Effective and productive education
The article is also commented on the measures taken by the Azerbaijani government to develop affective and purposeful education, explores the ways to develop effective and result-oriented education, and a number of suggestions are given in this regard.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.05.2023 |
Размер файла | 25,0 K |
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Effective and productive education
Vidadi Omar oglu Orujov,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Pedagogy, Psychology and Art Subjects Department
Lankaran State University (Lankaran, Azerbaijan)
The 21st century we live in, is faster and more comprehensive. The world is globalizing and the adaptation of young people to this globalized world requires a number of new qualities. Many developed countries see the way out of this problem in education, which is effective and result-oriented. Although effective and result-oriented education is historically ancient, it is more actual today and covers a wider range of interests.
The article is also commented on the measures taken by the Azerbaijani government to develop affective and purposeful education, explores the ways to develop effective and result-oriented education, and a number of suggestions are given in this regard.
The article is preferred on approaching a person in the learning process of realization of effective and result-oriented education. The issues related to it are become in the center of attention. And as a rule, the ways to direct it are shown in accordance with the interests and goals of the Azerbaijani government. The main goal here is the process of preparing young people for professional activities in accordance with the international qualifications, adaptation to the requirements of the information society and socialization.
It is argued that active training methods play a crucial role in the realization of the above-mentioned. It is considered expedient to start the formation effective and result-oriented education from the first grade of education.
The article considers that education occupies an important place in the system of indicators characterizing the development of human capital, covers all areas of human activity. The importance of education is emphasized in issues, such as increasing human potential, creating and expanding human capital.
The article is noted that the economics of education is not only an economic guarantee of the realization of the educational programs, but it also researches the effectiveness of investments in education and the market for educational services.
To be more sensitive to the processes taking place here, it is proposed to include marketing and management in the network of educational services in Azerbaijan. It is emphasized that marketing and management serve to increase the quality and efficiency of education, to provide more competent and diverse educational services.
Problems in the establishment of a new model of efficient and effective education, ensuring the sustainable financing in the field of education in Azerbaijan, the regulation of relations between the education system and labor market are still unresolved.
Key words: effective, productive education, person-oriented education, education program, students, strategy, learning to learn, human capital.
Відаді Омар огли ОРУДЖЕВ,
доктор педагогічних наук, професор кафедри педагогіки, психології і предметів мистецтва Ленкоранського державного університету (Ленкорань, Азербайджан)
XXI століття, в якому ми живемо, динамічне та розмаїте. Світ глобалізується, і адаптація молоді до цього глобалізованого світу вимагає сформованості в неї низки нових якостей. Багато розвинених країн вбачають вихід із цієї проблеми в ефективній та результативній освіті. Хоч така освіта має в Азербайджані давні традиції, однак нині вона набула особливої актуальності й вимагає вирішення широкого кола завдань.
У статті прокоментовано заходи, вжиті урядом Азербайджану щодо розвитку ефективної й результативної освіти, окреслено підходи щодо її реалізації. Одним із найефективніших серед них визнано особистісно орієн-тований підхід. Питання, пов'язані з ним, перебувають у центрі уваги азербайджанського суспільства, а шляхи його впровадження демонструють відповідність інтересам і цілям його уряду. Адже основною метою він визнав підготовку молоді до професійної діяльності у згоді з рамками міжнародних кваліфікацій, її адаптацію до вимог інформаційного суспільства та успішну соціалізацію. effective productive education azerbaijan
Стверджено, що активні методи навчання відіграють вирішальну роль у реалізації зазначеного. Роботу із забезпечення ефективної та результативної освіти доцільно починати з першого року навчання.
У статті підкреслено, що освіта посідає важливе місце у системі показників, які характеризують розвиток людського капіталу, й охоплює всі сфери діяльності суспільства; від неї залежить не лише ріст його потенціалу, але також формування та збагачення людського капіталу.
Зазначено також, що наука економіки освіти не лише слугує гарантією реалізації освітніх програм, а й дослі-джує ефективність інвестицій в освіту та в ринок освітніх послуг. Щоб бути більш чутливим до процесів, що тут відбуваються, автор пропонує включити маркетинг та менеджмент до мережі освітніх послуг Азербайджану. Наголошено, що маркетинг і менеджмент слугують підвищенню якості та ефективності освіти, сприяють наданню більш компетентних і різноманітних освітніх послуг. Однак низка питань із упровадження в Азербайджані моделі ефективної та результативної освіти, забезпечення її сталого фінансування, регулювання відносин між системою освіти та ринком праці ще потребують вирішення.
Ключові слова: ефективна, результативна освіта, особистісно орієнтована освіта, освітня програма, сту-денти, стратегія, навчання вчитися, людський капітал.
Research analysis and problem statement
The changes taking place in the 21st century we live are speedier and more comprehensive. The technical progress experienced in our daily lives, innovations in science and technology fields, socio-economic and cultural transformations, and intensified globalization demand a number of new qualities to adapt to such changes from everyone and young generation in particular. Adaptation to constantly changing and developing society has direct influence upon socio-economic development of every country. A number of lead countries of the world assessing all these factors make purposeful major investments in education to expedite their socioeconomic development: “The key objective is to politicize pedagogy and further pedagogize the policy” (Пятьдесят современных, 2012: 463).
It is not only the systems and organizations that keep up to date in the constantly changing and devel-oping society, but the individuals making up such societies are made to transform themselves to the developmental rate of their societies. The peoples in developing countries feel the education they receive at a certain time period of their lives does not meet the changing demand of their countries. One of the factors standing at the base of it is day-by-day transformation and growth in the desires of each individual and society from education. The countries focusing on development attach all the greater importance to high-quality education meeting current demands. Considering high-quality education as the key factor of socio-economic development, Azerbaijan confidently progresses towards creation of information society proceeding from H. Aliyev's this motto: “Education is nation's future”. “The key goal of the policy pursued by Azerbaijani government is to turn oil - “black gold” - into human capital” (0liyev, 2006).
An individual's change and self-transformation process is a process not to be seen within the period beginning and ending with school, but throughout the life of such an individual. It is therefore necessary to plan a constant - uninterrupted education process beginning from high school where no distinction is made of age of each student. People need to constantly update their knowledge in order to adapt to developing and changing world, namely rapid change. These goals may only be met through constant education. One of the key conditions here is to ensure that constant education adapts an individual to the science and qualification levels of developed countries alongside ensuring change and self-transformation of such an individual. The most effective and effective way of realizing these targets meeting demand of constantly chancing and developing society is to organize “effective and productive training” process.
The aim of our paper is to identify and characterize the main factors that ensure the achievement of effective and productive education, namely: the introduction of a model of personality-oriented education; application of interactive teaching methods; use of new education management tools; implementation of the principle of “lifelong learning”; ensuring a system of sustainable financing of education. The author named them as follows: content of the person-oriented education; effective training methods; new management tools; constant and uninterrupted education infrastructure; setting up a sustainable financing model, it needs to be reworked a bit according to mine.
Presentation of the main material
The concepts of education and its effectiveness are as old as the history of humankind, as they are defined according to the most significant directions, demands, and interests ensuring rise in the welfare of people. The only care of primeval human beings was to meet their daily food demand and defend themselves. Over time they came to benefit from natural events using their intellect and skills and ensured a higher level of life conditions putting a number of wild animals under their control. The human being constantly thinking about a higher level of lifestyle and achieving certain things in this regard or seeing the objects of their search in other persons came to the conclusion to invent, create, and learn from others proceeding from saying “thisworls is the world of cultivating”.
As public formations changed each other, human beings came to better understand the importance of joint living. Assessing the significance of rules of joint living alongside the knowledge and skills relating to different areas when addressing their social and economic concerns, human beings reckoned importance of passing on such knowledge and skills to younger generation. Therefore, first schools opened up for this goal, where younger generation were educated. At later periods, efforts were made to enhance effectiveness of education, relevant studies conducted relating to it and the outcomes achieved were optimized and put to use for the sake of the human welfare.
Nowadays education is the most effective tool ensuring development of an individual in the society. A number of major general ideas evolved around effectiveness of education as a result of the researches conducted by scientific-pedagogical societies of a number of developing countries of the world:
- Education is self-assessment and bringing the intellect to a more confident level by an individual.
- Education is the socialization and making human being more integral and perfect.
- Education is a conscious process of upbringing individual's self-conduct.
- Education is a tool making an individual more beneficial both for the society and state.
There is a rise in the concern for effectiveness of education, which has become one of the key factors defining economic development of each country and the number of researches in this area has increased. Effectiveness of education is evolving as a field of science capturing broader interests of the society. One of the vital features of the efforts directed towards enhancing effectiveness of education is the constant nature of these processes. Enhancement of effectiveness of education, importing into the country of latest achieve-ments of technical progress and new technologies, economic management are key factors defining effective-ness of socio-economic development of each country.
Considering the results of the researches conducted in this area recently, the key factors directly impact-ing efficiency, purposefulness, and development of education may be grouped as follows according to the five strategic directions in the “State Strategy for development of education in the Republic of Azerbaijan” as approved by Instruction dated October 24 2013 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
- content of the person-oriented education;
- effective training methods;
- new management tools;
- constant and uninterrupted education infrastructure;
- setting up sustainable financing model.
Developing countries strive to bring the latest achievements in science and technology to the content of taught subjects in order to update their education systems. For this purpose, the competences recommended by the European council are taken as key to address this matter throughout the globalized world. Globalization processes further expedites the mutual integration of education systems of different countries. Comprehensive formation of an individual students is accepted as one of the main conditions in the first case. Here the main goal and duty is to cultivate humane qualities in them and bring them up as personalities beneficial for their due societies and countries. Schools should have insight into the demands of the countries and societies and make adjustments in the contents of person-oriented new education programs in order to have these goals in place.
There are a lot of interactive methods evolved serving enhancement of effectiveness of education process since formation of first schools: role plays, brainstorming, active noise, mutual control, research method, roundtable, debates, conceptual table, training discussions, BIBO, t-table, discussions, Venn diagram, networking, word associations and etc. There were a number of methodological schools where the intellectual activity was arranged in Azerbaijan late in 19th century. “The first methodological schools in Azerbaijan was founded by S. A. Shirvani in Shamakhy (1870), by M. T. Sidgi in Ordubad (1892) and Nakhchivan (approx. 1894), M. M. Navvab in Shusha (approx. 1895), and M. I. Gasir in Lankaran (approx. 1896)” (ASE, 1986: 497). Interactive training methods were also applied in those schools. “Alphabetic training (sovti) was applied through a new style” (ASE, 1986: 497).
Interactive training method is a process of organizing and managing student's intellectual activity with the teacher involvement. “Interactive training approaches” notion is also used as a synonym to this concept. Although different in their names, all these methods serve to enhance effectiveness and productiveness of education. The need for “individual”, i. e., person-oriented approach is specifically stressed when applying all interactive training methods.
Interconnection with the individual features of students of the concepts and peculiarities relating to productive approach substantially distinguishes it from other methods. In one of fairy tales clarifying individual approach, it is stated that: “When walking along the sea shore one person observes a man throw-ing something into the sea. Coming nearer to the man, he sees that the man throws sea stars washed onto the shore back into the sea. Surprised, he asks the man: “Why are you throwing the sea stars back into the sea?” Continuing his act, the man answers: “To save their lives”. The person gets surprised and asks: “There are thousands of sea stars on the shore and it is impossible to return all of them to the sea. Then what are you going to change by doing so?” The man picks up a sea stars from the shore and throwing into the sea says, “See, much has changed for this sea star”.
The new saying by English scholar Herbert Spencer as regards key duties of education, “it is education that prepares us for a meaningful life” early in 19th century has caused major discussions among the pedagogical public. Further refining his thoughts as regards surpassing quality of person - oriented training in training - education process, he wrote: “Efforts should be made so that children make find personal discoveries and make personal outcomes themselves. They should be given as little explanation as possible lest they make more discoveries” (Пятьдесят крупнейших мыслителей, 2012: 203). Referring to these ideas and further developing them, the Summer hill school founded by English pedagogue Alexander Swaziland Nil in 1924 stood out by placing specific importance to individual features of students. One of the guiding principles of this school was to take into account physiological and psychological levels and stability in attendance and age limits of students. Nil considered that children themselves understand well when they are ready to study. Education begins with love for children and recognizing his psychic and thought world. Nil believed that: “A child is intrinsically wise and initiative and his future is unique. He/she will improve on to the maximum using all possibilities when freed from influences of adults” (Пятьдесят современных мыслителей, 2012: 12).
One of the concerns we encountered after our republic gained its independence is its direction towards humanist and person-oriented concept, alongside change in the goals of education. Azerbaijani government defined such tasks as bringing up a citizen and personality understanding his duties before the education system respecting the national customs, ideas of his nation, principles of democracy, human rights and freedoms alongside implementation of such key principles of state policy as humanism, democracy, equality, nationalism, universality and etc.
These guiding principles were reflected in a number of education programs and, as a systemized and logical continuation of reforms, contained in the “State Strategy for development of education in the Republic of Azerbaijan” and directed towards “creation of person-oriented education content basing on competence of the first strategic direction...” (Azar- baycan Respublikasinda fasilasiz pedaqoji, 2007).
It is noted in the strategy that such personal qualities as public activeness, creativeness, imitativeness and etc., humanistic features and not only knowledge, skills, proficiencies, and certain activity related func-tional preparedness are key for upbringing a person. Different objectives are implemented in the training process in order to cultivate individual qualities. The student is nurtured the knowledge, skills, and profi-ciencies contained in different education programs alongside teaching of existing social practice. “This principle anticipates putting the relationships between subjects of education process into dialogue frame, problem-setting for the process in order to activate the students, inclusion of real personal experience of each student in the training process, and individualization-direction of training to development of individual creativeness of the education subject (Azarbaycan Respublikasinda Umumtahsil Maktablarinin, 2004).
Each student should be taught “to learn” in the effective and productive learning process in the first place such that they may implement these problems independently and constantly. Unfortunately, it should be noted that in present day Azerbaijan education and its effectiveness, productiveness means crenation of scientific date and responding them in a test format in the first place. The underlying reason for such popu-larization of the test method recently is its requirement to assess knowledge as the sole task for admission to higher and specialized schools and state service. Knowing all these in advance, the youth and graduates strives for crenation for the sake of accomplishment. In this case, they forget importance of a number of personal features required by modern times and never attain them. The opportunity is lost even though they feel it from the first day of their work experience. Therefore, youth is forced to seek new ways of attaining certain knowledge and skills relevant to their qualification. Cultivation of such qualities should start from the first stage of the education process.
Today, the key principles of the concept of “teaching to learn” to be cultivate in students when applying interactive training methods in the education process include: independent work, practical work experience, observation, exploration, comparison, analysis, results achievement, cultivation of skills and proficiency, abstraction, generalization, self-confidence, self-upbringing, discovery of abilities and etc., relevant qualities (values). Therefore, the demands in teaching the subjects in the public schools in the globalizing world should be changed and constantly adjusted according to requirements of developing society. In such an adjustment process, the students never experience any problems in adapting to the requirements of changing society and independently cope with the challenges. Such persons, besides being active participants of constantly changing and developing society, make major achievements guiding the society as well.
Teacher should learn to teach himself/herself in order to “teach learning” in students. Confucius' con-cept in “Human being and Education Philosophy” contains such a belief: “Any person trying to enhance his past knowledge by adding on a new knowledge may a teacher for others” (Kom§u, 2011: 31). Today a teacher ought to properly perceive the significance of education, define his/her role in teaching the subject, learn education standards (programs, textbooks, methodological literature), scientific innovations, best practices, and innovations, be capable of organizing modern teaching approaches, work creatively, give preference to person-oriented methods ensuring effectiveness and productiveness of the training process in his/her work, and make all the provisions for all-round development of an individual. “Teacher's knowledge, skills, and proficiencies shall be raised to modern requirements at all stages of education system” (Azarbaycan Respublikasinda tahsilin inki§afi, 2013).
Individuality is a general characteristic of qualities, cultivated in the genetic and education-training person unique for each individual. In order to discover and develop skills and abilities of each child, teach-er's ability to work jointly with other participants of the education process is one of the key conditions. Students are distinct from each other for their skills, senses and thoughts. Teacher's ability to discern such distinctions is key for person-oriented training process leading up to “effective and productive teaching”. Such qualities are reflected in different types of activities such as during games, education process, labor camps, sport tournaments, creative activities, at wins, under challenging conditions and etc. The following issues shall be addressed in the first place in order to enhance effectiveness ofproductive education process:
- Recognition of the concept of training process as an organic complementation of development of indi-viduality, skills formation, education and upbringing rather than combination of education and upbringing alone.
- Discovery of specific features in mutual relationships of the participants of the training process such as managers, teachers, students, and parents and recognition as mutual assistances when addressing them.
- Recognition of constancy of the training process as a key condition for its effectiveness and pro-ductiveness.
“One of the key concerns in managing the education is clear definition of adjustment, management, and control functions in education” (Azarbaycan Respublikasinda tahsilin inki§afi, 2013). Democratic management issues in education, coordination of the works of collegial bodies, theoretical and practical matters of introduction of new management tools, preparation and qualification-raising of lead pedagogical personnel in education system, methodological problems of education management preparation and etc., should be adapted to demand of our country's sociocultural modernization course. There the main purpose should be to direct all activities to organization of effective and productive training process. “This new mission of education demands a new model of school reformation. In this model, policy-makers should focus on development of the skills sensitive to demands and interests of schools and teachers, students and society on the whole rather than management components” (Пятьдесят современных мыслителей, 2012: 471).
ICT introduction into all structures of our present-day society increases day-by-day and gradual expansion of its scope of influence and increase in its significance call forth a number of objective realities. Speed and scope bring about a new quality and broader opportunities for developing effectiveness in managing various processes where ICT is applied. “Major steps have been taken for more rapid integration into the world electronic domain of our country as a result of the works carried out to develop ICT in the Republic of Azerbaijan, evolvement of new forms of social and economic activities (e-government, e-commerce, distant education and etc.), creation of information and knowledge bases, enhanced effectiveness in different fields of economy, and raising quality of products and services” (Azar- baycan Respublikasinda informasiya camiyyatinin, 2014). ICT application in organizing and managing the education process in particular broadens up the opportunities for introduction of new training technologies that raise activeness of perception process alongside demanding transgressing traditional rules. Effectiveness of applied training technologies and teachers' unique experience is vital for closeness and complementation of training method with organization and management of training process, organization and management of perception process of students. The broader opportunities provided by ICT in organizing and managing the training process directed towards preparation of relevant specialists meeting the demand of information society opens up new approaches for creation of effective and productive training process. “Bringing up educated younger generation, their development as active users and creators of advanced technologies, setting up a modern education system meeting demand of information society through integration of ICT into all stages of education process, creation of digital education information reserves, enhancement of teacher's computer proficiencies, development of e-education and distant education system to modern demands, formation and development of constant education concept taking into account the vulnerable social groups are key objectives of this direction” (Azarbaycan Respublikasinda infor- masiya camiyyatinin, 2014).
One of the key peculiarities of enhancing effectiveness of education is its constant and uninterrupted nature. It is imperative for people to have free access to information and tools necessary to attain perfectness at all ages and form the skills of free use of advanced technologies. By properly guiding the youth, proper conditions may be created for their constant development and uninterrupted education. Constant education is a process ensuring formation as a personality and lifelong improvement of a person in life. Constant education is meeting person's demand on education through formal, non-formal, and informal ways. Such an education ensures the person received non-stop, “lifelong education and as our prophet said: “Learning from cradle to grave”. Covering broader segments of population for its scope, constant education is recognized as a key-criteria for implementing reforms in education field in the developed countries of the world.
Every person shall constantly improve on social effectiveness of his/her knowledge against the back-ground of constantly transforming society. It is necessary to ensure constancy and uninterrupted nature of education for effectiveness to yield outcome. Constant education is realized at 2 phases in many countries of the world as given below:
- main base education key for preparing a person for independent life;
- additional education relating to development of practical activity of a person.
Main base education covers the types of education attained at different stages and levels of it in order to start an independent life and become one of the members of the society with equal rights of a person such as primary education, preliminary education, general primary education, full primary education, first voca-tional education, higher education: the bachelor's, master's, and doctorate.
Additional education has a major role for ensuring active and effective involvement of a person in the country's social, economic, political, and cultural life. Additionally, additional education provides for constant education of a person relating to raising and improving on the vocational education level. The additional education covers the following directions: qualification - raising, requalification of personnel, internship and personnel improvement, secondary higher education and specialized education, degree raising, education of adults and etc.
Education covers all areas of human activity by holding a remarkable place in the indicators system characterizing development of human capital. In our modern times, high-quality education and higher qualification degrees have independently acquired the most remarkable values. Education has a major role in enhancing human capacity, creating human capital and significantly expanding human opportunities. Highly educated persons may ensure a higher lifestyle for themselves by coping with more complex higher paid works.
In transition into information society, intellectual property, creative ideas, and new information in the first place are attached major importance. Each and every intellectual property translates into a product and attains an economic sense and plays a vital role in forming basis for economic turnover. As a key types of private ownership intellectual property defines development directions of labor market managing it as well. In its turn, special laws (supply and demand, value and etc.) are developed that regulate education and education services in the labor market.
Developed countries consistently increases their investments in education taking into account its impact on long-term development. A state and society attache special importance to personal qualities, increase of education and professional level of each individual. High-quality education of each individual translates into knowledge, skills, and competences capable of influencing human capital, production, and revenues and beneficial for practical work. High-quality education in our modern times is the success and achievement for each person. It plays a crucial role in realizing himself/herself in life, asserting his/her rights and developing self-confidence. Besides, education has positive impact on life expectancy and welfare of population.
Special education programs geared towards economic development should be financed by government and society. Proper measures are taken in developed countries relating to its regulation and management sensitively approaching the processes taking place in education field. These tasks are also contained in the State Strategy for development of education in the Republic of Azerbaijan: “The education financing tool must be improved and development of competitive environment in education system must be supported” (Azarbaycan Respublikasinda tahsilin inki§afi, 2013). Every country develops its own education policy relevant to its socio-economic development and strives towards building up a sustainable financing model by keeping under constant control its adaptation to changing conditions. A special field of science called education economy has been dealing with these matters in the developed countries in the recent period. Human capita is the theory standing at the base of education economy science.
Education economy explores effectiveness of the investments in education, studies the market providing education services and is sensitive to the processes taking place in this area alongside economic provision for implementation of education programs. For this purpose, inclusion of marketing and management in the education services network serves to enhance the quality and effectiveness of education and provision of more competent and broader range of education services.
Effectiveness in education in a number of lead countries of the world and also in our republic aims to “... build up a model of financing education system at the same level with the economically sustainable and lead education system standards of the world” (Azar- baycan Respublikasinda tahsilin inki§afi, 2013).
There are a number of concerns which have not been addressed yet in regulating the relationships between the education system and labor market in building up an effective and productive education that may ensure sustainability of financing of the education field in our republic such as:
- consideration of the demands of labor market in personnel preparation process;
- formation and expansion of education services market;
- ensure provision of education services;
- processing the methods for knowledge management in distant learning;
- creation of knowledge management systems;
- reinforcing competitive force;
- reinforcing publicist activity of educational institutions;
- creation of effectiveness system of productive education;
- modernization of education programs;
- definition of key principles of raising the quality of education services.
Thus, the creation of a system of effective and productive education is one of the key tasks of modern societies in general, Azerbaijan in particular. It allows them to adapt to ever-changing realities and sustainable development. Among the factors that ensure the creation of such a system are key: the introduction of a model of personality-oriented education; application of interactive teaching methods; use of new education management tools; implementation of the principle of “lifelong learning”; ensuring a system of sustainable financing of education. They give positive results if their correct interaction is established in the society.
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