Research algorithm for the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology

The algorithm for researching the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology. The scientific-pedagogical, psychological and special literature was analyzed in order to clarify the relevance of research in this direction.

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Дата добавления 26.07.2023
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Research algorithm for the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology

Anhelina Shkurko,

Postgraduate student of the Department of Pedagogy, Methods and Management of Education, Assistant of the Department of Practical Psychology Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy (Ukraine)


The article presents an algorithm for researching the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology. The scientific-pedagogical, psychological and special literature was analyzed in order to clarify the relevance of research in this direction. The scientific apparatus of scientific research has been defined (the object of the study is the process of professional training of future specialists in psychology; the subject of the study is the structural-functional model of the system for the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology; the aim of the study is to theoretically explain the structural-functional model of the system of development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology and to test its effectiveness experimentally); tasks, hypothesis (the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology will be carried out more effectively if it is based on well-founded theoretical and methodological foundations, structural components of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology, will be evaluated according to the specified criteria and will be implemented by introducing the system of their training into the educational process) and characterized methods (theoretical: systematic and comparative analysis; modeling method; generalization of the results of the pedagogical experiment; empirical: pedagogical experiment; diagnostic methods; methods of mathematical statistics). The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the presented research algorithm for the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology is optimal, and the practical value of the work serves as a basis for improving the level of professional training of future specialists in psychology. The author sees the prospects for further scientific work in: a detailed study of the problems of the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology; the definition of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the study; development of the criterion apparatus and theoretical substantiation and practical implementation of the structural-functional model of the system of the investigated phenomenon.

keywords: communicative competence, future specialists in psychology, research, scientific apparatus.



Ангеліна Шкурко,

аспірантка кафедри педагогіки, методики та менеджменту освіти, асистент кафедри практичної психології Української інженерно-педагогічної академії (Україна)

У статті представлено алгоритм дослідження розвитку комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців із психології. Проаналізовано науково-педагогічну, психологічну та спеціальну літературу з метою з'ясування актуальності проведення дослідження в даному напрямі. Визначено науковий апарат наукової розвідки (об'єкт дocлiджeння - процес професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців із психології; ПРЄДМЄТ дocлiджeння - структурно-функціональна модель системи розвитку комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців із психології; мeтa - теоретично oбґpунтувaти структурно-функціональну модель системи розвитку комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців із психології тa eкcпepимeнтaльним шляхам ПЄРЄВІРИТИ її ЄФЄКТИВНІСТЬ), завдання, гіпотеза (розвиток комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців із психології буде здійснюватися більш ефективно, якщо спиратиметься на обґрунтовані теоретико-методологічні основ структурні компоненти комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців із психології; оцінюватиметься за визначеними критеріями та реалізовуватиметься шляхом упровадження в освітній процес системи їх підготовки) та схарактеризовано методи (теоретичні: системний і порівняльний аналіз; метод моделювання; узагальнення результатів педагогічного експерименту; емпіричні: педагогічний експеримент; діагностичні методи; методи математичної статистики). Автор статті приходить до висновку, що представлений алгоритм дослідження розвитку комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців із психології є оптимальним, а практичне значення роботи послугує основою для підвищення рівня професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців із психології. Перспективи подальшої наукової роботи автор вбачає в детальному вивченні проблем розвитку комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців із психології, визначенні понятійно-термінологічного апарату дослідження, розробці критеріального апарату та теоретичному обґрунтуванні й практичній реалізації структурно-функціональної моделі системи досліджуваного феномену.

Ключові слова: комунікативна компетентність, майбутні фахівці із психології, дослідження, науковий апарат.


communicative competence specialists psychology

The problem formulation. Education today is a reflection of global world and national political, social, psychological, environmental changes, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia's military aggression and, as a result, the forced emigration of the population, an increase in the number of children with special educational needs who need help, and psychological support of their parents, which lead to changes in all spheres of life in society and affect the psychological state of a person. One of the aspects that needs to be resolved is psychological comfort, which is caused by an unstable emotional state, professional burnout, depression, aggression, stress, panic attacks, divorce, the death of a loved one, etc., which requires professional psychological help from specialists.

The opinion of A. Kharkivska, who notes that "various socio-cultural and economic transformations in modern society, the globalization of all spheres of life, definitely influence the formation of a person's personality, its changes both externally and internally" is valid for us. (A. Kharkivska, 2021).

The analysis of global trends in the field of psychological and pedagogical education confirms the growing requirements for the professionalism of domestic psychologists in accordance with state educational standards and regulatory documents (Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine in the Field of Knowledge 05 Social and Behavioral Sciences etc).

At the same time, the problem of developing communicative competence of future specialists in psychology, which is the basis of verbal and non-verbal forms of communication and interaction with patients, becomes particularly relevant. After all, this is the basis of their professional activity, which can be used to solve various psychological problems.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The analysis of scientific literature on the research problem shows the multifacetedness of its scientific understanding. At the theoretical and methodological level, the problems of professional pedagogical education in Ukraine are reflected in the works of V. Andrushchenko, I. Bekh, R. Hurevyvh, O. Dubaseniuk, I. Zyazyun, O. Kovalenko, A. Kolomiiets, V. Kremen, O. Lavrinenko, N. Nychkalo, H. Ponomaryova, V. Semychenko, S. Sysoieva, O. Sukhomlynska, V. Shakhov, H. Shevchenko, O. Shestopaliuk, M. Yarmachenko and others. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the professional and pedagogical training of future specialists in psychology are revealed in the scientific works of T. Hryhorenko, N. Ivanova, M. Martseniuk, O. Matviienko, S. Pohorila, D. Romanovska, L. Rudenko, O. Tkachuk and others. Problems of the development of communicative competence became the subject of research of J. R. Andersen, F. Batsevych, L. Baranovska, A. Bohush, O. Holovko, M. Yevtukh, Yu. Zhukov, M. Zabrotskyi, V. Zviahintsev, L. Karamushka, T Symonenko, T. Sukharieva, N. Chepelieva, L. Umanets, T. Yatsenko and others.

Modern dissertations are devoted to various aspects of the training of future specialists in psychology, in particular to the question of: formation of future psychologists' readiness for professional self-improvement (O. Zatvorniuk, 2016), advisory activity in the process of professional training (N. Baibekova, 2016), the use of esthetic therapy tools in professional activity (V. Ratieieva, 2016), the formation of social competence of future psychologists in the process of professional training (R. Skirko, 2010), the formation of pedagogical competence of the future psychologist ( N. Nahorna, 2013), research of pedagogical conditions of professional self-improvement of future psychologists in the process of professional training (L. Smalyus, 2014), etc.

At the same time, the theoretical analysis of scientific research shows that the problem of the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology has not yet been the subject of special research, which influenced the choice of the research topic.


Research - to develop an algorithm for research on the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology.


Study and analysis of pedagogical, methodical, psychological literature to find out the level of research on the problem of developing communicative competence of future specialists in psychology.


The expediency of solving the problem of developing the communicative competence of future specialists in psychology is connected with the need to overcome the following contradictions:

* high social requirements for the professional qualification of psychology specialists and the real state of their readiness to develop communicative competence during the performance of their professional functions, taking into account the peculiarities of the psychological state of patients;

* modern world trends in the development of higher pedagogical education and the need to modernize the theoretical and methodological foundations of the professional training of future specialists in psychology in accordance with international educational standards;

* the need to modernize and reform the system of higher education (the implementation of modern content, forms, methods into the practice of institutions), which would contribute to the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology, and the lack of a model for its development;

* the need to assess the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology and the imperfection of the tools for measuring its result.

In the course of the scientific search, a scientific apparatus of research was established.

The object of research is the process of professional training of future specialists in psychology.

The subject of the study is a structural-functional model of the system for the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology.

The purpose of the study is to theoretically explain the structural-functional model of the system of development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology and to test its effectiveness experimentally.

During the work on the research, the following task will be solved:

1. To analyze the state of development of the problem of the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology in pedagogical theory and practice.

2. To determine the basic concepts of the research "communicative competence of psychology specialists", "development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology" and specify its structure based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical and special literature.

3. To develop criteria, indicators and levels of development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology.

4. To theoretically substantiate and develop a structural-functional model of the system for the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology.

5. To practically implement and experimentally verify the effectiveness of the developed structural-functional model of the system for the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology.

The hypothesis of the research consists in the assumption that the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology will be carried out more effectively if it is based on well-founded theoretical and methodological foundations (methodological approaches, principles, functions); structural components (motivational-cognitive, social-perceptive, activity, communicative-reflexive) of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology; will be evaluated according to the specified criteria (cognitive, interactive-communicative, activity-perceptive) and will be implemented by introducing the system of their training into the educational process.

The following research methods will be used to solve tasks at various stages of scientific research:

* theoretical: systematic and comparative analysis: philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, special literature, reference, educational-methodical and instructional-normative documentation for the purpose of studying the state of development of research and conceptual-categorical apparatus; study and generalization of practical pedagogical experience, which will allow to determine the essence and structural components of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology; the modeling method during the development of a structural-functional model of the system for the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology; summarizing the results of the pedagogical experiment in order to check the effectiveness of the structural-functional model of the system of the specified process;

* empirical: a pedagogical experiment (informative, formative, control stages) to check the effectiveness of the developed structural-functional model of the system for the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology; diagnostic methods (methods of information gathering, surveys, questionnaires, pedagogical observation, etc.) with the aim of identifying problems and contradictions in the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology and determining the level of their professional training; method of generalization of independent characteristics;

* methods of mathematical statistics for processing experimental data, quantitative and qualitative analysis of empirical material, interpretation of research results and confirmation of the formulated hypothesis.

The scientific novelty of the obtained results will lie in the fact that:

* for the first time, the structural-functional model of the system for the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology will be scientifically substantiated and experimentally verified, which will be based on defined theoretical-methodological foundations (methodological approaches, principles, functions); developed criteria (cognitive, interactive-communicative, activity-perceptive), indicators and levels of effectiveness of the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology;

* the essence, structure, principles and functions of the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology will be clarified by specifying them;

* will further develop the form and methods of developing the communicative competence of future specialists in psychology.

The practical significance of the obtained results will consist in the implementation of such elements as:

* the structural-functional model of the system for the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology in the educational process of institutions of higher education that train specialists in the relevant field;

* the currently active seminar "Communication in the professional activity of a psychologist";

* the prepared educational and methodological manual "Development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology" and methodical recommendations for conducting practical classes in psychology.

Research materials can be used to improve the education of future specialists in psychology in higher education institutions and during training activities.


Summarizing the above, we can come to the conclusion that the proposed research algorithm for the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology is optimal for a comprehensive study of this problem and to find out real effective ways to improve the system of professional training of psychology specialists.

We see the prospects for further scientific research in the study of the problems of the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology, the clarification of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the study, the development of criteria, indicators and levels of the development of communicative competence of future specialists in psychology.


Baibekova, N. (2016). Formuvannia hotovnosti maibutnikh psykholohiv do konsultatyvnoi diialnosti u protsesi fakhovoi pidhotovky. Extended abstract of candidate's thesis, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. [in Ukrainian].

Kharkivska A. (2021) Formuvannya emocijnogo intelektu u majbutnix faxivciv social'noyi sfery'.Naukovy'j zhurnal Xorty'cz'koyi nacional'noyi akademiyi, (5,2021), [in Ukrainian].

Nahorna, N. (2013). Formuvannia pedahohichnoi kompetentnosti maibutnoho psykholoha u protsesi profesiinoi pidhotovky.Candidate's thesis, Kirovohradskyi derzhavnyi pedahohichnyi universytet imeni Volodymyra Vynnychenka. [in Ukrainian].

Ratieieva, V. (2016). Formuvannia hotovnosti maibutnikh psykholohiv do vykorystannia zasobiv estetoterapii u profesiinii diialnosti. Extended abstract of candidate's thesis, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University. [in Ukrainian].

Skirko, R. (2010). Formuvannia sotsialnoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh praktychnykh psykholohiv u protsesi profesiinoi pidhotovky. Candidate's thesis, Classical private university. [in Ukrainian].

Smalyus, L. (2014). Pedahohichni umovy profesiinoho samovdoskonalennia maibutnikh psykholohiv u protsesi fakhovoi pidhotovky. Candidate's thesis, Bohdan Khmelnytsky Cherkasy National University. [in Ukrainian].

Zatvorniuk, O. (2016). Formuvannia u maibutnikh psykholohiv hotovnosti do profesiinoho samovdoskonalennia. Extended abstract of candidate's thesis, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. [in Ukrainian]

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