Professional development of academic staff by means of information and communication technologies: the Ukrainian experience

Study of the problem of professional development and readiness of academic staff to implement innovations. An examination of aspects of Japanese higher education, which is known worldwide for excellence, internationalization and progressiveness.

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National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Kyiv National Linguistic University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Professional development of academic staff by means of information and communication technologies: the Ukrainian experience

Nelly G. Nychkalo - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Full Member of NAES of Ukraine, Academician-Secretary

of Vocational and Adult Education Department

Nataliia P. Muranova - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Vice rector State Higher Educational Institution

“University of Educational Management”

Olena S. Voliarska - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Associate Professor, Professor for the Department of Pedagogical,

Teaching Methods of Foreign Languages

and Information and Communication Technologies

Valeriya V. Kudina - PhD of Pedagogical Sciences

Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogical,

Teaching Methods of Foreign Languages

and Information and Communication Technologies


The article explores the issue of professional development and academic staff readiness for implementing innovations. Japanese higher education is well-known for its academic excellence, internationalization, and progressivity. Among several its unbiased advantages there is innovative encouragement, entrepreneurial culture of higher education institutions, collegiate professional support. All these issues are the matter of interest for the Ukrainian education system. The article examines focal points: recent innovation trends in higher education globally, academic staff readiness for implementing innovations in two education systems. It was found that the readiness of scientific and pedagogical staff to introduce key innovations in higher education is built on the basis of specific components of professional competence. In particular, such components focus on the organized acquisition of additional knowledge and skills of professional implementation, aimed at the professional development of specialists in the information society. This concept is related to the desire and the ability of the teaching staff to acquire additional professional knowledge and skills to meet the demand of modern education. This is especially urgent under uncertain socio-economic circumstances, particularly, in Ukraine where teaching is not considered an attractive career to choose. The paper seeks to examine the level of university staff readiness for implementing innovations in Ukraine by means of information and communication technologies. The analysis of university staff readiness to implement innovations was carried out on the base of a remote survey.

All the participants attended at least two training programs (advanced training courses, seminars, workshops) in years prior to the survey. The analysis showed the evident need of research and teaching staff to improve their own information and communication competence, and also the need to refer to the modern information and communication technologies. It was found that the use of the information and communication technologies in the educational process of higher education is a favorable factor in the development of readiness of research and teaching staff to implement educational innovations in their own professional activities. In future research, it is recommended improving Ukrainian experience for professional development of academic staff in the dimension of information and communication technologies adapted for different levels of educational management.

Keywords: academic staff; higher education; innovation implementation; professional development; advanced training course; information and communication competence; advanced training programs; information and communication technologies; Ukraine.

Професійний розвиток науково-педагогічних працівників засобами інформаційно-комунікаціних технологій: український досвід

Ничкало Неля Григорівна, доктор педагогічних наук, професор, академік, академік-секретар відділу професійної освіти і освіти дорослих, Національна академія педагогічних наук України, м. Київ, Україна

Муранова Наталія Петрівна, доктор педагогічних наук, професор, проректор, ДЗВО “Університет менеджменту освіти” НАПН України, м. Київ, Україна

Волярска Олена Станіславівна, доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри педагогіки, методики викладання іноземних мов і інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій Київський національний лінгвістичний університет, м. Київ, Україна

Кудіна Валерія Василівна, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри педагогіки, методики викладання іноземних мов і інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій, Київський національний лінгвістичний університет, м. Київ, Україна


professional academic higher education

У статті досліджується проблема професійного розвитку і готовності академічного персоналу до впровадження інновацій. Розглянуто аспекти японської вищої освіти, яка відома в усьому світі своєю досконалістю, інтернаціоналізацією та прогресивністю. Серед ряду її неупереджених переваг - впровадження інновацій, підприємницька культура закладів вищої освіти, колегіальна професійна підтримка. Усі ці питання цікавлять українську систему освіти. Метою статті є дослідження готовності персоналу закладів вищої освіти України до впровадження освітніх інновацій засобами інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій. У статті розглядаються фокусні точки: останні світові інноваційні тенденції у вищій освіті та готовність академічного персоналу до впровадження інновацій в освітній процес. З'ясовано, що готовність науково-педагогічних працівників до впровадження ключових інновацій вищої освіти будується на основі такої складової професійної компетентності, як організоване набуття додаткових знань і навичок професійної реалізації, спрямоване на професійний розвиток фахівців в інформаційному суспільстві. Готовність співробітників вищої школи до впровадження освітніх інновацій поширюється на їх мотивацію та форми отримання підвищення кваліфікації. Готовність до впровадження освітніх інновацій визначено як прагнення та здатність освітян і науковців набути додаткових професійних знань та навичок для задоволення вимог сучасної освіти. Це особливо актуально за невизначених соціально-економічних обставин, зокрема в Україні, де викладання не вважається привабливою професією в суспільстві. Аналіз готовності співробітників університету до впровадження інновацій в освітню практику проведено на основі дистанційного опитування. Усі учасники пройшли щонайменше дві навчальні програми (семінари, курси) у форматі підвищення кваліфікації впродовж декількох років до опитування. Результати опитування показали наявну потребу науково-педагогічних працівників у підвищенні власної інформаційно-комунікаційної компетентності, необхідності ознайомлення із сучасними інформаційно-комунікаційними технологіями. З'ясовано, що застосування інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій в освітньому процесі вищої школи є сприятливим чинником професійного розвитку і розвитку готовності науково- педагогічних працівників до впровадження освітніх інновацій у власну професійну діяльність. У подальшому рекомендуємо вдосконалювати український досвід організації професійного розвитку науково-педагогічних працівників засобами інформаційно- комунікаційних технологій на різних рівнях управління освітою.

Ключові слова: академічний склад; вища освіта; впровадження інновацій у підвищення кваліфікації; інформаційно-комунікаційна компетентність; інформаційно-комунікаційні технології; Україна.


The problem statement. The scientific and technological advances, human capital mobility reshaped the understanding of higher education mission in the development of each country. The 21-st century education has renovative nature highly dependent on a labour market and rapid changes. In the face of these challenges, teachers are expected to continuously update their skills and practices to help students to succeed in contemporary society.

The analysis of various aspects of innovations inclusion in Ukraine higher education institutions has shown a number of contradictions between a governmental policy on the urgency for implementing innovations in higher education and the lack of support mechanism; high demands to qualification of Ukrainian university staff and lack of relevant professional development activities within different education formats (formal, non-formal, and informal education for adults).

Analysis of recent research and publications. The recent publications [ID, [2D, [3D, [4] indicate that the countries with competitive economies, naturally, have advantages to sustain tertiary sector than those with weak economy. As a particular case showing a good example is higher education in the member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), where issues of innovation, quality and adequacy of teacher training are more a matter of reality than rhetoric.

The expediency of using information and communication technologies (ICT) in the process of forming the readiness of teachers and scientists for the implementation of educational innovations and improvement in the context of modern realities of the educational process, the needs and interests of all its subjects are substantiated in the article by V. Bykov, M. Leshchenko [1].

According to O. Romanovsky "innmanageovations in university are closely connected with university teachers' leadership which comprises pedagogical skills, creativity, personal qualities, etc. eagerness to contribute to university education" [2, p. 63-64].

L. Viktorova in the study "Educational conditions for implementation of adults' distance learning of foreign languages" [3] points to that despite the growing popularity of the lifelong learning philosophy, there is a lack of systematic research on the use of ICT for the adults.

The theoretical analysis for a scientific literature of the introduction of educational innovations in higher education by means of information and communication technologies shows that the issue remains open.

The purpose of the research. Considering the significant relevance of the topic, the purpose of the present paper lies in studying and analyzing the readiness of research and teaching staff of higher education institutions to implement educational innovations by means of information and communication technologies.

Research methods

The research assignments of the study is to analyze the world education innovation trends which university staff are supposed to rely on; to describe Japanese approach on the issue of innovations inclusion; to evaluate the level of Ukrainian university staff readiness to implement the novelties into practice.

The research hypothesis was set around the idea that the readiness of academic staff for implementing innovations in education is multifaceted. It is connected not only with the ability to acquire additional pedagogical knowledge and skills but external factors like managerial incentives to be engaged in such activities, staff cooperation factor, training opportunities.

The following methods were used to attain the goal of this study: theoretical analysis, synthesis of scientific literature, generalization and systematization of pedagogical research. The statistical analysis of the test results was carried out using the procedures for establishing elementary mathematical statistics. Mathematical processing of the survey results was performed using Excel 7.0 spreadsheets.

This study adopts two research approaches: a review of literature and electronic resources; and a questionnaire survey which analyzed responses from 88 participants, university personnel well-informed on the subject matter. The data collection was conducted from 2019-2020, covering the following periods: 1) theoretical and organizational period - when socio-economic and pedagogical prerequisites of innovations in higher education were studied; when the readiness of Ukrainian university teaching staff for implementing innovations was analyses; 2) diagnostic and verification - when the study was conducted; 3) results and recommendation period to summarize the outcomes and suggest recommendations for further study.

The main results of the study were obtained by authors at runtime implementation of certain aspects of the research topic "Training of competitive professionals in the context of educational changes" (RK 0117U002378), which was approved in 2017-2021 at the state level without targeted state funding and within the scientific and pedagogical activities of the staff of higher education institutions of Ukraine.

The results and discussion

Contextual background: towards innovations

It is generally acknowledged that innovations have a diverse nature. In education they refer to either marked transformation in a certain educational practice, or the emergence of brand new practices [5]. Despite a high demand, compared to various sectors, education has a fair level of innovations with the greatest intensity in the higher. Among examples of excellence in this field there are universities from the USA (46 universities in the top 100), Germany (9 universities in the top 100), France (8 universities in the top 100), South Korea (6 universities), Japan (6 universities), the UK (6 universities), China (4 university in the top 100). All of these universities "produce original research; create useful technology and stimulate the world economy" [6].

Since 2002, the world educational community is acquainted with annual reports on education macro trends with high probability to shape global higher education. Previous reports (within the period of 2017-2019) proved a changeable nature of these trends. As an illustration, in 2019 the six major trends identified by the Horizon panelists were: 1) advancing culture of innovation; 2) enhancing learning approaches; 3) availability of online learning for all categories of the population; 4) growing focus on learning outcomes; 5) learning environment redesign; 6) blended learning [7]. In two years later, the innovation trends list was revised with rethinking of the scope of educational institutions, module-based and disaggregated degrees learning [7]. The 2020 report [8] outlines the following tendencies: the urgency to focus on adaptive learning technologies, machine learning applications, and open-access educational resources. The report also predicts that future models of higher education will be much dependent on institution collaboration. Due to a changing demographic and employment landscape, in the future tuition-dependent institutions will have to rethink fiscal challenges, the ways to achieve teaching and learning objectives via nano-and micro-degrees, competency- based programs, expanded online options.

University staff readiness for innovations: Japanese context

Since the Meiji Restoration, Japanese education system was targeted to integrate into the world community to compete with the West on equal rights. To improve university organization and methodology, Japanese policy makers learnt the overseas experience, namely, via hiring foreign specialists as university staff. Later on the governmental policy in Japan was changed due to economic feasibility - top academically ranked graduates were sent to Europe for advanced training [9, p. 179].

A distinctive feature of contemporary Japan's higher education system is its "hierarchical diversity". Every institution aims to claim its uniqueness, "to conduct teaching and research in depth to operate as "centres of learning" [10, p. 11]. Among top ten universities in Japan there are Tohoky University, Kyoto University, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of technology, Kyushu University.

In Japan a traditionally important role in deep and meaningful education is played by the teaching staff, whose main objective is to help students to fulfill their potential in order to become competitive professionals. In addition, contrary to Ukraine, the professional development (kenshu) in Japan relies on broader formats with a great emphasis on collective collaboration.

To ensure current government policy towards STEM fields - core to economic growth, universities try to equip their students with competences, foreign language proficiency and soft skills [11, p. 15]. All these priorities are being achieved via internationalization, comprehensive human resource development, and labour market oriented curriculum.

With a view to assuring high standards of teaching and learning, a common practice in Japanese universities is to develop international research networks, which facilitate joint university initiatives, enhance international prestige of Japanese schools and companies [11, p. 16]. For example, Nagaoka Technological University's GIGAKU Techno Park network establishes connections with industry as a part of the curriculum. Accordingly, as a major host region for international students, Japanese universities provide teachers and students with the necessary foreign language skills.

Also, Japanese universities favour to equip their students with interdisciplinary knowledge and skills. Top Universities like the Nara Institute of Science and Technology, and the University of Tsukuba with its Empowerment Informatics Program implement such approach via humanities and social sciences for STEM field students too [11, p. 17].

Statement of the theoretical foundations of the Japanese experience, of course, is useful for Ukraine in light of the organization of training of competitive professionals in the context of educational changes. A clear strategy for the development of the national system of pedagogical education in Japan, an established educational policy, uniform organization and implementation of various areas of professional development, qualitative staffing significantly affect the effectiveness of professional self-realization of educators and scientists. The willingness of Japanese teachers to study new progressive practices from the outside and adapt them to the needs of the national school is very instructive.

Professional development in Japan and Ukraine differ. Japanese teachers participate more in professional development than Ukrainian staff, showing a high level of public service motivation.

University staff readiness for innovations: Ukrainian context

In Ukraine continuous professional development of academic staff has become a compulsory option (PhD degree, language proficiency certificate, a number of publications in Scopus) since 2017 education reform. Teachers and researches are expected to master their selfefficacy in various formats.

In our study, a concept of the "academic staff readiness to implement innovations in higher education" includes a general knowledge from "The Requirements to a higher education teacher qualification in Ukraine". This concept encompasses professional parameters like autonomy, responsibility, knowledge, competence, communication.

Autonomy and responsibility of university staff are defined as the abilities of the professionals to solve problems by training the students to set and achieve high standards of learning, to strive for continuous professional and personal improvement. To ensure the implementation of innovations in teaching/learning, academic staff is supposed to develop innovative knowledge and competencies which deal with assembly of special methods and technologies. The ability of academic staff to communicate primarily refers to recognition of students' educational needs, to teacher's self awareness to act as a mentor and a manager.

It becomes obvious that university staff readiness for the introduction of innovations in higher education is not limited to the educators' desire and ability to acquire additional professional knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of modern digitalized education. This state of being prepared covers institution and leader incentives as well as learning activities concerned that benefit greatly all stakeholders - teachers, students (to improve their learning outcomes) and the academic environment.

The analysis of university staff readiness to implement innovations into practice was carried out on the base of a remote survey (communication in the video conference format via ZOOM platform). The total number of respondents was 88 (teachers from Kyiv, Zaporizhia). All the participants attended at least two training programs (observations visits, seminars, courses) in 1 year prior to the survey.

We asked the teachers to indicate their level of motivation for professional development choosing among "high", "moderate", "low", "no motivation". The participants indicated their motivation level towards innovations implementation as follows: 22 (25.00 %) - high, 41 (46.59 %) - moderate 18 (20.46 %) - low, 7 (7.95 %) - no motivation.

Among the most common forms of professional development there were mentioned: conference/seminars attendance, conducting research, and reading professional literature. Typically professional development of Ukrainian academic staff occurs on their own. On average, 90.00 % of teachers and researches spend 2.00 % of their annual salaries on publications as a proof of their professionalism level.

As for the analysis of the question “What innovation means do you apply for teaching students?”, it should be noted that 19 respondents (21.59%) are dedicated supporters of adaptive learning, 33 respondents (37.50%) respectfully choose blended learning and 36 respondents (40.91%) feature distance learning on the grounds that, for instance, having had access to tools and apps that helped study basic vocabulary, their students committed to memory almost double the amount of words compared to students who had been taught in the classrooms.

These results suggest that: 1) a driving force for professional development is staff's motivation; 2) the Ukrainian academic staff's readiness to implement the key innovative trends

in higher education range from low to high; 3) the conditions of professional training didn't fully address the Ukrainian teachers' needs.

Among the perspective professional training practices, academic staff mentioned: 1) international cooperation (59 (67.05 %) respondents); 2) the need for ICT skills for teaching (15 (17.04 %) respondents); relevant formal and non-formal professional development (14 (15.91 %) respondents) (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Distribution of the respondents' answers to the question "Which promising vocational training practices would you prefer?"

According to the data presented in an online survey on the problems and needs of Ukrainian teachers in the use of digital distance learning tools, obtained by Ukrainian scientists in 2021 "in the teachers' opinion, the most effective online forms of professional development are the following: online courses (32.1 %); online master classes (19.2 %); webinars (17.9 %); online conferences / seminars (12.1 %); mass open courses (10.6 %); online professional competitions (4.6 %)" [12, p. 36].

The summarized research findings are as follows ranking by respondents of promising areas of professional development (from rank 1 as the most significant to rank 4 as the least significant):

Table 1. Areas of professional development of respondents

Answer options


International cooperation


International webinars


Online conferences / seminars


Relevant formal and non-formal professional development


Ukrainian innovations in the introduction of interactive technologies in the process of advanced training courses and participants of the postgraduate education centers on the formation of modern professional competencies deserve special attention.

Specialists of such Ukrainian higher education institutions as State Higher Educational Institution "University of Educational Management" of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine and Kyiv National Linguistic University (KNLU) after realizing the need of renovation of the postgraduate training of research and teaching staff in Ukraine and taking into account the results obtained during the empirical study, developed and proposed for the scientific and educational community training programs and special training courses using ICT for training course participants. As examples of innovations in education, we will highlight online learning.

Scholars of the Department of Open Educational Systems and Information and Communication Technologies of the State Higher Educational Institution "University of Educational Management" developed and proposed a list of special courses: "Web resources in the educational process", "Design and development of digital storytelling in pedagogical practice", "Researching Techniques with the Use of IT and STEM Technologies", "Development of Digital Learning Materials", "Methods of Organizing and Conducting Webinars", "Google Drive. Cloud storage for collaboration","Using the "Google Classroom" service in teacher's (supervisor) work". These courses contain one 6 hours training module and are to be conducted in person or remotely (online, offline). The purpose of these advanced training courses is to acquaint every participant with the creation of educational materials for teachers and students in the Google Classroom service and with e-learning platforms. The generalized objectives of special training courses include: 1) formation of skills in placing lectures, practical and seminar classes, conducting questionnaires and testing, receiving feedback, posting video and audio materials; 2) development of skills in the use of information resources, educational resources and Internet services in educational activities, the use of Google Drive.

Specialists of the Center foreign language teaching and postgraduate education of KNLU have developed a set of training programs with using information and communication technologies for members of advanced training courses:

Table 2. Training programs with using information and communication technologies for students of the training courses at Kyiv National Linguistic University

Program's name


The amount of academic hour in the credit

Methods of developing of electronic information and methodological packages for academic disciplines in the information and educational environment of the university

01 Education/Pedagogics

90 hours, 3 credits ECTS, module 1, content module 3

Methods of professionally-oriented discipline teaching using ICT

01 Education/Pedagogics

90 hours, 3 credits ECTS, module 1, content module 3

Methods of teaching translation disciplines using ICT

01 Education/Pedagogics

90 hours, 3 credits ECTS, module 1, content module 5

Each of the programs contained 90 academic hours, that are 3 ECTS credits; number of classroom hours (practical lessons) - 30, number of self-study work hours - also 30 and 30 hours for graduation work.

The prime goal of developing and implementing the proposed training programs for advanced training courses is to emphasize breadth and depth of academic staff knowledge in the dimension of ICT, the development of their ICT competence, the components of which are the ability to use ICT (cloud, multimedia, interactive, projection and network technologies, Web-2.0, etc.) in the educational activities, create electronic educational resources (EER) in the Moodle system and place them in electronic information and methodological packages on disciplines, create in Moodle e-learning resources and use them in teaching their disciplines, use Power Point and Prezi for creation of lecture and tutorial presentations, to use cloud technologies for storage of educational and methodical materials, etc.

The significant objectives of the proposed training programs on using ICT for participants of advanced training courses are: 1) acquaintance with current global trends in ICT in education, with prospects for developing ICT in higher education, particularly, in distance learning technologies, information and educational environment and methods of its practical use in the educational process, the structure of the information and methodological package of the learnt discipline; 2) formation of the ability of using ICT (cloud, multimedia, network, etc.) in the educational process; 3) development of skills to work with the Moodle system for the creation of EER and their placement in electronic information and methodological packages for academic disciplines.

The proposed training programs and advanced training courses are flexible, variable and individualized, aimed at the formation and development of research and teaching staff components of ICT competence.

The analysis of the scientific literature on the use of ICT in the educational process of higher education has shown that ICT competence is a necessary condition for effective professional activity of a modern teacher and scholar.

Thus, the study suggests that the implementation of ICT in the educational process of higher education is a favorable factor of the development of the readiness of research and teaching staff of higher education institutions to implement educational innovations in Ukraine. It was found that advanced training courses for teachers of higher education institutions is currently impossible without acquainting them with the possibilities of using ICT in educational activities. It can be stated that the formed ICT competence is the basis of the readiness of modern scientific and pedagogical workers to implement educational innovations in their own professional activities. We agree with O. Spirin [13] that with the development of ICT, the opportunities to improve the professional activities of teachers, educators, researchers of higher education expand.

Summarizing the experience of scholars of higher and postgraduate education institutions of different regions of Ukraine allowed to state that in order to adapt teacher training to modern requirements of time and social demands of the labor market, as well as to direct their professional development it is important to introduce such educational technologies in postgraduate education as: 1) training technologies as a system of activities for working out the certain computer-aided algorithms solving the typical practical problems (psychological trainings of intellectual development, the solution of administrative problems); 2) information technologies implemented in didactic computer-based learning systems based on the "man- machine" dialogue by means of of various educational programs (training, control, information, etc.). In the underlying examples of educational technologies the leading role is given to teachers-facilitators (communication intermediaries) whose task is to effectively promote the formation of qualification characteristics of the person as the specialist of a certain branch, capable of innovative actions.

The results of the current study provided evidence that professional development of academic staff to implement innovations is not easy but crucial for every teacher's career, students and education institution in particular.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

The conducted research indicated that:

In higher educational institutions of Ukraine there is a high demand for training with the implementation of ICT, knowledge of a foreign language, as well as the relevance of the internal motivation of academic staff to participate actively in their professional development. At the same time, one of the issues is the insufficient preparedness of some academic staff to introduce innovations in higher education as it is declarative, conventional in nature and still largely depends on the remnants of the command-administrative system. That is why the main modernization directions of higher education are the changes of approaches to professional development through motivational tools and ways of professional sustainable development of university staff.

At the state level, with the aim of forming competitive scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education in Ukraine it is indispensable to create such an organizational structure for training scientific and pedagogical, as well as pedagogical professionals that is to prepare them for the introduction of digital technologies in the educational process.

At the regional level, we propose to take into account the ability of decentralized institutions and management structures to ensure the organization and control of the introduction of innovative educational technologies in the field of higher education and adult education. There are compelling reasons to approve the idea that the Ukrainian education system must be changed in order to keep up forever with education in the developed countries around the world.

At the level of higher education institutions, it is necessary to be aware that problems in the field of higher education are more complex and increasingly relevant. Therefore, these institutions are supposed to expand their autonomy so as to improve the quality of teaching and learning as well as introduce innovative ways (development of distance and / or blended learning) to provide educational services not only for students but also for all categories of adults.

The carried out analysis does not cover all aspects of the problem under study and requires conducting subsequent investigations on the impact of formal and informal education of scientific and pedagogical staff in Ukraine on improving their professionalism and raising the competitiveness of Ukrainian education. The results of the research are essential for further methodological development in the process of planning the implementation of ICT (digital tools) adapted for different levels of educational management, especially in postgraduate teacher education.

References (translated and transliterated)

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