The problem of quality and efficiency of educational institution management

Strategic tasks of reforming the process of management of educational institutions. The importance of the main role of the head of an educational institution in the implementation of the latest educational technologies in the educational process.

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Дата добавления 26.07.2023
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The problem of quality and efficiency of educational institution management

Svitlana Polishchuk, Oksana Horbatyuk


The article researches and substantiates the problem of quality and efficiency of educational institution management, describes the transformation processes that take place in Ukraine at this stage, and reveals the existing problems. The article reveals the strategic tasks of reforming the management process of educational institutions. The authors justified ways to implement these tasks. At the same time, the authors of the article pay attention to the lack of readiness of heads of educational institutions for professional management activities and the lack of the necessary managerial competence in many of them, emphasizing the need to form a new generation of leaders. The authors emphasize the importance of the role of the head of an educational institution in introducing the latest educational technologies into the educational process, forms and methods of teaching, upbringing, and development of the individual, and so on. At the same time, special attention is paid to the need to improve the management system, and attention is focused on the importance of making managerial decisions. Considerable attention is paid to the importance of the management decision made by the manager of an educational institution in ensuring the goal. Among other things, the authors draw attention to the importance of directing the entire scientific and educational potential to ensure the high efficiency of the educational institution's activities. The article specifies the criteria used to evaluate the activities of an educational institution. The authors emphasize the spheres of influence of the quality of management on the activities of an educational institution, name the factors that directly affect the management process, and draw our attention to the importance of the level of professionalism of the head (manager) of an institution of general secondary education. The authors also pay attention to properties that contribute to improving the quality and efficiency of the management process. At the same time, the authors focus our attention on the effectiveness of management systems. In this context, special attention is paid to the choice of approaches that contribute to successful quality assurance of educational institution management, while emphasizing their advantages and highlighting their disadvantages. The article emphasizes the involvement of the teaching staff of an educational institution in management activities. At a high professional level, the topic of the article is revealed, the tasks of writing it are defined, and the level of potential for implementing the management process of educational institution managers is studied and justified. The Conclusions Drawn by the authors of the article are specific and fully correspond to the content of the work.

Keywords; quality, efficiency, management, system, approach, evaluation, activity, analysis, task, organization.


Поліщук Світлана, Горбатюк Оксана.

Проблема якості та ефективності управління закладом освіти

У статті обґрунтовано проблему якості та ефективності управління освітнім закладом, представлено трансформаційні процеси, які відбуваються в Україні на даному етапі. Висвітлено стратегічні завдання реформування процесу управління освітніми установами та шляхи їх реалізації. Значна увага приділена питанням вдосконалення системи управління, а також важливості прийняття управлінських рішень. Автори підкреслюють важливість ролі керівника освітнього закладу у впровадженні новітніх освітніх технологій в освітній процес, форм і методів навчання, виховання і розвитку особистості тощо. Наголошено на недостатній готовності керівників освітніх установ до професійної управлінської діяльності та відсутність у багатьох із них необхідної управлінської компетентності для формування лідера нового покоління. Авторами уточнено критерії, які використовують для оцінки діяльності закладу освіти. Визначено сфери впливу якості управління на діяльність освітнього закладу; фактори, що безпосередньо впливають на процес управління. Акцентовано на необхідності підвищення рівня професіоналізму керівника (менеджера) закладу загальної середньої освіти. Досліджено властивості, які сприяють підвищенню якості та ефективності процесу управління. У цьому контексті наголошено на виборі підходів, які сприяють успішному забезпеченню якості управління навчальним закладом, зокрема їх переваги і недоліки. Зазначено на значенні залученості професорсько-викладацького складу освітнього закладу до управлінської діяльності.

Ключові слова: якість, ефективність, управління, система, підхід, оцінка, діяльність, аналіз, завдання, організація.


The developed national strategy for the development of education in Ukraine for the period up to 2021 is due to the need for drastic changes aimed at improving the quality and competitiveness of education in the new economic and socio-cultural conditions, accelerating Ukraine's integration into the international educational space (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, n.d.).

The content of this document is aimed (aimed) at improving and strengthening the quality and effectiveness of the management process by educational institutions based on innovative strategies by the principles of sustainable development, creating modern educational projects and monitoring them, developing a model of state and public administration in the field of education, etc. That is, we can state that it is necessary, first of all, to create a flexible, purposeful, and effective system of Education Management, which in turn will create favorable conditions for intensive development and quality of Education, ensure its focus on meeting the needs of the state and individual needs.

The content of the National doctrine of education development of Ukraine in the XXI century (2001) is also aimed at solving the problem of quality and efficiency of management of educational institutions, which notes that the reform of the educational sector provides, first of all, for the modernization of Education Management. reforming educational institution

This formulation of the question is caused by increased competition in the market of educational services and active interaction of education in Ukraine with the educational systems of other developed countries of the world.

In this regard, trends in the psychologization of management activities and adaptation of effective production management technologies to the management of education, educational institutions, and the spread of management in education are becoming increasingly widespread. In other words, the necessary conditions are created for updating and modernizing the management functions of an educational institution, which is determined b y new types of activities performed by the head (director) of the educational institution.

This is confirmed by the words of the UDEM project coordinator I. Kozina notes that significant transformational processes are taking place in the educational system of Ukraine at the present stage: the decision-making process is being democratized by the head, and educational institutions are gaining greater independence in management activities, which is determined by the main provisions of the National doctrine of the development of Ukraine. In particular, she emphasizes that the professionalization of managers requires special attention in the new conditions of managing the educational process in a modern school, where the manager plays a crucial role in introducing innovations (Danilenko & Karamushki, 2003, p. 11).

All of the above gives us grounds to conclude that the relevance of the research topic we have raised is beyond doubt.

This is confirmed by the conclusions made on this issue by scientists L. Danilenko a nd N. Ostroverkhova, who consider it possible to improve the management of a modern educational institution (school) only based on modernizing the functions of its head. In particular, Danilenko (2002) defines such new functions of the head (director) of an educational institution as predictive, advisory, representative, managerial, political, and diplomatic. In her opinion, they exist along with traditional functions.

Literature review, generalization of main statements

The problem of improving the quality and efficiency of educational institution management is reflected in the works of domestic scientists and researchers: V. Bondar, R. Vdovichenko, L. Danilenko, L. Karamushka, A. Shevchenko, G. Yelnikova, N. Klokar, O. Korolyuk, V. Maslov, V. Kryzhko, V. Oleynik, N. Ostroverkhova, O. Marmoza, O. Pometun, Z. Ryabova, T. Sorochan, E. Khrikov, and others. In particular, they note the lack of readiness of heads of educational institutions for professional management activities and the lack of the necessary managerial competence in many of them, which, in turn, according to the scientist A. Marmoza, causes several contradictions between the modern requirements for the management of an educational institution and the existing level of managerial competence of managers; the desire of the head to improve the level of administrative competence and the lack of scientific and methodological support for this activity. This causes the necessity to form a new generation of leaders who can not only organize (provide) the educational process of students at a high professional level but who could think according to managerial criteria.

Research of the potential abilities of heads of educational institutions that would be able to raise the quality and efficiency of management to a new, higher level by modern requirements related to the reform of the national educational system takes place in the scientific works of such scientists: G. Gabdulin, V. Krichevsky, Yu. Konarzhevsky, V. Maslov, M. Potashnik, R. Shakurov.

The problem of improving the managerial skills of the head of an educational institution in working with the staff of an educational institution is reflected in the scientific works of V. Bondar, V. Bondarenko, O. Pichurina, S. Polishchuk, T. Sorochan, N. Kuzmin, I. Kolesnikov, O. Ovcharuk, A. Markov, O. Savchenko, L. Khoruzha, V. Slastenin, and others.

Their research is aimed at identifying reserves, ways, and means of improving the professionalism and competence of heads of educational institutions to achieve absolute quality and efficiency in the management of educational institutions.

Research objective, methodology, and data

The purpose of the article is to identify ways and means of improving the quality and efficiency of educational institution management.

Article objectives:

investigate the problems that occur during the implementation of the management process;

justify the need to introduce changes in the work of an employee of an educational institution;

analyze the current state of implementation of the management process of educational institutions and on this basis justify ways and means that will contribute to improving the quality and improving the level of management efficiency;

highlight and reveal the essence of various approaches aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of educational institution management.

Results and discussion

Socio-economic and political changes that are taking place in Ukraine today, namely: the decentralization of state power, and further democratization of society require changes in the management of Education. The content of the state National Program "Education" (Ukraine XXI century) is aimed at solving such problems, which provides for the following strategic tasks of management reform:

the transition from state to state-Civil Administration, clear division of functions between Central, Regional, and local government bodies;

ensuring self-government of educational institutions and scientific institutions;

approval in the field of education of a harmonious combination of the rights of the individual, society, and the state (The National Doctrine of Education Development in the XXI Century, 2001).

One of the main ways to implement these tasks, according to the scientist O. Marmoza, is the scientific justification of the new education management system, the development of innovative models of Industry Management, and important management decisions [O. Marm].

A special role belongs to the head of the educational institution, taking into account the statement of the scientist Sergeeva (2010), who notes that the modern head of the educational institution, educational technologies, forms and methods of teaching education and personal development, takes care of his/her managerial activities, the introduction of elements of novelty, originality, that is, everything that is necessary to ensure the reform of the educational and educational process in the educational institution and increase the effectiveness of managerial skills (p. 23).

The study of the problem contributes to creating a complete picture of improving the management system of modern educational institutions, which, of course, allows for improving the quality and efficiency of management activities.

We find this in the scientific works of scientists Yu. Konarzhevsky, K. Nefedova, P. Tretyakov, T. Shamova, and others what changes have been made to the functional responsibilities of the head of an educational institution and how management activity has improved in the context of its renewal. In particular, they draw our attention to the fact that it is impossible to rebuild the socio - pedagogical system, leaving the process of managing it at the archaic level of illustrious leadership and control, relying on the formed stereotype of thinking (Maramaza, 2017).

The above-mentioned scientists also exposed the problems of inconsistency between the tasks that society puts forward to the school and the nature of intra-school management.

In this context, there is a certain interest in the research of such a problem, made (conducted) by the scientist I. Kuchinskaya draws our attention to the need to improve the management system of educational institutions, bringing it to European standards. In particular, the scientist says: "Since its independent development, Ukraine has been searching for a generalization of the introduction of the latest technologies for managing educational institutions. Attention is focused on the importance of the management decision, that is, the result of the creative activity of the manager" (Kuchinskaya, 2019, pp. 122-123).

This approach, as noted above, is aimed at the content of the national strategy for the development of education in Ukraine for the period up to 2021, according to which (to strengthen the quality and effectiveness of management of educational institutions) it is advisable to create a flexible, purposeful, effective system of Education Management, which will ensure intensive development and quality of Education.

In particular, the content of the National Strategy provides for:

optimization of Education Management Bodies, decentralization of Management in this area, redistribution of functions and powers between Central and local education management bodies;

professional approach in the selection and appointment of heads of educational institutions, and educational management bodies;

development of a system of measures (scientific and methodological, financial and economic, etc.) to implement the idea of the autonomy of educational institutions, and expand their rights and opportunities for financial independence;

overcoming bureaucratization in the education management system, improving the procedure for inspections and reporting of educational institutions;

professional training of competent managers of the education system, formation of new generation managers who think and act systematically, including in crises, make managerial decisions in any field of activity, and effective use of available resources;

introduction of new effective forms of professional development of educational leaders;

development of automated education management systems(Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, n.d.).

The problem of management quality is quite important since the quality of education depends on it directly.

For a deeper understanding of the importance of management quality, it is necessary, according to O. Moiseev, to find out what is the product of such activities. According to his statements (which we fully agree with), the main management products are the management decisions made and the organization of interaction.


This gives us grounds to conclude that if the management system of an educational institution serves the interests of the educational institution, then the assessment of its success should be carried out according to the following criteria::

an indicator of the management system;

the result of the managed object.

In solving these key issues, which directly reflect the quality and effectiveness of educational institution management, the main role belongs to the head of the institution. However, according to our research, to actively solve management problems taking place in the work of the head of the institution, it is necessary to direct the activities of the entire scientific and educational potential to ensure high efficiency of the institution entrusted to him, the organization of management activities by the legislative acts of Ukraine: "on local self-government", "on social services", "on state social standards and state social territories", "on citizens 'associations" (Polishchuk, 2020, pp. 79-85).

In this context, as scientist Maramaza (2017) notes, it should be taken into account that the problem of quality and efficiency of management of an educational institution is not an end in itself, and the assessment of management cannot break away from the results of an educational institution. At the same time, it is quite important not to lose the entire complex range of management activities. It is also necessary to identify links between management products and establish the contribution of management to these results.

Describing their vision of the problem of quality and efficiency of management of an educational institution, scientists L. Danilenko, L. Karamushka, O. Marmoza, I. Bulakh, Yu. Voronenko, L. Artemchuk, M. Mruga, and others draw our attention to the fact that the methodological basis for the quality of management is system, situational, and optimization approaches. This means that the quality of management will be determined by (Maramaza, 2017, p. 101):

A) goals, objectives, objects, and subjects of activity;

B) variable factors of the external (socio-economic conditions) and internal (motives, education) environment;

C) adequate methods, techniques, and forms of management that give the best results.

At the same time, we must take into account that the quality of management of an educational institution should equally apply to all areas of school life, namely:

quality of management work;

qualities of management interaction in the "subject-object of management" system;

quality of management decisions;

quality of management results.

In this context, it is important to identify factors that directly affect the quality of management of an educational institution. The most significant (determining) factors, as evidenced by our research, are certainly the level of professionalism of the head (manager) of the educational institution. I mean his:

professional request;

professional aptitude;

professional competence;

professional satisfaction;

professional success (Maramaza, 2017).

Along with the category of "quality" discussed above, an equally important category of management activity is the category of "efficiency", which is closely related to the concept of "productivity".

Productivity, according to the definition of scientists E. Muravyov and A. Bogoyavlenskaya, is the nature of the activity that reflects the ratio between the usefulness of the results obtained over a certain period and the associated costs (Maramaza, 2017, p. 80).

With this in mind, we can state that efficiency - means a characteristic that reflects the relationship between achieved and possible performance.

In addition to the above, we can characterize (measure) productivity (and, consequently, the efficiency of activities) as the amount of time spent on achieving a certain result.

Taking into account the in-depth analysis of scientific research directly related to the sphere of management of educational institutions, we can identify the following main means of improving the efficiency of management activities (which relate to achieving such properties of management systems), on which several scientists concentrate their attention: O. Marmosa, L. Danilenko, L. Karamushka, and others. This is in particular:

value nature of management;

relevance (relevance to the case);

prevention (proactive nature);

prognostically (determination of prospects and forecasts);

consolidated, unifying character;

dialogic, consistent with other systems of the organization;

reflexivity, focus on self-esteem, self-correction, and self-development;

democratic, collegial character, etc. (Maramaza, 2017).

In this context, the correct choice of approaches aimed at ensuring the quality and effectiveness of educational institution management is particularly important. It should be noted that there are several approaches aimed at ensuring the quality of management, among which the most common, according to scientists L. Danilenko and L. Karamushka, are the following:




The content of the planning approach (also called the design approach) is that it involves designing the final result that the manager wants (plans) to achieve as a result of his activities.

The advantage of this approach, as our research shows, is that it is possible to develop a competent sequential scheme in which all the elements are in the appropriate place.

The consequence is that implementers for quality improvement do not perceive the system as their own, are not interested in it, and consider working with it as a compulsion, not a work task.

There is some interest in the growing approach, which is known as the development path - solving issues step by step. The essence of this approach is that the work is aimed at implementing a standard Quality Assurance System, but begins with completing one task. At the same time, everyone who works to improve the quality must be involved.

The disadvantage of this approach may be that you can stop at the level of solving educational problems and not reach the level of systematic activity. As a rule, this problem is dealt with by managers and the Coordination Group (Maramaza, 2017).

The approach mentioned above is the project approach. The essence of this method is that some schools call all the projects that are implemented in the quality improvement.

Such projects can be part of the quality assurance process.

In addition to the above-mentioned methods for ensuring the quality and effectiveness of educational institution management, no less important is Total Quality Management (TQM), since it means:

involvement of all employees in the organization's activities;

coverage of all aspects of the educational institution's activities;

orientation to the goal that all members of the organization agree with;

implementing changes through systematic, managed work.

Thus, comprehensive quality assurance should be the business of the entire team (Karstanje, 1999; Korporowicz, 1993; Murgatroyd & Morgan, 1993). Only under this condition is it possible to achieve high-quality indicators and maximum efficiency of educational institution management, which is so important in the context of reforming the domestic educational system.


1. Danilenko, L. (2002). Modernization of the content, forms, and methods of managerial activity of the director of a general education school. Monograph. (2nd ed.). Logos. (in Ukr.)

2. Danilenko, L., & Karamushki, L. (Eds.). (2003). Educational Management. Shkolny Mir. (in Ukr.)

3. Karstanje, P. N. (1999). Quality care at the school level. The University of Amsterdam.

4. Korporowicz, L. (1993). Evaluacja w edukacji. Warsawa.

5. Kuchinskaya, I. (2019). Psychological and pedagogical features of organizational directions in preschool education in the conditions of modern reform. Collection of scientific papers. Pedagogical education: theory and practice

6. Maramaza, O. (2017). Management of an educational organization. Shchedra sadyba. (in Ukr.)

7. Murgatroyd, S., & Morgan, C. (1993). Total Quality Management and the School. Buckingham: Open University Press.

8. Polishchuk, S. (2020). Necessity and main stages of introducing changes in the work of the head of an educational institution with personnel. Pedagogical education: theory and practice. Collection of scientific papers. Kamianets Podolskyi Ivan Ogienko National University; Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 28(1). Millennium. (in Ukr.)

9. Sergieva, L. (2010). Modern guidelines for the content of managerial skills of the head of an educational institution. Theory and methodology of managerial education, 3, 76.

10. The National Doctrine of Education Development Ukraine in the XXIst century. (2002, April 17). Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

11. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (n.d.). National strategy for the development of education in Ukraine for the period up to 2021.

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