Literary quest as a tool for forming reading interests in primary schoolchildren
The use of innovative forms in Ukrainian language and literature lessons to increase students' interest in the subject. Analysis and highlighting of the features of using a literary quest as a means of forming reading interests in younger schoolchildren.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 180,7 K |
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Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
Literary quest as a tool for forming reading interests in primary schoolchildren
Nataliia Blahun
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Professor of Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education
Svitlana Dovbenko,
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor
Department of Primary Education Pedagogy
Nadiia Piatka
Літературний квест як засіб формування читацьких інтересів молодших школярів
Наталія Благун, доктор педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри педагогіки початкової освіти, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
Світлана Довбенко, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри педагогіки початкової освіти, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
Надія П'ятка, студентка, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
Використання інноваційних форм на уроках української мови та літератури збільшує інтерес учнів до предмета, а також сприяє підвищенню якості навчання. Сучасний учитель повинен організовувати урок у такий спосіб, щоб у дітей завжди виникало бажання пізнавати все нове. У розв'язанні цих завдань значне місце посідають ігрові навчальні технології, зокрема квест. Метою дослідження є аналіз та виокремлення особливостей використання літературного квесту як засобу формування читацьких інтересів у молодших школярів. Квест є інтерактивною ігровою технологією, яка містить сюжетний, пригодницький, цілеспрямований та командний характер, що уможливлює учням краще засвоїти навчальний матеріал, учитися під час виконання певних завдань, виявляти певні якості (лідерство, інтелектуальність, доброчинність) та викликає у них безліч позитивних емоцій і спогадів. Саме на уроках літератури вчителі можуть активно використовувати цю інноваційну технологію, під час якої формується та розвивається читацька компетентність, відбувається мовленнєвий, літературний та інтелектуальний розвиток. Це відкриє можливості школярам до самостійної творчої діяльності, навчає сприймати, аналізувати та розуміти прочитане. Літературні квести - це персоналізовані уроки вивчення літератури, які навчають самостійності, творчості та, найголовніше, формують читацькі інтереси в здобувачів освіти. Застосування квест-технологій позитивного впливає на навички інтерпретації художніх творів: в учнів формуються навички соціальної поведінки, колективної роботи в командах, а залучення до реальної практичної діяльності розширює творче середовище для пізнавальної активності. Запропонований нами квест в ігровій формі дає змогу учням розвинути свої комунікативні навички, працювати в команді, поглибити знання в процесі опанування навчального матеріалу.
Ключові слова: квест, комунікація, організація навчального процесу, початкова школа, читацькі інтереси.
literary quest interest schoolchildren
The use of innovative forms in the lessons of the Ukrainian language and literature increases students' interest in the subject content, and improve the quality of education. A modern teacher should organize a lesson in a way that children always obtain a desire to learn new things. Game educational technologies, especially quests, are the crucial part of these problems. The purpose of the study is to analyze and highlight the features of using a literary quest as an instrument of forming reading interests in the primary school. Quest is an interactive game technology that comprise story, adventure, goal-oriented and team-based character, which allows students to better learn the educational material, obtain knowledge while performing tasks, reveal certain qualities (leadership, intelligence, benevolence) and, most importantly, evokes a lot of positive emotions in players and memories. Teachers can easily use this innovative technology in literature lessons, during which reading competence is formed and developed, also speech, literary and intellectual development takes place. This will open opportunities for children to independent creative activity, teaches to perceive, analyze, and understand what is read. Literary quests are personalized lessons in the study of literature that teach independence, creativity and, most importantly, form reading interests in primary school. The use of quest technologies has a positive effect on the skills of interpreting works of art: pupils develop the skills of social behavior, study collective work in teams, and involvement in real practical activities expands the creative environment for cognitive activity. The game quest will allow students to develop their communication skills while working in a team and deepen their knowledge while mastering the educational material.
Keywords: communication, organization of the educational process, primary school, quest, reader's interests.
The problem formulation. In modern conditions, people feel a need of looking for new forms and types of educational process organization. It helps students don't be only listeners but also become active inventors and researchers. The usage of innovative forms in the lessons of the Ukrainian language and literature increases students' interest in the subject, and also contributes to the improvement of the education quality. A modern teacher should organize a lesson in which children always have the desire to learn new things. Game educational technologies, especially quests, play an important role in solving these problems.
Aim and tasks research
Quest contributes to the formation of reading competence, comprehensive development of creative abilities, creative potential, and personal self-esteem. It helps to realize the full potential of children and makes lessons more interesting, and brighter. The purpose of the research is to investigate and reveal the peculiarities of using a literary quest as a tool for developing reading interests in primary school children.
Research methods
The theoretical and methodological basis of research. The research analysis showed that the problem of the literary quest as a part of forming readers' interests has not been widespread among Ukrainian scientists. This issue is reflected in the works of such researchers as N.A. Bugayova, Garbovska L.G., Ilchenko O.V., Kademiya M.Yu., Mishaghina O.D., Rozhok I.L., Sokol I.M., Stepanytska S.S., Sukach N.V., Kharina O.O., and others.
The sense of education in a modern school should be directed to the motivation of educational activities, which will help to evoke basic cognitive interest in children. The quest is the result of creative tracking for original and nonstandard solutions to various problems.
Results of the research
In scientific studies, there is no versatile definition of the quest. In general, a quest (from the English quest - search, search for adventure) is interpreted as an amateur sport or intellectual competition, the basis of which is the consistent performance of previously prepared tasks by teams or individual players (Hytten, 2022). A quest is the guessing of difficult and unexpected riddles (tasks) (Zhurba, 2017).
T. Bondarenko interprets WebQuest as a tool for activating students' independent activity, i.e. as "a set of methods and techniques of organizing research activities, for the implementation of which students are looking for information using Internet resources. The methodological basis of WebQuest is active learning. It creates prerequisites for the transformation of new information received by students into new knowledge that they can use" (Bondarenko, 2013).
Based on the analysis of the organization peculiarities of the student's education in the conditions of the quest, I. Sokol concludes that the quest is a game technology, during the implementation of which various methods are used. This educational technology has a clearly defined didactic task, a game design, and prescribed rules. The quest is implemented to increase students' knowledge and skills of the 21st century (Sokol, 2014).
Thus, the quest is an interactive game technology that contains a plot, adventure, purposeful and team character, which allows students to better learn the educational material, memorize while performing certain tasks, reveal certain qualities (leadership, intelligence, benevolence), and most importantly, causes players many positive emotions and memories.
Quests can be classified as:
quest as a stage of the lesson;
quest-lesson - the lesson is conducted in the form of a quest, like an adventure game, where children must perform some logical actions aimed at the final result.
WebQuest - conducting a quest using e-technologies, resources, and information. This type of quest is one of the most effective in the educational process, because the teacher is no longer a seed of knowledge, but
creates the necessary conditions for searching, analyzing, and applying information. In such activities, students become active subjects in learning.
The scientific doctrine defines the structure of the quest as a hierarchy (see Fig. 1).
Figure 1. The structure of quest as a tool for forming reading interests in the primary school
Let's describe the element of it.
The first one is the aim. The academic goal ensures the implementation of the educational program during the scholarly period. The goal of the game arouses interest and stimulates children to complete tasks and obtain results.
The next one is the plot. It is an event or a system of events in which characters are revealed their peculiarities to resolve the contradictions between them. The most important thing in the quest is the plot on which the game is based.
It's necessary to have rules. They are clearly explained to students before the start of the game and are also reminded during its execution.
The Storyline is a pre-determined way of traveling a certain distance. In a linear quest, participants must complete the route according to a specific sequence, and in a non-linear quest, they must choose freely. For the quest participants to move on to the next task, they must get a mark in the route sheet about the correct completion of the previous task and find a clue. These can be hint questions, an answer to an additional question, guessing a riddle, words on a certain page of a book, etc.
For the quest tasks, we can include intelligence tasks, logical exercises, puzzles, crosswords, interesting questions on the topic, riddles, experiments, and game exercises.
The evaluation system is one more important element of the quest. For each completed stage, the team receives points, which are recorded on the evaluation sheet. In the end, the points are tallied for the winner's determination.
What is the interest of children to take part in the game? Of course, it is to be prized for participation in the quest which must be mandatory. The type of prizes depends on imagination and financial capabilities. These can be sweets and pastries (you must know if someone is allergic to), books, coloring, postcards, badges, bracelets, etc. (Bolshakova, 2016).
Teachers can easily use this innovative technology in literature lessons, during which reading competence is formed and developed, and speech, literary and intellectual development takes place. This will open opportunities for schoolchildren to independent creative activity, obtaining the ability to perceive, analyze and understand what is read. Based on this, they will be taught how to build their thoughts and express feelings.
In literature lessons, the types of quests have diverse and specific characteristics. The most common of them is systematized in table 1.
Table 1. The classification of quests
Type |
Meaning |
Interview |
with the author, character, composer, literature critic, screenwriter |
Advertisement |
Collecting information for the promotional video creating about the personality of the writer and his works |
Historical note |
Study of certain material for a complete understanding of a literary work |
Convincing WebQuest |
Persuasion, using arguments that testify in favor of the character (negative or positive), the writer and the critic (comparison of skill) |
Classification |
Detailed classification of genres, families, heroes, means of artistic expression, plot (non-plot) elements |
For example, we took a Ukrainian literature class dedicated to the works of Valeriy Schevchuk, especially the Four Sisters and transform this lesson into the quest form.
Theme - "Four Sisters"
To deepen children's knowledge about the writer;
Consider the content of the work;
Analyze the characters of the fairy tale;
To develop dexterity, creativity, responsibility, independence, and tolerance.
The plot - children must pass 5 milestones along the specified route. For completing each task, pupils receive letters that they will stick on a poster. At the end of the quest, letters must form a sentence on the main point.
To perform the assigned tasks;
Work as a team;
Listen to the opinion of others;
The "raised hand" rule (when someone raised their hand, the others remain silent);
Complete the task within the specified time.
The first milestone "Biography of Valeriy Shevchuk"
Task: answer the questions
Where is the author from?
What is the name of the works collection for children?
Where does the author currently live?
What other tales of Valeriy Shevchuk do you know?
Who inspired the writer to write fairy tales?
For the completed task, students receive the letters: D, B, O, R, and O, from which they have to make a word.
The second milestone "Green-haired"
To find out who is going to be talked about at this stop, you need to guess who the letter says about.
"Above the head, lush green braids were folded into a wreath, the forehead was white and clean, the eyes were huge, and a green glow changed and changed in them, the nose was thin and straight, and the lips were full and red. And it bloomed on each cheek in a bright crescent, as if the moons had come down from one side and the other...". That's right, it's Green-haired and she offers you the following task: match the sayings with their authors (Table 2).
Table 2. Characters and their sayings
1. Black Bird |
1. "trumpets were playing, and everything around was numb and icy." |
2. Cold Wind guys |
2. "... dark thoughts came to the head of the White-haired sister, or maybe she whispered them ... who, fleeing from the storm, fell not anywhere, but on the shoulder of the Whitehaired" |
3. Bluebird |
3. "A bright light emanated from her as if a large lamp was burning in her, and winter even covered her eyes with her sleeve, trying to guess what was shining there." |
4. Gold-haired |
4. "Summer walked in bright clothes, and where it passed, the earth blossomed." |
5. White-haired |
5. "... what happened to her, poor thing! Her hair turned gray, her head was damaged, and her face was wrinkled until it became brown from old age, and this is because the sister does not pity them. |
For the completed task, students receive letters: V, Z, A, Y, ZH, and D from which they must make a word.
The third milestone "Blue-haired"
The blue-haired sister offers you plants with interesting tasks:
Chamomile - Read a part of Winter's introduction to Black Bird
Dahlia - analyze the following actions of the Bird, can they be called negative, and if so, why?
Dandelion - Why did Black Bird keep breaking the mirror?
Trinity - imagine yourself in the role of Winter, what are your feelings and thoughts?
Leaflet - give some advice to the sisters on how to act in a situation with a blackbird Violet - can the actions of a bird be justified?
For the completed task, students receive letters: R, E, M, P, H, Е, А, А, Е, from which they must make a word.
The fourth milestone "Gold-haired" Read what is encrypted in the first square, using the second square.
t |
a |
o |
d |
p |
b |
i |
sh |
p |
e |
o |
iu |
r |
z |
f |
a |
s |
t |
p |
a |
b |
t |
i |
i |
y |
ch |
a |
m |
ie |
e |
h |
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u |
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f |
d |
ia |
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ie |
b |
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m |
iu |
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shch |
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s |
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t |
v |
a |
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v |
k |
a |
ts |
t |
i |
y |
The correct answer: "it's time for you to sleep, and for me to get up for battle," - the words of Gold-haired.
For the completed task, students receive letters: O, Z, L, from which they must make a word.
The fifth milestone “White-haired”
Act out the end of the play "Four Sisters".
After each task, the students received letters that together form the saying: "Good always wins over evil."
Conclusions and prospects of further research
So, literary quests are personalized lessons in the study of literature that teach independence, creativity and, most importantly, form reading interests in younger schoolchildren. The use of quest -technologies has a positive effect on the skills of interpreting works of art: children develop the skills of social behavior, collective work in teams, and involvement in real practical activities expands the creative environment for cognitive activity. The division into positive and negative heroes of the work affects the psyche of the child, forming the correct worldview and stimulating its moral development, this and the above indicate the important role of the quest in literature lessons.
The game quest created by us will allow children to develop their communication skills while working in a team and deepen their knowledge while studying the work of Valery Shevchuk and his work "Four Sisters".
1. Bolshakova, I.O., Prystinska, M.S., & Arefieva, V.H. (2016). Quests in primary school. Kyiv: Pershe veresnia.
2. Bondarenko, T.M. (2013). Web-Quest technology as a tool of activating the independent activity of future primary school teachers. Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 13(272), 17-21.
3. Hytten, K.A. (2022). Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education. Oxford University Press, Incorporated.
4. Sokol, I.M. (2014). Classification of quests. Pedagogy of creative personality formation in higher and secondary schools, 89(36), 369-374.
5. Zhurba, K. (2017). The quest as a tool of forming the national and cultural identity of teenagers. Native school, 11-12, 44-52.
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