Psychological and pedagogical conditions of future educators` training for the national-patriotic education of preschool age children

Investigation of the basic psychological and pedagogical conditions of preschool educational institutions future teachers’ training for the national-patriotical education of preschoolers in the context of updating the modern educational system.

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Дата добавления 11.07.2023
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Размещено на

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


Matishak Marianna Vasylivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, docent, Docent of Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool and Special Education

Marchii-Dmytrash Tamara Mykhailivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent of Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool and Special Education



educational psychological pedagogical patriotical

The psychological and pedagogical conditions of preschool educational institutions future teachers' training for the national-patriotical education of preschoolers in the context of updating the modern educational system are substantiated in the article. In connection with the fact that the forming of the national-patriotic culture of the individual begins from preschool age under the influence of various factors, the requirements for the quality of professional training of future educators, which are called to carry out this process purposefully, are increasing. Therefore, during studies in institutions of higher education, it is necessary to form the readiness of future teachers for national-patriotic upbringing of preschoolers.

Methodological approaches (axiological, person-oriented, competence, activity) have been identified, the implementation of which in the process of professional training ensures the forming of motivational-value attitudes of future educators towards the national-patriotic education of children and the teaching profession in general, the establishment of value guidelines, focus on the forming of the personal patriotic culture of students, which is the basis for the successful development of the national-patriotic culture of pupils, development of professional competence of future educators and improvement of forms, methods and receptions of national-patriotic education of preschoolers during classroom work and in the process of passing various types of practices.

After mastering the program of national-patriotic education by preschool age children, its result is the forming of their national-patriotic culture, as a set of knowledge, abilities, skills, motives, emotions and experience of national-patriotic feelings and appropriate behavior. National-patriotic culture combines spiritual values of the Ukrainian people (love for parents, family, Ukrainian people, respect for history and national culture, etc.), knowledge of national symbols, history, folk art and culture, native land, understanding of one's own ethnicity, and as well as appropriate personal behavior, respect for other nationalities.

Based on the generalization of scientific and practical experience, the psychological and pedagogical conditions of national-patriotic education of preschoolers are concretized: modeling of the educational process in institutions of higher education on the basis of personally oriented, axiological, competence and activity approaches; relying on the principles of national orientation, self-activity and self-regulation, multiculturalism, social conformity, historical and social memory, intergenerational continuity, humanization of the educational process, cultural conformity, which future specialists will implement in their own educational and professional activities; supplementing the content of educational disciplines in order to familiarize students with the purpose, tasks, directions of educational work in the specified sphere, familiarization with the age and individual characteristics of children, as well as with the technology of creating an appropriate educational environment; enrichment of pedagogical practice programs.

Keywords: institution of higher education, professional training, teacher of preschool age children, preschool education, national-patriotic upbringing, preschool educational institution, patriotic culture.


Матішак Маріанна Василівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри теорії та методики дошкільної і спеціальної освіти, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника, м. Івано-Франківськ

Марчій-Дмитраш Тамара Михайлівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри теорії та методики дошкільної і спеціальної освіти, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника, м. Івано-Франківськ


У статті обґрунтовано психолого-педагогічні умови підготовки майбутніх вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти до національно-патріотичного виховання дошкільників в контексті оновлення сучасної системи освіти. У зв'язку з тим, що формування національнопатріотичної культури особистості починається вже з дошкільного віку під впливом різних чинників, зростають вимоги до якості професійної підготовки майбутніх вихователів, які покликані здійснювати цей процес цілеспрямовано. Отож, під час навчання у закладах вищої освіти необхідно формувати готовність майбутніх вихователів до національно-патріотичного виховання дошкільників.

Визначено методологічні підходи (аксіологічний, особистісно орієнтований, компетентнісний, діяльнісний), реалізація яких у процесі професійної підготовки забезпечує формування мотиваційно-ціннісного ставлення майбутніх вихователів до національно-патріотичного виховання дітей і до педагогічної професії загалом, утвердження ціннісних орієнтирів, орієнтацію на формування особистісної патріотичної культури студентів, яка є підґрунтям для успішного розвитку національно-патріотичної культури вихованців, розвиток професійної компетентності майбутніх вихователів, удосконалення форм, методів і прийомів національно-патріотичного виховання дошкільників під час аудиторної роботи та у процесі проходження різних видів практик.

Після засвоєння програми національно-патріотичного виховання дітьми дошкільного віку її результатом є сформованість їх національнопатріотичної культури, як сукупність знань, умінь, навичок, мотивів, емоцій і переживань національно-патріотичних почуттів та відповідної поведінки. Національно-патріотична культура поєднує духовні цінності українського народу (любов до батьків, родини, українського народу, повага до історії та національної культури тощо), знання про національні символи, історію, народне мистецтво і культуру, рідний край, розуміння своєї власної етнічної приналежності, а також відповідну поведінку особистості, повагу до інших національностей.

На основі узагальнення наукового і практичного досвіду конкретизовано психолого-педагогічні умови національно-патріотичного виховання дошкільників: моделювання освітнього процесу в закладах вищої освіти на засадах особистісно орієнтованого, аксіологічного, компетентнісного та діяльнісного підходів; опертя на принципи національної спрямованості, самоактивності і саморегуляції, полікультурності, соціальної відповідності, історичної та соціальної пам'яті, міжпоколінної наступності, гуманізації виховного процесу, культуровідповідності, які майбутні фахівці будуть реалізовувати у власній освітньо-професійній діяльності; доповнення змісту навчальних дисциплін задля ознайомлення студентів з метою, завданнями, напрямами виховної роботи в означеній сфері, ознайомлення з віковими та індивідуальними особливостями дітей, а також технологією створення відповідного освітнього середовища; збагачення програм педагогічної практики.

Ключові слова: заклад вищої освіти, професійна підготовка, вихователь дітей дошкільного віку, дошкільна освіта, національнопатріотичне виховання, заклад дошкільної освіти, патріотична культура.

Formulation of the problem

In modem society, a person with a complete inner world, self-confident, active and purposeful, highly educated and cultured is in demand. The basis for the forming of such a personality are the understanding of one's own roots, respect for the culture, traditions and customs of one's people, readiness to protect the interests of the nation, the ability to be tolerant and respectful of the culture and national achievements of other peoples. The combination of such qualities is represented in the concept of "patriotism". The forming of the national-patriotic culture of the individual begins from preschool age under the influence of various factors, the leading among them is the role of parents and educators. Accordingly, the requirements for the quality of professional training of future educators, who are called to carry out this process purposefully, are increasing. Therefore, during studies in institutions of higher education, it is necessary to form the readiness of future teachers for nationalpatriotic education of preschoolers.

The relevance of the problem of national-patriotic education of children and youth is declared in normative and legal documents, such as: the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "About education", Concepts of national-patriotic education in the educational system of Ukraine, Strategies of national-patriotic education and others. In the Law of Ukraine "About Preschool Education", the Basic Component of Preschool Education it is concretized the goals and objectives aimed at patriotic education of preschool age children. Accordingly, the problems of national-patriotic education of preschoolers are also presented in educational programs, namely: "Ukrainian preschool", "Sunflower", " Child", "Confident start", "Ukraine - my Motherland" and others.

Analysis of recent research and publications

National-patriotic education of children and youth has always attracted the attention of researchers. In Ukrainian pedagogics, the importance of patriotic education was revealed in the ideas of I.Franko, T.Shevchenko, H.Skovoroda, Lesia Ukrainka, as well as S.Rusova, V.Sukhomlynskyi, K.Ushynskyi and others. In the modern theory and practice of preschool education, there is also considerable attention to the problem of professional training of future educators in general, and to various aspects of patriotic education of preschool children, in particular, by I. Bekh, N.Gavrysh, Grygoruk, K. Krutiy, M. Mashovets, M.Oliynyk, T. Ponimanska and others. Peculiarities of future educators' training for patriotic upbringing of children are presented in the studies of A. Bogush, T.Filimonova, A. Kurchatova, V. Kuz, N. Lysenko, N.Rogalska, L. Savchenko, M.Stelmakhovych, B. Stuparyk and others.

The purpose of the article is to investigate and substantiate the psychological and pedagogical conditions of future educators' training for the national-patriotic upbringing of preschoolers in the context of updating the modern educational system.

Presentation of the main research material

The results of the analysis of scientific-pedagogical surveys proved that the future teachers' training for patriotic education of preschoolers is an actual and practically significant problem. Separate issues of the raised problem are presented in a number of modern scientific studies. Investigating the historical and pedagogical aspects of the raised problem, L. Savchenko interprets the preparation of future teachers for patriotic education of preschoolers as "theoretical, practical and moral training of the future teacher for the forming patriotic consciousness of pupils, the integral forming of the educator's personality, his competencies and personal traits that ensure a stable civic position and patriotic beliefs" [1, P.8].

A detailed analysis of the professional and personal development of the future teachers of their patriotic education was carried out by N. Rogalska. The researcher notes that thanks to purposeful activities, patriotic consciousness, beliefs, and worldview are formed in students. They acquire the listed qualities as a result of formed social maturity, public activity, the ability to show themselves in a dignified and responsible manner in the conditions of future professional activity [2, P.85]. In T. Filimonova's research, the main components and criteria for the readiness of future preschool teachers for the national-patriotic education of children were established, such as: cognitive (normative-legal, special-theoretical and special-technological criteria); motivational-emotional (personal-value, sensory-emotional and motivational-orientational criteria); activity-behavioral components (practical-transformative, activity-educational, evaluative-regulatory criteria) [3, P. 229].

In general, the content of national-patriotic education, according to scientists, should be based on practical activities and be carried out in stages:

- informative (enrichment of knowledge for awareness of patriotic values and ideals of the Ukrainian people, mentality, ethno-psychological features);

- organizational (direct organizing of the educational process with the aim of mastering scientific facts, concepts, theory about nature and society, norms of behavior, social relations, customs, traditions; forming of the national worldview of the personality);

- stimulating (development of the desire for self-improvement and selfeducation of education seekers, the forming of patriotic beliefs, practical skills and the ability to realize patriotic qualities and feelings in activities);

- evaluative (determining and evaluating the level of patriotic upbringing of education seekers in accordance with the developed criteria and indicators).

The listed stages ensure the integrity, systematicity, and complexity of the process of national-patriotic education of children and youth, are relevant at different levels of education, and can be implemented already from preschool childhood, taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers.

One of the important factors in the implementation of national-patriotic education of preschoolers is the forming of patriotic consciousness and corresponding personal beliefs in future educators, in other words, the educator himself must be patriot. At the same time, in the process of professional training, getters of higher education in the specialty 012 “Preschool education” should know the essences of key concepts ("patriotism", "patriotic culture", "national-patriotic education", etc.), be able to analyze public requests and be guided by the provisions of regulatory and legal documentation, to master the basic forms, methods and means of implementing patriotic education of children in practical pedagogical activities, to take into account the age and individual psychological and pedagogical features of preschoolers.

In scientific and methodical literature, patriotism is interpreted as: civic and moral feeling; willingness to serve the Motherland; social moral and political principle; socio-psychological property; value system. At the same time, the concept "Motherland" is considered both in wide and a narrow (local) sense, and the object of patriotism can be either a single Motherland for all peoples or a "small Homeland". Therefore, the subjects of patriotism are both an individual and a group of people united by territorial, professional or other characteristics. In a broad sense, the subjects of patriotism are ethnic groups, nations, and the people of a separate country [1, P.8].

L. Savchenko offers her own definition of the concept of "patriotic education" and believes that it is "a generalized concept that covers various spheres of organized and purposeful influence on the individual by social and educational institutions with the aim of creating conditions for him that will contribute to the development of such an integrative quality, as patriotism" [1, P.8]. The directions of patriotic education are spiritual-moral, historical-local lore, civic-patriotic, social-patriotic, military-patriotic, heroic-patriotic, sports-patriotic, etc.

Let's consider in more detail the theoretical aspects of professional training of future educators for the implementation of national-patriotic education of preschool age children. The basis of such training is a number of methodological approaches, namely: axiological, person-oriented, competence-based, activitybased, etc.

Important for successful training of future educators for the implementation of national-patriotic education of preschoolers is abidance of special principles. L.Savchenko gives a detailed list of them, in particular, national orientation, selfactivity and self-regulation, multiculturalism, social conformity, historical and social memory, intergenerational succession, humanization of the educational process, cultural conformity [1, P.9]. We consider it expedient to implement the listed principles both in working with students to deepen their national and patriotic self-awareness, and during educational activities with children in the institutions of preschool education. At the same time, it is necessary to model the process of professional training of future teachers according to the principles of the humanistic paradigm of education. In this context, in our opinion, the educational principles identified by T. Filimonova are relevant, namely:

- the principle of humanization is oriented towards respect for the personality, her dignity, understanding of requests, interests, trust in her;

- the principle of personalization ensures partnership relations between teachers and students, communication based on respect for all participants of the educational process;

- the principle of individualization is focused on taking into account the levels of physical, mental, social, spiritual, and intellectual development of future educators, stimulating activity, revealing the creative individuality of everyone in the educational process;

- the principle of professional competence provides ensuring holistic and systematic training of education seekers for future professional activities, highquality theoretical training, enrichment of practical abilities and skills, stimulating of professionally significant needs and motives of future teachers;

- the principle of optimization contributes to the achievement of the set goals, is implemented through the modeling of an educational environment conducive to the acquisition of knowledge, abilities and skills for the implementation of national-patriotic education of children [3, P.226-227].

We should also note that in the process of professional training of future educators, democratic principles and values of civil society should be guided, education seekers should be formed "tolerance and lenience, respect for other individuals, responsibility for actions before the law, self-sacrifice; to form a culture of social relations" [4, P.26].

The content of future educators' training for the national-patriotic education of preschool age children should include familiarizing of students with the purpose, tasks, directions, forms, methods and techniques of educational work and with the age and individual characteristics of children, as well as the technology of creating an appropriate ethnological environment.

The goal of national-patriotic education, as stated in the Concept of nationalpatriotic education of Ukraine, is "becoming a self-sufficient citizen-patriot of Ukraine, a humanist and a democrat, ready to fulfill civic and constitutional duties, to inherit the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people, achieving a high culture of relationships" [5]. The achievement of the set goal is carried out gradually in all links of education, starting with preschool educational institutions. Analysis of scientific and methodical literature [1; 2; 3; 5; 6; 7; 8], theories and practices of preschool education allowed us to formulate the main tasks of national-patriotic education of preschool age children, namely:

- forming of children's love for their homeland, hometown (village);

- children's assimilation of spiritual and moral values during educational activities in preschool;

- forming of respect and recognition of the value of the cultural heritage of one's own people;

- education of love and respect for the national characteristics of one's people;

- fostering a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, peers, adults;

- promoting the acquisition of patriotic experience by children and youth on the basis of readiness to participate in state-building processes, the ability to determine the forms and methods of their participation in the life of civil society, to communicate with social institutions, authorities, the ability to comply with laws and protect human rights, the readiness to take responsibility, the ability to resolve conflicts in accordance with democratic principles;

- confirmation of humanistic morality as the basic foundation of civil society;

- cultivation of the best features of the Ukrainian mentality (hard work, freedom, justice, kindness, honesty, careful attitude to nature);

- forming of speech culture;

- encouraging a growing personality to actively oppose Ukrainianophobia, immorality, separatism, chauvinism, fascism.

The listed tasks are determined by the age-specific features of the organizing of national-patriotic education of preschoolers. As we know, in the period of preschool childhood, a rapid development of the child's physical and mental qualities is observed. In this regard, O. Kononko notes that childhood is a unique age segment of life, during which a child, with the help of an adult, through its own activity, discovers itself as a biopsychological reality [9, P.12]. T. Filimonova points that during this period the foundations of the forming of spirituality, feelings, perception of the world, awareness of one's "I" are laid [10, P.165]. Thus, the foundations for the forming of personality are laid, the child's primary worldviews are formed.

The results of the analysis of scientific literature and methodical manuals [6; 7; 9; 11] testified that the most favorable period for the beginning of purposeful national-patriotic upbringing of children is middle preschool age. The authors of the program "My Motherland - Ukraine" emphasize that at this period "... the child's interest in the surrounding world is intensified... Children of the fifth year of life begin to form feelings that express their attitude to people and phenomena of the surrounding reality, to relationships between people, to surrounding objects, their own impressions are formed, as a result of which the baby determines what he likes. Children easily perceive and learn carols, greetings, gaivkas, freckles, as well as folk moving games, dances, etc." [6, P.14].

There are conditions for familiarizing children with phenomena, events, and objects that are inaccessible for direct perception at the moment. It is also noted in scientific and methodological sources that "the process of expanding ideas about the environment, developing imagination and memory, activating the mental activity of children contributes to the mastery of elementary skills of thinking operations, which enables children to assimilate more complex information" [7, P. 188]. The experience of teachers proves that a child should be under the constant influence of the material and spiritual culture of its people. This is necessary primarily for the fullest disclosure of the child's natural inclinations and the development of its abilities. In the context of the raised problem, it is advisable to acquaint 5-6-yearold children with the history of their native people, samples of folk art, features of folk trades and crafts, architectural monuments, etc.

According to scientists, in older preschool children "it is possible to lay the foundations of a nationally conscious citizen, a patriot, that is, a person who has personal qualities and character traits, a worldview and way of thinking, feelings, actions and behavior aimed at the self-development of a democratic civil society in Ukraine" [10, P. 165]. Future educators should use as much as possible the agebased capabilities of preschoolers and adapt educational influences to the individual personal characteristics of children.

Patriotism as a moral quality has an integral meaning. In view of this, in pedagogical work, it is necessary to combine familiarization of children with the phenomena of social life, ethnology, art tools, practical activities (art work, observation, games, creative activities, etc.), national and state holidays. On the basis of the above, the directions of patriotic education are: forming of ideas about family, genus and pedigree; local history; familiarization with the phenomena of social life; forming of knowledge about the history of the state, state symbols; familiarization with the traditions and culture of one's people; forming of knowledge about humanity [11, P.83].

The result of national-patriotic education of older preschool age children is the forming of their national-patriotic culture, as a set of knowledge, abilities, skills, motives, emotions and children's experience of national-patriotic feelings and appropriate behavior. The concept of "national-patriotic culture" combines spiritual values of patriotism (love for parents, family, Ukrainian people, respect for history and national culture, etc.), knowledge of national symbols, history, folk art and culture, native land, understanding of one's own ethnicity, as well as appropriate behavior and attitude (to relatives, people, culture, etc.), respect for other nationalities.

The positions of the activity approach in the professional training of future educators are realized in the process of assimilation of practical skills and abilities by students, mastering the methods and techniques of national-patriotic education. Specially organized classes enriched with various means of folk art are important. It is advisable to use the four-component structure of the classes, developed by K. Krutii. This approach is also proposed by the authors of the partial program "Ukraine - my Motherland". The manual recommends structuring of classes according to the following components: 1) encouraging children to perceive relevant cognitive information; 2) presentation of new cognitive material, demonstration and showing of vivid examples from the life of the Ukrainian people or the state; 3) reproduction in practical actions of the received information; 4) summary of everything the children have learned, settings for further activities [6; 12].

T. Ponimanska singles out traditional methods and forms of organizing patriotic education, namely: excursions through the streets of the native city, to historical monuments, places of interest; teacher's stories; conversations with interesting people; summarizing conversations; consideration of illustrative materials; reading and staging works of fiction; inviting family members to kindergarten; joint educational activities with families (Family Day, Grandmother's Day, etc.); meetings with parents outside the institutions of preschool education, at the place of work, etc. [11, P. 85].

It is also advisable to use the methods of national and patriotic education proposed by the authors of the program "Ukraine - my Motherland", namely: organized observation of the surrounding reality in combination with reading works of art, listening to music, drawing, viewing reproductions of paintings; systematic excursions to the most outstanding places of the native land, visits to museums, exhibition halls; an interview using methodological techniques (questions, comparisons, individual tasks, reference to children's experiences); direct participation of children in environmental improvement and nature protection; involvement of children in participation in folk traditional holidays; usage of folklore in all its genres (fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, sayings, myths, legends), folk songs (lullabies, folk songs, dances, round dances); familiarization of children with folk decorative and applied art, everyday life, clothes [6, P. 18-19].

A holistic approach to the process of national-patriotic education involves the creation of an appropriate environment. It is expedient to familiarize future educators with the peculiarities of arrangement in group rooms of national centers, which must be filled with state and folk symbols, charms, dolls in folk clothes, children's folk musical instruments, samples of dishes and other objects with elements of decorative art. The usage of elements of museum pedagogics, which "creates conditions for personal immersion in a specially organized object-spatial environment" [13, P.98], is relevant. M. Yepikhina and N. Kurylo propose to organize "mini-museums", which they understand as "a special developmental space, created with the aim of involving the child in the world of art, expanding its cultural and national outlook, forming life competence" [13, P.98]. In this aspect, it is advisable to prepare future educators for organizing national corners in the group room with ethno-tools, namely: the corner of the book can be supplemented with literature with examples of children's folklore; game corner may be full with folk toys from different regions of Ukraine and folk musical instruments, etc. It is important that the objects of the national cornerchange considering the situation according to the season and the rituals associated with it. Also it is important to design it aesthetically. Changes in the objects of the national corner may be related to the cognitive theme of the week in ethnology. In the senior preschool age according to the program, it is necessary to allocate regional features of national towels, ware, clothes, footwear, art, to acquaint with national craftsmen of the region (it is considered in [14, P. 107-108]).

In the context of future teachers' training for national-patriotic education of preschoolers, it is appropriate to note that family upbringing has a significant influence on the forming of national-patriotic culture, since the family itself is the center of trust, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, etc. In the family, the forming of the national-patriotic culture is carried out by means of the native language, the authority of the father, mother, grandfather and grandmother, lullaby, family customs, traditions along the lines of national and Christian holidays. It is necessary to create conditions for students to master the skills of cooperation with parents of preschoolers, to acquaint them with the basic forms and methods of working with parents, psychological and pedagogical conditions for successful communication.

The creativity of the educator, his ability to fantasize, make non-standard decisions in solving professional tasks is of great importance for the effectiveness of the educational process in general. In the context of patriotic education of preschoolers, it is advisable to introduce musical accompaniment of patriotic content, multimedia tools, listening and viewing of which worsen the mood, raise the patriotic spirit, emotionality and joy, awaken the abilities and talents of preschool age children.

The national-patriotic upbringing of children is based on the integration into the educational process of institutions of preschool education traditional approaches and innovative forms and methods of learning, relevant for the modern education system, adapted to the demands of modern society. Therefore, future educators should master innovative technologies and forms of work adapted to the age and individual characteristics of preschool age children, namely: workshops, children's digests, national-patriotic, military-sports curling, training classes on the development of international tolerance of children, cultural projects, interactive multimedia studios, ethnographic flights, etc. The listed forms of educational activity should be carried out in cooperation with parents and public organizations.

The educational environment in a modern institution of higher education combines a set of favorable conditions that stimulate the motivation for patriotic activities of students who are simultaneously participants, initiators, organizers and propagandists of patriotism.

Therefore, educational work in institutions of higher education should be carried out in the following directions: determination of priority aspects of work on national-patriotic education at the current stage, enrichment of the content of patriotic education; development of forms and methods of education based on new information technologies; strengthening the civic-patriotic orientation in the programs of the disciplines of the cycles of general and professional training, as well as selective educational components, the need to use innovative forms of pedagogical influence.

Summarizing the above mentioned, we believe that the training of future teachers for the national-patriotic education of preschoolers should be based on psychological and pedagogical conditions, namely:

- modeling of the educational environment in institutions of higher education on the basis of personally oriented, axiological, competence and activity approaches;

- relying on the principles of national orientation, self-activity and selfregulation, multiculturalism, social conformity, historical and social memory, intergenerational continuity, humanization of the educational process, cultural conformity, which future specialists will implement in their own educational and professional activities;

- supplementing the content of educational disciplines in order to familiarize students with the purpose, tasks, directions of educational work in the specified direction, familiarization with the age and individual characteristics of children, as well as the technology of creating an appropriate educational environment;

- enrichment of pedagogical practice programs with the aim of mastering the forms, methods and techniques of national-patriotic education of preschool children by future educators, as well as the introduction of traditional and innovative educational technologies.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

Therefore, the problem of national-patriotic upbringing of children and youth is relevant and practically significant. The key to the success of this process is purposeful educational work with children from preschool age. The main tasks of patriotic education of preschool children are implemented in the forming of love and respect for the native land, national characteristics, cultural heritage, assimilation of spiritual and moral values, tolerance in relation to other people. Therefore, we believe that the content of the professional training of future teachers should include a nationalpatriotic component that will influence both the forming of students' patriotic selfawareness (personal aspect) and will contribute to the forming of their readiness for national-patriotic education of preschoolers (professional aspect).

We see the prospects for further research in the identification of the ways of patriotic self-awareness forming of future teachers of institutions of preschool education in the process of their professional training.


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