Regularities of professional military education military officers in the United States

Deals, that professional military education focuses on leadership, management theory and practices, military history and operational doctrine, professional ethics. Emphasis is on enhancing the ability to function effectively as a leader and team member.

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Дата добавления 13.08.2023
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Yaroslav Mydryi National Law University

Regularities of professional military education military officers in the United States

Babarytskyi Oleksandr Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Deputy Head of the Military Law Institute of Educational and Scientific Work -- the Head of the Educational Department, Colonel

Ignatievа Alina Candidate of Sciences in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department General Military Disciplines Military Law Institute


The article deals, that the professional military education focuses on leadership, management theory and practices, military history and operational doctrine, national defense policy, planning and decision-making, legal responsibilities, and professional ethics. Academic evaluations are primarily performance-oriented, with criteria and learning conditions prescribed for each task. Frequent feedback and periodic in-depth performance evaluations are provided. Emphasis is on enhancing the ability to function effectively as a leader and team member, and in staff positions of combined arms and joint service organizations.

It is indicated that under professional military education in the USА, a combination of three elements:

a) special knowledge - "in the cornerstone areas of human activity and directly in their specialty";

b) responsibility - "work in the context of society, recognition of its values and their steady adherence to service";

c) corporatism - "membership in a professional organization along with the possession of special knowledge and the adoption of special obligations becomes the criterion of professional status that distinguishes a professional from an amateur".

The guidance defines professional military education as the education that provides individuals with the skills, knowledge, and understanding that enable them to make sound decisions in progressively more demanding command and staff positions within the national security environment. EPME enhances the leadership and warfighting capability of enlisted personnel essential to their performance in a joint warfare environment and in joint duty assignments. The initial focus of EPME is military occupational specialty training that trains and educates personnel. The EPME system should produce enlisted personnel capable of performing assigned tasks and responsibilities appropriate to their level. EJPME is that portion of EPME that expands a members learning opportunities by embedding a joint context into existing PME, thereby enhancing an individual's ability to operate in a joint environment.

Key words: organization, principles, process, dialogue, foreign language, education, teaching, military specialist, program, interaction, serviceman, ability.


Бабарицький Олександр Васильович кандидат економічних наук, заступник начальника Військово-юридичного інституту з навчальної та наукової роботи -- начальник навчального відділення, полковник

Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого

Ігнатьєва Аліна Ігорівна кандидатка педагогічних наук, доцентка кафедри загальновійськових дисциплін Військово-юридичного інституту

Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого


У статті досліджено, що професійна військова освіта зосереджена на лідерстві, теорії та практиці управління, історії військової та оперативної доктрини, національній оборонній політиці, плануванні та прийнятті рішень, юридичних обов'язках та професійній етиці. Академічні оцінки в першу чергу орієнтовані на результативність, із критеріями та умовами навчання, передбаченими для кожного завдання. Наводяться відгуки та періодичні оцінки ефективності. Акцент робиться на підвищенні здатності ефективно функціонувати як керівник та член команди, а також на посадах персоналу об'єднаних озброєнь та організацій спільної служби.

Зазначено, що під професійною військовою освітою в США, сукупність трьох елементів:

а) спеціальні знання - «в наріжних областях людської діяльності і безпосередньо по своїй спеціальності»;

б) відповідальність - «робота в контексті суспільства, визнання його цінностей і неухильне дотримання ним в службі»;

в) корпоративність - «членство в професійній організації поряд з володінням спеціальними знаннями і прийняттям особливих зобов'язань стає критерієм професійного статусу, який відрізняє професіонала від любителя».

Керівництво визначає професійну військову освіту як освіту, яка надає особам навички, знання та розуміння, які дозволяють їм приймати обґрунтовані рішення на дедалі більш вимогливих командних і штабних посадах у середовищі національної безпеки. EPME покращує лідерські та бойові здібності рядового персоналу, необхідні для їхньої роботи в спільному бойовому середовищі та під час спільних службових завдань. Початковим напрямком EPME є підготовка військової професійної спеціальності, яка готує та навчає персонал. Система EPME повинна виробляти рядовий персонал, здатний виконувати призначені завдання та виконувати обов'язки відповідно до їх рівня. EJPME - це та частина EPME, яка розширює можливості для навчання учасників шляхом вбудовування спільного контексту в існуючий PME, тим самим підвищуючи здатність особи працювати в спільному середовищі.

Ключові слова: порядок організації, принципи навчання, навчальний процес, діалог, іноземної мова, освіта, викладання, військовий фахівець, програма, комунікативна взаємодія, військовослужбовець.


Problem statement in general form. Military education involves the professional preparation of officers to lead armed forces effectively in peace and war. It can be distinguished from indoctrination (the transmission of group values, traditions, and attitudes) and training (the development of concrete manual and mental skills) in that it seeks to instill an understanding of abstract principles and theory and to develop effective patterns of thought and communication.

Analysis of recent researches. The conceptual principles of training and education of cadets of higher military educational institutions in USA in the works of Walther Hermann Nernst, Britt T. W., Bass B. A. considered American military training as a phenomenon training (the development of concrete manual and mental skills). Historian P. Karsgen, in the work “Soldiers and Society”. He believes that between the military systems of different periods there is, of course, a difference, but they are more similar in them -- the same types of people, the same motives. According to P. Karsten, every social the group has its own interests in the army. At any time, young people, choosing a military profession, act under the influence of various motives, including the opinion of the social group that they consider to be the reference.

Formulating the goals of the article. The purpose of our study is to identify and analyze the pedagogical foundations of military training in USА higher educational institutions and to consider the main directions of its progressive development.

Presenting main material

The military training program for representatives of the army of foreign countries, existing in the United States, is one of the key tools for the USА to influence the armed forces around the world. An analysis of the documents of the USА Department of Defense and the State Department showed that this program is not only a tool to strengthen the military capabilities of the USА allies, but also a means of informational influence on partner countries. The transformation of the army according to the American model, the strengthening of the role of civilians in leadership positions and the transfer of the values of USА society are the main objectives of this program. Military and civilian officials from other departments are the target audience for military training. professional military education

Education has been linked closely with the growth of professionalism in the military forces of the United States since the mid-nineteenth century. Its principal purpose is to ensure the mastery of a body of specialized knowledge, one of the characteristics of any profession. Accordingly, the principal subject areas of professional military education include: the art of command (leadership); the organization and management of military forces; strategy, tactics, and logistics; military history; national security policy; the relationship of armed forces and society; and individual analytical and communication skills. The approach to these professional topics becomes broader, more complex, and more abstract at each successive level of formal military education [7, p. 22].

According to Eric Hoffer, the main task of military education is to “instill desire and ability to study; education should not form scientists and student people”. Broadly interpreted as approach to education suggests that learning is conditional and continuous process. Conditional -- since it depends on the availability of favorable institutional structure and environment as well as from inclinations and desires of man. Continuous -- because with receipt of an official certificate of completion study does not end at any educational institution: it lasts a lifetime [5, p. 34].

Conceptual approaches to military training of military personnel at various stages of development of the USA higher military instuitutionals: organization of fundamental humanitarian training; close connection of humanitarian training with the training of officers as professional military leaders; pluralism of points of view on the content and organizational and methodological foundations of humanitarian training; strengthening practicality in teaching the disciplines of the social and humanitarian cycle. The essence of humanitarian training, which American scientists substantiate through the disclosure of a number of concepts (education, humanities, social, behavioral sciences, leadership, development of the qualities of a leader, etc.) and define humanitarian training as a focused continuous process of forming students' personal attitude to reality, oriented towards universal human, national and military professional values; as a process of intellectual, general cultural improvement of students, the development of their behavioral and managerial qualities.

The main forms of educational work in the US Armed Forces include: weekly group classes on the programs: “Team Information”, “Moral Inheritance and Human Self-Improvement”, “Equal Opportunities”; classes on the so-called “Survival Course”; religious events (“Chaplain Hour”, divine services, individual pastoral conversations, etc.); meetings with representatives of NATO, “Evenings of military friendship”; USA Armed Forces Day; competitions for the right to be called “The best soldier of the month (quarter, year)” and others. It should be emphasized that the most important form of education for American military personnel is the “Team Information program”, a characteristic feature of which is that they are personally conducted by the unit commander. In addition, the presence of all personnel is mandatory in these classes. They are held with all categories of military personnel in the form of a free exchange of views at least once a week for 1 hour. Their main topics are: “Duty, honor, country”, “Armed forces in the service of the nation” and others [3].

The United States is a relevant country for military training for several reasons. Firstly, the US higher education system has proven its effectiveness in comparison with countries such as France, Germany, Italy. The USA higher, including military, school is distinguished by its desire for experiment, the selection of the most productive, high-quality, and rational ones. Secondly, the USA Higher Military School remains one of the most mobile and dynamic in the world; it has advanced technical training facilities and well-equipped libraries. Thirdly, pragmatic Americans attach great importance to humanitarian education, consider it as the most important component of general education of specialists, focused on the intrinsic value of the human personality, on increasing the general cultural level, developing the erudition of students, and the ability to communicate with people. Fourthly, an analysis of more than 250 American sources indicates that the foundation of the high professionalism of the US military is solid humanitarian training. Military disciplines in national military educational institutions do not exceed 15% of the total training hours. It is believed that a graduate of a higher military educational institution should be primarily a highly intelligent, widely educated officer. Diplomas of USA military academies are quoted above similar documents of the most famous American and European universities [4, p. 45].

Professional area. The simplest of of the above variables is professional region. In general terms, it is divided into three categories: combat units and units and combat security; technical and special support; administration and finance. What exactly is included in each their of these categories may vary depending on countries, but almost everyone who wears a military uniform (sergeants and officers), can be attributed to one of them.

Length of service. Years of service of the sergeant composition is determined by the accumulation of experience and knowledge.

Responsibilities (functions). Main responsibilities (functions) determining the work of military personnel sergeant staff remain unchanged throughout all areas, as well as throughout the service. Firstly, this is the training of personnel for the military operations through training, discipline and motivation; secondly, providing physical and mental health personnel, including external view, physical fitness and alignment; third, maintaining norms (standards) of personal performance composition and operational properties (TTX) of the military property; fourth, planning and leadership the performance of tasks of units and divisions; fifthly counseling, facilitating and conducting life politics outlined by the commander and his headquarters.

In the United States, military education has always been closely linked to developments in the civilian educational community, and military educators have often been caught up by the fads in educational theory that have swept the civilian community periodically [2, p. 45].

Well-coordinated team groups are an integral part of successful military units. Military personnel at an advanced level, building on the accumulated experience and previously acquired knowledge deepens its understanding the value of a team team approach, whose commander includes a senior and experienced sergeant professional advisors. The module is pretty studied in detail how the commander and senior sergeant build strong, loyal and trusting relationships and also develop a common understanding their duties and powers. Sergeant advanced team understands the importance team team as cohesive and cohesive part-time education and missions.

Professional military education in the USА, means a combination of three elements:

a) special knowledge -- “in the cornerstone areas of human activity and directly in their specialty”;

b) responsibility -- “work in the context of society, recognition of its values and their steady adherence to service”;

c) corporatism -- “membership in a professional organization along with the possession of special knowledge and the adoption of special obligations becomes the criterion of professional status that distinguishes a professional from an amateur”.

Although most civilian and military leaders agree on the ultimate goal of military education, there is considerable controversy over how that goal should be attained. One of the fundamental issues is time. Some officers (particularly in the navy) view formal schooling as a waste of time and argue that the best means of developing professional competence is on D the Djob experience in active service in units and at sea. This view is reflected in all the services in the reluctance of some officers to attend formal military schools, and in lower selection and retention rates for those who “waste” too much time attending or teaching in the military educational institutions. Debate also exists over the relative value of “education” versus “training”. Many critics maintain that the various military institutions should train officers for their next assignment rather than educate them for greater professional contributions at some indefinite future time and place. Others insist that military education should focus on operational military matters to the exclusion of “soft” subjects such as international relations, economics, and management [1, p. 15].

Conclusions prospects for further research

Consequently, the most important task is to foster national-state identity, pride in belonging to the USА -- “democracy throughout the world”, loyalty to the government of the country and its president. The military personnel education system is a dialectical unity of its following structural elements: the main goal of education, its subject, the object of education, the main directions of military education, forms of educational work, its methods. So, the main goal of educational work in the American's institutionals is to bring to the knowledge of every military, that the interests of the country should always be under reliable armed protection.


1. Bonn K. E. Army Officer's Guide, 48th edition. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole. 2009. P. 12--17.

2. Carroll J. M., Baxter C. F. The American Military Tradition: From Colonial Time to The Present. Wilmington, De: Scholarly Resources. 2011. P. 45.

3. Duty with Honour. The Profession of Arms in Canada. Kingston, Canadian Forces Leadership Institute. 2009. URL: TheProfession-of-Arms-in-Canada-2009-e.pdf

4. Shelburne J. C., Groves K. J. Education in the Armed Forces. 2011. P. 45.

5. Masland J. W., Radway L. I. Soldiers and Scholars: Military Education and National Policy. 2012. P. 34.

6. Korb L. J. The System for Educating Military Officers in the U.S.A. The Training of Officers: From Military Professionalism to Irrelevance. 2013. P. 12.

7. Vickers G. R. Human Rights and Military Conduct: A Progress Report. Ft. Belvoir: Defense Technical Information Center. 2020. P. 22.

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