E-book-based teaching materials for makeup learning: Indonesia experience

Implementation of electronic materials for teaching make-up. Acquisition of professional knowledge by students. E-book are a tool for creating an educational environment for students who experience difficulties in learning the history of makeup.

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Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 1 Colombo Str., 55281 Yogyakarta

Faculty of Engineering

E-book-based teaching materials for makeup learning: Indonesia experience

Desi Handayani

Student of Master Degree Program

«Family Welfare Education»

Herminarto Sofyan

Doctor of Education, Professor


e-book student educational

This article aims to uncover the implementation of e-book-based teaching materials for makeup learning. The method used in this article is the literature review. Based on the study of literature it can be concluded that among the teaching materials e-book is important to pay attention to the constituent components, namely. (a) Display of e-book teaching materials, including book cover design, shape, size, and image. (b) The content of the e-book teaching materials, including the composition of the text, the standard rules of book preparation (aspects of material completeness, language, and usefulness), and dictionaries or glossaries. The learning of the history of Makeup is very important to be mastered by students because the learning of the history of makeup trains students in practicing their knowledge and for the provision of students after graduating from college so that students majoring in skin beauty can open a business in the field of bridal makeup. Related to this, students must be able to master the history of makeup well. On the other hand, students still have a lot of difficulty in mastering the concept of learning the history of makeup and still lack references obtained by students to increase their knowledge. The use of learning media is considered as one of the most appropriate solutions in presenting bridal makeup materials in learning. In addition, the study of the history of makeup is one of the learnings that must students in understanding the concepts contained in it, such as the wedding ceremony, wearing clothes and accessories, and how to apply makeup of the bride.

Key words: bridal makeup; e-book; learning; makeup; teaching materials.

Електронні освітні матеріали для навчання макіяжу: досвід Індонезії

Гандаяні Десі, студентка магістерської програми «Освіта для добробуту сім'ї», інженерний факультет, Державний університет Джок'якарти, вул. Коломбо, 1, 55281 Джок'якарта, Індонезія

Соф'ян Ермінарто, доктор, професор інженерного факультету, Державний університет Джок'якарти, вул. Коломбо, 1, 55281 Джок'якарта


Ця стаття має на меті розкрити впровадження електронних навчальних матеріалів для навчання макіяжу. Метод, використаний у цій статті - огляд наукової літератури. На основі аналізу наукової літератури можна зробити висновок, що серед різних навчальних засобів електронний посібник є найбільш ефективним завдяки таким складникам: a) візуальний складник навчальних матеріалів в е-посібнику, зокрема дизайн обкладинки, форма, розмір та зображення; b) змістовий складник навчальних матеріалів е-посібника, зокрема змістовне наповнення тексту, повнота матеріалу, мова та корисність, а також словники або глосарії. Вивчення історії макіяжу дуже важливе для оволодіння студентами професійними знаннями та практичними навичками, які мають забезпечити студентів, що спеціалізуються на мейкапі, можливістю після закінчення коледжу застосувати на практиці отриманні знання, відкривши бізнес у галузі весільного макіяжу. Крім того, вивчення історії макіяжу передбачає засвоєння студентами таких складників весільної церемонії, як одяг та аксесуари наречених, а також способу нанесення макіяжу нареченої. Е-посібники є потужним інструментом для створення повноцінного освітнього середовища для студентів, які зазнають труднощів у засвоєнні історії макіяжу. Використання е-посібника є одним із найефективніших рішень для презентації та збереження навчальних матеріалів з весільного макіяжу різного формату - кольорових фото, аудіо- та відеоматеріалів.

Ключові слова: весільний макіяж; електронний посібник; макіяж; навчальні матеріали; навчання.


Entering the 21st century the wave of globalization is felt strongly and openly. The use and development of technology must be followed by the development of human resources (Burhaein, 2017b; Trilling & Fadel, 2010). The development of information technology in Indonesia is very influential on education. Technology is nothing new in education, and technology is something that cannot be separated from human life (Sulistiantoro & Setyawan, 2021; Widodo & Najibuzzamzam, 2021). This includes the life of a lecturer as an educator. With the development of information technology, the world of education began to show significant changes. The use of technology in learning to facilitate students thinking and faster understanding. There are many ways that a lecturer can use technology in conducting teaching and learning activities (Burhaein, Phytanza, et al., 2020; Heinich, 2001; Phytanza et al., 2018). An educator is supposed to innovate and update in teaching. Innovation is needed not only for the benefit of students so that students feel happy and unsaturated in following the lessons that follow.

The importance of technology development at this time makes the position of learning media better so that it can affect the learning process. The learning process in the past is the process of communication between educators and students through verbal language as the main medium of delivery of lesson materials (Burhaein, Tarigan, et al., 2020; Purnomo et al., 2019). Today there are still many educators who still use conventional methods when teaching without the help of learning media in delivering materials (Phytanza & Burhaein, 2019; Wan, 2013). Lecturers are usually more likely to deliver the subject matter orally, which means that students only listen, each student's ability must be different. Students who only listen to lectures and explanations from lecturers are more likely to get bored and get bored quickly. When students get bored and saturated, they will be more likely to look for other activities to eliminate their saturation. Ordinary students prefer to memorize, annoy their friends or play with their gadgets.

In these circumstances, the use of computer devices or gadgets as a medium for learning is very important. One of the supporting factors of learning success is the use of interesting, innovative, and creative learning media to increase students' interest in learning an object (Phytanza & Burhaein, 2020; Pramantik & Burhaein, 2019; Trilling & Fadel, 2010). The learning media used should be able to draw students' attention to teaching and learning activities and further stimulate students' learning activities. The use of this learning medium must be supported by the availability of accessible learning resources. One of the learning media that can be developed is e-book-based teaching materials. Simply put, e-books can be interpreted as electronic books or digital books. An e-book is a digital version of a book that generally consists of a collection of papers containing text or images. E-books are one of the technologies that utilize computers to display multimedia information in a compact and dynamic form. E-books can integrate sound, graphics, images, animation, and movies so that the information presented is richer compared to conventional books. At least this advantage is what makes e-books began to be favoured.

The transformation from traditional books to digital forms displayed through internet media makes it easy for educators to find available information. On the other hand, relatively cheaper, practical, and fun to read prices are also a consideration in choosing digital books as reading materials. E-books take advantage of technological advances in learning that are easily accessible, e-books can be stored and downloaded through mobile phones, laptops, or pads. Students always bring gadgets when traveling or at home. Here the lesson materials stored on their gadgets are easier to open and read anytime and anywhere, in other words, E-books are more flexible when compared to printed books (Heinich, 2001).

At this time the problem is the increasingly rampant makeup artists in the business world who demand the bride and groom to be Makeup artists and can follow the trend at this time by the demands of the increasingly modern era. People who want to hold weddings always follow the existing trend, for example in the application of Makeup to brides who do not uses makeup that has been standard but use makeup that has been modified and modern. This leads to less interest in students in studying makeup or Makeup that has been standardized. Then the problem that occurs today is the limitation in obtaining a printed book along with documentation or material about the history of makeup so that students' knowledge is very limited in knowing the makeup and bride that has been standardized. Here students who learn about the history of makeup will find it difficult to find the materials that will be studied.

This article aims to uncover the implementation of e-book-based teaching materials for makeup learning.

Results of the research

Teaching Materials. Teaching materials are a series of learning materials that are used as tools in learning that help learners achieve learning goals. The use of teaching materials is very decisive in the success of learning, in the process of preparing learning materials must be prepared systematically so that the teaching materials can increase the knowledge and competence of learners well and effectively (Burhaein, 2017a; Phytanza & Burhaein, 2019; Richardson, 2006).

Teaching materials made by educators is to direct all activities in the learning process as well as a substance competency that should be taught to students so that educators can achieve their learning goals. The purpose of the preparation of teaching materials, namely: 1) provide teaching materials that are by the demands of the curriculum by considering the needs of students, schools, and regions; 2) assist learners in obtaining alternative teaching materials; and 3) facilitate teachers in carrying out learning (Mustofa et al., 2019; Phytanza et al., 2021; Richardson, 2006).

The advantages of teaching materials are as follows: 1) focusing on the individual abilities of learners, because learners learn independently; 2) teaching materials must have competency standards because students are required to achieve learning outcomes; 3) the relevance of the curriculum is demonstrated by the purpose and manner of achievement so that students can know the relationship between learning and the results that will be obtained (Meyers et al., 2011; Nurdyansyah & Fahyuni, 2016).

With the development of internet technology, publishers are now starting to try to use it as a medium of sales and distribution of books. E-books emerged as a result of the development of computer technology as digital devices and internet technology today. All types of content that utilize computer devices lead to digital concepts. This teaching material can be downloaded through the internet network that can be opened from gadgets, computers, and laptops. So that the teaching and learning process activities become more interesting and challenging for students. Individually students will directly interact with e-book teaching materials downloaded from smartphones. Each student will experience a different learning process than the other students. One of the most interesting things about electronic-based learning lies in the ability to interact directly with students.

E-Book. E-books are electronic books that include: text, images, videos, or animations that can be accessed or downloaded with the internet, the presence of e-books is very flexible and benefits students in achieving their learning results because the data can be stored in digital form and printed as needed for self-learning. An eBook can be published in many different formats, such as HTML, iBooks, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word, and others. However, two disadvantages must be considered by educators and students, namely; These formats are not compatible with each other, and customization issues may occur on high-resolution screens.

Users of e-books will have an impact on eye health, as they use digital tools that include light, resolution, speed, and impact on the reader. Among its advantages, E-book also has drawbacks, among others: 1) it takes a special device to read e-books, such as smartphones, laptops, or other gadgets; 2) reading for too long can cause eye pain; 3) Not many publishers or authors have issued e-book versions; 4) e-books are more prone to piracy than printed books; 5) dependence on electricity resources; 6) Display quality is relatively low as it is adjusted to the resolution of light and display (Heinich et al., 2009; Oghojafor, 2005).

Makeup. Women in the world have used makeup for thousands of years ago. It makes women look more attractive and more feminine (Etcoff, Stock, Haley, Vickery, & House, 2011; Russell, 2009). Makeup is used to give good value, when the contrast on the face of women who are being manipulated digitally, will give an attractive effect and accentuate the feminine face (Russel, 2009). Makeup serves to change (make-over) the shortcomings that exist in a more beautiful and perfect direction. Various makeup tricks can be done to transform the face into knowledge, expertise, thoroughness, creativity, and continue experimenting to get optimal results. The role of makeup is to energize oneself and make a woman confident to interact with others (Loegel et al., 2017).

Makeup is the art of decorating the face that aims to beautify and beautify the appearance of the face. Makeup with the correct Makeup technique will be able to cover some of the flaws that exist on the face and make the appearance of the face will look fresh (Kusantati, 2008). Makeup, in general, can be divided into two stages, namely basic makeup, and decorative makeup. Basic makeup serves as a basic Makeup that can be completed and enhanced with decorative makeup. On basic makeup can be applied cosmetics that include the use of moisturizers, foundations, and powders. Decorative makeup is done by giving some applicative touches that aim to give more colour to the face by accentuating the advantages that exist on the face until the appearance becomes more beautiful. Decorative makeup can be done by applying mascara cosmetics, eye shadow, eyebrow pencil, eyeliner, rouge, nose shadow to further enhance the appearance of the face.

Based on the above opinion can be concluded makeup is the art of face painting that is useful to cover the shortcomings on the face so that it displays the advantages on one's face that will turn out to be more perfect and so confident to interact with others.

Optimization of e-book teaching materials in makeup learning. Learning teaching materials have a variety of benefits that have constituent component components, so that the teaching materials e-book well and by the desired purpose. In compiling or creating a textbook there are three standards. The three standards are material, presentation standards, and linguistic standards. These three standards must be present in creating a textbook, including e-book teaching materials that are essentially a blend of text and images. The goal is to direct the teaching materials of the e-book made to the achievement of the purpose of making the book, namely improving the ability to understand the concept of brides in the study of the history of makeup.

Several components should be of concern to teachers in forming a learning system that is associated with the utilization of learning communication media, namely: a) students, in the learning process students should be the center of all activities. That is, the decisions taken both in designing the learning and in its implementation must be by the conditions of the student concerned, both by the basic abilities, interests, and talents, learning motivation, and learning style of the student himself; b) destination, the next component to be aware of after the student is the destination component. This component is a controlling component in the learning system, because all the efforts of students and teachers in the learning process are directed to achieve the objectives; c) conditions, are a variety of learning experiences designed so that students can achieve specific goals as formulated; d) learning resources, relating to everything that allows students to gain learning experience. In the process of planning the learning, the teacher should be able to describe what to do in utilizing the learning resources optimally. It is in this context that media is needed in the learning process. For students, media is used as a learning resource so that students can easily learn learning messages; and e) learning outcomes, relating to achievements in obtaining abilities by the specific purpose planned.

By reading often, students will increase their knowledge and reading skills. Media can serve many roles in learning. Instructions may depend on the presence of an educator. Even in this situation, the media is widely used by educators. On the other hand, instructions may not require educators. Such instruction is often referred to as self-instruction, although it is guided by anyone who designs the media (Heinich, 2001).


From some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that among the teaching materials e-book is important to pay attention to the constituent components, namely: a) display of e-book teaching materials, including book cover design, shape, size, and image; b) the content of the e-book teaching materials, including the composition of the text, the standard rules of book preparation (aspects of material completeness, language, and usefulness), and dictionaries or glossaries.

The learning of the history of makeup is very important to be mastered by students because the learning of the history of makeup trains students in practicing their knowledge and for the provision of students after graduating from college so that students majoring in skin beauty can open a business in the field of bridal makeup. Related to this, students must be able to master the history of makeup well. On the other hand, students still have a lot of difficulty in mastering the concept of learning the history of makeup and still lack references obtained by students to increase their knowledge.

The use of learning media is considered as one of the most appropriate solutions in presenting bridal makeup materials in learning. In addition, the study of the history of makeup is one of the learnings that must students in understanding the concepts contained in it, such as the wedding ceremony, wearing clothes and accessories, and how to apply makeup of the bride.


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17. Purnomo, I.D., Tomoliyus, T., & Burhaein, E. (2019). Development of Learning Activities Playing a Ball on a Goal To Improve Manipulative Skills For Lower Class Students. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Science and Technology for an Internet of Things. https://doi.org/10.4108/eai.19-10-2018.2281716.

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  • Использование новых технологий мультимедиа и Интернет для повышения качества обучения за счет улучшения доступа к ресурсам и сервисам, а также удаленного обмена знаниями и совместной работы. Сегментация рынка e-learning. Потребители электронного обучения.

    реферат [99,8 K], добавлен 13.04.2013

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