Improving international relations specialists training system in the context of European integration (experience of Poland)
Studies training system of international relations specialists in Poland considering European integration processes. A variety of programmes for receiving Bachelor's degree in field of international relations and internship programmes have been examined.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 03.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 23,3 K |
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Improving international relations specialists training system in the context of European integration (experience of Poland)
Havran M., Krokhmalna Z.
The article studies training system of international relations specialists in Poland considering European integration processes. The importance and topicality of the problem are substantiated. The purpose and objectives of the investigation have been determined. A variety of programmes for receiving Bachelor's degree in the field of international relations, opportunities for exchange and internship programmes have been examined. The achievements and peculiarities of higher educational system in Poland, as well as the basic features of Polish higher education institutions have been considered. The curricula for students majoring in International Relations at famous Polish universities such as Jagiellonian University and University of Warsaw have been analysed. It is stated that students initially receive basic knowledge in the chosen specialty, and then study subjects that deepen the understanding of international relations and processes taking place in world politics. The research shows that European Integration course serves the needs of students, widening their awareness about the essence of the process of integration into the European educational, scientific, information and cultural space, issues and principles of the European Union. This course has been proposed by the authors for implementing at Ukrainian higher educational institutions as a compulsory course in international relations training programmes. The authors have also found out that English-taught degree programmes are widely-used in Poland. It is emphasized that their design and implementation need to be an integral part of modernization of training system of international relations specialists in Ukrainian institutes and universities responding to students' interests and concerns of having profound English knowledge for professional purposes and meeting demands on internationalization strategy. The work has led to the conclusion that experience of training international relations specialists in Polish HEIs is valuable for investigation.
Key words: specialists in international relations, higher education institutions, training specialists, academic discipline, curriculum, tertiary education, Poland.
Гавран М. І., Крохмальна З. С. Удосконалення системи підготовки фахівців з міжнародних відносин в контексті європейської інтеграції (досвід Польщі)
У статті досліджено систему підготовки фахівців з міжнародних відносин у Польщі, враховуючи євроінтеграційні процеси. Обґрунтовано важливість і актуальність проблеми. Визначено мету та завдання дослідження. Розглянуто різноманітні програми для отримання ступеня бакалавра в галузі міжнародних відносин, можливості обміну та програми стажування. Визначено й охарактеризовано досягнення й особливості системи вищої освіти в Польщі, а також головні риси польських вищих навчальних закладів. Проаналізовано навчальні плани для студентів спеціальності “Міжнародні відносини” відомих польських університетів, як-от Ягеллонський і Варшавський університети. Зазначається, що студенти спочатку здобувають базові знання з обраної спеціальності, а потім вивчають предмети, які поглиблюють розуміння міжнародних відносин і процесів, що відбуваються у світовій політиці. Дослідження показує, що курс “Європейська інтеграція” відповідає потребам студентів, розширює їхню обізнаність щодо сутності процесу інтеграції в європейський освітній, науковий, інформаційний та культурний простір, дає змогу зрозуміти проблематику та принципи Європейського Союзу. Цей курс запропоновано авторами як обов'язковий курс для впровадження у вищих навчальних закладах України у програми підготовки з міжнародних відносин. Автори також встановили, що програми підготовки англійською мовою широко використовуються в Польщі. Наголошується на необхідності їх розроблення та реалізації як невід'ємної частини модернізації системи підготовки фахівців з міжнародних відносин на факультетах міжнародних відносин інститутів і університетів України, відповідаючи інтересам і бажанням студентів володіти глибокими знаннями з англійської мови для професійних цілей і задоволення вимог щодо реалізації стратегії інтернаціоналізації. Зроблено висновок, що досвід підготовки фахівців з міжнародних відносин у закладах вищої освіти Польщі є цінним для наслідування та вартий подальшого вивчення.
Ключові слова: фахівці з міжнародних відносин, заклади вищої освіти, підготовка фахівців, навчальна дисципліна, навчальний план, вища освіта, Польща.
Poland is known to be a well-developed country with top-quality higher education system and excellent perspectives for future employment and making career. Polish higher education institutions (HEIs) provide students with quality educational services, good knowledge and professional skills that recruiters from the whole world rate Polish specialists as exceptionally talented and knowledgeable in their profession and recognize their degrees internationally. The State Accreditation Committee monitors all Polish HEIs and according to its results, more than 80 % of them have a good education and rating [8]. In recent years Poland has strengthened ties with EU and Western countries, so there are many opportunities for successful employment after graduating from the Polish higher schools and universities.
Based on the OECD information, international student mobility at the higher level in Poland has increased to approximately 55 200 students, which is 4 % of tertiary education students in 2019. The largest number of foreign students of HEIs studying in Poland comes from Ukraine [5]. Due to the fact that so many Ukrainian students get an education in Poland, Ukrainian scientists are actively studying the issue of professional training in Polish HEIs. Many investigations on the peculiarities of the development of higher education in Poland have been carried out by many foreign researchers as: M. Kwiek, Y. Jozvitska, K. Pavlovsky, M. Chapka, A. Krasnevskyi, E. Halizak etc. The least studying international relations discipline claims that it was the rapprochement of Poland with the West that gave impetus to the development of this subject, and also opened completely new opportunities for academic cooperation [1]. Many Ukrainian scientists, among them: A. Vasylyuk, S. Kohut, M. Havran, I. Dobryanskyi, Holub, S. Sysoeva, study the achievements of higher education in Poland, the reasons for the success and failures of the Polish educational system.
Nowadays, the field of international relations (IR) is extremely important in Ukraine especially in the context of our integration to the European Union, so the need for highly qualified specialists in this area will only be increasing during the next decades. This means that the analysis of strengths and weaknesses of Polish system of training international relations specialists is necessary and useful for the implementation of modern European structural changes in higher education in Ukraine and improvement of our academic system.
The purpose of the article is to determine and analyze characteristics of training IR specialists in HEIs of Poland concerning European integration trends.
According to the purpose of the article, we define the following objectives: 1) to explore features of training bachelors in IR in Poland concerning European standards and requirements; 2) to analyse and single out courses in IR programmes in certain Polish HEIs; 3) to find out the peculiarities of training IR specialists in Polish HEIs with their further prospective implementation in developing international relations training system in Ukrainian HEIs.
Since the fall of the communist regime in Poland, which took place in 1989, the country has undergone significant changes, and of course this has affected the tertiary education system of the Republic of Poland. In the period of post-socialist transformation and entry to the European Union, development took place in the structure, organization and process of providing higher education in Poland. The country became a member of the EU in 2004, thus committing to create the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) together with other countries of this region. European education often reconsiders and changes its values, beliefs, functions and methodological principles in accordance with the latest global trends. To maintain all contemporary features of higher education, Polish universities are constantly undergoing new reforms [12].
Moreover, along with modern society's demand for obtaining quality higher education, which appears as a result of awareness of the importance of knowledge and the ratio of the level of employment based on students' acquired skills and competences, the approach to the process of evaluation the quality of educational services and activities is also changing in Polish HEIs [11, p. 51]. Considering that quality of educational process is an important determinant of HEIs' further development, Polish universities strives to modernize educational system using the latest achievements of science and technology, implementing new European norms and requirements.
Education process in HEIs of Poland is arranged in accordance with the Bologna Process objectives. Students can obtain three types of degrees, namely: Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD. The educational process usually lasts from October to June, and students have the advantage of travelling abroad during summer holidays as part of various exchange programmes or for internships. Poland provides scholarships through the government, different foundations or universities to students of Polish origin, but foreign students with a Card of a Pole are also eligible for some scholarships.
Poland being a member state of the European Union and a member of many international organizations has successfully developed its higher education system. There are a large number of universities and specialties from which students can choose the best option for themselves, taking into account affordable cost of education, the chances of finding a job and opportunities for leisure activities. Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, Poznan and Gdansk are considered to be the most perspective cities for obtaining higher education in Poland. For students who are fascinated in globalization, international environment and affaires and are eager to acquire academic knowledge and practical skills in various aspects of international relations, a lot of higher schools and universities of Poland offer Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in IR. During academic process, students gain knowledge about countries, global politics, the functioning of governmental and non-governmental international organizations, diplomatic institutions. Moreover, meetings with businessmen, politicians, diplomats and excursions to embassies and public institutions are often held for raising awareness about politics and diplomacy. It is obvious that this speciality is best suited for people who are able to negotiate and have ambitions, communication skills and analytical thinking.
Having investigated curricula in IR provided by Polish HEIs, we found out that the first-cycle Bachelor's studies lasts around 3 years/6 semesters. It is intended to make students ready for a future career in the area of international relations or further pursuing a Master's degree. All Polish HEIs use the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), which provides receiving recognition of students' skills and knowledge in foreign countries. After finishing the first-cycle studies students can get the degree of a licencjat or inzynier, but for this they must complete all compulsory and elective courses and obtain at least 180 ECTS credits. It is necessary to add that academic process is mostly conducted in Polish. However, both Polish students and foreigners can be eligible for a programme taught in English, they only have to prove the knowledge of the language and meet requirements of the chosen university.
There are certain differences in IR curricula in different HEIs of Poland, but most academic disciplines are similar, among them: History of International Relations, Public Policy, Political Science, International Economics, European Studies, International Law, etc. Taking the courses, students analyze key events in international politics, learn how to conduct negotiations, discuss controversial issues and make important decisions. These skills help students, who have already graduated from the university, to predict the development of events in the international arena, to solve vital problems related to war and peace, human rights and freedoms, global poverty, famine, environmental protection. For students, who are interested in internships opportunities, plenty of Polish universities have their own job centre on campus.
Poland has implemented official strategies for internationalization of tertiary education. We found out that the most-widely used definition of the term internationalization, but at the same time neutral one, is “an intentional process of integrating an international, and intercultural or global dimension into the purpose, functions, and delivery of higher education” [3, p. 11]. One example of the official strategy for internationalization is the providing of English-taught degree programmes (ETDPs) in non-English-speaking countries that increases the quality of education and strengthens research potential at universities. The Jagiellonian University in Krakow, the University of Warsaw, and the University of Wroclaw are tertiary institutions with departments of political science that consider internationalization as an essential thing for development. Such institutions offer English-taught programmes for obtaining bachelor's, master's and PhD degrees in the field of politics and international relations for Polish and foreign students [6]. With this in mind, it is worth analyzing the features and curricula of the above-mentioned universities.
To begin with, we suggest examining the Jagiellonian University. Being established in 1364, it is one of the oldest and most perspective universities in Poland and even in Europe as its scientists participate in various projects and conferences, their works are published in leading international journals which show the great achievements and success of the university. For students who are passionate about conducting investigations and want to meet people with the same interests, there are a number of research societies. The Jagiellonian University ranked № 5 with overall 91,8 points in QS EECA University Rankings 2022, which takes into account 10 indicators such as international research network, academic reputation, international teachers and students, etc. [7].
Further examination of the Jagiellonian University facilities shows that the Faculty of International and Political Studies opens up an opportunity to take academic courses in Polish or other foreign languages. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education awarded this faculty A category, and it was also recognized for the high quality of education by the Polish Accreditation Committee. The Faculty has an educational programme of International Relations for bachelor's degree students, where global, economic, political and social issues are discussed. Studying there for 3 years, students take an opportunity to choose between two specializations - International Security and Modern Diplomacy. The main disadvantage is that this first-cycle course is mostly conducted in Polish, but the Jagiellonian University offers a 3-year English-taught BA programme in International Relations and Area Studies. It is an interdisciplinary Bachelor's degree programme that aims to give knowledge about global human problems and teaches how to compare the development of different regions of the world. During the first three terms, students have obligatory courses and acquire basic knowledge about international relations, and during the next academic terms their courses are more concentrated on providing deep understanding of the selected area. Students are also offered elective courses, which are announced each year and can be changed. There are many exchange programmes for those looking to gain experience at the foreign universities. Erasmus+ is the perfect decision for spending several terms abroad. According to the data of 2014/2015, over 90 students from the Faculty of International and Political Studies used the given possibility [2].
The next higher educational institution that deserves our attention is the University of Warsaw. At the beginning, it consisted of 5 faculties, namely: Law and Administration, Philosophy, Theology, Medicine, Arts and Humanities. Currently, the university has 21 faculties, 30 academic units and 7 300 workers. The Shanghai Rating shows that the University of Warsaw ranks among the top 3 % of the world's universities. The Faculty of Political Science and International Studies is known here for providing students with a variety of opportunities for professional and personal development. This unit offers convenient schedule, the opportunity to take a Polish language course, interaction with foreign universities, the possibility to receive a scholarship for scientific accomplishments. There are seven programmes studied in Polish language and five in English, including European Politics and Economics, Undergraduate and Graduate Programme in Political Science, Undergraduate and Graduate Programme in International Relations.
Considering undergraduate programme in IR, which also lasts for 3 years, we have found out that all classes are conducted there by experienced teachers from the US and Europe, and during the studies students acquire creativity, critical thinking and communication skills. The Programme also introduces students to disciplines related to international relations, such as law, geography, culture, economics. In addition, they should get the B2 level of knowledge of a foreign language due to the CEFR to confidently speak on topics of international policy and relations. The course includes a wide range of academic disciplines. First-year students study History of International Relations, Political and Economic Geography, Introduction to Law, European Integration, Economics. At the second course of training there are subjects as: International Cultural Relations, Demography, International Military Relations, Contemporary Political Systems, International Political Relations. At the third year students gain knowledge in studying International Negotiations, International Organizations, International Relations in North and South America, International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region, International Relations in Europe, Poland's Foreign Policy, International Relations in Africa and the Middle East [10].
Further investigation shows that in order to meet students' demands in exploring various international issues entirely in English, 2 years long full time master's programme in IR is offered in UMCS (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University) [4]. The curriculum of this master's programme includes such core courses as: International Relations Theory, International Law and Organisations, World Politics since 1945, Intercultural Communication, International Security, Transnational Social Space etc. Among elective courses (University Lecture, Global Population Studies, Social Policies in Global Context International System of Environmental Protection, Globalisation and Regionalism in International Relations, Strategic Culture of the US etc.), students need to choose five subjects. They are also provided with an opportunity to obtain one of the additional certificates (Certificate in Environment Studies or Certificate in International Development Studies) taking 4 courses in one area of study.
Having analysed curricula of Polish HEIs, we revealed a discipline that can be successfully implemented at Ukrainian universities training IR specialists, especially as Ukrainian society strives for being member of the EU. In our opinion, it is European Integration or European Studies, which in Poland is called Europeistyka. This is an academic subject that appeared in Europe in the middle of the 20th century and was influenced by the integration of states into the European communities. Taking this course, students are able to examine general economic, political and social problems of European countries and the complicated expansion process of EU. international relation poland bachelor
European Integration is studied at the already mentioned University of Warsaw. This academic discipline covers such topics as: history of the creation of the European Union, treaties of the EU, enlargement processes of the European Union, the EU institutions, Union citizenship, decision-making mechanism in the organization, relations between Poland and the European Union, Single European Market, common foreign and security policy. In general, the main aim is to acquaint students with the major issues in the field of European integration.
It was found that the University of Lodz also has European Integration included in its curricula. Among the topics discussed here are: theories of European integration, the main institutions in the EU, budget and internal market, common agricultural policy, cohesion policy, monetary union, national perspective - the role of member states, the European citizens and groups. Interestingly, simulation of the European Council is held at the course. All participants have various roles and functions, during the game they are challenged to solve urgent problems and current difficulties that have appeared in EU. Taking part in such activity will allow students to be familiar with the process of making decisions in the European Union and to acquire new skills in analysis, communication, public speaking and team working. So, after completing the European Integration course, students are able to: 1) determine the main stages of the European integration; 2) analyze the duties of EU institutions such as EP, EC, CEU, ECJ; 3) investigate the intricate way of decision-making in the EU; 4) define vital problems of European Union [9].
Given the fact that Ukraine steps on the path to EU membership, discipline of European Integration is in great demand in our higher education institutions. This course is of primarily importance for students to acquire knowledge about the essence of the process of integration into the European educational and scientific environment, information and cultural space. Students will have the opportunity to learn about democratization and models of reforming state administration and local self-government in the context of European integration. Furthermore, the study of this discipline is useful not only for specialists in IR, but also for many other related specialities.
Our research shows that Poland is undoubtedly a modern European country that is dynamically developing and constantly implementing the latest reforms that have a significant impact on the quality of education provided by Polish HEIs. IR programmes in Poland are interdisciplinary and are designed to meet European standards and people who are interested in events and processes taking place in the whole world. Specialists in this field are highly valued in the labour market, so they can easily find work in governmental and non-governmental organizations, diplomatic institutions, international companies, etc. Students can gain invaluable experience abroad through educational exchange or internship programmes. Having investigated the curricula of IR in Poland, we found out that European Integration course serves the needs of students, widening their awareness about issues and principles of the European Union. So, studying of this course is of primary importance for students obtaining degrees in International Relations in HEIs of Ukraine and has to be included to the compulsory courses. Another essential finding in training international relations specialists of bachelor's and master's degrees in Polish HEIs, that should widely be implemented in international relations training system in Ukrainian HEIs, is creating English-taught degree programmes which respond to students' interests and concerns of having profound English knowledge for professional purposes and meet strategy for internationalization.
We believe that outcomes of our research will probably lead to further improvements in international relations training system in Ukrainian HEIs, providing tertiary education of European quality and standards. Even though there are other aspects of studying Polish experience in training international relation specialists, among them examining process of organizing internships for students, assessment system, etc.
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11. Гавран М., Шайнер Г. Системи забезпечення якості освітньої діяльності закладів вищої освіти Польщі в контексті побудови європейського простору вищої освіти. Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драго- манова. Серія 5 “Педагогічні науки: реалії та перспективи”. 2019. Вип. 70. С. 49-52. DOI: 10.31392/2311-5491/2019-70.12.
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1. Halizak Edward. (2016). Polish international relations studies and post-historiography, disciplinary development after the Cold War. UNISCI Journal. № 40. 119 p.
2. Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Faculty of International and Political Studies. URL: wsmip.
3. Knight J. (2004). Internationalization remodeled: Definitions, rationales, and approaches. Journal for Studies in International Education, 8 (1). P. 5-31. DOI:
4. MA in International Relations (in English). UMCS. URL:, 10195.htm.
5. OECDiLibrary. Poland. URL:
6. Pietrzyk-Reeves Dorota (2022). English-taught degree programs and the internationalization of political science of Poland. Profession Spotlight: Trends and Challenges for Political Science in Central and Eastern Europe. 592 p.
7. QS EECA University Ranking 2022. URL:
8. Study in Poland. URL:
9. University of Lodz. European Integration. URL: programme-in-international-relations/.
10. University of Warsaw. Undergraduate Programme in International Relations. URL: programmes-in-english/undergraduate-programme-in-international-relations/.
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презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4 - 6. The ideal of mass education with equal opportunity for all. Higher education, tuition fees.
реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.
курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012The employment of Internet in teaching Foreign Languages. The modern methods of teaching 4 basic skills. The usage of Internet technologies for effective Foreign Languages acquisition. Analysis of experience: my and teachers of Foreign Languages.
курсовая работа [2,3 M], добавлен 30.03.2016