Development of physical education in educational institutions in today's conditions
Implementation of innovative and health-saving technologies in higher education institutions of Ukraine under martial law. Popularization of sports and a healthy lifestyle among youth. Conducting physical classes in the conditions of distance learning.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 03.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 18,3 K |
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National Technical University of Ukraine
«Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» Ihor Sikorskyi
Department of health and sports technologies
Development of physical education in educational institutions in today's conditions
Uskova S.M., senior lecturer
Prus N.M. senior lecturer
Krivenda V.S., senior lecturer
Zhuravlyov S.O. senior lecturer
The article reveals the peculiarities of the development of physical education in institutions of higher education in the conditions of martial law and distance learning. The main problems that arise during the organization of the educational process in physical education with the use of remote technologies are revealed. The effectiveness of the influence of physical exercises in the conditions of distance learning was studied, as well as the impact of stressful situations on the effectiveness of assimilation of educational material was revealed. Ways of improving physical education classes in institutions of higher education through the introduction of innovative technologies, increasing motivation for physical culture and health activities are proposed.
Keywords: physical education, students of higher education, distance learning.
Розвиток фізичного виховання в закладах освіти в умовах сьогодення
Ускова С. М., Прус Н. М., Кривенда В. С., Журавльов С. О.
В статті розкрито особливості розвитку фізичного виховання у закладах вищої освіти в умовах воєнного стану та дистанційного навчання. Розкрито головні проблеми, які виникають під час організації освітнього процесу з фізичного виховання з використанням дистанційних технологій. Досліджено ефективність впливу занять фізичними вправами в умовах дистанційного навчання, а також виявлено вплив стресових ситуацій на ефективність засвоєння навчального матеріалу. Запропоновано шляхи удосконалення занять з фізичного виховання у закладах вищої освіти шляхом впровадження інноваційних технології, підвищення мотивації до фізкультурно-оздоровчої діяльності.
Ключові слова: фізичне виховання, здобувачі вищої освіти, дистанційне навчання.
Formulation of the problem. Within the framework of the existing system of physical education of students, the narrow model prevails tasks using a traditional set of physical education tools to solve them. First of all, the goal and task are reduced to increasing the level of physical fitness, preserving and strengthening health, and improving the posture of students those who do physical exercises. When organizing mass sports work, the focus is on training and implementation of control standards and sports classes. At the same time, students are not given formation tasks deep and complete classes on the physical condition of the body and ways to improve its conditions, the reasons for the need for optimal motor activity as the main component of leading a healthy lifestyle. In the formed system of physical education forms of work are not related to various types of spiritual and creative activity, which affects the development of personal qualities students [2].
In the educational process of physical education of students, issues of implementation remain secondary principles of humanization. These shortcomings make it necessary to strengthen the ecological content of physical education of students. education physical distance sport
So, it can be argued that the existing system of physical education in institutions of higher education is not enough takes into account modern problems and requirements of the surrounding natural and social environment.
Analysis of literary sources. According to the new standards of basic secondary education, teachers should form harmonious physical development of the personality and expand movement experience in the formation of sustainable motivation. This standard calls us to take into account the rights of the child, his abilities, needs and interests - that is, to act according to the "principle of child-centrism". The traditional method of conducting a lesson by the actions of the teacher regulates everything: the number of repetitions, topics, frequency, amplitude of movements, the technique of performing standards, etc. As a result, we provide purely educational material [1]. But there is no focus on the child's personality. So, the first challenge for the teacher is to change the approach and let the children express themselves. Offer your own options for exercises, form a personal attitude to movement, be an active participant in the process, and not just reproduce what the teacher tells him.
In the course of the lessons, students can freely change the chosen variable module, besides, the modules should also change every quarter. This increases motivation for physical education lessons. This approach starts the processes of selfrealization, personal growth through free choice, and allows you to increase the motor density of the lesson. Changes are necessary, because now we are talking about the health and survival of our nation [3].
Teaching physical culture in modern conditions is a distance form of learning, and offline, and mixed, individual and family, including external. Teachers should not wait for the restoration of normal school work, provision of sports equipment. They have to work by turning on their creativity and choosing the modules to teach using the available inventory.
Presentation of the main research material
Physical education is a multi-level educational system, integral and unified both in terms of structure, content, and organization. This process should be implemented in the totality of all parts, connections, channels that are in relations and connections with each other and be modernized in a timely manner in accordance with those changes by ecological and social processes [4].
Thus, tasks for the education of physical qualities, motor abilities and skills, health improvement, ecological education should be solved from the position of a complex approach as a method of scientific and practical implementation multi-level system of physical education and constant modernization of its content. This approach involves the use of interconnection of the rating-module technology of the organization of classes; taking into account innovative ecological implementations technologies, a high rise in the physical and educational potential of classes due to an increase in the share of ecological and valeological content of theoretical program material, strengthening of professional and applied physical training of young specialists, increases the value orientation of leading a lifestyle by means of physical culture and sports [1].
The rating control system developed and implemented in the educational process of physical education is effective determining influence, stimulating the use of special methods, techniques, operations of pedagogical influence aimed at supporting its functioning. The rating control system promotes faster adaptation of first-year students in institutions higher education. It allows you to stimulate students to obtain a higher score when performing control physical exercises, the development of physical qualities to regulatory requirements, promotes active participation in sports and mass work and competitions, regular attendance at physical education classes.
In the future, to maintain interest in physical exercises, it is more effective to organize physical education based on it sports specializations. So, in the 2-3 courses, the construction of classes based on the principle of sports training in the chosen sport supports students' interest in physical education and contributes to the desire to improve physical qualities to a greater extent, than in the program of general physical training [5].
Classes in physical education based on sports specialization to a greater extent create conditions for further implementation of tasks of professional and applied physical training.
In senior courses, the educational process in physical education should be adjusted based on the requirements of the future professional activity. It is this period that is favorable for vocational and applied physical training, as students, having completed industrial practice, I can analyze the requirements of the future work activity, and I am aware of it prepare for it [6].
The pedagogical experiment made it possible to conclude that the main methodical principles of the physical system education of students in environmentally unfavorable conditions are the principles of "ecological comfort" and compliance of the chosen ones means, load intensity and methods of conducting classes, taking into account the level of environmental pollution air environment".
The principle of environmental comfort provides:
creation of a comfort zone - the optimal combination of temperature, humidity, and speed for the human body air movement and exposure to harmful factors of the external environment at rest or during physical work;
accounting in the process of physical exercises, during the organization of mass physical culture and sports events and construction of sports facilities, monitoring of the air pollution index on a daily, monthly and annual basis dynamics;
creation of an artificial air environment in sports facilities for conducting physical classes exercises in ecologically unfavorable temporary periods;
the need to take into account the functional and physical conditions of the students' body, depending on the environmental condition situation and region of residence;
raising the level of environmental education and upbringing of different age groups of the population [7].
The principle of appropriateness of the chosen means, the intensity of the load and the method of conducting the level classes air pollution. This principle assumes that the regulation of the workload in classes of physical education in an ecologically unfavorable environment occurs due to the use of sports with an increased requirement for the accuracy of movements, as well as competition rules.
The process of physical education should be carried out on the basis of the principle of a professional approach, which involves a comprehensive and in-depth study of the specifics of labor activity and their impact in order to select the most effective ones tools for professional and applied physical training [4].
In addition to the well-known provisions in the theory and practice of physical education, the principle of the professional approach in classes in environmentally unfavorable conditions, may be supplemented by the following:
study of the level and mechanism of influence of harmful substances released into the environment during production process;
accounting of the functional capabilities of the organism to develop resistance to the influence of adverse factors production;
provision of methods of physical rehabilitation and recreation depending on the characteristics of adverse effects factors of production activity.
The present changes the requirements for the physical fitness of students, encourages the definition and awareness of the role of physical culture as a component of general culture, and the need to solve health-related problems.
The low level of physical health of the majority of the population, including students, gives reason to believe that the existing system of physical education is not capable of fully solving the issue of the culture of personal health and improving its physical qualities.
Attempts to use physical culture as a means of recovery, without developing the need for physical selfeducation, create only prerequisites for some modernization of the process of forming the physical development of a person, but not the formation of the physical culture of an individual [2].
The system of physical education of students is currently aimed only at solving the problems of today - the passing of control and assessment standards, which does not contribute to developing in them the desire for independent improvement, it aims at the education of an obedient performer, focused on compliance with the requirements of the physical education program. Under such conditions, the physical culture of the individual cannot be formed. For this, it is necessary to change the target settings of the field of physical culture from the concept of health improvement and physical education to the formation of physical culture of the individual within the framework of general culture [1].
The orientation of physical education to the assimilation of strictly regulated program material, the content of which is determined by mandatory applied training and the passing of normative credits, excludes the possibility of addressing the personality of the student and developing his individuality.
The specific orientation in the use of means, methods, forms of training and education in the field of physical culture has led to a gap between education and physical culture - students are not fully aware of and do not perceive physical culture as a vital value. As a result, physical culture as an educational subject of a university does not fully fulfill its important function - the formation of an effective attitude of a person to his own physical improvement, and therefore, it is characterized by a decrease in the interest of most students in physical culture and sports activities and a decrease in its prestige.
Limited in content and scope, physical education in a university cannot fully solve the complex of tasks of physical improvement, spiritual and intellectual development of students.
The solution of this task should be carried out through the education of the physical culture of the individual, which is related to the desire, need and ability of a person to maintain and improve his health with the help of a wide amount of knowledge, which can be obtained if the educational aspect is highlighted in physical education classes. The educational aspect should be understood as students' mastery of scientific knowledge, practical abilities and skills, development of mental-cognitive and creative abilities, as well as worldview and moral-aesthetic culture.
The low effectiveness of the implementation of the physical education program at the university is caused not only by the lack of time allocated for mandatory classes, but also by the insufficient development of scientifically based methods of building the educational process of physical education. In this regard, the indicated shortcomings in the system of compulsory classes are intended to compensate for self-active and independent forms of physical education organization under leisure conditions, the potential possibilities of which attract the increased attention of modern theorists and practitioners [4].
The independent process of physical improvement of students leads to the strengthening of the educational and methodical orientation of the pedagogical process, the assimilation of knowledge by students that would allow them to rationally carry out physical and sports activities using various means of physical culture, traditional and non-traditional methods of physical education, as well as the full use of free time, increasing educational orientation of physical education specifically in the conditions of leisure time.
According to our observations and numerous results of other studies, physical education in a university, regulated by the content and volume of mandatory hours of the curriculum, is not able to fully solve the complex of tasks related to physical fitness, intellectual and spiritual development of students [2].
The assimilation of physical culture should begin with the mastery of the system of knowledge that forms the value relationship and ability of students for physical improvement and self-realization of a healthy lifestyle [3].
Meanwhile, the educational orientation of physical education will be justified in the case of a close relationship between the processes of theoretical assimilation of knowledge and their practical use in the self-organization of a healthy lifestyle. In this regard, it becomes obvious that the educational approach should be combined with targeted education of motivation, interest and value attitude to physical culture and the state of personal health of the student.
In the field of physical culture, such qualities and elements of human individuality as self-realization, projective and purposeful self-development, creativity, and spiritual needs, which are the impetus for any activity, are not sufficiently represented. This limits the possibilities of physical culture to the development of only the motor sphere, which, in the end, reduces the cultural potential of this field of human practice, does not allow realizing the possibilities of physical culture in the development of intellectual, mental, creative and communicative potentials of a person.
The highlighted set of contradictions, the social significance of the problem, the need for the practice of physical education of students in substantiated technologies of physical education led to the search for new forms of physical education in unity with socio-cultural activities [1].
The increased attention of modern theoreticians and practitioners is attracted by the potential possibilities of leisure time. After all, leisure for young people, especially students, is a priority value, many socio-cultural needs of an individual are realized in the sphere of leisure. The sphere of leisure is characterized by the freedom of the individual, which is manifested in the free choice of forms, place and time of the pastime leisure time. It is at leisure that a person manifests himself as a free individuality.
The analysis of the educational process in physical education in institutions of higher education made it possible to conclude that that it should be considered as a multi-level educational system, integral and unified both in terms of structure, content, and organization. This process is represented as a set of all parts, connections, conditions that are in relations and connections with each other and is implemented on the basis of an integrated approach.
The modern approach to physical education based on modular learning technology also requires a new technological one orientation Its novelty lies in modular block training. A modular-block approach to learning in combination with the system of rating control allows to organize the modular rating technology of physical education. The educational process of physical education in the course is divided into modules, which usually make up a topic or a complex of topics, the final educational section. The content of the modules should correspond to the typical program, but also take into account the specifics of the profession.
A comprehensive approach is a method of scientific and practical implementation of a multi-level system of physical education and constant modernization of its content. This approach allows: to use the rating-module system in the relationship organization of classes; implement innovative technologies; increase the physical culture and educational potential of classes as a result increasing the share of ecological and valeological content of the theoretical program material; strengthen professional and applied physical training of young specialists; to increase value orientations for leading a healthy lifestyle by means physical education.
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