English for future tourism specialists: pilgrimage tourism

Challenges caused by the forced transition to online learning due to the pandemic regarding the use of effective teaching methods in higher education. Supplement educational materials with culturally oriented information presented in interactive tasks.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 03.07.2023
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Bahlai O.


learning education interactive transition

The article highlights the issue of foreign teaching teaching to future tourism experts on the example of pilgrimage tourism. It is noted that the primary means of human communication has always been, is and will be language. Current challenges caused by the forced transition to online learning due to the pandemic regarding the use of effective teaching methods in higher education, namely foreign language, are analysed. The author states that language does not exist in a vacuum, but in the interaction with other languages and cultures. Language is an integral part of culture and should be studied through its prism. The need to supplement educational materials with culturally oriented information presented in interactive tasks with the aim of its active application through role-plays, presentations, pair and group discussions has been taken into consideration. The author considers the saturation of the material with information from specially developed sources to be significant for the presentation of culturally-oriented information, and analyses a range of reading, listening, speaking and viewing tasks with a view to practical application of specific information by future tourism experts. In addition, the use of available sources or teacher-recommended links to Internet sites for familiarisation with authentic material is emphasised, which plays one of the crucial roles in the process of online learning for higher education students. An example of the foreign language teaching material presentation for future tourism experts is highlighted with a detailed analysis of intercultural differences during a pilgrimage tour to Thailand, a list of rules of behaviour in a Buddhist temple, possible precautions to avoid crosscultural conflicts is given. The researcher recommends educators to attend retraining and refresher courses to keep up with the rapid development of technologies for their effective employment in the educational process.

Key words: language, culture, foreign language, tourism, pilgrimage tourism, higher education, professional training, future tourism expert.


Баглай О. І. Англійська мова для майбутніх фахівців з туризму: паломницький туризм

У статті розкрито питання викладання іноземної для майбутніх фахівців сфери туризму на прикладі паломницького туризму. Зазначається, що першочерговим засобом людської комунікації завжди була, є і буде мова. Аналізуються виклики сучасності, спричинені вимушеним переходом на онлайн навчання через пандемію, щодо застосування ефективних методів викладання у вищій освіті, а саме іноземної мови. Автором зазначено, що мова не існує у вакуумі, але у взаємодії з іншими мовами та культурами. Мова є невід'ємною складовою культури та вивчається через її призму Розглянуто необхідність доповнення навчальних матеріалів культурно-орієнтованою інформацією, поданою у інтерактивних завданнях з метою її активного застосування через рольові ігри, презентації, обговорення у парах чи групах. Значущим для презентації культурно-орієнтованої інформації, автор вважає насичення навчального матеріалу інформацією з спеціально-розроблених джерел, та аналізує спектр завдань на читання, слухання, говоріння та перегляд з метою практичного застосування конкретної інформації майбутніми фахівцями сфери туризму, яка, беззаперечно, зазнала викликів через пандемію. Крім того, наголошено на використанні наявних у джерелах чи рекомендованих викладачем посилань на інтернет-сайти для ознайомлення з автентичним матеріалом, що відіграє одну з вирішальних ролей у процесі онлайн-навчання здобувачів вищої освіти. Висвітлено приклад подачі матеріалу при викладанні іноземної мови для майбутніх фахівців туризму з детальним аналізом міжкультурних відмінностей під час паломницького туру до Тайланду, наведено перелік правил поведінки у буддистському храмі, можливих застережень з метою уникнення міжкультурних конфліктів. Дослідник рекомендує курси підвищення кваліфікації для викладачів, щоби йти інформаційно в ногу з швидким розвитком технологій для їх ефективного застосування у навчальному процесі.

Ключові слова: мова, культура, іноземна мова, туризм, паломницький туризм, вища освіта, професійна підготовка, майбутні фахівці сфери туризму.

The main text

Language has never been separate from culture and culture may be considered to be embodied in a language. Language is regarded as a key to a human heart. If there is a language, there is a nation, there are emotions and means of showing them, it is a key to unlock the heart and find the treasure inside. Through a language, both oral and written, humans make and write history, inherited from their forefathers, pass on knowledge and love for language to future generations encouraging them to preserve the language in order to let it survive and sustain for offspring to learn from for some new experience to be acquired.

Learning a foreign language in the epoch of globalisation to ensure the quality of rendered services, makes higher education immediately respond to the problem in order to train future experts professionally and competitively. Foreign language fluency refers to the “basic qualifications of specialists with a high level of readiness for performing professional duties, in particular, in hospitality business [2]. Given these aspects, future tourism experts, to keep abreast of the times, face an urgent need to communicate fluently in a foreign language.

Hospitality industry in cooperation with higher education establishments, set stringent requirements for future tourism experts to effectively compete in the labour market. Mastering foreign language communication skills is crucial as travelling opens doors to new countries with their own distinct traditions and peculiarities to be taken into account to conduct a dialogue properly.

The problem under research was investigated by numerous researchers in various aspects. Teaching a foreign language in higher education was researched by Ia. Andriushchenko O. Petrenko, H. Truba, V. Shcherbytska, L. Syniavska; deep research into the problem of future tourism experts training was carried out by O. Bahlai, Т. Kolbina, V. Lozovetska, V. Shafranskyi, H. Vasianovuch; teaching a foreign language to future tourism specialists was investigated and practically implemented by I. Voloshko, D. Potapenko and others. Despite a good deal of research having been done in the area of future tourism experts professional training, there still remain questions to be dealt with regarding current conditions of distance training.

The aim of the paper is to theoretically highlight and methodologically incorporate the peculiarities of foreign language teaching into the process of future tourism experts' professional training.

To start with, the point worth mentioning concerns the growing significance of foreign language learning by contemporary learners. This determines “the usage of the most effective tools of the informational and communicational technologies” to facilitate the process of foreign languages learning through “online platforms, PowerPoint presentation, training programs on CD-ROM, internet resources [5].

Due to the inevitable effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on educational process, teachers throughout the world started collaborating upon how to address the disruptive effect of the pandemic on educational process [6]. For instance, one of the ways for teachers to combine their efforts was to attend a series of webinars conducted by Earth Watch, a non-profit international environmental organisation aimed to provide educators from all over the world with the opportunity to share their personal experience, obtained in an online classroom, or connect Earth Watch scientists to receive direct answers to their frequently asked questions.

Tourism is not only considered to be a way for people to learn about the world, but also “the most promising sphere of the Ukrainian economy, which in large part contributes to the intensification of international contacts and the expansion of intercultural ties of Ukraine” [4]. Admittedly, the high performance of hospitality industry shows that tourism, as a sector of country's economy, is capable of adapting to “changing market conditions and should be supported by governments of all countries as a means of stimulating economic growth” [10]. According to S. Gossling, D. Scott, & C. Michael, “tourism largely ceased in March 2020 because of the pandemic outbreak” [7] and it seemed that tourist agents and tour operators working upon developing new and new tour routes to meet increasingly changing tourists' wishes were taken by surprise and would not cope with the challenge.

Furthermore, the pandemic did not go past pilgrimage tourism as religious gatherings to worship God were first restricted, then remained under debate. Nevertheless, the people of deep religious beliefs became more and more inspired to visit sacred places to pray for salvation. It has been proved, as shown in research done in Greece supported by ample evidence that “pilgrimage and religious tourism have shown a resilient dynamic, even in difficult times” [10].

Higher educational establishments serve as “employing institutions chosen as an example for presenting trends in national higher education transformation” [9]. Due to the comprehensive analysis carried out by both Ukrainian and foreign scientists [9], it can be stated that classrooms gradually changed to digitally-based ones through shifting to collaboration platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, Microsoft Teams as well as to Moodle, a digital learning management system. Due to these, students have already got used and adapted to live-video classes, which made them highly motived to become conscious and aware digital devices users and, consequently, diligent learners.

Despite the aforementioned challenges, methodologists are elaborating new technologies and developing updated syllabi to incorporate them into the educational process. One of most effectively designed tools for learning English is Pearson English portal. The Pearson Portal methodologists trying to reach teachers from all over the world have compiled a Handy Guide to teaching English online, the main points of which include the tips on how to choose the right teaching tools, communicate with students asynchronously via WhatsApp or Slack, that is to say, to involve students working separately by using recorded lessons or the Internet, set tasks and get distant, but precise results, organise group discussions, etc. [8]. To make students answer questions, teachers may ask them to wait in a queue or press a “hands-up button” when willing to answer off-hand. They recommend using a whiteboard or the chat box to check students' writing skills as well. Additionally, to keep students engaged and motivated, especially adult ones, there are Workbooks redeveloped into online practice interactive books giving access to learning materials wherever they want or can do the assigned tasks.

As pilgrimage tourism is an integral part of both religious and tourist activities of mankind, lots of resources include cross-cultural information based on pilgrimage information [11]. Pilgrimage tourism is based on trips to religious sites to worship miraculous icons, see relics of saints and graves of prominent religious figures, visit places of life and preach activities of prominent religious figures, look around monasteries and religious buildings with significant historical, modern, spiritual and cultural significance, pray in front of natural objects (springs and wells, caves, groves, individual trees, etc.) associated with the activities of the Mother of God, Saints, religious martyrs, etc. Often, such objects are territorially connected, which strengthens their importance as religious and recreational resources. Some settlements (Jerusalem, Mecca, Rome, etc.) are known for the world's largest concentration of religious tourists and pilgrims.

A pilgrim's journey is not just a tourist trip: they are less attracted to tourist amenities than religious tourists are. A pilgrim's journey (pilgrimage) is one of the manifestations of their faith in the dogmas of a religion, evidence of their belonging to a certain religion or denomination. Many different motives push people to make a pilgrimage tour. This is the desire to heal from spiritual or physical illnesses, to pray for families and friends, to receive grace, to gain strength, to do some work (construction, cleaning the territory of a monastery, temple, etc.). Pilgrims go on tours with the desire to express gratitude to higher forces for the blessings sent to them, to show devotion to faith, to test one's intentions and abilities for asceticism.

To embody the information mentioned above into the educational process of English language learning by future tourism experts, case study sections are a must to show students how to confidently interact with people beholden to their religion with its distinctions and discrepancies. The recommended resource to contain such information is English for Tourism 1 by Ratana Watawatana [14]. The author distinctly highlights the religious feature of the Thais. It should be mentioned that according to the Thailand 2021 international religious freedom report [12], “93 percent of the population is Theravada Buddhist and 5 percent Muslim”.

The core of the lesson delivered to future tourism experts is the information about Thailand, which also stresses that the religion there is mainly Buddhism as well as there is a muslim majority in the South, near the border with Malaysia [14]. To meet the need of distance education and provide students with authentic materials, the link to get more detailed information about the religion in Thailand is given (https://www.tourismthailand.org/Search-result/ tagword/thailand%20religion).

The provision on the necessity of learning a foreign language inextricably linked with “the culture of the people who speak a certain language has long been perceived as an axiom” regarding foreign languages teaching methodology [1]. Language is a constituent part of a culture. Cultures are based on languages and are supposed to be complicated enough to transmit the entire wealth of a culture [13]. As future tourism experts are trained to distinguish between the cultures the languages of which they learn to avoid cross-cultural conflicts through interactive teaching methods such as role-plays, group or pair speaking, teachers often resort to highlighting differences, typical of one culture to eventually make their learners cross-culturally competent [3]. Let us look at the example pertaining to the dos and don'ts during a Buddhist religious ceremony in Thailand. The students are advised to follow the link to get to the Buddhist temple in Thailand in virtual reality. https://www.exoticvoyages.com/blog/dos-and-donts-whenvisiting-a-buddhist-temple-in-thailand-35207.html. The things to know are as follows:

Dos and don'ts in a Buddhist temple



To follow a strict dress code with the shoulders and knees of visitors to be covered.

Women are forbidden to touch a monk, sit beside him.

Take off your shoes.

Use your index finger to point

Speak at a low volume

Step on the raised threshold at the entrance of the temple

Be a responsible photographer

Turn your back at sacred objects

Circumambulation in a clockwise way

Sit with feet pointing at Buddha statues

A donation near the temple is welcome

To avoid disrespect for the Thais' religious, many temples have unisex sarongs to be rented by visitors during tourist visits. Another rule to follow is that the sacred part of the body is the head whereas feet are considered unholy. Thus, pilgrims must leave their shoes on the shoe racks, as it is unacceptable to wear them inside the temples. Speaking loudly is a ban no matter whether you are at the religious ceremony or just looking around a temple. If travelling with children, it is recommended to prevent them from running or shouting. As well as that, taking pictures is permitted, but be careful not to take photos of worshipers or of yourself with a Buddha statue.

For a temple to sustain, though not obligatory, it is good for pilgrims to leave donations, even a small sum of money may be enough. Another strict rule for women is to avoid preventing distraction of a monk. It is better to let him go past by taking a step aside than asking about something.

To consolidate the information on the stringent dos and don'ts, students are asked to make presentations or act out role-plays playing different roles (e.g. a male visitor and a monk, a female pilgrim and a worshipper).

Conclusions and prospects of further research

Thus, the information mentioned above should be deeply embedded in students' minds, especially during their internships at tourist agencies. Before visiting a country or developing a tour route, always do in-depth research into peculiarities of any culture or religion. Despite the challenges caused by distance education, as we can see, due to various resources compiled and designed to meet the higher education requirements, their effective application in educational process results in students' foreign language expertise and ability to interact proficiently at workplace.

Though the findings of the research demonstrate some peculiarities of teaching practice, they do not claim to cover the full scope of the problem under research. Among the prospective areas of further study there can be the elaboration of pedagogical conditions for educators to raise their professional performance through retraining and refresher computer literacy courses.


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5. Bilyalova A. (2017). ICT in Teaching a Foreign Language in High School. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 237, P. 175-181. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2017.02.060.

6. Christos N. Tsironis. (2022) Pilgrimage and Religious Tourism in Society, in theWake of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Paradigmatic Focus on `St. Paul's Route' in the Central Macedonia Region, Greece. Religions, 13, 887. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ rel13100887. URL: file:///C:/Users/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D1%83%D0%B2%D0%B0% D1%87/Downloads/religions-13-00887%20(1).pdf

7. Gossling S., Scott D., Michael C. (2021) Pandemics, tourism and global change: a rapid assessment of COVID-19. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Volume 29, Issue 1. P. 1-20.

8. Handy Guide to teaching English online. Pearson English Portal. URL https://online.flippingbook.com/view/223269/8/

9. Mospan N., Ognevyuk V, Sysoieva S. (2022) Emergency higher education digital transformation: Urkaine's response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, Vol. 89, № 3. P. 90-104.

10. Mroz F. 2021. The Impact Of Covid-19 on Pilgrimages and Religious Tourism in Europe During the First Six Months of The Pandemic. Journal of Religion and Health, 60(1). P. 1-21.

11. Orpia B., Petrenko I., Pavelkiv K., Denyshchuk N., Dziubyshyna N., Balika L. (2022) Organisational and pedagogical conditions for training training future Masters in tourism in the aspect of the Postmodern approach. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, Volume 14, Issue 1, P. 215-232. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/14.1/515.

12. Thailand 2021 international religious freedom report. URL: https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/THAILAND2021-INTERNATIONAL-RELIGIOUS FREEDOM-REPORT, pdf.

13. Turchyn D. (2011) English for International Relations. Textbook. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Vinnytsia, Nova Knyha, 256 p.

14. Watawatana R. (2017) English for Tourism 1. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Udon Thani Rajabhat University, 131 p.

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  • The impact of the course Education in Finland on my own pedagogical thinking and comparison of the Finnish school system and pedagogy with my own country. Similarities and differences of secondary and higher education in Kazakhstan and Finland.

    реферат [15,2 K], добавлен 01.04.2012

  • Oxford is a world-leading centre of learning, teaching and research and the oldest university in a English-speaking world. There are 38 colleges of the Oxford University and 6 Permanent Private Halls, each with its own internal structure and activities.

    презентация [6,6 M], добавлен 10.09.2014

  • The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.

    презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015

  • Approach - one’s viewpoint toward teaching. The set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning which is translated into the classroom. Learner, performance and competency based approach. Teacher’s and student’s role in the teaching.

    презентация [447,5 K], добавлен 21.10.2015

  • Peculiarities of English nonsense rhymes – limericks and how to use them on the classes of English phonetics. Recommendations of correct translation to save its specific construction. Limericks is represented integral part of linguistic culture.

    статья [17,5 K], добавлен 30.03.2010

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