The role of physical training of police officers in combating criminal offenses under martial law

The formation and improvement of professionally important psycho-physical qualities, motor skills and skills of MIA cadets through the use of special means and methods of physical training. Selection of effective means and methods of physical training.

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Дата добавления 06.08.2023
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Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs


Dmytro PETRUSHYN Candidate

of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports

Karyna LAHUN cadet



Дмитро Петрушин, Карина Лагун. РОЛЬ ФІЗИЧНОЇ ПІДГОТОВКИ ПОЛІЦЕЙСЬКИХ ЩОДО ПРОТИДІЇ КРИМІНАЛЬНИМ ПРАВОПОРУШЕННЯМ В УМОВАХ ВОЄННОГО СТАНУ. Стаття присвячена актуальним питанням ролі фізичної підготовки поліцейських у сфері протидії кримінальним правопорушенням в умовах воєнного стану. В роботі визначено, що злочинність перетворюється на реальну загрозу національній безпеці, на один із найпотужніших чинників соціальної нестабільності. Вона проникає у найважливіші сфери життєдіяльності держави, загострює багато глобальних суспільних проблем.

Важливим завданням фізичної підготовки майбутніх поліцейських є сприяти високому рівню розвитку витривалості, координаційних та силових здібностей, здатності швидко реагувати та приймати рішення відповідно до умов, що постійно змінюються та ускладнюються. Результати вправ, котрі відображають рівень спритності і координаційних здібностей та статичної витривалості м'язів тулуба, дозволяють констатувати необхідність перегляду чинної навчальної програми з посиленням уваги до вдосконалення вказаних якостей у курсантів-поліцейських старших курсів.

Воєнний час вимагає інтенсивних методів навчання. Освітній процес у цей період має охоплювати мінімальний, однак високоефективний обсяг рухових дій і прийомів. З іншого боку, під час навчання поліцейських слід орієнтувати їх на проведення сутичок не спортивних, а реальних (бойових), що сприятиме формуванню в них мислення поняттями бою. Пізнавальним є також факт, що заняття спортом допомагають впоратися зі стресом, опанувати себе та відволіктися, що має досить важливе значення в ситуації, що склалася.

Авторами зазначено, що сьогодні забезпечення професійного спрямування фізичної підготовки майбутніх працівників органів внутрішніх справ на діяльність в умовах воєнного стану є важливою умовою формування професійної готовності співробітників до такої роботи. Отже, пріоритетним напрямом діяльності вищих навчальних закладів системи МВС залишається вдосконалення рівня фізичних здібностей шляхом використання спеціальних методів і засобів. Підвищення професійної готовності поліцейських до ефективних дій в умовах воєнного стану є перспективним напрямом удосконалення системи фізичної підготовки правоохоронців.

Ключові слова: вища юридична освіта, ЗВО зі специфічними умовами навчання, фізична підготовка, протидія кримінальним правопорушенням.


physical training skill cadet

The article determines that in modern conditions, the formation and improvement of professionally important psycho-physical qualities, motor skills and skills of MIA cadets through the use of special means and methods of physical training is of paramount importance. The selection of the most effective means and methods of physical training and sports to increase the professional readiness of cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for effective actions in extreme conditions is an important direction for improving the physical training system.

Keywords: higher legal education, higher education with specific study conditions, physical training, combating criminal offenses.

Relevance of the study

The current stage of reforming law enforcement agencies of Ukraine puts forward new requirements for officer personnel, organization, content and methods of their professional training. The everyday activities of police officers should be characterized by purposefulness, organization, high skill, and the ability to creatively solve tasks.

The problem of training police officers is the object of constant attention of specialists. It has gained special significance recently in connection with the introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine and changes in the nature of criminal activity, and the use of modern technical means, cold and firearms by criminals. Moreover, the tendency to increase the most dangerous types of crimes is clearly visible, which is confirmed by official statistics and numerous press reports.

The analysis shows that the main reasons for the death and injury of the personnel are the unprofessionalism of the rank and file, the psychological unpreparedness to perform operational and service tasks, carelessness and indiscipline in the performance of official duties.

Giving a social assessment of what is happening, it should be noted that crimes against a person have social consequences that surpass other criminal manifestations. They cause irreparable damage to society, hundreds of thousands of people are affected by them every year. Persons who commit such crimes spread the stereotype of aggressive-violent behavior in the everyday and recreational microenvironment, these criminal manifestations are condemned from the point of view of universal morality. The spread of criminal violence causes well-founded anxiety among citizens, undermines their faith in real protection from criminals and criminal encroachments [1, p. 14].

Recent publications review

Features of the physical training of police officers are highlighted in the works of many domestic and foreign scientists: Yu. Balakin, V. Bondarenko, O. Vedeneeva, A. Dadov, V. Didkovsky, O. Zhidkova, O. Konik, B. Klymenfo, O. Kuzenkova, O. Krasylova, A. Kardanova, S. Manannikova, K. Melnyk, Y. Mukhanov, V. Ovchinnikova, O. Panova, V. Yakimovich and others.

The research paper's objective consists in determining the role of physical training of police officers in combating criminal offenses under martial law.


The analysis of structural changes indicates an increased level of social danger of certain categories of crimes. The severity of the consequences caused by them has also increased. The share of organized, pre-prepared crimes, characterized by particular audacity, sophistication and brutality, is increasing. Instrumental violence, which demonstrates extreme disrespect for law and order and directly ignores the interests of public and state security, has become much more common.

From a criminological point of view, this means that the criminal subculture spreads its influence on various spheres of people's life. Violence, unfortunately, is already an element of our culture, and its use mostly goes beyond the limits allowed by law.

Crime is turning into a real threat to national security, one of the most powerful factors of social instability. It penetrates into the most important spheres of the life of the state, is connected not only with many global social problems, but also causes an increase in crimes against property and personality.

In this regard, the internal affairs bodies of the country now face an extremely acute problem of ensuring the safety of life and property of Ukrainian citizens, which, in fact, is the main criterion in assessing the work of the National Police personnel.

The above disappointing facts once again confirm that the professional activity of police officers is influenced by a whole set of factors that have no place in a person's everyday life, and is characterized by high neuro-emotional tension and varying levels of motor activity. They often find themselves in various conflict situations, life-threatening both for themselves and for the people around them at the moment.

Significantly complicated operational conditions of police officers place increased demands on their professional training, physical training and, first of all, good general and static endurance, ability to immediately demonstrate speed and coordination of movements, and therefore require the search for more effective means and methods of training, including cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

The field of special pedagogical research, aimed at finding ways to improve the professional training of police officers, cadets and trainees of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, should be considered sufficiently studied, however, many issues of the theory and practice of the organization of the training process require improvement and deeper analysis [2, p. 31].

Therefore, one of the main tasks of physical training, as a component of the professional training of police officers, is to reduce the negative impact of their official activities and ensure physical readiness for actions in normal and extreme conditions.

It is quite obvious that the success of the professional activity of law enforcement officers is largely determined by the ability to manage one's emotional state, the ability to mobilize internal reserves to achieve the goal, courage, courage, determination, a high level of physical fitness, and a confident and lawful possession of combat techniques and weapons of record.

Solving these problems requires a variety of motor reactions required by the body, fine differentiation and precision of movements. With all the uniqueness of the complex of professionally important qualities needed by an employee of the OVS, a number of personal qualities that are professionally significant should be singled out [3, p. 13].

These are first of all strong-willed qualities, which are based on the ability to overcome difficulties in achieving a goal, perseverance, purposefulness, as well as responsibility, selfcontrol, adequacy of self-esteem, emotional stability, psychological reliability, risk-taking. One of the important conditions for personality development and the effectiveness of professional training is the required level of health, physical fitness and legal intelligence.

In order for the cadet's professional readiness to reach a certain level specified by the qualification requirements, he must receive a certain positive development of the already achieved degree of professional readiness at each physical training session. A cadet's ability to work, the degree of his professional training, and the reliability of professional activity are largely determined by the level of physical fitness. Therefore, increasing the effectiveness of professional training requires the development of professionally important qualities, and primarily physical ones [4, p. 9].

The best experience of training specialists in educational organizations shows that, in the conditions of the budget limit of training time, the training process should be aimed at the professional preparation of cadets and trainees. This means that one of the key requirements for specialist training is a clearly expressed professional focus of the educational process on the formation of cadets and trainees' skills related to the nature of future professional activity.

The applied orientation of physical training forms the readiness of the cadet of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a certain type of activity. It should be considered as an individual professional readiness.

Directed selection of exercises, choice of sports, sports games can influence a person, contributing to the formation of specific mental qualities and personality properties that determine the success of professional activity [5, p. 210].

It should be noted that for the formation of any skill or skill, it is necessary to gradually conduct exercises in a «working» environment during training. For example, you can easily develop the skill of walking on a log lying on the ground, but few cadets or trainees will immediately walk on a log raised to a height of several meters. Fear of falling, excessive muscle tension does not allow you to immediately demonstrate the developed skill. Special training is required with gradual complication of the task - a gradual increase in the height of the log installation. And the fact that gymnasts, divers will cope with the above task faster and better than, for example, weightlifters, swimmers or runners, is quite obvious not only for specialists.

Many sports and especially game moments can simulate possible life situations during the performance of professional types of work. The habit of observing established norms and rules of behavior (sense of collectivism, endurance, respect for opponents, diligence, self-discipline) brought up in sports activities are transferred to everyday life and professional activities. Consciously overcoming difficulties in the process of regular physical education and sports, fighting against growing fatigue, feelings of pain and fear cultivate will, self-discipline, and self-confidence [6, p. 10].

Success in the formation and development of the components of professional training depends on the ability of the teacher during classes to cause mental reactions in students that are characteristic of the real situation.

This is achieved by:

- firstly, by bringing the conditions of practical classes, trainings and exercises closer to the real conditions of operational and service activities (reproducing the external features of the official environment, modeling situations, simulating various psychogenic factors and countervailing forces, as well as giving students the opportunity to use weapons and special equipment); allows cadets and trainees to forget about the educational environment and feel like participants in real events;

- secondly, by approximating the internal (psychological) conditions of practical classes, trainings, exercises and educational games to the real conditions of the operational and service environment, which is achieved by challenging the characteristic processes of mental activity in students, as close as possible to those that arise in situations countering an armed offender. This task is achieved by using elements of the suddenness of events, high speed of movement, rapid changes in the situation, non-standardity of simulated situations, risk, independence of actions, struggle in classes, and also the complexity of the tasks being practiced should increase and the duration of high loads should increase [7, p. 19].

These conditions are created with the help of:

- competitive environment;

- simulation of situations of risk, danger, responsibility, unknownness, surprise, novelty;

- training to perform certain actions in a state of fatigue;

- simulation of a situation that requires the police to demonstrate independence and initiative;

- simulation of a situation in which achieving the required result is impossible on the first attempt under the influence of the requirement to achieve the goal;

- preventing the police from showing passivity in their actions and refusing to continue their activities in any situations, including failures;

- complication of tasks related to the performance of mastered professional actions through the introduction of unforeseen non-standard conditions;

- simulation of the situation, intensified countermeasures provided by the offender, which is accompanied by his use of sophisticated methods of attack and evasion of responsibility;

- training of volitional influence on the offender with the aim of subordinating his actions to the will of the law enforcement officer;

- creation of high physical loads;

- performing exercises that require the manifestation of great physical strength and dexterity, long-term tension of forces and variability of actions in accordance with changes in the situation;

- by increasing the pace of the fight to the maximum possible level (in the process of using self-defense techniques, personal weapons, special equipment, etc.);

- causing unpleasant sensations of cold, heat, pain, dizziness, exhaustion.

We agree with the research of O. Solovei, V. Boguslavskyi, M. Pozhidaev, D. Dyshchenko, S. Petrenko that in order to achieve a higher level of preparedness in physical training classes, it is worth using not only the method of standard repetition, but also the method variable and differentiated load, which forms the skill of performing a motor action in any environment and depends on the cadet's physical data. As for the fighting techniques of fighting, this method at the consolidation stage involves: using various preparatory actions for the reception; conduct reception from different starting positions; increase the speed of the partner's attacking actions and the strength of his resistance; conduct an appointment with partners of different height and weight; perform reception in various combinations with other receptions; conduct duels (against an unarmed opponent armed with an imitation knife or stick, one against two or three, etc.) [8, p. 83-84].


Thus, in modern conditions, the formation and improvement of professionally important psycho-physical qualities, motor skills and skills in cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the use of special means and methods of physical training acquires primary importance.

The selection of the most effective means and methods of physical training and sports to increase the professional readiness of cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for effective actions in extreme conditions is an important direction for improving the physical training system.


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