Technologies for the implementation of the model for the formation of intercultural competence of medical students in foreign language classes
Purpose of our study is to present and substantiate a complex of modern and active learning technologies aimed at implementing a model for the formation of intercultural competence of students of a medical university in foreign language classes.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 30,1 K |
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Technologies for the implementation of the model for the formation of intercultural competence of medical students in foreign language classes
Yana Strelchuk,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University Mykolaiv, Ukraine
Стрельчук Яна В'ячеславівна,
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент,
Чорноморський національний університет імені Петра Могили Миколаїв, Україна
Одним із найважливіших завдань медичного університету на теперішній час є підготовка висококваліфікованого спеціаліста, який відповідає всім вимогам ринку праці, тобто демонструє не лише високу професійну майстерність, а й готовність до продуктивної діяльності в міжкультурне середовище. Вивчення роботи українських ВНЗ та аналіз педагогічної літератури свідчать про недостатність методичного забезпечення процесу формування міжкультурної компетентності студентів медичного університету. Існує суперечність між зростанням обсягу інформації та кризою дидактичних методів підготовки фахівців, що вимагає зміщення акцентів на сучасні технології професійного навчання. Стає очевидною необхідність зміни пріоритетів професійної підготовки фахівців у бік розвитку творчого мислення та оволодіння студентами інструментами управління власною навчальною діяльністю. У цій статті автор представляє систему ефективних технологій навчання для успішної реалізації моделі формування міжкультурної компетентності студентів-медиків на заняттях з іноземної мови. Система включає: дискусійні технології (розвиток критичного мислення студентів, формування в них культури спілкування в різних ситуаціях професійного та побутового спілкування в міжкультурному середовищі); ігрові технології (імітаційна модель реальної професійної діяльності, спрямована на формування та закріплення професійних умінь і навичок); проблемні технології (моделювання проблемної ситуації без ризику для учасників, пошук системного підходу до вирішення проблеми); технології проєктування (самостійна творча робота, розвиток навичок презентації та захисту продуктів власної діяльності).
Ключові слова: міжкультурна компетентність; вища медична школа;
професійне спілкування; технології навчання; професійна підготовка.
One of the most important tasks of a higher medical school at the moment is the preparation of a highly qualified specialist who meets all the requirements of the labor market, that is, demonstrates not only high professional skills, but also a readiness for productive activity in an intercultural environment. The study of the work of Ukrainian universities and the analysis of pedagogical literature show the inadequacy of methodological support for the process of forming intercultural competence of students of a medical university. There is a contradiction between the growing volume of information and the crisis of didactic methods of training specialists, which requires a shift in emphasis to modern technologies of vocational training. The need to change the priorities of professional training of specialists towards the development of creative thinking and mastering by students the tools for managing their own educational activities becomes obvious. In this article the author presents a system of effective teaching technologies for the successful implementation of a model for the formation of intercultural competence of medical students in foreign language classes. The system includes the following: discussion technologies (development of students' critical thinking, the formation of their culture of communication in various situations of professional and everyday communication in an intercultural environment); game technologies (simulation model of real professional activity, aimed at the formation and consolidation of professional skills and abilities); problem technologies (modeling a problem situation without risk for participants, searching for a systematic approach to solving the problem); design technologies (independent creative work, development of presentation skills and protection of products of their own activities).
Keywords: intercultural competence; higher medical school; professional communication; learning technologies; professional training.
Professional communication includes an open system of knowledge in the field of communications and information technology, professionally oriented information and communication skills, the actualization of which occurs in real professionally oriented situations. And professionally oriented communication is defined in this case as a kind of communication that, acting as the main condition for the existence of the international professional community and the integration of young generations into it, is aimed primarily at the exchange of professionally significant information to be transferred, stored, reproduced. Mutual knowledge and understanding between communication partners - representatives of various professional communities play an important role in the exchange process [2, p. 17].
In this regard, the teacher is faced with the most important task - to give the student, a future specialist in the field of medicine, deep and systematized knowledge about professional communication, to acquaint the student with the peculiarities of the etiquette of a medical worker in modern conditions of professional activity and, thus, to prepare for effective professional communication in intercultural environment.
In addition, it is necessary to find the best and shortest way to achieve the best results, respectively, it is necessary to develop technologies for preparing students, consolidating their skills of intercultural communication and development of intercultural competence. The main objective of this study is to show that the most active learning technologies are an effective way of forming intercultural competence in a foreign language lesson.
Research overview. In modern didactics, the very concept of pedagogical technology is interpreted by the authors in different ways; in a broad sense, technology is considered as an area of scientific research and a direction in didactics. So, some scientists believe that pedagogical technology is a set of teaching tools (V. Bukhvalov, V. Palamarchuk, B. Likhachev, S. Smirnov, N. Krylova, R. Kiffer, M. Meyer), others consider pedagogical technology as a vast area of knowledge based on the data of social, managerial and natural sciences (P. Pidkasisty, V. Guzeev, M. Eraut, R. Kaufman, S. Wedemeyer). Representatives of the third position propose to consider pedagogical technology a complex multidimensional process or a system (M. Klarin, V. Davydov, G. Selevko, D. Finn, K. Silber, P. Mitchell, R. Thomas).
Many researchers have paid attention to this problem and presented different interpretations and classifications. The development of active teaching methods has historically been aimed at activating thinking, self-knowledge, increasing the independence and motivation of students (G. Hegel, A. Disterweg, D. Dewey, J. Comenius, J. Rousseau, I. Pestalozzi, etc.).
Purpose of our study is to present and substantiate a complex of active learning technologies aimed at implementing a model for the formation of intercultural competence of students of a medical university in foreign language classes.
The main tasks: 1. find out and differentiate each technology of intercultural competence of medical students; 2. make detailed characteristics of each group of active technologies, which together can contribute to the successful implementation of the set goal.
The methodological basis of the investigation was: psychological and pedagogical provisions connected with the formation of theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of medical specialists, on the relationship and conditionality of the professional and general culture of the individual; approaches: competence (I. Zimnyaya,
M. Lukyanova, A. Markova, J. Raven, and others), axiological (B. Brushlinsky, B. Dodonov, B. Kuznetsov, and others), environmental (E. Belozertsev, L. Novikova, etc.), technological (V. Bespalko, N. Nikandrov, and others).
The theoretical basis of the research was: scientific works on the theory of multicultural education (E. Voevoda, I. Kostikova, O. Leontovich, M. Bayram, D., and others); research on the theory of intercultural communication (O. Leontovich, L. Porter, A. Samovar,
N. Yankina, and others); theoretical developments in the field of methods of teaching foreign languages ( P. Sysoev, A. Shchukin, and others); research on the theory of the formation of intercultural competence (S. Garmaeva, G. Elizarova, M. Plekhanova, I. Ptitsyna, M. Bayram, and others); development of methods for assessing intercultural competence (B. Ruben, N. Chernyak, A. Fantini, D. Norris, etc.); developments in the field of application of active learning technologies (Y. Gushchin, M. Klarin, T. Mukhina, and etc.).
Technologies of active learning provide a wide range of opportunities for regulation and organization of the educational process, contribute to the formation of cognitive, communicative skills, improvement of personal characteristics. In the process of active interaction with the teacher and fellow students, students learn to listen and hear, pay attention to the fact that each problem has several solutions, they have the opportunity to gain new experience, not by trial and error, but by analyzing already accumulated knowledge. However, from the point of view of developing students' intercultural interaction skills in a foreign language lesson, we made the assumption that the following technologies are the most effective:
Discussion technologies (Table 1). This technology group implies an exchange of views, a mutually reinforcing dialogue, defending one's point of view, and demonstrates a number of advantages: ensuring active interaction of participants; deep assimilation of knowledge in the process of active discussions; removal of the language barrier in informal communication in foreign language; the presence of feedback from students, allowing simultaneous control and assessment of activities. The purpose of the training discussions is the development of critical thinking of medical students, the formation of their culture of communication in various situations of their professional and everyday communication in an intercultural environment, with a focus on personal development [3].
Table 1
Discussion technologies for the formation of intercuiturai competence of students
Name of technology |
Description |
Formed skills |
Barcamp or anticonference (by T. O'Reilly) |
group discussion, type of discussion (conducted in a foreign language), in the process of work each student is invited to become not only a participant, but also an organizer of the conference, all participants offer their ideas, suggestions on a given topic and make reports, presentations or organize quizzes, conduct tests; students are divided into interest groups, then they discuss the presented materials and there is a search for new ideas and solutions |
ability independently find information, interpret data and correlate received knowledge; |
Round table |
group discussion, type of discussion (conducted in a foreign language), includes an exchange of views on the proposed issue, where the participants act as equal experts, express their position, listen to everyone's opinion and create a solution that is acceptable to all |
ability critically evaluate and protect your point of vision; |
Debate (dispute) |
group discussion, type of discussion (conducted in a foreign language), strictly regulated and formalized discussion in the form of a dispute, implies careful preparation of the speakers, including the speech of opponents and thoughtful argumentation |
ability communicate fluently and right state your opinion in foreign language |
Meeting of expert group (panel discussion) |
a group discussion, a type of discussion (conducted in a foreign language), involves discussion of a given problem by all participants, during which everyone speaks with a short prepared message. |
ability to efficient interaction with people |
The conference- seminar |
group discussion, type of discussion (conducted in a foreign language), regulated event involving presentations of all or part of the group members and questions from the audience, followed by an analysis of the results of the discussion |
Aquarium |
group discussion, type of discussion (conducted in a foreign language), suitable for the analysis of contradictory questions, suggesting ambiguity of interpretations and opinions, takes place in a less formal setting, sometimes in the form of free communication, the main difference is the presence of several approaches (from three) to solving the problem, which are presented in turn by representatives of each subgroup |
In a foreign language lesson discussion technologies represent one of the most productive ways to form intercultural competence of medical students, as well as contribute to the development of skills for discussing professional medical problems [4] and the search for their effective solution in a multicultural space. It should be noted, that a lesson in a foreign language with the use of discussion technologies of teaching can become a good platform for the formation of the style of thinking and perception necessary for effective communication. There is no doubt that as an object of discussion, it is advisable to choose not only specially formulated problems, but also cases from professional practice.
In addition to professional, managerial, scientific and technical problems, the subject of discussion can be the interpersonal relations of the group members themselves. In this case, the network of group relationships acts as a real educational model, with the help of which medical students learn from personal experience the peculiarities of the processes of group dynamics.
In the course of the discussion, such communication and professional medical skills are successfully formed as: cooperate and resolve problems with a positive attitude; think critically and predict the situation; listen actively and communicate in a foreign language; collectively solve socially significant tasks.
Discussion technologies can be implemented in different forms. Preparation for conducting a lesson using discussion technologies consists of several stages, which are reflected in Table 2.
Stages of preparation of a lesson using discussion technologies
Table 2
Teacher |
Student |
chooses a topic, which in turn should be controversial and ambiguous (the problem should be acute, urgent, having different solutions, it must represent a practical interest for the audience in terms of the development of professional competencies); selects material; develops a lesson plan; defines methods, techniques and means of stimulating creative and mental activity of students; selects visual material and technical support, which is positioned so that all participants can see the screen; advises students (in a group - at the initial stage of preparation, individually - on their own initiative or on the initiative of student); prepares the audience |
works on one's own on material of the topic of discussions; prepares performance; prepares questions on the topic |
When preparing a script, you should pay attention to the role of a moderator or a leader, which can be assumed by both the teacher himself and the responsible student. The presenter has a very important function, and not only delivers the opening and closing speech, but also corrects the course of the discussion, intervenes in time to stop a heated discussion, or, conversely, to stimulate the dialogue. The moderator must observe the principle of fairness in the order of speeches, be prepared for unforeseen situations that may arise during the discussion, and also be neutral and not inclined to any of the participants' points of view.
The main characteristics of the discussion should be highlighted: controversial, unresolved issue; a relaxed atmosphere in the audience; equal participation of all opponents; finding acceptable solutions for all participants about the discussed issue.
During the discussion, all participants should follow a number of principles: to observe the principle of equality of opponents; do not allow disputes and conflicts to grow; do not allow participants to persuade each other; to demand arguments for the stated position; do not persuade the participants to your side, even if you do not agree. Summing up the work of the lesson using discussion technologies provides for: reminder of goals and objectives; demonstration of the final position developed during the discussion; orientation of students to study questions that have not been found at the lesson; a task with an emphasis on introspection and self-preparation according to the material; words of gratitude to all participants of the meeting [5].
Thus, discussion technologies offer various options for organizing the work of medical students and are able to enhance the involvement of students in group discussion of problems, develop the skills and abilities of participation in group work, joint decision-making.
Game technologies. Game simulation is widely used in teaching practice. At the moment, in general, there is a tendency towards the gamification of learning. In contrast to games in general, «pedagogical play» is distinguished by an essential feature, namely, the presence of a clearly set goal and a corresponding pedagogical result [6].
Gaming active technologies imply the interaction of participants based on personal experience. It should be emphasized that the experience gained by medical students in the process of game interaction aimed at the formation of intercultural competence may turn out to be even more productive for a number of reasons, in comparison with that obtained in their professional activity. First, in our work we operate with often incomplete, distorted information; in the game, on the contrary, the student receives, although not complete, but accurate information, which increases confidence in the conclusions and results and stimulates the process of accepting responsibility. Secondly, gaming technologies make it possible to analyze the consequences of decisions made, check alternatives, and try on certain social roles.
For example, role-playing games allow you to simulate and model the elements of your future medical practice, help students understand what skills and abilities should be developed in the future, how to build a dialogue with patients of different cultural backgrounds and use the rules of speech and business etiquette, how to present properly the results of one's scientific activities in different countries [6]. In the modern sense, an educational role-playing game is a purposefully designed imitation model of a real professional activity, aimed at the formation and consolidation of professional medical skills. The process of organizing a role-playing game includes several stages (Table 3).
Table 3
Stages of preparing a lesson using game technologies
Stages |
Teacher |
Students |
Problematic indicative stage |
Informs students topic, discusses with students problem in general |
discuss the topic and rethink through comprehending own life experience |
Preparatory stage |
Introduces a script, distributes roles, game tasks |
e |
on one's own think over game behavior, collect necessary information |
Active game stage |
monitors a compliance of rules games, corrects course of game actions |
actively are involved in game, perform planned game actions |
Reflexive stage |
makes conclusions, singles out controversial questions for analysis |
analyze delivered questions, interpret various points of view, presented by participants, express their own opinion on a given problem |
3. Problematic technologies (Table 4). Problem-solving methods in a foreign language lesson at a medical university are based on a certain problematic situation in the field of medicine, which has a contradictory solution. For example, when using this technology, you can work out the problem of medical errors, compare how similar questions are resolved in different countries, to assess the ways out of the problem situation.
Among the advantages of the technology are: the ability to analyze the options for correct and erroneous decisions; the ability to simulate a problem situation without risking participants and correlate theoretical knowledge with a real practical situation; the ability to find a systematic approach to the solution [5, p. 4].
Table 4
Problematic technologies for the formation of intercuiturai competence of students
Technology name |
Description |
Formed skills |
Analysis of specific situations (case method) |
non-play imitation technology, in within which learners should analyze the controversial problem situation, find options for solutions and choose the best one. |
- analytical thinking; |
Technology «Decision tree» |
preparation of the «decision tree» allows simulate the search for the optimal solution, in the process is drawn sequential scheme - «tree», which consists of branches - variants for solutions and nodes (corresponding to their outcomes). |
- ability to effective teamwork; |
Technology «Brainstorming» |
the technology is based on spontaneous finding of a set o: different options for solving a given problem or task. |
- the ability to nominate and formulate ideas; |
POPS formula (by D. Mc Coyd-Mason) |
* interactive reception of feedback, helps in writing essays. Structure of the formula consists of four components: P - position, O - justification, P-examples, C - is a corollary. |
willingness to accept non-standard solutions; ability to foresee consequences of undertaken steps and skill to avoid repetition mistakes and miscalculations. |
Design technologies. Representing a collection of research, problematic, creative and search methods, design technologies offer a variety of means of organization and forms (group, pair, individual) of educational activities. The project involves certain stages of activity: preparation, implementation of project, presentation or defense, summing up.
The main difference between the design technology is that medical students are given the opportunity to design independently the content of the processed material, navigate in the educational space and analyze the knowledge gained. From the point of view of efficiency in the formation of intercultural competence of students of a medical university, project technologies characterize an increase in motivation to study a foreign language and the culture of the country of the target language, independent creative work, the development of intellectual abilities, the acquisition of research and scientific experience, interdisciplinary integration, as well as the development of skills of presentation and protection of products of their own activities.
It is important to note once again that activity requires communication as one of the main means of solving professional problems. A medical specialist should not only carry out therapeutic activities, but also be aimed at the productive establishment and development of professional contacts, at the effective exchange of information and the development of a unified interaction strategy, at the perception and understanding of colleagues and patients.
Classes with the use of active learning technologies are an effective way of forming intercultural competence and professional communication of medical students, since they are able to recreate the conditions of professionally oriented communication. Since professional communication is not just an exchange of information, it is a process of creating a certain community, in which participants analyze information and correlate their point of view with the opinions of communicative partners and thus achieve a certain degree of mutual understanding. At the same time, a foreign language lesson creates additional opportunities for the development of an intercultural competence, since it allows you to create a situation of immersion in a different cultural environment [3].
Here we should once again mention such an important aspect as the correct selection of didactic material and adherence to the principles of interdisciplinary integration. Since we are talking about professionally oriented learning, the use of CLIL elements - technologies, technologies of contextual and integrated learning, allows the formation of intercultural competence, precisely in preparation for treatment activities. And the use of design and problem technologies makes it possible to attract students to independent search and analysis of information on the studied issue.
Based on the experience of practical activities, the use of technologies for active teaching of a foreign language to medical students is an effective way to increase the interest, motivation and involvement of students, which, according to the personal-activity approach, determines the successful result of the activity. By shifting the emphasis on creative, independent work, initiative and responsibility for the results of their own educational work are encouraged. Active training allows you to develop those supra-professional skills that in the future will become the key to a successful career as a doctor and his professional activity in general.
Since, as it has been proven earlier, a medical professional needs to develop intercultural communication skills and intercultural competence as part of general professional competence, the development of methods for the formation of intercultural competence can be called one of the priority goals in the development of general professional competencies in foreign language classes at a medical university. Our further research is to check the effectiveness of the mentioned technologies for the formation of intercultural competence of students of a medical university in foreign language classes.
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