Intercultural approach to studying foreign languages
Substantiation of the need to introduce a competency-based approach to higher education. The directions of motivation growth in case of introduction of adaptive teaching methods. Features of forming intercultural competence of students-translators.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 50,1 K |
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Размещено на
Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University
Iryna Barantsova, Yulia Nadolska
competency education adaptive teaching
The authors of the article identify previously unsolved parts of the issue to which the article is devoted. The article substantiates the need to introduce a competency-based approach to higher education; features of the formation of new interstate, interethnic relations, one of the necessary conditions of which is knowledge of foreign languages, which contributes to the assimilation of world cultural values, the establishment of socio-communicative and professional contacts.
The directions of motivation growth in case of introduction of adaptive teaching methods are considered. The results show that adaptive online methods support the interest in learning in the case of direct participation in these activities. The means of interactive virtual learning, which is proposed to be introduced in the process of forming intercultural competence of students-translators, requires adaptive approaches, but the results of such approaches have not been studied.
A number of researchers has studied problems of motivation in the field of academic and student mobility. Interview methods were used to identify motivational factors in order to adjust the development of intercultural experience.
The author proves that the knowledge that a student receives in the process of learning a foreign language should be obtained as a result of their own mental efforts, the mobilization of previously acquired knowledge, in the process of solving problematic tasks, thus forming a person's foreign language competence, which is connected with intercultural competence.
Key words: competencies, intercultural competence, communicative competence, multicultural personality, culture.
Баранцова Ірина, Надольська Юлія. Міжкультурний підхід до вивчення іноземних мов.
У статті обґрунтовано необхідність упровадження компетентнісного підходу в систему вищої освіти. Акцентовано на особливостях формування нових міждержавних, міжнаціональних відносин, однією з необхідних умов яких є знання іноземних мов, що сприяє засвоєнню світових культурних цінностей, встановленню соціально-комунікативних та професійних контактів.
Розглянуто напрями зростання мотивації у разі впровадження адаптивних методів навчання. Результати свідчать, що адаптивні онлайн методи допомагають підтримувати інтерес до навчання за умови залучення до них здобувачів освіти. Засоби інтерактивного віртуального навчання, які пропонується впроваджувати в процес формування міжкультурної компетентності студентівперекладачів, потребують адаптивних підходів, але результати таких підходів не аналізувались.
У статті звернено увагу на дослідження ряду вчених, присвячених вивченню проблеми мотивації у сфері академічної та студентської мобільності. З'ясовано, що для виявлення мотиваційних факторів з метою коригування розвитку міжкультурного досвіду використовувалися методи інтерв'ю. Автори статті доводять, що студент у процесі вивчення іноземної мови має здобувати знання в результаті власних розумових зусиль, мобілізації раніше отриманих знань, у процесі виконання проблемних завдань, формуючи у такий спосіб іншомовну компетентність, яка сполучається з міжкультурною компетентністю.
Ключові слова: компетентності; міжкультурна компетентність; комунікативна компетентність; полікультурна особистість; культура.
Setting of the problem
State policy in the field of higher education determines the possibility of forming a competency model of a modern graduate, his powerful life potential, able to overcome crises, focused on constructive and transformative activities, critical attitude to himself and society.
The formation of communicative competence of the individual is an important component of the current problem of the formation of social competences, the solution of which is important both for each individual and for modern society as a whole.
Foreign language education, communicative competence, intercultural competence provide semantic orientation of each person, successful interaction with people of other cultures, society, nature, science, technology, which is a system of human values, its communicative, professional culture. The formation of a multicultural personality is subject to one of the goals of foreign languages in higher education, together with the educational communicative opportunities associated with the processes of globalization [8, p.83].
The processes of globalization, deprivation of information, territorial, economic borders, the existence of new interethnic relations imply the formation of foreign language competence, which determines intercultural communication, which allows to solve social and professional problems. These questions were studied by R. Agadullin, G. Andreeva, V. Afanasiev, T. Balykhina, I. Bekh, V. Boychenko, V. Humboldt, A. Dzhurinsky, M. Yevtukh, I. Zimnyaya, M. Stelmakhovich, G. Shevchenko. Theorists and practitioners of language education are I. Bim, E. Nadtochieva, S. Pavlyuchenko, V. Safonova, P. Sysoev, S. TerMinasova and others. V. Bolotov, I. Zimnyaya, and A. Khutorskoy study the competence approach and key competencies.
The result of foreign language education should be mastery of a foreign language as a means of communication between professionals, as a tool of production in combination with culture, economics, law, applied mathematics, various fields of science that require foreign languages.
The main purpose of language education is to prepare students for active and full cooperation in the modern multicultural world through the means of the language being studied. The modern scientific paradigm combines the concept of "intercultural communication" with the concept of "intercultural competence", which entered the scientific literature in the late 90's and defines new approaches to the educational process. Intercultural communication is formed in the process of learning in higher education institutions through the inclusion in the curriculum of cultural, socio-cultural materials of the studied language (Продан, 2011, с. 78-82).
The processes of globalization, the formation of post-industrial information space, the creation and accumulation of human capital require the development of a new concept and theoretical model of professional education and training to train socially adapted professionals, spiritually developed citizens, skilled professional simplement their life projects. The modern educational paradigm offers a shift of emphasis from the knowledge approach to the personality-oriented approach, which includes not only the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and practical skills that are sufficiently conducive to entering the profession, but also abilitiesto selfeducation, self-improvement, self-affirmation, selfregulation, achievement of the set purposes.
Many countries around the world (USA, Western and Eastern Europe, CIS countries) are carrying out radical educational reforms based on international scientific, theoretical and practical experience, which is terminologically included in science and teaching as a "competence approach" in education.
The Council of Europe, in addressing lifelong learning, has put forward eight key competences for mother tongue communication; communication in foreign languages; mathematical literacy and basic competencies in science and technology; computer literacy; mastering learning skills; social and public competencies; a sense of innovation and entrepreneurship; awareness and ability to realize themselves in the cultural sphere (Колеснікова, 2013, с. 123-128).
A foreign language is a real and effective means of communication. A student should study the world of the language being studied, as deeply as possible. Sociocultural structures are the basis of language structures; language must be studied ininseparable unity with the world and the culture of the peoples who speak it, because the national-specific features of the various components of communicative cultures can complicate the process of intercultural and professional communication.
Competence is a quality of a person who has completed a certain degree of education, which is expressed in readiness (ability) on its basis for successful (productive, effective) activity, taking into account its social significance and social traits associated with it. Depending on the positions from which the graduate model will be built, the types of competencies may be different (Сафронова, 2010, с. 147-150).
Intercultural competence is characterized by the ability of an individual to establish relationships with representatives of other cultures. This, in turn, increases the general culture of the specialist, his competitiveness in the international labor market. Intercultural competence implies knowledge of all spheres of life of the country the language of which is studied; education of respect for the country and the people; the development of language, speech and other abilities; the formation of communication skills in different life situations; motivation to further master the language and certain knowledge andidea of the system of a particular language (Ross, Chase, Robbie, Oates, & Absalom, 2018, p. 42-49). The formation of a foreign language communicative culture indicates a high level of foreign language acquisition, which helps to expand the boundaries of knowledge, promotes professional and personal development.
Foreign language competence includes language competences - knowledge of the language, communicative-regional, multicultural, polylingual, communicative-technological competences, the possession of which enables the individual to solve situational, professional and social problems.
Foreign language competence provides a "link" to a specific object, the subject of learning (Халеева, 1989). Communicative competence includes: the ability to predict conflicts and resolve them; cooperation, tolerance, respect and acceptance of the other (race, nationality, religion, status, role, gender); social mobility; experience and willingness to interact with other people, cooperate in a group; ability to find solutions appropriate to certain situations, to regulate interpersonal interaction.
The formation of communicative competence of the individual is an important component of the current problem of the formation of social competences, the solution of which is important both for each individual and for modern society as a whole.
Language competence is a set of interpersonal qualities that are combined with skills and abilities, ensure the effective process of communication with colleagues in professional, social aspects, including the ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with other people (Резунова, 2012, с. 378-385).
There is a growing interest in the scientific world in the process of mastering foreign languages as a means of communication, because "communication always involves the exchange of ideas, exchange of information, in other words, communication satisfies practical and theoretical needs of a person in his work and social activities" (Deardorff, & Arasaratnam-Smith, 2017). Foreign language competence as an integrative concept includes languagecompetencies - knowledge of the language, communication and cultural competence, as well as the presence of multicultural, polylingual, communicative and technological capabilities of the individual in solving the professional problems. Foreign language as an intercultural component forms communicative competence.
Foreign language communicative culture is knowledge about all spheres of life of the country the language of which is studied. It is the result of mastering knowledge about the cultural diversity of the world of different languages and the relationship between cultures in the modern multicultural world, as well as the formation of activelife position and ability to interact with representatives of different countries and cultures. The tasks of the process of learning a foreign language as a means of communication are inextricably linked with the tasks of studying the social and cultural life of countries and peoples who speak this language (Lantz-Deaton, 2017, p. 532-550).
Despite the claim that the relationship between language and culture is always positive, research in this area is limited (Тер-Минасова, 2000). We introduce the concept of augmented reality (AR) which requires research on the subsequent successes of students, taking into account the specifics of the direction of training and the level of cognitive motivation.
A component of intercultural competence is communicative competence, which in foreign sources is characterized by the term L2-learning (second language). Based on the following study (Fryer, & Roger, 2018, p. 159-172) in the formation of methods of motivation for L2-learning we should identify three groups of students. The first group has positive expectations from the opportunity to communicate with representatives of another language. The second group is characterized by the creation of individual images in communication. The third group is characterized by negative emotions due to their inability to successfully interact with the target language.
The selection of individual groups involves specific requirements for their motivation. Analysis of sources shows the importance of forming motivational approaches for the formation of intercultural competence of students-translators, and insufficient development of a holistic system of motivation.
The aim of the article is to form a system of motivation components to ensure the effective formation of intercultural competence of students in the field of translation.
Methodology and methods of research
The main generally accepted approach to the formation of learning outcomes is the process of forming competencies. In order to clarify this concept, general competence is considered as a system of descriptors. The European Commission has identified descriptors such as knowledge, skills, communication, autonomy and responsibility (Ключові Компетенції Для Навчання Впродовж Життя, 2006).
In the process of considering the motives for the formation of competence in general, it is logical to conduct an analysis of the motivation of individual descriptors, taking into account the different criteria for their formation.
Regardless of the concept of descriptors, the possible distribution of students' motivations for obtaining competencies is determined. Motivation levels according to (Tracey, & Hutchinson, 2018, p. 196-202) should include five areas:
1. The practice of positive reframing;
2. Assessing and identifying their strengths and skills;
3. Proper choice of goals;
4. Creating action plans to achieve goals;
5. Empowerment and a sense of responsibility for academic and professional progress.
If we take these directions as a basis, we can trace a certain correlation between the formulations of the system of descriptors and the formulations of the directions of motivation, especially in the last higher stages. For example, the level of motivation practically repeats the corresponding descriptor of the competence system (Georgiou, & Kyza, 2018, p. 173-181).
Having analyzed together the system of descriptors and the system of motivations, we can conclude that they gradually converge, due to the clarification of the student's learning goals at higher stages. Intercultural competence and the direction of formation of language culture, the ability to communicate in other languages, is most often associated with the direction of L2-learning. Student models of motivation in this direction are primarily related to their emotional state (anxiety or pleasure), as well as a clear vision of motivational goals, the socalled "ideal in the future" (Saito, Dewaele, Abe, & In'nam, 2018, p. 709-743).
It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of motivation of students studying translation. Transformational education in translation goes beyond the simple accumulation of knowledge and skills. The process of training a translator involves the formation of a specialist with a new, individual professional identity. In this regard, the areas of motivation should take into account both the individual characteristics of students and the factors of uncertainty that accompany the formation of professional competencies.
The main part. In Ukraine, the need for intercultural communication is realized through the expansion of international relations, the development of international trade, the fullness of political, economic, social changes, as well as scientific and technological progress, scientific and cultural exchange with other countries. This can be done thanks to intercultural contacts and interlingual interaction.
In the international arena, Ukraine is recognized as a country pursuing a consistent domestic policy aimed at ensuring tolerance, interfaith and intercultural harmony between representatives of all nationalities living on the territory of Ukraine.
In addition, a special role is assigned to the program of interculturality. It represents a unique dialogue platform for intercultural communication of students representing different ethnic groups. Its work is aimed at preventing even the minimal manifestation of nationalism, awareness of the value and uniqueness of each people inhabiting the Ukrainian land, its culture.
In the education system of Ukraine, there is a model of "dual unity of language policy", which is based on the requirement to study the Ukrainian language as the state language. And, of course, knowledge of the English language plays an important role, because it occupies a dominant position throughout the world.
Thus, in Ukraine, intercultural competence is realized through the formation of tolerance, the desire for ethnic identity of representatives of different cultures, the acceptance and respect of all citizens, regardless of ethnicity and religion.
An analysis of a number of studies in this area showed that the structure of intercultural competence is distinguished by several components. From the standpoint of sociology, intercultural competence is divided into social-perceptual, communicative and interactive components. These components are interconnected and interdependent, the development of one of the components leads to the development of another.
The communicative component includes the ability of an individual to find contact with representatives of other cultures, language competence, the presence of a positive dynamics of attitude towards the language and culture of representatives of other cultures.
The individual psychological component can include the personal qualities of an individual, such as tolerance, respect for a communication partner, subjective experience, stress resistance, understanding and acceptance of differences in a "foreign" culture, minimizing the adaptation process.
The cognitive component of intercultural competence is considered through the thinking and knowledge, skills and communication skills of a person. Proficiency in two languages demonstrates versatility, intelligence, knowledge and is the result of intercultural competence.
Thus, the formation of a system of motivation should include correlations between the descriptors of competence and areas of motivation. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the growth of motivation from general education to general professional and special professional, taking into account the problems of intercultural competence.
We take as a basis three levels of motivation described above. A separate competence descriptor is provided for each level. The system of motives is proposed in the form of a matrix, which defines the directions of motivation, according to the descriptors of intercultural competence. It is necessary to distinguish the following types of motivation:
1. manifestation of general needs;
2. general motives;
3. special professional motives.
To compare the descriptors of competence with the levels of manifestation of the general needs of a person, we will analyze possible areas of activity to provide individual descriptors. According to Maslow's famous pyramid of needs, such motives can be related to five levels. The descriptor of "knowledge" implies motives associated with selfrealization, creativity, morality, respect, usefulness.
The descriptor "communication" is closely related to social motives, which are determined by friendship, intimacy, family. The descriptor "responsibility", which is located in the last place in the system of ensuring competence, occupies the basic positions in the system of motives related to safety, health, confidence in the future. We believe that in the system of motives it should occupy the most important place.
Thus, at the level of the emergence of general needs of the individual descriptors and the needs of the levels are moving towards each other. It should be noted that physiological needs in general should be associated with the ability to earn material values, which may include a further descriptor, which should be located under responsibility.
The second level of the matrix is related to the motives that are characteristic of learning in general. When it comes to intercultural competence, these motives can be determined by moving along the descriptors of the general interest in learning about different cultures, practical implementation, the ability to communicate, interact with other cultures, the possibility of real implementation, and the availability of feedback. The third level of the motif matrix is related to the special professional motives of the translation specialist. Taking into account the descriptors of competence, such motives change from broad erudition in the field of different cultures, the ability to find new solutions in the process of intercultural communication to the actual implementation of the knowledge in other cultures.
The individual components of the proposed matrix determine the elements of the general system of motivation for the formation of intercultural competence of students specialized in translation. The introduction of such a system of motives in the practice of learning will increase the effectiveness of learning, increase interest in intercultural mobility and, as a result, increase the competitiveness of professionals.
According to our observations, this can be clearly seen in senior students. Their communicative development reflects not only progressive changes in the ability to build coherent utterances on the basis of sufficient vocabulary and knowledge of language rules, but also the development and relationship of all types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing); development of speech mechanisms; development of ways of formation and formulation of thought and their conscious differentiation for different conditions of communication, the role of communicative attitude in receptive types of speech activity (reading and listening) increases. However, at the same time, as pedagogical practice shows, in the organization of educational activity the character of that educational task which is put before the student, in particular, its psychological maintenance, operational structure, and practical orientation acquires importance. It is significant that there are positive changes in the development of high school students' ability to communicate with different partners in different situations, using adequate language tools and methods of influence.
The considered features of mental and speechcommunicative development of senior pupils testify that it is a stage of qualitative changes. It brings the subject closer to the optimum of its capabilities and, in our opinion, is most favorable for the formation of intercultural competence as the ability to effectively use acquired knowledge and skills in various situations of foreign language communication, taking into account cultural, social and psychological contexts. Obviously, in the conditions of student's actualization of his own personal attitudes, consistent orientation of the educational process on the cognitive and social interests of high school students, their needs, desire to communicate, including in foreign language, the successful implementation of the strategic goal of learning intercultural communication can be achieved.
The formation of intercultural competence is an important and necessary process in today's world, which is developing rapidly.
Knowledge of foreign languages expands the range of intercultural relations, interaction of the individual with representatives of other countries and peoples, allows solving emerging problems at a high professional and personal level. The current task facing higher education is the formation of foreign language competence to improve the intellectual level of students. All this will help students master the achievements of modern science and technology, which improves intercultural, social and communicative ties. The system of motives for the formation of intercultural competence is considered in the form of a matrix that includes the main descriptors of intercultural competence and levels of motivation. The correlation between the directions of student's motivation and the descriptors of intercultural competence is proved. The main motives that determine the levels of motivation and descriptors are formed. Approbation of the system of motives showed an increase in the level of the formation of intercultural competence in students specialized in translation.
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25. Tracey, M. W., & Hutchinson, A. (2018). Uncertainty, agency and motivation in graduate design students. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 29, 196-202.
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