Peculiarities of Sweden’s teacher training system in the XXI century

Review of the system of professional training of teachers in Sweden in the 21st century in the context of European integration. Reforming the system of pedagogical education of Ukraine in the modern conditions of its integration into the European space.

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Дата добавления 20.07.2023
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Peculiarities of Sweden's teacher training system in the XXI century

Sofiya Chovriy, Mukachevo

The article highlights the features of the system of teacher training in Sweden in the XXI century in relation to European integration processes. The legislative and regulatory framework has been analysed. It has been established that the degree of Bachelor/Master of Education should be replaced by four professional degrees: a degree in pre-school education, a degree in primary school education, a degree in subject education and a degree in vocational education. It has been determined that all teacher training programs consist of three education areas: general education, study of disciplines of a certain field of knowledge, specialisation subjects. It has been revealed that special attention is paid to practical training. It is emphasized that the system of modern pedagogical education in Sweden is generally harmonized in accordance with European standards, flexible enough for professional and individual development of the individual throughout life.

Keywords: European integration; higher education; training of teachers; Sweden.

Софія Човрій


У статті висвітлено особливості системи фахової підготовки вчителів у Швеції в ХХІ столітті в контексті євроінтеграційних процесів. Закцентовано на реформуванні системи освіти України загалом і педагогічної зокрема, особливо в сучасних умовах її інтегрування в європейський освітній простір; виокремлено актуальні питання, пов 'язані з вивченням конструктивного досвіду європейських країн щодо вдосконалення професійної підготовки вчителів відповідно до вимог ринку праці, а також викликів швидкозмінного глобалізованого світу. Констатовано, що результати аналізу наукової літератури та нормативно-правового забезпечення вищої освіти засвідчують неабиякі надбання шведської освітньої системи, що становить беззаперечний інтерес для України.

Проаналізовано законодавчо-нормативні засади вищої освіти Швеції загалом і педагогічної зокрема. Встановлено, що в 2007р. у Швеції відповідно до Рамки кваліфікацій Європейського простору вищої освіти було прийнято дескриптори трьох циклів вищої академічної освіти. Вказано, що у квітні 2010 р. затверджено чотири нові кваліфікації вищої педагогічної освіти. Виявлено, що особлива увага звертається на практичну підготовку майбутніх фахівців. Зазначено, що у Швеції 2015 року запроваджено Національну рамку кваліфікацій згідно з рекомендаціями Європейської рамки кваліфікацій для навчання впродовж життя. Кожний із восьми рівнів означений набором дескрипторів, що відображають результати навчання і притаманні кваліфікаціям відповідного рівня. Вищі кваліфікаційні рівні (6-8) Національної рамки кваліфікацій Швеції є достатньо узгодженими за дескрипторами з кваліфікаційними рівнями / циклами (1-3) Рамки кваліфікацій Європейського простору вищої освіти. З'ясовано, що система сучасної педагогічної освіти Швеції загалом відповідає європейським стандартам, досить гнучка щодо професійного та індивідуального поступу особистості впродовж життя.

Ключові слова: євроінтеграція; вища освіта; підготовка вчителів; Швеція.

Problem statement

professional training teachers european integration

Ukraine's integration into the European educational space involves the continuous improvement of the national education system in general and pedagogical in particular, improving its quality to European standards, challenges of the labour market and globalization processes, informatization of society. That is why research on the development of pedagogical education in the European Union countries plays an important role in improving the system of pedagogical education in Ukraine and its integration into the European community.

The initial provisions for the entry of the national educational system into the European educational space are declared in legislative acts, in particular: the Law of Ukraine "On higher education" (2014), the Law of Ukraine "On education" (2017), and the Law of Ukraine "On Complete General Secondary Education" (2020). The problems of the development of pedagogical education in Ukraine and its integration into the European community are laid down in the Conceptual Principles of the Development of Pedagogical Education of Ukraine and its integration into the European educational space (2004), as well as the Concept of the Development of Pedagogical Education in Ukraine (2018). The provisions of the Concept are aimed at improving the system of pedagogical education to create a basis for training teachers of the new generation, creating conditions for attracting specialists of other professions to pedagogical activity and providing conditions for the formation and development of modern alternative models of continuous professional and personal development of pedagogues (Kontseptsiia rozvytku, 2018, p. 5). The Concept outlines the main contradictions that violate the disparity between the public demand for highly qualified teachers, the prospects for the development of society, global technological changes and existing system of pedagogical education (Kontseptsiia rozvytku, 2018, p. 4), which need to be urgently addressed. Thus, the study of constructive experience in the development of pedagogical education in the European Union will help to resolve the contradictions of the development of pedagogical education in Ukraine in the context of the European integration processes of the XXI century.

Analysis of the latest researches and publications

The problems of development of educational systems of European countries were the subject of analysis in the following dissertations: "Trends in the Development of Higher Education in Western Europe and Ukraine" (Poberezskaya, 2005), "Modernization of Higher Education in Modern France" (Bocharova, 2006), "The Tendencies of Reforming Higher Education in the Countries of Western Europe" (Kryazhev, 2008), "Reforming the content of university education in modern France" (Shapovalova, 2008), "Trends in the development of adult education in the Scandinavian countries (the second half of the XX century)" (Ogienko, 2009), "Reforming the system of higher education in Great Britain in the late XX - early XXI century" (Sargsyan, 2009), "The development of economic education in higher education in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the XX century" (Tovkanets, 2014), "The main trends in the humanization of vocational education in Western Europe (Germany, Great Britain, France)" (Chepuma, 2015), "Quality Assurance System of University Education in Austria" (Shyika, 2016), "Development of Higher Education in Ukraine and the European Union (late XX - early XXI centuries): a comparative analysis" (Kostetska, 2017) and others.

Scientists' attention is drawn to the problems of reforming pedagogical education in the following European countries: England and Wales (Kishchenko, 2004), Italy (Nelin, 2017), the European Union (Kristopchuk, 2014; Puhovska, 2018), Germany (Makhinya, 2009), Poland (Vasylyuk, 2011), the Slovak Republic (Klyuchkovych, 2017), France (Romanenko, 2003). The problem of pedagogical training of teachers in the higher education system of Sweden was the subject of the dissertation research of Kosharna (2012). The scientist, based on the study of historical, philosophical, pedagogical literature and official documents, identified trends in the development of the theory and practice of teacher training in Sweden's higher education system. The theoretical and methodological bases of the Swedish system of pedagogical education are characterized. The model of teacher training is analysed, the content and organizational and procedural components of pedagogical training are revealed. The experience of teacher training in Sweden in the context of the development of national teacher education is actualized (Kosharna, 2012).

Various aspects of the development of pedagogical education in the European Union are reflected in English-language publications of foreign scholars: Jones (2012) - teacher education in England; Barbieri (2010), Polenghi and Triani (2014) - teacher training and profession in Italy; Wasielewski and Varga (2014) - educational policy aspects of teacher education in Central Europe - the case of Hungary and Poland (2014); Surma and Malina (2014) - educational policy aspects of teacher's Continuing Professional Development in Poland (2014); Stark and Zoller (2014) - initial and continuous teacher education systems in Romania; Campos Aparicio and Buciega Arevalo (2014) - teacher training system in Spain; Angervall, Baldwin and Beach (2020) - demands on Swedish teacher educators and the consequences for the quality of teacher education.

Considerable attention is paid to the study of the development of teacher education in the German-language works of the following scientists: Kasper and Kasperova (2012) - historical overview and the present state of teacher education in the Czech Republic; Grundig de Vazquez (2012) - reforming the system of teacher education in France; Hakala (2012) - formation and development of teacher education in Finland and Sweden; Biedermann (2012) - teacher training in Switzerland.

Teacher training in the EU countries is covered in the researches of the following Hungarian scientists: Bikics (2011) - standards of teacher education in Germany; Felmery (2011) - teacher training in France; Kalman (2011) - the process of teacher training and continuing professional development in Sweden; Kocsis (2003) - the current state and prospects of teacher education in Hungary; Major (2011) - standards of teacher education in the Kingdom of the Netherlands; Meszaros (2011) - teacher training and the pedagogical profession in Italy; Nyikos (2011) - teacher training and pedagogical career in Austria; Steger (2012) - reforming the European system of teacher education.

The study of scientific sources shows the relevance of the study of the development of pedagogical education in the countries of the European Union and, in particular, Sweden, to identify opportunities for the creative use of the achievements of these countries in the context of modernization of pedagogical education in Ukraine, which will provide the basis for Ukraine's effective entry into the European community.

The purpose of the article is to study the features of Sweden's teacher training system in the XXI century.

Presentation of the main material

Sweden is a country with a high level of economic, social development and educational achievements. Sweden was one of the first countries to join the Bologna Process (The Bologna Declaration, 1999) and is a founding member of the Council of Europe. Sweden is improving its national education system in relation to the European integration process.

In 2000, the reform of pedagogical education was launched. The purpose of the reform is to unify the system of pedagogical education (Linde, 2003), to ensure an adequate level of training of pedagogical specialists, and to identify the key components of the teacher's professional competence. According to the reform, the professional training of teachers in Sweden is carried out in the system of higher education and is practically implemented in the structure, objectives and content of vocational education programs.

In 2007, under the influence of the Bologna Process (London Communique, 2007), the directions of reforming higher education in Sweden in general and pedagogical education in particular were revised. The Swedish Higher Education Act (Hogskolelagen, 1992) and Higher Education Ordinance (Hogskoleforordning, 1993) have been amended in accordance with the agreements reached within the Bologna Process, including the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA). These changes applied to courses and programmes offered from July 1, 2007. Courses and programs started earlier were subject to transitional provisions.

Higher education is organised as courses that can be combined into study programmes, leading to general university degrees. There are a number of tertiary study programmes leading to vocational qualifications. The degree system has been reformed and structured to fit the new three-cycle system. The training of specialists with higher education was harmonized in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process (Kahlroth, 2019, p. 11).

A full-time workload is 30 credits per semester and 60 credits in a standard, 40-week academic year. Thus, a week of full-time study equals 1.5 credits. The credit system (hogskolepoang) in Sweden is compatible with European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). When converting from the previous higher education credit system, 1 Swedish credit (poang) in the old system corresponds to 1.5 credits in the current system (Hakala, 2012, p. 195).

The problems of reforming pedagogical education in Sweden are constantly in the focus of increased attention of the government and society in general. When the bill "Top of the class - new teacher education programmes" (Govt. Bill 2009/10:89) was passed by the Swedish Parliament (Regeringen) in April 2010, the government proposed that the degree of Bachelor/Master of Education be replaced by four new professional degrees: a degree in pre-school education, a degree in primary school education, a degree in subject education and a degree in vocational education. The new degrees helped raise the level of three components of teacher education: the study of the subject being taught, placement in a school that includes 30 higher education credits, and the educational and scientific core of 60 higher education credits (Organization of the Educational System in Sweden (2009 / 2010), p. 187).

The degree in pre-school education provides for 210 higher education credits. The programme is clearly oriented towards preschool work. The degree in primary school education will allow for three specialisations: the first is directed at work in pre-school class (for children the year before they start compulsory school) and 1-3 forms of compulsory school (240 higher education credits), the second is directed at work in 4-6 forms of compulsory school (240 higher education credits), and the third is directed at work in out-of-school care (in the so-called leisure time centres which cater for children before and after the school day and during holidays) (180 higher education credits). The subject education provides two possible specializations: one directed at work in 7-9 forms of compulsory school (International Standard Classification of Education - ISCED level 2) and the other is directed at work in upper secondary school (ISCED level 3). The degree in subject education provides two possible specializations: teaching in 7-9 forms of compulsory school (270 higher education credits, 195 of which are allocated for specialization in three disciplines) and teaching in upper secondary school (300 or 330 higher education credits, 225 or 255 of which are allocated for specialization in two disciplines). The degree in vocational education requires 90 higher education credits. This programme enables practitioners to qualify as vocational teachers (Organization of the Educational System in Sweden (2009 / 2010), p. 187-188).

For those who already have a bachelor's or master's degree in any science other than pedagogy, but plan to teach in an educational institution, pedagogical programs lasting one and a half years are offered. For practising teachers, training is provided on the basis of traditional training courses at the university or remotely, which allows to obtain a degree or change specialization (Hogskoleforordning (1993:100)).

All teacher training programs in Sweden consist of three education areas. The first area is a general pedagogical education (at least 90 higher education credits), which is compulsory for all students. It covers such key topics as didactics, special pedagogy, socialization, basic value orientations, interdisciplinary relations, etc. This area allows teachers to identify problem situations that often arise at school and help students find ways to solve them, get the necessary support and assistance. The second area is the study of subject / subjects (at least 60 higher education credits), which the student plans to teach in the future. This area allows you to independently determine your pedagogical profile. The third area is specialization (at least 30 higher education credits), which provides an in-depth study of the previously chosen discipline of the second area or additional subjects. For example, students can major in the study of a certain age group of students, peculiarities of adult learning, methods of teaching reading, etc. (Organization of the Educational System in Sweden (2009/2010), p. 191). It is aimed at the development of the future teacher: an indepth understanding of the essence and theoretical foundations of the subjects to be taught by the teacher at school from the point of view of their own reflection, as well as from the point of view of students; methodological competence is the ability to present the subject to students in an interesting and effective way and to guide them to find ways to expand their own knowledge and key competences; organizational competence in planning their own activities and creating educational trajectories for students (Hogskoleforordning (1993:100)).

An important element of pedagogical education is teaching practice, which is aimed at consolidating and deepening the theoretical knowledge of the future teacher and improving his professional competences through independent solution of real practical problems in the school classroom. There are significant differences in the practice of supervised training: some universities and university colleges organize its passing during the entire period of study, others do so in one block at the final stage of study at the higher education institution. By the end of the course of study at a university or university college, students are required to prepare project work, where they must demonstrate their ability to operate with scientific theories and research methods.

This structure of pedagogical education allows students to change the field of specialization during their studies at a higher education institution, while practising teachers can improve their skills and share their experience with future colleagues.

On December 1, 2013, mandatory professional certification was introduced for school teachers and pre-school tenured teachers. This contributes to raising the status of the teaching profession, supporting professional development and improving the quality of education. In 2015, Sweden introduced the National Qualifications Framework (SeQF) in line with the recommendations of the European Parliament on the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF). The Swedish Qualifications Framework has eight qualification levels corresponding to the qualification levels of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning. Qualification levels SeQF 1-5 cover knowledge, skills and competences acquired in compulsory school (grundskolan) and high school (gymnasiet), while qualification levels SeQF 6-8 cover knowledge, skills and competences acquired in higher education programmes (yrkeshogskola, hogskolan).

It should be noted that the system of modern pedagogical education in Sweden is generally harmonized in accordance with European standards, quite flexible in terms of professional and individual development of the individual throughout life.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

Thus, the European integration aspirations of Sweden in the field of higher education in general and pedagogical education in particular are clearly reflected in the XXI century reforms. They are designed to establish the best standards of the European educational tradition, taking into account the achievements of the national higher education system in the European Higher Education Area. The system of teacher training in Sweden is built on the principles of student-centeredness, offers equal opportunities to all students in accordance with their potential and aspirations. It is characterized by the variability of educational content, flexibility of structure and teaching technologies, the availability of the students' ability to design individual educational programs adequate to their interests and needs. The main goal of the system of teacher education in Sweden is to prepare a teacher capable of self-learning and developing his/her own scientifically based trajectory of educational route throughout life.

Prospects for further research are seen in the study of the problem of training future teachers for professional activity in intercultural space in higher education institutions. After all, the Swedish educational policy is aimed at promoting multilingualism and plurilingualism, which confirms the expediency of studying the Swedish experience for Ukraine.


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Кошарна, Н. В. (2012). Педагогічна підготовка вчителя в системі вищої освіти Швеції (Автореф. дис. канд. пед. наук). Київ.

Hakala, J. T. (2012). Lehrerausbildung in Schweden - ein Blick auf die neueste Geschichte, die Gegenwart und die Herausforderungen der Zukunft. In A. Nemeth & E. Skiera (Eds.), Lehrerbildung in Europa: Erziehung in Wissenschaft und Praxis (9) (p. 191199). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang International Verlag der Wissenschafen. Hogskoleforordning (SFS 1993:100). Retrieved from lagar/dokument/ svensk-forfattningssamling/hogskoleforordning- 1993100_sfs-1993- 100#overgang.

Hogskolelagen (SFS 1992:1434). Retrieved from lagar/dokument/ svensk-forfattningssamling/hogskolelag- 19921434_sfs-1992-1434. Kahlroth, M. (Ed.). (2019). With Higher Education Institutions in Sweden - 2019 status report. Stockholm: Published by Swedish Higher Education Authority 2019. Retrieved from 2019-08-14-higher-education-institutions-in%20sweden-status-report.pdf Linde, G. (2003). The Meaning of a Teacher Education Reform: National story-telling and global trends in Sweden. European Journal of Teacher Education, 26 (1), 109-122. London Communique "Towards the European Higher Education Area: responding to challenges in a globalised world". (2007). Ministerial Conference, London, 1718 May, 2007. Retrieved from Organization of the Educational System in Sweden. (2009/2010). European Commission / Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency / Eurydice. Retrieved from The Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999 (Joint declaration of the European Ministers of Education). Retrieved from


Hakala, J. T. (2012). Lehrerausbildung in Schweden - ein Blick auf die neueste Geschichte, die Gegenwart und die Herausforderungen der Zukunft [Teacher education in Sweden - a look at recent history, present and future challenges]. In A. Nemeth & E. Skiera (Eds.), Lehrerbildung in Europa: Erziehung in Wissenschaft und Praxis (9) (p. 191-199). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang International Verlag der Wissenschafen [in German]. Hogskoleforordning (SFS 1993:100) [The Higher Education Ordinance]. Retrieved from hogskoleforordning-1993100_sfs-1993-100#overgang [in Swedish].

Hogskolelagen (SFS 1992:1434) [The Higher Education Act]. Retrieved from hogskolelag-19921434_sfs-1992-1434 [in Swedish].

Kahlroth, M. (Ed.) (2019). With Higher Education Institutions in Sweden - 2019 status report. Stockholm: Published by Swedish Higher Education Authority 2019. Retrieved from 2019-08-14-higher-education-institutions-in%20sweden-status-report.pdf Kontseptsiia rozvytku pedahohichnoi osvity v Ukraini [The Concept of Development of Pedagogical Education in Ukraine]. (2018). Retrieved from npa/pro-zatverdzhennya-koncepciyi-rozvitku-pedagogichnoyi-osviti [in Ukrainian]. Kosharna, N. V. (2012). Pedahohichna pidhotovka vchytelia v systemi vyshchoi osvity Shvetsii [Pedagogical Teacher Training in the System of Higher Education in Sweden]. (Ext. abstract of PhD diss.). Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

Linde, G. (2003): The Meaning of a Teacher Education Reform: National story-telling and global trends in Sweden. European Journal of Teacher Education, 26 (1), 109-122. London Communique "Towards the European Higher Education Area: responding to challenges in a globalised world". (2007). Ministerial Conference, London, 1718 May, 2007. Retrieved from Organization of the Educational System in Sweden. (2009/2010). European Commission / Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency / Eurydice. Retrieved from The Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999 (Joint declaration of the European Ministers of Education). Retrieved from bologna-1999

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