Studying remotely in the system of higher education

The state, problems and prospects of distance learning in the conditions of quarantine measures at the time of the Covid outbreak and especially during military agression in Ukraine, as well as to improve and continue self-education and training.

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Studying remotely in the system of higher education

Nataliia Logutina

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages with Latin Course and Medical Terminology,

Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University


The content of this article reflects the state, problems and prospects of distance learning in the conditions of quarantine measures at the time of the Covid outbreak and especially during military agression in Ukraine, as well as to improve and continue self-education and training. The advantages and disadvantages of distance learning in such circumstances in Ukraine are analyzed.

The relevance of scientific research is due to such circumstances and changes in thinking, the emergence of new technologies, the growth of information flow, and, as a consequence, the complexity of social processes. The rapid digitalization of our world, the emergence of new professions and teaching methods, have led to the fact that the traditional education system has begun to transform. Especially today, the current level of socio - economic development of mankind is accelerating and needs to adapt to all changes in economic, social, political and cultural life and, as a result, requires more and more diverse and multilevel training. In the current reality of events taking place around the world, and undoubtedly the events that affected Ukraine especially nowadays, and the introduction of all those measures and changes, including in the learning process in higher schools. "Distance learning" has become one of the most popular and the only way in education today. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 215 of March 11, 2020 introduced quarantine throughout Ukraine [2], which means that all educational institutions are moving to distance learning. In recent decades, distance education has become a global phenomenon of educational and information culture. Nevertheless, distance learning is not widely used in the educational process of schools, colleges, gymnasiums and other secondary special educational institutions. [4]

And it was "quarantine" and military agression that intensified the problem of distance learning and showed the real situation and implementation of measures to identify shortcomings in the implementation of distance learning, as the system of general vocational education was not ready for the transition to full distance learning, which would be a real threat its existence in general [1].

But, thanks to timely decisions and implementation measures, and the establishment of the learning process - this problem has been solved and worked in a short time. [3]

Key words: distance learning, online learning, learning environments, teaching, electronic materials, training program.



кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач кафедри іноземних мов з курсом латинської мови та медичної термінології, Вінницький національний медичний університет ім. М.І. Пирогова

Зміст цієї статті відображає стан, проблеми та перспективи дистанційного навчання в умовах карантинних заходів на період спалаху Covid та особливо під час військової агресії в Україні, а також для вдоско-налення та продовження освіти, самоосвіти та навчання. Проаналізовано переваги та недоліки дистанційного навчання за таких умовах в Україні.

Актуальність наукових досліджень зумовлена такими обставинами та змінами мислення, появою нових тех-нологій, зростанням інформаційних потоків, і, як наслідок, з одного боку ускладненням, а з іншого - спрощенням суспільних процесів. Стрімка цифровізація нашого світу, поява нових професій і методів навчання призвели до того, що традиційна система освіти почала надзвичайно стрімко трансформуватися. Особливо сьогодні сучасний рівень соціально-економічного розвитку людства прискорюється і потребує адаптації до всіх змін в економічному, соціальному, політичному та культурному житті і, як наслідок, вимагає все більш різноманітної та багаторівневої підготовки. У нинішніх реаліях подій, що відбуваються в усьому світі, і, безперечно, подій, які торкнулися України особливо сьогодні, і запровадження усіх цих заходів і змін, у тому числі й навчального процесу вищого закладу освіти. «Дистанційне навчання» сьогодні стало одним із найпопулярніших, а, іноді, єдиних способів навчання.

Проте дистанційне навчання не мало настільки широкого застосування в навчальному процесі шкіл, коледжів, гімназій та інших спеціальних, у тому числі і вищих закладів освіти.

І саме «карантин» та військова агресія загострили проблему дистанційного навчання та показали реальну ситуацію та реалізацію заходів щодо виявлення недоліків у впровадженні дистанційного навчання, оскільки сис-тема загальної професійної освіти виявилася не готовою до переходу на повну дистанційну освіту.

Але, завдяки вчасно прийнятим рішенням і впровадженню заходів, налагодженню навчального процесу - ця проблема була вирішена і відпрацьована в стислі терміни.

Ключові слова: дистанційне навчання, онлайн навчання, навчальні середовища, викладання, матеріали, навчальна програма.

In the system of higher education, distance learning through the on-learning courses is becoming the most relevant and widely demanded learning mode over the past decade. This article assesses the introduction of distance learning principles into the university teaching and learning process in terms of quality.

The significance and the role of distance learning and knowledge management at the workplace cannot be overemphasized. With the rapid changes in all types of working and studying environments, especially medical and healthcare ones, there is a constant need to rapidly train and retrain people in new technologies, products, and services found within the society. There is also a constant and unrelenting need for appropriate management and leveraging of the knowledge base so that it is readily available and accessible to all stakeholders within the workplace environment. In addition, within the medical and healthcare setting, certain other factors reinforce this need for constant refreshing, training of the students, and retraining of some workers. These factors are outlined below:

* Heightened some expectations for improved quality of healthcare services from an increasingly aware and empowered public,

* Acute shortage of doctors and other healthcare professionals (requiring “multitasking” efforts from individuals and thus “forced” learning of new skill sets),

* Heterogeneous standards of healthcare as practised by medical practitioners necessitating policies designed to audit and streamline medical and healthcare practices as per enforcement of minimal credit points to be tied up to issuance/ renewal of annual practicing certificates (APC),

* Increased complexity of healthcare services, technologies and products, and,

* Accelerated technological changes.

Our TeleHealth Initiative intends to implement this integration into the healthcare setting workplace via the following applications, namely:

* Just-in-time Continuing Medical Education (CME), which refers to significant and relevant information that can value-add to patient management at the appropriate time,

* Formal Distant Education (FDE), which refers to electronic courses delivered online resulting in award of certificates conferred by accredited academic institutions or special oriented agencies or companies,

* Modular Distance Learning (MDL), which refers to packaged learning modules designed to maintain competencies and to excel at relevant knowledge and skills which are tied in to issuance/ renewal of practising licenses of the healthcare professionals,

* Personalised CME, which refers to professional knowledge, nessesary information, and skill sets pushed to healthcare professionals tailored to their areas of expertise, interest, and need. [6]

The solutions as outlined above will be delivered via Internet-based content accredited by relevant authorities. This paper describes our mission to integrate distance learning into health-related settings and into the routine daily life of medical and healthcare professionals. [8]

The purpose of the article

studying remotely higher education

We would like to sum up and differentiate between distance learning and online learning. The distance learning definition may seem confusing at first, but it's quite simple, and it may even be the right kind of education for a student. Let's learn more about distance education, how it's different from online learning, and if it's the ideal fit for students.

Scientific novelty

Due to the rapid development of technology, courses using a variety of media are being delivered to students in various locations in an effort to serve the educational needs of growing populations. In many cases, developments in technology allow distance education programs to provide specialized courses to students in remote geographic areas with increasing interactivity between student and teacher. Although the ways in which distance education is implemented differ markedly from country to country, most distance learning programs rely on technologies that are either already in place or are being considered for their cost effectiveness. Such programs are particularly beneficial for the many people who are not financially, physically, or geographically able to obtain traditional education.

What Is Distance Learning?

Merriam Webster defines distance learning as, “a method of study where teachers and students do not meet in a classroom but use the Internet, e-mail, mail, etc., to have classes.”[3]

Simply put, distance learning is when students are separated from teachers and peers. This means that students learn remotely and do not have face- to-face learning contact with instructors or other students.

What's The Difference Between Online Learning And Distance Learning?

1. Location

Online learning can include the use of online tools and platforms while still being in a regular classroom setting. Distance learning, however, is remote and does not include any face-to-face interaction between student and teacher.

2. Interaction

Online learning, as seen above, can include interaction with teachers and peers, whereas distance learning does not have in-person interactions.

3. Intention

Online learning can be used as a supplement for teachers in their courses, while distance learning replaces teachers with instruction that is pre-set on the learning platform. [4]

Formulation of the problem

New global challenges and threats force educators to respond quickly and change the form of studying, adapt the learning content and create the necessary conditions for it. Educational institutions of different levels and types of accreditation in the most countries of the world are actively introducing distance education due to the ban on attending educational institutions. Distance form as a way of getting an education is a component of the general education system, which involves the study of all professional oriented disciplines in accordance with the curriculum, specialty and course.

It is worth noting that in Ukrainian free economic zones before the pandemic were dominated by full-time (full-time, evening), parttime, mixed education, external studies, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages, we are going to discuss here. The rapid development of information technology in general has formed the need and special interest in distance learning at the beginning of the XXI century. However, the successful implementation of distance learning requires specially designed courses, proper technical support, trained professionals and effective teaching methods. Unfortunately, there is still no fixed methods of organizing distance learning. That is why educational institutions practiced mostly mixed learning - traditional with elements of distance learning if it is possible.

What Is Online Learning?

Online learning is when teachers or students use educational tools which are accessible on the internet.

This means that students can also use online tools while they are physically in a classroom with their teacher and peers. Online learning can be used anywhere and anytime, so teachers may have students using them as tools in class or for preparation and assignments at home.

Online learning tools are often used to create blended learning environments in the classroom. This helps keep students engaged in the class and in the material.

Online learning also helps teachers save preparation time before class. With the help of online educational tools, teachers can spend more time grading papers, giving one-on-one attention to students, and maybe even getting some free time for themselves in their busy work schedule. [4]

Analysis of sources and recent research

Theoretical, methodological problems of distance learning have been the subject of study of Ukrainian and foreign researchers:

J. Andersen, V Bykov, Art. Wheeler, S. Vitvitskaya, T. Edward, G. Kozlakova, K. Korsak, R. Kravets,

V Kukharenko, M. Moore, A. Petrov, E. Polat,

V Rybalka, O. Tishchenko, A. Franz, B. Holmberg,

A. Khutorsky, B. Shunevych, V Yasulaitis. Peculiarities of introduction of distance learning in higher education institutions were studied by R. Gorbatyuk, R. Gurevych, T. Gusak, V Oliynyk,

L. Romanyshena, P. Stefanenko.

The purpose of research is to clarify the features, advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, analyze different models of learning and propose the most effective structural and functional model of organizing a network course of distance learning that meets the needs and realities of modern Ukrainian education.

Distance learning does not include any in-person interaction with an instructor or students. They study at home on their own, and the learning is more individual and varies on speed and timeline according to each individual student and their availability.

Distance learning actually relies on the educational tools of online learning, and that is probably why there is some confusion between the two. It is possible to study with online distance learning as well. In that sense, distance learning is a subset of online learning. [5]

Because distance education is remote, it can connect students to universities worldwide, making it more accessible for students in different countries. It is also known to be more affordable, which is another factor that helps make education more accessible to many students around the world and in different socio-economic levels.

Presenting of the main material

The Benefits оf Distance Learning

As mentioned above, students can study from universities around the world, even if they are not able to travel to their preferred professional programs. This allows top universities to be available to students who would not otherwise be able to attend due to distance, finances, or other circumstances.

Distance learning is extremely important for those who cannot attend programs due to health complications, severe social anxiety, busy work schedules or parenting demands, or any other situations which make it necessary to be confined to the home.

Online programs, such as University of the People, cater to students who prefer or need distance education. UoPeople is a tuition- free nonprofit institution, making it an affordable and sustainable option for students worldwide. In addition to being affordable, University of the People employs academic leadership from renowned universities around the world, allowing equal opportunity for students to access quality education.

People provides distance education for students who may have physical or health restrictions, those who live in remote areas, or those who cannot otherwise attend school due to late work hours or raising a family. This provides an equal opportunity for people to access higher education despite restrictions or location. [2]

Types of Distance Learning

1. Online courses

Online courses are usually offered as additional classes in traditional degrees. As long as students have computer and internet access, they can learn and receive instruction at home, then send the material to the teacher for checking up.

2. Hybrid courses

Hybrid courses combine traditional classroom settings with online learning at home. This can mean that students learn individually at home and meet up for in-person instructions or lectures at certain intervals of time during the course. The amount of at-home learning and in-class learning varies for each professional course.

3. Conference classes

Conferencing allows students and teachers to meet up for class in real time, whether in a group or one-on-one with an instructor. Using the phone or video chatting, such as Skype, Microsoft Teams platform, Zoom or Google Meet students and teachers can engage in live lessons despite distance.

4. Correspondence courses

Correspondence courses consist of students engaging in class material via mail or email. Students receive material and assignments through mail, and they send completed assignments back through the same way. [6,7]

What Works Best For You during the period of military aggression here in Ukraine?

Now that you have a rundown of the distance learning definition, and the different kinds that are rather available, you can decide whether it's a right fit for you and your life and for your future prifessional activity. Many students find distance learning to be a fulfilling and practical way to receive higher quality education, without needing to attend a traditional university.

Whether you're looking for a program that will allow you to work, or whether you might have a certain condition that keeps you at home most of the time, distance learning can be a great way to learn valuable knowledge and tools for your future. [4]

Distance learning - also referred to as 'online learning' - is an alternative route to studying a degree course offered by a university. Instead of attending lectures and seminars on campus, you study at home or work. All teaching, materials, and support are delivered online. [5]

Different Types of Distance Learning

1. Synchronous distance learning. As well as we all know, 'synchronous' means 'at the same time'.

2. Asynchronous distance learning. Again, 'asynchronous' typically means 'not at the same time'.

3. Hybrid distance learning.

4. Electronic learning.

5. Fixed time online courses. [8]

It is forecasted that by 2020, every education or training program leading to a particular academic qualification will be available in three different modes namely part time, full time, and through distance learning. Often referred to distance education, distance learning can be described as a method of education that is received by a learner at another geographical location.

This form of education has increased access to learning opportunities to individuals who cannot attend conventional classes on a daily basis as well as to those with financial limitations. Besides that, distance learning serves as an option for people who wish to expand their knowledge base to boost their careers. It allows learners to learn wherever and whenever they are as well as helping students balance their education with career, family, and everything else they do in life. [1]

In the recent past, distance learning has advanced considerably since the time of correspondence courses where the student would get study resources through email and post. Despite the fact correspondence courses do exist in today's distance education, it will soon be substituted by online courses thanks to the advent of computers, digitalization, and improved internet technologies. The latest developments in technology have typically led to an increase in the emergence of various types of distance learning, which include the following:

1. Synchronous distance learning

As we all know, 'synchronous' means`at the same time'. In this context, it is learning that involve live communication through either chatting online, sitting in a classroom, or even teleconferencing. It is one of the most acclaimed distance learning types that are most suitable for engaging in continuing education programs. Besides that, synchronous learning is preferable for degree programs that draw attention to communication such as counseling psychology, nursing, general education, and general psychology.

2. Asynchronous distance learning

Again, 'asynchronous' typically means`not at the same time'. In this regard, it is a type of learning that has a strict set of deadlines, often a weekly time limit; however, it allows learners to learn at their own pace. It is also one of the most popular distance learning types because students can communicate with each other seamlessly through online notice/bulletin boards. Programs and courses with plenty of project and assignment work drive well in this format because it provides learners with enough duration to focus on the assigned work. Some of the regular degree programs offered by many institutions through the above distance learning type include marketing, legal assistant, advertising, healthcare administration, and so on.

3. Hybrid distance learning

As the name suggests, hybrid distance learning combines asynchronous and synchronous learning to form a structure where learners are required to meet at a particular time in an internet chatroom or a classroom. With this platform though, students are required to complete their work at their own pace. Hybrid courses are often offered when learning institutions lack enough space to accommodate all their program course loads.

4. Electronic learning

Electronic learning is one of the most popular distance learning types, often known as e-learning, which enables learners to access course material(s) on a computer. DVDs, CDs, and different computer- based tools are always used to deliver electronic learning courses.

5. Fixed time online courses

Distance learning is rather suitable as for the time to conduct classes, which means that the lecturer and the students may find comfortable time to meet or have fixed time for meeting. [2, 8]


Despite its numerous drawbacks, distance learning still provides better learning options for students wishing to enjoy greater convenience and flexibility in pursuing a course. The greatest benefits of distance education is that it allows students to access numerous learning tools using minimum financial resources. Studying online is even made more interactive with the use of video conferencing software. That improves the ability to acquire and retain knowledge on a given subject.

However, distance education limits social interaction, involves use of complex technology and has a negative perception among some employers. Any student wishing to enroll for distance learning diploma or degree should weigh between its pros and cons to determine whether or not it's a good option. But still generally, distance education can be the perfect option for working students.


1. Branitska, T., Logutina, N., Academic Success in the Context of Distance Learning // Modern management: theories, concepts, implementation (Monograph) - Section 2: Management and Administration in Education //Publishing House: Wyzsza Szkola Zarz^dzania i Administracji w Opolu//2021- p. 230-236




5. What is distance learning?//Undergraduate//UCAS

6. > what-and-where-study > what-dist.


8. Mohd Hishamuddin Harun, Integrating e-Learning into the workplace// The Internet and Higher Education - Vol. 4, Issues 3-4,- 2001,- P. 301-310

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