Formation of value orientations of school students in the context of language and literature education and distance learning
An experimental system for the formation of value orientations of younger schoolchildren. Pedagogical conditions under which the formation of value orientations of schoolchildren in the conditions of distance learning have been determined to be effective.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 21.05.2023 |
Размер файла | 568,5 K |
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Tetiana Kachak, Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine
Tetyana Blyznyuk, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine
Iryna Dutka, Master's student specialty "Elementary Education", Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine
The article offers the analysis of favorable pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of value orientations of younger schoolchildren in the context of language and literature education in the conditions of distance learning. The values of the individual are considered as its systemic feature, which finds expression in the process of activity aimed at the realization of one's own and public needs and interests, interaction with others. Features of verbal and instrumental values have been noted, their classification by M. Fitsula and D. Leontiev have been analyzed.
Working with texts, processing the works of modern Ukrainian writers taking into account the principles of the activity approach and actively using web services to create multimedia, interactive content for communication, collaboration, and visualization are an effective means of forming the value orientations of younger schoolchildren.
In the process of surveying teachers, it was found that most of them pay attention to the formation of moral and ethical values in students, using the conversation method, interactive tasks. During distance learning, teachers paid less attention to education, although they sometimes discussed what they had read and analyzed the actions and behavior of the characters, conducted moral and ethical discussions based on the content of the text on the lessons of the language and literature cycle. It was determined that most often teachers use information technology as a means of visualizing the material.
An experimental system for the formation of value orientations of younger schoolchildren by means of literary works and digital technologies in the conditions of distance learning was proposed and tested. Pedagogical conditions under which the formation of value orientations of younger schoolchildren in the conditions of distance learning have been determined to be effective:
1) it is mandatory to take into account the main components of the formation of moral and value orientations of younger schoolchildren, as such: intellectual, motivational, activity compoment;
2) work on the formation of moral and value orientations of students should be carried out purposefully and systematically, taking into account the principle of logic and sequence of the educational process;
3) active use of digital tools and online resources should be directed not only to the achievement of educational goals and didactive purposes, but also to the formation of value orientations of younger schoolchildren;
4) theoretical knowledge about values, norms of moral and ethical behavior should be embodied in practical activities, daily behavior.
As shown by the results of monitoring the level of formation of value orientations in second graders before and after the formative stage of the experiment, this technique is effective. In the experimental 2-B grade the number of students with a high level of formation of value orientations increased; motivation to study increased, cognitive activity became more active, the level of communication and interaction increased, and their behavior corresponded to moral and ethical norms much more often than before.
It has been proven that it is necessary to develop the value orientations of the student of primary education both in the conditions of traditional and distance education. This process should be purposeful and systematic. Active use of the content of the educational process (on the lessons of the language and literature cycle, folklore, author's literary works), effective methods (interactive, conversations, creative approaches) and various digital tools and services contribute to solving the problem, increasing students' motivation to acquire knowledge and implement it in practice in everyday life.
Key words: values, younger schoolchildren, language and literature education, distance learning, information technologies.
value orientations younger schoolchildren pedagogical conditions
ТЕТЯНА КАЧАК, доктор філологічних наук, професор, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника, Україна
ТЕТЯНА БЛИЗНЮК, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника, Україна
ІРИНА ДУТКА, магістрантка спеціальності "Початкова освіта", Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника, Україна
Анотація. У статті визначено й проаналізовано оптимальні педагогічні умови ефективного формування ціннісних орієнтацій молодших школярів у контексті мовно-літературної освіти в умовах дистанційного навчання. Розглянуто цінності особистості як системну її рису, яка знаходить вияви у процесі діяльності, спрямованій на реалізацію власних та суспільних потреб й інтересів, взаємодії з іншими. Зауважено особливості термінальних та інструментальних цінностей, проаналізовано їх класифікацію за М. Фіцулою.
Ефективним засобом формування ціннісних орієнтацій молодших школярів є робота з текстами, опрацювання творів сучасних українських письменників з урахуванням принципів діяльнісного підходу та активним використанням web-сервісів для створення мультимедійного, інтерактивного контенту для комунікації, спільної роботи, візуалізації.
У процесі опитування учителів з'ясовано, що більшість з них звертає увагу на формування морально- етичних цінностей в учнів, використовуючи метод бесіди, інтерактивні завдання. Під час дистанційного навчання учителі менше уваги приділяли вихованню, хоч на уроках мовно- літературного циклу інколи обговорювали прочитане й аналізували вчинки й поведінку персонажів, проводили на основі змісту твору морально-етичні бесіди. Визначено, що найчастіше педагоги використовують інформаційні технології як засіб візу- алізації матеріалу.
Запропоновано й апробовано експериментальну систему формування ціннісних орієнтацій молодших школярів засобами літературних творів та цифрових технологій в умовах дистанційного навчання. Визначено педагогічні умови, за яких формування ціннісних орієнтацій молодших школярів в умовах дистанційного навчання буде ефективним:
1) обов'язковим є врахування основних компонентів сформованості морально-ціннісних орієнтацій молодших школярів: інтелектуального, мотиваційного, діяльнісного;
2) робота з формування морально-ціннісних орієнтацій учнів має проводитися цілеспрямовано і систематично, з урахуванням принципу логічності та послідовності освітнього процесу;
3) активне використання цифрових інструментів та онлайн-ресурсів має бути спрямоване не тільки на досягнення освітніх цілей та навчальної мети, а й на формування ціннісних орієнтацій молодших школярів;
4) теоретичні знання про цінності, норми морально-етичної поведінки мають знаходити втілення у практичній діяльності, щоденній поведінці
Як показали результати моніторингу рівня сформованості ціннісних орієнтацій у другокласників до і після формувального етапу експерименту, ця методика є ефективною. В експериментальному 2-Б класі збільшилася кількість учнів із високим рівнем сформованості ціннісних орієнтацій; зросла мотивація до навчання, активізувалася пізнавальна діяльність, підвищився рівень комунікації та взаємодії, а їхня поведінка відповідала морально-етичним нормам значно частіше, ніж до цього.
Доведено, що розвивати ціннісні орієнтації здобувача початкової освіти потрібно як в умовах традиційного, так і дистанційного навчання. Цей процес має бути цілеспрямований і систематичний. Активне використання змісту освітнього процесу (на уроках мовно-літературного циклу це фольклор, авторські літературні твори), ефективних методів (інтерактивних, бесіди, творчі підходи) і різноманітних цифрових інструментів та сервісів сприяє вирішенню поставленої проблеми, підвищенню мотивації учнів до засвоєння знань й реалізації їх на практиці у щоденному житті.
Ключові слова: цінності, молодші школярі, мовно-літературна освіта, дистанційне навчання, інформаційні технології.
General problem setting. New Ukrainian school with a focus on competency-based and activity-based approaches provide for the comprehensive development of the individual. One of the tasks of modern teachers is to form moral and ethical value orientations in younger schoolchildren, to provide such pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the education of a harmonious, spiritually rich and nationally conscious person. At the time when the problem of Ukraine's spiritual revival is aggravating, the moral-ethical and national education of the young generation is the most important prerequisite for the formation of Ukrainian statehood, the guarantee of comfortable interaction of all members of society.
Traditional models of sociocultural and spiritual development of the personality of a younger schoolchild in the context of language and literature education need methodical improvement. New aspects in this work are dictated by the format of distance learning, which is becoming widespread during the pandemic and the war that Russia unleashed against Ukraine. As determined by pedagogues and psychologists, the most difficult thing is to work remotely with preschoolers and primary school students, to choose such digital tools and means so that learning is interesting, motivated, and communication between the teacher and students is productive. Despite the remote form of studying, the teacher must ensure the activity of students' cognitive activity in individual and collective forms, encourage them to self-education and at the same time ensure the formation of moral and ethical culture, value orientations and positions that are manifested not only at the level of knowledge, but also in practical activities, daily practice.
The formation of spiritual, fundamental values, such as humanism, honesty, justice, freedom, respect, tolerance, is closely related to the instillation of social (education, upbringing, culture) and national and cultural values (love for the Motherland, unity with one's people, preservation and propagation of national culture) in students. Language and literature education, the content of which is built on working with various texts, is an effective educational space for the implementation of these tasks with the help of new forms and methods using digital technologies. In this context, new methodological developments and recommendations are important, which determines the relevance of the chosen topic.
The purpose of the article is to determine and analyze the optimal pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of value orientations of younger schoolchildren in the context of language and literature education in the conditions of distance learning.
Analysis of researches and publications. The works of philosophers, psychologists, and teachers devoted to the definitions of the concept of 'value' (V.Andrushchenko, A. Zdravomyslov, I. Ziazyun, V. Kremen; I. Beh, O.Vashchenko, L. Bozhovych, O.Hladun, O. Kornienko, O.Polishchuk, V. Sukhomlynskyi, O. Sukhomlynska, M. Fitsula, etc.); works of researchers of linguistic and literary education problems (N. Bohdanets-Biloskalenko, O. Vashulenko, L. Ivanova, T. Kotyk, G. Koval, O. Savchenko, etc.) and distance learning of schoolchildren (T.Blyznyuk, O. Budnyk, T. Kachak, O.Mukoviz, etc.) served as theoretical and methodological basis of our investigation. Using the tools of the system-activity approach, theoretical research methods (analysis of normative documents, educational programs, understanding and generalization of the results of scientific and methodical studies of teachers), we analyze the problem of formation of values of primary education students. Updating empirical research methods (pedagogical observation of the process, testing of traditional and new forms, methods and means of education, questionnaires, conversations, mathematical data processing), systematizing and summarizing the results of monitoring the level of formation of value orientations among schoolchildren, we determine the effectiveness of the proposed methodical model and pedagogical conditions for optimizing the process of formation of value orientations in younger schoolchildren in the context of language and literature education in the conditions of distance learning.
Outline of the main research material. Personal values are the central subject of research in philosophy, psychology, sociology and pedagogy. Philosopher O. Korniienko considers the values of the individual as a systemic feature of the individual, which finds expression in the process of activity aimed at realizing one's own and social needs and interests, interaction with others. The scientist asserts that values are both individual and social at the same time, which shows their two-sided nature. 'The social nature of values consists in the fact that they are determined by the system of upbringing and education, a certain structure of social relations, are formed based on the interests and tasks of society, are adjusted and directed by them, are a projection of its spiritual life; the individuality of values is manifested in the dependence of values on the characteristics of the individual, his life experience, the specifics of needs, interests, ideals' (Korniienko, 1998, p.12).
According to the definitions given in the encyclopedia of practical psychology self-values (love, beauty, friendship, happiness, wisdom, security, respect, satisfaction, equality, inner harmony, freedom, salvation, comfortable life, recognition, reliable family, peace) are called terminal, that is, life values that are valuable in themselves. In contrast to terminal values, instrumental ones are valuesmeans, tools for achieving set goals; personal traits of a person that ensure compliance and multiplication of values in life. Such traits include politeness, responsibility, intelligence, bravery, logic, honesty, the ability to forgive, independence, cheerfulness, erudition.
Educator M. Fitsula examines the values of four groups. In the first group there are absolutely eternal values, common to all people, which are characterized by universal meaning and unlimited scope of application (kindness, truth, love, honesty, dignity, beauty, wisdom, justice and others). The second group consists of national values (patriotism, a sense of national dignity, historical memory, etc.), which are important for one nation, but are ideally shared by other nations as well. As an example, the author cites the feeling of patriotism inherent in enslaved people and not characteristic of those people who never lost their independence. M. Fitsula refers civic values, which are based on recognition of the dignity of people and are characteristic of democratic societies to the third group. First of all, it is about human rights and freedoms, duties towards other members of society, ideas of social harmony, respect for the law, etc. The fourth group consists of family values the moral foundations of family life, intergenerational relations, laws of marital fidelity, care for children, memory of ancestors, etc. (Fitsula, 2002, p. 250-251).
The formation of value orientations of younger schoolchildren is a holistic educational process built on the principles of logic, consistency, and systematicity, in which teachers, students of primary education, and parents interact with the goal of moral and ethical education of schoolchildren. The goal of the NUS is 'multifaceted development, education and socialization of an individual who is aware of himself as a citizen of Ukraine, capable of effective and constructive participation in public life, conscious life choices, making responsible decisions, self-realization and civic activity' (New Ukrainian school). Correctly defined pedagogical conditions for the moral and ethical education of students, systematic observance of the principles of the activity approach in the educational process, active use of the content of each educational field (including language and literature education) and the newest forms of its implementation in the process of traditional and distance learning are the key to the formation of value orientations in younger schoolchildren and the effectiveness of educational work.
We consider working with texts (artistic, cognitive, media texts) on language and literary reading lessons to be an effective means of forming the value orientations of younger schoolchildren. After all, 'to bring up the best moral qualities of a child, to contribute to the formation of a complete, comprehensively developed personality are the goals of a children's book' (Kachak, 2013, p. 10). Reading, analysis of texts, discussion of the content of what was read in groups and collectively; conversations, discussions, interaction using the wide possibilities of digital technologies are aspects of educational activity that, in our opinion, will provide a solution to the problem. At the same time, both the content of the selected texts and the methods and forms of working with them are important. We consider the main selection criteria to be the high artistic and aesthetic level of the text, bringing up moral and ethical problems both at the level of the central theme and secondary storylines, behavior and actions of the characters. The works of modern Ukrainian writers are ideal for work on the formation of moral and ethical values of schoolchildren, for example: the poetry of Vira Bagirova, Nina Horyk, Anatolii Kachan, Halyna Kyrpa, Halyna Malyk, Mariana Savka; tales of Ivan Andrusiak, Elina Zarzhytska, Olga Kupriyan, Dzvinka and Bohdana Matiyash, Zirka Menzatiuk, Mariia Morozenko; short stories of Anatolii Hryhoruk, Halyna Kyrpa, Oksana Krotiuk; novels of Lesia Voronyna, Oleksandr Havrosh, Serhii Hrydin, Sashko Dermanskyi, Halyna Pahutiak, Volodymyr Rutkivskyi, and others.
In the conditions of distance learning, IT technologies acquire special importance. Taking into account the age and psychophysiological characteristics of students, computer educational tasks and games; educational and development programs; video and audio materials; web-resources with which you can create qr-codes, word clouds, mental maps; educational laboratories; Internet services and programs that allow you to conduct surveys and tests, prepare presentations in multimedia format and create projects are relevant. Working with digital tools interests students in the lesson and makes the lesson dynamic, diverse, modern, helps to achieve both educational and pedagogical goals. Most often, as evidenced by the pedagogical experience of teachers, watching videos, virtual tours are used, the development of individual, collective projects and multimedia presentations is practiced, testing and surveys using online resources are conducted on the lessons. NUS teachers are offered a list of web services for creating multimedia, interactive content for communication, collaboration, visualization and the use of gaming computer learning tools: Thinglink, Glogster web services for creating interactive posters that turn ordinary pictures into interactive objects; Mindomo, Mindmeister, Canva web services for creating mind maps, infographics, video presentations, posters, booklets, etc.;, Word it out web-services for visualization, creation of word cloud; Kahoot, Plickers, Cosrative, ClassMarker web services that allow you to easily create, exchange and play educational games, organize quizzes; a virtual whiteboard on which you can attach photos, files, links to Internet pages, notes, etc.
In order to conduct the empirical stage of the research, we focus on the process of moral and ethical education of younger schoolchildren in the context of language and literature education, in particular, work with an artistic text, discussion of what has been read, analysis of the characters' behavior patterns. We find out whether modern teachers use digital tools to explain the essence of each value, visualize correct behavioral models, life examples, or teach children to demonstrate and promote their value positions with the help of various digital content.
Schoolchildren familiarize themselves with texts available for their age on the lessons of language and literary reading. The content of these stories is spiritual, moral and aesthetic, which is the main factor in the use of literature in the process of forming students' valuable attitude to beauty, the development of the emotional and sensual sphere and their own life beliefs. By learning folklore authors' works, children get to know the traditions and culture of the people, study their customs, understand the models of behavior, ethical principles of interaction, building social relations. Methods of educational work during processing of such texts are a set of methods, techniques, tasks, games, exercises aimed at forming value orientations of young readers.
Analyzing the pedagogical experience of primary school teachers, we note a number of manuals and teaching-methodical materials that contain a series of moral and ethical conversations, designed for work with students of primary school age. Thus, O. Hladun offers the development of lessons for students of 1-4 grades 'With Ukraine in heart', 'Ukraine is one country!', educational hour 'Learn to respect people', conversations on moral and ethical topics 'What is compassion?', 'Being educated is it difficult or simple?'; hours of communication on the topics 'Let goodness burn in human souls, let human charity do good', 'A person's dignity is determined by his actions', 'Me and my friends', as well as an example of building a frank conversation with students on the topic 'Honesty and justice' (Hladun, 2017). It is impressive that these developments are aimed at establishing a creative atmosphere in the lesson, trustful communication between the teacher and students, ensuring independent judgments and conclusions of schoolchildren, encouraging them to evaluate the phenomena, actions of others and their own.
The texts of V Sukhomlynskyi are endowed with significant potential in the formation of value orientations of younger schoolchildren. As evidenced by the study of pedagogical experience, with their help, students can develop compassion, love and respect for others, for nature and the surrounding world; are motivated to be honest, fair, tolerant. Working on the text 'How Serhiyko Learned to Sympathize', teacher O. Hladun offers an informative story about different emotions, conducts a conversation using the following questions: 'What prompted the boy to sympathize?', 'Can you sympathize with someone who is in trouble?' 'How do you do it?'. The work is similarly structured with the story 'Grey Hair', which was also written by V. Sukhomlynskyi. If in the first it is about compassion for a sick girl, then in the second the son sympathizes with his mother and realizes that it is he who is upsetting her with his behavior. Student work in groups is productive after reading and short conversations about what has been read. They play the game 'Guess', the essence of which is that representatives from each group receive cards on which some feeling is written, which they have to depict with the help of facial expressions and gestures. The game is 'an important form of human activity' and work with students, which contributes to motivation and positive results in achieving an educational or pedagogical goal (Savchenko, 2009, p. 84).
The game 'Tell about yourself', under the terms of which students must expand the started phrases so that thematic sentences are formed, is worth noting among the other games. Here are examples of such phrases (I think I'm a child...; I lie when ...; When I deceive, I feel...; I think that people can sometimes lie because ; I treat dishonest, unjust people...; I believe that the truth should be told when...), as well as consideration of various life situations, discussing which, students should evaluate the actions of the characters of the story and recommend how they should act or say, how they would act in the place of this or that character. These are ordinary situations, which, for example, can be stories about a boy who did not complete his homework and lied to the teacher, or a situation when a girl was dishonest with her mother, etc.
The 'Scroll' exercise is interesting for students. A question is written on a long, twisted roll of paper, and the children write their answers, but at the same time they roll up the scroll so that their classmates do not see what has already been written. At the end of the work, the teacher reads all the notes and discusses them with the students. The game 'Wish good to your neighbor' is an appropriate end to a lesson or an hour of communication on the topic of compassion. It takes place in a circle, when children hold hands and wish each other well.
We note that in the conditions of distance learning, we use such experience only partially, because it is possible to build an ethical conversation, read an essay, discuss it, but it is difficult to feel the atmosphere of closeness that prevails when children hold hands together in a circle.
In the context of moral and ethical education of younger schoolchildren, problem-based learning, the teacher's ability to organize it, simulate problem situations and encourage children to analyze and evaluate their own and others' actions, to see positive and negative traits of behavior are important. During distance learning, media content, collaborative work on mind maps (Kachak T., Kachak K., 2022) interactive posters, exercises or games in LearningApps help to work better with such material.
In order to find out whether teachers practice working with stories as means of forming the value orientations of younger schoolchildren and whether they use digital tools at the same time, we interviewed 23 primary school teachers in the town of Ivano-Frankivsk. The analysis of the results of the survey proved that most of them pay attention to the formation of moral and ethical values in children. The conversation method is most often used for this purpose, 'Microphone' is used in 1-2 groupes, 'Associative bush' in 3-4. Usually, children in class, working with a literary text, identify positive and negative characters, give them an assessment, analyze their actions, express their attitude towards them (Drawings 1 and 2).
Drawing 1
Drawing 2
As we can see in the diagrams, all teachers use the conversation method, because they are convinced that the moral education of students takes place in the process of understanding and discussing behavior, actions, phenomena, etc. Two-thirds of the respondents actively use interactive methods for the purpose of forming value orientations in students. It is encouraging that most teachers resort to information technology as a means of visualizing educational material. This survey also took into account the experience of the last three years, that is, during traditional education and fragments of distance learning. We see a positive trend in the use of multimedia presentations (15-18-23), exercises and simulators on online services (2-6-14), google tools (2-6-19), video communication services (0-8-23). In the conditions of online education, teachers are forced to use digital tools constantly, including during educational conversations or other methods of moral education of students.
In order to find out the level of formation of value orientations among students at the initial stage of experimental research work, a questionnaire was offered to secondgraders (29 students in the 2-A grade and 29 students in the 2-B grade) of Lyceum No. 18 of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council. Taking into consideration the results of the observation, the aspect of the value attitude towards the person was taken as a basis, i.e. ethical values, values of interpersonal communication, altruistic values, values of acceptance of others.
We worked with the texts of V. Sukhomlynskyi 'Honey in the pocket' and 'The humpbacked girl', as well as the 'Plot drawings' technique. After reading the text, students answered questions during a conversation with the teacher and completed test tasks, expressed their own opinions, how they would act being the main character of the story 'Honey in a Pocket' and schoolchildren from the story 'The Humpbacked Girl'. This was the second task, which ended with the writing of a short essay 'If I were the main character I would...'. The third task was working with plot drawings illustrations for these texts and additional drawings depicting children's behavior. Schoolchildren had to group these pictures so that the positive and negative actions depicted on the cards were in pairs, and then explain their own choice and comment on the image. The fourth task is to tell about one's own experience of similar actions or behavior. Each of the tasks was evaluated with a maximum of 3 points. As a result, students could get a maximum of 12 points. The use of such work and methods made it possible to reveal the state of formation of moral and value orientations of students of primary education at the initial stage of the experiment.
The analysis of the questionnaire and the tasks completed by the students showed that in the 2-A grade four students have a high level of formation of value orientations, ten students have a sufficient level, eleven students have an average level, and five students have an elementary level. In the 2-B garde, the indicators are as follows: three students showed a high level, eight sufficient, twelve average, five elementary (See Drawing 3).
Drawing 3
In order to solve the problem of research and search for effective methodical ways of forming the value orientations of primary school students in the conditions of distance learning, we conducted the formative stage of the experiment in the 2-B grade. During the month of distance learning, we actively and purposefully conducted educational work with second-graders. It mainly took place in the lessons of the language and literature cycle, online conversations about the books read.
We have determined the pedagogical conditions under which the formation of value orientations of younger schoolchildren in the conditions of distance learning will be effective:
1) it is mandatory to take into account the main components of the formation of moral and value orientations of younger schoolchildren: intellectual, motivational, activity component;
2) work on the formation of moral and value orientations of students should be carried out purposefully and systematically, taking into account the principle of logic and sequence of the educational process;
3) the active use of digital tools and online resources should be directed not only to the achievement of educational goals and didactive purposes, but also to the formation of value orientations of younger schoolchildren;
4) theoretical knowledge about values, norms of moral and ethical behavior should be embodied in practical activities, daily behavior.
The results of the dissertation research of O. Polishchuk (Polishchuk, 2018, p. 77-78) were used as a basis for distinguishing the components of the formation of moral and value orientations of primary school students. Thus, the intellectual component covers the system of morally oriented knowledge, realized and assimilated by the students of primary education, and also involves their clear understanding of the essence of moral norms and rules of behavior in society, understanding of social values. According to this component, students should understand the essence of a moral attitude towards others, towards themselves, and have formed knowledge, abilities and skills that ensure active communication in a team.
The motivational-need component of the formation of moral and value orientations of younger schoolchildren involves focusing attention on the formation of the leading moral qualities of the individual justice, honesty, kindness, responsibility, tolerance, humanity, the desire to help in one's own actions and behavior. The result of the formation of this component is the conscious desire and need of a young person to act precisely according to moral and ethical settings and being guided by moral and ethical norms and ideals.
The active component of the formation of moral and value orientations of younger schoolchildren involves the application of acquired morally oriented knowledge about values, formed relevant abilities and skills in their own daily activities, work, events, studies, etc. This is a direct and active position that demonstrates the correctly formed value orientations of the child.
Our experimental methodology is a system of using literature and digital tools in purposeful moral and ethical education of second-graders in distance learning conditions. We held a series of lessons and online meetings with students, actively practicing online discussion of the stories by V. Sukhomlynskyi ('Offensive Word'), A. Hryhoruk ('Sava's Day of Freedom'), O. Krotiuk ('Airplane'). In the process of discussing the content of the texts, visualization of what was read was used by means of multimedia presentations and infographics. During the analysis and characterization of the behavior of the characters, we practiced the exercises 'Restore the sequence' and 'Make a pair' developed on the basis of the content of the stories in the LearningApp program. Each time, students had a search task, the content of which was to search for information on the Internet about examples of children's behavior in certain situations. Using online services for feedback like Google-meet, Zoom, we practiced working on a common Padlet board, where we grouped positive and negative actions, examples of the behavior of characters and our acquaintances, created a mental map 'My values'.
One of the online classes during the formative stage of the experiment was devoted to the topic 'Friendship is the most valuable treasure.' The purpose of such an event was to teach children to value friendship and friends; make them want to be true friends; develop in oneself qualities that contribute to friendship; develop a sense of responsibility towards friends; to educate honesty, sincerity; enrich students' vocabulary. We worked with folklore and artistic texts, and during the conversation the students answered questions orally and wrote answers in the chat. Here are some of the students' answers and the content of the questions:
1) Who is a friend? ('a friend is a person who will always come to your aid; with whom you always want to communicate and spend time playing or doing homework; to whom you can tell your secrets; who will listen and give advice');
2) What qualities should a true friend possess? ('a true friend should be kind, sincere, faithful, merciful, compassionate, generous, hospitable, friendly');
3) What is forbidden for a friend to do? ('lying, making fun of a friend, leaving one alone in a difficult situation, betraying, being friends only for the sake of some benefit, insulting a friend, being 'greedy'').
Using the YouTube program, we listened to the audio fairy tale 'Father's Testament', which tells about how the father, calling his three sons, gave them each a stick and asked them to break it. The sticks broke very easily. Then the father put all the twigs together and again let his sons break them, but they could not do it. Then he told the children that each of them individually can be easily offended and broken, but when they are together, they will be strong and invincible, like these twigs.
The children, having carefully listened to the tale and discussed it, came to the conclusion that friendship should be strong, so that no one could break it, like those twigs put together by the father. But it cannot be strong if there is no place for honesty and mutual respect in it.
Using the educational resource Mentimeter, which offers extensive educational opportunities, helps to interact with and survey all participants in the learning process with instant feedback from students in real time (Blyznyuk, Budnyk, & Kachak, 2021, p. 94), we created a word cloud. These were associations to the word 'friendship'.
Since the Zoom program was used for online classes, we had the opportunity to work in pairs and groups. The work in pairs was to make up a proverb together and, after discussing it in pairs, explain it to the class. Each word from the proverb was written on a separate puzzle. Students made a picture out of these puzzles. They performed this task on the LearningApp platform. The results of the paired puzzles were demonstrated for all students in the class.
The discussions of the actions of the characters of the works read, coming up with their own continuations and changes of plots, reactions of the characters to various situations were effective as well. Common and distinctive features of the characters were drawn using a 'Venna' diagram created in the Canva program, emphasizing positive and negative behavior.
The compilation of a group of values that actually reflect the structure of education of value orientations of younger schoolchildren is a very interesting task among the others proposed. Such a group is formed by the following qualities: respect for elders, for parents, for the dignity of another person, as well as honesty, justice, kindness, mercy, discipline, organization, love for the Motherland.
This structure of our online classes with second-grade students corresponds to three levels of moral education of younger schoolchildren:
1) assimilation of the initial rules of moral and ethical behavior, development of the child's moral feelings;
2) awareness of moral and ethical concepts and norms of moral and ethical behavior;
3) development of moral and ethical beliefs and attitudes, habits of actions and behavior, stability of moral feelings.
The result of working with students should be not only their awareness of these or other value norms of morality and behavior, but also the constant practice of appropriate actions or deeds that testify to the formation of value orientations at a high level.
In order to verify the effectiveness of our proposed experimental method of forming the value orientations of primary school students in the conditions of distance learning, we conducted the final stage of the experiment and found out the level of formation of value ideas in students of the controled 2-A grade and the experimental 2-B grade.
The students were offered:
1) to give an answer to the tasks of the questionnaire in a Google form (to check the understanding of the essence of the main values);
2) to describe a true friend and record a video message to him;
3) to simulate situations of interaction between classmates using infographics and other digital tools and outline ways to resolve conflict situations.
Students described their friends in an interesting manner. It is worth noting that they described not only appearance, but also paid attention to character traits, behavior, positive and negative situations associated with them. It was noted whether a friend is kind, whether he/she shares what he/ she has, or helps when the help is needed. Does he /she do it on one's own initiative or in response to a request. Children's answers were very diverse. It is gratifying that they also critically evaluated their own actions that did not meet moral standards.
In the process of solving the proposed conflict situations, students demonstrated the ability to think critically and creatively, understand not only the essence of values, but also the ability to practically demonstrate them in their own behavior. The analysis of the results of the tasks performed by second-graders showed the level of formation of value orientations after the formative stage of the experiment. Thus, the students of the 2-A class demonstrated the following indicators: high level 4 (13%) students, sufficient
- 10 (33%), medium 12 (41%), elementary 4 (13%). Students of 2-B, experimental grade, as a result of the monitoring showed the following levels of formation of value orientations: high
- 7 (25%), sufficient 8 (29%), average
- 10 (36%), elementary 3 (10%) students. We compared the indicators before and after the formative stage of the experiment: a larger number of 2-B grade students demonstrated a high level of formation of value orientations. This indicator has significantly increased compared to the indicator at the initial stage of the experiment, while the number of students with an average and elementary level has decreased (See Drawing 4).
Drawing 4
Therefore, it was experimentally proven that our proposed model of formation of value orientations of primary school students in distance learning conditions gave positive results.
Conclusions and perspectives for further research. Values play an important role in the upbringing and development of a young personality, because they influence his behavior, character, worldview and activity in general. Formed value orientations of younger schoolchildren determine the way of interaction with others, socialization and life activities. The system of universal, moral and ethical principles is the basis and reference point in the moral education of the younger generation.
Working with texts (artistic, cognitive, media texts) on language and literary reading lessons is an effective means of forming the value orientations of younger schoolchildren. It is also effective to study the works of modern Ukrainian writers, taking into account the principles of the activity approach and the active use of web services to create multimedia, interactive content for communication, collaboration, and visualization.
As a result of the survey of teachers, it was found that most of them pay attention to the formation of moral and ethical values in children and do it on lessons and outside of class, using the conversation method, interactive methods 'microphone' and 'associative bush'. During distance learning, teachers paid less attention to education, although in the lessons of the language and literature cycle, they sometimes discussed what they had read and analyzed the actions and behavior of the characters, conducted moral and ethical discussions based on the content of the text. It was determined that teachers use IT as a means of visualizing educational material.
An experimental model of the formation of value orientations of younger schoolchildren by means of digital technologies in the conditions of distance learning is proposed and tested. Pedagogical conditions under which the formation of value orientations of younger schoolchildren in distance learning conditions will be effective are determined as follows: a) it is mandatory to take into account the main components of the formation of moral and value orientations of younger schoolchildren; b) work on the formation of moral and value orientations of students should be carried out purposefully and systematically, taking into account the principle of logic and sequence of the educational process; c) the active use of digital tools and online resources should be directed not only to the achievement of educational goals and didactive purposes, but also to the formation of value orientations of younger schoolchildren.
As the results of monitoring the level of formation of value orientations in second graders before and after the formative stage of the experiment showed, this technique is effective, because in the experimental 2-B grade the number of students with a high level of formation of value orientations increased, while it decreased with the elementary level. The motivation to study has increased, the cognitive activity of students has been activated, the level of communication and interaction of students has increased, and most importantly, the behavior of these children corresponds to moral and ethical norms much more often than before.
Therefore, it is necessary to develop the value orientations of the student of primary education both in the conditions of traditional and distance learning. This process should be purposeful and systematic. The active use of the content of the educational process, and in our example, it is literary works as the content of language and reading lessons, effective methods (interactive, conversations, creative approaches), as well as various digital tools helps to solve the problem, increase the motivation of students to learn and implement the knowledge in practice in everyday life.
Interactive reading of current books on moral and ethical topics, work on the content of the text, characteristics of characters in combination with game forms and capabilities of IT technologies, services and programs are key means of moral and ethical education of students in distance learning conditions.
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