The issue of future teachers’ assessment competence in foreign countries and Ukraine

The article proves that assessment competence is a structural element of professional competence offuture teachers in general and physical education teachers in particular. The problem of assessment competence of future teachers in foreign countries. 20

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Дата добавления 13.08.2023
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The issue of future teachers' assessment competence in foreign countries and Ukraine

Oleksandr Dovzhenko

Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University Address: 24 Kyiv-Moscow Street, Hlukhiv, Sumy region


competence teacher assessment

The article analyzes the problem of assessment competence of future teachers in foreign countries and in Ukraine. The article proves that assessment competence is a structural element of professional competence offuture teachers in general and physical education teachers in particular.

The purpose of the article is to theoretically analyze the problem of assessment competence of future teachers in foreign countries and in Ukraine.

In the result of the analysis of scientific elaborations of foreign and domestic scientists, we can state that the comparison of European and domestic models of assessment competence showed a number of differences. They exist due to socio-economic factors (in Ukraine today we cannot name a large number of educational programs with foreign language teaching, high mobility scientific and pedagogical staff and applicants for higher education in various specialties who participate in exchange programs) and teaching traditions (giving preference to basic education over vocational and economic-oriented).

In European educational programs, there are no separate courses on mastering higher education students' assessment competence, but there are three types of master's programs in assessment (assessment “in general”; assessment with a focus on statistical and sociological methods; assessment in specific areas of governmental policy); additional education programs (advanced training courses) and assessment courses in undergraduate programs.

Regarding the Ukrainian system of bachelor's degree training for teachers in general and physical education teachers in particular, its research showed that in the absence of separate courses on mastery of assessment knowledge and skills, some programs contain elements of control and assessment activities and concise information blocks of assessment. In the Ukrainian educational system, evaluative information is insufficiently systematized and considered in the context of various educational disciplines.

Keywords: assessment competence, future teachers, assessment skills, students of general secondary education.



У статті проаналізовано проблему оцінювальної компетентності майбутніх вчителів в зарубіжних країнах та в Україні. У статті доведено, що оцінювальна компетентність є структурним елементом професійної компетентності як майбутнього вчителя загалом, так і вчителя фізичної культури зокрема.

Мета статті - теоретично проаналізувати проблему оцінювальної компетентності майбутніх вчителів в зарубіжних країнах та в Україні.

У результаті аналізу праць зарубіжних та вітчизняних науковців можемо констатувати, що порівняння європейської та вітчизняної моделей формування оцінювальної компетентності показало наявність низки відмінностей, зумовлених соціально-економічними факторами (в Україні сьогодні не можна говорити про наявність великої кількості освітніх програм з викладанням іноземною мовою, високим рівнем мобільності науково-педагогічних кадрів і здобувачів вищої освіти різних спеціальностей, які беруть участь в програмах обміну) та традиціями навчання (надання переваги фундаментальній освіті перед професійно- й економічно-орієнтованою).

В європейських освітніх програмах окремі курси з оволодіння здобувачами вищої освіти оцінювальною компетентністю відсутні, проте існують окремо, незалежно від педагогічних, три типи магістерських програм з оцінювання (оцінювання «в цілому»; оцінювання з фокусом на статистичні та соціологічні методи; оцінювання в конкретних сферах державної політики); програми додаткової освіти (курси підвищення кваліфікації); курси з оцінювання в програмах бакалаврату. Щодо українських систем бакалаврської підготовки вчителів загалом та вчителів фізичної культури зокрема, то їхнє дослідження засвідчило: за відсутності окремих курсів з оволодіння оцінювальними знаннями та уміннями, деякі робочі програми фрагментарно містять елементи контрольно-оцінювальної діяльності та стислі інформаційні блоки оцінювального характеру. В українському освітньому просторі оцінювальна інформація недостатньо систематизована й розглядається в розрізі різних освітніх дисциплін.

Ключові слова: оцінювальна компетентність, майбутні вчителі, оцінювальні уміння, здобувачі загальної середньої освіти.


Education has always been a special function of society and the state aimed at the formation and development of socially significant qualities of each person as a member of society and a citizen of the state.

We consider the problem of forming assessment competence in a future teacher in general and physical education teacher in a general secondary education institution, in particular, as one of the important tasks of bachelor's degree training, both in Ukraine and abroad. The assessment technologies of foreign countries and methods introduced into the domestic education system function effectively, periodically undergoing adequate adjustments as needed. They are not final in the general list of existing assessment tools, but the mastery of them by future physical education teachers in Ukraine requires the opportunity to improve the experience gained in practice. According to domestic researcher A. Kryvoruchko, “assessment competence is a set of knowledge, skills and abilities of the teacher that ensure the successful and effective implementation of the process of assessing student achievement”. We agree with this definition (Kryvoruchko, 2011).

For our study, it is important to define assessment competence as a structural element of professional competence of both future teachers in general and physical education teachers in particular. The term “assessment” under the influence of competence approach got a new interpretation and transformed from “specific activity” into a “personal quality of the specialist” that is “assessment competence”.

In our study, we rely on the thesis proposed by prominent domestic scientists S. Sysoeva, and T. Krystopchuk: “Ukraine's integration into the world educational space and globalization, as well as accession to the Bologna process have radically changed the philosophy of education and the concept of its development. The education system itself is able to influence globalization, forming a line of future culture, economy, politics of the region, and the state” (Sysoeva & Krystopchuk, 2012).


The purpose of the article is to theoretically analyze the problem of assessment competence of future teachers in foreign countries and in Ukraine.


The issue of certain aspects of forms and methods of assessing academic achievements of applicants for both higher and general secondary education is the subject of research of such domestic scientists and practitioners as A. Kryvoruchko (2011), S. Kurtas (2014) and others.

The focus of their work is on attracting foreign experience in the organization of assessment activities in educational institutions. Important for our study is the scientific research of T. Kanivets (2012) on the fundamentals of pedagogical assessment in Ukraine based on foreign experience. O. Lokshina (2000) reveals general information about the assessment of academic achievements of applicants for general secondary education in foreign schools. Among Ukrainian researchers should be noted the scientific works of S. Hryshchenko (2021) which reveal the importance of assessment competence in the development of professional success of future teachers (Hryshchenko, 2021).

Materials from the websites of evaluation societies (American Evaluating Association, 2012; Australasian Evaluation Society Inc., 2012; International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS), 2012; European Evaluation Society, 2012) are devoted to the definition of theoretical problems of assessment in the United States and Australia, which is considered as one of the methods of pedagogical stimulation.

While conducting the research a number of general scientific methods, such as study, analysis and synthesis of reference, scientific pedagogical sources, as well as systematization and generalization have been used.


As for the preparation for the assessment of academic achievement, Spanish teachers acquire relevant skills during the two-year basic course for a bachelor's degree (BUP) and a university training course (COU) in four areas: science and technology; biology and health; special sciences and humanities; language. They use a 10-point system for assessing academic achievements: 10 (matricula de honor), 9-9,9 (sobresaliente), 7-8,9 (notable), 5-6,9 (aprobado), below 5 (suspenso). Education reform has modernized the higher education system and created the Institute of Evaluation System, which aims to improve the quality of future professionals' training, evaluate research and the scientific system to increase the motivation of teachers to improve personal professionalism and quality of teaching materials. In the absence of targeted assessment training courses in Spanish teacher training programs, we note that as an alternative to them, the University of Madrid has a special master's program, which provides training for assessment in economics, politics, sociology (Kurtas, 2014).

Based on T. Kanivets' (2012) research on the theory and practice of assessment in European countries, we note that the improvement of approaches to assessment of learning outcomes is exacerbated by integration processes in Europe and the need to find some consensus on the conceptual framework of assessment. In order to define the main criteria for improving the assessment system in the European Union at the present stage, the following key concepts are being developed: the basis for assessment; its standards (evaluation against the criterion); means of verification that are necessary to establish the plausibility of evaluation decisions; ensuring the quality of the assessment process (Kanivets, 2012).

Successful solution to these problems will allow to build a common coherent system for diagnosing the level of education of the younger generation in Western European countries, which will be an important step to ensure a dramatic improvement in the quality of secondary education. The most common form of performance appraisal for general secondary education is that teachers assess each other's knowledge on a daily basis considering their answers to questions or physical exercises, if they are physical education teachers, by grading each type of work. Such daily internal assessment (at the class or school level) consists of “normative” and “criterion” components. The achievements of each student are assessed against a certain norm, which is taken as the average achievement of a group or class, and against the average social criterion, which is presented in normative documents at the level of the region or the state (national standard). Another type of performance assessment in European countries is external assessment, which makes it possible to compare and obtain data on the level of knowledge of applicants at the regional or national level and take measures to improve overall educational attainment. Due to the need to improve the quality of students' knowledge, skills and abilities in the education system in general, the development of assessment is especially important because it allows to identify the level of achievements of students at a certain stage of learning and take timely measures to improve outcomes. The transition from class to class in European countries is based mainly on the results of continuous assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of students by the teacher in the classroom. Periodic assessment (exams at the end of the school year and a series of tests at regular intervals during the school year) often play only a supporting role. According to foreign experts, continuous assessment (rather than periodic) provides a more realistic picture of student progress. In the study of O. Lokshina (Lokshina, 2000) and T. Kanivets (Kanivets, 2012) it is noted that “in the presence of common trends in the development of approaches to assessing the performance of secondary school students in Western European countries, each of them has its own national system, which has developed and functioned for a long time. In Austria, for example, continuous assessment, which includes a block of examinations conducted and assessed by a teacher, is a rule of the education system. The assessment is conducted according to a five-point system: 1 - “excellent”, 2 - “good”, 3 - “satisfactory”, 4 - “passed”, 5 - “failed”. A key factor of the assessment in Germany is the availability of separate assessment courses in German bachelor's degree programs (e.g. in Konstanz, Koblenz-Landau, Humboldt educational institutions, Guttenberg and Eberhard), as well as analysts who are able to effectively assess regulatory impact (e.g. at the universities of Bern, Salzburg, Gottingen, Munster, and Tubingen; at the German Higher School of Management in Speyer, the Lokkum Evangelical Academy, the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences) (Kurtas, 2014).

It should be noted that in American higher education institutions, in contrast to Ukrainian ones, higher education students independently plan their own educational program and there is a lack of significant lecture overload of the educational process. The preparation process involves the use of various forms and methods of teaching, including assessment methods of conducting authentic interviews, keeping educational diaries (learning journal), writing analytical (autobiographical) essays and concise “minute” works (one minute papers), organizing group discussions (brainstorming, buss groups), presentation of projects, modeling of pedagogical situations, use of a case method, creation of a portfolio.

The grade scale used in secondary schools in Greece is characterized by differentiation in terms of the level of education - primary and secondary school, and the peculiarity is the absence of negative grades in primary school. Thus, in grades 3-4 of primary schools, students receive: A - “excellent”, B - “very good”, C - “good”, D - “good enough”. In grades 5-6, the rating scale looks like this: 9, 10 - “excellent”; 7, 8 - “very good”; 5, 6 - “good”; 3, 4 - “quite good”. In high school, students of general secondary education are transferred to the next grade, provided that the final grade in each subject is 10 points out of 20 possible. The introduction of the assessment system in France was aimed at making it possible to obtain information about the achievements and failures of each individual student of general secondary education at the beginning of the school year. It is done in order to introduce corrective measures before teaching new material and to make national data available to the public and thus provide better assessment, starting at the class level and ending at the national level. In addition, the annual assessment provides better monitoring of the development of the education system and the implementation of control procedures.

The practice of assessing the achievements of French students in general secondary education testifies to the successful implementation of the tasks of assessment. Thus, in the secondary school of France, diagnostic assessment is widely used at the beginning of the school year. As one can see, the rating scales are quite diverse, do not depend on any separate criterion. Countries use both numerical and alphanumeric indicators, sometimes using a scoring system. Summarizing the analyzed material on the practice of assessment in the world, we can say that the assessment scale is determined by the national characteristics of the education system of each country (Kanivets, 2012). The level of quality of knowledge and skills of students, as well as the degree of effectiveness of the educational system as a whole, do not depend on the form of the evaluation indicator, the number of points and their placement in the assessment scale. A significant number of European countries continue to use the 5-point scale and the vast majority of Western European countries use negative assessments to assess works that do not meet the requirements of the standard, when basic knowledge is incomplete and there is no opportunity to overcome the shortcomings. Approaches to assessing the achievements of general secondary school students in primary and secondary schools in many countries are differentiated - there are options for no assessment in primary school or using different assessment scales at two levels of education. In general, assessing the success of students in general secondary education plays an important role in the educational process of foreign countries. It provides the necessary information on the level of knowledge and the degree of progress of students, provides better monitoring of the quality of education at the local, regional and national levels (Kanivets, 2012).


Comparison of European and domestic models of assessment competence showed a number of differences because of socio-economic factors (in modern Ukraine there is not a large number of educational programs with foreign language teaching, high mobility of scientific and pedagogical staff and graduates of various specialties participating in exchange programs) and learning traditions (giving preference to basic education over vocational and economic-oriented).

In European educational programs there are no separate courses on mastering assessment competence by higher education students, but there are three types of master's programs in assessment (assessment «in general»; assessment with a focus on statistical and sociological methods; assessment in specific areas of governmental policy); additional education programs (advanced training courses); and assessment courses in undergraduate programs. Regarding the Ukrainian system of bachelor's degree training for teachers in general and physical education teachers in particular, its research showed that in the absence of separate courses on mastery of assessment knowledge and skills, some programs contain elements of control and assessment activities and concise information blocks of assessment. In the Ukrainian educational space, evaluative information is insufficiently systematized and considered in the context of various educational disciplines.

We consider the study of specific control and evaluation activities of future physical education teachers in the process of bachelor's training to be the prospect of further scientific research.


American Evaluation Association (2022). Retrieved from (date of access: 12.04.2022).

Australasian Evaluation Society Inc. (2022). Retrieved from http://www.aes./ (date of access: 12.04.2022).

European Evaluation Society (2012). Retrieved from http://europeane/ (date of access: 12.04.2022).

Hryshchenko, S. V. (2021). Retsenziia na naukovu monohrafiiu T.V. Skoryk «Rozvytok profesiinoi uspishnosti maibutnikh uchyteliv u zakladakh vyshchoi osvity Ukrainy (druha polovyna XX - pochatok XXI stolittia)». [Review of the scientific monograph TV Skoryk “Development of professional success of future teachers in higher education institutions of Ukraine (late 20th - early 21st”]. Dydaktyka, Issue 1, 110-116. (in Ukrainian)

International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS). (2012). Retrieved from hHp:// 491656&/ CFTOKEN=64098 (date of access: 12.04.2022).

Kanivets, T. M. (2012). Osnovy pedahohichnoho otsiniuvannia: [Fundamentals of pedagogical assessment]. Nizhyn: Vydavets PP Lysenko M.M. (in Ukrainian)

Kryvoruchko, A. (2011). Vykorystannia suchasnykh form i metodiv otsiniuvannia navchalnykh dosiahnen shkoliariv u pidhotovtsi maibutnikh uchyteliv khimii do otsiniuvalnoi diialnosti. [The use of modern forms and methods of assessment of students' academic achievements in the preparation of future chemistry teachers for assessment activities]. Humanizatsiia navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu [Humanization of the educational process], Issue 57, 44-53. (in Ukrainian)

Kurtas, S. A. (2014). Formuvannia otsiniuvalnoi kompetentnosti maibutnoho vykladacha u protsesi mahisterskoi pidhotovky: [Formation of educational competence of the future teacher in the process of master's training]. PhD Thesis. Chernihiv, 232 s. (in Ukrainian)

Lokshyna, O. (2000). Otsiniuvannia uspishnosti uchniv u zarubizhnii shkoli. [Assessing student performance in a foreign school]. Ridna shkola, 11, 6-10. (in Ukrainian)

Sysoieva, S. O., Krystopchuk, T. Ye. (2012). Osvitni systemy krain Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu: zahalna kharakterystyka: [Educational systems of the European Union: general characteristics]. Rivne: Ovid. (in Ukrainian)

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