Coaching in the system of professional training of future masters of primary education during the period under martial law
The relevance of the problem of using coaching in the professional training of masters of primary education under martial law. Aanalysis of scientific sources on comprehension of the definitions of "coaching" and "pedagogical coaching" is carried out.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 18,4 K |
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Coaching in the system of professional training of future masters of primary education during the period under martial law
Oksana Tsiuniak, Mariia Kopchuk-Kashetska, Svitlana Dovbenko
This article highlights the relevance of the problem of using coaching in the professional training of future masters of primary education under martial law. Theoretical analysis of scientific sources on comprehension of the definitions of "coaching" and "pedagogical coaching" is carried out; the essence, purpose, and tasks are revealed. It is noted that the purpose of pedagogical coaching is to reveal the potential for improvement of the expected learning outcomes, development of critical and logical thinking, formation of mobility, independence in decision-making, the desire for self-development, self-learning, and success in future professional activities among higher education students.
It has been found that the introduction of coaching in the system of professional training of future masters of primary education will serve the process of training competitive and competent specialists with formed values, beliefs, and priority goals. They are capable of making both personal and professional independent decisions and generating new ideas. This method also helps master's students to develop appropriate self-esteem and academic stress resistance. This is the basis of educational and cognitive activity in the conditions of wartime.
It is concluded that coaching belongs to innovative technologies of professional education; it is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth for future masters of primary education; it is a technology for organizing scientific and pedagogical research that promotes the implementation of a student-centered approach in higher education institutions based on trust, partnership, and mutual respect. It is also important to provide a comprehensive rather than fragmentary implementation of coaching to achieve the aims of professional education, improve its quality, and establish cooperative subject-subject relations between professors and students.
Keywords; coaching, pedagogical coaching, coach, education, professional training, professional training system, professional development, future masters of primary education, higher education institutions.
Цюняк Оксана, Копчук-Кашецька Марія, Довбенко Світлана.
Коучинг у системі професійної підготовки майбутніх магістрів початкової освіти в умовах воєнного часу.
У статті обґрунтовано актуальність проблеми застосування коучингу у професійній підготовці майбутніх магістрів початкової освіти в умовах воєнного часу. Здійснено теоретичний аналіз наукових джерел з осмислення понять «коучинг», «педагогічний коучинг»; розкрито сутність, мету та завдання.
Відзначено, що метою педагогічного коучингу є розкриття потенційних можливостей здобувачів вищої освіти для підвищення очікуваних результатів навчання, розвитку критичного і логічного мислення, формування мобільності, самостійності у прийнятті рішень, прагнення до саморозвитку, самонавчання, досягнення успіху у майбутній професійній діяльності. coaching professional training primary education
З'ясовано, що упровадження коучингу у системі професійної підготовки майбутніх магістрів початкової освіти слугуватиме підготовці конкурентоспроможного компетентного фахівця зі сформованими цінностями, переконаннями, пріоритетними цілями, здатного до самостійного прийняття життєвих та професійних рішень, продукування нових ідей. Цей метод також допомагає формувати у магістрантів адекватну самооцінку, академічну стресостійкість, що є підґрунтям навчально-пізнавальної діяльності в умовах воєнного часу.
Зроблено висновки, що коучинг належить до інноваційних технологій професійної освіти; є потужним інструментом особистісного і професійного зростання майбутніх магістрів початкової освіти; технологією організації науково-педагогічного пошуку, що сприяє реалізації студентоцентрованого підходу у закладах вищої освіти на засадах довіри, партнерства, взаємоповаги. Також варто забезпечити цілісне, а не фрагментарне застосування коучингу для реалізації завдань професійної освіти й підвищення її якості, встановлення партнерських суб'єкт-суб'єктних відносин між викладачами і студентами.
Ключові слова: коучинг, педагогічний коучинг, коуч, освіта, професійна підготовка, система професійної підготовки, професійне становлення, майбутні магістри початкової освіти, заклади вищої освіти.
Coaching is not merely a technique to be wheeled out and rigidly applied in certain prescribed circumstances. It is a way of managing, a way of treating people, a way of thinking, and a way of being.
John Whitmore
The realities of today's world, the struggle of Ukrainians for freedom and independence in the Russian-Ukrainian war that has been ongoing in Ukraine for almost a year, the destruction and damage to educational establishments, and the studying between air raids. All these things encourage us to reconsider some of the views on the goals and challenges of higher education in general and the professional training of future masters of primary education in particular.
In the educational environment of higher education institutions, the following tasks are now important: saving people's lives, their safety and mental health, determining the priorities of higher education under martial law, education quality control, active integration of science and education, and professional training of a competitive and competent specialist, who is a leader with a high level of development of emotional intelligence, who thinks creatively and critically, who has effective communication skills, who constantly learn, and easily adapts to changes and requirements of the social environment, who is able to overcome various challenges and stresses, who has a positive attitude to life, works productively in a team, uses time management, and who is able to self-organize, self-reflect and create pedagogical creativity and partnership.
It should be noted that the professional training of future masters of primary education consists of both normative and variable parts. The normative part of training is the mandatory content of training, formed in accordance with the requirements of the educational qualification characteristics as substantive modules with an indication of their size and level of mastery, as well as forms of state certification. The variable part of the learning process is the recommended content for learning content, formed as content modules with an indication of their scope and forms of certification, aimed to meet the needs and opportunities of personality, regional needs for skilled workers and specialists of a certain specialization, achievements of scientific schools and educational institutions (Tsiuniak, 2020).
Master's programs provide for the training of specialists with a high level of mobility, independence, and responsibility for solving professional tasks. It is clear that all these things require not only a deep knowledge of professional subjects but also effective implementation in practice and the skill of lifelong learning.
The problem of effective professional training of future masters of primary education under martial law conditions is currently relevant. That is why the important component of the educational process in higher education institutions must be the provision of appropriate conditions for the training process of competent future teachers with a formed system of values, beliefs, and priority goals, of future teachers who are capable of making independent personal and professional decisions, generating new ideas; who can easily adapt to the changing conditions of the present and be competitive in the labor market. Based on experience, coaching is an innovative technology for both personal and professional growth, which helps to develop the cognitive and creative abilities confidence, increases emotional intelligence, improves well-being, and stress resistance of higher education students in modern Ukrainian realities.
Ukraine's integration into the European educational space and modernization of the education system in the realities of war have led to the need for professional training of future masters of primary education for the implementation of the ideas of the New Ukrainian School. This requires a new teacher who can become a change agent. Therefore, it is worth talking about the new role of the professor - not as the only mentor and source of knowledge, but as a coach, facilitator, tutor, and moderator in the individual educational path of the child (Koncept of the New Ukrainian School, 2016).
There is no doubt that the system of professional training of future teachers should be filled up with innovative and interactive learning technologies. The leading among them is coaching. After all, it is important not only to form higher education students' professional competencies but also the development of their skills that will help them adapt to the new realities of life in a simple way. In addition, scientists consider pedagogical coaching as a powerful tool for the formation of self- educational competence, which is an integral part of the professional competence of students of any specialty (Horuk, 2015, pp. 99-104).
The definition of "coaching" in English means mentoring and consulting. Nowadays, coaching is considered an innovative technology for improving the efficiency of the educational process, as a teaching method, and as a new technology of professional education.
Many researchers (T. Halvey, M. Downey, V. Zelenin) define coaching as the art of creating an environment that helps a human movement towards a goal so that this movement would bring pleasure. According to Borova (2011), educational coaching is a system of activities that is aimed at the interaction between the participants of the educational process to enhance professional activity and improve the quality of education (pp. 12-13). We agree with the opinion of Romanova (2010) that coaching is focused on creating the development and motivation of students' learning and achieving important results in a specific subject area. The teacher's job is to organize the active process of students' search for the best answers to their questions, to help them consolidate new skills and abilities on the way to achieving high results in their future careers (pp. 83-87).
Sydorenko (2014) claims that the application of coaching ideas in higher education institutions means a gradual transition from traditional classroom training to the training, of individual, collaborative, and remote forms of work. The main types of classes in the implementation of the technology are training, thematic discussions, round tables, consultations, distance counseling, etc. That means that the basis of the coaching methodology and toolkit is the interactive communication, discussion (Q&A), and partnership (equal, facilitative) relationship between the professor-coach and the tutor (pp.13-19). However, coaching itself cannot be considered as an alternative to education and training, but it is combined harmoniously with them. It allows future specialists to develop in accordance with the changing conditions determined by the modern labor market.
Zhovnir (2018) claims that the introduction of coaching technology in higher education institutions is possible in practical classes and seminars during the teaching of different courses aimed at completing research tasks, course tasks, diploma, and master's theses, stimulating creative cognitive research, decision-making skills, development of independence, determination and responsibility of students (pp. 91-93).
The purpose of pedagogical coaching is to reveal the potential of higher education students to improve the expected learning outcomes, develop logical thinking, form mobility and independence in decision-making, and strive for self-development, self-learning, and achievement of success in future professional activity.
It is necessary to ensure a comprehensive and not fragmented approach in higher education institutions. The application of coaching for the realization of the tasks of professional education and improvement of its quality and establishment of partner subject-subject relations between teachers and students at higher education institutions is a perfect example of this technology. Many teachers have a significant cognitive interest in the development of coaching competencies of higher education students. A professor-coach should remember that during the work with higher education students, it is important to focus on productive, communicative, and speech interaction, establish a partnership with them, motivate them, support, encourage, and guide them to professional development. Moreover, coaching technology implies the ability of the teacher to promote the development of students' inner motivation for future innovative activities and to find alternative ways to solve problems. With the help of clear, well-constructed and logically formulated questions aimed at actualizing students' internal resources, the teacher-coach motivates them to work, sets them up to create a positive, friendly atmosphere in the learning process aimed at developing the ability to independently solve problems and achieve results in their activities.
Having reviewed the curriculum for future masters of primary education at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, we believe that the following courses have the highest potential for realizing the purpose of pedagogical coaching: "Management of the Educational Process in Educational Institutions", "Educational Management", "Fundamentals of Public Speaking", "Professional Mobility in Education", etc. Studying master's students develop professional activity, and improve their own professionally significant qualities, and skills of pedagogical interaction.
In our opinion, it is reasonable to update the content of professional teaching methods in primary school by presenting the modern experience of pedagogical understanding of coaching and ways of its implementation in educational interaction with primary education students. At the same time, in addition to the quality implementation of coaching in the system of professional training of future masters of primary education, it is necessary to remember its essential feature: dependence on the existing level of the subjectivity of students. As any coaches will not help without his or her desire to learn, grow professionally, and take responsibility for their own professional development. A coach can help not everyone, but only those who really want to make tangible life changes. Coaching does not teach, it helps learn. However, all coaching efforts will be in vain if the need of higher education students for learning, cognition, and professional growth (which are the highest human needs) are not actualized. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the coaching competencies of teaching staff of higher education institutions and enrich the content of professional education with coaching trends of professional education, as well as to ensure the growth of the desire for quality education among students themselves.
The coaching procedure can be carried out with the help of various forms and methods. Their choice depends on the topic and purpose of the class, the level of preparation, and students' motivation. These sessions can be of a group or individual ones, however, their main feature should be interactivity, which is reached thanks to a specially selected range of teaching methods. For instance, the "case study" method, which is used in group work is not only a powerful means of forming practical skills and abilities for future masters of primary education but also a method of activating their independent cognitive activity in the educational environment of a higher education institution. This method also makes it possible to combine theoretical training with the formation of practical skills and abilities. It is the base for the development of universal, social, and professionally significant qualities, the ability to take responsibility for decisions. It is also worth familiarizing Master's students with the essence and specifics of using coaching in their work as a primary school teacher, own interaction with both students and their parents, as well as during joint activities with fellow teachers and themselves on issues of personal and professional growth (self-coaching).
Thus, we can conclude that the use of coaching in professional training of future masters of primary education is based on partner subject-subject interaction of all participants in the educational process. This contributes greatly to their flexibility and adaptability to changes, increases the productivity of professional activity, the ability to respond quickly and effectively in critical situations, and fosters continuous lifelong learning and constant personal and professional self-development. Coaching is a powerful tool for the personal and professional growth of specialists; a technology of professional education; a skill of implementation of a student-centered approach in higher education institutions based on trust, partnership, and mutual respect.
There is no doubt that the introduction of coaching in the system of professional training of future masters of primary education will serve the efficient preparation of a competitive and competent specialist, capable of responding properly to the challenges of time and having confidence in their own abilities. The method also helps develop students' appropriate self-esteem, and academic stress resistance, which itself is a basis for cognitive activity under martial law.
We consider the development of an academic course titled "Coaching in the activity of primary school teachers in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School" as a pros pect for our further research.
[1] Borova, T. A. (2011). The concept of educational coaching. Pedagogy, Psychology, Medical and Biological Problems of Education and Sports, 12, 12-16. (in Ukr.)
[2] Horuk, N. (2015). Coaching as an effective technology for forming students' self-educational competence. Problems of modern teacher training, 11, 99-104. (in Ukr.)
[3] Zhovnir, M. M. (2018, March 22). Coaching technologies in the language cycle classes: to the issue of implementation and control of educational achievements of students. Current issues of quality control of education in higher educational institutions: the scientific and practical conference, Poltava, VDNZU "UMSA", pp. 91-93. (in Ukr.)
[4] Koncept of the New Ukrainian School. (2016). (in Ukr.)
[5] Romanova, S. M. (2010). Coaching as a new technology in professional education. Bulletin of National Aviation University, 3, 83-87. (in Ukr.)
[6] Sydorenko, V.V. (2014). Pedagogical coaching as an innovative technology of scientific-methodical support of the teacher's professional and personal development in the system of postgraduate education. Scientific treasury of education of Donetsk region, 3(14), 13-19. (in Ukr.)
[7] Tsiuniak, O. P. (2020). Professional training of future masters of primary education for innovative activities: theoretical and methodological principles: monograph. Ivano-Frankivsk, 335p.
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