The integration of internal and external forms and models of physical education teachers’ professional development at multidisciplinary institution of higher education

Presentation of the possibility of integration of internal and external forms and models of professional development of physical education teachers of multi-disciplinary institutions of higher education. External and internal forms and models of activity.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 22.07.2023
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Інтеграція внутрішніх і зовнішніх форм та моделей професійного розвитку викладачів фізичного виховання у багатогалузевих закладах вищої освіти

Загура Федір Іванович -

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Стаття присвячена висвітленню проблеми інтеграції внутрішніх і зовнішніх форм та моделей професійного розвитку викладачів фізичного виховання багатогалузевих закладів вищої освіти. Метою статті є презентація можливості інтеграції внутрішніх і зовнішніх форм та моделей професійного розвитку викладачів фізичного виховання багатогалузевих закладів вищої освіти. Представлено завдання, виконання яких є необхідним для досягнення визначеної мети: 1) представити результати аналізу науково-педагогічної літератури, що висвітлює різні аспекти досліджуваної проблеми, 2) охарактеризувати зовнішні та внутрішні форми та моделі діяльності вчителів фізичної культури. професійного розвитку, а також описати можливості їх інтеграції. У статті представлено результати аналізу науково-педагогічної літератури, що висвітлює теорії, концепції, підходи, покладені в основу професійного розвитку викладачів фізичного виховання, його зміст, знання, уміння та навички, професійні цінності та ставлення викладачів фізичного виховання, форми та методи професійного розвитку викладачів фізичного виховання. У статті представлено інституційні форми та моделі: стажування, програми професійного розвитку, курси підвищення кваліфікації, співробітництво між різними закладами вищої освіти, співробітництво між різними підрозділами багатогалузевого закладу вищої освіти, співробітництво між кафедрою фізичного виховання та іншими підрозділами багатогалузевого закладу вищої освіти. Зроблено висновок про наявність широкого розмаїття форм і моделей професійного розвитку, а також про те, що їх збалансоване застосування на основі інтеграції потенціалу зовнішнього середовища та внутрішнього -- академічного середовища багатогалузевого закладу вищої освіти сприяє забезпеченню принципу відповідності пропозицій професійного розвитку інтересам і потребам викладачів фізичного виховання, кафедр фізичного виховання та багатогалузевих закладів вищої освіти загалом. Окреслено перспективи подальших наукових досліджень.

Ключові слова: багатогалузевий заклад вищої освіти, викладач фізичного виховання, професійний розвиток, форми і моделі професійного розвитку, інтеграція.

The integration of internal and external forms and models of physical education teachers' professional development at multidisciplinary institution of higher education

Zagura Fedir Ivanovych - Candidates of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Athletic Sports Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture

The article is devoted to the problem of internal and external forms and models ofphysical education teachers' professional development at multidisciplinary institution of higher education integration. The purpose of the article is determined as follows: to present the possibilities of internal and external forms and models of physical education teachers' professional development integration at multidisciplinary institution of higher education. The article presents the results of scientific and pedagogical literature analysis, which highlights theories, concepts, approaches that underline professional development of physical education teachers, its content, knowledge, skills and abilities, professional values and attitudes of physical education teachers, forms, and methods of physical education teachers ' professional development. The article presents institutional forms and models: internships, professional development programs, advanced training courses, cooperation between different institutions of higher education, cooperation between different departments of a multidisciplinary institution of higher education, cooperation between the Department of Physical Education and other divisions of a multidisciplinary institution of higher education). The conclusion is made about availability of a wide variety of forms and models ofprofessional development and their balanced application based on the integration of the potential of the external environment and internal -- academic environment of multidisciplinary institution of higher education, which contributes to ensuring the principle of correspondence of professional development proposals to the interests and needs of physical education teachers, Departments of Physical Education, and multidisciplinary institutions of higher education in general. The prospects of further scientific research are outlines.

Key words: multidisciplinary institution of higher education, teacher of physical education, professional development, forms and models of professional development, integration.

professional teacher physical education


The statement and justification of problem relevance. Nowadays the topicality of university staff professional development is obvious. Science is developing, and information and communication technologies, as well as globalization contribute to the rapid spread of knowledge, the use of innovations in the field of education. There is much research which study the problem of professional development of university teachers and special attention is paid to the problem of physical education teachers' professional development.

The analysis of the latest research and publications. The study of scientific and pedagogical literature on the research problem shows that researchers analyse various aspects of physical education teachers' professional development. Among them there are theories, concepts, approaches that underline professional development (K. Clark, F. Dochy, D. Gijbels, M. Segers, P. Van den Bossche), the content of physical education teachers' professional development (P. Eggen, D. Kauchak, N. Mukan, S. Kravets), knowledge, skills and abilities, professional values and attitudes of physical education teachers (N. K. Hixson, J. Ravitz, A. Whisman, D. W. Price, C. M. Campbell). Several studies are devoted to the analysis of forms and methods of physical education teachers' professional development (L. C. Foschi, C. Manolis, D. J. Burns, R. Assudani, R. Chinta, M. Mutrofin, I. Degeng, I. W. Ardhana, P. Setyosari). However, today there is no research that would systematize the experience of organizing of physical education teachers' professional development at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education.

The purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is determined as follows: to present the possibilities of internal and external forms and models of physical education teachers' professional development integration at multidisciplinary institution of higher education. The defined purpose substantiates the necessity to fulfil several tasks: 1) to present the results of scientific and pedagogical literature analysis, which highlights different aspects of the problem under research, 2) to characterize the external and internal forms and models of physical education teachers' professional development as well to describe the possibilities of their integration.

The presentation of the main research material

The reflection and critical analysis of one's own practice makes it possible to focus attention on drawing up and implementing a professional development plan in accordance with one's own interests and needs. There are a significant number of forms, models, and methods of professional development that are available both within the multidisciplinary educational institution and beyond. The integration of internal and external forms and models of physical education teachers' professional development presupposes the provision of opportunities for:

* organizing the activity of physical education teachers, taking into account opportunities for professional development and participation in various forms and models of professional development, the use of various methods;

* ensuring the relationship between the content of organizational, scientific, educational, educational- methodical, international, health-prophylactic, sports- leisure, sports activities during the application of internal and external forms and models of physical education teachers' professional development;

* taking into account the individual, creative abilities and experience of physical education teachers in order to choose the optimal forms and models, methods of physical education teachers' professional development of an external and internal nature;

* the development of reflective competence, which is implemented in the context of analysis, planning, evaluation, control, necessary for the selection of external and internal forms and models of physical education teachers' professional development.

Modelling the system of professional development of physical education teachers, we identified:

* institutional forms and models: internships, professional development programs, advanced training courses, cooperation between different institutions of higher education, cooperation between different departments of a multidisciplinary institution of higher education, cooperation between the Department of Physical Education and other divisions of a multidisciplinary institution of higher education);

* individual forms and methods: mentoring, coaching, consulting, lectures-discussions, practical exercises in pairs, case method, business games, roleplaying games, educational trainings, master classes, seminars, webinars, discussions, modelling, delegation of functions, rotation, teamwork, cascade method, creative tasks, project method, portfolio.

It should be noted that this list is not complete, but only indicative, which allows to apply a creative approach and develop other forms, models, and methods of physical education teachers' professional development at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education. We consider it expedient to integrate the internal capabilities of a multidisciplinary institution of higher education, the Department of Physical Education as its structural unit, and the proposals of external providers represented by professional organizations, specialized institutions of higher education, public organizations, etc.

Internship is one of the widely used forms of professional development at the institutional level. Usually, it is implemented within the framework of cooperation between institutions of higher education, and its purpose is defined as follows: “the formation and consolidation in practice of professional competences acquired as a result of theoretical training, in relation to the performance of tasks and duties in the position held or a position of a higher level, assimilation of best practices, the formation of personal qualities for the performance of professional tasks at a new, higher, qualitative level within a certain specialty” [2, p. 67]. We believe that internships could be used to strengthen cooperation at the level of relevant departments, conduct joint educational, sports, scientific, leisure, social events, develop joint educational and scientific projects, etc. This is evidenced by the work of domestic researchers: “during the internship, conditions are created for expanding the boundaries of the source base of one's own scientific research, there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the latest achievements of science and technology, with the methodology of scientific research of this or that region or country, as well as to demonstrate one's own results of scientific research work” [4, p. 236].

We emphasise professional development programs and advanced training courses offered by both multidisciplinary higher education institutions and external providers. Researchers distinguish “various types of professional development courses, such as: integrated, modular, specialized, author's, thematic, professional development courses, “Learning Organization”...” [3, p. 25]. However, as evidenced by the conducted research of the experience of multidisciplinary institutions of higher education in Ukraine, today they only partially meet the interests of physical education teachers and the needs of their professional activities.

Therefore, it seems logical to start professional development programs and advanced training courses that directly reflect the specifics of the organizational, scientific, educational, teaching-methodical, international, health-prophylactic, sports-leisure, sports activities of a physical education teacher, as well as their application in a complex combination with other forms and methods of professional development, which are implemented in the academic environment of a multidisciplinary institution of higher education.

The cooperation between various institutions of higher education is considered as a powerful tool and model for the professional development of physical education teachers, as it provides the possibility of various programs for academic and professional mobility both at the national and international level. Thus, T. Horokhivska and V. Borova emphasize the value of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, which is aimed at “teaching, professional development and internships for employees of higher education institutions - (duration from 5 days to 2 months) and involves improving the quality of teaching, sharing experience with colleagues from different countries of the world, study at higher education institutions for the purpose of improving qualifications and internship (job shadowing)” [1, p. 149].

Among the models of professional development, we single out cooperation between different departments of a multidisciplinary institution of higher education. We see the potential of such cooperation in the deepening of knowledge, the formation of relevant skills and abilities. As an example, we consider the possibilities of cooperation of the Department of Physical Education with such departments as:

* Department of Pedagogy: knowledge of higher school pedagogy, didactic design, quality control of knowledge, application of information and communication technologies in the educational process, pedagogical skills development, methods of pedagogical research, media education, mentoring, coaching, etc.;

* Department of Psychology: knowledge of general, age, social, organizational psychology, personality psychology, psychological trainings, health psychology, etc.;

* Department of Social Work: knowledge of the specifics of interpersonal communication, social work with different categories of students, problems of disability, inclusion, etc.;

* Department of Management: knowledge of project management, startups, personnel management, imageology, management and leadership, etc.

It should be emphasized that these are only examples, and their list can be expanded according to the needs and interests of the teachers of the cooperating departments. In turn, physical education teachers can share knowledge, ideas and experience regarding the organization of healthy nutrition, physical activity, leading a healthy lifestyle, etc.

We consider cooperation between the Department of Physical Education and other divisions of a multidisciplinary institution of higher education in the implementation of relevant informational, educational, and scientific activities aimed at familiarizing physical education teachers with the specifics of performing professional functions, providing consultations. For example, regarding participation in the university's international activities: participation in ERASMUS+ (K1), ERASMUS+ (K2), Jean Monnet programs, “Visiting Professor”, “Guest Lecturer” programs, international competitions, scholarships, grants, etc.

As for individual forms of organizing professional development, we single out mentoring, coaching, and consulting. Each of these forms has its own specifics, but their common task is to organize the cooperation between a mentor, coach, consultant, and mentee (physical education teacher) to provide support in the organization and implement professional development on a continuous basis. Such cooperation can be carried out according to the following directions:

* organization of the educational process: structuring of physical education classes, use of active learning methods, use of various learning tools, assessment, etc.;

* organization of scientific research: the content of scientific investigations, the search for funding sources, fundraising, the use of appropriate research methods: advice on the content of research applications, sources of funding, research methods, guiding students' research, features of the organization of R&D activity of students;

* organization of the work of a multidisciplinary institution of higher education: management system, structure of the university, material and technical base of the educational institution, information support of the educational process, educational and methodological base of the Department of Physical Education, etc.

Among the individual forms of professional development organization, it is worth highlighting lectures-discussions, pair teaching, business/role-playing games, educational trainings, master classes, seminars/webinars, discussions, modelling, delegation of functions, rotation, teamwork. We emphasize that each of the specified forms has its advantages and disadvantages, and their application requires considering several factors that characterize the peculiarities of the academic environment, the interests and needs of scientific and pedagogical employees, as well as the use of a creative approach to their implementation.

We characterize lecture-discussions as a form of learning organization, which involves ensuring the promotion of understanding of an organized system of knowledge, covering facts, concepts, principles, and procedures, as well as presenting the relationship between them [5]. Reflection of our own experience shows that the most effective way to organize a lecture-discussion is according to the following structure:

* introductory part (relevance of the topic, goal and objectives),

* presentation of the learning material,

* diagnosis of understanding and awareness of the learning material,

* integration of the learning material into the knowledge system of the physical education teacher.

This allows teachers to be involved in an active discussion and exchange of information, ideas, opinions, examples from their own experience related to solving professional tasks [6].

Pair teaching deserves special research attention. It is about training physical education teachers to use the experience of colleagues in the department, as well as involve specialists in inclusive education, rehabilitators, psychologists, nutritionists, trainers, representatives of sports, etc. The method of pair teaching involves the direct participation of both specialists in the educational process, in particular, the diagnosis of the physical fitness of the students, the determination of the purpose, tasks and results of the class or event, the development of a plan for their implementation, the evaluation of training results, the evaluation of the effectiveness of cooperation, and the identification of opportunities for further improvement. We emphasize that among the main advantages of the pair teaching there is the diversification of educational opportunities for students and teachers of physical education, improvement of the content of the educational component “Physical Education”, providing support and professional development of physical education teacher.

The establishment of such cooperation requires physical education teachers to have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to organize it in accordance with such formats as:

* teacher-assistant (one teacher takes a leadership position during the class, the other helps him),

* alternate teaching (teaching by “stations”) involves a clear distribution of the content of the physical education class between two specialists, each of whom is responsible for a certain component of it,

* parallel teaching involves dividing the student group into two parts, which are taught by two teachers (this provides the possibility of closer interaction between a teacher and a student,

* alternative teaching may involve the organization of additional classes on physical education (before the main class to practice individual elements, after the main class, in groups based on interests, etc.), for example, with students who have special educational needs and study in inclusive groups,

* team teaching, etc.

Conclusions and prospects of further research

So, as the research shows, today a wide variety of forms and models of professional development are available for physical education teachers of multidisciplinary institutions of higher education. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The balanced application of forms and models of professional development based on the integration of the potential of the external environment and internal (academic) environment contributes to ensuring the principle of correspondence of professional development proposals to the interests and needs of physical education teachers, Departments of Physical Education, and multidisciplinary institutions of higher education in general.

To the prospects of further scientific research, we include the issue of physical education teachers' professional development content at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education.

Список джерел

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