Priorities of Formation of the Educational Environment: Global and Local Features
The essence and priorities of the formation of the educational environment in view of global processes and phenomena, individual needs of the individual in the formation of an individual educational trajectory, professional and social competences.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.05.2023 |
Размер файла | 27,3 K |
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Priorities of Formation of the Educational Environment: Global and Local Features
Olga Vyshnevska, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
Anastasiia Vyshnevska, PhD student, KU Leuven (Catholic University of Leuven), Belgium
Tetiana Kushchova, Doctor of Philosophy, Teacher of the department of foreign languages, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
Introduction. Modern educational opportunities allow to expand the verbal, communicative, logical and analytical abilities of the individual. Gaining additional knowledge and skills in the field of general competencies determines the ability to search, perceive, analyze, interpret, evaluate information, express opinions, understand principles, phenomena and processes, critically evaluate facts, identify possible alternatives and make decisions.
Purpose. The solution can be provided by the development of the educational environment in the field of adult education through the interaction of the provider that offers and provides educational services, androgynous, which provides direct educational services and the adult learner. For the domestic educational space, the development of adult education is at an early stage and requires the implementation of common tasks by all participants in the educational environment in order to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the planned areas.
Results. Educational programs are actively implemented and joint educational projects are implemented in the direction of formation of professional and social knowledge, skills and abilities, general educational competencies taking into account trends in information technology development, use of artificial intelligence, digitization process and media distribution. The information environment has a significant impact on the consciousness of each individual and requires the acquisition of relevant knowledge and skills in order to adapt, socialize. Such mechanismsfor spreading the field of media education are aimed at increasing the level of information literacy and effective interaction between participants in the educational process.
The authors investigate the essence and priorities of the formation of the educational environment in view of global processes and phenomena, individual needs of the individual in the formation of individual educational trajectory, professional and social competencies. The importance of developing general competencies for adaptation in the global society is proved. The priority directions of development of the educational environment on the experience of other countries of the world and interaction between the participants in the field of adult education are determined. The relevance of effective partnership in the implementation of interaction mechanisms is determined.
The authors emphasize the need to use best practices in the field of media education and dissemination of knowledge and skills in order to develop logical and analytical skills. It is stipulated that the information environment has a significant impact on the consciousness of each individual and requires the acquisition of relevant knowledge and skills in order to adapt to the information space. Such mechanisms for the dissemination of media education are aimed at increasing the level of information literacy and effective interaction, as evidenced by the experience of the United States and Canada.
Conclusions. The result is the ability to adequately use information and critically perceive information messages. The authors proved that the implementation of the tasks in the educational environment will enhance the capacity to provide general competencies that provide opportunities for critical thinking, perception and understanding of the media, logical thinking and adequate perception of information that enhances its influence and expands spheres of interaction at all levels: from local to global, from global to local).
Keywords: adaptation; analytical thinking; globalization; general competencies; information environment; logical thinking; media education; mechanisms of interaction; adult education; educational environmen; partnership; socialization- university education.
Вишневська О.М., доктор економічних наук, професор, декан обліково-фінансового факультету, Миколаївський національний аграрний університет
Вишневська А.С., аспірант, Католицький університет Левена, Левен, Бельгія
Кущова Т.О., кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач кафедри іноземних мов, Миколаївський національний аграрний університет
Пріоритети формування освітнього середовища: глобальні та локальні особливості
Авторами досліджено сутність та пріоритети формування освітнього середовища з огляду на глобальні процеси та явища, індивідуальні потреби особистостіу формуванні індивідуальної освітньої траєкторії, професійних та суспільних компетентностей. Доведено значення розвитку загальних компетентностей для адаптації у глобальному суспільстві Визначено пріоритетні напрями розвитку освітнього середовища за досвідом інших держав світу та взаємодію між учасниками у сфері освіти дорослих. Визначено актуальність результативного партнерства у реалізації механізмів взаємодії. educational individual professional
Авторами обумовлено необхідність використання кращих практик у сфері медіаосвіти та поширення знань та вмінь з метою розвитку логічних та аналітичних здібностей. Обумовлено, що інформаційне середовище здійснює суттєвий вплив на свідомість кожної особистості й потребує набуття відповідних знань та вмінь з метою адаптації до інформаційного простору. Подібні механізми поширення сфери медіаосвіти направлені на підвищення рівня інформаційної грамотності та результативної взаємодії, що підтверджується досвідом США та Канади. Результатом є вміння адекватно використовувати інформацію та критично сприймати інформаційні повідомлення.
Авторами доведено, що реалізація поставлених завдань в освітньому середовищі сприятиме розширенню можливостей у забезпеченні загальних компетентностей, які передбачають можливості людини критично мислити, сприймати та розуміти медіа, логічно мислити та адекватно сприймати інформацію, яка посилює свій вплив та розширює сфери взаємодії на усіх рівнях (від локального до глобального, від глобального до локального).
Ключові слова: адаптація; аналітичне мислення; глобалізація; загальні компетентності; інформаційне середовище; логічне мислення; медіаосвіта; механізми взаємодії; освіта дорослих; освітнє середовищ;, партнерство; соціалізація;університетська освіта.
Formulation of the problem. The educational environment has been and remains the essential basis for the development of any society. The educational environment itself creates opportunities for studing, learning new things, arguing facts and perceiving information in any of its formats. Educational institutions play an important role in the educational environment. University education is focused on the systematization of knowledge, skills and practical skills, ways of thinking, professional and ideological qualities, moral and practical values and other competencies, including in the field of non-formal and informal education.
The experience of the countries of the European Union shows the importance of expanding the scope of knowledge in order to provide opportunities for lifelong learning. The effectiveness of this approach is proven by many years of experience, which is confirmed by the relevant results of the interaction of all participants in the educational process. The modern educational environment should be focused on global changes and trends that are associated with the significant dissemination of information, its use, understanding and argumentation. In view of the above, approaches are being actively implemented that allow expanding the scope of university education and providing relevant skills Soft Skills. The issue of adult education, the participation of educational institutions in the formation of the public educational environment and the provision of lifelong learning opportunities to participants in the educational process is being updated.
The development of the field of media education and media criticism is updated in view of the informatization of society and the need to adapt the individual to change, understanding, perception, processing and argumentation of facts, ensuring effective socialization.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Support for the Law of Ukraine "On Adult Education" [2] indicates the potential for expanding the scope of personal selfdevelopment given the best practices of the European environment. Obtaining knowledge in the field of non-formal and informal education allows us to identify priority approaches to the formation of relevant areas of public knowledge.
The urgency of the issue is due to the need to acquire common competencies that allow society to adapt to globalization processes and phenomena. The expansion of general competencies is associated with the active development of innovative technologies, digitalization, the use of artificial intelligence in many areas, as well as the successful socialization of the individual, his selfdevelopment. Modern educational processes are characterized by the expansion of not only professional knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the ability to combine them with thinking, attitudes, values and other personal qualities.
The experience of EU countries proves the effectiveness of combining professional knowledge in university education with the extension of Soft Skills for participants in the educational process, including in the field of adult education. General competencies provide a person's ability to adequately perceive and process information, think logically, understand the essence of the relationship between phenomena and processes that occur or are expected. Adequate human reaction to information, its adaptation to changes that occur, creates opportunities for appropriate decisions in professional and personal life. General competencies are the result of obtaining a person in the educational environment of relevant knowledge, experience, orientation, values and abilities, which encourages the formation of values and life goals. General competencies are focused on verbal, communicative, logical and analytical human abilities, which can be an effective complement to professional activities and the process of social adaptation.
Modern educational opportunities allow to expand the verbal, communicative, logical and analytical abilities of the individual. Gaining additional knowledge and skills in the field of general competencies determines the ability to search, perceive, analyze, interpret, evaluate information, express opinions, understand principles, phenomena and processes, critically evaluate facts, identify possible alternatives and make decisions.
Issues of the global world, development of education, information environment were studied by V. Vlasov [3], O. Vlasyuk, S. Goncharenko, G Golovchenko [4], Ivanov V., Ivanova T., Sribna I., and Bulger M. [10], Duncan B. [11], A. Collard, C. Cheung., W. Chen, C. Wilson [12], Thoman E. [20, 21], Jolls T. [21], Tyner K. [22], Wolf D. [23], Yates B. [24]. The authors studied the processes taking place in the educational and information environment, the possibilities and relevance of media education and the adaptation of educational approaches in view of the informatization and digitalization of society.
Most scholars who have studied the educational information environment have come to the conclusion [10, 11, 12, 20, 21] that the main priority should be mechanisms of interaction between participants, as information has a significant impact on human consciousness and can significantly affect his professional and social life. The authors identified the need for information and media space management, as well as the need to expand the scope of knowledge and skills in information literacy in order to develop skills for critical analysis of information and information messages from different media sources [22, 23, 24].
Given the importance of the impact of information on society, there is a need to increase the role and effectiveness of public communications, which are aimed at protecting the interests of the individual, psychological security and protection of society from information threats. Information threats can be related to a lack of knowledge, understanding of processes, limited ability to assess situations and make decisions, from local to global, as well as limited ability to think critically and analyze the information received.
That is why current priorities in the development of the educational environment should be aimed at the possibility of mastering general competencies through non-formal and informal education, the formation of individual educational trajectories taking into account the interests and needs of the individual and society. Such an approach in the educational environment will minimize risks and provide opportunities to protect individuals, social groups and their associations from influences that can change the mental state, psychological characteristics of man, modify his behavior and restrict the freedom to form their own positions.
The role of communication, information and educational interaction and protection against manipulation of consciousness is significantly increasing. Interaction and partnership in the field of education helps to protect the interests of society, increase intellectual capital and interest of the individual, his role in solving important tasks aimed at psychological protection and development.
Timely assessment of situations, its constant monitoring in the light of globalization processes and phenomena will ensure adaptation to change and ensure opportunities for stakeholder participation to expand the range of knowledge, skills and competencies, which include features of professional activities and societal needs. Each individual must have confidence in their importance, role in society, be able to adapt and understand information, limit the manipulation of their consciousness, protect their psychological state.
The urgency of the study is related to the need to develop and implement effective mechanisms of interaction in the educational environment in order to take into account global processes and needs of the individual, his socialization, adaptation to change and acquisition of the necessary general learning competencies.
Formulation of research goals. Support for the Law of Ukraine "On Adult Education" [2] indicates the potential for expanding the scope of personal self-development given the best practices of the European environment. Obtaining knowledge in the field of non-formal and informal education allows us to identify priority approaches to the formation of relevant areas of public knowledge.
The urgency of the issue is due to the need to acquire common competencies that allow society to adapt to globalization processes and phenomena. The expansion of general competencies is associated with the active development of innovative technologies, digitalization, the use of artificial intelligence in many areas, as well as the successful socialization of the individual, his selfdevelopment. Modern educational processes are characterized by the expansion of not only professional knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the ability to combine them with thinking, attitudes, values and other personal qualities.
The role of communication, information and educational interaction and protection against manipulation of consciousness is significantly increasing. Interaction and partnership in the field of education helps to protect the interests of society, increase intellectual capital and interest of the individual, his role in solving important tasks aimed at psychological protection and development.
Timely assessment of situations, its constant monitoring in the light of globalization processes and phenomena will ensure adaptation to change and ensure opportunities for stakeholder participation to expand the range of knowledge, skills and competencies, which include features of professional activities and societal needs. Each individual must have confidence in their importance, role in society, be able to adapt and understand information, limit the manipulation of their consciousness, protect their psychological state.
The urgency of the study is related to the need to develop and implement effective mechanisms of interaction in the educational environment in order to take into account global processes and needs of the individual, his socialization, adaptation to change and acquisition of the necessary general learning competencies.
Outline of the main research material. The aim of the study is to identify current trends and priorities in the development of the educational environment, taking into account globalization processes and the experience of countries around the world in ensuring the right to lifelong learning, professional (professional) and social knowledge, skills. The issue is especially relevant in the context of modern development of information technology, the use of artificial intelligence, innovation processes in areas and sectors of the economy and trends in media education. The information environment has a significant impact on the consciousness of each individual and requires the acquisition of relevant knowledge and skills in order to adapt to the information space. Such mechanisms for spreading the field of media education are aimed at increasing the level of information literacy and effective interaction, which is confirmed by the experience of countries around the world. The result is the ability to adequately use information and critically perceive information messages.
Given the relevance of the development of mechanisms of interaction in educational activities, important elements are improving information literacy and defining clear learning goals in formal and informal spheres, dissemination of best practices of interaction and motivation in the use of appropriate digital media and technologies. How important are the priorities of the educational environment in view of globalization processes and the needs of the individual in the world community? What are the possible mechanisms of interaction and the scope of formal and informal education in the development of personality? What are the needs for acquiring the skills of Soft Skills, selfdevelopment of personality? Most of the topical issues in the non-formal and informal education spheres are determined by the possibilities of adult education and lifelong learning. Socialization and adaptation to the changing global environment, motivation to acquire new knowledge and skills, orientation in the information environment is an important issue in the development of approaches in the educational environment.
The formation of an individual educational direction for the user of educational services is an urgent need for the activities of educational institutions and qualification centers, which can be involved in the dissemination of general competencies in the field of adult education. Opportunities for adaptation of the educational environment to global changes and processes, interests and needs of the individual, determine the main priorities and opportunities for interaction between participants. Orientation of the educational environment to the needs of the individual allows them to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, provides motivation for further study, lifelong learning, socialization and adaptation to change.
Priority areas that can be used in the field of adult education are ensuring the ability of the individual to learn and motivation to learn (Table 1).
Table 1. Priority general competencies in the formation of individual educational direction
№ |
Competences |
Educational services and areas of interaction |
1 |
Ability to adequately perceive and process information, logic of thinking, understanding the nature of relationships and relationships between phenomena and processes. |
University education Qualification centers Social and educational centers |
2 |
The ability to adequately respond to individual processes and phenomena. |
Professional development centers |
3 |
Ability to make adequate decisions, adaptation to change. Ability to apply different forms of thinking (idealization, abstraction, inductive thinking, deductive thinking, quantitative thinking, computational thinking, stochastic thinking). Ability to build abstract models for solving problems and covering existing personal needs. |
Information centers Community organizations Areas of interaction: - formation of infrastructure, adaptation of educational services to globalization changes, needs and interests of the |
4 |
Ability to use knowledge and skills in professional activities and in life (socialization). |
individual; - implementation of joint training |
5 |
Ability to conduct cognitive activities and determine personal interests and needs. Motivation to learn. |
programs; - conducting joint educational activities; |
6 |
Ability to expand knowledge and skills, experience gained in professional activities and in life (adaptation). |
- providing educational services with a focus on acquiring Soft Skills; |
7 |
Ability to use active forms of activity and carry out intellectual operations (situation assessment, generalization of information, abstraction). |
- formation of individual educational trajectory; |
8 |
Ability to develop verbal and communicative abilities. Ability to search, perceive, analyze, interpret and evaluate information from various information sources. |
- monitoring the needs and interests of participants; - responsibility of participants; |
9 |
Ability to develop logical and analytical skills. Ability to identify assumptions and errors, argumentation of facts. |
- focus on the use of best educational practices in the development of media education; - ensuring effective partnership in the educational environment; - ensuring the development of adult education; - ensuring the development of media education; - providing opportunities for lifelong learning. |
10 |
Ability to make effective and adequate decisions, providing opportunities for analytical thinking and coordination of efforts in professional activities and public life for important and urgent needs. |
Source: formed by the authors on the basis of elaborated literary
The relevance of the process of socialization of the individual is determined by the characteristics of society and individual needs. Changes in society transform criteria, norms of life, conditions of its creative self-realization, motivation to study, selfdevelopment. The process of socialization is closely related to the stages and features of the formation of the individual as a member of society. The process of socialization is connected with the system of information exchange between members of society. That is why social needs are related to information needs. And the satisfaction of information needs from public information resources provides a certain level of socialization and forms the basic characteristics of the individual, which are reflected in the level of his life in society.
At the global level, the question of adapting the educational environment to change arises. Thus, the World Economic Forum prioritizes the development of adult education and lifelong learning opportunities. The urgent need for the development of the educational environment in the context of providing opportunities for the development of critical thinking in the individual and the possibility of abstraction, decision-making and communication. Dissemination of European experience in the lifelong learning environment is identified as a best practice and is recommended for use through collaboration with educational centers in the field of university education.The development of social skills of the individual through general educational competencies is consistent with the Concept of Information Security of Ukraine, which aims to create conditions for the development of such potential in the information sphere, which ensures its development, and external negative influences do not pose a threat to national security. subjects. The implementation of this approach to information security of the state is carried out with the participation of internal actors of information relations and effective interaction of the state with civil society, private sector and individuals in the interests of effective development of information and joint protection against external threats [5].
Given the Concept of Information Security, information infrastructure, which is one of the basic elements of global society, is a set of organizational structures and systems that ensure the functioning and development of information space, means of information interaction and user access to information resources. The information infrastructure is closely related to the possibilities of media education and provides for the need to manage information in order to prevent threats to society.
Thus, the Institute of Ecology of Mass Information [6] determines the relevance of the development of media criticism, based on analytical understanding of the media environment. Through cooperation at the level of different groups of participants in the educational process, the issue of conducting sociological research, monitoring the interests of certain segments of the population, as well as developing appropriate educational programs to disseminate knowledge and skills, acquiring general competencies that form information literacy, media literacy. The role of university education and qualification centers, which can disseminate educational services through the field of adult education, remains significant.
The implementation of projects is spreading, including in the field of media education and media literacy. One of the areas of knowledge dissemination is supported by the USAID Media Program in Ukraine project [7].
Participation in joint projects allows to disseminate best practices of interaction between participants in the educational process in the field of education with a focus on current needs to expand general learning competencies and personal needs.
Given the relevance of global trends in the formation of the educational environment, the Concept of the introduction of media education in Ukraine (hereinafter - the Concept) was introduced [9]. The concept contributes to the construction of the information society and is based on the study of the state of media culture and the international experience of media education.
The main provisions of the Concept correspond to the tasks formulated by the Paris Program-Recommendation on Media Education of UNESCO (2007), the European Parliament Resolution on Media Literacy in the Digital World (2008), the UNESCO Declaration on Media Information Literacy (2011), the UNESCO Paris Declaration on Media Literacy digital age (2014).
Interaction of educational institutions with educational centers, qualification centers, public organizations on media education should be carried out at all levels in order to meet the needs of the population in general educational competencies for professional activities and everyday life. The main components of the Concept of implementation of media education in Ukraine in the light of international and European experience are presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Priorities for the implementation of the Concept and features introduction of media education
№ |
Purpose and direction of the Concept |
Basic principles of the Concept implementation, conditions of implementation |
1 |
The main goal of the Concept is to promote the development of an effective media education system, which should be the basis of state security, development and consolidation of civil society, combating external information aggression, comprehensively prepare society for safe and effective interaction with the modern media system. their age, individual and other characteristics [9]. |
Personal socio and psychological approach. Media education is based on the current media needs of the individual, taking into account age, individual and socio-psychological characteristics, existing media preferences and the level of formation of media culture, social environment. Focus on the development of information and communication technologies. Media education is based on the advanced achievements of information and communication technologies, uses them to organize the work of media educators, the formation of joint information resources, facilitate communication and coordination in the environment of interaction of participants in the media education movement. Media education takes into account the development of new media. |
2 |
The concept is aimed at preparing and conducting a large-scale phased experimental and further implementation of media education in the educational environment at all levels; priority expansion of media education into a holistic educational system; providing media education in higher education, especially in the training of pedagogical specialists; taking into account the peculiarities of the field of media education in the practical tasks of educational institutions and transformational educational processes; initiating broad public support for the media education movement, international cooperation, implementation of projects on a partnership basis, expanding opportunities for adults to acquire general educational competencies [9]. Adult media education is a form of continuing education based on the use of modern information and communication technologies and the latest media; provides equalization of the experience of generations (including the older generation, whose socialization took place in a different media system), continuous personal development and training. Adult media education is a necessary component of information security of the state in conditions of external information danger, contributes to the resilience of the population to destructive media influences [9]. |
Terms of implementation: -improvement of the regulatory framework for the interaction of the media and educational institutions at all levels, the inclusion of the formation of the media education system in the priorities of innovative development of society and the strategy of state information policy; -ensuring the readiness of specialists in the education system to solve media educational problems and contradictions, which requires the restructuring of the usual forms of work, improving the content and forms of training, retraining and advanced training focused on media educational innovations; - software, methodological, information support, creation of joint information resources, software for virtual media educational groups and multidisciplinary conferences, creation and administration of thematic media educational sites; -intensification of intersectoral and international cooperation, implementation of joint research projects, round tables, interdepartmental seminars, conferences, seminars on media education; - increasing the role of university education in the mechanisms of interaction. |
Source: formed by the authors on the basis of elaborated literature sources
Current globalization trends are focused on the development of current areas of education, including adult media education, which focuses on the use of information and communication technologies and provides opportunities for socialization of the older generation. The priorities of media education development are based on its tasks, which are to promote the adaptation of the individual in the information environment.
Current globalization trends are focused on the development of current areas of education, including adult media education, which focuses on the use of information and communication technologies and provides opportunities for socialization of the older generation. The priorities of media education development are based on its tasks, which are to promote the adaptation of the individual in the information environment.
That is why the priority formation of the educational environment in view of globalization processes and personal needs should include opportunities to use a set of knowledge and skills, competencies aimed at forming media immunity, which will resist aggressive information environment and provide psychological protection when reading various information sources. Media immunity allows to form those approaches which will allow to form necessary awareness and protection against information threats and consciousness management.
The educational environment and effective mechanisms of interaction between participants in the educational process, including in the field of adult education, will form an individual educational trajectory that will promote the development of critical thinking and reflection. Critical thinking will ensure the conscious consumption of information through the orientation and understanding of personal information needs, adequate assessment of the content of information, its understanding and perception in terms of forms and intensity of receipt.
The ability to create media in order to express oneself and realize communication in the social environment can be singled out.Practical evidence is the social life of young people, which is focused on active communication and social networks. The practice of using specialized aspects of media culture, which promotes the development of ethical and moral values and culture of education, is spreading.
A significant role in the realization of these opportunities should be played by university education, which has the appropriate scientific, methodological and organizational potential in the formation of educational programs, their monitoring and adjustment to individual needs and current globalization trends. Interaction mechanisms can be determined according to needs and priorities that change over time and space, and can be adjusted to reflect changes in professional and personal needs.Conclusions
Current trends and priorities in the development of the educational environment are focused on globalization processes, which proves the experience of countries around the world and the assessments of international experts, including the World Economic Forum. The implementation of approaches in the development of adult education is due to the need to develop responsibility, critical thinking, mutual trust between members of society, the ability to negotiate, the development of socio-political and ideological literacy, legal and digital literacy. Adaptation of the global society to change has a significant impact on educational processes, both formal and informal, as it is a fundamental basis for the development of society and education of the population. Interest in learning has a significant impact on the psychological and physiological stages of personality development, and the formation of individual educational trajectories is a necessity not only in professional training, but also his psychological support given individual interests and needs. The infrastructure of the whole system of providing various types of educational services should be based on the peculiarities of the development of the psychological and physiological nature of the individual. Therefore the modern European educational space is focused on lifelong learning.
Educational programs are actively implemented and joint educational projects are implemented in the direction of formation of professional and social knowledge, skills and abilities, general educational competencies taking into account trends in information technology development, use of artificial intelligence, digitization process and media distribution. The information environment has a significant impact on the consciousness of each individual and requires the acquisition of relevant knowledge and skills in order to adapt, socialize. Such mechanisms for spreading the field of media education are aimed at increasing the level of information literacy and effective interaction between participants in the educational process. The result of training is the acquired skills and general learning competencies, which are aimed at continuous selfimprovement and self-development taking into account the needs and interests. The practical introduction of mechanisms of cooperation in the field of education requires the settlement of the interests of all participants, the coherence of actions, levels of responsibility, functionality, practical capabilities of educational institutions.
The use of best practices of interaction between the participants of the educational process and effective partnership will promote the development of certain areas, including media education, for the needs of the individual and the interests of society. An important component of the development of modern society is to provide opportunities for socialization of each individual, creating the conditions for learning and motivation to participate in educational projects that provide the necessary general learning competencies given the priorities of the global world. The relevance of the spread of modern mechanisms of cooperation in the field of education confirms the experience of countries and practical results of using best practices in the implementation of educational programs that focus on the socialization of the individual in the global world.
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