Peculiarities of the formation of information and communication competence during physical education classes among students of higher education institutions

Improving the quality of higher education in Ukraine in terms of European integration. Analysis of the influence of physical classes on the students' competences, their personal qualities and creative abilities. Use of an individual approach in training.

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National Technical University of Ukraine

"Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

Department of health and sports technologies

Peculiarities of the formation of information and communication competence during physical education classes among students of higher education institutions

Syrovatko Z. senior lecturer

Yеfremenko V. senior lecturer


Особливості формування інформаційно-комунікаційної компетентності під час занять з фізичного виховання у студентів закладів вищої освіти

Сироватко З., Єфременко В.

В статті розкрито особливості формування інформаційно-комунікаційної компетентності у здобувачів вищої освіти на заняттях з фізичного виховання. Виявлено вплив фізичного виховання на його ефективність на розвиток компетентностей. Аналіз літературних джерел показав про наявність цілого ряду компетентностей кожна з яких є сукупністю індивідуальних здібностей, умінь та навичок, і, в той же час, органічною складовою формування особистості здобувачів вищої освіти. Таким чином, освітній процес закладах вищої освіти спрямований на розвиток компетентнісного підходу до навчання, враховуючи вимоги сучасного суспільства. Розкрито поняття «компетентностей» та «компетентнісних підходів».

Ключові слова: інформаційно-комунікаційна компетентність, студенти, фізичне виховання, уміння, освітній процес.


The article reveals the peculiarities of the formation of information and communication competence among students of higher education in physical education classes. The influence of physical education on its effectiveness on the development of competences has been revealed.. The analysis of literary sources showed the presence of a whole range of competences, each of which is a set of individual abilities, abilities and skills, and, at the same time, an organic component of the formation of the personality of students of higher education. Thus, the educational process in institutions of higher education is aimed at the development of a competency-based approach to learning, taking into account the requirements of modern society. Scientists from all over the world distinguish a number of competencies for personality development. Each of them on the one hand, it has a highly specialized orientation, and on the other hand, it acts as a complex element of formation of a competent, objectively thinking, creative personality. The information processes of the third millennium gave rise to the formation of a list of competencies students have the ability to use technology, to be part of a computerized society - competence in information and communication technologies. It, in turn, is a multi-component education that accumulates theoretical knowledge with its practical implementation.

The technologies of tomorrow do not need millions of people ready to work in unison on endlessly monotonous jobs, not people who follow orders without blinking. The concepts of "competence" and "competence approaches" are revealed.

Key words: information and communication competence, students, physical education, skills, educational process.


Formulation of the problem. Globalization processes taking place in the 21st century stimulate each of us not to stand still, to reorient activities and adjust development strategies (economic, cultural, social, political). Time rhythm, living conditions, society itself strives to educate the best of the best: initiative, creative, independent in their actions and decisions (and, at the same time, able to work skillfully in the team), responsible members of society. In this regard, the priority task of education (both primary and secondary and higher), aimed at learning the knowledge system, which was traditional for schools a few decades ago, is no longer relevant today. Because of this, we are observing a radical rethinking of the content of the school as an educational center, reformatting of the educational institution from the course "teach concrete actions, develop skills and abilities" to the "teach to learn" course. This, in turn, will contribute to student development personal qualities and creative abilities, the ability to find consensus, solve problems, act quickly in extreme situations, and, as a result, will meet modern social demand [1].

Now the school's range of activities is becoming much wider: if at the end of the 20th century it was an indicator the results of education and upbringing at school was, in fact, a certificate of completion of basic or full secondary school education, now this indicator becomes a set of abilities and skills that become a basis, a framework for further successful life.

Pedagogical science uses the concept of "competence" to nominate this indicator. The main task today's schools - to form certain criteria in students, to teach the owners to use this knowledge in life.

There is a whole range of competencies that the school develops in its students. Because modern children already they are not interested in standard lessons with chalk in hand, they prefer multimedia, computerization in general. Therefore, we consider it appropriate to pay special attention to the formation of students' informational and communicative competence.

Analysis of literary sources. The problems of informatization of education are actively dealt with by both domestic and foreign scientists, in particular, V. Osadchyi, T. Koval, P. Samoilenko, O. Spirin, B. Shevel, V. Yu. Bykov [1], Ya. V. Bulakhova , O. M. Bondarenko, V. F. Zabolotny [2], G. O. Kozlakova [5], O. A. Mishchenko, O. P. Pinchuk, O. V. Shestopal, I. V. Robert, V Yu. Volkov, A. M. Doronin, A. S. Rovny and others [6, 7]. L. Bashmanivska, O. Butenko, S. Gavrilyuk, V. Rebenok, M. Rubets, S. Semchuk, etc. focused on certain aspects of the expediency of using a personal computer in the educational process; the problem of the influence of computer technologies on the general development of children is highlighted in the studies of V. Bondarovska, O. Koreganova, T. Ponimanska, O. Sharko, and others.

There is still no thorough analysis of the problem of effective ICT competence formation. Only its individual aspects are revealed in the works of P. Bespalov, V. Dalinger, I. Kisloi, and others.

Presentation of the main research material

Analyzing the various definitions of the concept of "competence" proposed by domestic and Aruban scientists, we consider the definition to be the most thorough and the one that clearly reflects the essence of the term: competence is the level of an individual's skills, which reflects the degree of conformity of a certain competence and gives the opportunity to act constructively in socially changing conditions

By chance, we will also mention a rather comprehensive, in our opinion, definition given in the National Educational Glossary.

The editors of this publication understand competence as a dynamic combination of knowledge, skills and practical skills, ways of thinking, professional, worldview and civic qualities, moral and ethical values, which determines a person's ability to successfully carry out professional and further educational activities and is the result of training at a certain level of higher education.

We have our own interpretation of this term, considering competence to be a set of knowledge, abilities, skills, lived experience, which allows an individual to successfully live in the changing realities of today, to adapt to its changes, while not losing his own "self" [3].

Scientists from all over the world distinguish a number of competencies for personality development. Each of them on the one hand, it has a highly specialized orientation, and on the other hand, it acts as a complex element of formation of a competent, objectively thinking, creative personality. This opinion is confirmed by the main task of a modern school, recorded in the Law "On Education", namely: comprehensive human development as an individual and the highest value of society, its talents, intellectual, creative and physical abilities, the formation of values and competencies necessary for successful selfrealization.

It is appropriate to recall the main postulate in the development of the educational sector in accordance with the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for 2012-2021: education of a person with an innovative type of thinking and culture, design of an acmeological educational space taking into account the innovative development of education, individual requests, needs of society and the state [4].

Let's pay attention to informational and communicative competence. First of all, we focus on the lack of unification of the term itself. As mentioned earlier, there are different classifications of competencies.

In particular, in the materials of discussions organized within the framework of the project of the Development Program of the United Organization

Nations "Educational policy and peer-to-peer education", in the list of key competencies we find competence in information and communication technologies.

In the work program of the European Commission. Key competences for lifelong learning. European reference system" indicated competence in digital technologies.

Despite the lack of a single term for the concept described by us, we still consider the main thing to be not the theoretical aspect of nominating the definition itself, but the practical embodiment of its formation.

Information competence refers to the integrative formation of a personality, which reflects its ability to determine information needs, search for information, and work effectively with them in all their forms and representations - both in traditional, printed form and in electronic form; the ability to work with computer equipment and telecommunication technologies, and the ability to their application in professional activities and everyday life [2].

In our opinion, competence in information and communication technologies is a complex education, because it accumulates several aspects:

> abilities to apply information and communication technologies in education and work and everyday life;

> the ability to rationally use a PC to solve problems (search for information, its systematization, presentation, transmission, storage);

> the ability to critically evaluate the obtained results of technological activity;

> ability to quickly respond to changes, willingness to constantly improve oneself in parallel with the development of computer technology as such.

Thus, after processing the results of the students, we found that in the conditions of distance learning almost most of the time is occupied by the small level, which includes preparation for classes, personal hygiene, moving on foot, classes in institutions of higher education, however, it should be taken into account that in the conditions distance learning students do not attend institutions of higher education, thus, they still have a reduced type of motor activity.

That is, information competence is a person's knowledge of computer technology (computer literacy) with the ability to adapt this knowledge, adjust it to a specific situation.

Thus, the formation of the specified competence creates in students a desire for independence, learning new things, and a desire to develop in a given direction. Rightly points out that the formation of competence of a specialist consists in the activation of self-educational activities of students due to the involvement of content and forms of professional training that can perform a stimulating and developing function.

All outlined aspects should be taken into account by teachers during the formation and further development of this competence of schoolchildren. For this purpose, we consider the circular algorithm "mastering theoretical knowledge - using acquired knowledge in practice at the expense of performing problematic tasks" to be the most effective. At the same time, this two-component structure lacks a dominant element.

In other words, due to the acquired theory, students perform practical tasks, and during the execution of the latter, they learn additional theoretical material, which automatically becomes a practical embodiment. In the outlined scheme, a significant amount of time is devoted to the automation of skills due to their constant implementation.

At the same time, new questions arise, the search for answers to which additionally expands the worldview of the recipient in the specified field [5].

Speaking about the formation of competence, we pay attention to the progressive nature of education. We distinguish the following stages of formation of informational and communicative competence: laying down the basics of working with technology as such; performing actions in text editors development of the ability to search for data on the Internet using various browsers; critical analysis of the obtained information, appropriate handling of it; the ability to solve the tasks in several ways and the development of skills to choose the most effective and most economical in terms of time.

In our opinion. the outlined phasing should take place exactly in the following sequence: from simple to more complex. That is, the chronological aspect is important: the formation of any competence, in particular informational and communicative competence, should begin in preschool. Here, teachers introduce each other through the game children with the basics of using technology, create a basis for the further development of abilities and skills of students at school. The first two stages in our proposed algorithm should be discussed in elementary school as well.

It is here that students' skills and abilities in working with a personal computer are improved. The task of the primary school is the formation of competence of stages [6].

We should also note that the formation of relevant skills should not be limited only to computer science lessons. A systematic approach, collective cooperation of all teachers, regardless of the discipline they teach, must be followed.

Speaking about the formation of the competence defined in the topic of intelligence within the primary school, we refer attention to the development of skills thanks to students' own gadgets. In other words, we recommend applying the principle of personalization during training. Students are much more interested in completing tasks that are close to their lives when they are direct participants in what is being studied. We recommend that teachers appeal to schoolchildren's use of Google services, which are standard in Android settings. Among them: the Google search engine, Google Drive where several people can work on one document online) [8]. education physical student competence

We are deeply convinced that the formation of informational and communicative competence should take place is not a priority task in the education of the 21st century, as it is, in fact, the basis of any other competence. Stated. that seeks to create a country in a smartphone, that is, to involve ordinary Ukrainians in managing the state with the help of their own gadgets. We believe that modern society should also be prepared for such an innovation a schoolboy, as a representative of the future of his country, should first of all possess the entire arsenal of use technical means.

Thus, the analysis of special scientific and methodical literature in the field of physical education indicates, and the experiment conducted by us, indicates a decrease in the level of motor activity among student youth in conditions of distance learning. It is possible to ensure the development of the process in a certain appropriate direction only by correcting the initial actions, that is, regular application of pedagogical control in the physical education of students of higher education institutions and improvement of modern methods and means of physical education, taking into account the realities of today [7].


Such a requalification of activity requires a rethinking of the educational paradigm as a whole, when a competency-based approach to learning begins to come to the fore. The information processes of the third millennium gave rise to the formation of a list of competencies students have the ability to use technology, to be part of a computerized society - competence in information and communication technologies. It, in turn, is a multi-component education that accumulates theoretical knowledge with its practical implementation.

The technologies of tomorrow do not need millions of people ready to work in unison on endlessly monotonous jobs, not people who follow orders without blinking an eye, but people who can make critical decisions, who can to find one's way in a new environment, which quickly establish new relationships in reality, which is changing rapidly. The task of higher education institutions as a whole and of each teacher is to form such an informationally competent personality.


1. Balbenko S. Yu. (2008) Education for students of interest to physical education // Physical education of children and youth. - K. - 402 p.

2. Zabolotny V. (2010) Didactic principles of multimedia application in the formation of methodological competence of future physics teachers: author's ref. dis. for science. degree of Dr. ped. Science: special. 13.00.02 "Theory and methods of teaching (physics)" / VF Swampy. - Kyiv. - 38 p.

3. Information technology in education and the formation of the information society [Electronic resource] // information technology in education. - 2010. - Mode of access to the resource:

4. Kademiya M. Yu. (2011) Information and communication technologies in the educational process: Textbook. Vinnytsia. : Planer LLC. - 220 p.

5. Kozlakova G. (1997) Theoretical and methodical bases of application of information technologies in higher technical education : Monograph. - К.: ІЗМН. VIPOL. - 180 p.

6. Robert I. (1998) Modern information technologies in education. M .: Shkola-Press. - 178 p.

7. Redkina M. (2019) Features of individual motor activity of students of pedagogical specialties // Mountain School of the Carpathians. - Issue № 21. p. 78-82.

8. Redkina M. (2019) Modern technologies of self-control of motor activity of students in the aspect of realization of health-improving tasks of physical education // Scientific journal of NPU Drahomanov. Series №15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports): Coll. scientific works. - Kyiv: Drahomanov National Pedagogical University Publishing House. - Issue 3 K (110) 19. - P. 484-487.

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