How authority and trust influence those, who are under lecturer’s surveillance, the ways to shape up the authority
Improving the quality of education in Ukraine. Creating trusting relationships between the teacher and students. Investigation of the impact of teacher authority on learning outcomes. Organization of the communicative process in the audience and beyond.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.08.2023 |
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Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs
How authority and trust influence those, who are under lecturer's surveillance, the ways to shape up the authority
Olga Oleynik (Khlynsteva) Senior Lecturer
Dnipro, Ukraine
Як авторитет і довіра впливають на тих, хто перебуває під наглядом викладача, шляхи формування авторитету
Ольга Олійник (Хлинстева).
У статті розглянуто питання дослідження особливостей формування авторитету викладача та його впливу на результати в процесі навчання студента. Проаналізовано основні чинники утворення авторитету викладача: компетентність, комунікативні навички, харизматичність, довіра. Запропоновані рекомендації, щодо створення довірливих взаємовідносин між викладачем та його підопічними, як невід'ємної частини навчального процесу з метою досягнення більш ефективної комунікації, а в результаті і поліпшення результатів у навчанні. Крім цього розглядаються причини підриву авторитету особистості, причини через які виникають складності при налагоджуванні умовно правильної атмосфери під час заняття і поза навчальної аудиторії. Важливість комунікативного процесу як в аудиторію так і за межами. Правильна організація коректного спілкування і результати, яких можна досягти, забезпечивши вище-вказане. Мотивація та стимул. Розглянуті терміни понять, які на наш погляд є дуже важливими поняттями, якими неможна нехтувати. Причини, чому надавати перевагу мотивації перед стимулом правильно. Адже, вони відображають інструменти впливу, а вплив є однією з основних складових частин поняття авторитету. Вибір тих чи інших інструментів впливу обумовлює, опосередковано, рівень довіри та ступінь авторитетності персони. Вимирюваність показників авторитету викладача, яка на наш погляд, хоч і умовна, та достатньо показова. Академічна доброчесність, як один з проявів авторитетності особистості.
Ключові слова: авторитет викладача, комунікативні навички, довіра, професійна компетентність, харизма.
Relevance of the study. Chasing after the results and high performance not only of research, but teaching staff as well, result of students, who are making their way to obtain higher education, the requirements for the amount of materials for further professional life of applicants are now growing exponentially. This is quite natural, as progress is moving forward and scientists are constantly working on researching current issues in their fields.
The volume of articles and abstracts published, not even daily, but every hour, if not every minute, is escalating, and it is NOT about the number of such works in all areas, but at least in one of the areas.
It is simply impossible to read them all. And we are constantly exposed to all these growing demands for THE QUANTITY and QUALITY WORKS.
Though, eventually it turns into THE QUANTITY AGAINST QUALITY. Whether QUANTITY, QUALITY or both is up to the actors of the educational process.
Authority and trust are the major factors, in our opinion, that impact hugely to the performance and willingness to reach the result good both in terms of quality and to achieve the results in quantity.
When talking about these factors we imply the level of skills (both soft and hard) as they are an integral part of performance of the owner. For example, So, we rely on the authority of publications, colleagues, reviews of other scholars.
Recent publications review. Under modern conditions, every teacher has the opportunity to become a bearer of authority. An important role should be played by their own, personal potential of a particular person: way of thinking, personal perception of social requirements and norms, behavior, will, duty, interest, desire and more.
Even in the works of Plato, Aristotle, the doctrine of Confucianism shows the nature of authoritative relations. The first experience of the scientific approach to the essence of authority is found in the works of German scientists G. Hegel, F. Nietzsche, F. Engels, M. Weber, G. Gadamer, M. Scheler, J. Habermas and others [3-5].
Though many scientists have studied the institute of trust (among them: F. Fukuyama, V. Kupreychenko, N. Obosov and many others) we see this issue not studied enough by many reasons and one of them is absence of simple and precise way of calculating it [3].
The article's objective is to study reveal the huge range of aspects that are to be taken into account during professions trainings. These aspects in terms of educational process vary and we can list the whole range of measures to be taken to improve the performance of both the tutor and the students.
The topic of research remains relevant due to a wide range of different aspects of such factors as trust and authority, their effects to indices of performance.
Psychological climate - is one of the most important points and is to certain extent preconditioned by the authority of the lecturer. Before a person reaches the point where he or she starts their way to professional life, they have some path already covered.
And on their way different sort of people occurred. Communication is an integral part of educational process and, thus, the previous experience may have different side-effects, unfortunately more often people may be harmed emotionally. Various kinds of mental blocks have appeared in minds of some of that, or even prejudice towards the whole process of education and their abilities for it.
The thing is that our brain tries to isolate us from harmful and destructive thoughts triggered by notorious experience. The huge and weigh too important is to know how to make such people live through that experience so that they could handle it and unblock themselves.
Usually these blocks are tightly linked to such indices of emotional state as self-esteem, selftrust. Authority may have huge range of manifestations and also tools of impact. To be authoritative means to be listened and trusted.
To consider someone to be an authoritative person means to be ready to listen to what this person says and to be able to perceive, what it said, because you trust the person. Authority means power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior [1]. Though the definition, given in online merriam-webster dictionary, as we see it, is a bit abrupt and, at least in the context of teacher's authority is to be developed.
Let's see each of the elements given in the abovementioned definition of one of the major terms for this article. "Influence or command"? In accordance with the online merriam-webster dictionary, the term "influence" means the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways [3]. For the verb "to command", the following definition is provided - to direct authoritatively: ORDER [1]. education authority teacher relationship
As we see the state of affairs, authoritative person has no need to resort to any type of violence, neither physical or emotional. And the word "commend" itself implies to certain extent a kind of violence, at least emotional. Which is also called negative acknowledgement.
What's more it is of weigh too low capacity and the payoff may be unpredictable and notorious for the one, who uses this shade of authority. Nevertheless, a command itself doesn't serve as a word with exclusively bad or good connotation, context and hermeneutics are at play. What I say may differ from what you have heard. It is a matter of perception.
So, one of major effective ways to reduce misunderstandings to minimum is communication. Still before we get down to revealing this point of the article, let us discuss the "comrade" of the verb "to command", we are talking about the verb "to influence" (means the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways [1]). The only downside of the definition, in our opinion, is word "intangible". Though the statement about the side-effect of the word is RATHER TRICKY!
As it is an integral part of the definition. The thing is that when the attempts for the desired impact to be achieved are too intangible you may simply face the problem of not being understood. So, here is the point that makes us think, that the word "commend" here is not to be understood as a manifestation of violence, but as a leveraging factor.
One of the major upsides related to authority is that for the authoritative person there is no need at all to resort to any forcing anyone to doing anything. If you have to force anyone that shows the level of your authority. Speaking about the measuring. As economists say: "There always is something to be counted". Which means, that to measure the index of authority we are to define the quantitative variables. The variable could be the following:
- Tasks given to the contrast to the tasks done.
- The quality of performing the tasks (here we can actually observe at once a couple of things, helping us understand:
Attitude to the lecturer via accepting the tasks and recommendations or instructions accompanying the task;
How concise are the instructions and the tasks;
Students' perception;
Students' ability to meet the demands
Students' willingness to perform in accordance with the requirements of the tutor/lecturer or teacher;
Considering all these elements we can conclude, that educational process is a two-way road. "My students are my teachers" - though many can say, that the statement is emotional and belongs mostly to sentiments occurring in the process of collaboration with students you teach, but your students represent your focus group and, if work correctly, we can be given a serious lift to better quality education in total.
The focus group asks questions and, if take into account, that each person is representing his or her own perception of the world, his or her own way of thinking, we obtain the whole laboratory with a wide range of tools to be used and a huge scope of data accessible any time.
If an explanation of anything works for one person, it does not mean, that it will work for another one. Person means the personality of a human being: SELF [1] (it is only one of meanings of the word "person", though in our opinion is the most appropriate for our research). As we have already mentioned above, each participant of the group is a representative of his or her perception of life and his or her own way of thinking. We should know our focus group to deal with then successfully and to achieve better performance for both sides of the educational process.
Here I would like to mention the statement of my peers from their article named “Critical and logical thinking formation as the educational competence in the modern training system for lawyers” and here it the quotation "the disciplines of social and humanitarian profile have a special role in these competencies shaping, as the process of studying shapes the worldview of the individual, including the development of information perception and informed decision making" [2].
So, the reasons, why we've mentioned it are the following. Coincidence in our opinion in terms of importance to consider the perception of the world by those, who we are teaching. As understanding of how your wards think and how they perceive the world may give you the answer on what kind of tools are to be chosen for both sides or both counterparts of the educational process to perform better.
An informed decision making is another point and in terms of the context of our work we interpret this statement in our own way. When talking about an informed decision making we, first of all, would like to remind of point №1. Perception and way of thinking impose some additional effects, that are still to be studied along with the authority. Personalized approach is to be applied, which become possible in the process of online teaching.
A couple of words about online education and the authority of the person responsible for educational process control. When talking about online education we should be critical at maximum, and though as we see the pitfalls of online education and downsides (such as effect of presence which not to be underestimated), we are to mention the upsides (such as opportunity to personalize education for each participant of the group, involved into the process).
Trust of participants of the group, that is under the lecturer's surveillance is a positive effect of acquiring authority and is a way of acknowledgement and proof of the lecturer's authority.
Another point that is only to be reviewed within this research is expressed in the following statement: How authority is acquired and why trust is considered to be the proof of a lecturer's authority? The answer to this question lies in term "communication".
Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior [3]. The big issue is that many consider communication to be exclusively an exchange of information, but the thing is that in our opinion, communication is somewhat more than a simple exchange of data it is also about emotions, personalities of all (involved in this communication) to become authoritative you ARE to put some personality to the teaching process, you just have to, literally.
Communication is a two-way street and authority is earned via trust. Trust implies agreement that all sided are to stick to what they say and do it. Distrust occurs, when the agreement was violated.
Let's give definition of the term "trust" to lead you through the ideas we are trying to reveal as close as it is possible. As O. Oleynik states in one of her works dedicated "trust", named "Ways of defining the level of trust: how do semiotics and hermeneutics influence such notions as trust and confidence, belief?": “Trust or confidence, to our opinion, is something that cannot be touched or seen, but can be literally felt through the freedom and the way of communication. It actually manifests through the communication; the way it is conducted" [3].
And the final aspect to be revised is the difference between the terms “motivation” and "stimulation". Our interpretation and then judgement about the priorities between these terms ensues from the origin of the terms:
Motivation originates from the word "motive" (which actually gives the answer to the question: Why am I doing it? It is always personalized and also implies, that the person decides him or her-self if do something or not).
Stimulation - is a word from Latin and means a stick with a spike on the top of it. Which definitely implies some kind of violence and forcing to do something.
Now, when having revealed their meaning, the priority given to THE SELF, to INFORMED DECISION MAKING is obvious. As the only way to make a person do something is to motivate, to make him or her willing to do.
Taking into account the above said we can conclude that personality and authority play enormously important role in the process of education. And a lot of variables are to be taken into account, when working on the authority of a lecturer. These variables are the qualities, which can refer to different lines, the way table 1 represents them.
Table 1
Personality and ethics |
Individual psychological |
Pedagogical |
Sense of duty and civic responsibility, humanism, sincerity,attentiveness, kindness, conscious attitude to work and discipline, demanding principles, modesty, sociability, objectivity, self-criticism, high moral culture, artistry, general erudition, patience and perseverance. |
The breadth and depth of cognitive interests, clarity and critical thinking, ingenious emotional sensitivity and resilience, long-term memory, developed observation of the will, imagination, large volume and switching of attention, temperament culture, objective self-esteem |
High level of professional and pedagogical training, interest in pedagogical activity, love for work and children, pedagogical tact, pedagogical thinking, professional pedagogical ability, desire for scientific and pedagogical creativity, culture and expressiveness of language, sense of humor. |
The way a lecturer can operate with these qualities when teaching shows the professionalism in terms of ability of the lecturer to implicate everyone in the group into the educational process, to set the environment, where everyone feels comfortably, when teaching or learning, depending on the counterpart.
Thus, we can also conclude, that nowadays a professional can be considered a professional if he or she develops both hard and soft skills. If one of them lost, the person cannot be considered as a fully-fledged professional in any sphere of life!
Conflict of Interest and other Ethics Statements. The author declares no conflict of interest.
1. Merriam Webster electronic resource. URL : authority.
2. Holovina O., Kamenova D. Critical and logical thinking formation as the educational competence in the modern training system for lawyers. Philosophy, Economics and Law Review. 2021. 1(2). P. 25-37. Doi : 10.31733/2786-491x-2021-2-25-37.
3. Євроінтеграційний вибір України та проблеми макроекономіки: XXVII Міжнародна науково-практична конференція молодих вчених і студентів: тези доповідей (м. Дніпро, 5 грудня 2019 р.). Дніпро : Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля. 2019. 476 с.
4. Pavliuk O. H., Guba N. O., Gorban G. O., Fomenko A. Y., Sinielnik R. V. Empirical Study of the Structure of Future Police Specialists' Professional Self-Awareness. Journal of Curriculum and Teachingthis. 2022. 11(3). P. 17-29.
5. Obedience, Power, and Leadership. URL : obedience-power-and-leadership/.
1. Merriam Webster electronic resource. URL: authority.
2. Holovina O., Kamenova D. Critical and logical thinking formation as the educational competence in the modern training system for lawyers. Philosophy, Economics and Law Review. 2021. 1(2). P. 25-37. Doi : 10.31733/2786-491x-2021-2-25-37.
3. Yevrointehratsiynyy vybir Ukrayiny ta problemy makroekonomiky: KHXVII Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsiya molodykh vchenykh i studentiv [Ukraine's European integration choice and problems of macroeconomics: XXVII International scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students]: abstracts of reports (Dnipro, December 5, 2019). Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University. 2019. 476 p.
4. Pavliuk O. H., Guba N. O., Gorban G. O., Fomenko A. Y., Sinielnik R. V. Empirical Study of the Structure of Future Police Specialists' Professional Self-Awareness. Journal of Curriculum and Teachingthis. 2022. 11(3). P. 17-29.
5. Obedience, Power, and Leadership. URL : obedience-power-and-leadership/.
The article considers the study of the peculiarities of the formation of the lecturer's authority and its impact on the results of the student's learning process. The main factors of teacher authority formation are analyzed: competence, communication skills, charisma, and trust. The four above mentioned elements may be split into two categories: qualities (competence, communicative skills, charisma); and trust (which can be referred as a quality of the environment of the educational process), though as the atmosphere is the outcome of lecturer' s way of work, thus, at least indirectly, we can refer it as to a quality of lecturer, the ability carry out the process, so that all actors are in total compliance with the lecturer's style of teaching. Recommendations are offered to establish a trusting relationship between the teacher and his wards, as an integral part of the learning process in order to achieve more effective communication and, as a result, improve learning outcomes.
Keywords: lecturer's authority, communication skills, trust, professional competence, charisma.
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