Professional training of future preschool teachers: psychological and pedagogical aspect

The change of priorities in the principles of work with the pedagogical staff of preschool education in the format of the implementation of psychological and pedagogical training of educators in the conditions of modernization of education is considered.

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Professional training of future preschool teachers: psychological and pedagogical aspect

Telychko Tetyana

Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Department of Preschool and Special Education Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine


The urgency of the problem is caused by the awareness of the need to find, develop and master such forms of methodological activities that would be focused on the formation of professional competence of future educators of preschool education. The key condition for improving the quality of education is the success of the professional activity of teaching staff. For this, it is important to create conditions in the education system for the development of the individual style of professional activity of future educators, learning and mastering new values that stimulate the creative search for promising approaches and technologies, including psychological and pedagogical support in professional training. The article is devoted to consideration of the role and possibilities of psychological and pedagogical support in the professional training of future teachers of preschool education institutions. The purpose of the study: to develop and test a program of psychological and pedagogical support for the professional training of future teachers of preschool education institutions. Research methods applied: analytical and descriptive methods of processing theoretical and critical sources and resources; generalization of the received scientific data; synthesis and generalization of own long-term experience of preparation of future teachers of a foreign language. The main components of the psychological and pedagogical support of the professional training of future teachers are determined: psychological and organizational and educational (pedagogical). It was determined that the implementation of the program of psychological and pedagogical support of professional training of future educators contributes to increasing tolerance to the uncertainty of the present, motivation to achieve success, formation of career orientations and ideas about oneself as a successful individual, reduction of resistance, anxiety of innovative activity.

Key words: professional training, psychological-pedagogical support, future teachers of preschool education institutions, preschool education, the result of education.Професійна підготовка майбутніх вихователів закладу дошкільної освіти: психолого-педагогічний аспект

Теличко Тетяна Віталіївна

доктор філософії, асистент кафедра дошкільної та спеціальної освіти Мукачівський державний університет, м. Мукачево, Україна

Актуальність дослідження обумовлена тим, що глобальні зміни, що відбуваються в нашій державі, обумовлюють кардинальні зміни у професійній підготовці фахівців, зокрема вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти. Ключовою умовою підвищення якості освіти є успішність професійної діяльності педагогічних кадрів. Для цього актуальним є створення в системі освіти умов для розвитку індивідуального стилю професійної діяльності майбутніх вихователів, усвідомлення й освоєння нових цінностей, що стимулюють творчий пошук перспективних підходів і технологій, зокрема й психолого-педагогічного аспекту в професійній підготовці. Мета дослідження полягає у розробці й апробації програми психолого-педагогічної підготовки майбутніх вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти. Застосовано основні теоретичні методи: аналітичний та описовий методи обробки теоретичних та критичних джерел і ресурсів; узагальнення отриманих наукових даних; синтез та узагальнення власного багаторічного досвіду підготовки майбутніх учителів. У статті розглядається зміна пріоритетів у принципах роботи з педагогічним персоналом дошкільної освіти в форматі реалізації психолого-педагогічної підготовки вихователів в умовах модернізації системи освіти. Встановлено, що психолого-педагогічний аспект є цілісним і безперервним процесом, що обов'язково передбачає взаємодію та співпрацю. Основними компонентами психолого-педагогічної підготовки майбутніх вихователів визначено: психологічний та організаційно-просвітницький (педагогічний). Визначено, що реалізація програми психолого-педагогічної підготовки майбутніх вихователів сприяє підвищенню толерантності до невизначеності сьогодення, мотивації досягнення успіху, формуванню кар'єрних орієнтацій та уявлень про себе як про успішну особистість, зниження опору, тривожності інноваційної діяльності. pedagogical education psychological

Ключові слова: професійна підготовка, психолого-педагогічний аспект, майбутні вихователі закладів дошкільної освіти, дошкільна освіта, результат освіти.


Preschool education is the first social and state form in which professional and pedagogical work is carried out with the younger generation. One of the most important directions for improving teachers' activities in the context of modernization of the education system, including preschool education, is the development of personnel potential. The priority of this direction of education development is recorded in the National Development Doctrine of Ukraine in the 21st century, the Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Preschool Education", the Basic Component of Preschool Education, where the important tasks facing socio-pedagogical and psychological practice in modern education, there is a change of emphasis in the paradigm of work with teaching staff.

The purpose of the article is to develop and test the program of psychological and pedagogical support for the professional training of future teachers of preschool education institutions. It was determined that the implementation of the program of psychological and pedagogical aspect of professional training of future educators contributes to increasing tolerance to the uncertainty of the present, motivation to achieve success, formation of career orientations and ideas about oneself as a successful individual, reduction of resistance, anxiety of innovative activity.

Research methods: analytical and descriptive methods of processing theoretical and critical sources and resources; generalization of the received scientific data; synthesis and generalization of own long-term experience of preparation of future teachers.

Results and Discussion. Modern processes of modernization of pre-school education put in the foreground not the formal affiliation of the educator to the profession, but the personal position held by him, which ensures the attitude towards pedagogical work. As G.

Belenka rightly points out, it is this position that guides the teacher to understand modern realities, motives and methods of interaction with the child [4, p.156]. Only the maturity of the personal, professional position of educators ensures the replacement of traditional values of education with the values of personality development of the preschooler and improvement of the quality of his education.

The basic component of preschool education as a strategy of psychological-pedagogical support for the processes of positive socialization and individualization of a preschool child involves psychological-pedagogical support of the educational process in a preschool education institution [1].

The interpretation of the concept of "psychological- pedagogical support" must begin with the key term "support". The concept of "support" penetrated the humanitarian sciences following the concepts of "pedagogical, psychological and social help and support", which is due to the concept of humanistically oriented psychology and pedagogy, as well as the trend of socialization of global processes of social life. The concept of accompaniment comes from the depths of pedagogy. At the same time, the opinion regarding the need for "support" is expressed by modern teachers who develop the ideas of "success pedagogy" [6, p.30].

According to A. Chagovets, the goal of psychological and pedagogical support is purposeful development of the individual, which occurs through the creation of special psychological and pedagogical systems and their institutional design [3, p.100]. Thus, the meaning of the concept of "support" in relation to social objects is reflected in the most complete provision of the necessary resources of the internal potential of the individual for his personal development during his life.

In modern conditions, the development support network is widely distributed in education. The subject of development is any system in education, so the objects of support can be a person, a process, a system (educational, psychological-pedagogical, social, etc.). The concept of free choice as a condition for personality development became a methodological prerequisite for the formation of the theoretical foundations of support in education [2].

The pedagogical meaning of support consists in strengthening positive factors of development and neutralizing negative ones, which allows to correlate support with external transformations favorable for supporting and strengthening the internal potential of the subject of development. In the context of implementing a system-oriented approach, support is considered as an interaction aimed at providing assistance to the subject of development in solving their own problems [3, p.173].

As a result of the theoretical analysis of scientific literary sources, we consider psychological-pedagogical support as a holistic, systematically organized activity, in the process of which socio-psychological and pedagogical conditions are created for the successful learning and development of each child in the educational environment. A feature of psychological-pedagogical support in preschool education is meeting the actual professional needs of the educator and providing conditions for their involvement in the creative search for optimal models of interaction with pupils. In general, the effectiveness of training pedagogical personnel for such activities is ensured by the creation and implementation of a set of conditions:

1) formation of motivation for pedagogical activity, actualization and enrichment of the educator's experience (presentation of one's own activity, internship, mentoring, advanced training courses, open reviews);

2) organization of psychologist interaction with educators of preschool education institutions (ensuring reflection of their professional activity);

3) organization of methodical support - creation of a self-education program as an important factor in the development of each educator (School of a young educator, information and communication technologies), mastering of educational technologies (seminars, coaching-consultation trainings);

4) organization of a system of comprehensive tutor support;

5) the presence of an administrative system for stimulating teachers of preschool education institutions;

6) development and implementation of informational and methodical manuals.

Thus, the essence of psychological-pedagogical support of future teachers of special education is to provide help and support in making decisions in difficult situations of professional choice based on the study of their interests, potential field of development, features of the interaction of subjects of the educational process. This understanding allows you to build support both "from the teacher" and from other subjects of interaction. Such psychological-pedagogical support contributes to the professional development of future preschool teachers, their personal and professional development, as well as solving problems in the organization of preschool education.

We define the following as the main components of psychological and pedagogical support for the professional training of future teachers of special education: psychological and organizational and educational (pedagogical). The psychological component of support is represented by the systematic activity of future educators who use the principle of interconnection of diagnostic and corrective and developmental activities.

In the practical activities of future teachers of early childhood education, the teacher's personality is studied mostly for the purpose of providing psychological help. Therefore, educators are always subjects of psychological support [6, p.149].

The organizational and educational (pedagogical) component provides a single information field for all participants of psychological and pedagogical support, as well as its analysis and up-to-date assessment. This component is implemented in the activities of special education teacher by carrying out educational work with the teaching staff and the administration of the preschool educational organization based on the use of various forms of active multi-subject interaction of all participants. Analysis and evaluation of the existing support system enables the development and improvement of the system, ensuring its most important characteristics - openness and developing nature (synergy).

Currently, psychological and pedagogical support is defined as a method based on making optimal decisions in the situation of life choices; as movement along with personality changes, timely determination of possible development paths, help and support [5, p.104]. The last approach within the scope of the article was taken as the main one and was used to determine the theoretical foundations of the program of psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers of special education in professional training. The main goal of the developed program is to develop the psychological and pedagogical competence of future teachers of preschool education, and its implementation involves several stages: motivational-establishment, practice-oriented, prognostic.

The first stage is motivational and establishment, creates the basis for the functioning of the following stages of the support program and provides for work aimed at orienting future teachers of special education to the specificity of future professional activity, identifying their expectations, conducting a psychological diagnosis of the peculiarities of the expression of the components of psychological and pedagogical competence, and forming a motivational attitude towards self-development and innovative activity. The expected results of this stage are: students' awareness of themselves as unique and unique individuals; formed motivation to master the skill of self-development.

The second stage is practice-oriented, in which the individual capabilities of future teachers of early childhood education are correlated with their aspirations for self-development in pedagogical activities, which occurs through their involvement in various types of individually oriented practice.

The third stage is the prognostic stage, in which future teachers of special education either determine and adopt methods of self-development and development of psychological and pedagogical competence, or understand that the option chosen by them needs to be modified. The content of the work is based on the fact that, using the results of individual and group work, students determine the optimal trajectory for the development of psychological and pedagogical competence, formulate a forecast regarding the directions of their own professional self-improvement and self-development. Also at this stage there is a reflection of the changes that took place during the implementation of the program. The result of this stage is the development of an individual trajectory of the development of psychological and pedagogical competence and the determination of directions for self-improvement within the limits of one's own future professional activity.

The psychological-pedagogical support program of future teachers of special education in professional training is based on the principle of step-by-step development and gradual understanding by each student of himself and the psychological and pedagogical competence formed in them. Therefore, each lesson conducted within the framework of the implementation of the support program logically follows from the previous one and is, in terms of content, the main one for the future.

In view of this, it is necessary to formulate the main tasks of psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers of special needs in professional training:

1) protection and strengthening of emotional wellbeing and mental health of future teachers of preschool education;

2) creation of favorable conditions for the formation of psychological and pedagogical competence of future educators in accordance with their individual characteristics and inclinations, development of abilities and creative potential of each student as a subject of relations with himself and with other subjects of the educational process in the future;

3) the formation of a socio-cultural environment that corresponds to the individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of future teachers of early childhood education.

We assume that the psychological-pedagogical support of future teachers of early childhood education in professional training should be focused on the development of the following pedagogical skills:

- research: the ability to evaluate an educational event; the ability to analyze the effectiveness of the educational process, methodical work; ability to conduct critical self-analysis of work;

- design: the ability to develop a scenario for an educational event in accordance with existing problems, modern requirements in the field of education; the ability to develop a plan, a program of activities for a specific period of time in accordance with the goals and objectives of education;

- organizational: the ability to apply modern educational technologies in pedagogical practice;

- communicative: the ability to build and manage communicative interaction [5, p.72];

- constructive: the ability to choose optimal forms, methods and methods of educational work.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

Thus, after summarizing the studied scientific literature, the psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers of early childhood education is considered as a continuous process within the given time limits, based on interaction and cooperation, the purpose of which is to satisfy institutional and personal needs related to the professional training of pedagogical staff and the quality of educational services in the preschool education system. The need for support is due to the improvement of the professional and psychological-pedagogical competence of the teaching staff and the maintenance of a positive psychological climate. We see the prospects for further scientific research in the development of the author's methodology for providing psychological and pedagogical support for future teachers of preschool educational institutions in the process of professional training.

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