Using the interactive whateboard in English lessons at university

The search for more modern forms and methods of work to improve the level of education. Interactive technologies, the use of which contributes to the effectiveness of mastering educational material. The active use of the interactive whiteboard.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 27.05.2023
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O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


Maryna RYZHENKO, Candidate of

Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Olena ANISENKO, Senior Teacher

Lyudmyla SEMENOVA, Senior Lecturer



interactive whiteboard education technology

In the context of the search for more modern forms and methods of work to improve the level of education, interest in interactive technologies has increased, the use of which contributes to the effectiveness of mastering educational material. One of the current innovations was the active use of the interactive whiteboard as a means of increasing the intensification of the learning process through interactivity, visibility and dynamism in the presentation of material.

The use of an electronic interactive whiteboard is an effective way to introduce the electronic content of educational material and multimedia materials into the learning process, to involve students in an active learning process based on the use of interactive teaching methods, which allows creating conditions conducive to the formation and development of various student competencies.

The article discusses the fact that an interactive whiteboard can be used at different stages of an English lesson and when teaching various types of speech activity: during phonetic and language exercises, entering and practicing vocabulary and language models, activating grammatical material, teaching spelling and perception of a foreign language..

The article highlights the problems that can be solved with the help of an interactive whiteboard in English classes. A brief overview of the methods of using an interactive whiteboard in English classes in universities, aimed at increasing student' motivation and more effective learning, is presented.

The author describes the advantages that an interactive whiteboard has for teaching English. Pre-prepared thematic texts, training and testing exercises, illustrations, audio and video materials are the basis for introducing or activating lesson material, repeating and consolidating language models and grammatical structures, improving reading skills and listening to foreign speech.

The use of an interactive whiteboard in the process significantly increases the effectiveness of students learning the material with significant time savings, and also motivates them to gain knowledge. Work in the classroom becomes a live action that arouses genuine interest among students, and contributes to the improvement of practical knowledge and speech skills, the development of the sociocultural competence ofstudents, and the improvement of communication skills in English.

Key words: interactive whiteboard, information technology, foreign language speech, visibility, motivation, multimedia materials.


Марина РИЖЕНКО, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземної філології та перекладу Харківського національного університету міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова (Харків, Україна)

Олена АНІСЕНКО, старший викладач кафедри іноземної філології та перекладу Харківського національного університету міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова (Харків, Україна)

Людмила СЕМЕНОВА, старший викладач кафедри іноземної філології та перекладу Харківського національного університету міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова (Харків, Україна)


В умовах пошуку більш сучасних форм і методів роботи з підвищення рівня освіти підвищився інтерес до інтерактивних технологій, використання яких сприяє ефективності засвоєння навчального матеріалу. Одним із актуальних нововведень стало активне використання інтерактивної дошки як засобу підвищення інтенсифікації процесу навчання за рахунок інтерактивності, наочності та динамічності подачі матеріалу.

Використання електронної інтерактивної дошки - це ефективний спосіб впровадження електронного змісту навчального матеріалу та мультимедійних матеріалів у процес навчання, залучення студентів до активного процесу пізнання на основі використання інтерактивних способів навчання, що дозволяє створити умови, що сприяють формуванню та розвитку різних компетенцій студентів.

В статті розглядається той факт, що інтерактивна дошка може застосовуватись на різних етапах заняття з англійської мови та при навчанні різних видів мовної діяльності: під час фонетичної та мовної зарядки, введення та відпрацювання лексики та мовних моделей, активізації граматичного матеріалу, навчання правопису та сприйняття іншомовної мови.

Стаття підкреслює проблеми, які можна вирішити за допомогою інтерактивної дошки під час занять з англійської мови. Наведено короткий огляд прийомів використання інтерактивної дошки на заняттях з англійської мови у ВНЗ, спрямованих на підвищення мотивації студентів та більш ефективне її вивчення.

Автор описує переваги, які має інтерактивна дошка для навчання англійської мови. Заздалегідь підготовлені тематичні тексти, навчальні та перевірочні вправи, ілюстрації, аудіо та відеоматеріали є опорою для введення або активізації матеріалу уроку, повторення та закріплення мовних моделей та граматичних структур, удосконалення навичок читання та сприйняття іншомовного мовлення на слух.

Використання інтерактивної дошки у процесі значно підвищує ефективність засвоєння матеріалу студентами за значної економії часу, і навіть мотивує їх до отримання знань. Робота на занятті стає живою дією, що викликає у студентів непідробну зацікавленість, а також сприяє вдосконаленню практичних знань та мовленнєвих умінь, розвитку соціокультурної компетенції студентів, удосконаленню навичок спілкування англійською мовою.

Ключові слова: інтерактивна дошка, інформаційні технології, іншомовне мовлення, наочність, мотивація, мультимедійні матеріали.

Problem statement

Today, in the context of globalization and the possibility of communication on a global scale, knowledge of a foreign language is more relevant than ever. The process of teaching a foreign language is in constant change, traditional approaches are being replaced by new tools, methods and technologies designed to increase the effectiveness of learning, to optimize the learning process and to motivate learning.

How to motivate modern students? Current generation students differs from previous ones in that it grew in the era of informatization and digital technologies. They almost never read paper books, preferring them cognitive resources of the Internet and e-books. To interest such students, traditional methods are clearly not enough, aimed at transferring knowledge. An activity approach is needed that provides for modeling life situations and allows students to develop a propensity for self-education and personal self-determination, motivation for cognitive activity, a system of interpersonal relations, social competencies, active civic position, etc. The same electronic tools they use in their daily lives.

Review or recent research and publications

The problem of learning foreign languages with the help of interactive boards are described by foreign and scientists (Bacon, D., Campbell, C., Martin, D., Zenkina S. V., Kostikova I. I., Spivakovskyi O. V.). The researchers that the use of interactive boards opens up new opportunities in the organization of educational process. Rational combination of traditional means and teaching methods with the use of multimedia technologies contributes to the intensification of the learning process and the improvement of the quality of education.

The aim of this article is to analyze the problem of learning a foreign language with the help of interactive boards in terms of modernization of education.

The main body

One of these tools, similar in terms of impact to personal computers, tablets, game consoles, is an interactive whiteboard. This is a touch screen, the main part of which is required connects to a personal computer so that the projector transmits the image from the board to the monitor. The surface of the board is very sensitive and allows you to use a pen (or even a finger) to draw and write on it. You don't need a mouse to control your computer no keyboard. If necessary, if there are students in the group with poor vision, you can simply enlarge any element with one movement of your hand, depicted on the board.

Working with an interactive whiteboard increases the level of perception of the material through a combination of various forms of information transfer - visual, sound and tactile. The design of the lesson, which includes combining the background, figures of the audio and video sequence into a single whole, plays an important role. It is known that each student has his own inclinations, his own style in learning foreign languages. Psychological studies show that the more neurosystems are involved in the learning process, the better the information is reproduced subsequently. Such a complex combination has a great impact on the student, forming associative links to help you understand the material better. After all, associations are natural companion of our thoughts. The human brain is arranged in such a way that information is automatically linked together (Zenkina, 2009:123).

With the help of an interactive whiteboard, young people feel like they are in an interactive environment that is familiar to them, which allows them to stimulate their desire to speak out or comment on what they hear in the same way as they do it on social networks and blogs. Even though they are already out of childhood, students are very attracted to play forms training and various technical innovations. Moreover, the interactive whiteboard can help students who are not very strong in the subject, but have good computer skills, to increase their rating among classmates.

Unfortunately, many teachers use an interactive whiteboard only as a screen for showing presentations. This approach is extremely inefficient, since in the software of any interactive whiteboard there is a rich arsenal of functions with which you can productively work with any objects on the board: group, move, hide etc. For the teacher, the interactive whiteboard opens up a limitless number of opportunities to increase student motivation and more effective foreign language teaching.

The interactive whiteboard helps to implement the principles of communicative activity, feedback, interactivity, visibility, consistency and accessibility of the presentation of material, interdisciplinary connections, a personal-activity approach to learning, as well as the use of different modes of work (individual, pair, group).

As practice shows, students of technical universities are characterized by such personality traits such as restraint, timidity, lack of initiative and isolation, which greatly interfere in the classroom in a foreign language. So, for example, exercises such as speech warm-up, role-playing games, dialogues cause them laughter, embarrassment, they are afraid of ridicule, criticism and failure.

The involvement of an interactive whiteboard helps to relieve unnecessary tension and create a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.

It is known that using an interactive whiteboard, you can perform the following operations:

- display visual information (graphs, diagrams, reproductions of paintings, drawings, photographs, tables, diagrams), websites, videos, electronic textbooks and dictionaries, programs, tests, Power Point presentations created by both the teacher and students;

- make notes and notes to the images displayed on the screen;

- create diagrams, drawings, tables directly during the lesson;

- move images to any area of the interactive whiteboard, display several images for comparison;

- display pre-prepared control questions on the board;

- promptly make changes to the methodological materials and the outline of the lesson right at the lesson, depending on changing circumstances (Kostikova, 2011:430).

Thanks to the “Shutter” function, you can hide part of the screen and organize control and self-control. Among other important functions of the interactive whiteboard: handwriting recognition, enlargement of the required fragment (“magnifier”), a laser pointer with which you can pay attention students at critical moments.

For teachers of foreign languages, there are various board options. There are ready-made materials specifically designed for interactive whiteboard teaching, as well as programs that allow teachers to create their own exercises, and even author's programs.

Working with an interactive whiteboard ensures the completeness, continuity and consistency of the logical presentation of material when studying language aspects and improving the skills of students. It should be noted that the interactive whiteboard can be used on various stages of the lesson and in teaching all types of speech activity: during phonetic exercises, for the introduction and development of lexical and grammatical material, control and self-control of skills and abilities in reading, writing, listening and, of course, speaking. Using an interactive whiteboard, you can organize testing on any aspect of a foreign language, calculation rating of students, the dynamics of their progress, etc.

A great advantage in teaching pronunciation is the ability to display on the board the face of a person articulating individual sounds, words and phrases. Students can not only hear, but also follow the work of the speech apparatus. For example, you can listen to the pronunciation of words native speakers, and not just a teacher; compare British and American pronunciations, etc. At the same time, the listening process viewing is continuous, you can pause, repeat, return to the desired moment. All this greatly facilitates the process of perception and understanding of foreign language speech. As practice shows, students are happy listen to songs and then sing them in karaoke mode.

When working on listening skills, there are techniques such as “Find mistakes in the dialogues of your classmates”, “Select the correct option according to what you heard”, “Fill in the gaps in the text” etc.

When working out grammatical and lexical material, you can, together with students, draw up a diagram or table using different colors to draw the attention of students to a particular aspect. For example, when working out interrogative sentences, the use of multi-colored pencils helps to pay attention to word order, location and form of auxiliary and semantic verbs. While practicing vocabulary on various topics, you can use the anagram game. In that In the exercise, the letters that make up the words are mixed up and students must put them in the correct order. During this exercise, students remember not only the word itself, but also the correctness of its spelling. Quite a lot of interest is caused by tasks in which you need to pick up pairs of words (these can be synonyms, antonyms, words with prepositions, etc.), solve a crossword or rebus, etc. You can repeat the forms of irregular verbs in a game for two people (as in the TV game “Own game”), and practice professional terms in the likeness of the game “Who wants to be a millionaire?”. The most effective techniques for working with vocabulary and grammar are: “Find the mistake”, “Text with gaps”, “Distribution into groups”, “Fill in the gaps”, “Remove unnecessary”, “Create schemes”, “Linguistic games”, etc.

In teaching reading and writing, you can use techniques such as “Correspondence”, “Restoration of deformed text”, “Text with gaps”, “Highlighting the necessary information”, “Filling spaces”, “Ordering parts of the text in the correct order”, “True/false”, “Selecting a title for the text”, “Replacing highlighted words with synonyms”, etc. It is important to note that when working with the text, you can refer to dictionaries and reference books. With the interactive whiteboard, students can familiarize with the correct design and structure of a business letter, resume, demonstrate a sample annotation, etc.

Here are some more examples of using an interactive whiteboard on employment at the university. Working on the topic “My city”, students can mark the sights of the city directly on the map, after which they can make the most optimal routes for excursions. Result can be saved, and work with the map can be continued further in the next lesson.

Working with interactive whiteboards contributes to the development of creative students' potential and ability to work in a team. With its help, you can organize “brainstorming”, “round table”, micro-conferences, trainings and viewing of Power Point presentations. Thanks to multimedia students can present the results of group projects in a lively, interactive way. As a rule, students are very creative work with information that normally seems uninteresting and dry to them. In order to involve all students in active work, it is important remind them of the general rules for working in a group (pairs):

- be conscientious towards your groupmates, work to the best of your ability;

- listen carefully to each member of the group;

- do not interrupt speakers;

- speak briefly, clearly, so that everyone can speak;

- support each other despite intellectual differences;

- rejecting the proposed idea, do it politely, do not forget offer an alternative;

- speak on behalf of the group honorably, as it is an authorized representative of the entire group (Bacon, 2011:15).

It is also important to familiarize students with the criteria for evaluating their speeches: the relevance of the topic, compliance with the content of the stated topic, originality in the presentation of the material, the appeal of speech, speech and language literacy, compliance with time regulations, the ability to answer questions, etc.

The above types of work contribute to the development of communication skills, the ability to solve the problem, the formation tolerance for other people's opinions, etc. Psychologists note the importance of learning in cooperation, because by interacting and advising each other, discussing materials; students get a tremendous experience of mutual learning, which is one of the most effective ways of mastering and memorizing educational material.

The results of student surveys on the impact of an interactive whiteboard on the effectiveness of the learning process in foreign language classes indicate that this tool causes many positive emotions in them.

Students note the following advantages of the interactive whiteboard:

- saving time;

- increasing motivation;

- development of fantasy and creativity;

- development of self-confidence;

- improving the pace of the lesson;

- better assimilation of the material;

- involuntary memorization of the material;

- systematization of the material, allocation of the main and secondary;

- involvement of all students in the educational process;

- increasing the attendance of classes;

- work online;

- lack of chalk and rags;

- environmental friendliness (no need to write notes, print and photocopy materials and, accordingly, recycle paper and consumables, which contributes to the conservation environment).

Among the disadvantages are the following:

- deterioration of vision;

- fatigue;

- difficulty setting;

- errors in the image when using;

- possibility of technical failure;

- high cost.

In addition, preparing a lesson using an interactive whiteboard - time-consuming process that involves serious additional work on formation of material in electronic form. In addition, one of the biggest difficulties in the use of this device by teachers is associated with the need willingness to keep up with the times and constantly improve skills work with rapidly changing computer technologies. Not every teacher is ready to sacrifice his personal time to change the ready-made methodological developments. Therefore, from the universities it would be nice to provide support to teachers who are actively mastering information technology.


Thus, the use of an interactive whiteboard in the classroom brings very good results. An interactive whiteboard makes the process of learning a foreign language more dynamic, allowing you to go beyond one teaching aid in the classroom, and to attract many additional sources. Classes become more entertaining and exciting; diversity is introduced into the educational process with the most modern teaching aids.

In conclusion, we note that the use of an interactive whiteboard corresponds to the way of perceiving information that distinguishes a new generation of students who have a much higher need for visual information and visual stimulation. According to psychologists, people remember only 20% of what they see, 30% of what they hear, 50% of what they see and hear, and 80% of what they see, hear and do at the same time. Based on these data, it can be said that the use of interactive technologies can improve the quality of students' knowledge many times over (Campbell & Martin, 2010).

In addition, the interactive whiteboard is a tool that not only facilitates the work of the teacher, but also bring the system of training qualified personnel to a fundamentally different level. Thanks to the use of innovative technologies, a fundamentally new role is formed for the teacher, and the effectiveness of teaching is beyond doubt.

However, do not forget that an interactive whiteboard is not a magical tool that instantly solves all problems. board never can completely replace the teacher. Any activity using interactive whiteboard should have a clear plan and structure, achieve specific goals and outcomes. Ultimately, it is from the efforts and the teacher's imagination depends on how and how fully they will be implemented all the features of this device.


1. Зенкина С.В. Организация профессиональной деятельности учителя в новой информационно-образовательной среде. Информатика и образование. 2009. № 5. С. 123-125.

2. Костікова І. І. Впровадження мультимедійних технологій у професійній підготовці майбутніх фахівців початкової освіти. Педагогічні науки. Збірник наукових праць Херсонського державного університету. Випуск 58. Частина І. Херсон. 2011. С. 429-434.

3. Співаковський О.В., Львов М.С., Круглик В.С. Робоче місце вчителя в сучасній інформаційній системі управління навчальним процесом. Науковий часопис НПУ ім.Драгоманова, серія №2. Комп'ютерноорієнтовані системи навчання: Зб. наук. Праць. К. 2005. №3 (10). С. 153-159.

4. Bacon, D. (2011). The interactive whiteboard as a force for pedagogic change. Information Technology in Education Journal. Р. 15-18.

5. Campbell, C., & Martin, D. (2010). Interactive whiteboards and the first-year experience: Integrating IWBs into preservice teacher education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 35(6). P. 68-75.


1. Zenkina S.V. Organizatsiya professionalnoy deyatelnosti uchitelya v novoy informatsionno-obrazovatelnoy srede. [Organization of the teacher's professional activity in the new information and educational environment]. Informatics and education, 2009, Nr 5, pp. 123-125 [In Russian].

2. Kostikova I. I. Vprovadzhennia multymediinykh tekhnolohii u profesiinii pidhotovtsi maibutnikh fakhivtsiv pochatkovoi osvity [Implementation of multimedia technologies in the professional training of future specialists in primary education]. Pedagogical sciences. Collection of scientific works of Kherson State University, V. 58, P. 1, Kherson, 2011, pp. 429-434 [In Ukrainian].

3. Spivakovskyi O.V., Lvov M.S., Kruhlyk V.S. Roboche mistse vchytelia v suchasnii informatsiinii systemi upravlinnia navchalnym protsesom [A teacher's workplace in a modern information system for managing the learning process]. Scientific journal of Dragomanov State University, series #2. Computer-oriented learning systems: Collection of scientific works, K, 2005, № 3 (10), pp. 153-159 [In Ukrainian].

4. Bacon, D. (2011). The interactive whiteboard as a force for pedagogic change. Information Technology in Education Journal. Р. 15-18.

5. Campbell, C., & Martin, D. (2010). Interactive whiteboards and the first-year experience: Integrating IWBs into preservice teacher education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 35(6). P. 68-75.

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