Working with the text during lessons of the philology cycle as the main method of forming socio-cultural competence
Devoted to the consideration of an important linguistic didactic issue - work with the text in classes of the philological cycle for the formation of students' socio-cultural competence. The role of formation of socio-cultural competence is clarified.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 21,4 K |
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Working with the text during lessons of the philology cycle as the main method of forming socio-cultural competence
Lebed Iu., Skrypnyk N., Yakovenko T., Kohutiuk O.
Modern educational documents declare the importance of sociocultural development of the individual. At the same time, we emphasize that the majority of students have an insufficient level of formation of sociocultural competence, which leads to problems of communicative implementation in a multicultural society. The article is devoted to the consideration of an important linguistic didactic issue - work with the text in the classes of the philological cycle for the formation of students ' socio-cultural competence. A graduate with developed socio-cultural competence is able to communicate successfully, navigate different cultures, European in particular and feel confident and comfortable in a different socio-cultural surrounding. The role of the formation of socio-cultural competence is clarified in the article. Its main structural components are considered. The peculiarities of working with texts regarding the formation of sociocultural competence are described; the stages and sequence of working with texts in the classes of the philological cycle are considered.
The main function of modern education is persons ' sociocultural adaptation in the world. Sociocultural competence of the individual contributes to this. Scientists interpret sociocultural competence as a quality characteristic of a person, this quality is based on a set of acquired knowledge of value orientations, knowledge of cultural and social spheres of life; as an important factor in personality development, its socialization in modern society, self-realization and cultural selfdetermination; as the ability and readiness for intercultural communication with speakers of other languages and cultures. The socio-cultural issues of the texts selected for work in the classes of the philological cycle will ensure the assimilation students ' spiritual and cultural values and moral norms and will contribute to their moral and aesthetic development.
A condition for the effective formation of students ' sociocultural competence is such an educational and methodological model that integrates personally oriented, competent, linguistic and cultural, axiological, text-centric, communicative- situational and creative approaches. Realization of socio-cultural goals is possible if the language is studied not as a structured system, but it is studied through the prism of the cultural dimension. It is the work with the text aimed at the formation of sociocultural competence.
Key words: text, didactic text, competence, sociocultural competence, content lines, language personality, language education, structure of sociocultural competence.
Лебедь Ю. Б., Скрипник Н. І., Яковенко Т. В., Когутюк О. В. Робота з текстом на заняттях філологічного циклу як основний метод формування соціокультурної компетентності
У сучасних освітніх документах задекларовано важливість соціокультурного розвитку особистості. Водночас наголошуємо, що більшість здобувачів освіти мають недостатній рівень сформованості соціокультурної компетентності, що призводить до проблем комунікативної реалізації в полікультурному соціумі. Статтю присвячено розгляду важливого лінгводидактичного питання - робота з текстом на заняттях філологічного циклу з формування соціокультурної компетентності здобувачів освіти. Випускник із сформованою соціокультурною компетентністю має змогу успішно спілкуватися, орієнтуватися в різних культурах, європейській зокрема, почувається впевнено та комфортно в іншому соціокультурному середовищі. У статті з'ясовано роль формування соціокультурної компетентності. Розглянуто основні її структурні компоненти. Описано особливості роботи з текстами щодо формування соціокультурної компетентності, розглянуто етапи та послідовність роботи з текстами на заняттях філологічного циклу.
Головна функція сучасної освіти - соціокультурна адаптація людини в світі. Саме цьому сприяє соціокультурна компетентність особистості. Учені трактують соціокультурну компетентність як якісну характеристику особистості, що Грунтується на сукупності набутих знань ціннісних орієнтацій, знань культурних та соціальних сфер життя; як важливий фактор розвитку особистості, соціалізації її в сучасному суспільстві, самореалізації та культурного самовизначення; як здатність і готовність до міжкультурного спілкування з носіями інших мов та культур. Соціокультурна проблематика текстів, підібраних для роботи на заняттях філологічного циклу, забезпечить засвоєння здобувачами освіти духовних та культурних цінностей і моральних норм, сприятиме їх моральному та естетичному розвиткові.
Умовою ефективного формування соціокультурної компетентності здобувача освіти є така навчально-методична модель, яка інтегрує особистісно орієнтований, компетентісний, лінгвокультурологічний, аксіологічний, текстоцентричний, комунікативно-ситуативний і креативний підходи. Реалізації соціокультурних цілей можлива за умови вивчення мови не як структуровану систему, а досліджувати її крізь призму культурного виміру. Саме робота з текстом спрямована на формування соціокультурної компетентності.
Ключові слова: текст, дидактичний текст, компетентність, соціокультурна компетентність, змістові лінії, мовна особистість, мовна освіта, структура соціокультурної компетенції.
As a result of Ukraine's integration into the European and world educational space, it became necessary to prepare future professional specialists for more consolidated intercultural communication [7, p. 317]. The need for the formation and development of a nationally conscious, spiritually rich, European-integrated language personality in an independent Ukrainian state dictates the need to generate socio-cultural knowledge and skills in students. It is during the classes of the philological cycle that students' «socio-cultural growth» takes place. The teacher, selecting the text material for the lesson, helps students to learn not only Ukrainian culture, but also world, European culture in particular. Note that at the current stage, the process of developing cultural heritage has its own characteristics. The tendency to rethink the role and meaning of cultural heritage consists in the desire not only to preserve it in its original form, but also to introduce it actively into the format of current life. linguistic didactic text student
In the conditions of subject competence-oriented learning of the Ukrainian language, when the teacher pays the main attention to the formation of subject competences, the tutor must remember that one of the strategic tasks of Ukrainian-language education is the assimilation of socio-cultural experience embodied in linguistic form by the students. These priorities are recognized as challenges of the time due to intensive socio-political and socio-economic transformations, European integration and globalization processes [6, p. 293]. The formation of the specified educational task is largely influenced by social factors, as well as the development of the cultural direction in modern linguistics (Yermolenko S., Zhaivoronok V, Kononenko V., Matsko L., etc.). The importance of socio-cultural development of a growing personality is declared in national educational documents. At the same time, we must state the insufficient level of formation of sociocultural competence in many students, that, in turn, is the cause of problems in their communicative implementation in a multicultural society. Studying the scientific literature dedicated to the solution of the outlined problem shows that some issues of the theory and practice of the sociocultural development of the linguistic personality are revealed in the works of didactic philologists (Vashulenko M., Golub N., Horoshkina O., Klymova K., Melnyk T., Pentylyuk M., Ostapenko N., Potapenko O., Semenog O., Skurativskyi L. and others). A. Nikitina in her studies emphasizes that the key in philologist teachers' work should be the cultivation of respect for the speech traditions of the Ukrainian people, the desire to imitate these traditions, primarily ethical and aesthetic, to learn typical frames, precedent phenomena in the form of precedent names, texts, situations, etc. [3, p. 149]. The work of O. Potapenko is devoted to the linguistic and cultural, noospheric paradigm of Ukrainian language learning [4]. A. Yarmolyuk's research focuses on the formation of sociocultural competence of high school students in the process of working on the text [5]. However, the following issues remain understudied: peculiarities of filling the socio-cultural content line taking into account the social and educational requirements of today, modern methodical aspects of the implementation of the socio-cultural content line of education, etc. A review of the scientific literature gives reason to state that the problem of the formation of sociocultural competence does not attract enough attention of researchers, and its characteristics remain not fully clarified (I. Gudzik). This concerns, first of all, the method of formation of socio-cultural competence in the classes of the philological cycle.
The purpose of the article is to consider the modern aspects of the socio-cultural methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language, to reveal certain socio-cultural, psychological-pedagogical and linguistic-methodical factors that contribute to the spiritual-intellectual formation of the language personality of the learner in the system of Ukrainian-language education of a socio-cultural orientation.
In modern scientific and methodological literature, considerable attention is paid to the problems of multicultural education (V. Boychenko, V. Bolgarina, I. Bondarenko, I. Gudzik, V. Doroz, O. Kovalchuk, O. Sukhomlynska, etc.). The emphasis is on the formation of tolerance as the dominant factor in multicultural education. Studying world trends, experience in educational spheres in other countries, the authors declare the need for a person to know his roots, his place in this world, the importance of the formation of ethno-cultural competence (L. Peretyaga, T. Posh- tareva), but in the currently used formula «I» - «they», «own» - «other's», in some cases priority is given not to knowledge of «own», but «other's». Emphasis is more or less shifted towards globalization processes closely related to the problems of multicultural educational development. A respectful attitude to human cultures, a broad context does not exclude an in-depth study of one's own culture.
Quite rightly, in the structure of sociocultural competence, O. Horoshkina singles out the following components: linguistic regional studies, linguistic regional studies, linguistic polycultural [2, p. 184-186]. The linguistic and regional component of students' sociocultural competence as a Ukrainian-speaking individual includes sociocultural knowledge about their native land, the ability to use this knowledge in speech practice using the Ukrainian language; Linguistics and cultural - knowledge of Ukrainian national and cultural heritage, the ability to use relevant knowledge in social life; linguo-polycultural - knowledge about the socio-cultural features of various nations, nationalities, with representatives of which a modern student can communicate, the ability to use this knowledge in a specific socio-speech situation, etc. The formation of the structural components of the sociocultural competence of the student's Ukrainian-speaking personality naturally depends on various sociocultural factors: the cultural heritage of a particular region of Ukraine, the national culture of Ukrainians, the subculture of representatives of various social groups and organizations, universal human culture, the multiculturalism of society, ethnic stereotypes, traditions, social attitudes, mass media, communication, social need for cooperation, globalization, informatization of society, etc. Taking into account these factors during the purposeful formation of socio-cultural competence in the process of learning the Ukrainian language is a condition for overcoming internal contradictions between the real level of socio-cultural development of the Ukrainian-speaking personality of the student and the potential high level of socio-cultural development towards which this growing linguistic personality is oriented in accordance with its own and societal demands and educational goals.
The socio-cultural direction of Ukrainian-language education requires a well-thought-out system of work for students to master the culture of both the Ukrainian people (customs, traditions, types of activities, ideals, etc.) and the European culture on a textual basis. Didactic texts are teaching aids that present culture, and therefore are a condition for enriching mental experience - its conceptual, metacognitive, emotional and evaluative components. The use of a text-centric approach to language education enables the formation and maintenance of positive learning motivation.
The importance, relevance and expediency of systematic work with texts in Ukrainian language lessons are evidenced by the following advantages: 1) the text contributes to the unobtrusive involvement of students in the spiritual wealth of our people; 2) forms an internal need to read and enrich oneself with what is read; 3) develops imagination; 4) motivates the student for educational activities, increases cognitive interest; 5) demonstrates the beauty and expressive richness of the Ukrainian language; 6) develops creative potential; 7) contributes to the enrichment of active vocabulary; 8) improves the qualitative characteristics of speech; 9) develops meaningful reading skills; 10) creates conditions for organizing group work; 11) develops skills of aesthetic language perception; 12) contributes to saving time in the lesson and expanding the possibilities of the lesson; 13) realizes interdisciplinary connections in the lesson; 14) creates conditions for finding and understanding the problem; 15) develops organizational skills (goal setting, planning, adjustment, reflection); 16) forms the skills of a careful attitude to language and one's speech; 17) contributes to the formation of language sense; 18) affects the student emotionally, develops and enriches his emotional intelligence, etc.
The analysis of scientific and methodical literature, state-normative provision of work on the text in the New Ukrainian School revealed that the study of textual material involves the use of actual methodical tools. In the New Ukrainian School, the following teaching methods and techniques are used in the work on the text: analytical; synthetic; reproductive; productive; creative; partially searchable; explanatory and illustrative; constructive, etc.
Key positions in the educational process in general and in each lesson in particular should be occupied by values, which, according to the researchers' conclusions, should go through the following stages: rethinking, perception, acquisition of personal meaning and rebirth in subjective experience.
O. Horoshkina's classification also deserves attention in view of its complexity and optimality. The researcher singles out analytical exercises (related to the analysis of textual material), associative exercises (those that encourage students to reveal an emotional and sensory attitude to the text and the educational material that was studied against its background), cognitive and developmental exercises (based on the text with background national component in such a way that, along with the improvement of students' knowledge, abilities and skills, the simultaneous formation of the Ukrainian language picture of the world in them is ensured), creative-research (involves the involvement of students in creativity through search by creating and solving problem situations aimed at forming intellectually - creative qualities of students: linguistic sense, the gift of words, thinking, speaking, imagination, attention, observation, etc.) [2].
Accordingly, we consider it expedient to define the following stages of formation and development of socio-cul- tural competence: 1st stage - introduction into the socio-cultural environment; 2nd stage - solving socio-cultural problems; the 3rd stage - independent interpretation of socio-cultural realities, expression of attitude towards them. The purpose of the 1st stage is to get acquainted with the socio-cultural situation, which involves the creation of conditions favourable for revealing its essence. First of all, students should learn the elementary components of the situation, such as: place, time, event, participants, their actions, deeds, etc. Using selected texts, the tutor gradually teaches students to identify all these elements, analyse them, identify the main and secondary ones among them and, as a result, recognize the problem. The highest level of skills formed at this stage is the ability of students to independently identify real social problems and formulate them. For example: Read the text clearly. Determine the communicative intention of the speaker. Do you know what time these lines were written for the author? Find out for yourself. Name and write down in the notebook the values that are most important to the writer at this moment. Draw conclusions about what is important in life for the author, and what is secondary. Find monosyllabic sentences in the text, determine their communicative role. When should they be preferred? Rebuild complex sentences into simple ones.
The goal of the 2nd stage is to find ways and means of solving the problem. Here it is important to teach students to propose effective, efficient ways to solve it, to develop skills in analysing and evaluating proposals. At this stage, it is worth actualizing the vital skill of formulating an assumption (hypothesis). For example: Read the text. Formulate and write down the problem. What is its importance? How typical is it for our society? Suggest how it can be avoided (get rid of or solved) by choosing a sentence with homogeneous clauses. Explain the use of punctuation marks.
The goal of the 3rd stage is the formation of students' attitude to objects, phenomena, events through the prism of values and cultural traditions of their people. At this stage, students learn to formulate and justify their attitude to the proposed objects (subject, event, phenomenon, action, etc.). For example: Read the text clearly. State the problem the author raises. How does he feel about her? How did you determine that? How and why do you treat this problem? Justify your position. Make an orthographic analysis of the selected words.
The material of the language content line is favourable for acquiring the initial experience of mastering many social roles, finding linguistic means of solving numerous problems that arise for students. The socio-cultural component makes it possible to actualize each topic, to give it vital importance. At each of the stages, language material acquires functionality, its use is motivated, and students have the opportunity to gain practical experience of using it in new conditions. According to N. Golub, in terms of competence training, it is first of all worth talking about methods of a problematic nature, namely: situational, project, dialogic. The researcher rightly points out that students should learn language material as a tool of thought, because communicative content is formed in the process of speech and thinking activity. Working with text and various variants of problematic tasks are favourable for these processes [1].
Therefore, the optimal combination of forms, methods and techniques ensures the realization of many goals of the lesson, contributes to the formation of a comfortable educational environment, positive interpersonal relationships, increasing the motivation of cognitive activity through social stimulus, the emergence of personal responsibility, and a sense of satisfaction from the student's personal educational achievements.
Therefore, taking into account the requirements of modern society, it is worth highlighting three important components of the process of forming students' socio-cultural competence in Ukrainian language lessons: the first is orientation to state educational documents, where the socio-cultural component is highlighted; the second is the creation of a register of socio-cultural values, important for implementation in the educational process during the assimilation of language material; the third is taking into account the psychological, didactic and linguo-didactic prerequisites for the formation of socio-cultural competence and its axiological transformation, which defines the individual as the highest value of society.
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2. Горошкіна О. Підручник як засіб формування соціокультурної компетенції учнів. Вісник Луганського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. 2010. № 22. Ч ІІ. С. 183-189.
3. Нікітіна А. В. Педагогічний дискурсучителя-словесника. Київ: Ленвіт, 2013. 338 с.
4. Потапенко О. Лінгвокультурологічна, ноосферна парадигма навчання мови у ВНЗ. Українська мова і література в школі. 2013. № 6. С. 57-60.
5. Ярмолюк А. Формування соціокультурної компетенції старшокласників у процесі роботи над текстом. Українська мова і література в школі. 2008. № 7-8. С. 33-37.
6. Kolomiiets L., Shulga G., Lebed Iu. Formation of social responsibility of young people in the process of obtaining higher education. Society. Integration. Education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume I, May 28-29, pp. 292-305.
7. Skrypnyk N., Lebed Iu. Formation of professional competences of future philologists teachers in a new educational space. Innovative scientific researches: European development trends and regional aspect. Collective monograph. 1st ed. Riga, Latvia: Baltija Publishing. 2020, pp. 316 - 334.
1. Holub N. B. (2018) Do problemy predmetnoi kompetentnosti z ukrainskoi movy v zakladakh zahalnoi serednoi osvity [To the problem of subject competence in the Ukrainian language in institutions of general secondary education]. Ukrainska mova i literatura v shkoli [Ukrainian language and literature at school]. № 1, pp. 2-5. [in Ukrainian]
2. Horoshkina O. (2010) Pidruchnyk yak zasib formuvannia sotsiokulturnoi kompetentsii uchniv [Textbook as a means of forming students' sociocultural competence]. Visnyk Luhanskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University]. № 22. Ch II, pp. 183-189. [in Ukrainian]
3. Nikitina A. V (2013) Pedahohichnyi dyskurs uchytelia-slovesnyka [Pedagogical discourse of a lexicographer]. Kyiv: Lenvit. 338 p. [in Ukrainian]
4. Potapenko O. (2013) Linhvokulturolohichna, noosferna paradyhma navchannia movy u VNZ [Linguistic, noospheric paradigm of language learning in Higher Educational Institutions]. Ukrainska mova i literatura v shkoli [Ukrainian language and literature at school]. № 6, pp. 57-60. [in Ukrainian]
5. Iarmoliuk A. (2008) Formuvannia sotsiokulturnoi kompetentsii starshoklasnykiv u protsesi roboty nad tekstom [Formation of sociocultural competence of high school students in the process of working on the text]. Ukrainska mova i literatura v shkoli [Ukrainian language and literature at school]. № 7-8, pp. 33-37. [in Ukrainian]
6. Kolomiiets L., Shulga G., Lebed Iu. Formation of social responsibility of young people in the process of obtaining higher education. Society. Integration. Education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume I, May 28-29, pp. 292-305.
7. Skrypnyk N., Lebed Iu. (2020) Formation of professional competences of future philologists teachers in a new educational space. Innovative scientific researches: European development trends and regional aspect. Collective monograph. 1st ed. Riga, Latvia: Baltija Publishing., pp. 316 - 334.
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