Peculiarities of professional training in applied linguistics at Canadian universities (Carleton University)

History of applied linguistics development. The programs for training specialists in applied linguistics in the leading institutions of higher education in Canada. Study of bachelor's and master's programs in applied linguistics in Carleton University.

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applied linguistics carleton university

The article describes the history of Applied Linguistics development. It is noted that the field of Applied Linguistics not only focuses on native, foreign and second language acquisition, but also examines how language interacts with other areas such as the media and legislation. The programs for training specialists in Applied Linguistics in the leading institutions of higher education in Canada are analyzed. In particular, attention is focused on Carleton University. Bachelor's and Master's programs in Applied Linguistics are studied. A special feature of Carleton University Bachelor's degree program is that students have the opportunity to choose between a 4-year or 3-year program of study to obtain a degree. In addition, at Carleton University, you can combine a specialization in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies with an additional one in modern language studies: American Sign Language, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, and Spanish. A feature of Applied Linguistics programs for thirdand fourth-year students is the option to choose an accelerated study program at Carleton University. Master's degree program in Applied Linguistics, conditions and criteria for admission are described and analyzed. It is found out that there are three possible ways to complete the Master's program in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies: writing a thesis, a research essay or a coursework paper. It is noted that students are first registered for coursework, but at the end of the first year of the master's program they must submit a proposal for writing a research essay or thesis. It is determined that after completing a master's level of education, a student has the opportunity to continue their studies by enrolling in Carleton University PhD program, which is unique in North America due to its innovative combination of Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies.

Keywords: Applied Linguistics, professional training, Carleton University, Canada, Bachelor's degree program, Master's degree program.



У статті схарактеризовано історію розвитку прикладної лінгвістики. Зазначено, що галузь прикладної лінгвістики зосереджується на засвоєнні рідної, іноземної та другої мови, але також досліджує, як мова взаємодіє з іншими сферами, такими як засоби масової інформації, законодавство. Проаналізовано програми підготовки фахівців з прикладної лінгвістики в провідних закладах вищої освіти Канади. Зокрема, закцентовано увагу на Карлтонському університеті. Досліджено програми освітніх рівнів «бакалавр» та «магістр» з прикладної лінгвістики. Особливістю навчальної програми освітнього рівня «бакалавр» Карлтонського університету є те, що студенти мають можливість обрати між 4-річною та 3річною програмою навчання, щоб отримати ступінь. Крім того, у Карлтонському університеті можна поєднати спеціалізацію з прикладної лінгвістики та дискурсивних досліджень із додатковою з вивчення сучасної мови: американської мови жестів, німецької, італійської, японської, китайської, іспанської. Особливістю програм з прикладної лінгвістики для студентів, які навчаються на третьому чи четвертому курсах, є можливість обрати прискорену програму навчання в Карлтонському університеті. Описано та проаналізовано освітню програму рівня «магістр» з прикладної лінгвістики, умови та критерії до вступу. З'ясовано, що існує три можливі шляхи для завершення програми магістра прикладної лінгвістики та дискурсивних досліджень: написання дипломної роботи, наукового есе або курсової роботи. Зазначено, що студенти спершу реєструються на курсову роботу, проте вкінці першого року магістерської програми вони повинні подати пропозицію щодо написання наукового есе або дипломної роботи. Констатовано, що після завершення магістерського освітнього рівня, студент має можливість продовжити навчання, вступивши на програму доктора філософії Карлтонського університету, яка є унікальною у Північній Америці завдяки своєму інноваційному поєднанню прикладної лінгвістики та дискурсивних досліджень.

Ключові слова: прикладна лінгвістика, професійна підготовка, Карлтонський університет, Канада, бакалаврська програма, магістерська програма.


The concept of applied linguistics is related to foreign language teaching, and it has grown to encompass a wide variety of knowledge. Its core is still focused on learning and language teaching. It draws its ideas from various sources, such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, and information theory (Tao et al., 2017).

Unlike pure science, applied linguistics aims to find solutions to problems. It bridges the theoretical and practical aspects of linguistics and other fields to develop a common understanding of language teaching. This allows it to provide a variety of methods and principles for language teaching. It also helps students develop their own ideas and improve their skills (McKinley & Rose, 2017).

Given that the major focus of applied linguistics is on language teaching and learning, it offers language teachers solid theoretical foundations, guiding principles, and methodologies. Revision and enhancement of faculty curricula, establishment of new information with specialists engaged in the creation of linguistic support for specific industries are all examples of applied linguistics in higher education institutions of leading nations.


The purpose of the research paper is to describe, analyze and characterize the experience of Canadian universities, especially Carleton University, in order to improve Applied Linguistics training programs at the universities throughout the world.


A vast number of scientists have spent years researching general applied linguistics theoretical challenges: J. Fishman, X. Gao, S. Gass, J. Greenberg, D. Hymes, J. McKinley, L. Milroy, H. Rose, G. Shao, S. Starfield, S. Sterling, J. Tao, H. Widdowson, C. Wingfield and others.

Yet, in order to improve the professional training of Applied Linguistics specialists, an elaborate examination of training programs at top universities is required. In our study, we have conducted a research on the leading universities of Canada, such as the University of Victoria, Concordia University, Brock University and Carleton University's School of Linguistics and Language Studies (University of Victoria, 2022; Concordia University, 2022; Brock University, 2022; Carleton University, 2022). In this article, we focused on Carleton University's School of Linguistics and Language Studies. During the research process we have analyzed undergraduate (BA) and graduate (MA) degree in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies at the Carleton University.

A variety of general scientific approaches, including the assessment, analysis and synthesis of references and scientific educational materials, systematization, and generalization, have been used in the research.


Most people think of applied linguistics as an interdisciplinary topic of study for all facets of language use. Being a non-language-specific field, it focuses on native, foreign, and second language acquisition in particular, but also looks at how language interacts with other domains like the media, legislation, or communication. It is influenced by well-known academic fields like languages, social and educational psychology, anthropology, sociology and education (De Bot, 2015).

Applied linguistics is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on contextualized language use and draws on a variety of academic fields, such as psychology, sociology, and pedagogy in addition to theoretical linguistics, serves as a bridge between theory and practice, theory application and practice application, and a realistic problem-based strategy (Sterling & Gass, 2017).

According to the most recent advances in applied linguistics, the term refers to current research that focuses on language disorders and their linguistic analysis (clinical linguistics), the use of language in mother-tongue education (educational linguistics), and advancements in lexicography, translation, and stylistics. Between numerous multidisciplinary fields of linguistics and applied linguistics, especially those that deal with the practical application of «purely» theoretical sciences, it appears that there is a blurred line. The study of spoken and written discourse, gender issues in language use, the social stratification of languages and language varieties, neurological factors and language dysfunctions, learning strategies, and special learning needs of particular populations have all been studied using applied linguistics more recently (Starfield, 2015).

In the late 1970s, Applied Linguistics arose as a separate field of study with a focus on practical issues such as language acquisition and teaching, language in education, language policy, language testing, language in society, and successful communication in the workplace. Applied Linguistics has expanded over the course of its history to embrace not only the teaching and learning of languages, but also other fields outside of linguistics. ICT (Information Communicative Technology), translation, and cross-cultural linguistics are further significant issues that emerged from applied linguistics. Today, the field includes anthropology, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, psycholinguistics, translation and interpretation, rhetorics and stylistics, neuro-linguistics, and languagesocialization, among other topics.

Recent developments in fields like multimodal and multimedia discourse analysis are examples of how Discourse Studies, a field that focuses on the study of text and speaking, has drawn inspiration from critical discourse analysis and systemic functional linguistics. The combination of knowledge that may be found at Carleton University that is often dispersed throughout departments of English, linguistics, communication, and education at other universities is reflected in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies.

Carleton University's School of Linguistics and Language Studies offers the following programs: undergraduate degree in Linguistics, undergraduate degree in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies, in addition to a combined degree in Linguistics and Discourse Studies, graduate degree in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies.

Two approaches to studying how language works are Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies and Linguistics. They study different aspects of language using various methods. Students can choose between 4-year and 3-year BA program in order to complete the degree. Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies courses concentrate on language use in society, including text analysis, corpus linguistics, language policy and planning, and second language learning and teaching.

Linguistics offers both Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees. Students in the Bachelor of Arts degree program can pursue either a 4-year Honours BA degree or a 3 year BA degree. Students enrolled in the Bachelor Science degree program can obtain a 4 year Honours BSc degree (Carleton University, BA in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies, 2022).

The School offers the following programs in Applied Linguistics and Discourse


- BA in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies;

- BA Honours in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies;

- BA Combined Honours in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies;

- Minor in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies.

Many students are interested in learning languages because Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies deal with how language is used, learned, and taught. In Carleton University it is possible to combine a major in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies with a minor in a modern language. The School offers minors in seven languages: American Sign Language, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish.

For those students, who are in their third or fourth year of studying, there is a possibility to choose the Accelerated Pathway in Carleton University. It is a flexible and individualized graduate study plan for undergraduate students in their final year of a Carleton BA Honours degree. It allows fourth-year students who have demonstrated academic excellence and research aptitude to take up to 1.0 credit while finishing their BA Honours degree.

In order to enter Master's degree program students have to create an online application account, complete, and submit the online application form. The university also requires the following documents:

- a personal statement of goals and interests (describing your goals for graduate work);

- references from two academic referees (they should be from university professors who can comment on your past academic work and your aptitude for success in these programs);transcripts of all of your previous undergraduate grades;

- language proficiency (applicants will be required to provide an English language proficiency test score or to confirm their English language proficiency using the Confirmation of Language Proficiency form);

- a sample of an academic paper (particularly the one which applicant is proud of and which represents their interests and abilities well):

- C.V. or resume (Carleton University, MA in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies. 2022).

Carleton University offers three possible paths to complete the Master's degree in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies program:

• Thesis Path: complete 3.0 credits in courses (normally 6 one-term courses) and writing a 2.0 credit M. A. thesis;

• Research Essay Path: complete 4.0 credits in courses (normally 8 one-term courses) and write a 1.0 credit Research Essay;

• Coursework Path: complete 5.0 credits in courses (normally 10 one-term courses).

All students are first registered for the Coursework option. At the end of the first year of the Master's program, those who desire to pursue the Research Essay or Thesis path must submit a proposal to the Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies Proposal Review Committee. The Graduate Studies Committee then considers all submissions and recommends actions to the Committee before making a decision. There are three deadlines for submitting proposals each year, for either the summer, fall, or winter periods.

MA in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies at Carleton University has the following programs and their requirements:

1. MA Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies (Thesis, Research and Coursework pathways);

2. MA Applied Linguistics with Collaborative Specialization in Digital Humanities (Thesis, Research and Coursework pathways);

3. MA Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies with Collaborative Specialization in African Studies (Thesis and Research pathways);

4. PhD Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies.

The student can decide whether to pursue a thesis, research essay, or credit program with the help of the supervisor. Both academic and professional goals, background knowledge are all significant factors. Students who are studying at the Master's degree program must complete a list of courses, such as:

- Directions in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies;

- Inquiry Strategies in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies;

- Theoretical Foundations for Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies;

- Theoretical Foundations for Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies;

- Curriculum in Language Teaching;

- Issues in English Language Teaching/Teacher Education;

- Seminar in University Teaching;

- Pedagogical Grammar in Second and Foreign Language (SL/FL) Teaching;

- Methodology and Practicum in Teaching English as a Second Language;

- Linguistic Analysis, Culture and Cognition;

- Language Testing and Assessment;

Tutorial in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies.

Besides, a program of study leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies is also available through the School of Linguistics and Language Studies. There are two fields in this program: Discourse studies and Applied Linguistics. In other universities, these areas are often divided amongst various departments or faculties, making the Carleton curriculum unusual in North America. Discourse Studies and Applied Linguistics work together in an innovative way to provide doctoral students with unique study fields as well as a variety of exciting job prospects after they graduate. The program emphasizes hands-on research including close collaboration with faculty members and other graduate students and covers both theoretical and practical language-related challenges.


Therefore, in the result of studying undergraduate, graduate and PhD programs in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies in Carleton University's School of Linguistics and Language Studies, we may draw a conclusion regarding the possibility of implementing concepts that are distinctive and beneficial for universities around the world and can be easily incorporated into their educational systems. Among others, here belongs the possibility to choose the Accelerated Pathway for third and fourth year Bachelor's degree students, combining a major in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies with a minor in a modern language.

The purpose of further research is to study methods, forms and techniques of professional training of specialists in applied linguistics at the leading universities of Canada and its practical implementation.


1. Brock University (2022). Undergraduate programs. Retrieved from:

2. Carleton University (2022). BA in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies. Retrieved from:

3. Carleton University (2022). MA in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies. Retrieved from:

4. Carleton University (2022). School of Linguistics and Language Studies. Retrieved from:

5. Concordia University (2022). Applied Linguistics (MA). Retrieved from:

6. De Bot, K. (2015). A history of applied linguistics: From 1980 to the present. London and New York: Routledge.

7. McKinley, J., & Rose, H. (Eds.). (2017). Doing research in applied linguistics: Realities, dilemmas and solutions. London and New York: Routledge.

8. Starfield, S. (2015). Ethnographic research. In B. Paltridge & A. Phakiti (Eds.), Research methods in applied linguistics: A practical resource (pp. 137-152). London: Bloomsbury.

9. Sterling, S., & Gass, S. (2017). Exploring the boundaries of research ethics: Perceptions of ethics and ethical behaviors in applied linguistics research. System, 70, 50-62.

10. Tao, J., Shao, G., & Gao, X. (2017). Ethics-related practices in internet-based applied linguistics research. Applied Linguistics Review, 8, 321-354.

11. University of Victoria (2022). MA in Applied Linguistics. Retrieved from:

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