Adaptation of a young specialist to professional activity
The purpose is a theoretical justification of the importance of forming pedagogical conditions for the professional self-development of future teachers and determining the level of professional training of future teachers for practical activities.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 20,3 K |
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Adaptation of a young specialist to professional activity
Vasyl Kobal,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, рrofessor, professor of the department of pedagogy of preschool, primary education and educational management, Vice-rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Mukachevo State University (Mukachevo, Ukraine)
Iryna Rozman,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, professor of the Department of English language, literature with teaching methods, Mukachevo State University (Mukachevo, Ukraine)
The article focuses on ways of adapting a young specialist to pedagogical professional activity. It is noted that the true formation of a teacher occurs with the beginning of professional activity. Only in the classroom does a young teacher understand whether this is his vocation or whether he wants to devote his life to it. Emphasis is placed on the importance of mutual visits for improving the teacher's skills. A young teacher has the opportunity to enrich his teaching experience and plan his professional growth. The goal of collective forms of methodological work is to improve the skills of all teachers in the process of purposefully planned and implemented activities. It is emphasized that the most common collective forms of methodical work in an institution of general secondary education are open lessons.
The purpose of the article is a theoretical justification of the importance of forming pedagogical conditions for the professional self-development of future teachers and determining the level of professional training of future teachers for practical activities. Also, in addition to improving professional growth, there are ways to improve the methodical training of the teacher and the adaptation capabilities of the specialist to professional activity. It was noted that the subject methodical associations of teachers, as centers of methodical work, have an extremely important function of adapting young specialists. Four components of one's own «I» and specific stages of formation of a teacher's professional competence are singled out.
It is emphasized that an effective form of self-improvement is imaginary entry into the role of an experienced colleague. But using the experience of others carries the threat of inhibiting one's own initiatives and creativity. Therefore, it is necessary to solve a number of issues: conduct a diagnosis of the work of a young teacher; to promote the study of regulatory and legal documents on education; to improve educational and methodical training of modern teachers; promote the mastery of innovative technologies, advanced methods of teaching and education; to encourage the study and application of best practices in pedagogy. During the adaptation period of a young specialist in an educational institution, special attention should be paid to the level of methodical work. They will be divided into three: school level, city level, regional level. It is noted that in order to improve the professional training of pedagogical personnel in schools, special methodical work is carried out, which encourages teachers to improve their qualifications, contributes to the mutual enrichment of the pedagogical team with pedagogical experience, enables young teachers to learn pedagogical skills from experienced colleagues, ensures the desire of the pedagogical team to find new ones forms and methods of work.
Keywords: pedagogy, future specialist, adaptation, research, effective, lessons, mentor, professional activity, pedagogical conditions.
Адаптація молодого спеціаліста до професійної педагогічної діяльності
Василь Кобаль,
кандидат педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри педагогіки дошкільної, початкової освіти та освітнього менеджменту, проректор з науково-педагогічної роботи, Мукачівський державний університет (м. Мукачево, Україна)
Ірина Розман,
доктор педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри англійської мови, літератури з методиками навчання,
Мукачівський державний університет (м. Мукачево, Україна)
У статті зосереджено увагу на засоби адаптації молодого спеціаліста до педагогічної професійної діяльності. Зазначено, що справжнє становлення вчителя відбувається з початком професійної діяльності. Закцентовано на важливому значенні взаємовідвідування для підвищення майстерності педагога. Наголошено, що метою колективних форм методичної роботи є підвищення майстерності всіх учителів у процесі цілеспрямовано спланованих і реалізованих заходів, найпоширенішими колективними формами методичної роботи в закладі загальної середньої освіти є відкриті уроки. Зауважено, що предметні методичні об'єднання вчителів як центри методичної роботи несуть надважливу функцію адаптації молодих спеціалістів. Виокремлено чотири компоненти власного «Я» та конкретні етапи становлення професійної компетентності педагога. Підкреслено, що ефективною формою самовдосконалення є уявне входження в роль досвідченого колеги. Утім, використання досвіду інших несе загрозу гальмування власних ініціатив, творчості. Тому необхідно проводити діагностику роботи молодого вчителя; сприяти вивченню нормативно-правових документів про освіту; удосконалювати навчально-методичні підготовки сучасного педагога; сприяти оволодінню інноваційними технологіями, передовими методиками навчання і виховання; заохочувати до вивчення та застосування передового досвіду в педагогіці. Виокремлено рівні методичної роботи з молодим педагогом. Зазначено, що задля поліпшення фахової підготовки педагогічних кадрів у школах проводять спеціальну методичну роботу, яка спонукає вчителя до підвищення кваліфікації, сприяє взаємному збагаченню педагогічного колективу педагогічним досвідом, дає змогу молодим педагогам вчитися педагогічній майстерності в досвідчених колег, забезпечує в педагогічному колективі прагнення до пошуку нових форм і методів роботи.
Ключові слова: педагогіка, майбутній спеціаліст, адаптація, дослідження, результативний, уроки, наставник, професійна діяльність, педагогічні умови.
adaptation specialist professional activity
The problem formulation. Ancient sages liked to say that if you want to develop the state, educate the youth. It can be said about young teachers that if the head wants to develop the school, he must renew it with young specialists. After all, it is the youth who willingly and quickly perceive everything new, are open, full of ideas, and this is an important component of the effectiveness of the school's work, moving forward.
When a young teacher comes to work at a school, a completely different picture of the school opens up for him. He is no longer a student, but the one who teaches, the teacher. Institutions of higher education form mostly only theoretical knowledge in students, and it is more difficult to teach them in practice. Young professionals lack experience in methodological training. The professional adaptation of a teacher is the process of adaptation and getting used to the general conditions of pedagogical activity for a young teacher, a graduate of a pedagogical educational institution, who came to work at the school (Peculiarities of adaptation of a young teacher to school work).
The real formation of a teacher occurs with the beginning of professional activity. Only in the classroom does a young teacher decide whether this is his vocation or whether he wants to devote his life to it.
As experience shows, the successful adaptation of a young teacher and his development depends not only on his professional training and personal qualities. It depends on objective and subjective factors.
The objective factors are: the atmosphere of the school team where the young teacher works; material and technical base of the school; the teacher's lesson schedule, which depends on whether he has time to attend the lessons of leading teachers (Siedova, Kapinus, & Hrabova, 2012, p. 50-59).
The level of attractiveness of the profession, the presence of such qualities as tact, self-demanding, sociability, a creative approach to work and the desire for self-improvement should be attributed to the subjective factors of the formation of a young teacher.
The young teacher wants to do the task well. If experienced colleagues do not help him, he cannot help but cope with the work and despairs of his own abilities.
The researches of domestic scientists N.V. are devoted to the issue of professional training of teachers. Basova, N.V. Guziy, V.A. Semychenko, V.O. Yakunina, O. Savchenko, O. Moroz, H. Trotsko, O. Pehoty, R. Khmelyuk. Scientific searches of O. Gluzman, A. Aleksyuk, L. Nechyporenko, L. Bondarev, E. Barbina, I. Zyazyun are devoted to various aspects and directions of professional and pedagogical training of the future teacher. The theoretical basis of the problem of methodical teacher training is the works of Ukrainian scientists N. Volkova, A. Gurzhiy, V. Kozakov, V. Lunyachek, and S. Sysoeva.
The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the importance of the formation of pedagogical conditions for the professional self-development of future teachers and to determine the level of professional training of future teachers for practical activities. To propose ways of improving the methodical training of the teacher and to single out the adaptation possibilities of the specialist to professional activity.
The methodological basis of the research consists of scientific and theoretical methods, analysis of pedagogical and methodical literature, generalization of pedagogical experience; observation of adaptation processes of a young specialist.
Adaptation to pedagogical activity begins in a higher educational institution. The interaction of professors and teaching staff and students of education contributes to the creation of a single scientific space where the future specialist develops the necessary knowledge and develops professional and pedagogical competencies (Dem'ianenko, 2012, p. 32).
There is a certain algorithm for the adaptation process of young teachers, which consists of 5 steps. The first step is familiarization. The second contains mentoring, social assistance. The third step is a step towards the professional development of a young teacher. At this stage, young specialists attend the lessons of experienced teachers.
The next step is the mentor will visit the student's lessons. At the same time, the lesson is analyzed, shortcomings are identified, recommendations and advice are provided. Attendance of the lesson by the mentor is revealed by means of the mentor's questionnaire. At the final stage, methodical assistance is provided with participation in seminars, master classes and other types of work to support the young teacher.
Scientific and methodical work plays an important role in raising the scientific and theoretical level and professional skill of young teachers, forming their readiness for self-education and self-development.
For effective work, at the end of the first academic year, young specialists pass a questionnaire. The purpose of the questionnaire is to identify the requests and wishes of students. The questionnaire contains questions related to the use of methodical literature, self-education and the study of the requests of young professionals regarding methodical assistance. After the end of the second year of study, students are offered questions that will help them adapt to the educational institution. The main form of work is aimed at passing pedagogical practice. Students share their impressions and solve questions that arose during communication with students. After graduating from a higher education institution, there is a logical continuation of work with young specialists.
At the beginning of the academic year, the deputy director for educational work develops and defines one of the priority areas of work with pedagogical personnel: work with young specialists. It is aimed at developing the creative abilities of young specialists, increasing the level of their professional skills (Pobirchenko, 2003, р. 3).
The work begins with the issuance of the order "On the organization of work with young teachers", in which mentor teachers were assigned to young and inexperienced teachers in order to provide young teachers with methodical assistance in solving primary problems, overcoming the difficulties they encounter, to support their creative effort, desire to work effectively.
During the first years of pedagogical activity, the formation and formation of a young specialist takes place. During this period, it is extremely important that his mentor is a colleague who knows how to improve and support the positive aspects of the young teacher's work. The mentor and the young specialist must have "the same psychological blood group". In a creative tandem, they work on improving the qualification level of a young specialist.
The relationship "mentor - young teacher" is usually a relationship of trust, kindness, sincerity, and mutual respect.
One of the forms of improving the qualifications of a young teacher and providing him with the necessary methodical assistance is the school of young teachers. It functions in every Ukrainian school. Senior colleagues help with practical professional advice.
While working in the school of a young teacher, a beginner attends the lessons of experienced teachers who provide them with advice and help in conducting classes.
In large educational institutions, where several teachers work in the same subject, the young specialist is necessarily offered a teacher-mentor. First, a young specialist attends the lessons of an experienced teacher. At the same time, he conducts his own classes. Over time, the mentor begins to attend the lessons of his mentee.
A lesson can be considered effective if it provides an optimal connection of the entire complex of educational goals, if the attention and thinking of students are concentrated on the main, leading ideas and concepts of the subject being studied, educational processes are awakened and developed, and students' needs for knowledge are formed.
All these requirements for a modern lesson are motivated by scientific modern pedagogy. But all of them were carried out without the teacher's creative attitude to the organization of learning, without his mastery. The mastery of a teacher largely depends on the ability to analyze one's own mistakes and those of others. Self-analysis of the work is extremely helpful in this.
Young teachers can improve their qualifications, learn best practices at the School of Advanced Pedagogical Experience, creative groups.
But as experience shows, whatever forms of methodical work are offered to a young specialist, his professionalism depends on independent work, self-education. The idea of continuous education is realized by constant work. Selfeducation is based on a high level of consciousness development, the need for self-improvement and creative selfrealization (Siedova, Kapinus, & Hrabova, 2012, p. 50-59).
So, the deeper the knowledge, the wider the horizons, the comprehensive scientific education of the teacher, the more he is not only a teacher, but also an educator. Outstanding teachers emphasize that the self-education activity of a teacher must begin with self-knowledge. A teacher must study himself as a person, compare himself with others, observe himself as if from the side.
The system of self-education of a young teacher involves current and prospective planning, the selection of rational forms and methods of assimilation and preservation of information, mastering the methodology of analysis and methods of generalizing one's own and collective pedagogical experience, gradual mastering of methods of research and experimental activity (Onyshkov, 1986). Improving the qualifications of young teachers is a process of their professional growth that takes place consistently.
So, at the basis of effective pedagogical activity is the teacher's "self-concept", because self-acceptance, self-understanding, optimistic cheerful worldview is the main and leading principle of ensuring socio-psychological
conditions for strengthening and preserving favorable trends in self-improvement and self-realization of the teacher's personality.
Each teacher defines four components of his own "I": "actual I" - how the teacher sees himself now; "retrospective self" - how he sees and evaluates himself at the initial stages of his work; "ideal self" - what the teacher would like to be; "reflective self" - how, from the teacher's point of view, he is considered and evaluated by school leaders, colleagues, students and parents.
Methodical work, which enriches them with pedagogical findings, enables young teachers to master pedagogical skills, contributes to the improvement of the professional training of pedagogical personnel in general secondary education institutions.
Methodical work encourages the teacher to learn the content of new programs and technologies for their implementation, get acquainted with the methodology of teaching disciplines, study and implement advanced pedagogical experience, improve self-education skills. It provides the teacher with qualified assistance in theory and practical activities. A teacher remains a pedagogue while he himself studies, carries out his professional growth (The role of methodological work in increasing the level of professional training of teachers).
He will become a highly qualified specialist when he strives to master the program material of the subject and teaching methods. Elements of pedagogical technique, knowledge and skills of organizing pedagogical interaction in education and upbringing are some of the components of the success of a young specialist's work. The following stages of the formation of a teacher's professional competence are distinguished: entry into pedagogical activity (liquidation of the program in knowledge and skills of one's subject, teaching methods); mastering the basics of pedagogical skills; possession of pedagogical equipment; the level of mastery of pedagogical skills (Sudakova, 2009, р. 48-53). Lesson self-analysis is one of the most important indicators of improving the professional level of a teacher, especially a young one. A young teacher is an extraordinary, talented, multifaceted individual whose task should be to ensure high quality of education and upbringing, creative development of each individual. The teacher's ability to organize subsequent pedagogical activities depends on the ability to analyze situations that arose during the lesson. The skill of a young teacher depends on the ability to analyze other people's mistakes and their own.
This gives an opportunity to learn from a colleague, to compare one's work with others, to see and overcome one's own mistakes, to affirm the positive aspects of preparing and conducting a lesson, and to avoid mistakes. For this purpose, schools practice introspection of the lesson.
In order to improve the professional level, the teacher needs to know the curriculum, to identify the requirements for knowledge, abilities and skills of students, to know regulatory documents, to be familiar with the modern experience of teaching the subject.
After upgrading his qualifications, a young teacher should continue to work on himself, improve his professional level.
A feature of the professional development of a young teacher is the elimination of gaps in educational and methodological preparation (Linnik, 2004).
Working in a school, a teacher gets his first practical experience. Analyzes his level of professional preparation, determines what needs to be worked on, what needs to be improved.
Therefore, the teacher must constantly work on himself, plan his activities. The great Ukrainian teacher Ushinskyi
K.D. drew up a plan for self-education: self-improvement; directness in words and actions; thoughtfulness of actions; determination; do not talk about yourself unnecessarily; do not spend time pointlessly; spend time only on what is necessary or pleasant; every evening to conscientiously report on one's own actions; never brag about what was or what will be (Ushynskyi, 1983, р. 192-471).
So, an effective form of self-improvement is imaginary entry into the role of an experienced colleague. But using the experience of others carries the threat of inhibiting one's own initiatives and creativity. Therefore, it is necessary to solve a number of issues: conduct a diagnosis of the work of a young teacher; to promote the study of regulatory and legal documents on education; to improve educational and methodical training of modern teachers; promote the mastery of innovative technologies, advanced methods of teaching and education; to encourage the study and application of best practices in pedagogy.
During the adaptation period of a young specialist in an educational institution, special attention should be paid to the level of methodical work. They will be divided into three: school level, city level, regional level.
School level - work according to individual teacher self-education plans, recommendations of experienced teachers, speeches at methodical associations. The city level provides a school for young specialists, methodological weeks, subject-methodical sections, pedagogical readings, counseling of young teachers. At the regional level, courses for young professionals, courses, author's schools, conferences are planned.
In the process of methodical work, there is an increase in the scientific level of the teacher, familiarization with achievements and teaching methods and their implementation in practice, improvement of self-education skills.
Siedova, N., Kapinus, N. & Hrabova, H. (2012). Adaptyvno-merezheva systema pidhotovky pedahohichnykh kadriv pochatkovoi shkoly [An adaptive network system for training elementary school teaching staff]. Methodist, 9, 50-59. [in Ukrainian].
Dem'ianenko, N. (2012). Pidhotovka pedahohichnykh kadriv: poshuk innovatsiinoi modeli [Training of pedagogical personnel: the search for an innovative model]. Native school, 4-5, 32. [in Ukrainian].
Linnik, O. (2004). Maibutnii vchytel yak sub'iekt pedahohichnoi vzaiemodii: pidhotovka do spivrobitnytstva z molodshymy shkoliaramy [The future teacher as a subject of pedagogical interaction: preparation for cooperation with younger schoolchildren]. Kyiv: Word. [in Ukrainian].
Onyshkov, Z. M. (1986). Osnovy shkoloznavstva [Fundamentals of school studies]. Ternopil. [in Ukrainian].
Osoblyvosti adaptatsii molodoho pedahoha do roboty v shkoli [Peculiarities of adaptation of a young teacher to school work]. URL: https://vseosvita. ua/library/osoblivosti-adaptacii-molodogo-pedagoga-do-roboti-v-skoli-226765.html. [in Ukrainian].
Pobirchenko, N. (2003). Innovatsiini pidkhody do pidhotovky maibutnikh vchyteliv u konteksti reformuvannia systemy vyshchoi pedahohichnoi osvity [Innovative approaches to the training of future teachers in the context of reforming the system of higher pedagogical education]. Native school, 3, 3. [in Ukrainian].
Rol metodychnoi roboty v pidvyshchenni rivnia profesiinoi pidhotovky vchytelia [The role of methodological work in increasing the level of professional training of teachers]. URL: pidgotovki_vchitelya_yakistj_navchaljno-vihovnogo_procesu_shkoli/. [in Ukrainian].
Sudakova, I. Ye. (2009). Vykorystannia navchalnykh prohram ta multymediinykh prezentatsii pid chas pidhotovky pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv [The use of educational programs and multimedia presentations during the training of pedagogical workers]. Problems of education, 59, 48-53. [in Ukrainian].
Ushynskyi, K. D. (1983). Liudyna yak predmet vykhovannia. Sproba pedahohichnoi antropolohii [Man as a subject of education. An attempt at pedagogical anthropology]. In: Selected pedagogical works: in 2 vols. Vol. 1: Theoretical problems of pedagogy. (pp. 192-471). Kyiv: Soviet School. [in Ukrainian].
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