Modern approaches to updating the primary education content and their implementation directions for the development of junior school students’ emotional intelligence
Presented results of the analysis of software for the development of younger schoolchildren’s emotional intelligence, presented in current standard educational programs and the State Standard of General Primary Education of Ukraine are highlighted.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 20,7 K |
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Modern approaches to updating the primary education content and their implementation directions for the development of junior school students' emotional intelligence
Tetiana Kotyk,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Professional Methods and Technologies of Primary Education,
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
Lesia Shkleda,
Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages,
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
The reorientation of the modern Ukrainian school from knowledgeable to competent one is aimed at forming students' life experience, necessary knowledge, skills and values important for successful implementation in a rapidly changing society. The New Ukrainian school concept proclaims personality-oriented education, i.e. oriented not on the usual mastering of knowledge, but on the formation of the child's personality, his character and attitude to the world. The goal of education system modernization is to transfer the vector of child's external world cognition, created by nature and a man, to mastering the processes of interaction with this world, understanding the meaning of one's own activities. Therefore, the meaningful content of the educational process in primary school becomes particularly relevant in order to implement the New Ukrainian School tasks, especially in the aspect of the development of such student's personal quality as emotional intelligence. The article reveals the prerequisites for the formation of modern approaches in the educational process organization, the structural components of the work content on the development of the primary school students' personal worldview, the features of new approaches to the implementation of the primary education content and their personal value orientation and emotional components of education. The results of the analysis of software for the development of younger schoolchildren's emotional intelligence, presented in current standard educational programs and the State Standard of General Primary Education of Ukraine are highlighted. We have come to the conclusion that the development of emotional intelligence of younger schoolchildren is a cross-cutting content line, i.e. a mandatory educational result which is formed by means of all educational branches and serves as a qualitative changes indicator in the primary education system.
Keywords: New Ukrainian school, emotional intelligence, younger schoolchildren, modern approaches to learning and their emotional and value orientation.
Сучасні підходи до оновлення змісту початкової освіти та напрями їх реалізації для розвитку емоційного інтелекту молодших школярів
Тетяна Котик,
доктор педагогічних наук, професор кафедри фахових методик і технологій початкової освіти, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
Леся Шкледа,
старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов,
Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
Переорієнтація сучасної української школи із знаннєвої на компетентнісну має на меті формування в учнів життєвого досвіду, необхідних знань, умінь та цінностей, важливих для успішної реалізації в швидкозмінюваному суспільстві. Концепція Нової української школи (НУШ) проголошує особистісно зорієнтоване навчання, тобто орієнтоване не на звичайне засвоєння знань, а на формування особистості самої дитини, її характеру, ставлення до світу. Мета модернізації системи освіти - переведення вектора пізнання із зовнішнього світу дитини, створеного природою та людиною, на засвоєння процесів взаємодії з цим світом, розуміння смислів власної діяльності. Відтак особливої актуальності набуває змістове наповнення освітнього процесу в початковій школі задля реалізації завдань НУШ, зокрема в аспекті розвитку такої особистісної якості учнів, як емоційний інтелект. У статті розкрито передумови становлення сучасних підходів до організації освітнього процесу, структурні компоненти змісту роботи з розвитку особистісного світогляду учнів початкової школи, особливості нових підходів до реалізації змісту початкової освіти та їх особистісно-ціннісне спрямування та емоційні складові освіти. Висвітлено результати аналізу програмового забезпечення розвитку емоційного інтелекту молодших школярів, поданого в чинних типових освітніх програмах та Державному стандарті загальної початкової освіти України. Розвиток емоційного інтелекту молодших школярів є наскрізною змістовою лінією, тобто обов'язковим освітнім результатом, що формується засобами всіх освітніх галузей і слугує показником якісних змін у системі початкової освіти.
Ключові слова: Нова українська школа, емоційний інтелект, молодші школярі, сучасні підходи до навчання та їх емоційно-ціннісне спрямування.
The problem formulation. The State Standard of General Primary Education defines content guidelines for the integral development of the personality of a primary school student and formulates them as cross-cutting skills that are common to all educational branches and compulsory for the formation of a student, namely: solves problems, critically and creatively thinks, cooperates, communicates effectively, develops his own emotional intelligence, researches, organizes his activities, reflects, reads thoughtfully. Such orientations reflect the balanced interaction of the main structural components of the personality: emotional ("I feel"), thinking ("I think") and active ("I act").
Therefore, the task of emotional intelligence development is an important component of the primary education content. Mastering it by primary school students as a means of successful social interaction and getting to know themselves and others should become the most important child's attainment at primary school age, which is characterized by a special sensitivity to the learning of social communication norms and rules.
The domestic system of education is guided by a holistic concept of education content formation at each stage of its development, which has been built on the basis of the theoretical works of the leading didactists of the country and the world. Theoretical ideas about the education content, which takes into account the society and student's needs, sources and methods of content formation and improvement, grounds and guidelines for determining the educational subjects content and materials, requirements for methods of fixing the education content in educational programs, presented together with the activity aspect of the training process, in their essence, form the basis for the formation of the education content at various levels. primary education emotional intelligence
Accordingly, the Ukrainian researcher M. Shpak noted that emotional intelligence should be considered in the context of the "activity" category, since it develops and manifests itself in activity: in the communication process, interaction with other people. Therefore, emotional intelligence, or EQ, is an indicator of the ability to communicate, the skill to be aware of one's own emotions and to understand the other people's feelings; it is the interaction of emotional, cognitive, behavioral and motivational features of an individual, aimed at understanding one's own emotions and the other people's emotional experiences, the submission of emotions to the mind, which contributes to self-knowledge and self-realization through the enrichment of emotional and social experience (Shpak, M. , 2011).
D. Goleman presented his vision of holistic concept components of "emotional intelligence", expanding and deepening the understanding of this phenomenon with such concepts as empathy, compassion, self-knowledge, selfmotivation, self-regulation, which are powerful factors in establishing effective relationships in various fields of human activity (G'oulman, 2019).
The purpose of our research is to find out and highlight the possibilities of modern primary education regarding the formation of emotional intelligence of junior schoolchildren as a component of their life competencies.
In the research process the methods of theoretical analysis, generalization, specification of the research source base materials were used.
Under the new conditions of the development of society, which leads to a change in its needs, the didactic approaches to the construction of education content from the standpoint of national education and the needs of Ukraine's entry into the world educational space are also changing.
According to the theory of rationale of general education content, the younger schoolchildren education can be defined as the formation of a foundation for the further child's personal worldview development through his learning of a certain knowledge system and skills about the objectively existing world, the experience of creative activity and emotional-valuable attitude to reality, and the content of education should reflect both the objective, i.e. informational aspect of the worldview, based on knowledge, skills, and subjective, or an active aspect that is realized in the creative activity and emotional valued attitude.
The New Ukrainian School concept was formed under the influence of the general didactic theory of the education content formation and new acquisition of psychological and pedagogical science. Since 2004, new approaches to the content of education have been purposefully implemented in primary school: first, a communicative approach; since 2011, some efforts have been made to introduce personally-oriented, competency-based and activity-based approaches to education, and since 2018, the primary education on an integrated subject basis has become mandatory, which initiated the development of an integrated approach to learning.
The Concept of the New Ukrainian School states that education in primary school is based on the principles of personally oriented, competent, communicative, activity approaches. The document does not specify to which of the approaches should be given priority, so they should complement each other.
Let us consider the emotional valued orientation of a personally oriented approach to the younger schoolchildren education. Its peculiarity is the orientation of teachers to create conditions for the internal personal changes of the student and his development. Among other conditions, there are those that directly contribute to the formation of various components of emotional intelligence, namely: cultivation of moral values, communicative activity norms and behavior; atmosphere of friendliness and attention to each student; dialogue in the educational process to gain life and communicative experience in the game, search activity; creation of situations for students to realize personal values and simulation-game reproduction of life roles and situations; event in the life of an individual is an element of educational activity for the formation of a holistic life experience based on the acquired knowledge; dialogue, search, game become a source of formation of students' personal experience.
The expected results of the implementation of a person-oriented approach in the education of younger schoolchildren are the acquisition of such personal characteristics as responsibility, tolerance, self-development, positive thinking and attitude to the world, that is, those abilities that are inherent to a person with a high level of emotional intelligence development.
The formation of personal life experience in various types of activities is the basis of personally oriented education. The mastering of various methods appropriate for a certain type of activity aims at mastering important life competences. Therefore, the person-oriented and competency-based approaches are interrelated, since the competency-based approach orients the education process to the formation of a certain list of useful knowledge and experience of their application in educational activities and everyday life.
Let us consider the components of the competence approach for the implementation of tasks on the development of younger schoolchildren emotional intelligence.
According to the State Standard of General Primary Education in 2018, the educational process is focused on the formation of key, or vital, competencies and subject competencies as indicators of readiness for successful activity in various professional and social situations (Derzhavnyi standart, 2018).
The peculiarity of the implementation of the competence approach in elementary school in the aspect of forming the students' emotional intelligence is the following: the main attention is focused on the usefulness, value of knowledge and ways of using them to solve various communicative life situations; introduction of interactive learning methods, during which students gain experience in effective interpersonal interaction; encouraging students to apply creatively the acquired knowledge and skills, express their own opinion formulated on the basis of external and internal information stimuli, justify their own position; organization of students' independent educational activities in order to obtain the necessary information including the information obtained on the basis of observations of their own and other people's emotions and corresponding behavior; encouraging students to show initiative, evaluate their own actions and behavior, take responsibility for the consequences of their activities.
The expected results of the implementation of the competence approach for the formation of emotional intelligence in primary school are formed life competencies, such as the ability to learn, being guided by one's own emotional motives; the ability for interpersonal communication in various activities in real and virtual spaces; social, general cultural, health care competencies, an important component of which is emotional intelligence, and even initiative, which is manifested in the ability to influence one's own and other people's emotions in order to establish an effective partnership, and entrepreneurship, the key to which is the ability of leadership. It should be remembered that the prerequisite for the successful formation of each life competence is the child's emotional intelligence.
We shall analyze the ability of the activity approach to influence the development of elementary school students' emotional intelligence.
Personally oriented and competence-oriented approaches direct the education process in primary school to the acquisition of knowledge in various types of activities: game, educational, cognitive, search, research, independent, interactive, transformative, creative, communicative, speaking, reading, thinking, etc. for the formation of personal life experience and further successful life in society. Therefore, the activity approach directs the educational process to students mastering the activity experience of interacting with other people that will ensure the development of students' emotional intelligence which is revealed and developed only in activities.
The following types and directions of work are a feature of the activity approach to learning in primary school and the development of emotional intelligence: mastering the necessary components of interpersonal activity, such as the selection of the necessary verbal and non-verbal methods and means for its implementation, adjustment of the interaction result, responsibility for the result; use of verbal and non-verbal means to achieve results in various activities; development of imagination, the ability to predict the results of one's own activities and to carry out self-control and self-evaluation; reflection of methods and conditions of action.
The expected results of the activity approach implementation are the ability to acquire knowledge in the process of self-learning educational activity and to carry out the necessary intellectual operations for it, as well as formed skills to carry out effective interaction with other people.
We shall reveal the importance of the communicative approach for the development of younger schoolchildren's emotional intelligence.
The communicative approach declared in the NUS Concept as one of the important conditions for the education content implementation aims at forming the students' ability to use language successfully in the process of cognitive and
communicative activity in order to form the vital experience of exchanging information, thoughts, emotions and feelings during the interpersonal interaction.
The implementation of the communicative approach will be effectively ensured by the following areas of work:
* simulation of communicative situations involving the task of solving communication and behavior problems that may occur for a 7-9-year-old child in real life;
* development of the statements motivation taking into account their informativeness and usefulness;
* development of the ability to accumulate and systematize language material in particular the one related to the vocabulary used to denote emotions, feelings, and a person's state;
* work with the text to analyze the verbal and non-verbal characters' behavior and its consequences;
* improvement of students' expressions for the development of the ability to manage one's own and other people's emotions, the abilities to establish cooperation, the skills to maintain, develop, strengthen the contacts;
* development of educational, intellectual and creative abilities and skills to form the ability to exercise selfcontrol over one's own emotions, thoughts, verbal and non-verbal behavior;
* introducing the elements of rhetoric for the leadership qualities formation, the ability to establish contacts with different people.
Therefore, competence and communicative approaches, person-oriented and activity-based learning in primary school involve the organization of the educational process in such a way as to form in younger schoolchildren the awareness of how the acquired specific knowledge can be applied in various types of activities to solve life tasks effectively.
Finally, we shall find out the emotional and value aspect of interdisciplinary integration.
The New Ukrainian School concept declared the transition of the primary school to a qualitatively new level of interdisciplinary integration implementation: on the value-semantic level, which involves the formation of the ethical foundations of any individual activity. Such integration is end-to-end and is carried out in the process of all educational subjects study.
The basis for delineating the value-semantic direction of interdisciplinary integration was stated in the State Standards of general secondary education, since 2004, when the need for the formation of children's social skills and worldview beliefs was declared in the strategic or activity and socio-cultural content lines of junior schoolchildren's language education. In 2011 the specified content lines were described in detail in the educational field curriculum "Languages and Literature", and in 2018 it was formalized as the goal of the integrated linguistic and literary educational field: learning the Ukrainian language for spiritual, cultural and national self-expression, exercising the intercultural dialogue, development of emotional and sensory experience. It should be noted that the development of younger schoolchildren's emotional intelligence is necessary to be carried out within the limits of each educational field, since in the State Standard it is designated as an end-to-end skill that is common to all key competencies and an indicator of the competency approach implementation.
The features of the training organization on an integrated basis for the emotional intelligence formation are as follows:
* the use of various educational fields content within the scope of one research topic, that will help to form a valuable attitude to the subject or phenomenon, persistent cognitive interest and motivation for further research of the problem. Thus, the communication with nature, literary reading, the Ukrainian language, knowing folklore and history, guessing riddles, expressive reading of poems, drawing, staging, research activity, elements of choreography and physical education will facilitate the familiarization with the peculiarities of the native region;
* the application of knowledge, abilities, skills of related disciplines, for example, perception of music and visual arts, reproduction of received emotions in artistic work or elements of choreography will contribute not only to the development of creative activity, but also to understanding how emotions lead to activity;
* unification of knowledge, abilities, skills into a single whole, for example, during the perception of musical and visual arts, lyrical poetry. At such a lesson, guessing riddles, dramatization, expressive reading of poems, elements of choreography, physical education and artistic work will help to understand better the ways of expressing emotions, feelings, and mood;
* research of the topic from different sides. Suppose, in order to learn ethical behavior norms , which is provided by the social and health-preserving educational field, it is advisable to analyze communicative situations of different emotional colors, which is provided by the linguistic and literary educational field content , and on this basis to demonstrate the influence of mood and emotions on health and the communication effectiveness ;
* integration of different ways of activity. For example, it can be a game and subject-practical activity in drawing, staging, choral singing with elements of dance, familiarization with the environment, during which the active interpersonal students' interaction takes place, and at the end the reflections to fill in a diary of impressions.
The goal of integrated education is the formation of a holistic picture of the world. The structure of the integrated lesson is determined by its purpose and tasks, the study content, the characteristics of the teachers and students' activities. The ratio of activity types at different stages of education is determined by the child's age, level of readiness and development. The weaker prepared is a student, the greater the specific number of lessons with game, subject-practical, visual and musical activities should be.
Thus, to implement the requirements of the State Standard in New Ukrainian schools regarding the development of younger schoolchildren's emotional intelligence as a basis for mastering all key competencies it should be taken into account the following:
* during the subjects study in all educational fields, preference should be given to communication lessons that involve work in a dialogic form;
* an effective form of dialogic education is the organization of integrated lessons, during which the development of emotional intelligence takes place in various types of activities, both speech, which includes listening, speaking, reading, writing, and non-speech, during which students gain experience in performing various subject-practical actions, practice various types of art, are involved in search and creative activity;
* modeling of problematic speech situations and their resolution, analysis of speech behavior, situational games, search and research activities, group work methods, creative thinking should prevail at the lessons involving the development of emotional intelligence,;
* interactive technologies and teaching methods that involve the students' interaction in pairs, threes and small groups to solve educational tasks in various types of game and educational activities are an effective tool in development of students' emotional intelligence.
Thus, the development of younger schoolchildren's emotional intelligence is a cross-cutting content line, that is, a mandatory educational result, which is formed by the means of all educational branches and is an indicator of qualitative changes in the primary education system.
G'oulman, D. (2019). Emocijny'j intelekt. Xarkiv, Vivat. Available at: Derzhavnyi standart pochatkovoi zahalnoi osvity 2018. Available at: Zakon Ukrainy «Pro osvitu» (2017). Available at:
Typova osvitnia prohrama rozroblena pid kerivnytstvom O. Ya. Savchenko. 2022. Available at: Typova osvitnia prohrama pid kerivnytstvom R. B. Shyiana. 2022.
Shpak, M. (2011). Emocijny'j intelekt u konteksti suchasny'x psy'xologichny'x doslidzhen. Psy'xologiya osoby'stosti, 1, 282-288.
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