Peculiarities of police corps officers’ professional training at the police corps academy of the Slovak Republic
Study of the peculiarities of the professional training of employees of the Police Corps of the Slovak Republic. Content, structure of professional training of future employees of the Police Corps of Slovakia in the departmental educational institution.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.08.2023 |
Размер файла | 18,2 K |
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Peculiarities of police corps officers' professional training at the police corps academy of the Slovak Republic
Natalya Bidyuk, Olha Babich , Alina Fast
The article is devoted to the disclosure of the peculiarities of the professional training of Police Corps officers of the Slovak Republic, and the professional education at the Academy of the Police Corps of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Slovakia in particular. The content of the professional training of future Police Corps officers of the Slovak Republic in the departmental educational institution has been analyzed. It has been established that at the Academy, cadets of higher education undergo training at three levels of education (Bachelor, Master and Doctorate) in accordance with generally accepted European standards of professional training of border guards and the adopted Unified Basic Level Curriculum for the training of border guard specialists (Common Core Curriculum) developed by the FRONTEX agency (European Border and Coast Guard Agency).
It has been defined that Police Corps officers obtain higher education at three levels of education. Thus, the Bachelor's degree lasts for 3 years full-time and 4 years parttime. Police officers also obtain the Master's degree in both forms of education. The term of study is 2 years (full-time) and 3 years - part-time, respectively. In addition, Masters ' students take an oral exam to obtain a Doctor of Philosophy. Doctoral students study 3 years (full-time) and 4 years (part-time), respectively. The education received by the graduates of the above-mentioned departmental educational institution is equivalent to that which prepares the personnel of other police agencies of the EU countries. This ensures the mobility of graduates not only within Slovakia, but also within the European Union.
A detailed analysis of the accredited training curricula “Law Enforcement Insurance of the Security of People and Facilities" and “Law Enforcement Services in Public Administration ” has been carried out. It has been determined that the training at the Police Corps Academy in Bratislava is conducted in accordance with them.
The structure of the above-mentioned professional training has been characterized, namely forms of education (full-time and part-time), training terms and educational workload (list of academic disciplines, their distribution by semesters and types of classes, etc.).
Keywords: professional training, educational curricula, training of Police Corps officers, Academy of the Police Corps in the city of Bratislava; the Slovak Republic.
Стаття присвячена розкриттю особливостей професійної підготовки співробітників Поліцейського корпусу Словацької Республіки, зокрема особливостей професійної освіти в Академії Поліцейського корпусу Міністерства внутрішніх справ Словаччини. Проаналізовано зміст професійної підготовки майбутніх співробітників Поліцейського корпусу Словаччини у відомчому навчальному закладі. Встановлено, що в Академії здобувачі вищої освіти проходять підготовку на трьох рівнях освіти (бакалаврському, магістерському та докторському) відповідно до загальноприйнятих європейських стандартів професійної підготовки прикордонників та прийнятої Уніфікованої програми базового рівня для підготовки фахівців з охорони кордону (Common Core Curriculum), розробленою агенцією FRONTEX (Європейською Агенцією з прикордонної та берегової охорони). Представлено детальний аналіз акредитованих освітніх програм «Правоохоронне забезпечення безпеки осіб та об'єктів» та «Правоохоронні служби в державному управлінні», за якими здійснюється підготовка в Академії Поліцейського корпусу в Братиславі.
Встановлено, що співробітники Поліцейського корпусу здобувають вищу освіту за трьома рівнями освіти. Так, на бакалавраті навчання триває 3 роки на денній формі та 4 роки - на заочній. Поліцейські здобувають кваліфікацію магістра також за обома формами навчання. Термін навчання - 2 роки (на денній формі навчання) та 3 роки - на заочній відповідно. Крім того, магістри складають усний екзамен на отримання доктора філософії. У докторантурі навчання триває 3 роки (на денній формі) та 4 роки (на заочній формі) відповідно.
Охарактеризовано структуру зазначеної професійної підготовки, а саме: форми навчання (денна та заочна), терміни підготовки та навчальне навантаження (перелік навчальних дисциплін, розподіл їх за семестрами та видами занять тощо).
З'ясовано, що освіта, яку отримують випускники вищезазначеного відомчого навчального закладу, є рівноцінною тій, яка готує кадри інших поліцейських відомств країн ЄС. Це забезпечує мобільність випускників не лише в межах Словаччини, а й у межах Європейського Союзу.
Ключові слова: професійна підготовка, освітні програми, підготовка співробітників Поліцейського корпусу, Академія Поліцейського корпусу у місті Братислава, Словацька Республіка
professional training policeman slovakia
One of the main priorities of our country is integration into the European community which also concerns the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (hereinafter - SBGSU). Priority for SBGSU is improvement of the system of selection and professional training of personnel, including the introduction of European education standards, as well as borrowing positive experience from border guard educational institutions of the European Union's member states. It is especially important for the training of professionals in the border field who would combine practical training and fundamental theoretical knowledge with the constantly growing current requirements in their professional activities. The experience of the Slovak Republic, as a neighboring European country, is of great interest to our border guard agency, since this country not only has similar border realities, but also introduced European standards of professional activity and best practices for police training.
Therefore, there is a necessity to study the peculiarities of the country's professional training, namely its content, which includes modern trends in the training of European border guards in accordance with the Common Core Curriculum (hereinafter - CCC), developed by the agency FRONTEX (European Border and Coast Guard Agency).
The goal of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the professional training of the Police Corps officers in the Slovak Republic at the Academy of the Police Corps (hereinafter - PC) in the city of Bratislava.
The problem of professional education abroad constantly drew attention of local and foreign researchers of comparative pedagogy: P. Altbach (Altbach, 1991), O. Anweiler (Anweiler, 1999), J. Kelly (Kelly, 1992), O. Lokshyna (Lokshyna, 2010; Lokshyna, 2007), A. Sbruieva (Sbruieva, 2004). The study of the theory and practice of professional training of specialists in EU countries is carried out by local scientists N. Bidiuk (Bidiuk et al., 2018), T. Desiatov (Desiatov, 2005), N. Nychkalo (Nychkalo, 2011), L. Pukhovska (Pukhovska et al., 2014), N. Avsheniuk (Avsheniuk, & Bidiuk, 2021) and others.
A number of scientists addressed the problem of professional training of border guard specialists, in particular I. Bloshchynskyi (Bloshchynskyi, 2016; Bloshchynskyi, 2017), O. Khamaziuk (Khamaziuk, 2020; Khamaziuk, 2021), O. Didenko (Snitsa et al., 2021; Shumovetska et al., 2021), K. Izbash (Izbash, 2013) and others. However, the peculiarities of the professional training of Slovakia's Police Corps officers require a more detailed and thorough research and specification.
To achieve the purpose of the research, a range of theoretical methods have been used - analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization of data from scientific literature and educational and methodological documentation to study the experience of professional training of border guard officers in Slovakia.
PC Academy in the city of Bratislava provides higher education at all three levels under accredited educational curricula “Law Enforcement Insurance of the Security of People and Facilities” and “Law Enforcement Services in Public Administration”. The concept of the first makes it possible to provide higher education in the educational curriculum on security and legal protection of people and facilities for all three levels of higher education.
This educational curriculum is intended for cadets preparing to serve in the PC and other law enforcement services. The concept of the second educational curriculum provides the preparation of officers for Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral levels of higher education and is intended for cadets preparing for service in public administration.
To be admitted to study either of Bachelor's curricula, the entrant submits a separate electronic and paper questionnaire with the necessary attachments for studying one of these curricula.
The number of admitted applicants and specific requirements for admission to training are approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the SR in accordance with the needs of the PC and other law enforcement services, which are based on the proposal of the rector of the Academy. Enrollment of an applicant for training is also grounded on the recommendation of his chief in accordance with personnel competence, taking into account the needs of PC and other law enforcement services (Podmienky pripmacieho konania 2021/2022, 2021).
Every citizen of the Slovak Republic who meets the conditions can apply for training. Admission conditions apply both to foreign applicants from EU member states and to applicants from the SR.
Nowadays, the Academy provides education at all levels of study according to accredited curricula (Akreditovane studijne programy, 2021).
Full-time undergraduate study under the curriculum “Law Enforcement Insurance of the security of people and Facilities” with the specialty “Sciences in the Field of Security” lasts for 3 years (Profil absolventa studijneho programu 9205R00 - BOOM - Bc., 2021).
The total number of hours for the first academic year is 1674 hours. The volume of classroom training in the first semester is a total of 300 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 534 hours. Cadets study the following disciplines: Constitutional Law of the SR, Theory of the State and Law, Theory of Law Enforcement Activities, Psychology, Sociology, Informatics, History of the State and Law and Law Enforcement Services, Professional Ethics, Practical Informatics, Methods of Professional and Physical Training.
In the second semester, the volume of classroom training is 300 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 540 hours. The following disciplines are taught: Administrative Law, Civil Law, Protection of Public Order, Activities of the Traffic Police, Management, Economics, Law Enforcement Services of the SR, Protection of Human Rights, Professional and Physical Training, Foreign Language (English, German, Russian) - Learning the professional terminology, as well as Practice (by specialty) (2 credits).
The total number of hours for the second academic year is 1746 hours. The volume of classroom training in the third semester is 312 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 564 hours. The following disciplines are expected to be studied: Criminal Law, Administrative Law, Civil Law, Foreign Language (English, German, Russian) - Professional Communication, Protection of Certain People and Facilities, Border Regime and Regime Foreigners' Stay, Labor Law, Law Enforcement Technologies, Social Communication, Professional and Physical Training, as well as Practical Police Shooting (3 credits).
The amount of classroom training is 312 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 558 hours in the fourth semester. Cadets master the following disciplines: Criminal Procedural Law, Forensic Science, Criminology, Operative Search and Intelligence Activities, Protection of Public Order, Foreign Language (English, German, Russian) - Professional Communication, Police
Canine and Hippology, Forensic Technique, Penology, Professional and Physical Training, Modern Methods of Information Processing, as well as Practice (by specialty) (2 credits).
The total number of hours for the third academic year is 1572 hours. The volume of classroom training in the fifth semester is 276 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 510 hours. Cadets are expected to study the following disciplines: Forensics, Investigation, Protection of Certain People and Facilities, Seminar on Bachelor's Work, Activities of the Traffic Police, Border Regime and Regime Foreigners' Stay, Execution of Criminal Punishment, Penitentiary Psychology and Pedagogy, Slovak Migration Law, Forensic Tactics, Professional and Physical Training, Theory of Creation of Legal Norms, Economic Crime, Foreign Language (English, German, Russian) - Written Communication, National Intelligence.
The amount of classroom study is 168 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 618 hours in the sixth semester. Cadets study the following disciplines: Investigation, Special Activities of PC Services, Law of the European Union, Informatics, Protection of Public Order, Activities of the Traffic Police, Protection of Certain People and Facilities, Border Regime and the Regime of Foreigners' Stay, Operational Search and Intelligence Activities, Penitentiary Psychology and Pedagogy, Investigation Practice, Forensic Psychological Propaedeutics, National Intelligence, as well as subjects that are taken for state exams: Development of a Bachelor's thesis and its defense, Administrative Law, Criminology, and one compulsory elective discipline (Theory and Practice of Public Order Protection, Theory and Practice of Traffic Police Activity, Theory and Practice of Protection of Certain People and Facilities, Theory and Practice the Border Regime and the Regime Foreigners' Stay, Theory and Practice of Operational Search and Intelligence Activities, Theory and Practice of Execution of Criminal and Executive Punishment).
Part-time education involves mastering of the same academic disciplines as fulltime education, but the training lasts for 4 years and has the following distribution of the academic load: the first academic year is 1196 hours, the second is 1188, the third is 112, and the fourth is 848 hours (Khamaziuk, 2020).
Full-time Bachelor's study under the curriculum “Law Enforcement Services in Public Administration” with the specialty “Sciences in the Field of Security” also lasts for 3 years (Profil absolventa studijneho programu 9205R00 - BSVS - Bc., 2021). The total number of hours for the first academic year is 1638 hours. The volume of classroom training in the first semester is a total of 300 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 534 hours. Cadets study the following disciplines: Constitutional Law of the SR, Theory of the State and Law, History of the State and Law, Psychology, Sociology, Informatics, Psychological and Social Work, Professional Ethics, Practical Informatics, Physical Training. The amount of classroom training in the second semester is a total of 288 hours (30 credits), and time for independent study and independent creative activity is 516 hours. The list of disciplines in this semester is as follows: Development of Public Administration, Administrative Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, Management, Economics, Law Enforcement Services of the SR, Protection of Human Rights, Physical Training, Foreign Language (English, German, Russian) - Learning the professional terminology, as well as Practice (by specialty) (2 credits).
The total amount of hours for the second academic year is 1632 hours. The volume of classroom training in the third semester is 288 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 510 hours. The following disciplines are studied: Administrative Law, Civil Law, Labor Law, Foreign Language (English, German, Russian) - Professional Communication, Protection of Public Order, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law, Customary Law, Crime Prevention, Social Communication, Physical Training, Introduction to Criminology.
The amount of classroom training is 300 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 534 hours in the fourth semester. Cadets master the following disciplines: Administrative Law, Crisis Management, Environmental Law, Labor Law, Law of the European Union, Foreign Language (English, German, Russian) - Professional Communication, Information Systems of Crisis Management, Protection from Hazardous Substances, Penology, Physical Training, Modern Methods of Information Processing, Crisis Communication and Psychological Support of SNP Activities, as well as Practice (by specialty) (2 credits).
The total amount of hours for the third academic year is 1548 hours. The amount of classroom training in the fifth semester is 276 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 486 hours. The following disciplines are taught: State Law, Crisis Management, Civil Law of the EU Countries, Civil Law of the SR, Protection of the Population of the SR, Fire Protection and Rescue Services, Seminar on Bachelor's thesis, Fire Protection and Rescue Work, Organization of Civil Security, Theory of Creation of Legal Norms, Foreign Language (English, German, Russian) - Written Communication, National Intelligence.
The amount of classroom study is 168 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 618 hours in the sixth semester. Cadets study the following disciplines: Public Administration of the SR, Civil Protection, Fire Protection and Rescue Services, Informatics, Organization of Civil Protection, National Intelligence. Besides, there are training courses that are included into state exams. They are Development of a Bachelor's thesis and its defense, Crisis Management, Administrative Law and one mandatory elective (Theory and Practice of Public Administration, Theory and Practice of Traffic Police, Theory and Practice of Civil Protection, Theory and Practice of Fire Protection).
In part-time study, cadets study the same academic disciplines as in full-time study, but the duration of study is 4 years, with the following distribution of the study load: the first academic year is 1176 hours, the second is 1084, the third is 1092, and the fourth is 924 hours.
Full-time Master's study lasts for 2 years. Education is provided in the same specialties (Profil absolventa studijneho programu 9205T00 - BOOM - Mgr., 2021; Profil absolventa studijneho programu 9205T00 - BSVS - Mgr., 2021).
Thus, according to the curriculum “Law Enforcement Insurance of the Security of People and Facilities”, the total amount of hours for the first academic year is 1668 hours. The volume of classroom training in the first semester is 300 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 534 hours. Master's students study the following disciplines: Criminal Law, Theory of Investigation, International Law, Financial Law, International Security, Philosophy and Ethics, Basics of Police Topography and Pyrotechnics, Security and Protection of Secret Information, Information Security, Foreign Language (English, German, Russian) - Basics of Communication, Professional and Physical Training.
The amount of classroom training is 300 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 534 hours in the second semester.
The list of disciplines in this semester is as follows: Criminal Procedural Law, Civil Law, Economic Law, Crisis Management, Theory of Law Enforcement Sciences, Tax Law, European Criminal Law, Criminal Law Protection of Society against Corruption, Foreign Language (English, German, Russian) - Basics of Communication, Professional and Physical Training, as well as Practice (by specialty) (2 credits).
The total amount of hours for the second academic year is 1608 hours. The volume of classroom training in the third semester is 300 hours (30 credits), and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 540 hours. Master's students study the following disciplines: Civil Service Law, Public Administration, Criminology, Security Management, Forensic Psychology, Foreign Language (English, German, Russian) - Special Training, Master's Thesis Seminar, Theory of Public Order Protection, Theory of Traffic Safety, Theory of Protection of Certain People and Facilities, Theory of the Border Regime and the Regime of Foreigners' Stay, Theory of Operative and Investigative Activity, Theory and Methods of Investigation, Theory of Penitentiary Treatment and Protection of TSOS Facilities, International Organizations, Theory of Criminology.
The amount of classroom training is 156 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 612 hours in the fourth semester. The following disciplines are taught: Schengen Legislation, Forensic Medicine and Forensic Psychiatry, Management Methods and Techniques, Theory of Public Order Protection, Theory of Traffic Safety, Theory of Protection of certain People and Facilities, Theory of Border Regime and Regime Foreigners' Stay, Theory of Investigative Activity, Theory and Methods of Investigation, Theory of Penitentiary Treatment and Protection of TSOS Facilities, Practice of Investigation (2 credits). Besides, subjects that are included into state exams are taught: Development of a Master's Thesis and its Defense, Management, Criminal Law and one compulsory elective discipline (Investigative Theory or Financial and Tax Law).
In part-time study, Master's students study the same academic disciplines as in full-time study, but they study them for 3 years and have the following distribution of the study load: the first academic year is 968 hours, the second is 1036, and the third is 872 (Khamaziuk, 2021).
Under the “Law Enforcement Services in Public Administration” curriculum, the total amount of hours in the first academic year is 1626 hours. The volume of classroom training in the first semester is 300 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 528 hours. Master's students study the following disciplines: Public Sector Economics and Finance, Crisis Legislation, International Law, Financial Law, International Security, Philosophy and Ethics, Security and Protection of Classified Information, Information Security, Foreign Language (English, German, Russian) - Basics of communication, Physical Training, as well as Project Management and Financing (2 credits).
The amount of classroom study is 300 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 528 hours in the second semester. Applicants study the following disciplines: Special Proceedings, Tax Law, Civil Law, Economic Law, Social Communication, Political Science, Fire Engineering, Criminal Law Protection of Society against Corruption, Foreign Language (English, German, Russian) - Basics of Communication, Physical Training, and also Practice (by specialty) (2 credits).
The total amount of hours for the second academic year is 1644 hours. The volume of classroom training in the third semester is 300 hours (29 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 540 hours. Students study the following disciplines: Security Risk Theory, Anti-crisis Management in Public Administration, Information Management, Asylum Legislation and Migration Policy, Criminology, Foreign Language (English, German, Russian), Special Training, Master's Thesis Seminar (3 credits), Theory of Public Administration, Theory of Public Order Protection, Theory of Fire Safety, Public Procurement, International Organizations.
The volume of classroom training is 168 hours (31 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 636 hours in the fourth semester. Applicants study the following disciplines: Management Methods and Techniques, Anticrisis Management in Public Administration, Theory of Security Risks, Theory of Public Administration, Theory of Fire Protection, and Public Procurement. The following academic subjects are included into state exams: Master's Thesis and its Defense, Theory of Security Risks, Management and one elective subject (Investigation Theory, Civil Law, or Tax Law).
In part-time study students study the same academic disciplines to get the Master's degree as in full-time study, but they study for 3 years and have the following distribution of the study load: the first academic year is 1012 hours, the second is 1052, and the third is 808.
In addition, the PC Academy also trains Master's students under the curriculum “Law Enforcement Insurance for the Security of People and Facilities - enhanced course”, which lasts for 4 years (Profil absolventa studijneho programu 9205T00 - BOOM - Mgr. - konverzny, 2021). Only part-time form of study is provided. In general, the structure of the curriculum is similar to the curriculum of the same name, but more specialized subjects are added. The distribution of the study load is as follows:
- the first academic year is 1172 hours (244 hours of classroom training and 928 hours of independent study and independent creative activity);
- the second academic year is 1296 hours (256 hours of classroom training and 1040 hours of independent study and independent creative activity);
- the third academic year is 1390 hours (280 hours of classroom training and 1110 hours of independent study and independent creative activity);
- the fourth academic year is 1178 hours (236 hours of classroom training and 942 hours of independent study and independent creative activity).
The PC Academy in the city of Bratislava provides higher education at the doctoral level in the specialty “Sciences in the Field of Security” (code 9205V00) under the curricula “Law Enforcement Insurance of the Security of People and Facilities” and “Law Enforcement Services in Public Administration”. Studying under the curricula lasts for 3 years (180 credits) full-time and 4 years part-time. The doctoral student is required to choose at least three elective subjects according to the curriculum in each semester. As a rule, it is done on the recommendation of the scientific supervisor in accordance with the topic of the thesis. Upon completion of the study and thesis defense, the doctoral student receives the scientific degree “Doctor of Philosophy” (PhD) (Profil absolventa studijneho programu 9205V00 - BOOM - PhD, 2021; Profil absolventa studijneho programu 9205V00 - BSVS - PhD, 2021).
The total amount of hours of full-time study under the curriculum “Law Enforcement Insurance of the Security of People and Facilities” for the first academic year is 1,632 hours. The amount of classroom training in the first semester is 240 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 576 hours. Applicants study the following disciplines: Methodology of Science, Law Enforcement Insurance of the Security of People and Objects, Concepts of Security
Systems of EU Countries, Statistical Methods, Methodology of Sociological Research, Methodology of Security Research, Theory of Cognitive Processes in Police Sciences.
The amount of classroom training is 240 hours (30 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 576 hours in the second semester. Doctoral students study the following disciplines: Strategic Management, Concepts of the Development of Security Technologies for the Protection of People and Facilities, Modeling of Protection Systems, Scientific Propaedeutics, Criminological Research Methodology, Forensic Research Methodology.
The total amount of hours for the second academic year is 1500 hours. The amount of pedagogical practice is 96 hours (60 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 1404 hours. Applicants study the following disciplines: Pedagogical Practice, Publishing Activity, Thesis Examination, Management of the Student's Scientific Work, Management of the Final Theses of the Bachelor's Thesis, Active Participation in the Solution of the Scientific Research Project, Membership and Activity in Organizational and other Committees of Scientific Events.
The total amount of hours for the third academic year is 1800 hours. The amount of pedagogical practice is 96 hours (60 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 1404 hours. Doctoral students study the following disciplines: Pedagogical Practice, Publishing Activity, Thesis Preparation and its Defense, Student Scientific Research Supervision, Bachelor Final Thesis Supervision, Active Participation in the Solution of a Research Project, Membership and Activity in Organizational and other Committees of Scientific Events.
In part-time study under this curriculum, doctoral students study the same academic disciplines as in full-time study, but they study for 4 years and have the following distribution of the study load: the first academic year is 1008 hours, the second is 1204, the third is 1116 and the fourth is 1416.
The total amount of hours for the part-time study under the curriculum “Law Enforcement Services in Public Administration” for the first academic year is 1008 hours. The volume of classroom training in the first semester is 96 hours (24 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 408 hours. Doctoral students study the following disciplines: Methodology of Science, Concepts of Security Systems of EU Countries, Statistical Methods, Methodology of Sociological Research, Methodology of Security Research, and Concept of Development of Public Administration Systems.
The amount of classroom training is 96 hours (24 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 408 hours in the second semester. Applicants study the following disciplines: Strategic Management, Modeling of Security Systems, Scientific Propaedeutics, Critical Infrastructure of the EU and the SR, Concepts of Developing an Integrated Rescue System.
The total amount of hours for the second academic year is 1204 hours. The volume of classroom training is 48 hours (42 credits) and the time for independent study and independent creative activity is 1156 hours. Doctoral students study the following disciplines: Legal Regulation of Anti-crisis Management in Public Administration, Security Risk Management, Publishing Activity, Management of Final Theses of a Bachelor's Thesis, Active Participation in the Solution of a Research Project, Membership and Activity in Organizational and other Committees of Scientific Events.
The total amount of hours for the third academic year is 1116 hours. The amount of time for independent study and independent creative activity is 1116 hours. Applicants study the following disciplines'. Thesis Examination, Publication Activity, Management of the Student's Scientific Research, Management of the Final Theses of the Bachelor's Thesis, Active Participation in the Solution of the Research Project, Membership and Activity in Organizational and other Committees of Scientific Events.
The total amount of hours for the fourth academic year is 1416 hours. The amount of time for independent study and independent creative activity is 1416 hours. Applicants study the following disciplines: Thesis Development and its Defense, Publishing Activity, Management of the Student's Scientific Research, Management of the Final Theses of the Bachelor's Thesis, Active Participation in the Solution of the Research Project, Membership and Activity in Organizational and other Committees of Scientific Events.
Thus, the article systematizes and presents a general description of the content of professional training of Police Corps officers in Slovakia at the PC Academy in the city of Bratislava. Its peculiarities have been presented in relation to the specifics of obtaining education under two curricula - “Law Enforcement Insurance of the Security of People and Facilities” and “Law Enforcement Services in Public Administration”. There have been defined the forms of education (full-time and part-time) and terms of training in accordance with the levels of higher education and the volume of education workload (list of academic subjects, their distribution by semesters and classes, etc.). It has been established that PC officers obtain higher education at three levels of education. Therefore, the Bachelor's degree lasts for 3 years full-time and 4 years part-time. Police officers also obtain the Master's degree in both forms of education. The term of study is 2 years (full-time) and 3 years part-time, respectively. In addition, Masters' students take an oral exam to obtain a Doctor of Philosophy. Doctoral students study 3 years (full-time) and 4 years (part-time).
The education received by the graduates of the above-mentioned departmental educational institution is equivalent to that which prepares the personnel of other police agencies of the EU countries. This ensures the mobility of graduates not only within Slovakia, but also within the European Union.
The direction of further research of the training of future employees of the Border Police of Slovakia is the study of forms, methods, means and techniques of training, as well as the model of professional training of Slovak police officers.
1. Akreditovane studijne programy (2021). [Accredited study programs]. Retrieved from (date of access: 15.07.2022) (in Slovak).
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