledge of respondents of the Instruction on physical training in the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine |
Theoretical and practical knowledge in diagnosing physical preparedness and readiness of servicemen |
Author's methodology. Test to determine the levels of theoretical and practical knowledge on the diagnosis of physical preparedness and readiness of servicemen |
Methodological knowledge of methods, techniques, techniques and tools for diagnosing physical preparedness and readiness of servicemen |
Author's methodology. Test on methods, techniques, techniques and tools for determining the levels of knowledge formation by means of diagnosing the physical preparedness and readiness of servicemen |
0 o P |
o u P |
Diagnostic skills and abilities |
Author's Methodology |
in physical training and sports of servicemen |
"Diagnostic Skills and Skills in Physical Training and Sports of Servicemen" |
Diagnostic skills and ability to use methods, techniques, and techniques to assess physical preparedness and readiness of servicemen |
The Cooper test is a test of the physical fitness of the human body. Quasi-professional situations to find out practical diagnostic skills and abilities to apply methods, techniques, and techniques to assess the physical preparedness and readiness of servicemen |
Methodological skills and abilities to use means of diagnosing physical preparedness and readiness of servicemen |
Author's methodology. Test to understand the formation of skills and abilities to use means of diagnosing physical preparedness and readiness of servicemen |
Individual Psychological |
Psychological |
Communicativeness |
Methodology "Communicative and Organizational Abilities" by V. Sinyavsky and B. Fedorishin |
Principledness |
Knowledge Acquisition Orientation Methodology (E.P. Ilyin, N.A. Kurdyukova) |
Tolerance |
Express questionnaire "Tolerance Index" |
Objectivity |
Test-questionnaire "Study of subjective control" by E.F. Bazhin on the basis of the J. Rotter control scale |
Subject |
Reflexive |
Subjectivity |
M. Shchukina method "Assessment of the level of development of personality subjectivity". |
Accountability |
Test questionnaire. Responsibility Test |
Self-Assessment |
Test questionnaire. Dembo- Rubinstein Personality SelfAssessment Methodology |
Reflexivity |
Methodology of A. Karpov "Evaluation of reflexivity" |
Value-motivational criterion, the content of which consists of the following indicators: diagnostic values and motivation. This criterion is one of the key ones in the diagnostic activity, because it includes a set of conscious values, motives and motivation of the respondents in the sphere of physical training and sports in the Armed Forces of Ukraine [18]. This corresponds to the facts that values form the most important thing for each of them as a social, professional and professional subject - their attitude to the world, to other people, to things, and most importantly - to professional, including directly to diagnostic activity and himself as a subject of diagnostic activity in the military unit. These are the values that guide them as subjects of professional activity to make this or that decision as an organizer of physical training and sports of servicemen in a military unit.
Diagnostic values. The aspiration to realize oneself in diagnostic activity, value purposeful aspiration for continuous development and selfdevelopment as a physical culture and sport professional, the desire to work diligently with military personnel as an organizer of physical culture and sport, including as a diagnostician [18]. The value basis is the service to their state and the people of Ukraine as a military professional and a specialist of physical training and sports. All this is determined by the formed system of diagnostic values. The chief of physical training and sports should always be principled regardless of circumstances, be guided by ideals and values, which determines the point of view in the structure of his diagnostic activity. Values determine his attitude toward the world and military professional sphere, personnel, other servicemen, military professional activity and himself as a specialist of physical training and sports, and most importantly, toward diagnostic activity. Striving to master the latest diagnostic knowledge for the objective realization of the diagnostic function as a professional of physical culture and sport in the troops.
In order to study the value- motivational component we define a value-motivational criterion containing such an indicator as diagnostic values. We chose the methodology S.S. Bubnov Diagnosis of the real structure of personal value orientations, the advantage of which is to determine the implementation of diagnostic value orientations of respondents in the real conditions of their life. It gives an opportunity to investigate whether they really have aspiration to realize themselves in the diagnostic activity as chiefs of physical culture and sports in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Diagnostic motivation. Motive is a form of manifestation of human need, it is an impetus to activity, a response to what it is for. The chain of communication in this process is as follows: Need, Motive, Activity”. [1: 39]. The officer as a
professional of physical culture and sports and as a subject of professional activity should always be motivated to achieve the best results of militaryprofessional and professional activity. The motivated future officer sometimes surpasses, as a rule, the efficiency of activity of his colleagues, probably more capable, but less motivated, than he himself. If this component is formed, all the others are formed quite consciously and quickly. Accordingly, in our study, the main goal is to find out the motives and goals of diagnostic activity for future officers - specialists in physical training and sports. It will be done by means of a technique of K. Zamer in modification of A. Rean "Diagnosis of motivation of professional activity".
So, the main indicators of the value- motivational criterion are values and motivation of diagnostic activity of future officers - specialists in physical training and sports, which constitute the value- motivational basis for the formation and development of their diagnostic competence as subjects of diagnostic activity in the military unit.
The intellectual criterion of measuring the formation of the respondents' diagnostic competence includes the system of their knowledge on their diagnostic activity and practical knowledge on the problems of physical preparedness and readiness of different categories of servicemen; knowledge of diagnostic techniques; knowledge of means and methods of pedagogical management and their application in diagnostic activity [18].
Characteristics of the criterion.
Special diagnostic knowledge in the sphere of physical training and sports in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the first indicator of this criterion. It makes it possible to find out whether the respondents have the diagnostic knowledge necessary for each specialist of physical training and sport to implement the diagnostic function in the service activity. It is important to have diagnostic knowledge according to the Instruction for physical training in the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine because it ensures their professional ability to effectively perform tasks according to the position they occupy (military specialties). Includes managerial, organizational, and educational knowledge in the process of implementing the diagnostic function.
Consequently, to determine the levels of general diagnostic knowledge we will use the author's test to determine the levels of knowledge of the studied Instruction on physical training in the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
The second indicator is theoretical and practical knowledge in diagnosing the physical preparedness and readiness of servicepersons in general and of specific age categories and military positions, which ensures specificity and contextuality in the respondents' implementation of the diagnostic function. First, they should have practical diagnostic contextual knowledge pertaining to a certain kind and type of troops and various official and age categories of servicemen. For this purpose, we plan to use the author's methodology, a test to determine the levels of formation of theoretical and practical knowledge investigated in diagnosing the physical preparedness and readiness of servicepersons.
The third indicator is knowledge of methods, techniques, techniques, and tools for diagnosing physical fitness and readiness of servicemen. First, they need to know the methods of diagnosing physical fitness and readiness of servicemen, and have practical knowledge of the application of methods, techniques and means of diagnosing them. This knowledge is extremely necessary for a specialist in physical training and sport, which should be supported by knowledge of the principles and regularities of teaching, organization of physical training of different categories of military men; knowledge of the main pedagogical approaches, methods and techniques for the implementation of their diagnostic competence as the head of physical training and sport in the troops; knowledge of special motor skills, applied skills and abilities essential for ensuring physical fitness and readiness of military men. To find them out, the author's methodology will be applied - a test to determine the levels of formation of the respondents' knowledge system on their diagnostic activity and practical methodological knowledge of methods, methodological techniques, techniques of diagnosing physical preparedness and readiness of servicemen.
Particularly important is practical knowledge regarding the means of diagnosing physical fitness and readiness of servicepersons. Know what means to use to diagnose physical fitness and readiness of servicepersons, all that (a multitude of means) that are used to solve the diagnostic tasks at hand. Means may be natural, technical, verbal, motor, etc. Accordingly, the means can be generally different objects for use and exercises. We will use the author's methodology - a test to determine the levels of practical knowledge of using the means for diagnosing physical preparedness and readiness of servicemen.
The procedural criterion of assessing the formation of the respondents' diagnostic competence includes their practical mastery of methods, techniques, methodological methods and means of pedagogical diagnosis of physical fitness and readiness of various categories of servicemen. This criterion is the most complex since such diagnosis is carried out in order to check the assimilation and mastery of the studied practical diagnostic skills and abilities in the sphere of physical culture and sports in the Armed Forces of Ukraine [18].
Characteristics of the procedural criterion.
Professional diagnostic skills and abilities in the field of physical training and sports of military personnel are extremely necessary for a future specialist in physical training and sports. He/she must be diagnostically prepared and ready for the practical implementation of the diagnostic function as a subject of professional activity in the military unit. The use of diagnostic skills and abilities in professional activity in accordance with the Instruction on Physical Training in the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is extremely necessary. It is necessary for the respondents to master the general diagnostic skills and abilities necessary in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The author's methodology "Diagnostic skills and abilities of the future officer in the sphere of physical training and sports of servicemen" will be used for evaluation.
The second indicator is diagnostic skills and abilities to apply methods, methodological techniques, and techniques to assess the physical preparedness and readiness of servicepersons. This indicator implies diagnostic skills and abilities to apply methods, techniques, and procedures for assessing the physical preparedness and readiness of servicepersons. It is necessary to check, on the one hand, the assimilation and mastery of methods, techniques and receptions by the respondents, and, on the other hand, their acquisition of theoretical and practical diagnostic skills and abilities in the sphere of physical culture and sports in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The Cooper test will be used to diagnose them. "Physical fitness of the human body", which is used to assess the physical condition of the body. The test consists of a 12-minute run. The distance run is recorded, and conclusions are made based on this data. The test involves 2/3 of the muscle mass. These loads affect not only the muscular apparatus, but also the cardiovascular and respiratory apparatus.
The author's quasi-professional situations will be used to clarify the formation of specific diagnostic skills and abilities.
The third indicator is the methodological skills and abilities to apply the means of diagnosing physical preparedness and readiness of servicemen. The development of these skills and abilities implies, firstly, successful mastery of the studied modern and traditional means of physical training and sports of servicemen; secondly, creative ability to contextually apply the diagnostic purpose to find out the physical preparedness and readiness of a particular category of servicemen.
For this purpose, the author's methodology will be applied - a test to find out the formation of skills and abilities to use the means of physical preparedness and readiness of servicemen for diagnostic purposes.
The psychological criterion of assessing the formation of the respondents' diagnostic competence includes professionally important diagnostic qualities of the respondent as future officers [18]. This criterion is important because it is necessary to analyze their emotional and mental state, since these qualities have a direct impact on the respondent's professional ability to perform successful diagnostic activities in physical education and sport with servicemen.
Characteristics of the criterion.
Communicativeness is a set of certain qualities that contributes to the influence on the emotional sphere of respondents, successful diagnostic activity as subjects of professional activity in the military unit. As a professionally important quality, it is formed under the influence of various factors, among which militaryprofessional and professional factors have priority. Actually, other
professional diagnostic qualities of the respondents - humanity, tactfulness, discipline, contextuality, and others - are manifested through
communicativeness. These qualities must be formed, as they directly and indirectly affect the quality of the implementation of the diagnostic function under study.
For its assessment will be used the technique "Communicative and organizational abilities" (by V. Sinyavsky and B. Fedorishin), which allows to determine the existing level of formation of communicative and organizational inclinations of respondents.
Principledness. It underlies, on the one hand, the implementation of all job functions or competencies, and on the other hand, the implementation of the diagnostic function itself. Pedagogical diagnostics without principle loses its purpose and necessity. It should be laid down by the respondent himself, for himself, and then for his pets. Physical diagnostics of servicemen should be principled and objective at the same time.
For its assessment it is planned to use a technique "Detection of moral representations of pupils" which allows to establish the degree of formation of notions of moral qualities in respondents - responsiveness, principality, honesty, fairness. The teacher names the respondents' moral situations out loud and then offers to give short written answers.
Objectivity is a particularly professionally important quality for each respondent - a specialist in physical training and sport. It is carried out by comparing the initial level achieved with the benchmark level of performance. Objectivity is a fundamental problem in the system of physical education and sport. In order to objectively compare one level of achievement with another level, it is what is achieved that must be measured using means containing predetermined units of measurement [19]. To a great extent the effectiveness of their combat activity depends on the objectivity of the implementation of diagnostic measures with the personnel.
For this purpose, a test-questionnaire "Study of subjective control” (by
F. Bazhin based on the J. Rotter control scale) is used, which allows quickly and quite effectively to determine the level of formation of subjective control of one person and simultaneously of a group of people.
Tolerance (from Latin tolerantia - patience) is respect, acceptance, and proper understanding by future officers as specialists in physical training and sports without aggression of different opinions, as well as tolerance to the features of behavior, customs, feelings, beliefs and lifestyles of others, which affects the military-professional and physical types of ability to qualitatively perform diagnostic activities with the personnel. Each of them must adhere, on the one hand, to their beliefs and, on the other hand, recognize such a right of other servicemen. Such qualities should be in every future officer - a specialist in physical training and sports. For its measurement, we plan to use the express questionnaire "Tolerance Index" and the test "Communicative Tolerance" (V.V. Boyko), which allow to diagnose in respondent's personal traits, precepts and beliefs that largely determine their attitude to the surrounding world. tolerance to all servicemen in different situations.
Reflexive criterion of assessment of formation of diagnostic competence of respondents includes ability to determine own emotional state and state of others in the process of execution of official duties; ability to carry out diagnosing, forecasting, self-analysis of own work; ability to analyze one's actions and deeds, critically realize one's features, see one's possibilities in selfregulation of activity and behavior. Awareness and perception of future officers-specialists of physical training and sports of themselves as subjects of future military-professional and professional activity. Reflexivity has concrete manifestations.
Subjectivity is an integrated manifestation of the respondents' professional subjectivity, which is manifested in their awareness and perception of themselves as subjects of diagnostic activity; this manifestation includes such their qualities as autonomy, independence, professional subjectivity and self-sufficiency in diagnostic activity. These qualities and manifestations are very important, even decisive for self-actualization for respondents as future officers - specialists in physical training and sports, because they ensure the perception of themselves as a military professional, as a specialist in physical training and sports. M. Shchukin's method "Assessment of the level of personality subjectivity development" will be used for its diagnosing.
Accountability is the ability of future officers - specialists in physical training and sports as military specialists working in the "man-human" system, which determines their conscious attitude to strategic and current tasks primarily to themselves, the ability to predict ways of their creative and contextual solution and maintain subject-subject relations with other servicemen. Only under the condition of feeling one's own responsibility to the personnel, awareness of the goals set as a military professional and physical culture specialist - the creative ability to diagnostic activity as future officers - physical training and sports specialists is formed.
To diagnose it we will use a test- questionnaire (Responsibility Test). We determine the respondents' level of responsibility. It is important, first of all, to distinguish a socially mature person from a socially immature one. The distinction, introduced by Julian Rotter, concerns the contrast between internal and external causes that condition a subject's control over the results of his or her activities. We measure subject- subject relationships with other servicemembers using a test. The presence of the respondents' ability to diagnose themselves, placing all responsibility for what happens to them not only in their daily activities, but also
as a professional, a specialist in physical training and sports. At the same time, we believe that only the level of the respondent's own diagnostic
competence, abilities, and
purposefulness influence successes or failures as a military professional and specialist.
Self-Assessment is an element of the attitude to the self, allowing from the position of own understanding to critically assess their actions, actions, attitudes, emotional state [6]. It participates in the regulation of behavior and activity of any specialist and reflects the peculiarity of his inner world. Each respondent's self-esteem determines
his/her relations with other servicepersons, his/her critical attitude to his/her successes and failures. In this regard, it has a significant impact on the future diagnostic activity as officers - specialists in physical training and sports.
To measure it, we will use a test- questionnaire - the Dembo-Rubinstein method "Self-assessment of personality”. For example, an exaggerated self-esteem may confirm personal immaturity, inability to correctly assess the results of one's activity as an officer - specialist in physical training and sports, and to compare oneself with other officers.
Reflexivity is the ability of the respondent to analyze his actions and deeds, critically realize his features, see his possibilities in self-regulation of his activity and behavior. Reflexive analysis includes comprehension of essence and the reasons of the phenomena and processes which have led to this or that result of the professional activity. It provides such major processes of selfknowledge as self-perception, selfobservation, self-analysis, and selfreflection. The degree of reflexivity of an officer-specialist in physical training and sport determines the degree of objectivity of his knowledge about himself, since it is the ambiguity and non-categorical judgment of oneself that allows an internal dialogue, discussion with oneself about one's personality and clarification of its values. The most important content of reflexivity in selfknowledge is the respondent's ability to critically comprehend his or her own characteristics and abilities. Reflexivity, first of all, is necessary, according to scientists, in those cases when it is necessary to solve any life problems, to make decisions in critical situations of professional activity [18]. It is, first of all, awareness of the set goal, ability to objectively carry out diagnostic activity.
We will measure it with the help of A.V. Karpov's method "Evaluation of reflexivity", which allows us to reveal the level of reflexivity and compare its formation as a personal and professionally important quality in the respondents. They, as future specialists of physical training and sports, are not always able to adequately assess their own level of professional and professional
preparedness, to predict their own actions, to simulate different situations. This ability allows them to find out and understand their inner features,
reasoning, professional activity, their diagnostic competence, ability to analyze motives, emotional states and behavior of others, why they acted that way.
We will consider the following
indicators for each statement: "Introspection" - concentration on own state, own experiences; "System reflection" allows seeing and
understanding the situation itself in all its aspects; "Quasi-reflection" - ability to professional reflection is formed gradually and is developed in a different degree: readiness to act in critical
situations, flexibility in decision making. Awareness of oneself as a person and a professional of one's work. This result of reflection can be due to a long enough experience of the professional work as a professional - a specialist of physical training and sports.
Conclusions and research perspectives
The criteria and indicators for measuring the diagnostic competence of respondents as future officers - specialists of physical training and sports in the process of professional training as their diagnostic preparedness, intellectual, activity and subjective ability, as well as
professional, personal, and psychological readiness to implement the diagnostic implementation of professional
competence in the military unit have been defined.
It was substantiated that it represents a set of systemic and contextual criteria and indicators that allow for a sufficiently complete and objective assessment of the formation of their diagnostic competence.
The value-motivational, intellectual, procedural, psychological, and reflexive criteria for measuring the respondents' diagnostic competence have been substantiated and filled in with their specific indicators.
Specific characteristics of each criterion and the corresponding methods of their measurement are defined.
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