The introduction of comics about Russian-Ukrainian war in educational Process

The history of the development of Ukrainian comics. Analysis of structure, graphic design "The Cyborgs" comics, social comics from Inker, projects "enWar Mental", "We'll Be Back Soon". Necessity of introducing these comics into the educational process.

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The introduction of comics about Russian-Ukrainian war in educational Process

Olga Derkachova, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Primary Education, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


Упровадження коміксів про російсько-українську війну в освітній процес

Ольга Деркачова, доктор філологічних наук, професор кафедри початкової освіти, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника

Стаття присвячена дослідженню українських коміксів, присвячених російсько-українській війні та впровадженню їх в освітній процес. Створення нового актуального кола читання є важливою проблемою сьогодення, особливо після повномасштабного вторгнення Росії в Україну. Комікси вже давно стали частиною українського читацького простору, створення їх пропонується вчителями учням під час роботи на різноманітних уроках, і вони стають чимдалі популярнішими. У дослідженні розглянуто історію розвитку українських коміксів від перших до найновіших, проаналізовано тематичні зрізи. Основна увага звернена на комікси «Кіборги», соціальні комікси від Inker, освітні проєкти «enWar Mental», «Ми скоро повернемося...». Проаналізовано їхнє змістове поле, структуру, графічне оформлення. В основі кожного з них - реальні події.

Серія коміксів «Кіборгах» описує епізоди боротьби за Донецький аеропорт у 2014-2015 роках, під час якої наших захисників почали називати кіборгами за їхню надзвичайну мужність, відвагу та силу. Усі події, як і персонажі, реальні. Історії ґрунтуються на розповідях безпосередніх учасників тих подій. Серії коміксів Inker також засновані на реальних подіях після 24 лютого 2022 року. Головними героями стають українці, що чинять опір та спротив окупанту, вражають своїм героїзмом та здатністю не загубити себе у війні. «enWar Mental» (про екологічні наслідки війни) та «Ми скоро повернемося» (про вимушених переселенців) є не коміксами у класичному розумінні, а швидше освітніми проєктами, адже важливу роль у їхніх історіях відіграє дидактична складова: у першому акцент на формуванні ековідповідальної особистості, у другому на інформаційній гігієні та правилах поведінки в інформаційному просторі під час війни. Робляться висновки про важливість та необхідність впровадження цих коміксів в український освітній процес.

Ключові слова: комікси, освітній простір, війна, кіборги, повномасштабне вторгнення, ековідповідальність, медіаграмотність.


The article deals with the study of Ukrainian comics devoted to the Russian-Ukrainian war and their introduction in educational process. Creating a new modern reading space is an important problem today, especially after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. Comics already become a part of the Ukrainian reading space, their creation is suggested by teachers to students like a task in lessons, and they are becoming more and more popular. The paper examines the history of the development of Ukrainian comics from the first to the latest, and analyzes the thematic and topical segments. The main focus is on “The Cyborgs” comics, social comics from Inker, educational projects “enWar Mental”, and “We'll Be Back Soon...”. Their plots, structure, and graphic design were analyzed. Each of them is based on real events. The series of comics “The Cyborgs” describes some episodes of the struggle for the Donetsk airport in 2014-2015, during which our defenders began to be called cyborgs for their courage, bravery, and strength. All the events and characters are real.

The plots are based on the stories of the direct participants of those events. Inker comic series are also based on real events after February 24, 2022. The main heroes are the Ukrainians who resist the occupier, impress with their heroism and ability not to lose themselves in the war. “enWar Mental” (about the ecological consequences of war) and "We will soon return" (about forced migrants) are not comics in the classical sense, but rather educational projects, as the didactic component plays an important role in their stories: in the first one, the emphasis is on the formation of an eco-responsible personality, in the second on information hygiene and rules of conduct in the information space during war. Conclusions are made about the importance and necessity of introducing these comics into the Ukrainian educational process.

Keywords: comics, educational space, war, cyborgs, full-scale invasion, eco-responsibility, media literacy.

The problem formulation

Work with comics is becoming more and more popular on the lessons, there are many online platforms where you can create your own stories with pictures. Among the educational possibilities of comics, the following are distinguished: a possibility to tell a complex story with several images; to provide a comment on any drawing on various topics; the use of symbols easily identified by all students; the possibility to create a model of communication, life situations; to comment on and illustrate current issues of life (adolescence, family relationships, tolerance, etc.) like a game (Yatsenko, N., 2018).

However, such work is impossible without knowledge of the peculiarities of comics: the structure, plots, historical development which allow to understand comics not as easy reading. Also, reading comics helps to develop the reader's interests.

Today, the Ukrainian book market offers a lot of comics, both translated and Ukrainian, which can and should be introduced into the educational process. Among them are a number of comics dedicated to the Russian-Ukrainian war, which are appearing more and more and truthfully tell about the events since 2014. Among them are comics on the topic of war, ecological disaster, refugees.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The specifics of graphic literature are studied by the following Ukrainian researchers: Voronina R., Kolesnyk O., Koropetska R., Kosmatska N., Pidoprygora S., Filonenko B. Danylenko E., Onkovych H. examine the peculiarities of using comics as didactic material. The culture of comics has been thoroughly studied in the works of foreign researches, such as Will Eisner, Scott McCloud, Stan Lee, Umberto Eco and others.

Claude Bailey argued that comics and television should rank with the other seven forms of art, becoming the eighth and ninth kinds of art. In 1960, John Hoyer Updike said on a public lecture: “I can't see any significant reason why a talented artist could not create a real masterpiece in the form of a comic”.

B. Filonenko is sure that graphic literature in our country can't be classified as mass culture, and calls Ukrainian comics individual experiments of individual people. The critic emphasizes the need to create a comic culture that will be accessible to everyone. For him this is an indicator of the development of society - when comics are in demand, when there are people who do it professionally, there are people who read (Filonenko B., 2014).

Comics is a special kind of art, which mostly (with some notable exceptions) has a narrative character and tells stories (McCloud, S., 2019).

The works of Scott McCloud “Understanding Comics” (1993), Randy Duncan, Matthew Smith, Paul Levitz “The Power of Comics” (2015) are serious studies of the history of their appearance, formation of the culture of comics, their structure and content. The first work is a scientific study, professional, serious, but in the form of comics. S. McCloud reflects on the iconic nature of the images in the comics, their space-temporal features, and their possible evolution (McCloud, S., 2019). The authors of the book "The Power of Comics" talk about the history of comics (from birth to adulthood), form (creating history, reading), comics culture, and also suggest classification of comics' genres and their narrative models (Dankan R., Smit M., Levits P., 2020).

In 1919, the illustrated Ukrainian folk tale “The War of Mushrooms with Beetles” was published with illustrations by Ohrim Sudomora. In 1921, Antin Lototskyi (pseudonym Yaroslav Vilshenko) wrote a verse poem “The Warlock from Chornogora”. It is published by one of the Lviv publishing houses with illustrations by Anton Manastyrskyi. In 1953, sketch about Ukraine's participation in the Second World War “Ukraine in the fight with horsemen” by Leonid Perfetsky was published. In 1982, the comic book “Where Poppy Pies Grow” by Valerii Gorbachev was published.

In 1990, the comic book “Silk State” by Vasyl Barysh and Felix Dobryn was published, in 1993 “Viy” and “Taras Bulba” by M. Hohol were adapted into a comic book. Since the 90s, we can talk about the appearance of historical comics. These are “Adventures of the Zaporozhians on land and at sea” by Oles Ilchenko (artist Kost Lavro), “Prince Oleg's Campaign to Tsargorod” by Yuriy Logvin, “Buiviter” by Kostantyn Sulyma, “The Return of Mamai”, “Sviatoslav and the Viking” by Igor Baranko, “The Battle of Heroes” and “Besiege of Kyiv by the Pechenegs” by Serhii Pozniak's.

In the 2000s, comics more and more confidently conquered the Ukrainian cultural area. In 2003, the magazine “K9” appeared and existed until 2009. The name of the magazine comes from the European definition of illustrated stories as the ninth art, which emphasizes their difference from comics, which are represented in the name by the letter K. That's how the name “K9” combined graphic novels, manga and comics. In 2007, the “Grani-T” publishing house started the “Cool Comics” series devoted to the adaptation of Ukrainian classics to this format. In this series, comics were based on the books of Mykola Hohol, Ivan Nechui-Levytskyi, Ivan Kotliarevskyi, Ivan Karpenko-Karyi, Hryhorii Kvitka-Osnovianenko, and Ivan Franko. A year later, “Maxim Osa” by Ihor Baranko appears. The film “Maxim Osa: Gold of the Cynocephaly” was made based on his motives. In the history of Ukrainian cinema that a comic has been adapted into a screen it was at first.

In 2008, comic book publishing is experiencing a crisis related to the global economic crisis. But “Daogopak”, “Volya”, “Chub” soon appeared. In 2014, the first volume of “Unwilling Hero” (a graphic adaptation of Ivan Franko) was published. In 2016, “War of the Gods”, “Sarcophagus”, “Dream” and “World 912” by Andrii Dankovych appeared. In 2019, the comic book “Friends 2.0”, based on real stories of struggle and success of people with disabilities appeared.

The first Ukrainian comic about the war in the East is considered to be the comic “Victory. Savur-Mohyla” (2015) by Denys Fadieiev. It was based on the events in Ukraine of August 2014.

The aim and research tasks is to identify and substinate the pedagogical and cultural potential of Ukrainian comics in literary and educational space, to analyze the comics devoted to russian-Ukrainian war in the formation of modern reading culture in Ukraine.

Research Methods: theoretical analysis, systematization, comparison of different views on the analysis of comics, synthesis.

Results of the research

The theme of the Russian-Ukrainian war is one of the most important and popular in the modern Ukrainian culture. Since 2014, war has become an integral part of our life. The heroic deeds of the Ukrainian warriors inspired and continue to inspire the creation of new illustrated stories. Thus, a few months after the invasion of the Russians into Ukraine, Matsuda Hi manga “The Ghost of Kyiv” appears. It's about Ukrainian superhero - pilot who shot down enemy planes.

The famous manga author was inspired by the heroic defense of the sky over Kyiv by Ukrainian pilots of the 40th tactical aviation brigade. This defense gave rise to the urban legend of the Ghost of Kyiv, the MiG-29 pilot who scored six victories over Kyiv in the first 30 hours of the Russian invasion. This indicates trends in the creation of illustrated stories, where the main characters will be our warriors, and episodes of heroic resistance to the enemy and defense of the native land will be the basis of the story (Hi, M., 2022).

In 2022, the comics “We'll be back soon” was appeared. It's about the forced immigration of a family during the war. “enWar Mental” tells the story of ecocide due to the Russian-Ukrainian war, and the main characters, children, witness how the Russian occupiers abuse animals in ecoparks and nature reserves. In the same year, Inker published comics about “Azovstal”, Mariupol and Ukrainian people among war.

In 2016, the first comic books of the “The Cyborgs” series were published. The publication was carried out by the nongovernmental organization “True to Traditions”, founded by warriors, volunteers and activists against Russian aggression, primarily in the information space. The comics were created on the base of real events - the battle for the Donetsk airport and the memories of the fighters who participated in this battle. It all started with the stories told by the soldiers who left the airport. The stories were written as accurately as possible, without any artistic embellishments. The thing is, explain the authors of the idea, that one of those who carry out from the battlefield his friend really liked to draw comics. He painted them at the airport on the wall. The coordinator of the organization “True to Traditions” Doc notes the following: “These are the stories of the cyborgs which they told themselves. Donetsk airport has become a legendary point. It's like a modern Cossack Sich. There are many incredible things, self-sacrifice, and humor in these stories. There are stories about superheroes - “X-Men”, “Superman” and others. And we decided to start several series about our heroes. “The Story of Three” is about two warriors who carried out a wounded comrade. Very interesting story! If Spielberg had such a story, he would cry, make a new Oscar-winning film, and everyone would cry with him” (Sabadyshyna, Y., 2017).

The word “cyborgs” appeared for the first time in 1960 in the article “Cyborgs and Space” (“Cyborgs and Space”) in the magazine “Astronautics” by Manfred E. Clynes and Nathan S. Kline (Madrigal, А., 2019). Since 2014, this word began to be used in the Ukrainian public space in the sense of defenders of the Donetsk airport, it even became the word of the year 2014. The fighting for the Donetsk airport was one of the fiercest and most difficult in the war with Russia in the east, since it lasted from May 2014 to January 20, 2015 (more than 242 days).

The first issue that began “The Cyborgs” was the comics “The Cyborgs. The story of Three”. The events unfolded in January 2015, when the Lviv 80th a separate assault brigade was tasked to protect the DAP and its territories. The main characters are Ivan Kamianchyn, Petro Chornyi and Ihor Rymar. Ihor Rymar was seriously wounded. On January 8, negotiations with the enemy took place for about 12 hours, as a result of which the occupiers agreed to evacuate on the condition that two unarmed soldiers would carry the wounded man to the enemy checkpoint. Ihor Rymar was died on January 25 in a hospital in Kyiv, and Petro died after the second explosion in the terminal. Only Ivan Kamyanchyn survived.

These comics set a general type for the creation of the following: the presence of a short story-explanation of the events depicted in the comics, or a brief overview of the heroic Ukrainian past. The “DAP” series includes comics: “The Cyborgs. Beginning. Volume 1”, “The Cyborgs. Beginning. Volume 2”, “The Cyborgs. Legend of the Invincibles. Volume 1”, “The Cyborgs. Trap” (3 stories). The series “The Chronicles of the 3rd Regiment” includes the following books: “The Cyborgs. Chronicles of the 3rd regiment. Volume 1”, “The Cyborgs. Chronicles of the 3rd regiment. 19”, the “pilot” series is “The Cyborgs. Unbreakable: DAP Mission”, “The Cyborgs. Assault. Volume 1”, “The Cyborgs. Under siege. Volume 2”. The volume “SSO of Ukraine. Cyborgs: The First Selection”. Illustrators: Danylo Lys, Dmytro Tkachenko, Levko Kvit, Pavlo Pryjmych, Vitalii Mishuk, Oleg Ivaneyko, Kurkuma.

Soldiers of the 3rd separate special forces regiment and the 95th separate automobile brigade secured the Donetsk airport in March 2014, and on April 17, the enemy tried to capture the airport for the first time, and from May 6 all flights were stopped. On May 26, the occupiers again tried to take control of the Donetsk airport: they entered the new terminal. It was on this day that the sniper Voha made the first shot from the roof of the old terminal, which gave rise to the history of cyborgs and the history about cyborgs. The enemy was pushed out, and the airport was fully controlled by ATO forces.

On January 1, 2015, was a fierce battle. And on January 13, there were mass shelling again, but the Ukrainian military continued to control the territory of the new terminal. On the night of January 14, the last rotation took place at the airport, the battle on January 16 lasted from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. On the night of January 16-17, reinforcements from the 90th separate air mobile battalion arrived. On January 17, our soldiers recaptured a part of the airport. Fierce battles continued on January 19, in which Ukrainian soldiers suffered the greatest losses. During the following days, the Ukrainian soldiers had to retreat (Bytva za Donetskyi aeroport: khronika podvyhu, tsyfry, fakty, znachennia ta uroky).

“The Cyborgs” comics describe the main and important events of this period on such days: 26.05, 31.05, 29.07, 03.09, 25.11.2014, and 08.01., 17.01.2015.

The events are described by those warriors who were participants in the events: Vokha, Titan, Commander, Tick, High, Headmaster, Tourist, Dan, Crawl, Beard, Old, Slime, Doc, Cascade, Adam and others. Their memories, reflections interrupt the general plot of the story, reminding that the story that comes to life on the comics' panels is real with real characters and real events, with strict observance of chronology and time codes. Real stories without pathos, stories about the days of defense not only of the Donetsk airport, but something bigger, more important, because DAP became a symbol of the unbreakable of the Ukrainian army and Ukraine.

On the panels of the comics we can see scenes of battles, the life of cyborgs, individual details or objects necessary for understanding the story and creating the appropriate emotional load are drawn, too.

The title “The Cyborgs” suggests that the main characters will be Ukrainian defenders, new superheroes. Classic superheroics appeared due to the mixing of fantastic powers (supernatural abilities), costumes (the hero becomes easily recognizable) and double life (for example, an ordinary clerk during the day and a superhero at night). Our cyborgs are easily recognizable thanks to the pixel and chevrons, not all of them were military in their former lives. And what they did is still surprising and impressive. And the pro-social mission is to use our forces for the benefit and protection of humanity, to fight against evil.

The DAP control tower often appears on comic's panels. First whole, then destroyed. It fell down on January 13, 2015. This tower was a symbol of the defense of the airport, as well as a symbol of Ukraine's ability to resist. The tower was the main observation point of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the enemy, so it is not surprising that the enemy constantly fired at it.

Each issue of “The Cyborgs” has a separate story, but they are all combined by characters, place and time of action.

In June 2022, stories from the social comic's magazine Inker, dedicated to the events of the russian-Ukrainian war, were published. Inker searches for true stories, their participants, takes interviews, collects photo and video evidence that become the basic of stories in comics. These are the stories of ordinary Ukrainians, who make heroic resistance to the enemy. They bring us back to the events in Mariupol, at Azovstal, in the Chornobyl, they speak to us from occupied villages and cities. A total of 6 issues were released already.

The first issue of “Mariupol” consists of stories from Mariupol: “The Medic” (Volodymyr Kuznetsov, Zakhar Polishchuk), “The Road from Hell and Back” (Volodymyr Kuznetsov, Natalia Tarasenko), “Saved by the Sea” (Yarko Filevych), “Drama Theater” (Oleksii Chornyi, Maksym Solntsev). The second edition of “Unbreakable. Civilians at War” consists of the following stories: “The Shore of Freedom” (Volodymyr Kuznetsov, Zakhar Polishchuk), “Bullet in the Heart” (Ruslana Koropetska, Natalya Tarasenko), “The Ark” (Oleksii Chornyi, Maksym Solntsev), “Chernobyl. Occupation” (Denys Borysyuk, Tanya Pryymich). The third “Azovstal” contains such stories: “Fly to Hell and Come Back” (Volodymyr Kuznetsov, Linnison), “Aunt Soup” (Yarko Filevych), “Shelter” (Oleksii Chornyi, Maksym Solntsev), “I'll Fight for You” (Volodymyr Kuznetsov, Lyudmila Samus). In the fourth edition of “Partisans”: “Grandfather's Bedtime Stories” (Denys Borysiuk, Yevhen Kharuk), "Dronovator" (Voladymyr Kuznetsov, Maksym Solntsev), “Pensioner of Special Purpose” (Nykyta Yanyuk, linnison), “Run” (Voladymyr Kuznetsov, Darcia Zironka). The fifth issue of “Prisoners” consists of the following stories: “Diary in captivity” (Denys Borysyuk, Yevhen Kharuk), “In the dark” (E. Moir, Zakhar Polishchuk), “I Was in Olenivka” (Voladymyr Kuznetsov, Andriy Dankovich), “Are You Immortal?” (Volodymyr Kuznetsov, Natalia Tarasenko). The sixth “Love at War” contains the following stories: “Trench for Lovers” (Taras Kunets, Maksym Solntsev), “Three Days of Happiness” (Taras Kunets, Zakhar Polishchuk), “Saved Photo” (Denis Borysyuk, Maksym Solntsev), “Healing by Love” (Mykyta Yanyuk, Natalia Tarasenko). These stories are about resistance, love for the motherland, true friendship and love.

The stories are short, full of pain, but not despair. They are based on true stories of real people; it is a kind of chronicle of the heroic deeds of Ukrainians during the russian-Ukrainian war. Actually, this makes these comics similar to “The Cyborgs” series, however, if the second is about military resistance to the invader, then the first is mostly about civil resistance, because their heroes are mostly people who woke up from the explosions on February 24: some of them have to flee from occupation, someone finds himself face-to-face with the enemy, someone saves others at the risk of death, and someone meets their love.

They have different styles, some of them are colored, some are black and white. Panels are mostly rectangular (horizontal and vertical), 3-6 per page, in which the action takes place, as a rule, in one location and in a certain period of time. The authors of sketches pay attention to details, especially those that show life before and after (before the invasion and during), so the use of metonymy and synecdoche are so popular, as in “The Cyborgs”.

“enWar Mental” (by Yaryna Katoroz) is a story that describes the ecological consequents of war. This is a part of the EnWar Mental project, which tells about the impact of the wars of the 21st century, the restoration of cities and the ecocide of the Russians in Ukraine. The main characters of the comics are 15-year-old Yurko and his 7-year-old sister Myroslava. They escape from the war and see how the occupiers abused animals from the Kharkiv ecopark, what they did with protected areas of Kherson, the waters of Donetsk and Luhansk, and the landscapes of Zaporizhzhia. They witness not only ecocide, but also how Ukrainians save nature, risking their own lives.

The aim of the project is not only to tell, but also to interest readers in the investigation of ecocide. These comics contains the following sections: “Forest fires”, “Destruction of eco-parks”, “Poisoning of waters”, “Destruction of protected areas”, “Destruction of landscapes”. It deals not only with disasters, but also with their consequences for Ukraine in the future “We'll Be Back Soon...” by Oleksandra and Yuri Shapovalov shows the family's forced immigration during the war. The main characters (the mice family - mother, father, children Gorgynka, Grycyk, Liana) who live in Forestland woke up from loud explosions. It started a war. This illustrated story is about a home and its loss, mutual help, support, as well as a responsible attitude to the dissemination of information, the development of critical thinking, and safety rules in wartime. The narrative is occasionally interrupted by informative inserts on how to properly consume information, what to take with you on the road during evacuation.

ukrainian comics educational social

Conclusions and prospects of further research

In our research, we examined comics dedicated to the events of the Russian-Ukrainian war, some of which describe the events of 2014-2015, such as “Cyborgs”, which tell about heroic struggle of Ukrainian soldiers against the enemy, others were written already after the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine and they tell the stories of Ukrainians who were under occupation and resisted the enemy, saved others, held on with dignity in Azovstal and in captivity, believed in victory and did everything to make it closer. They are based on real stories, events, characters, and facts. This kind of literature should be made a part of the educational process, because it teaches us to remember the experience of the war. Also, they are a good example of Ukrainian comics. They can become part of the reading interests of both students and pupils. The comics “enWar Mental”, “We'll Be Back Soon” can be used during various lessons, because they contain not only history, but also some factual and didactic corpus: how to behave during war, how to check information for certainty, how to grow up as an eco-responsible person.


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