Foreign language training in higher education institutions: evolution, European trends and current challenges in Ukraine

Peculiarities of teaching grammatical material, mastering professional vocabulary, introduction of educational technologies, student motivation, use of native language. Analysis of the experience of involving native speakers in the educational process.

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Foreign language training in higher education institutions: evolution, European trends and current challenges in Ukraine

Maiev A.

Nasakina S.


The article is devoted to the analysis of modern challenges in foreign language training in higher education institutions of Ukraine. Taking into account the irreversible European course of our state, the reformation of education sphere and the gradual integration into the world academic community, the mastery of foreign languages becomes more and more important. It requires increasing teaching efficiency, modernizing curricula, and using the best foreign practices.

In particular, it is about changing the strategy of teaching foreign languages in universities, the transition from the «translation» to the «communication» strategy, which is a sign of European trends. The key advantage of the communicative approach is the maximum approximation of the educational process to communicative and practical language use. This approach involves interactive learning, interaction of participants in the studies, while the student plays an important role.

The research examines the peculiarities of teaching grammar, mastering professional vocabulary, introduction of modern educational technologies, students' motivation and using the native language during classes. It is emphasized that work with specialized literature should be carried out in senior years of study, after mastering the basics of the language. At the same time, the effectiveness of this activity depends on the texts selection and their adaptation to the level of training in each group.

The experience of involving native speakers in the studies is considered. In this context, it is noted that the teacher's methodical training is no less important factor for successful learning than the language proficiency level.

On the basis of the conducted research, a conclusion was made regarding the need for further teaching practices modernization, the result of which should be the mastery of the language itself, and not only the ability to translate specialized literature. A number of measures are proposed in order to promote the effectiveness of foreign language training in higher education institutions.

Key words: foreign language, higher education institutions, European integration, European academic community, internationalization of education, communicative approach, native speakers, interactive learning.


Маєв А.П., Насакіна С.В. Іншомовна підготовка в закладах вищої освіти: еволюція, європейські тенденції та сучасні виклики в Україні

Статтю присвячено аналізу сучасних викликів у сфері іншомовної підготовки в закладах вищої освіти України. З огляду на незворотний європейський курс держави, реформування освітньої сфери, поступову інтеграцію до світового академічного простору володіння іноземними мовами набуває дедалі важливого значення. Це вимагає підвищення ефективності викладання, осучаснення робочих програм, використання кращих зарубіжних практик.

Зокрема, йдеться про зміну стратегії викладання іноземних мов у вишах, перехід від «перекладацької» до «комунікативної» стратегії, що є ознакою європейських тенденцій. Ключовою перевагою комунікативного підходу визначено максимальне наближення навчального процесу до спілкування та практичного користування мовою. Такий підхід передбачає інтерактивне навчання, взаємодію учасників педагогічного процесу, в якому здобувачу вищої освіти відведена важлива роль.

Дослідження розглядає особливості викладання граматичного матеріалу, опанування професійної лексики, запровадження сучасних освітніх технологій, мотивування студентів, використання рідної мови під час занять. Наголошено, що робота зі спеціалізованою літературою має здійснюватися на старших курсах, після оволодіння азами мови. При цьому ефективність цього виду діяльності залежить від підбору текстового матеріалу та його адаптації до рівня підготовки групи.

Розглянуто досвід залучення носіїв мови до навчального процесу. У цьому контексті підкреслено, що методична підготовка викладача є не менш важливим фактором успішного навчання, ніж безпосередньо рівень володіння мовою.

На підставі проведеного дослідження зроблено висновок щодо необхідності подальшого осучаснення викладацьких практик, результатом чого має стати саме володіння мовою, а не лише вміння перекладати спеціалізовану літературу. Запропоновано низку заходів щодо сприяння ефективності іншомовної підготовки в закладах вищої освіти.

Ключові слова: іноземна мова, заклади вищої освіти, європейська інтеграція, інтернаціоналізація освіти, європейський академічний простір, комунікативний підхід, носії мови, інтерактивне навчання.

Main part

Introduction. In today's globalized world, the role of a foreign language is constantly growing. Mastering of at least one foreign language becomes a necessary sign of an educated person, allowing applying for a prestigious and highly paid job. The importance of foreign languages becomes so great that their knowledge ceases to be something extraordinary, a certain privilege or luxury. A few decades ago, only people of a certain social status could afford a mobile phone and a computer. Now such things are essential items. The same is true for foreign languages. Any educated person is simply obliged to master at least one of them, as it is the key to further self-education and self-improvement.

Taking into account the European integration of Ukraine and the internationalization of education, language proficiency is gaining importance in the academic field as well. Many European educational programs provide for the possibility of semester studies or short-term internships abroad. More and more scientific and communicative events take place in a foreign (mostly English) language. Language proficiency becomes a mandatory prerequisite for young researchers. Studying primary sources in the original language, opportunities to take part at international scientific forums, as well as publishing research results in foreign editions are the main advantages of mastering foreign languages.

In modern Europe, great attention is paid to the improvement of foreign language training. It is no coincidence that when meeting researchers and even students of European universities, we see that they fluently speak at least 2-3 foreign languages.

In order to improve the professional training of foreign language teachers and to promote the learning of foreign languages, the European Union and the Council of Europe have developed a wide range of educational programs. In the

European countries, the following special projects and educational programs operate: `SOCRATES', `ERASMUS', `LINGUA' and others. `ERASMUS' and `LINGUA' programs are aimed at expanding the linguistic exchange of students between higher education institutions of 27 partner countries that are the members of the EU [8].

The purpose of this article is to analyze the current state and evolution of foreign language training in domestic higher education institutions, taking into account existing realities and foreign experience.

The main part. The important role of a foreign language has been recognized for a long time. In Soviet period, foreign languages were taught in all institutes and universities, including the technical ones. However, in practice it was about 2-4 academic hours per week during the first two years. Graduates were rarely able to demonstrate a high level of language proficiency after completing their studies. With the exception of philological specialties, foreign language training included reading and translating professional texts and mastering specialized terms. This led to the emergence of a specialist who had a certain vocabulary, could read and translate, but his communication skills were at a very low level.

It should be noted that the translation of specialized texts is an important component of training. It allows students to master the professional terms and deepen their vocabulary. However, the effectiveness of this component largely depends on the correct selection of texts. In the recent past, students were asked to translate a certain number of pages from technical journals regardless of their level of training. This approach was not effective. The teacher must carefully select texts according to the level of each group. The beginners should be offered adapted material and start with descriptive texts and topics.

In addition, the question arises when to start working with specialized texts. First-year students do not yet know their major and do not read professional literature even in their native language. Therefore, they will not be able to master the original special literature. In the first year, it is advisable to offer them everyday topics and texts of general scientific nature. In senior years, the student will already be able, applying his knowledge and skills, to read original special literature and receive useful information. With such an organization, the didactic principle of consciousness and accessibility in working with special literature will be respected.

Within the course of professional foreign language, the teacher should show more interest in the students' specialties, be aware of the main achievements in the relevant fields. He must constantly improve his qualification; maintain contact with the colleagues of special disciplines in order to determine relevant issues of future professions of students.

The specialized literature should be mastered after acquiring certain knowledge about the language basics. Therefore, the teacher must pay attention to all components of linguistic training.

It is clear that phonetics cannot be a priority in non-linguistic secondary education. The alphabet, the rules of reading and spelling are not studied within the program, but getting to know the norms of pronunciation and training them to a certain level should still be an integral part of the classes. This could be an introductory corrective phonetic course, the task of which includes mastering the skills of reading technique, pronunciation of individual sounds, words and sentences. At their own discretion, teachers allocate from 10 to 20 hours for such activities. As a result, the rules are systematized and pronunciation skills are improved, which ensures further better understanding of the language during reading and speaking.

It is advisable to correct pronunciation in the 1st year. The availability of such a course is important given the fact that students who studied German, French, or Spanish at their secondary schools do not often have the opportunity to study the same language in the universities. Being enrolled in groups studying English at the elementary level, they face difficulties without knowing at least the basics of phonetics.

Grammar material to one extent or another is present in the programs of all higher education institutions. The first two semesters are devoted to systematization and consolidation of existing school knowledge and skills. In the 3rd semester, grammar skills are expanded, reading and listening are practiced. In the 4th semester, students hardly receive new information on grammar; they work on general scientific texts and consolidate their knowledge. Later, the practical skills of using grammar knowledge are improved while reading original literature by specialty. In universities, the grammar phenomena intended for reproductive mastery practically do not exceed the ones learned at school. Attention is directed mainly to automating the use of these phenomena in the speech.

Some methodologists insist on giving terminology exclusively in a foreign language, while others allow the use of the native language. In our opinion, both of them are right. It all depends on the nature of the terminology. Sometimes the use of Ukrainian terminology can cause wrong associations. For example, the use of the term «past tense» for the English language can confuse students, since there are several past tenses in English, each of them having its own peculiarities of formation and use. It is appropriate to insist on the use of English terms: Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous. The same concerns the Present and the Future.

It is very convenient to present grammar in the form of formulas together with an example. In particular, the Present Continuous grammar tense in English can be represented as follows: am, is, are + mg. We are translating the text now. The use of formulas helps to visualize, systematize and summarize the material.

At the same time, sometimes it is useful to compare grammar phenomena with the native language. Comparison can be made in the following directions: phenomena that are almost identical, similar and completely dissimilar. The Grammar phenomena that coincide are learned the fastest; the material that has nothing to compare with is more difficult. So, one of the most difficult topics for English learners is the use of articles. This is due to the lack of an article in the Ukrainian language. In addition, a common mistake is to use the word order of the native language. The teacher can explain the order of words in an English sentence by comparing it with a similar sentence in Ukrainian. In this case, the use of the native language when explaining grammar is permissible and even useful.

As a rule, the study of lexical material by students is carried out on the basis of their school vocabulary. The latter constitutes an active stock of words for reproductive assimilation. In higher education, this vocabulary is enriched by the words related to students' everyday life and future specialty. The passive vocabulary during reading is significantly increased with the help of special terminology and general scientific terms.

European trends have been gradually spreading in the domestic academic community. A sign of this is the change of the «translation» strategy to the «communicative» one. The communicative approach to learning foreign languages is a methodical standard today. The implementation of the communicative approach means that the formation of foreign language speech skills and abilities occurs through and thanks to the acquisition of foreign language speech activity, while the process of learning a foreign language is built adequately to the real process of speech communication [9].

To characterize the communicative approach in general, we should say that it involves the organization of language learning as the communication process. In other words, the learning process is close to the communication and is aimed at practical use of the language.

Nowadays the curricula provide for the availability of competencies related to foreign language communication. Teaching students to understand specialized literature, as well as to communicate on the professional issues within a limited number of academic hours is a difficult task. It can be done only by combining traditional and innovative teaching methods, emphasizing communication.

This approach, accordingly, involves interactive learning. This is learning in the mode of dialogue, during which the participants of the pedagogical process interact for the purpose of mutual understanding and joint solution of educational tasks [5].

The motivation is important to ensure effective interactive learning. Students are no less important subjects of the educational process than the teacher is. If they are poorly motivated for learning the language and are not interested in it, then no effort of the teacher, even the best one, will not lead to significant success.

Among the main internal motives for learning a foreign language there are: successful career advancement; opportunity to study abroad; unlimited access to information; satisfaction of one's own ambitions and desire for self-development; absence of a language barrier during travelling etc. [3].

In the context of our research, it is important to analyze the motivation among students of non-linguistic majors regarding learning a foreign language. The survey conducted among the second year students of the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (about 100 people were interviewed) made it possible to identify the main motives for studying a foreign language. Among the main motivating factors there were:

a) opportunity to freely communicate with native speakers (33%)

b) prospect for better employment in the Motherland (22%)

c) prospect for employment abroad (16%).

Only 1% of respondents referred to the obligation to study this subject at the University as a motivating factor [7].

According to the results of another survey on the advantages of mastering a foreign language, such factors as successful career advancement and the opportunity to study abroad were the most important for students. Assessment and avoidance of trouble at the University (the main external motivators of the education system) played the least role [1].

Hereby, the general trends indicate that students have gradually realized the need to learn a foreign language. At the same time, this does not mean that their interest in the subject will be unchanged throughout the course. Motivation must be constantly maintained. That is why, the search for reserves to improve the quality and efficiency of foreign language learning, as well as the use of innovative methods and work techniques become very important in the teacher's work.

Great help in solving these problems is provided by interactive activities such as role-playing games. Their use in the classroom gives positive results, increases the interest of students, and allows them to concentrate their attention on mastering speech skills in a natural situation. Such exercises harmoniously fit into foreign language classes. Modulated situations make it possible to bring speech activity closer to real communication, which corresponds to the basic principle of the communicative method.

It is very important that such exercises engage the students in the independent work. The emphasis shifts from the active teacher's role to the independent activity of the students. The teacher gradually becomes more an observer than a leader.

In the process of foreign language learning, such functions of a role-playing game as educational, motivational - exciting, orienting, compensatory, educational, etc. are revealed [2].

It is worth noting that students show thorough English language knowledge not when they demonstrate their homework, but when they can quickly orientate themselves in the situation. This means that they listen carefully and understand the interlocutor, react to the situation, and can prove their point of view. Therefore, when using various forms of role-playing games, students can improve their communication skills, enjoy lessons, and this has a positive effect on their learning motivation [9].

High-quality language training of students is impossible without the use of modern educational technologies. Modern foreign language teaching technologies include professionally oriented learning, project method, game technologies, intensive and distance learning technologies, information and telecommunication technologies, working with educational and controlling computer programs in foreign languages, creating presentations, teaching a foreign language in e-environment (forums, blogs, e-mail), etc. [5].

At the same time, an important factor is the teacher's qualification and his ability to adapt the material for a specific group of students. A widespread trend is the complete rejection of the native language use during classes, as well as the need to involve native speakers in teaching. Apparently, native speakers have some advantages, providing an opportunity to experience a live language, to practice pronunciation, to learn vocabulary more quickly, etc.

An interesting experience of involving native speakers in the educational process was accumulated at the Odesa Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Due to the international cooperation development, students of German universities underwent 2-3 months' internship at the institution from 2008 to 2019. The interns taught foreign language at the Public Administration Faculty conducted additional language classes for staff, and carried out cultural and educational events [4].

In order to participate in this internship program, there was no mandatory requirement to have a certain methodical training. The interns, mainly master or PhD students, whose future specialty in most cases was not related to pedagogy or philology, received general instructions and explanations from the teacher of the group and had to develop a lesson plan and its content themselves. As they usually did not speak Russian or Ukrainian, their classes were effective only in groups with a sufficiently high level of language training. At the same time, it was difficult for beginning students to work in classes with native speakers, who had no thorough methodical knowledge. They did not always understand the explanation and often asked to bring «their» (Ukrainian) teacher back. This example demonstrates that a non-native teacher sometimes has an advantage over a native speaker.

Despite all the unconditional importance for the teacher of the best command of the language, such importance is not dominant over his other professional qualities. An equally, if not more, important quality is methodical training, to which pedagogical and psychological training should be added. Together they make the teacher capable of solving problems arising in the educational process (including those related to students' native language and culture) and organize such a process optimally according to specific conditions [6, p. 11].

Another aspect that should be paid attention to is the teacher's ability not to implement the program formally. It is necessary to understand the level of students and the presence among them of those, who have not studied a foreign language before. Such cases are not unique and it is very important to adapt the program to the language proficiency level of the group, to offer students those types of activities that they are able to carry out effectively.

Human qualities in addition to professional qualifications are also very important for a teacher. If an educator treats his students with respect, sympathy, interest, kindness, pedagogical tact and justice, they usually show high motivation. Consequently, the results of the educational process will be incomparably higher than under conditions when the teacher is indifferent to those, whom he teaches, and their educational achievements.

In conclusion, we note that in non-language universities, along with reading special texts and mastering the vocabulary of the subject, listening and speaking skills must be practiced. It is possible to develop such skills if interactive learning methods are regularly used in classes, taking into account the students' level of training and the specialty particularities.

Formation of motivation is one of the main tasks within the educational process, in which the student should become an active participant, and not a passive object.

High-quality foreign language training of technical specialties students is possible with the use of new teaching methods: interactive teaching, organizational and activity games, trainings, etc. The introduction of innovative approaches to teaching English with the use of multimedia aids enables students to increase their motivation to learn foreign languages; to get access to new, alternative sources of information; to develop independent mental activity; to improve creative self-realization; to form communication skills and intercultural and professional competence.

Therefore, the specified technologies help to qualitatively diversify classes, make them informative and didactically diverse, and significantly increase their effectiveness, provided that the content of the «Foreign language» discipline is professionally oriented in technical higher education institutions.

The methods of teaching foreign languages are constantly being updated; therefore, the need for their study is growing. Since one of the most effective methods is communicative, we see prospects for further researches in its study.

In addition, such steps will increase the effectiveness of foreign language training:

- mandatory division of the academic group into two subgroups according to the level of language proficiency;

- ensuring continuous study of a foreign language throughout the entire period of study.

The implementation of these steps is not too difficult; however, together with the use of modern teaching methods, it should contribute to increasing the effectiveness of foreign language training for higher education students.


educational student vocabulary grammar

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  • Main part: Reading skills. A Writing Approach to–Reading Comprehension–Schema Theory in Action. The nature of foreign-language teaching. Vocabulary teaching techniques.

    курсовая работа [23,8 K], добавлен 05.12.2007

  • Context approach in teaching English language in Senior grades. Definition, characteristics and components of metod. Strategies and principles of context approach. The practical implementation of Context approach in teaching writing in senior grades.

    дипломная работа [574,3 K], добавлен 06.06.2016

  • Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.

    отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013

  • The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

    реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012

  • Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.

    презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015

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