Development of psychological culture of personality in the system of continuing education
Theoretical substantiation of the essence and role of psychological culture in personality development, definition of its functions. Acquaintance with effective methods of developing psychological culture in the conditions of continuous education.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 23.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 45,0 K |
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Размещено на
Public Higher Educational Establishment “Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education”
Development of psychological culture of personality in the system of continuing education
Tetiana Branitska
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Head of the Department of Psychological-Pedagogical
Education and Social Sciences
The purpose of the article. To substantiate the essence and role ofpsychological culture in the development of personality; to determine its functions and conditions of development in the conditions of continuous education; to formulate tasks and to get acquainted with effective methods of development of psychological culture in the conditions of continuous education.
The article substantiates the relevance of the development of psychological culture of the individual in the system of continuing education; identified: the phenomenon of `psychological culture', its essence, role and conditions of development in the system of continuing education; the structural components ofpsychological culture are singled out: cognitive; affective; value-semantic; behavioral (activity); motivational; reflexive-perceptual; creative. The functions of psychological culture are described, which describe its main tasks in the regulation of human life, namely: regulatory, translational, adaptive, developmental, harmonized-preventive, productive; the tasks are formulated and the effective methods of development ofpsychological culture in the conditions of continuous education are acquainted.
Scientific novelty. The current socio-political situation in the country, the war, the information age, significantly affect all aspects of our lives, including communication processes in society and the educational process in educational institutions and, consequently, the requirements for each educator, his methods work, communication skills, professional competence, psychological culture are growing significantly.
The phenomenon of `psychological culture ' as an integral personal characteristic that determines the level of personality development, the degree of its compliance with social norms, it is an internal culture, ie a certain quality of internal mental life; the psychological culture of a modern specialist is a component of his professional culture, personal effective manifestation of his own culture in professional activities; the genesis of the development ofpsychological culture is presented as follows: psychological literacy (the presence of a specialist's psychological knowledge and skills that ensure the effectiveness of self-perception and social interaction); psychological competence as a basis for effective activity; psychological culture as a mechanism of personal self-regulation.
Important tasks for the development of psychological culture of educators in the system of continuing education: to develop psychological culture as a necessary condition for professional activity of teachers: knowledge of the laws of mental activity, the social nature and manifestations ofpersonality, the laws of mental development and psychological features of learning and education, etc.; develop the ability to observe processes in the educational environment; analyze and summarize observations; to develop: psychological thinking, respect for the manifestations of mental activity of other people, the ability to introspection; to form adequate self-esteem, self-awareness as a person and stimulate the need for self-development and self-improvement.
Conclusions. The effectiveness of psychological culture is ensured by a variety of forms of organization of the educational process, methods, techniques of educational and cognitive activities: interactive developmental learning, training sessions, modeling professional activities, post-communicative reflection, personality-oriented studing, round table method. problems and exchange of experience and significantly affects the development ofpsychological culture, culture of interaction and effective communication of the modern teacher of the new Ukrainian school.
Key words: psychological culture, professional self-development, system of continuous education.
Тетяна Браніцька, доктор педагогічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри психолого-педагогічної освіти та соціальних наук, Комунальний заклад вищої освіти «Вінницька академія безперервної освіти»
Розвиток психологічної культури особистості в системі безперервної освіти
psychological culture continuous education
Мета статті. Обґрунтувати сутність і роль психологічної культури в розвитку особистості; визначити її функції та умови розвитку в контексті безперервної освіти; сформулювати завдання та ознайомитися з ефективними методами розвитку психологічної культури в умовах безперервної освіти.
У статті обґрунтовано актуальність розвитку психологічної культури особистості в системі неперервної освіти; визначено: феномен «психологічна культура», його сутність, роль та умови розвитку в системі неперервної освіти; виокремлено структурні компоненти психологічної культури: когнітивний; афективний; ціннісно-смисловий; поведінковий (діяльнісний); мотиваційний; рефлексивно-перцептивний; творчий. Охарактеризовано функції психологічної культури, які відображають її основні завдання в регуляції життєдіяльності людини, а саме: регулятивну, трансляційну, адаптаційну, розвиваючу, гармонійно-профілактичну, продуктивну; сформульовано завдання та розглянуто ефективні методи розвитку психологічної культури в умовах безперервної освіти.
Наукова новизна. Сучасна суспільно-політична ситуація в країні, війна, інформаційна епоха суттєво впливають на всі сторони нашого життя, в тому числі на комунікаційні процеси в суспільстві та освітній процес у навчальних закладах, а отже, і зростають вимоги до кожного викладача, його методів роботи, комунікаційних навичок, професійної компетентності, психологічної культури.
Феномен «психологічна культура» як невід'ємна особистісна характеристика, що визначає рівень розвитку особистості, ступінь її відповідності соціальним нормам, є внутрішньою культурою, тобто певною якістю внутрішнього психічного життя; психологічна культура сучасного фахівця - складова частина його професійної культури, особистісний ефективний прояв власної культури у професійній діяльності; генезис розвитку психологічної культури представлено таким чином: психологічна грамотність (наявність у фахівця психологічних знань і умінь, що забезпечують ефективність самосприйняття та соціальної взаємодії); психологічна компетентність як основа ефективної діяльності; психологічна культура як механізм особистісної саморегуляції.
Важливими завданнями розвитку психологічної культури педагогів у системі неперервної освіти є: розвиток психологічної культури як необхідної умови професійної діяльності педагогів: знання закономірностей психічної діяльності, соціальної природи і проявів особистості, закономірностей ментального розвитку і психологічні особливості навчання і виховання тощо; розвиток вміння спостерігати за процесами в освітньому середовищі; аналізувати та узагальнювати спостереження; розвивати: психологічне мислення, повагу до проявів психічної діяльності інших людей, здатність до самоаналізу; формувати адекватну самооцінку, самосвідомість як особистості та стимулювати потребу в саморозвитку та самовдосконаленні.
Висновки. Ефективність психологічної культури забезпечується різноманітністю форм організації навчального процесу, методів, прийомів навчально-пізнавальної діяльності: інтерактивне розвивальне навчання, тренінгові заняття, моделювання професійної діяльності, посткомунікативна рефлексія, особистісно-орієнтоване навчання, круглі столи, і суттєво впливає на розвиток психологічної культури, культури взаємодії та ефективного спілкування сучасного викладача нової української школи.
Ключові слова: психологічна культура, професійний саморозвиток, система безперервної освіти.
Formulation of the problem
The urgency of the study is due to the global problems facing humanity with the social reality of serious changes in connection with the military invasion of our country, which exacerbated the need and urgency of the psychological culture of the individual in continuing education as a practical component in maintaining the psychological health of children and adults.
Psychological culture in today's dynamic world is becoming increasingly important in the life of each individual. The development of psychological culture as an important means of human selfregulation, as a valuable resource for resisting the negative effects of information influence and the brutal war waged against our country.
Current trends leading to changes in the education system include: accelerating the pace of development, the transition to the information society; significant expansion of the scale of intercultural interaction, which requires increased sociability, efficiency in interaction and tolerance of professionals; the emergence of global problems that can be solved only through cooperation, which involves the formation of skills of psychological culture. Therefore, the problem of not only the fundamental professional training of specialists in all fields of activity, but also the development of their psychological culture as an integral part of professional culture in the system of continuing education needs special attention.
The problem of developing the psychological culture of the individual is one of the most relevant in modern psychology. Issues of development of psychological culture, especially participants in the educational environment of teachers, students, parents; Problems of raising the level of psychological competence of teachers of the new Ukrainian school are extremely important and relevant in the system of continuing education in Ukraine.
The psychological culture of the individual is actively discussed in the context of the problem of general cultural development of man. The urgency of the problem of psychological culture of teachers is due to the specifics of the professional activities of teachers, as well as the practical importance of psychological culture in the life of the individual, his communication, social adaptation, personal development. After all, educators are called not only to lay the basic foundations of knowledge of the world to the younger generation, but also to form life and worldviews, comprehensively develop the child's personality, cultivate a range of personal qualities: humanism, sensitivity to others, endurance, ability to manage their emotions and be an example imitation.
The issue of development of psychological culture belongs to those that are insufficiently developed in psychology, especially the need and understanding of the importance of development and integration of practical aspects of psychological culture in everyday life and practice of participants in the educational process.
The relevance and significance of the problem of development of psychological culture of all participants in the educational process due to the fact that this concept is not only scientific and practical phenomenon, but also socially significant, which is to define and scientifically substantiate psychological culture as an important component of personal development, conditions that improve the quality of education through the formation of psychological culture of the individual. The problem of development of psychological culture of the person acquires special urgency in system of continuous education when social selfconsciousness and world outlook is formed.
Extremely important is the development of psychological culture of the teacher, who provides the process of educating the individual at different stages of its development. Psychological culture involves the teacher's ability to master the skills of independent analysis of complex life situations, finding optimal ways to interact effectively; the process of development and education of the student's personality, as well as skills to relieve their own emotional stress during work.
Analysis of sources and recent research
Let us turn to the scientific content of the basic concept of `culture', which stands in relation to the concept of `psychological culture' as a category. Culture as an object of study is of interest to scientists in various fieldsof science - psychologists, educators, culturologists, historians, sociologists and others. And each of the sciences offers its own definition of this phenomenon.
The concept of `psychological culture' can be found in the works of such classics of psychology as W. Wundt, S. Freud, K. Jung, A. Maslow, Vygotsky, S. Rubinstein, K. Rogers. Among modern psychologists who are engaged in the development of the concept of `psychological culture' can be identified E. Asmakovets, O. Bulatov, I. Dubrovin, L. Demin, L. Kolmogorova, N. Luzhbina. The problem of psychological culture as an independent phenomenon and systemic neoplasm of personality, representing the unity of values and essential forces, is studied in the other scientifi works which devoted to research of psychological culture of subjects of pedagogical process where attention is paid to psychological culture, subjects of the pedagogical process, include the works of V. Semikin, E. Smirnova, F. Kovalevich, V. Petrovsky, I. Rozov, A. Orlov and others.
The work of T. Bazarova, P. Davidova, A. Dobryden', J. Lotyuk, N. Semenyuk and others. Increasing the competitiveness of human potential through education was studied by D. Goddess, G. Kulikov, L. Lisohor, О. Grishnova, O. Makarova, S. Nichiporenko and others. The analysis of works, the subject of which is the continuous education of representatives of different age and professional groups, showed insufficient development of the problem of development of psychological culture at different stages of continuing education (Kuzikova; Ulunova, 2018).
Theoretical and methodological basis for the study of the phenomenon of `psychological culture' are theoretical justifications: the development of the phenomenon of psychological culture as an internal human culture (B. Ananiev, N. Basov, S. Rubinstein, A. Maslow, K. Rogers, G. Allport); development of approaches to the development of psychological culture of the individual (E. Asmakovets, O. Bulatova, S. Vazhinsky, S. Pukhno, etc.); analysis of components of psychological culture of personality (L. Vygotsky, I. Dubrovina, B. Vyatkin, Y. Kolominsky, A. Markov, V. Labunskaya, O. Puzikova); development of psychological culture at different age stages (L. Kolmogorov, O. Romanov, I. Pavlov, V. Borisov, etc.); psychological culture in the context of the educational process (N. Lifintseva, A. Orlov, N. Chepelev, N. Seleznyov, E. Bolotov, O. Yudin, etc.).
The purpose of the article
To substantiate the essence and role of psychological culture in the development of personality; to determine its functions and conditions of development in the conditions of continuous education; to formulate tasks and to get acquainted with effective methods of development of psychological culture in the conditions of continuous education.
Presenting main material
The phenomenon of culture has always been the focus of cultural, psychological and pedagogical research. Representation of culturological ideas is presented from the standpoint of different approaches: cultural-historical theory, humanistic psychology, the concept of interactionism, psychoanalysis, culturology, psychological and pedagogical anthropology.
Thus, in the studies of G. Ball, L. Bueva, V. Vovk, N. Isaeva, M. Kagan, L. Karamushka, L. Kolmogorova, V. Kuzina, L. Nesterenko, O. Popenko, Semichenko, V. Slastyonina, T. Tarasova, E. Ulunova, L. Khomich considers the specifics of the relationship between the concepts of `psychological culture' and `professional culture' specialist.
We agree with the developments of scientists that psychological culture is a complex dynamic education, the level of formation of which affects the quality of indicators of professional growth and self-realization (Ulunova, 2014).
Psychological culture is presented by scientists as a mental entity that has a complex structure that is formed and implemented in professional interaction, as well as the basis of harmony and satisfaction of the individual. The content of psychological culture and its features are fully revealed through the description of the main structural components.
As a result of the analysis of scientific researches and own experience the following structural components of psychological culture are allocated: cognitive; affective; value-semantic; behavioral (activity); motivational; reflexive-perceptual; creative.
The cognitive component is manifested at the level of psychological knowledge (in particular, knowledge of age) and psychological competence in ways of self-knowledge and understanding of another person.
The affective component is manifested in psychological stability, lability, constructive aggression.
The value-semantic component is formed from values, attitudes, social views and attitudes - a set of phenomena that determine the attitude of the individual to other people.
The behavioral component of the teacher's psychological culture is based on the communicative component, which provides an adequate, effective, humane and secure information process.
The reflexive-perceptual component is manifested in the developed observation, the ability of the individual to analyze their actions and behavior of others, based on the laws of social perception.
The motivational component reflects the attitude to the interaction partner as a value that promotes cooperation, equal partnership.
The creative component of psychological culture forms the features of mental pedagogical activity, its special style, due to the importance of results and is manifested in a variety of forms and methods of creative realization of individual psychological, intellectual potential of the individual.
Let's analyze and reveal the functions of psychological culture, describing its main tasks in the regulation of human life, namely: regulatory, translational, adaptive, developmental, harmonized-preventive, productive.
As a result of the analysis and generalization of scientific sources, we came to our own vision of the phenomenon of `psychological culture'. We believe that `psychological culture' is an integral personal characteristic that determines the level of personal development, the degree of its compliance with social norms, it is an internal culture, ie a certain quality of internal mental life.
The development of personality in the conditions of continuous education acquires special significance the role of psychological culture as an optimal healthy lifestyle. They contribute to the sustainable harmonious functioning of the individual, the effectiveness of pedagogical activities and at the same time are the expression of the general culture of man.
In modern conditions, when the burden on the human psyche is constantly growing, the need for effective overcoming of difficult life situations is especially relevant. In turn, the solution of these problems largely depends on a sufficient level of psychological culture of the individual, which is a complex integrative property of the individual, which provides timely and optimal solutions to all everyday and professional issues of psychological content. Psychological culture of the individual is one of the necessary conditions for human adaptation to changing conditions of modernity and productive self-development (Kuzikova; Ulunova, 2018).
One of the main tasks of the education system is the development of human psychological culture, because in the process of continuing education a person acquires the necessary psychological knowledge, skills, abilities for life. Thus, psychological topics, which are a source of knowledge and are the basis of the cognitive component of psychological culture.
The system of psychological knowledge, necessary skills and abilities depends primarily on the motivation of a person who realizes the need for this knowledge and their practical application in everyday life, the desire to constantly improve the level of psychological culture as part of professional culture, thus training.
The most valuable is the development of personal qualities directly related to the development of his psychological culture: mastering new modern knowledge and skills of effective interaction and skills to overcome communication barriers; development of reflection and empathy; mastering the techniques of rational behavior in conflict; development of emotional self-control; methods of relieving emotional stress, etc.
The importance of self-education of selfdevelopment is a necessity, as it contributes to the practical and effective provision of professional and personal needs and helps a person to feel the opportunity to provide assistance in the course of their professional activities and social significance
Professional culture is defined by researchers as a personal characteristic of a specialist, the components of which are professional knowledge, skills and abilities (which form a kind of personal worldview); developed creative thinking; the desire for creativity in the field of professional activity and self-improvement and self-education, as well as - a set of personal socially significant qualities of the specialist. Thus, the presented phenomena are an interconnected system and occupy a significant place in the structure of the general culture of the individual, as they are directly related to his life. Analysis of the work of modern researchers shows that the psychological culture of a modern specialist is a component of his professional culture, personal effective manifestation of their own culture in professional activities, focus on the effective implementation of professional functions and tasks (Popenko, 2012).
We agree with scientists who present the genesis of the development of psychological culture as follows: psychological literacy (the presence of a specialist's psychological knowledge and skills that ensure the effectiveness of self-perception and social interaction); psychological competence as a basis for effective activity; Mature psychological culture is a developed mechanism of personal self-regulation that provides effective and tolerant social interaction (Ulunova, 2014).
Professional scientific psychological culture is a necessary component of the professional profile of specialists in the group of professions `man-man' (according to E.Klimov): doctors, teachers, lawyers, trade workers, etc. This kind of psychological culture, in our deep conviction, is decisive a condition for quality work of representatives of relevant professions.
Thus, the psychological culture of the individual should be considered as one of the most important indicators of professional competence of specialists in the field of `man-man', teachers in particula.
In this regard, the following important tasks can be formulated during the professional development of teachers in the system of continuing education:
to develop students' psychological culture as a necessary condition for professional activity of a teacher: knowledge of the laws of mental activity, the social nature and manifestations of personality, the laws of mental development and psychological features of the process of teaching and education, etc.;
to develop the ability to apply knowledge of psychology in pedagogical practice, the ability to observe processes in the educational environment, analyze and summarize observations; to develop psychological thinking, which involves independent creative solution of psychological and pedagogical problems; to learn the peculiarities of the development of the child's psyche at different stages; to develop respect for the manifestations of mental activity of other people;
develop the ability to self-analysis, form adequate self-esteem, self-awareness as a person and stimulate the need for self-development and self-improvement.
We know that it is impossible to change a person's personality from the outside, personal changes occur at will, awareness of the importance of these changes (self-knowledge, self-analysis, self-regulation, etc.). The process of awareness and work on yourself must be constant, and this allows you to maintain mental health, and most importantly to ensure personal and professional growth. This is the most important and effective condition for the development of psychological culture as part of professional culture.
Given their own experience, as well as the research of scientists N. Proroka, L. Kondratenko, L. Manilova, etc from the laboratory of psychodiagnostics and scientific and psychological information of the Institute of Psychology named after G. Kostyuk who emphasize and highlight aspects of psychological culture that need to be worked on for its development in the first place: reflection is one of the core qualities on which others depend. As you know, all changes in personality and movement forward begin with `inner self-awareness', self-awareness of their features. The development of reflection (as a form of self-knowledge and self-understanding) involves: awareness of the individual need for psychological means of self-regulation, including through reflective mechanisms (adequate selfesteem; critical analysis of their own behavior and professional activities) (Prorok; Kondratenko; Manilova and others.,2014; Pukhno,2017; Sedova, 2007; Sysoeva, 2011; Tarasova, 2014).
The next important stage is the ability to manage one's life (including one's emotions, feelings, behavior, activities), as well as a wide range of social skills that allow a person to adapt to the social environment and realities of today health.
Thus, professional development in continuing education involves the development of their psychological culture, namely their motivational sphere, psychological competence, creativity, readiness and direct implementation in the daily practice of psychological knowledge skills, which is possible only if the specialist realizes the need for constant desire to creative self-improvement and development.
Thus, it can be argued that with the development of psychological competence as an important component of psychological culture, the main attention should be paid to the development of psychological mechanisms such as reflection, facilitation and so on. The development of reflection is an awareness of the psychological phenomena of your inner world, while there are strong motives for self-development and increases the level of communicative competence.
The psychological culture of the teacher is determined by: the level of communicative competence; attitude to oneself as a person; attitude to other people, to professional activity; ability to emotional self-realization, to reflection, to cooperation; resistance to stress and conflict. The organization of the educational process, independent activities of teachers, focused on the demands of pedagogical practice, based on the integration of content, forms, psycho-didactic active methods of educational activities promotes motivation, launches psychological mechanism of professional and personal development, psychological culture as a culture of interaction and effective communication. Psychological culture of personality as a mechanism of personal self-regulation that provides effective, safe and humane interaction with people - is a special personal development that reflects the high level of maturity of the individual (Branitska; Ivanitsa, 2021).
The development of a culture of interaction and effective communication, which ensures the readiness of teachers to work in a modern educational environment, is based on humanistic, moral and ethical, spiritual values, epistemological and ideological positions. We believe that the culture of communication is an important component of professional competence of the teacher, it is an organic unity of interconnected and integratively interdependent components that combine different areas of personality development: cultural (culture of thinking, speech, feelings, behavior, communicative culture); professional (pedagogical culture, psychological culture, moral and ethical culture).
The formation and development of a culture of interaction and effective communication occurs through the introduction and application of a wide range of interactive teaching methods in lectures and practical classes: dialogue and discussion (conversations, debates, discussions); game (business, role, plot-role), social and psychological trainings; case methods, professionally oriented exercises, situation analysis.
Thus, introducing interactive developmental training, training sessions, professional modeling, post-communicative reflection, personality- oriented learning providestraining for psychological and pedagogical activities, thus significantly affects the development of psychological culture, culture of interaction and effective communication of modern teachers of the new Ukrainian school.
The best effective conditions for the development of psychological culture of teachers and awareness of their experience are created in trainings, workshops and modeling of problem situations that are difficult to solve. Elaboration of rethinking, reflection is an important mechanism not only to gain their own professional experience and awareness of the meaning of their lives, but also the development of psychological culture.
In the conditions of trainings and master classes the psychological barriers that may arise during adult learning (rigidity of the value-semantic sphere, inertia of accumulated experience, age-related personal changes, professional deformations), which we talked about above, are also most successfully overcome. After all, the assimilation of psychological information in trainings and master classes takes place not only in an informative perspective (for example, in the form of theoretical knowledge), but also directly during the mastery of new techniques, technologies, skills (Prorok; Kondratenko; Manilova, 2017).
An effective method of `round table', which involves group interaction, is to discuss complex issues and share experiences. To conduct a lesson using this method, a complex problem is formulated, which has an ambiguous interpretation, so it requires a thorough analysis of its components and solutions. It is effective to invite experts from various field to such classes, who act as experts on the proposed solutions to the problem. During the round table there is a discussion, analysis, commenting, exchange of suggestions and ideas. Such interactive classes require the activity of students of advanced training courses, analysis of existing practice, the latest achievements of scientists on the problem of discussion, options for solving, predicting the consequences and features of practical implementation. The exchange of experience of students in the classroom contributes to the emergence of a reflective attitude of experts to the discussion forms of interaction (Kuzikova; Ulunova, 2018).
So, summarizing the above, we can state: the current socio-political situation in the country, the war, the information age, significantly affect all aspects of our lives, including communication processes in society and the educational process in educational institutions. As a result, the requirements for each educator, his methods of work, communication skills, professional competence, psychological culture are growing significantl .
Modernity is characterized by instability and requires human skills to organize complex activities and maintain a variety of contacts in difficult socioeconomic and extreme conditions, forecasting and resolving conflicts, and so on. In addition, knowledge of the consequences of experiencing emotional tension, stress, and emotional burnout skills of rational organization of their life and selfhelp appear today as necessary for the specialist of any activity, and especially - for educators of professionals `man-man'. Thus, psychological knowledge as a component of the psychological culture of the individual, namely: knowledge of the basics of social psychology, psychology of communication, conflict, age psychological characteristics of human development - become a vital need for any activity, especially educators.
Analysis of the results of practical work with students of Public higher educational establishment `Vinnytsia academy of continuing education' shows that the effectiveness of psychological culture of interaction and effective communication of teachers of the new Ukrainian school is provided by a variety of forms of educational process, methods, methods of educational and cognitive activities. The result of such synergetic cooperation is the personal development of the subjects of the educational process: improving communication skills, development of psychological culture, interaction and effective communication, processes of selfregulation, critical thinking, creativity, self-esteem.
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