Peculiarities of the development of media education in Ukraine and Poland in the context of European integration of educational process
The main milestones in the development of media education in Ukraine and the Republic of Poland. Implementation of periodization conditions for the development of media education in Poland. The peculiarity of teaching alternative sources of information.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 131,1 K |
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Pedagogy and Educational Management named after Bohdan Stuparyk
Precarpathian National University
Peculiarities of the development of media education in Ukraine and Poland in the context of European integration of educational process
Liubov Prokopiv, PhD in Education, Associate Professor Department, Head of the Department
Vasyl Stefanyk
Mariana Dereniuk,
IvanoFrankivsk, Ukraine
Любов Прокопів,
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри педагогіки та освітнього менеджменту імені Богдана Ступарика,
Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
Мар'яна деренюк, аспірантка,
Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
Стаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей розвитку медіаосвіти в Україні та Республіці Польщі. Розглянуто сутність поняття «медіаосвіти», необхідність її запровадження. Проаналізовано основні віхи розвитку медіаосвіти в Україні та Республіці Польщі, розкрито сучасний стан медіаосвіти в освітніх закладах досліджуваних країн. Визначено чинники розвитку медіаосвіти: пришвидшення змін у глобальній та національній економіці; міжнародні обов'язкові норми формування української системи освіти; невідкладність протидії інформаційній агресії. Здійснено умовну періодизацію розвитку медіаосвіти в Польщі. В Україні медіаосвіта в останні роки також набула особливої актуальності, що пов'язано з інформаційними війнами, які веде проти неї Росія. Розвиток медіаосвіти в Україні розпочався з часу отримання нею незалежності, хоча до 1992 р. перебував на загальному рівні розвитку медіаосвітніх теоретичних концепцій. На основі контент-аналізу визначено аспекти розвитку медіаосвіти та Польщі в їх відсотковому значенні: добір і аналіз великої кількості джерел інформації; правильний добір джерела інформації стосовно потреби; навчання альтернативних джерел інформації; усвідомлення того, що інформація може бути як правдивою, так і неправдивою; формулювання питань для достовірності отриманої інформації; перевірка правдивості інформації. Виокремлено перешкоди щодо запровадження медіаосвіти у вітчизняну освітню систему: недостатня кількість й інструменталізація навчально-методичних посібників та інтегрованого викладання з кожного предмета; недостатня кількість фахівців з медіаосвіти та недостатній рівень їхньої підготовки, практична відсутність медіа для школярів; відсутність легальної медіатеки (ресурсів).
Визначено спільні особливості розвитку медіаосвіти в Україні та Республіці Польщі. Доведено важливість забезпечення системного характеру медіаосвіти. Проведено порівняльний аналіз стану розвитку медіаосвіти в Україні та Польщі.
Ключові слова: вища освіта, вища школа, особистість, етапи розвитку, медіапедагогіка, медіаосвіта, медіаграмотність, медіакультура медіакомпетентність, комунікації.
Peculiarities of the formation of media education in Ukraine and Poland in the context of European integration have been clarified in the article. The meaning of the concept of "media education" and the necessity of its introduction have been reflected. The comparative aspect is used to analye the main characteristics of formation of media education in Ukraine and Poland and the current state of media education of the studied countries. The development of media education in Ukraine is mainly characterized by three groups of socio-political and socio-economic changes: firstly, increasing changes
in the global and national economy; secondly, international compulsory standards for formation of Ukrainian educational system; thirdly, an urgent prevention of information violence. In Poland we have divided the development of media education in Poland into several stages: the first stage - 90s of the XX century - 1995; the third stage - 2008 - 2019; the fourth stage - 2019 - until now. The conducted content analysis has shown the main aspects of the development of media education in Poland in percentages selection and analysis of a large number of information sources; the right choice of information source;analysing the alternative source of information; awareness that information can be true and false; questioning the truth of received information; review the truth of certain information, that is, an attempt to be critical to information. The education system should have the main place in the development of young generation of Ukrainian identity, patriotism preventing the external disinformation The modern achievements of Polish educational institutions such as basic training courses, forms and methods of teaching are revealed. The achievements of Ukrainian pedagogical science in the field of media education are highlighted. It is proved the importance of providing the system of media education with educational resources and institutional support. A comparative analysis has been used to compare the state of media education development in Ukraine and Poland.
Keywords: higher education, higher school, personality, stages of development, media pedagogy, media education, media literacy, media culture, media competence, communication
The problem formulation. It takes a lot of effort to form a realistic view of certain events and situations in today's world of disinformation and fakes. This is a rather difficult and time-consuming process, because only some people know how to distinguish fake information from the truth, to check the facts that should or should not be revealed. In this context, a competency-based approach should be applied to the media. It is necessary to learn how to use the media education tools in order to improve media competencies. There is another problem - the usage of information technology, particularly in science and education, requires the mass media means (Ishhenko A.,2013). Thus, the problems emphasized the importance of media education development in order to improve media literacy and media competence. We need to implement the experience of European countries, including Poland and Ukraine.
Analysis of recent research and publications
The peculiarities of media education were widely covered in the fundamental works of K. Bezelget, J. Gerbner, R. Kubey, L. Masterman, B. McMahon, P. Ofderheid, S. von Feilitsen, E. Hartta and oth. The following Ukrainian scholars have made significant contributions in the field of media education: S. Honcharenko, T. Zadorozhna, A. Lytvyn, H. Onkovych, T.Tveresovska and others. Some issues of media education development were studied by Polish scientists. The works of D. Batorski, G. Ptaszek are devoted to the development of media competencies and their diagnostics; M. Gozek studied approaches in the field of media education; D. Stunza developed specific solutions for the development of media education at schools.
AIM AND Tasks Research
The purpose of this article is to study the stages of development of media education in higher education institutions of Ukraine and Poland.
The research objectives are: to identify and compare aspects of media education development; to identify common and distinctive components of media education development in Ukraine and Poland; to study the comparative analysis.
research methods
We used historical and logical method, method of generalization, method of analysis and synthesis, system method, method of content analysis to implement the purpose and to compare the development of media education in Ukraine and Poland.
Results of the research
The future of modern media education in the context of European integration are closely related to the process of social modernization, the problems of critical thinking, and as a result, to a high level of media culture of the xXl century. The concept of media education in Poland has a long history, but the concept itself and its field of knowledge is a relatively new phenomenon. It was a kind of response to the requirements of the new information society in Poland and the progressive mediatization of everyday life. The development of media education in Ukraine is mainly characterized by three groups of socio-political and socio-economic changes: firstly, increasing changes in the global and national economy; secondly, international compulsory standards for formation of Ukrainian educational system; thirdly, an urgent prevention of information violence.
The education system should have the main place in the development of young generation of Ukrainian identity, patriotism preventing the external disinformation (Bachynsjkyj D., 2018). We will study these issues in the research.
Media education (from Latin media - learning tools) is a field of knowledge in pedagogy aimed at teaching and learning about media literacy and information tools (press, television, radio, cinema, video, Internet sources, etc.); the principles of acquisition of basic knowledge and skills. The main tasks of media education are to prepare the new generation for life in modern information society, to teach a young person to avoid the influence on the psyche, to master the tools of communication based on verbal and non-verbal forms of communication (Ghryshkova R., 2012, pp. 63). media education teaching
Information and communication technology provide users the access to information - one of the values of our society. The effectiveness of its using depends on different mass media means, which are becoming necessary for communication and the process of exchange of information (Bachynsjkyj D., 2018). Contrary to popular belief, media competence is not only about the ability to use the Internet or mobile devices and gadgets, although this is also a part of media education. However, these instrumental skills are relatively easy to acquire today, especially for those who was born in the digital age. The bigger problem is the whole range of "soft skills, as well as the lack of skills for effective and conscious media use. For example, a competent media person should be able to distinguish a message written according to the principles of journalistic ethics, honesty, objectivity, and the one aimed to spread stereotypes or cause negative emotions, fear, prejudice. So, we try to analyze the peculiarities of media education development in Ukraine and Poland.
In Poland, media education has been intensively developing over the past decades. Therefore, we have divided the development of media education in Poland into several stages: the first stage - 90s of the XX century - 1995; Polish television created a special four-hour educational television programm called "Educational Television"; the second stage - the beginning of 1996 - 2007; there were debates in the Polish educational environment about the form and role of media education in education system. Consequently, the elective course "Advertising and Media Education" was implemented in 1999 by Ministry of National Education for schools; the third stage - 2008 - 2019; In 2008, the Ministry of National Education changed the curriculum at schools again, and some educational subjects, including the course of media education were canceled. Some courses were changed and improved; the fourth stage - 2019 - until now.
The most important changes in the development of media education were observed during the second stage. Such courses as "Media in Education" and "Media Pedagogy" were introduced in pedagogical universities in Poland. The main tasks were: formation of concepts "information society", "media", "multimedia", "media education", "mass communication", "manipulation", etc; researching the function of modern mass media in the educational process; identifying risks of digital media use in the everyday lives of children and students, and developing extra measures to prevent them; formation of skills and abilities of critical, conscious, responsible use of information not only by students, but also by their parents (Ishhenko A., 2013, pp.83). This situation had been lasting for almost a decade (until 2008).
During the third stage, the Ministry of National Education (2008) and the National Council of Radio and Television in 2008-2010 developed a model of media education, according to, the development of media education began at primary school and ended at universities (Ishhenko A., 2013, pp.80). However, the curricula did not last long and was replaced by a curriculum of teaching media education by all teachers within the subjects they teach. But, the Ministry of National Education of Poland recommended the teachers to use elements of media education only in a few school subjects, and first of all, it was the formation of ability to interpret media messages and to acquire computer literacy. In our opinion, the disadvantages of such decision were the lack of sufficient, trained teachers, and only some of them were eager to gain additional knowledge at special courses, as it was not compulsory.
Today (stage 4), almost all projects related to media education are implemented by non-governmental organizations and online publications, which are mainly aimed at developing digital literacy, formation of safe online behavior and programming skills. The educational public organiations have a great influence on media education. In particular, the public organization "Modern Poland" has created "Catalogue of Media and Information Competencies", which contains a list of media and information competencies for people of all ages - from preschoolers to adults (the concept of lifelong learning). The catalogue contains a wide range of topics in this field, including the language of media, the ability to use information, freedom of speech and expression, ethics and values.
The information platform "Media Education" (Edukacja Medialna) has the methodology of media education in some areas: use of information, media language, relationships and communication in the media space, ethics and values of media, creative use of media, legal and economic aspects of media use (6).
In Ukraine, media education has also dramatically changed in recent years due to information warfares held by Russia. However, the development of media education in Ukraine began since the country become independent, although, it was at the general level of development of media education theoretical concepts until 1992 (the first stage 1991 - 2000). The aesthetic theory of media education was main here. Media teachers of that time implemented foreign experience in developing media education. In general, the first half of the 90s of the last century was not productive for Ukrainian media teachers. Apparently, political and economic problems did not allow to concentrate on other pedagogical approaches and trainings. Although, some conferences were held by National Association of Film Education and Media Pedagogy of Ukraine. As for the development of media education in Ukrainian higher education institutions, the main issues of media education were studied at the end of the XX century. The second stage of media education development in Ukraine was during 2000-2010. It was the period of significant achievements of Ukrainian scientist in media education development. Among them were H. Onkovych (development of media didactics), G. Pocheptsov (media theories), and B. Potyatynnyk (protective concept of media education) and others (Bachynsjkyj D., 2018).
According to H. Onkovych, the development of Ukrainian media education began when the Institute of Mass Media Information was established at Lviv National University by B. Potyatynnyk. Under the concept of "media education" he understood the scientific and educational activity, aimed at protecting users from mass media manipulation and the development of information culture (Najdjonova L., 2017). The leaders of the Institute of Mass Media Information B. Potyatynnyk and N. Gabor successfully organized and held an international scientific and practical conference "Media Education as a part of citizen's education" and they also wrote and implemented the curriculum of an elective course "Media education as a part of citizen's education". Thus, the colleagues carefully looked for "protective" approaches, which highlighted the negative influence of the media (Onkovych Gh., 2013).
At the beginning of the XXI century, the Kyiv group of media educators, in particular, H. Onkovych, presented their ideas of media education development. They studied the problems of media didactics as a component of media education development. According to H. Onkovych, media education is needed not only for students but also for adults [5]. Moreover, she emphasized the importance of media self education. H. Onkovych highlighted media didactic ideas in her theoretical concept. In her understanding, media didactics have approaches based on mass media: cinema, radio, press, television, etc. (Onkovych Gh., 2013, pp. 25).
L. Naydonova developed a model of media culture consisting of four interrelated blocks: "reaction" (looking for necessary information, its scanning and identification of media texts); "actualization" (integration of new knowledge related to the media); "production" (transformation of media knowledge and skills); "using" (innovative activities and research of the media industry) (Najdjonova L., 2017).
In recent years, Ukrainian researchers have closely connected media education with the development of critical thinking, based on the ideas of British scientist L. Masterman. To a greater extent, they are analyzing the possibility of integrated media education, especially the training of PR-specialists using linguistic materials (Bachynsjkyj D., 2018). However, the development of media education was only on the theoretical level, while in Poland, the educational courses were fully implemented in the learning process at schools and institutions of higher education.
The third stage (2010-2018). It is characterized by the establishment of Academy of Ukrainian Press, its main activities were the development and implementation of media education in Ukraine since 2010, and now it publishes educational literature and organizes summer schools aimed on teaching media education, media literacy and training preschool, school and university teachers.
The Academy of Ukrainian Press has identified the following tasks in the field of media education: formation and traing a group of media educators for primary, secondary and higher education; preparation of training manuals for different target audiences; using foreign experience of media education development in Ukraine; creating opportunities for lifelong media education together with libraries and the public organisations.
In 2012, the Academy of Ukrainian Press created the website "Media Education and Media Literacy", which contains all materials of the Academy. Here you can find the first Ukrainian media education online game "Mediaznayko" adapted to Ukrainian realities. Media education teachers are actively using the materials of website "Media Education and Media Literacy" for preparation to the lessons. Although, the media education is not a compulsory part of educational process in Ukraine, but there were positive changes in 2010.
Accordingly, the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences approved "The concept of development of media education in Ukraine". The main idea of the concept was the development of an effective system of media education in Ukraine to ensure the general training of children and youth for safe and effective interaction with the modern media system. The implementation of the concept was planned in 3 stages: experimental (2010-2013), gradual introduction of media education and standardization of requirements (2014-2016), further development of media education (2017-2020) (Ghryshkova R., 2012). In general, the implementation of the concept is not effective.
The comparative analysis determined, that the common features of media education development in the studied countries are: raising the level of media culture, media literacy; formation of critical thinking, gaining abilities to develop media creativity through education and training practical skills with information and communication technologies in the field of media.
In Poland, the issues of media education are expressed in educational and feature films "Media Education", books, manuals for educators, teachers, future teachers, parents, which contain information about the risks of disinformation for child development and ways of its preventing. Practical classes about media education of school children are conducted for educators and future teachers, and also plans of different master classes and workshops are published (Najdjonova L., 2017).
Polish educational institutions had significant achievements in training future teachers: thoroughly developed educational and methodological support, which is available to everyone. In particular, the academic disciplines "Media education", "Media pedagogy" are provided with methodological manuals and realized through basic forms of education, such as lectures and practical classes, master classes, workshops containing interactive and project methods, conversion. Students work on producing films on this topic related to morality, right and ethics of modern media, and conduct scientific research at pedagogical universities.
In Ukraine, media education in higher education institutions is realised through both compulsory and elective subjects. The analysis of about 20 curricula of Master's degree “011 Education/Pedagogy” has shown that the most common subjects of separate and integrated courses are "Media Culture", "Fundamentals of Media Literacy", "Media Education", "Steps to Media Literacy".
Since 2016, the integration of media education has achieved particular success in teaching social disciplines, due to the preparation of methodological materials and the fact that these subjects are close to the interpretation of modern history. Media education as a separate subject is taught in more than 300 schools.
The conducted content analysis has shown the main aspects of the development of media education in Poland in percentages, (see Picture. 1).
Picture.1 Main pecularities of media education in Ukraine and Poland.
According to the picture 1, the most common aspects of media education development are: selection and analysis of a large number of information sources; the right choice of information source;analysing the alternative source of information;
awareness that information can be true and false; questioning the truth of received information; review the truth of certain information, that is, an attempt to be critical to information (Onkovych Gh., 2013, pp. 25).
According to the chart, the attitude to these aspects in Ukraine and Poland is radically different. In Poland, it is a critical attitude towards information sources and information accuracy.
In our opinion, there are obstacles to the introduction of media education into national educational system, the scientists have identified (Ishhenko A., 2013): there is no systematic support for the introduction of media education in curricula by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, especially in the context of education reform; insufficient number of teaching manuals for each age category and integrated teaching in each subject; lack of media education specialists and poor level of their training; lack of mass media materials for schoolchildren. They use media messages adapted for adults. Commercial media do not have newspapers for pupils, as it is practiced in developed democratic societies. Social and political publications do not focus on the education of young readers;lack of media library (resources). For example, the Polish project "School Film Library" has prepared a package of more than 100 feature, animated and documentary films and methodological recommendations (lectures) for using at schools during the educational process. It includes both classics of Polish cinema and contemporary films.
The analysis of the peculiarities of media education development in Ukraine and Poland helped us to identify the common features of educational process. Some of them are teaching basics of media; teaching and upbringing learners through the media and for the media, analyzing of different information sources and the influence of manipulation on the development of media education, etc. All of these components are used for training future teachers at universities, however, the educational process is realized through the latest media tools and the learning for media which requires the production of media products mainly using information systems.
There are also distinctive features in the development of media education in Ukraine and Poland. For example, the Polish courses "Media Education", "Media Pedagogy", etc., consist not only of the main forms of lectures and practical classes, but also of master classes, training platforms etc. Interactive and project-based teaching methods, film demonstrations, Internet communication are used as well. In Ukrainian higher education institutions, there are practically no special disciplines aimed at training media literacy, some topics of media education are taught at pedagogical and information technology courses.
It should be noted, that didactic and methodological support for media education is more thoroughly developed in Poland than in Ukraine, in particular. In Ukraine, the methodological support of media education is only at the stage of formulating, and it is only being developed for preschool education institutions.
Conclusions and prospects of further research
Introduction of media in the educational process is the main condition for informatization of education. Media education forces teachers to put intellectual efforts on modernization of the educational process. The educational process involves the work with a huge number of new information tools, and it is quite difficult to use them without any skills. Therefore, modern society needs qualified teachers who are able to make decisions independently in the conditions of informatization.
It was found that the systemic development of media education in both countries is incomplete, based on the results of the study. However, the didactic and methodological support of media education is more thoroughly developed in Poland than in Ukraine. After all, the media education is a vital part of educational process for young learners in the digital age and it is the best way to protect them from media disinformation.We believe, that looking for new ways for improving the quality of media education and the formulation of consistent patterns of using the media technologies is promising in the educational process of Ukraine and Poland. In particular, attention should be paid at the development of media education curricula in higher education institutions.
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3. Oficijnyj sajt Akademiji ukrajinsjkoji presy.
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статья [701,0 K], добавлен 21.09.2017Principles of asr teсhnology. Performance and designissues in speech applications. Current trends in voise-interactive call. Difining and acquiring literacy in the age of information. Content-based instruction and literacy development.
курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 21.01.2008Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.
статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014The history of the use of the interactive whiteboard in the learning. The use of IWB to study of the English, the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Perfect pronunciation, vocabulary. The development of reading, writing, listening and speaking.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 23.02.2016Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.
курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012