Establishment and organization of activities of professional school at lebedyn St. Nikolas convent of kyiv eparchy (the second half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century)

The contribution of Lebedyn N.Convent of Kyiv Eparchy to the development of woman’s education in Ukraine in the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century and the peculiarities of the establishment and organization of the woman’s professional school at it.

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Дата добавления 31.08.2023
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The educational process at that time was organized as follows: educational classes lasted from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. with 10-minute breaks in between and 30 minutes for dinner. The schedule was made in such a way that three subject classes were delivered before 11:30 a.m. and handicraft classes were given from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Homework was scheduled from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. every evening, with a 30-minute break for supper. Evening classes were supervised by the teachers. At 9 p.m. there was an evening prayer and lights out71.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Lebedyn Women's Professional School already had 150 students. The educational institution continued to be focused on providing children with the basics of daily practical and, in the future, quite possible professional

activities. An example of that was the School's participation in the first All-Russian exhibition of monastic works. Students had to do handicrafts for a significant part of the after-school time. They made decorative flowers, decorated icons, knitted socks, gloves, and lace, made shoes, and did household work. Students who completed the full course of a two-grade Professional School with a four-year course of study got certificates with the right to take the exam for the position of a parochial school teacher. Those who wanted to enter other educational institutions were admitted after passing a separate exam.

The situation in which the Orthodox monasteries of Kyiv Eparchy found themselves during the hard times of the First World War and the Bilshovyk anti-church policy did not pass by Lebedyn St. Nikolas Convent and its Professional School. From 1917 to the beginning of the 1920s, the Convent functioned under a state of emergency. In 1923, the Professional School at the Convent ceased to exist. According to the resolution of the Secretariat of the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee (VUTsVK) of November 21, 1929, Lebedyn St. Nikolas Convent was eliminated, and its property was looted. Hegumenia Smarahda was arrested by the NKVD authorities and later tortured to death in prison. The agricultural commune `Chervonyi Zhovten' was established on the territory of Lebedyn St. Nikolas Convent72.


The second half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century was characterized by the rise of the activities of convents and the strengthening of their role in the religious, cultural, and educational spheres of society's life. The modernization changes taking place in the surrounding environment also pushed the Orthodox abodes to certain changes, which had the most visible effect in the educational sphere. For Lebedyn St. Nikolas Convent, that reflection manifested itself in the establishment of a Professional School for girls of the spiritual rank, which among the women's professional schools of the Ecclesiastical Department of Kyiv Eparchy looked like a rather powerful educational institution and was a worthy competition to other Kyiv women's professional schools.

We can distinguish 4 stages in the development of Lebedyn Women's Professional School: 1859-1872 - establishment and development of a four-grade School; 1872-1886

– activities of a sixth-grade School; 1888-1890 - establishment of a two-grade Women's School; 1890-1918 - a two-grade, four-year Women's Theological School with the basics of professional training.

The history of the School shows that it was a fully formed educational institution with a distinctive management system, proper staffing, and teaching and educational process. Considering the fact that the Orthodox monasteries of the Synodal period were the promoters of the Russian state ideology, and the educational subjects in educational institutions of all levels, including monastic ones, became the basis for the Russification policy and the inculcation of great-power Russian chauvinism, an undeniably positive aspect in the functioning of the monasteries was their educational activities and involvement of socially disadvantaged children and children from the poor strata of the society, mainly in rural regions, into the educational process.

The history of Lebedyn Professional School shows that the monastery schools aimed to give children a practically useful education. Learners mastered crafts, the basics of art,

and various labor specialties that could have been useful in their future life. The process and methods of teaching were interconnected with spiritual and religious education.

The School, as well as the Convent itself, often faced a lack of sufficient funds for the arranging of the educational institution and its proper functioning. The weak point of the Professional School's activity was the lack of permanent teaching staff, who received, moreover, rather modest salaries. Employees of such schools did not have the rights of civil servants. Therefore, educational institutions could not count on a permanent and stable body of teaching staff, since working there did not give teachers the right to a pension or any other employment rights.

Thus, it should be emphasized that during the studied period, there was an increase in the social activity of female monasticism. Educational initiatives played an important role in the social service of the convents.


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