Applying the group discussion method in vocational educational institutions on the example of computer subjects

In the study to consider the main peculiarities of the applying of group discussion methods in the educational process of vocational institutions on the example of computer subjects. The theoretical foundations of the educational process are highlighted.

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Applying the group discussion method in vocational educational institutions on the example of computer subjects

Hanna Alieksieieva

PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Technologies in Management and Education and Computer Science and Education and Computer Science

Aleksander Ostenda

Rector of Academy of Silesia, Professor AS, PhD Academy of Silesia Rolna str., 43, Katowice, Poland

Olha Shchetynina

PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor of the Department of Computer Technologies in Management and Education and Computer Science1

Oleksandr Antonenko

PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate professor of the Department of Computer Technologies in Management and Education and Computer Science

Oleksandr Ovsyannikov

PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate professor of the Department of Computer Technologies in Management and Education and Computer Science

Formulation of the problem. The article considers the problem of applying the group discussion method in vocational educational institutions on the example of computer subjects. There is a problem of developing students' critical analysis of the information content and instilling the communication skills, promoting the professional training of students and teachers for the positive and responsible use of infor-mation and communication technology, and services.

The purpose of the article. To consider the main peculiarities of the applying of group discussion methods in the educational process of vocational institutions on the example of computer subjects.

The main results of the study. The modern learning process is analyzed, which provides for one of the important tasks to significantly expand the forms of learning activities of students. The characteristics of teaching methods are given. The theoretical foundations of the educational process are highlighted, which should be constructed as communication, interaction, exchange of initiatives of its participants. This is the way the educational process is organized using group, interactive (interaction-based) teaching methods - discussions, role-playing, and simulation games.

The focus is on the group discussion as the most prevalent method. The main task of the group discussion is revealed: to identify the existing diversity of participants' points of view on any problem and a comprehensive analysis of each of them on the example of computer topics. It has been proved that the organized training and education, carried out within the framework of a particular pedagogical system, has a certain organizational design, differing by the quantitative coverage of students, the ratio of collective and individual forms of organization of students' activities, the degree of their self-activity and the specifics of the educational process management by the teacher. The practical example describes the stages of conducting a discussion lesson, which contributes to the development of basic communication skills of students, develops their thinking and speaking, while they master the public speaking skills and evidence-based argument, increases their interest in computer topics. We offer the author's lesson plan for vocational institutions on the topic "Book and computer in the information society: pros and cons".

Conclusions. It is concluded that discussion is one of the most difficult types of interactive lessons. Students should not only have an understanding of the main interpretations of essential IT problems, but also express their own opinions on various issues. Discussion of these questions is impossible without gaining experience in dialogue and discussion.

Keywords: educational process, group discussion method, vocational education institutions, computer technologies.


Ганна Миколаївна Алєксєєва

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри комп'ютерних технологій в управлінні та навчанні й інформатики1

Александер Остенда

ректор Сілезької академії, кандидат соціологічних наук, професор AS Сілезька академія вул. Рольна, 43, м. Катовіце, Польща, 40-555

Ольга Сергіївна Щетиніна

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри комп'ютерних технологій в управлінні та навчанні й інформатики1

Олександр Володимирович Антоненко

кандидат технічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри комп'ютерних технологій в управлінні та навчанні й інформатики1

Олександр Сергійович Овсянніков

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри комп'ютерних технологій в управлінні та навчанні й інформатики бердянського державного педагогічного університету вул. Шмідта, 4, м. Бердянськ, Україна, 71100

В статті розглянуто проблему застосування методу групової дискусії в професійно-технічних навчальних закладах на прикладі комп'ютерної тематики. Існує проблема розвитку у студентів критичного аналізу змісту інформації та прищеплення комунікативних навичок, сприяння професійній підготовці здобувачів освіти та викладачів до позитивного та відповідального використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій і сервісів.

Мета статті. Розглянути основні особливості застосування методів групових дискусій в навчальному процесі професійно-технічних навчальних закладів на прикладі комп'ютерної тематики.

Основні результати дослідження. Проаналізовано сучасний процес навчання, який передбачає в числі одного з важливих завдань значне розширення форм навчальної діяльності здобувачів освіти. Надано характеристики методів навчання. Висвітлено теоретичні засади освітнього процесу, що повинен будуватися як спілкування, взаємодія, обмін ініціативами його учасників. Саме так будується освітній процес при використанні групових, інтерактивних (заснованих на взаємодії) методів навчання - дискусії, рольових ігор, імітаційних ігор. Зроблено наголос на груповій дискусії як на найбільш поширеному методі. Розкрито основне завдання групової дискусії - виявлення існуючого різноманіття точок зору учасників на будь-яку проблему і при необхідності всебічний аналіз кожної з них на прикладі комп'ютерної тематики.

Доведено, що організоване навчання і виховання, здійснене в рамках тієї або іншої педагогічної системи, має певне організаційне оформлення, що відрізняються одна від одної кількісним охоплен-ням учнів, співвідношенням колективних та індивідуальних форм організації діяльності вихованців, ступенем їх самостійності і специфікою керівництва освітнім процесом з боку педагога.

На практичному прикладі описано етапи проведення дискусійного заняття, яке сприяє розвитку в учнів основних комунікативних умінь, розвивається їх мислення і усне мовлення, при цьому вони опановують ораторським вмінням і вмінням доказового спору, збільшується їх інтерес до комп'ю-терної тематики. Пропонується авторська розробка плану-конспекту уроку-дискусії для професійно-технічних закладів освіти на тему «Книга і комп'ютер в інформаційному суспільстві: за і проти».

Висновки. Зроблено висновок, що дискусія є одним з найскладніших видів інтерактивних занять. Студенти повинні не тільки мати уявлення про основні трактуваннях ключових проблем ІКТ, але й висловлювати власну думку з різних питань. Обговорення цих питань неможливе без набуття досвіду ведення діалогу та дискусії.

Ключові слова: освітній процес, метод групової дискусії, професійно-технічні заклади освіти, комп'ютерні технології.

Research problem and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks

In the modern conditions of society development, the computer has become a “friend” and “assistant”, even a “tutor” and “teacher” for a teenager General informatization and affordable, high-speed Internet has equated the residents of large cities and small villages in the opportunity to receive quality education. In this regard, it is necessary to direct all the efforts to obtain information. Education of the growing generation, knowledge of elementary rules of information selection, as well as the ability to use it contributes to the development of the system of knowledge acquisition.

Media literacy is defined in international law as the competent use by students and their teachers of tools that provide access to information, the development of critical analysis of the information content and instilling the communication skills, promoting the professional training of students and their teachers for the positive and responsible use of information and communication technology and services [14].

One of these components is a discussion - a form of business game that requires the student to mobilize all the skills, encourages to learn and deepen new knowledge, expands his horizons and, most importantly, makes him to master a whole range of communication skills. Therefore, the way to the discussion lies through the children's involvement in various types of innovative lessons, where they gain the necessary experience for their future participation in the discussion: lessons-courts, lessons-meetings, lessons-contests, and lessons-theatrical performances [4].

The most favorite form of discussion among students is “a round table”, where each member can find an opportunity to speak on the problem. A larger-scale discussion can be conducted in the form of a “symposium”, when some students present reports with opposing views of the problem, and the whole group follows the speeches and participates in the discussion [5]. The discussion helps to promote the developmental learning, which forms knowledge and educates students, and purposefully, systematically improves their cognitive abilities, and, that is especially important, to consolidate various qualities of thinking (independence, logic, mobility, and depth). Therefore, this determines the relevance of this article.

Analysis of recent research and publications

group discussion vocational educational institution

The current competitive job market requires professionals who have developed professional and personal skills [18]. Improving the training of future specialists in the computer industry raises the issue of updating the content and structure of the education. One of the stages in the reform of modern education is the use of modern educational technologies, which are aimed not only at the acquisition of new knowledge and skills by students, which is a typical feature of traditional education, but also at the comprehensive personal development of graduates of vocational specialties [10, 11].

The issue of professional training of computer specialists is discussed in the studies of the Ukrainian scientists: A. Asherov, O. Kovalenko, M. Lazarev and others. Innovative technologies were analyzed by P. Halperin, I. Lerner, O. Pekho- ta, O. Leontiev and other scientists. An important aspect among such technologies is the editorial and publishing area, that has a wide range of applications in the educational process of future qualified workers.

The new educational tasks require the modernization of the functions of technical and computer equipment, a new approach of teachers and students to the assimilation of techniques and technologies. Computer literacy is a component of the professional competence, which is the leading condition for effective professional activity of specialists in any field. Future qualified workers should have skills in using electronic resources and working with software [3, 20].

According to Ovsiannikov O. and Alyeksyeyeva H., the computer environment is available to the general audience. Its peculiarity is to provide students with the opportunity to obtain the necessary knowledge themselves through the use of developed information resources provided by modern information technology [13]. Khomenko V. et. al. emphasizes, that at present, a large number of ICTs are available for training future specialists. These are resources and services, software for hands- on learning, automated test systems, services for team application development, teamwork for project execution [18].

At the same time, according to Shchetynina O. et al, today, a successful graduate is a highly educated, well-rounded individual who is capable of creative thinking, independent problem solving, figuring out non-standard tasks, and ready for team interaction and productive cooperation [22]. Discussion is one of those methods that help to develop such skills.

The purpose of the article is to consider the main peculiarities of the applying of group discussion methods in the educational process of vocational institutions on the example of computer subjects.

Presentation of the material and main results

Discussion is a lesson form that is intended to reveal the existing diversity of participants' points of view on any problem and, if necessary, to conduct a comprehensive analysis of each of them, and then to form each student's own view on a particular problem [2].

In any case, a discussion lesson should have a characteristic feature - a conflict where each par-ticipant defends his position. It should be noted that discussion classes are most often used in the teaching of Informatics and computer technology. This is caused by the fact that computer subjects provide great opportunities for raising problematic issues and organizing the confrontation of several, often opposite, points of view. In the most general form, using general pedagogical classifications, all discussions on computer topics can be divided into several groups, depending on the principles of their conducting, tasks and results. The first type is a structured or regulated discussion. In this lesson, small groups of students explore a particular problem or issue as part of a larger problem to be solved by the group. Another type of discussion is a discussion with elements of game simulation. In this lesson, students discuss computer topics. But at the same time, some students represent modern experts and therefore have more recent assessments of the considered events. Exactly the combination of past and present assessments creates the originality of this type of discussion. The third type is project-based discussion. It is founded on the method of preparing and presenting projects on a certain topic. There is also a classification of discussions by forms of conducting: “symposium”, “round table”, “debate”. When analyzing various classifications of discussion classes, two main forms of discussions can be distinguished. These are group discussions where several groups of 3-5 people take part and each group defends its point of view on a given problem, as well as lessons where each student individually expresses their own opinion on the topic. It should be noted that in educational practice the group discussion is the most appropriate form, because it provides a variety of opinions and approaches to the problem, and the majority of students are involved in the discussion. Also, the group discussion should necessarily finish with the formulation of a common position of the whole group on the issue under discussion. This is due to the fact that as a result of any lesson, students should receive a certain volume of clear, consistent knowledge, so the diversity of opinions in this case is not allowed [6].

The process of holding a discussion lesson includes several stages. First of all, this is the pre-paratory phase, where the topic of discussion is determined. It should be relevant and significant. The relevance of the topic for students is determined by the benefits in the form of knowledge and skills gained during the discussion. The significance of the topic implies its high importance in the study of computer science. The minor issues are not submitted for discussion. Also, a necessary condition for choosing a topic for this kind of lesson is that it should be controversial, which means that different positions should be presented in the literature, which will cause an opportunity for the exchange of views. When determining the topic of discussion, a teacher needs to remember that the problems that are discussed should not only be essential in IT, but also feasible for students, and to arouse their interest. It is also very important that the topic is provided with literature that is accessible to students in its content. Thus, the topics of the discussion lesson, as a rule, are significant computer history events that are still ambiguously considered in the literature and cause controversy. Also at the preparatory stage, the teacher makes a discussion plan, identifying the main problem and a number of secondary issues that help to more completely reveal the content of the topic; selects the literature that students need to study in the preparation process. This information then is provided to students [7, 9].

At this stage, the teacher divides the class into nominal groups and consults these groups. Meth-odologists note that in a weakly prepared class it is possible to give students the possibility to assigned into groups independently (sometimes with teacher supervision), but in a well-prepared class it is advisable to create groups of а «random choice» formed on the basis of drawing lots, and in classes with strong differentiation of students by level of knowledge, active teacher intervention is likely to be required. The creation of such groups should be based on the principle of mutual enrichment, that is, one group should include students with different levels of knowledge and skills [8].

This, firstly, contributes to the development of motivation for students with a lower level of knowledge to raise it, and, secondly, this principle of distribution creates groups of approximately equal development level, which contributes to the active participation of the maximum number of students in the discussion. If necessary, at the stage of preparation of such classes, special lessons or lectures can be conducted to familiarize students with the factual material on the topic of discussion. In order to make the discussion at the lesson more productive, students should be introduced in advance to the rules of discussion, namely: the necessity to think about the main thing, the importance of accurate facts for better argumentation, logic and consistency of statements; the necessity to respect the opponent and his opinion and in any case to seek solutions in fights [12].

In general, at the stage of preparing a discussion lesson, the main role of the teacher is to advise students. The discussion begins with an introductory teacher's speech, where he formulates the main problem of the lesson, substantiates it, as well as determines the rules of the participants' speech, explains the rules of the discussion [1]. Then there should be a discussion of the problem in groups and speeches of the discussants. The effectiveness and success of the discussion depends entirely on the teacher. During the discussion, his behavior should be correct, meaning that the teacher should not interrupt the speakers and intervene in the discussion only if the student answers out of topic. At the same time, the teacher should direct the reasoning of students to the correct conclusions, encourage them to form a common position on this issue, and to do this he needs to cut off excess information in the speeches of students, thereby grouping important conclusions and bringing together the points of view of the discussants [19].

At this stage, the role of the teacher is to guide the discussion, that is, he asks additional ques-tions if necessary, helps students find the right solution to the problem, and makes reasonable conclusions. The teacher should ensure that the discussion does not come to a standstill and does not turned into an interpersonal conflict between students, as well as compliance with the basic principles of discussion.

It is worthwhile to focus on the issue of grading for a discussion lesson. The teacher should remember that not only the main speakers and opponents should be assessed, but also the most active participants of the discussion [10]. It is necessary to evaluate both the content of the students' answers and their expressed opinions, their ability to dispute and argue the opinions. It is not allowed to grade for willing but unsuccessful answers, as well as to give a low grade for an incorrect point of view. This can result in the students losing interest in the discussion and the desire to express their own opinion.

It is worth noting the impact that discussion classes have on the development of students' personalities. The lessons-discussions not only activate students' mental activity and increase their interest in the IT, but also contribute to the development of public speaking skills, as well as listening to an opponent, showing tolerance to a different point of view, reasonably defending their own position.

In this way, discussions contribute to the development of students' basic communicative skills [15]. In general, the discussion is a form of lesson, which develops students' thinking and speaking, while they master the public speaking skills and evidence-based argumentation skills, and their in-terest in IT increases. As a result of group discussions, a common position on this issue is formulated. This form of the lesson allows students not only to develop certain communication skills, but also contributes to a more profound learning of the educational material.

Educational discussion is an exchange of opinions organized by the teacher, where the students defend their personal subjective points of view on the issue under study. During the discussion, cultural values are created and mastered, cultural experience is transferred, people are formed as social individuals, personalities with their knowledge and skills, value system, and creative abilities. The most important environment of the spiritual, social and personal manifestation of a person, the achievement of mutual understanding between people is communication, which is major in the discussion. Communication is the only opportunity for a human being to be a personality. Communication is an activity in culture, in accordance with cultural pat- terns-ideas, values, and norms [16]. Two types of the communication can be singled out: external communication and internal communication. In the process of external communication at the les- sons-discussions, students present and defend their thoughts and views, which reaches mutual understanding between them, as the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “Truth is born in disputes” [21]. Internal communication is the interaction of a person with himself, an internal dialogue with the second “I”. Internal communication provides the process of self-education, self-improvement, the formation of free moral freedom, the inner person, strengthening the position of his spiritual state.

The article proposes the author's lesson-discussion plan for vocational institutions.

Topic: The book and the computer in the information society: pros and cons.


- learning: generalization and systematization of knowledge about information culture, information competence, information and communication technologies; consideration of printed and electronic publications for searching and processing of information, their role in the information society and cognitive activity;

- developmental: to develop the skills of competent discussion;

- educational: involvement in new forms of work and development of the ability to navigate in unusual situations; to form a scientific outlook, to form social and communication competencies; to develop an ethical and tolerant attitude to others.

Equipment and visual aids: computers, posters with quotes of famous people, task cards for practical work.

Type of lesson: lesson of knowledge generalization and systematization.

Form of the lesson: lesson-discussion.

Structure of the lesson

1. Organizational stage.

2. Motivation. Announcement of the topic, lesson objectives.

3. Discussion using basic knowledge, skills, abilities.

4. Application of the acquired knowledge.

5. Results of the lesson. Reflection.

The lesson course

1. Organizational stage.

2. Motivation. Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Introductory speech of the teacher. Creative and intellectual potential of a person, skills and abilities of working with information, a person's information culture should be formed from childhood. To be an educated, modern person, you need to read a lot, be able to search for the necessary information using the Internet, etc. Therefore, today we will conduct a lesson- discussion, a lesson-debate, when we will discuss the role of books, libraries and computers in the information society.

You are fortunate to live in a time of unprecedented scientific and technological progress, in the Age of Information. Now we will talk about the most important things in the process of receiving and processing information. For this purpose, we will form three teams. One will defend the position of book readers, the other - the position of computer users. Two consultants will help to solve the complex information issues. Guests are invited to the meeting: teachers of Ukrainian language and literature, foreign literature, and also the librarian.

3. Discussion with the use of background knowledge, skills, abilities.

Questions to students

1. What do we mean by the word “information”?

(Information is new knowledge that the consumer (subject) receives as a result of perception and processing of certain information).

2. Is the information always useful, relevant, original? Give some examples.

(The students express their opinions.)

3. What sources of information do you know?

(Books, periodicals, television and radio, people, electronic resources, Internet).

4. What does the concept of “message” mean?

(Information consists of messages; message is a part of knowledge.)

Teacher. We are surrounded by information always and everywhere. It is difficult to imagine the state of a person who does not have access to a particular source of information.

Questions to the students.

Please give examples of receiving and transmitting information.

Expected answers. Reading books, listening to radio programs, watching TV programs, people communicating with each other. Questions, answers, requests, smiles, movements transmit the information.

Teacher. The necessity of expressing and transmitting information has led to the emergence of language, writing, and art; contributed to the inception of printing, television, the emergence and development of computers. Technological progress provided new tools of communication, and new values as well. The first breakthrough in this area was the book, then - periodicals, later - telegraph, radio, television and, finally, the Internet. At the beginning of the XXI century, books and the Internet are the most authoritative sources of information. We will discuss them today and try to prove our point to the opponent.

Questions to the team of book readers.

1. Remember when the first book appeared. And the first printed book? Who was the first national book printer? (IV-III thousand BC. The beginning of typesetting in Europe dates back to the 40s of the XV century and is associated with the name of the burgher Johann Gutenberg (13991468). Ivan Fedorov (1510-1583) is the founder of book printing in Russia and Ukraine).

2. How has the book benefited humanity? (Books reflect human history, experience, thoughts, feelings, etc.).

3. Remember how our ancestors loved and respected the book. What sayings and proverbs do you know? You can ask for help from consultants. (Folk wisdom says: “A book teaches how to live in the world”, “A book is the source of life”, “To live with book is to be friends with kindness”, “A book is small, but dear to the heart”, “Books are the key to knowledge”, “Gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge is mined from books”, “Rivers from streams, knowledge from books”, “Bread nourishes the body, a book nourishes the mind”).

4. What did famous people say about books? (Quotes of prominent people: “People stop thinking when they stop reading” (D. Diderot), “Books are the children of the mind” (Jonathan Swift), “Books are ships of thought that travel the waves of time” (Francis Bacon), “The mission of books is to facilitate, accelerate the knowledge of life, not to replace it” (Ya. Korchak), “Without a passion for books, the culture of the modern world, intellectual and emotional improvement are inaccessible to a person” (V. Sukhomlynsky), “A house without books is like a body without a soul” (Cicero), “A person who exists without a book seems strange and unnatural” (T. Shevchenko), “Read! Let there be no day in your life when you would not read at least one page from a new book” (K. Paustovsky).

Questions to the audience.

What role does the book play in each of your lives?

(Students and the audience express their opinions).

Teacher. For a long time, a book was the only and main source of information. Today the world is filled with computers. Even small children are already familiar with computers. The computer is our assistant in many things: it teaches, controls knowledge, and entertains.

Questions to the Computer team.

1. Do you know how computing began? What does the word “abacus” mean? (From Greek, aba- cion is a board divided into strips, on which stones were moved for arithmetic calculations. From this primitive device for calculations the history of computing technology originates).

2. Name the prominent national scientists who made a significant contribution to the de-velopment of computer technology (V. Glushkov,

S. Lebedev, K. Yushchenko).

3. When did computers become an integral part of our lives? (Computers began to actively enter into our lives after World War II. Until 1960, no more than 7 thousand computers were used worldwide. In 1993 there was a historic milestone when for the first time the production of personal computers exceeded the production of passenger cars, reaching 35.4 million units).

4. Where are computers used? (In institutions, banks, schools, hospitals, at home, etc. A modern computer writes music and poems, draws, plays chess, talks. It can do almost everything that a human can do).

5. Explain the expressions: information explosion, information revolution, information civilization. (Today the world is experiencing a process of rapid informatization. The amount of information is growing rapidly. Fantastic development of electronic computers makes information available to almost everyone. Scientists talk about the information explosion, information revolution, information civilization, the growth of information).

Questions to the whole audience.

1. How has the book changed in our time?

2. What does the concept of electronic book mean?

3. Is it possible to order books online?

The expected answers. You probably know about the electronic books. In France, a book has been created that looks like a traditional book. Under the wrapper is a screen measuring 21x16 cm. The e-book can be put in a bag or backpack. It works on batteries for 5 hours. It is a book, a library, and a virtual bookstore simultaneously. Its memory stores about 500 books of 500 pages each. Using a mobile phone or a telephone socket, you connect to the Internet, can walk around the virtual shop, choose and order books. It is enough to swipe the screen to select a book or newspaper, increase the size of letters, find the meaning of an incomprehensible word in the dictionary.

4. What is a living book?

Expected answers. The latest achievement of computer technology is the “Living Boоk”. With the help of computer, you can not only read text and view pictures, but also hear the voices of characters, “animate” illustrations, play interesting games. There are even e-book games that allow not only to get acquainted with the author's version of the work, but also to influence the course of the plot.

5. In your opinion, will the printed book remain in the future or will it be replaced by the computer?

Expected answers. Of course, it will remain. After all, for most people the book is an integral part of personal life, a way of self-expression and communication.

I think the time will come when a printed book will be a rarity, much more expensive than a computer.

(Young scientists demonstrate their own electronic textbooks created for educational purposes).

6. How can you explain the expression: “Garbage In, Garbage Out” (GIGO)?

Expected answers. This is one of the common expressions used in computer science. It means that computers will not hesitate to process any meaningless data and produce equally meaningless results.

7. How can you explain the expression: “A person can make mistakes, but for inhuman mistakes a computer is needed”?

(Students and the audience express their opinions).

8. How can you explain the expression: “Humanity is divided into two parts: those who have access to the Internet and those who have no future” (B. Gates)?

(Students and the audience express their opinions).

Experts conduct a sociological survey

- Book or computer? What do you prefer?

- Can you be an educated person if you do not work with a computer?

- Can a person be called modern if he does not use a computer?

- From which source (a book or a computer) do you get basic information and knowledge?

The results of the survey are noted on the board.

Teacher. Let us remember the ancient Greek myth about the labyrinth. It turns out that the book world, and even more so the computer virtual world, is the same labyrinth, where a young and inexperienced user faces danger, a real horrible “Minotaur”. The main problem today is the problem of choice. How to distinguish necessary information from unnecessary, deep from superficial, useful from meaningless and harmful?

Quite often, knowledge of fiction is limited to flipping through detective stories; people choose to watch only action movies from television programs, and use the computer for dubious games.

“Cybernetics is like 'black magic' that was considered in the Middle Ages - it can give everything you want, but it cannot tell you what to request” (Norbert Wiener).

The ability to choose a book or find information using a computer is a real art. How to master it? In my opinion, computer science lessons and library visits will teach you this art, show you the way to knowledge and spirituality.

Questions to the team of book readers.

1. What does the word “library” mean? (The book depository).

2. Is it possible to find electronic manuals in a modern library? (A modern library collects not only printed materials, but also audio and video recordings, CDs, computer programs, databases.

Various audio and video equipment, computers, reproduction equipment are at the readers' disposal. Computer technologies are used for acquisition of libraries, creation of reference apparatus, reader service).

3. Is the library a component of modern information systems? (“If the old library was the source that all those who sought knowledge went to, the new one is a water pipe that carries lifegiving moisture to the houses” (Melville Dewey).

Therefore, the modern library has been called a virtual library, information library, media library. Instead of the word reader, the term library user appeared.

4. Is the library needed in the future?

5. Can the information preserved by mankind in printed editions be found on the Internet? (The library has always been and will continue to be preserved as an intellectual and information center; the library is a popular place for people to communicate. Knowledge does not make a person happy and wise, also it does not save from loneliness. A person needs a person. The library is the temple where spirituality is always born and preserved. We should remember that in ancient times the library was called a house of life, a shelter of wisdom, a pharmacy for the soul. “Libraries are treasuries of all the riches of the human spirit” (G. Leibniz).

Teacher. Today we have discussed only some issues of the topic “Book and computer”. The topic is inexhaustible and complex.

So far, these two sources of information coexist peacefully, complement each other, but time will show what happens next.

Experts conduct a sociological survey.

- Are you a library reader? Which one?

- Are you Internet users?

The results of the survey are noted on the board.

The interesting facts about a book to discuss with students.

1. Scientists have estimated that in 1600 only 6078 publications were published. Over the next century, their number doubled, and a century later it increased by 40% (18646 in 1800). In the XIX century the number of printed books and brochures increased almost tenfold (158 888 in 1900). In the XX century, the volume of printed products grew rapidly; during the first half of the century, book production increased by 70%.

2. The number of books that a person can read in a lifetime does not exceed 6-8 thousand, if read daily for 50 pages.

3. The world's largest book is the “Superbook”, that published in Denver, Colorado, USA in 1976. Its dimensions are 2.74x3.07 m, weight is 252.6 kg. The book contains 300 pages.

4. The Moscow Polytechnic Museum keeps a unique book of poems by Taras Shevchenko, created by Ukrainian master Mykola Syadristyi. The book contains 12 pages, each 0.6 mm2. It is sewn with cobwebs; the cover is made of an immortelle petal. The texts can be read under a microscope.

5. Today, a device the size of a human fingernail can store information equal to 100 books of 500 pages each.

The interesting facts about a computer.

1. The human ability to absorb information is on average 25 bits per second, or about one word per second.

2. One of the first electronic computers ENIAC was created in 1946.

3. Nowadays the smartest computer in the world is called “Earth Simulator”.

4. In the total volume of software sales in Japan, game programs account for the largest part - 30%.

If the studied material is based on the material well learned earlier, if it is not difficult and is well described in the textbooks, then the teacher can conduct a conference on the relevant topic and organize a discussion among students. The discussion should be prepared in advance. The teacher determines the topics of reports for students and the main directions of their independent work. The role of the teacher is to comment on the polemics of students, summarizing the discussion. This form of learning organization is designed for students who have well-formed skills and abilities to work with literature [17].


Thus, the method of group discussion provides intensive development of spirituality and formation of beliefs of a moral personality. Discussion is one of the most difficult types of interactive lessons.

The most important tasks of modern society are the formation of students' civic position, national identity, patriotism, tolerance, and computer literacy. Students should not only have an understanding of the main interpretations of key IT problems, but also express their own opinions on various issues. Deliberation of these questions is impossible without gaining experience in dialogue and discussion.

This study is not a final one, so we plan to continue publications, where we will reveal in more detail the practical aspects of the application of the group discussion method in vocational institutions on various examples.


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