Historiography of the development of postgraduate education of primary school teachers in western regions of ukraine (1945-1991)
Education is an obvious reflection of all social processes. Analysis of scientific and practical work on the problem of the development of postgraduate education of primary school teachers in the western regions of Ukraine (1945-1991) was carried out.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.07.2023 |
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Historiography of the development of postgraduate education of primary school teachers in western regions of ukraine (1945-1991)
Nataliia Basarab,
graduate student of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management named after Bohdan Stuparyk, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
Education is an obvious reflection of all social processes, it is entrusted with the tasks of formation, development, spiritual self-affirmation of the human potential of the country. Primary education is the link of education in which the prerequisites for further personal development, the desire for knowledge, the generation of national consciousness and positive moral qualities of each citizen are laid. The most important resource of primary school is the pedagogical staff, who constantly perform different functions: teacher, educator, psychologist, mentor, researcher with all the professional requirements put forward to them by the state and society, which actualizes the significant need for their postgraduate education (purposeful professional growth, raising the level of professional qualification and skill). The need for continuing education of teachers is accompanied by the constant updating of the content of the educational process, the emergence of new pedagogical technologies, the systematic replenishment of scientific and methodological information and bridging the gap between the knowledge and experience of previous generations, which cannot be done without taking into account positive examples of educational development. Therefore, the article presents a historical and pedagogical analysis of scientific and practical achievements on the development of postgraduate education of primary school teachers in the western regions of Ukraine (1945-1991).
Keywords: historiography, source base, postgraduate education, further training of primary school teachers, development of education.
Історіографія розвитку післядипломної освіти вчителів початкової школи в західних областях України (1945-1991 рр.)
Наталія Басараб, аспірантка кафедри педагогіки та освітнього менеджменту імені Богдана Ступарика, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
Освіта є безумовним віддзеркаленням усіх суспільних процесів, на неї покладені завдання з формування, розвитку, духовного самоствердження людського потенціалу країни. Початкова освіта є тією ланкою освіти, у якій закладаються передумови для подальшого розвитку особистості, прагнення до пізнання, генерування національної свідомості та позитивних моральних якостей кожного громадянина. Важливим ресурсом початкової школи є педагогічні працівники, які постійно виконують різнорівневі функції: учителя, вихователя, психолога, наставника, дослідника з усіма висунутими до них державою і суспільством професійними вимогами, що й актуалізує вагому потребу в їх післядипломній освіті (цілеспрямованому фаховому зростанні, підвищенні рівня професійної кваліфікації та майстерності). Необхідність безперервної освіти педагогів супроводжується й постійним оновленням змісту навчально-виховного процесу, появою нових педагогічних технологій, систематичним поповненням науково-методичної інформації та подоланням розриву між здобутими знаннями та досвідом попередніх поколінь, який неможливо здійснювати без урахування позитивних прикладів розвитку освіти. У статті здійснено історико-педагогічний аналіз наукових та практичних напрацювань із проблеми розвитку післядипломної освіти вчителів початкової школи в західних областях України (1945-1991 рр.).
Ключові слова: історіографія, джерельна база, післядипломна освіта, підвищення кваліфікації вчителів початкової школи, розвиток освіти.
The problem formulation. An overview of the problem under study will contribute to the creation of a holistic image of the history of the development of postgraduate education of primary school teachers in the western Ukrainian lands (1945-1991). Also, the analysis of this topic can become a scientific and theoretical basis for the formation of an effective state educational policy of the modern Ukrainian state, in particular, taking into account the difficult path of Ukraine to equal development in the circle of democratic European states, the negative experience of manipulating education by existing regimes during the study period.
postgraduate education teacher
Various studies on the theory, methodology and history of the development of postgraduate education of pedagogical staff were carried out by leading Ukrainian scientists. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of the system of advanced training are covered in the works of I. Zhorova, A. Zubko, A. Kuzminsky, N. Protasova, L. Sergeyeva and others. The historical and pedagogical aspect of the problem of continuing pedagogical education was studied by historians of pedagogy L. Berezivska, S. Krysiuk, V. Kuzmenko, L. Sigayeva, O. Sukhomlynska and others. The main aspects of the development of primary education content and pedagogical thought were studied by the following scientists: N. Demianenko, M. Yevtukh, N. Nikalo, O. Sukhomlynska, M. Yaremchenko, M. Skatkin, I. Lerner, V. Raevsky, V. Lednev, T. Denysiuk and others. Such scientists as O. Vozniuk, I. Drohobytskyi, T. Zavhorodnia, N. Matveeva, A. Nagirniak, V. Russol, S. Svorak, I. Strazhnikova, B. Stuparyk and others were engaged in the study of the development of postgraduate education in the western regions of Ukraine.
The analysis of scientific research allows to confirm the significant interest of native scientists to the problem of development of postgraduate education in Ukraine. At the same time, we have to state a small number of studies devoted to the regional development of postgraduate education of primary school teachers in different historical periods, in particular, concerning the territory of the western regions of Ukraine.
Purpose of the article: on the basis of studying the works of native scientists to analyze the studyability of the problem of postgraduate education of primary school teachers in the western regions of Ukraine (1945-1991) in the historical retrospective of the development of postgraduate education in Ukraine.
Objectives of the study:
* to analyze the state of research of the problem in the scientific literature;
* to reveal the changes that took place in the system of development of postgraduate education of primary school teachers during the study period on the basis of retrospective and comparative analysis;
* to identify the factors that negatively influenced the development of postgraduate education of teachers in the region (1945-1991);
* to identify positive trends in the experience of postgraduate education of primary school teachers in the western regions of Ukraine during the study period.
In order to solve the tasks, the following research methods were used: search and bibliographic - will contribute to the systematization and classification of the source base (scientific, pedagogical, methodological literature, periodicals); historical and pedagogical analysis of pedagogical and scientific-methodical literature - will help to analyze the historical trends in the development of postgraduate education of teachers in the Western region of Ukraine (1945-1991); retrospective - will help to reflect the nature of the evolution of postgraduate education of teachers; critical analysis of the literature on the history of pedagogy and postgraduate education of teachers; critical analysis of the literature on the history of pedagogy and postgraduate education of teachers.
The works that make up the source base of the problem under study are conditionally united into 3 groups: the first one is represented by generalizing works on the history of pedagogy and postgraduate education of pedagogical staff; the second group consists of studies of Soviet teachers devoted to the transformation and subordination of underground education; the third group is represented by historical and pedagogical research of modern native researchers.
It is worth noting that the 40-60s of the twentieth century was a period accompanied by the Marxist-Leninist methodology of postgraduate education development, where in the occupied territories of Western Ukraine the main goal was the ideological and political training of specialists. S. Svorak in his work "Education in the Western Ukrainian Region in 1944-1964" noted that after the Second World War "the Soviet government made great efforts to ensure that the education and upbringing of the younger generations in the western regions of Ukraine were under the influence of communist ideology" (Svorak S., 1998, p. 3). In the 1950s, the Lviv State University published a book by G. Paperna, F. Naumenko "Innovator of Soviet Pedagogy", with the help of which teachers were obsessively offered the ideas and approaches of A. Makarenko (Svorak S., 1998, p. 14). In general, Soviet historiography has always tried to limit the problem of World War II mainly to political and military events, leaving aside cultural and educational life. In scientific studies of this period (periodicals of the Soviet school: M. Bogatov "The role of cinema in the pedagogical process" (1959), M. Boyko "Strengthening the organizational work of public education departments" (1956), S. Chavdarov "Urgent tasks of pedagogical science" and others; dissertations: O. Ihnat "Essays on the history of the development of public education in the Transcarpathian region during the years of Soviet power" (1955), I. Pavliuk "Development of public education in the western regions of the Ukrainian SSR (1939-1950)" (1956), R. Rostykus "The development of public education in the western regions of the Ukrainian SSR" (1956), R. Rostykus "Development and Strengthening of Higher Education in the Western Regions of Ukraine in the Postwar Period (1945-1955)" (1960), O. Shatenko "Development of Public Education in Volyn during the Soviet era (1939-1954)" (1954), etc.) did not cover the socio-political and public position of teachers as the largest group of intellectuals, but reflected the problem of providing schools with teaching staff, emphasized the importance of professional ideological and political training of teachers, professional training was not given priority (Pryjmakova V. 2017, p. 276). On this basis, Ukrainian scientists developed an opposition to the Soviet pedagogical science, where it is impossible to avoid the work of H. Vashchenko "Project of the education system in independent Ukraine" (1957), V. Sukhomlynsky "Go forward", which was written in the period 1950-1960, and published only in 1989.
I. Strazhnikova notes that Ukrainian Soviet historiography still has a vague idea of the organization and content of Ukrainian teacher training. It was associated with the activities of the Regional School Council, and the functioning of the network of public and private teacher seminaries was not actually mentioned (Strazhnikova I., 2014). Nevertheless, thanks to the work of researchers, an objective view of the organization and development of postgraduate education became possible.
According to the historical research of scientists (O. Vozniuk (Voznjuk O., 2013), T. Denysiuk (Denysjuk T., 2006), I. Drohobytskyi (Droghobycjkyj I., 2009), A. Nagirniak (Naghirnjak A., 2011)) in the postwar period, pedagogical universities were not able to fully meet the country's need for teachers. In order to quickly provide educational institutions with teachers, the Soviet authorities decided to open additional "eleventh" classes in September 1945, and a similar initiative was implemented in Lviv. The state, in particular local authorities, tried to provide students of such classes with everything they needed: housing, food, even notebooks, which were of great value in the postwar period. This training was not popular, because if the university gave education for 4 years, preparing a specialist, the women's pedagogical class had to prepare a teacher for primary school in a year.
In 1959, general compulsory 8-year education was introduced. Primary school lost its functional independence and became only the foundation for further education. During this period, adjustments were made to the content of primary education, but they had no scientific justification. Thus, until the mid-60s primary school remained at the level of pre-war requirements (Naghirnjak A., 2011). In working with teachers of the humanities, it was constantly emphasized the need to study with students the primary sources of Marxism-Leninism, Soviet periodicals ("The Way of Education", "People's Teacher", "Soviet Education", "Soviet School"), which acted as a source of information, and to some extent gave an idea of the state system, socio-economic situation, educational trends, innovations, features of the historical period.
Later, during the 70s and 80s of the twentieth century, the dominant focus on improving the theoretical level of professional readiness of teachers to teach academic disciplines and the formation of their Marxist-Leninist worldview continued to be actively implemented. However, at this time, there were also positive changes, including the focus on the development of professionalism of teachers, creativity, inclusion of psychological knowledge in the course training (N. Kuzmin "Psychological Structure of Teacher's Activity" (1976), which had a positive impact on the educational process, in particular in primary school. The psychological and pedagogical concepts of primary education were revised and the concept of developmental learning was developed (V. Davidov, L. Zankov, D. Elkonin) (Denysjuk T., 2006).
In the 80s, the content of primary education was reformed in accordance with the increase in its duration from three to four years, taking into account the principles of developmental learning. Since 1981, work has begun on building a system of primary education for children from the age of 6, and then in 1984, the "Main directions of reform of secondary and vocational schools" introduced experiential learning for children of six years old (Denysjuk T., 2006). Difficulties in the implementation of this program were due to the insufficient development of psychological, pedagogical, methodological issues and the lack of professional training of teachers. Since the emphasis in the work of postgraduate education institutions was not on addressing the individual professional needs of teachers (theoretical, methodological, practical), but on the introduction of general principles, a somewhat superficial acquaintance with innovations (Krysjuk S., 1995). We should also note the fact that in the scientific works devoted to the issues of education of socialist countries, which were published in the 80s of XX century, the problems of education development, including postgraduate education of teachers, were considered fragmentarily, due to the socio-political and economic crisis in the country. The dominance of communist ideology did not allow to cover subjects related to the activities of underground structures and organizations, which is clearly observed in the historical essay by M. Nizhynsky "School, Teacher, Pedagogy" (1978). "The Ukrainian people in the conditions of the communist empire was brought to gradual disappearance as a nation. However, contrary to the anti-Ukrainian policy, thanks to the ascetic, selfless work of the people's teachers, young people acquired proper general education, were involved in socially useful, productive and creative work..." (Ljubar O., Steljmakhovych M., Fedorenko D., 2003, p. 373).
During the era of independent Ukraine, studies related to the professional development of teachers have aroused considerable interest among native scientists, including researchers from the western regions of Ukraine (O. Vozniuk (Voznjuk O., 2013), I. Drohobytskyi (Droghobycjkyj I., 2009), T. Zavgorodna (Zavghorodnja T., 1999), A. Nagirniak (Naghirnjak A., 2011), S. Svorak (Svorak S., 1998), O. Tsybaniuk (Cybanjuk O., 2020) and others). This is evidenced by numerous scientific researches: monographs, publications in professional journals, materials of scientific conferences, teaching aids.
We pay special attention to modern dissertation researches of scientists, which have become a significant contribution to the reflection of the content characteristics of the functioning and development of postgraduate education of primary school teachers:
* 1996 - Krysyuk S. "Formation and development of postgraduate education of pedagogical staff in Ukraine (1917-1995)";
* 1999 - Divak V. "Professional formation of methodologists in institutions of postgraduate education of pedagogical workers";
* 1999 - Kapchenko O. "Activity of district departments of public education on advanced training of pedagogical staff in Ukraine (1945-1990);
* 1999 - Protasova N. "Theoretical and methodological foundations of the functioning of the system of postgraduate education of teachers in Ukraine";
* 2000 - V. Russol "Didactic bases of optimization of the content of postgraduate education of pedagogical workers";
* 2003 - Kuzminsky A. "Theoretical and methodological foundations of postgraduate pedagogical education in Ukraine";
* 2005 - Titarenko I. "Postgraduate education of primary school teacher in the system of methodical work of secondary school";
* 2005 - Chepurna N. "Scientific and methodological principles of development of the system of advanced training of pedagogical workers of Ukraine (1970-2004)";
* 2006 - Stolyarchuk T. "Problems of organization of pedagogical work of the teacher of public schools (the second half of the XIX - the beginning of the XX century)";
* 2008 - Shvydun V. Features of pedagogical changes in the activity of secondary schools of Ukraine (1917-1941);
* 2009 - Matveieva N. "Organization of scientific and methodological work with teachers of primary secondary schools in Ukraine (1945-1990)";
* 2015 - Strazhnikova I. "Historiography of the development of pedagogical science in the studies of the Western region of Ukraine (second half of the XX - early XXI century);
* 2017 - Pryimakova V. "Development of postgraduate education of primary school teachers in Ukraine (1948-2012)";
* 2019 - Shugai Y. "Development of postgraduate education in native pedagogical theory and practice (1932-1958)".
We draw attention to the fact that this list of processed studies is not exhaustive, but still is a significant achievement of postgraduate education, thanks to which there was a rethinking of the goals of professional development of teachers, including: taking into account the interests of teachers in continuous professional development; promoting their updating of theoretical knowledge, professional skills and abilities to meet the needs of society in highly qualified, competitive specialists.
With the help of retrospective analysis of the source base, we tried to analyze the state of development of postgraduate education of primary school teachers in the western regions of Ukraine (1945-1991), tried to determine the stages of development of the problem under study and to highlight the peculiarities of the development of postgraduate education in the region. As evidenced by the works of native scientists -our state has received a contradictory educational heritage. On the one hand, it is selfless work, creative enthusiasm, significant achievements and innovations of teachers, on the other - the education system that ignored the interests of teachers, leveled their national feelings. The studied sources also trace the fact that the activity of the system of in-service training of teachers was aimed at fulfilling the public order, which in different periods of time was to provide society with personnel of the proper level accompanied by the peculiarities of political, economic, ideological and social development. Some areas of activity of postgraduate pedagogical education institutions were determined by pedagogical needs, and in other cases pedagogy served as a kind of cover for the propaganda of the main components of the Soviet ideological doctrine.
We see the prospects for further research in clarifying the conditions and factors of development of postgraduate education of primary school teachers (1945-1991), taking into account not only native but also foreign publications.
Voznjuk, O. (2013). Shkiljna osvita ta vchyteljstvo Zakhidnoji Ukrajiny v roky Drughoji svitovoji vijny. Istorychni nauky. S. 7-9. URL: http://eadnurt.diit.edu. ua/bitstream/123456789/3901/1/Vozniuk_1.pdf
Denysjuk, T (2006). Istorioghrafichnyj analiz rozvytku zmistu pochatkovoji osvity Ukrajiny u 50-90-kh rokakh KhKh st. Visn. Zhytomyr. derzh. un-tu im. I. Franka. Vyp. 28. URL: http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/1110/1/06dtfpou.pdf.
Droghobycjkyj, I. (2009). Ideologhichnyj aspekt dijaljnosti ustanov pisljadyplomnoji pedaghoghichnoji osvity u zakhidnoukrajinsjkomu regioni 19391950 rr. (na prykladi Ivano-Frankivsjkogho oblasnogho instytutu pisljadyplomnoji pedaghoghichnoji osvity). Problemy ghumanitarnykh nauk: zbirnyk naukovykh pracj DDPU imeni Ivana Franka. № 24. S 110-119. URL: http://phh.dspu.edu.ua/article/download/172166/171907
Zavghorodnja, T (1999). Pidvyshhennja profesijnoji kvalifikaciji vchyteliv Ghalychyny (1919-1939 roky): Dydaktychnyj aspekt. Ivano-Frankivsjk: PLAJ, 1999. 88 s.
Krysjuk, S. (1995). Aktualjni problemy reformuvannja pisljadyplomnoji osvity pedaghoghichnykh kadriv. Shljakhy rozvytku ta vdoskonalennja systemy pisljadyplomnoji osvity: mater. Vseukr. naukovo-praktychnoji konf. 24-25 lystopada 1994 r. Ch. 1. Kyjiv: MO Ukrajiny, S. 57-71.
Ljubar, O., Steljmakhovych, M., Fedorenko, D. (2003). Istorija ukrajinsjkoji shkoly i pedaghoghiky: Navch. Posib. / za red. O. Ljubara. Kyjiv: «Znannja», 450 s.
Naghirnjak, A. (2011). Osvitnja polityka nimecjkoji okupacijnoji vijsjkovoji vlady na terytoriji Zakhidnoji Ukrajiny. Visnyk Nacionaljnogho universytetu «Ljvivsjka politekhnika». 2011. № 693. Derzhava ta armija. S. 211-215. URL: http://ena.lp.edu.ua:8080/handle/ntb/10904
Pryjmakova, V. (2017). Istorioghrafija problemy rozvytku pisljadyplomnoji osvity vchyteliv pochatkovykh klasiv v Ukrajini. Pedaghoghichnyj aljmanakh: zbirnyk naukovykh pracj. Kherson: KVNZ «Khersonsjka akademija neperervnoji osvity». Vypusk 33. S. 274-280. URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/ UJRN/pedalm_2017_33_46
Svorak, S. (1998). Osvita u zakhidnoukrajinsjkomu reghioni v 1944-1964 rokakh. Kyjiv. 40 s.
Strazhnikova, I. (2014). Evoljucija rozvytku profesijnoji osvity zakhidnogho reghionu Ukrajiny (istorioghrafichnyj aspekt). Pedaghoghichnyj aljmanakh: zb. nauk. pracj / redkol. V. Kuzjmenko (gholova) ta in. Kherson: KVNZ «Khersonsjka akademija neperervnoji osvity», 2014. Vyp. 23. 317 s. S. 300-306.
Cybanjuk, O. (2020). Rozvytok pisljadyplomnoji pedaghoghichnoji osvity Bukovyny pershoji polovyny ХХ st. Journal «ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education». № 1(34). S. 48-53.
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