Digital tools as a means for increasing motivation of future teachers’ professional activity

Increasing students' motivation for self-improvement and successful professional activity. Formation of digital competencies of future specialists. Determination of the most optimal, functional and easy-to-use digital tools in the educational process.

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Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Digital tools as a means for increasing motivation of future teachers' professional activity

Nataliia O. Semenii PhD of Pedagogical Sciences,

Senior lecturer of the Department of Primary Education

Kyiv, Ukraine


Цифрові інструменти як засіб підвищення мотивації майбутніх учителів до професійної діяльності

Семеній Наталія Олегівна

кандидат педагогічних наук, старша викладачка кафедри початкової освіти Київський університет ім. Б. Грінченка, м. Київ, Україна

Реалії сьогодення вимагають пошуку нових підходів до стимулювання й мотивації студентів у контексті їх професійної підготовки. У зв'язку з цим ми проаналізували наукову, педагогічну та публіцистичну літературу з теми дослідження, щоб визначити найбільш оптимальні засоби для підвищення мотивації студентів до успішної фахової діяльності. Оскільки Україна стрімко входить в еру цифрових технологій, то саме вони і стали об'єктом нашого дослідження. На сьогодні створено безліч цифрових інструментів для використання їх з навчальною метою. Ми визначили та виокремили найбільш оптимальні, легкі у використанні та найбільш функціональні наступні інструменти: Kahoot, Quizizz, Formative, Online Test Pad,Screencast-O-Matic,

Camtasia,Windows Live Movie Maker, Avidemux, Crello, Storyjumper, Bookemon, Kindlebookmaker, Trello, Strides, Goal Tracker: Making Habits,, Bliss Gratitude Journal, Habitica, YouTube, MindMeister, MindMup, Mindomo, Coggle,, Blogger, Tilda, Google Site. Застосування цифрового інструментарію надає можливість модернізувати освітній процес, урізноманітнити форми подачі матеріалу, вибудувати траєкторію власного розвитку. З метою підвищення мотивації студентів до професійної діяльності було розроблено завдання з використанням зазначених цифрових інструментів. Їх зміст спрямований на поєднання мотивації до особистісного розвитку та підвищення професійного фахового зростання. Для визначення дієвості пропонованих завдань проведено педагогічний експеримент. На констатувальному етапі дослідження визначено, що 78% студентів мають низький рівень мотивації до самореалізації в професійній діяльності, 22% - середній рівень, і взагалі відсутні студенти, які мають високий показник досліджуваної проблеми. Після проведеного формувального етапу експерименту зроблено зріз результативності проведеної роботи та виявлено, що студенти експериментальної групи продемонстрували значно вищі показники ніж контрольної. Контрольний етап експерименту засвідчив зростання мотивації студентів першого курсу до подальшої професійної діяльності. Здобуті результати є свідченням того, що на рів ень мотивації студентів до самореалізації впливає робота з використанням цифрових інструментів.

Ключові слова: цифрові інструменти; самореалізація студентів; професійна діяльність; мотивація студентів.


The day-to-day realities require the search for new approaches to stimulating and motivating students in terms of their professional training. Thus, we have analyzed the scientific, pedagogical and publicistic literature on the research topic to determine the most effective means to increase student motivation for successful professional activity.

Since Ukraine is rapidly entering the era of digital technologies, they have become the object of our study. Nowadays many digital tools have been created to use them for educational purposes.

We have identified the most effective, easy-to-use and the most functional tools: Kahoot, Quizizz, Formative, Online Test Pad, Screencast-O-Matic, Camtasia, Windows Live Movie Maker, Avidemux, Crello, Storyjumper, Bookemon, Kindlebookmaker, Trello, Strides, Goal Tracker: Making Habits,, Bliss Gratitude Journal, Habitica, YouTube, MindMeister, MindMup, Mindomo, Coggle,, Blogger, Tilda, Google Site.

The use of digital tools provides an opportunity to update the educational process, diversify the methods of presentation and build trajectories of students' individual development. In order to increase students' motivation for professional activity, tasks were developed using these digital tools. Their content is aimed at combining motivation for personal development and improving professional growth.

To determine the effectiveness of the proposed tasks, a pedagogical experiment was conducted. It was determined at the ascertaining stage of the study that 78% of the students (first-year students) had a low level of motivation for self-realization in professional activities, 22% - the average level, and there were no students with a high level of motivation. After the formative stage of the experiment, an assessment of the effectiveness of the work was made and it was found that the students in the experimental group showed much higher performance than those in the control one. The control stage of the experiment showed an increase in the motivation of first-year students for further professional activity. The obtained results have proved that it is necessary to exert a constant impact on the motivational sphere of student personality using various digital tools.

Keywords: digital tools; self-realization of students; professional activity; student motivation.


Formulation of the problem. Ukraine is developing rapidly in the digital sphere. The state efforts in this direction are supported by European countries and the United States. The strategic program «EU4Digital Facility» («EU4Digital: Supporting the Digital Economy and Society in the Eastern Partnership»), designed for 2019-2022 is of great importance. The program is aimed at involving the eastern neighbors of the European Union (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) in the expansion of the EU Single Digital Market. The program implements six leading policy areas: trust and security, e-commerce, ICT innovation, telecommunication rules, e-health and e-skills [1].

The implementation of the program will allow every member of society to feel protected in cyberspace, meet the requirements of the time and facilitate paperwork. It will help create a digital state aimed at expanding the horizons of its citizens and provide them with a high standard of living. Such a program is a challenge for Ukrainian society.

Changes in politics and economics require changes in education. The main goal of modern higher education institutions is to teach students, future professionals, to use existing and advanced digital tools and resources, which will have to become a permanent skill.

Students use social networks to exchange ideas and information. The most popular among them are: Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok etc. However, this is not an indication of their high level of digital literacy. On the contrary, according to educational surveys, student knowledge of digital tools is quite limited and the level of motivation for professional self-improvement is quite low. Therefore, the task of teachers is to expand students' understanding of the features of a variety of digital tools for their further professional activity. To activate their awareness, it is necessary to use these tools during lectures, tutorials, seminars and laboratory practicals. The more the student immerses into the content of the proposed digital tools, the better he/she realizes the feasibility and effectiveness of their use in their professional activity. Having conducted a survey of 46 first-year students majoring in «Primary Education», we concluded that 78% of the respondents did not have a clear idea of their professional growth. 30% have never set a goal to reach certain professional aims, 48% do not have a clear plan for the realization of their wishes and goals, do not know how to define them because they have no idea about their future. And only 22% of the respondents know what they want in their lives, but do not know how to achieve their goals in their future professional activity.

This situation demonstrates a low level of students' motivation and emotional maturity. However, it is important for students to develop skills of self-motivation, self-reflection and self-actualization of their own potential for successful learning and focus on achieving the goals of personal growth. Using digital resources that exist in the 21st century, students will find motivation and be able to determine the goals they have to set for the successful implementation of their professional skills.

Analysis of recent studies and publications. Most students use digital resources and tools every day. Mark Prensky identified such students as «digital immigrants», characterizing them as feeling free in digital technologies [2, p. 15-26]. However, not all of them understand and apply digital educational tools effectively in their professional activity.

Jenny Wycott, Sue Bennett, Gregor Kennedy, Barney Dalgarno, and Kathleen Gray highlight the importance of digital technologies for students and emphasize that modern students have a different attitude to data use compared to previous generations. Ryan Cordell supports the opinion of his predecessors and says that students do not know how to use digital tools for academic purposes [4]. US scientists suggest [5, p.29] using scholarship programs to enhance students' digital activities, which is a good motivation to improve their professional skills using various digital tools. First-year students often do not think about their future profession. However, it is necessary to emphasize that only the present is the beginning that influences our future actions. To realize your inner potential successfully, you need to start acting today, build your trajectory of success and determine in which ways it will be achieved [6]. Foreign scientists suggest that it is important for students to understand how they will be able to implement the acquired skills in the use of digital resources in further work. Thus, it is necessary not only to use a variety of digital tools in their activity, but also provide students with the tasks and projects that they will be able to implement in practice. Such activities will increase the level of students' motivation for study.

Among Ukrainian scientists that studied this issue are: M. Boyko, V. Wember, L. Hrynevych, and N. Morse [7]. The researchers have identified the most effective digital tools to support the STEM educational ecosystem, which diversifies the educational process and demonstrates to students how they can improve their professional level.

V. Mykhailychenko and V. Polyanska studied the problem of motivation of students' educational and cognitive activity and came to the conclusion that students' professional growth is directly influenced by the level of their cognitive interest, values and beliefs, motives, abilities, knowledge, skills, which should become the basis of their professional orientation [8, p. 320-321].

N. Kharchenko in his study emphasises the strategies of formation of motives, provides practical advice, methods and techniques aimed at increasing self-motivation of adults. According to the author, a person cannot realize him/herself and be satisfied with his/her achievements without self-motivation [9].

O. Pinchuk, S. Litvinova, O. Burov emphasize the use of synthetic learning environment, one of the properties of which is self-motivation of the individual. Synthetic learning environment will help students reveal their potential and expand their understanding of the use of virtual space in the educational process [10].

V. Zhelanova's research is devoted to in-depth study of motives and motivation of primary school teachers. The scholar explored the essence of the concept of «professional motivation», which is considered as a set of interdependent, hierarchically dependent components of personality, namely: vocational aptitude, professional intentions, professional needs and motives, professional demands, professional expectations, professional attitude, individual contents of professional activity, professional position and professional interests [11, p. 278]. We consider the concept under study in terms of this definition.

Having analyzed the existing literature, we determined that students' motivation for professional activity is directly influenced by:

- variability of teachers' teaching styles;

- microclimate in which students are;

- created conditions for the development of students' motivational sphere;

- students' personal needs and motives for expanding their professional competencies;

- modern techniques of organizing students' educational activity;

- stimulation to further achievements, self-development and self-education.

Based on facts mentioned above, the teacher should demonstrate to future professionals not only the positive aspects of the profession, but also possible ways to develop personal potential, get students interested in using a wide range of digital tools to diversify further professional activity.

We would like to emphasize that these motives apply to those students who have already decided on their profession.

The aim of the study. The aim of the study is to investigate the impact of digital tools on increasing student motivation for self-realization in professional activity.

Research methodology

The methodological basis of the study is determined by theoretical (retrospective analysis of literature on the research topic; comparison of views of foreign and domestic scientists; systematization and generalization of the studied material) and empirical (pedagogical experiment, questionnaire) research methods. A pedagogical experiment to determine the levels of students' motivation for professional activity using digital tools took place on the basis of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University among first-year students majoring in 013 «Primary Education» of the first (bachelor) level (46 students). The developed tasks were performed during the course «University Studies», namely the module «Leadership-Service». A questionnaire was conducted to determine the level of students' motivation for professional activity at the ascertaining stage of the experiment. student professional competency digital

The results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment demonstrated the need to examine the phenomenon in-depth. The analysis of literature on the research topic made it possible to develop and test tasks aimed at increasing student motivation for professional activity. During the control stage of the experiment it was determined that the proposed tasks using digital tools are effective means of influencing students' motivational sphere. The occurence of high and the absence of low levels of motivation demonstrate the effectiveness of the formative experiment.

Research results

Studying the behavior of the first-year students majoring in «Primary Education», observing their reaction to the methods of introduction of educational material, conducting questionnaires and surveys, we concluded that to motivate students to self-realization in professional activity it is necessary to show students the ways of their personal growth. Every respondent expressed a desire to succeed in professional activity, but not everyone knew how to implement it. Since the current generation of students draws information for motivation mostly from various Internet resources, it is necessary to show them the possibility of professional growth using these sources. The following tasks aimed at increasing students' motivation for self-realization in professional activity were developed:

1. To conduct a survey among primary school students on the topic: which types of learning activities they like best. We recommend to conduct surveys using the following resources:

Kahoot! ( is a resource for creating tests and games. It is easy to use and contains interesting content not only for primary school pupils but also for university students. It has a time limit for all participants to complete the test.

Quizizz ( is a resource for creating quizzes and tests. The advantage of this resource is that participants have the opportunity to do the work at their own pace.

Formative ( is a service for creating assessment tasks of various kinds - audio, video, text format, pictures, selection of several correct answers, etc.

Socrative ( provides an opportunity to involve about 50 respondents in one group. The table with the test results immediately shows who answered the questions and the way they did it.

Online Test Pad ( is a service designed to test student knowledge and skills. It allows you to create tests, questionnares, logic games, crosswords etc. It is the easiest to use.

All these resources are free and effective.

Based on the questionary, students develop guidelines for teachers on interactive kinds of work with pupils. This activity will help students to understand pupils' needs and discover their ability to solve problems. Confidence in the importance of their own actions will help to increase the level of students' motivation for study. The results of the described activity should be posted on the Internet - on a blog, website or chat for first-year students (primary school students) to exchange interesting ideas.

2. To develop two videos about your future: «Qualities that prevented me from realizing my potential» and «Qualities that made me successful».

This type of task will help to train students' ability to predict their activities and the trajectory of their own development.

The following resources can be used to create interesting videos:

Screencast-O-Matic is an online video editor that helps to record videos from the screen that students work directly with in the browser. The service allows you to record audio and video or just video with the subsequent ability to overlay audio. You can add various effects to your video, such as images, text, music, etc. You can also pause or overwrite a video while recording it. The video you create is stored on a service server, on YouTube, or on your computer hard drive.

Camtasia ( is a specialized software from TechSmith that helps to create videos and screenshots. This resource differs significantly from the previous one because it has the capability to record individual excerpts, editing the necessary fragments of the recording into a single video. The advantages of the resource include: the capability to record video simultaneously from the screen, webcam and audio; to adjust video recording from the screen and webcam separately; to adjust the audio recording and add audio from other sources; to add underlining, text, captions, zoom in and out lighting with the cursor; to export edited video into various formats.

Using the updated version of Microsoft PowerPoint 2019, it is possible to create not only a presentation, but also high-quality videos in MPEG-4 (mp4) or WMV format. Selected animations, transitions, audio recordings added to the presentation are exported to a video file. During recording you can focus on video clips with a «laser pointer».Windows Live Movie Maker is a tool for creating videos based on photos and videos with the capability to add audio, music, comments, etc. This tool is easy to use and allows you to manage the content you create. The product of this resource can be a full-length movie. Avidemux is a free video editor that helps you edit files in various formats. The program acts as a subtitle editor and video filter. It is also possible to crop and stitch files, change the brightness of images. Files for correction and stitching can be of different formats: AVI, FLV, H264, LAME, MKV, MP4, OGM, WMV, VOB. The program allows you to combine them into the whole one by decoding. In general, the video editor is quite easy to use and has many features. The resources allow you to record a video and edit it. This type of activity will not only be interesting for students, but will also expand the horizons of their professional activity.

3. To create an e-book «My Inspirers and Advisers». Creating such a book will allow students to understand and structure their success and achievements clearly. Another option is to use the e-book «My way to successful professional activity».

You can create an e-book using the following digital tools:

Crello ( is easy to use, allows you to create many pages of your own book, upload images and use ready-made VistaCreate templates suitable for different formats.

Storyjumper ( is an interesting resource for creating content for children. Students have the opportunity to create a children's fairy tale using audio and video tools. It is possible to demonstrate a picture book with a soundtrack. In addition to this interesting type of presentation for pupils, students can record their own achievements using images and audio recordings.

Bookemon ( is a service that will help to create an original book with photos. There is a possibility to add a photo calendar to the content of the book, etc. The resource is easy to use and allows you to download DOC, PPT and PDF formats.

Kindlebookmaker ( is a resource that helps to create books online. Its free features include adding images, text, headings, blank pages, highlighting text, taking notes, memory cards, etc. The resource is quite easy to use and structured. This task is especially suitable for those students who want to realize their creative potential. The task can also be used to improve students' ability to express their views and beliefs clearly.

4. To identify your professional goals in goal setting applications.

One such application is Trello ( The digital tool helps students to define their goals and set an overall purpose for professional growth. Describing, in accordance with the structural elements of the application - «board - list of tasks - tasks», their ways to achieve the goal, students motivate themselves to gain professional achievements. In addition to setting goals and the ways to achieve them, this application can be used for educational purposes to manage project activities. The web service has the opportunity to involve the required number of participants and work on a common task.

Strides ( is an application that helps to make up your habits and monitor their use. The user needs only to mark the control over the implementation of tasks and the application will monitor their performance and demonstrate progress. Access to the resource is possible through a mobile application, the operating system is iOS.

Goal Tracker: Making Habits is an application that, like the previous one, helps to define goals and teaches to achieve them by controlling one's own activity. To achieve the goals it is important to make up habits. This resource helps to develop them. The user must create long-term goals, develop a detailed plan for their implementation and achieve their goal by controlling the navigation bar of the application. The resource operates through a mobile application, the operating system is Android. ( is a service that is available for both iPhone and mobile phones with the Android operating system, and is also freely accessible on the Internet. This resource helps to develop a tracker of habits. There is an opportunity to find a mentor who will help to achieve the goal. You can choose it on the site, but the coach will manage the habits for a fee, or you can involve a person from your environment. This social component is a very interesting tool for developing habits. The tool provides an opportunity to compare your success with the results of others, which can further motivate and stimulate new achievements. Bliss Gratitude Journal is a mobile application with Android operating system, which helps to develop a number of habits from each component of human life. The presented resource demonstrates a set of exercises developed by psychologists, which affects the motivation and desire of users to succeed. Its functionality works as a weekly, which records not only achievements and desired goals, but also feelings, experiences, fears, gratitude, i.e. there is an opportunity to reflect on one's state while achieving the goal and direct potential to achieve it. The application is an effective tool that helps to motivate yourself to achieve your goals, perform exercises that encourage self-improvement and understanding of your abilities and skills. The effectiveness of the resource is emphasized by its functionality, because not all applications help to reveal the potential of the individual and promote self-analysis, the ability to plan, analyze and encourage yourself. Habitica ( is a modern mobile application available for both Android and iOS mobile phones. The functionality of the resource helps to develop habits via games. In the process of realization of tasks the user receives rewards or penalties that promote increased motivation to achieve the set goals and build a trajectory of personal growth to achieve them. The task will promote self-actualization and self-development of the individual, help to determine the goal and ways to achieve it. It will develop the ability to analyze individual activity and reflect on success and failures, thereby improving professional and personal level.

5. To review the talks of celebrities from various fields of activity, using YouTube materials, and determine which motives encouraged these people to self-realization. Based on watching the videos, students are asked to develop a knowledge map “My motivation for professional career development”. This type of work affects students' self-awareness and helps to increase their motivation for self-realization of their potential.

You can create a knowledge map using such applications as:

MindMeister ( is an online tool for creating products, which helps to classify knowledge, work on project development etc. The advantages of the resource are: the capability to store the created knowledge maps on the server (free version - 3 pieces) and have access to them from different PCs; capability to attach files to branches; having more than 60 standard templates and the capability to upload your own pictures, backgrounds, etc. You can share the card with everyone, with specific people or close it from everyone. It is possible to export the map, but only in text format.

MindMup ( is an interactive resource that expands its functionality by being able to convert ready-made maps in formats such as PDF, PPT and through diagrams. Maps can be created from the Google Drive application, there is a free export to PDF format, but the link to it is valid within twenty-four hours. Importing images from disk or cloud is in 2 clicks. Like in the previous tool, there is a free version with a limit of 100 KB.

Mindomo ( is a tool for creating mind maps, which has a number of advantages: the capability to import knowledge maps in different formats; 24 card templates in free access; it is possible to set the priority of tasks, backup, attach comments to the branches of the knowledge map; you can attach audio and video recordings, images, hyperlinks, etc.; there is an opportunity to work together on the map for the implementation of project activities; free package allows you to create no more than 3 knowledge maps.

Coggle ( gives a chance to get acquainted with diagrams of other users; use more than 1600 images when creating your own knowledge map; download the map in PDF format and PNG image; the possibility of joint work on the created product and communication through chat and comments is realized; syncing with Google Drive history of work on creation of maps, etc. is kept; free package includes creation of 3 mind maps. ( is a digital tool that differs significantly from the previous ones because it is completely free and does not require registration to create a knowledge map. Before you start, you need to determine where the knowledge map will be stored - in the cloud, on Google Drive, OneDrive, computer hard drive, etc. In addition to creating mind maps using the resource functionality you can create block diagrams, infographics, visualize various processes and design page layouts, etc. All presented digital tools help to display necessary material by organizing and structuring students' knowledge; contribute to the disclosure of their own potential, the establishment of feedback from the scientific and pedagogical society, specialists in various fields; determine and increase the level of students' professional competence. Modern realities require a demonstration of individual competencies. An effective tool in this context is to create a website or blog. Their content should reflect practical research, findings that students implement during their internship at schools, their performance of independent or course projects, Master's theses etc.

The best platform for creating a blog is Blogger, sites - Tilda, Google Site. Using Google you can create personal and corporate sites. The algorithm for their creation is quite simple:

1. Google Sites tab could be found in the personal Gmail box.

2. Choose a template labeled «Create Website».

3. Write down the name of the site in the upper left corner of the screen and press «Enter».

4. Add content that matches the name of the site and describes its content.

5. Click «Publish» in the upper right corner.

The site is ready to use and for further content addition. It could be made available to everyone or to individuals from your contact list. The developed tasks will promote the activation of students' professional skills, stimulate them to reveal their professional and personal potential, determine the trajectory of their own development, optimize the cognitive process, etc. To determine the effectiveness of the developed tasks, we conducted an interview of 46 first-year students, which showed an increase in the level of their motivational readiness for professional activity.

Fig. 1. Dynamics of students ' motivation levels for self-realization in professional activity

The diagram shows that 46% (on the ascertaining stage of the experiment - 22%) of the students from the control group have an average level, 54% (on the ascertaining stage of the experiment - 78%) of the respondents - a low level of motivation for self-realization in professional activities. Having conducted the formative stage of the experiment, we see a significant increase in performance among students. Thus, the students in the experimental group showed that the low level disappeared, the average level increased to 79% (on the ascertaining stage of the experiment - 67%), and the high level reached 21%. These parameters indicate the effectiveness of the tasks developed to increase students' motivation for self-realization in professional activity. The success of the developed tasks and their approbation proved the efficiency of the conducted work and the possibility of increasing students' motivation for professional activity using digital tools.

Levels of students' motivation for professional activity contained the following parameters:

Low level - students are not able to define ambitious targets, the purpose of their activity is abstract (to have a high income; to be a first-class specialist), but the desire is not supported with understanding of how to achieve the goal. Students do not increase their level of knowledge in professional activity by attending trainings, workshops, seminars, conferences of well-known people; they are not interested in supplementary literature to improve their professional development. Lack of desire and understanding of the trajectory of their development have negative influence on the general level of students' professional competencies. Average level - students are able to set the desired goals of professional development, but do not have the skills to build a trajectory of professional growth, which requires the acquisition of individual knowledge and skills. In order to improve their personal potential, students read supplementary literature and watch videos of prominent people, which affects the motivation for their personal development. They are aware of the limitations of their knowledge and skills and have a desire to improve them. It is very easy to work with such students because they need knowledge and wish to use the proposed tools for achieving professional development.

The high level of motivation was demonstrated by the students only after they had done the proposed tasks aimed at increasing their motivation for professional activity. Parameters of this level are structured knowledge and acquired skills in setting a goal and ability to achieve it, to develop a trajectory of professional growth in future. Students want to enrich their cognitive potential by various methods and constantly improve their professional skills.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

The conclusion of the study is that the task of a high school lecturer is not only to develop professional skills and competencies, but also to motivate students to achieve professional growth. Most students consider an institution of higher education as a source of knowledge, but, unfortunately, not everybody is able to use it effectively and reveal their potential. To become successful in professional development, future primary school teachers must be able to set a goal and understand the ways to achieve it. The main purpose for the student is professional self-realization. Thanks to digital tools offered for achieving this goal, students will be able to understand the importance of the chosen profession and discover their own potential. The proposed tasks can be implemented both in the context of specific courses and during out-of-class activities. They can also be offered as a separate module in Moodle for student self-motivation. According to questionnaires and surveys, students want to reveal their potential and expand their understanding of digital tools for use in further professional activity. We should conclude that this issue is especially important for first-year students, since they have not yet studied professional methods and have not familiarized with the opportunities for professional growth. Students' motivational activity from the first years of study will help them to study consciously those disciplines that are taught at the university. Prospects for further research are seen in the study of trajectories of professional and personal development of bachelor's degree students majoring in «Primary Education» after their graduation.

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