The effectiveness analysis of pedagogical conditions for the readiness formation for preventive activities of future social workers

Analysis of the pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers. Its levels before, after the implementation of pedagogical conditions, analysis of effectiveness using various methods.

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Дата добавления 31.08.2023
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Petro Mohyla Black sea national university

The effectiveness analysis of pedagogical conditions for the readiness formation for preventive activities of future social workers

Svitlana Surgova,

PhD in pedagogy, associate professor, associate professor at social work management and pedagogy department

Olena Faichuk,

PhD in pedagogy, associate professor, associate professor at social work management and pedagogy department



The readiness formation for preventive activities of future social workers is relevant in the conditions of integration of the higher education system of Ukraine into the European community. Given that the preventive approach develops in a single model with the advanced achievements of European experience - as a single model for the protection of human rights to health and social development, the actual direction of this process is the preventive activities of future specialists. The purpose of the article is to analyze the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers. The objective of this article is to study the levels of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers before and after the introduction of pedagogical conditions and analyze their effectiveness using appropriate methods. The following theoretical methods were used to solve the research tasks such as: analysis and systematization of psychological, pedagogical and educational sources in order to determine the state and theoretical justification of the problem; methods of empirical research, namely pedagogical experiment (consative and forming stages); methods of mathematical statistics (statistical processing of the results of experimental work and their interpretation); diagnosis of the readiness state for preventive activities was carried out by using the method of «Value Orientations» (Rokich), «Emotional Stability» (Eisenk), «Personality Orientation» (Rogov), «Ability to Empathy» (Yusupov), methodology of Bobrova and Kuzmin (which is based on the principle of matrix processing of results and the scale by Lycert to determine the coefficient of readiness for activity). Due to the systematic approach to the experimental part of the research, it was found that the level of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers has improved: the number of students with low levels has decreased significantly, and with a high one - has increased. The effectiveness of the proposed pedagogical conditions is confirmed by statistical methods.

Key words: activities, formation of readiness for preventive, pedagogical conditions, personal-oriented technologies, preventive activities, social workers.


Світлана Сургова

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри соціальної роботи управління і педагогіки, Чорноморський національний університет імені Петра Могили, вул. 68 Десантників, 10, м. Миколаїв

Олена файчук

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри соціальної роботи управління і педагогіки, Чорноморський національний університет імені Петра Могили, вул. 68 Десантників, 10, м. Миколаїв

Аналіз ефективності педагогічних умов формування готовності до превентивної діяльності майбутніх соціальних працівників

Формування готовності до превентивної діяльності майбутніх соціальних працівників, актуально в умовах інтеграції системи вищої освіти України в європейський простір. Превентивний підхід розвивається в цілісній моделі з передовим надбанням європейського та вітчизняного досвіду - як єдиній моделі захисту прав людини на здоров'я і соціальний розвиток. На основі праксеологічного, особистісного і діяльнісного підходів, а також взаємозв'язку і взаємозалежності теоретичної та практичної підготовки майбутніх соціальних працівників були розроблені педагогічні умови для ефективного формування готовності до превентивної діяльності майбутніх соціальних працівників. Метою статті є аналіз ефективності педагогічних умов, що забезпечують формування готовності до превентивної діяльності майбутніх соціальних працівників. Завдання цієї статті - вивчити рівні готовності до превентивної діяльності майбутніх соціальних працівників до та після впровадження педагогічних умов та проаналізувати їх ефективність за допомогою відповідних методів. Відповідно до окреслених завдань були обрані та використані такі методи: педагогічне спостереження, зіставлення, узагальнення, бесіда, анкетування, опитування; шкалування; методика «Ціннісні орієнтації» (М. Рокич), «Емоційна стабільність» (Г. Айзенк), «Спрямованість особистості» (Є. Рогов), «Здатність до емпатії» (І. Юсупов), методикиа В. Бобрової і Н. Кузьмина (в основу якої покладено принцип матричної обробки результатів і шкала Лайкерта - визначення коефіцієнта готовності до діяльності). Завдяки системному підходу до експериментальної частини дослідження було встановлено, що рівень сформованості готовності до превентивної діяльності майбутніх соціальних працівників покращився: питома частка студентів з низьким рівнем значно зменшилась, а з високим - зросла. Ефективність запропонованих педагогічних умов підтверджена за допомогою статистичних методів.

Ключові слова: формування готовності до превентивної діяльності, превентивна діяльність, педагогічні умови, соціальні працівники, особистісно-орієнтовані технології.

Man part

pedagogical social preventive worker

The actuality of the problem. According to many modern researchers, social work plays a leading role in the prevention of negative phenomena (Jeffrey, 2020; Hawkins et. al., 2015). The preventive approach develops in a single model with the advanced achievement of European experience - as a single model for the protection of human rights to health and social development. Therefore, one of the important modern directions of development of vocational training of students is the renewal on a democratic and humanistic basis of its priorities, purpose, content, forms and methods of forming the readiness of the future social worker for rapid social and educational changes in the society. The implementation of these tasks largely depends on the ability of future social workers to use preventive pedagogical technologies, and, primarily, personal-oriented ones.

Readiness for preventive activities enables a young specialist in the social sphere to adapt professionally in the conditions of modern life, solve complex professional tasks successfully, analyze and correct the results of his activities consciously. Despite the positive changes in modern science regarding the study of preventive problems, it should be noted the very slow advancement of the idea of preventive activities in pedagogy.

During the analysis of the theory and practice on the problem under the research, the following contradictions were identified between

- the commitment of the Ukrainian state to the world community to solve preventive problems in the society in accordance with the world standards and the current state of social activity, which is implemented without taking into account the peculiarities of preventive activities and cannot contribute to the promotion of its purposes and principles in society;

- the need to take into account the preventive aspect and introduce preventive approaches to the content and organization of social work with different groups of the population, which will allow differentiated approach to solving problems caused by differences in the social situation of clients and the lack of appropriate training of social specialists engaged in this activity;

The contradictions identified, namely, the insufficient theoretical development of this problem and the demand for specialists who carry out professional activities using the tasks and principles of preventive work became the basis for our research.

Literature Review. Among the studies that contain disclosure of the essence of prevention the following research works should be highlighted such as by Rapoport (1961) on the concept of prevention in social work and the work by McCave and Rishel (2011), in which they present the results of a systematic study of the prevalence of prevention in social work and discuss the consequences of these results for the current and future state of the profession. Jenson (2020) analyzes the relevance of social work to improve the behavioral health of young people, emphasizing that social work is due to actively prevent the occurrence of various negative phenomena in the youth environment.

Mueller, Abrutyn, Pescosolido and Diefendorf (2021) in their study carried out a systematical complex survey to determine the principal current considerations within the framework of the preventive work, and how profilaxis is conceptually framed up, implemented and considered in the context of social help.

In the regard of our research, the dissertation «Preparing the future teacher for preventive education of children from disadvantaged families» (Prykhodko, 2004) is important. Taking into account the specifics of preventive education, the researcher determines the scope of professional qualities of the future teacher, the principal of them are professional readiness for preventive activities, professional competence, professionalism, and the components of the specifics were offered. We agree with the scientist that the essential characteristics of the research of preventive activity condition a set of its structural components.

Jenson (2020) notes that the lack of preventive content in the training of social workers is a matter of great concern, because it is the social workers who are expected to develop and implement the programs to prevent youth behavioral problems. Furtehrmeore, Shapiro and Bender (2018) emphasize that preventive materials are rarely included in the basic curriculum for the training of social workers.

The ukranian scientist Pylypenko (2004) proposes own version of the transformation of classical pedagogical approaches to the development of the paradigm of preventive education, based on the following reasons: any innovative idea is to be coordinated with traditional pedagogy; other ideas are to become an organic element of national education; other ideas are implemented through pedagogical technology that focuses and projects on new tasks and ways of their implementation.

Our review of scientific works and pedagogical practice confirmed that in modern researches devoted to preventive activities, a holistic idea of the essence and content of preventive activities is not presented, we envisage a shortage of domestic studies devoted to the development of theoretical foundations and improvement of the practice of forming readiness for preventive activities of future social workers.

The aim of the study. The purpose of this article is to analyze the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers. The objectives identified are to study the level of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers before and after the introduction of pedagogical conditions and analyse their effectiveness by using appropriate methods.

Presentation of the main research material. As a result of the analysis of the definitions for preventive social work (Hawkins, 2015; Ruth, Velasquez, Marshall, Ziperstein, 2015) studying the scientific, theoretical, practical, educational and methodological literary sources as well as legal framework in order to streamline the scientific material for drawing up the information base for training future specialists, we presented the readiness of the future social worker as a unity of three components:

1) psychological (responsible for the orientation of the future social worker in professional activities, including preventive - the formation of motives, needs, positive attitude; ensuring the prerequisites for the functioning of other structural components of the social worker's readiness for preventive activities);

2) content (a system of knowledge of various aspects of preventive activities personally acquired by the student of higher education, self-organization and self-improvement in future professional activity on the basis of mastered knowledge, concepts: «preventive education», «preventive activities», «personal-oriented technologies of preventive activity);

3) operational (acquisition by a social worker of the ability to interact with different categories of population, based on the actualization of preventive, social and pedagogical knowledge and skills and creative use of preventive tools in working with the population).

Due to the necessity for mathematical processing of research results and the use of mathematical statistics methods (matrix method of processing information) for convenience, we will name each readiness criterion with the appropriate letters A, B and C.

The identification of the process effectiveness of readiness formation for preventive activities of future social workers was detected through certain criteria, indicators and levels of students' readiness for this field of activity: the purpose and motivational criterion is determined as a set of motives, adequate objectives and tasks of preventive activities; the cognitive criterion reflected the system of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for preventive activities; the personal criterion was characterized by a set of possible for preventive activities personal qualities associated with the attitude to the subject of activity, the process, other participants and self attitude.

Based on the classical experience of using a three-level scale to distinguish the form of certain indicators in the context of scientific, theoretical, practical, psychological criteria for the readiness of future specialists of social work for preventive activities, we distinguish the following levels: the 1st - elementary, the 2nd - sufficient and the 3rd - high, as well as we develop their respective indicators.

Taking into account the scientific developments that have been analyzed and the content of preventive activities of students, we have the formation of readiness for preventive activities as the highest level of professional competence of future social workers, which involves students mastering the system of social and pedagogical knowledge, skills, the availability of an active civic position, the ability to solve creative tasks of preventive nature, to predict and simulate situations of prevention of negative socialization, the availability of flexible professional thinking and high level of legal culture. The purpose of preventive social work is to help the client solve problems that may arise in the future (Hawkins, 2015). The observation of the detection of certain readiness indicators according to the criteria we allocated made it possible to trace the dynamics of the readiness formation of future social workers for preventive activities and to present a description of the levels of the readiness development.

The theoretical substantiation of the issue of formation of readiness for preventive activitiesof future social workers increases the importance of organizing and implementing the experimental part of the research, which consists of the following stages: diagnostics, formation and control.

The stage of the diagnostics included the division of respondents into a Control Group (CG) (the students of Sukhomlinsky Mykolayiv National University) and an Experimental Group (EG) (the students of the «Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University), as well as determining the level of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers by analyzing the answers for the selected methodologies. To identify the general level of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers, we used the method proposed by Bobrova and Kuzmyn (1981). The basis of the questionnaire was the principle of matrix processing of results and the Likert scale.

The selected criteria for the readiness of future social workers for preventive activities are denoted by the letters A, B and C. The integrated skills, which are a prerequisite for each of the components of readiness, are denoted by the letters a, b, c and d, i.e. the indicators of criterion A are the skills a1, a2…. an, for criterion B - skills b1, b2, b3… bn and etc. Thereafter, we make the following matrix: the readiness criteria are written in a row to each of them, in the column we place the designation of the corresponding skills. The resulting matrix is as follows.

Table 1. Preventive readiness matrix by three criteria
















To determine the sequence of questions of the questionnaire, it is sufficient to number each of the characters as follows: a1, b1, c1. If we put a specific question or task in place of each matrix symbol to identify the appropriate ability, we get the content structure of the matrix. The questionnaire was compiled of the questions that corresponded to the parameters of the developed matrix. During the survey, the students studied the proposed list of necessary skills and by marking each of them with the sign «+» they said: «I know how», or «I can rather than not know», and the sign «-» indicated «I do not know how «or «It is difficult to answer for me».

After the survey in order to determine the level of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers, the results were processed according to the formula for determining the level of readiness. Numerical values of readiness criteria (Kr) at a certain stage make it possible to determine qualitative changes in the formation of readiness within the same level.

where: C1 - the number of answers «I know how»;

C2 - the number of answers «I can rather than not know»;

C3 - the number of answers «I can not rather than know how»;

C4 - the number of answers «I do not know how»;

C5 - the number of answers «It is difficult to answer for me «;

ЕС - the total number of responses.

After mathematical processing of the survey results, the respondents who scored from +0.75 to + 1.0 points were enrolled in the group with a high level of readiness, with an average level of readiness - from + 0.11 to + 0.74 and low level is from - 0.5 to + 0.1.

The students of the specialty «Social Work» according to the level of readiness for preventive activities based on the results of self-assessment were distributed as follows (Table 2). The comparative data on the levels of readiness for preventive activities of students of the chosen higher educational institutions according to the results of the stated stage of the experiment showed that that the largest number is students with an elementary level of preparedness for preventive activities (the experimental group is 75.1%, the control group is 74.1%). that corresponds to the real state of the problem.

The analysis of the results of the stated stage of the study allowed us to conclude thatthe organizational and pedagogical conditions under which the professional and practical training of the future social worker is carried out do not sufficiently contribute to the formation of readiness for preventive activities. The basis for the development of pedagogical conditions is conceptual ideas on:

1) the need for qualitative changes in the content of vocational training of students associated with the systematic dissemination of theoretical preventive knowledge;

2) features of preparation of future social workers for preventive activities on the basis of personal approach;

3) use of personal-oriented technologies of professional training for preventive activities of future social workers;

4) implementation of the principles of preventive education to the analysis of the practice of social activities of future specialists;

5) special importance of the stage of formation of professionally significant personal qualities that contribute to the readiness of future social workers for preventive activities and the high level of their professional training.

A number of researchers emphasize the need to introduce pedagogical conditions in order to form certain professional qualities or competencies in the process of professional training of future social workers. As a result of our theoretical analysis and diagnostic research, the following pedagogical conditions were developed and implemented:

I. Enrichment of the content of vocational training of future social workers with the provisions and priority areas of preventive activities. In the structure of the content of the formation of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers, two components are distinguished as informational (four blocks of professional knowledge are the knowledge that defines preventive pedagogy as a special educational activity; the knowledge about preventive aspects in the views and theories of social deviations; the knowledge about the problems of preventive education and education in foreign countries; and the knowledge of the peculiarities of preventive activity in social work) and operationally active (four blocks of skills that correspond to preventive activities are analytical, prognostic and projective). The implementation of this condition was implemented in two ways:

1) the saturation and enrichment of the content of the disciplines traditionally involved in the preparation of future social workers to work with different groups of clients, as well as the establishment of inter-representative links, strengthening the focus of disciplines to ensure the formation of the readiness of future social workers for preventive activities;

2) the development and implementation of the course «Preventive Pedagogy» in the educational process, which fully reflects each of the blocks of knowledge of preventive activities offered by us and their mastery during the professional training of a social worker. The following measures were implemented:

- creation of a personal and professional selfportrait. As part of our research, this is a written reflection «I am a future social worker», the purpose of which is to introspetrospic and self-esteem of own personal and professional qualities, skills, opportunities and prospects. In fact, while working on a self-portrait, the future social workers were given the opportunity to diagnose themselves according to the following methods: Value Orientation (M. Rokich), Empathy (I. Yusupov), Emotional Stability (G. Eisenk), Temperament Type (G. Eisenk), Personality Orientation (E. Rogov); to find out the peculiarities of their own behavior in working with different groups of clients of social work (with the help of conversations with classmates and teachers), introspetrophy (to analyze themselves as a professional person with the help of creativity, imagination and fantasy: to come up with a story about yourself and your future work «I am a social worker», to choose aphorisms, poetic lines that reproduce the inner world of the future social worker).

- a business game, as a small play put on by students was used in the training of future social workers while studying the themes of the course «Preventive Nature of Social Work» and «Features of Preventive Impact Objects».

- a press conference «Preventive Education and Education in Foreign Countries». The subjects of the press conference were devoted to the preventive activities of the UN, UNICEF and the UNESCO, Interpol, the activities of the Soros Fund, the Turner Fund and Human and Child Rights Foundation. Our further work on the formation of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers involved the use of the training technology.

- «General attention» training which was conducted at a practical lesson on the theme «Preventive work with risk groups. The preventive maintenance of rehabilitation work». The purpose of the training is the formation of adequate reactions in different situations, «transactic analysis» of answers and the formation of the necessary «role extensions».

Table 2. Levels of preparedness of the future social worker for preventive activities


Number of Paricipants


Control Group

Experimental Group

Control Group

Experimental Group
















Thus, the Council on Social Work Education (2019) has approved a strategic plan consisting of 4 modules that can be used to teach students and specialists the key principles of preventive practice and policy. These modules contain sufficient theoretical information (theories, concepts, prevention strategies) and practices (community prevention practice and policy prevention practice).

II. Use of personal-oriented preventive technologies in the professional training of future social workers. The use of these technologies optimizes the process of assimilation of preventive knowledge by future specialists and forms the skills and abilities of preventive activities with different groups of clients of social work; it creates the conditions for the general professional development of the future specialist, the development of creative thinking, the development of an individual style of activity, the motivation for preventive activities. The implementation of this condition was carried out in the sphere of the introduction of personal - oriented technologies of professional training in the process of forming the readiness for preventive activities of future social workers. In addition to the traditional forms and methods of university education, based on the specifics of our research, we used innovative technologies that correspond to the preventive activities of future social workers (training, gaming, technology of problematic and contextual learning):

- the scientific and practical conference «Preventive activity as a component of professionalization of a social worker». The students were offered a conference program that contained the main directions of their research, and also proposed to conduct, summarize and analyze the experience of social workers with juveniles.

III. The formation of the professionally significant qualities of future social workers: social intelligence (determines the level of adequacy, the success of social interaction and the ability to apply social knowledge for tackling problem-based tasks), tolerance (prevention, perception, understanding, recognition, which implies the ability to see the world simultaneously from two points of view: own and of another person), psychological stability (provides the ability of a specialist to successfully, productively and steadily act in emotionally complex, tense conditions of work with different groups of clients of social work) and communication (the ability to adequately reflect the personal and individual characteristics of surrounding people). As noted by Butler-Warke and Bolger (2020) the most useful for students is a combination of training and internship. We are considering the central role of a general set of values of social work, which occur within the period of self-analysis during training, and we show, that these values are included both in the professional and personal life. The implementation of this condition provided for a close relationship of all three pedagogical conditions of readiness both naturally and procedurally and provided for the actualization of the capabilities of each component of the vocational training system (purpose, content, forms, methods) to achieve optimal development of professionally important qualities of future social workers. Thus, students were offered to develop such projects as «What worries parents the most about the problem of drug use by children», «How do residents of our city treat refugees from other countries?», the results of which were of interest to the municipal authorities of Mykolayiv.

It can be assumed that the purposeful work on the creation of pedagogical conditions for the readiness formation of the future social worker for the preventive activities creates a basis for students to understand the need and relevance of the implementation of preventive learning in the educational environment, provides them with a positive motivation to use the principles of preventive activities, in particular, the satisfaction with their own social status; enriches theoretical courses of the cycle of professional and practical disciplines at the university with almost significant professional knowledge of preventive pedagogy. Each of the pedagogical conditions developed by us was introduced into the educational process of higher education institutions through the implementation of an appropriate content and learning technologies that meet the stated purpose of education.

The characteristics of the results became possible on the basis of an objective assessment of the real changes that occurred as a result of the experimental work. According to the methodology described earlier, at the final stage of the experiment, a crosssection of the levels of the forming of students' readiness for preventive activities was made, their comparative analysis with the results of the forming experiment convinces that the experimental work, the content ofwhich is set out in the above, gives more significant effect than the data of the observational stage of the experiment.

The experimental work has shown that the effectiveness of the process of formation of readiness for preventive activities increases in an educational institution, where the focus of students is formed to study both a separate course of preventive pedagogy and the introduction into the educational process of modern personal-orientated technologies of preventive activity and professionally important qualities of the personality of the future social worker, relevant to the principles of preventive activities. All this contributes to the completion of the formation of readiness for preventive activities of students. The forming stage of the experiment showed that the students deeply mastered knowledge of the basic concepts and principles of preventive pedagogy, got an idea of the directions of preventive activities, learned to model work with different groups of clients, as well as knowledge of forms and methods of implementation of preventive work with the client.

Based on the analysis, the comparison of data obtained in the course of diagnostics of the level of readiness of future social workers for preventive activities before and after the experimental training, the conclusions about the availability of positive dynamics in all indicators of certain criteria in the experimental group were drawn (Table 3).

Table 3. Comparison of general estimates of the readiness level for preventive activities of future social workers (%)


Obsservation Stage

Forming Stage




















If at the observation stage of the experiment during the diagnosis between the two groups of students there were no significant discrepancies in the distribution by the levels of readiness forpreventive activities of future social workers (most students of both groups revealed an elementary level of training), then at the end of the forming stage the situation changed radically.

The level of training of the most Exrerimental Group students was assessed as sufficient (51%). At the elementary level, only 28% of students remained. Others, almost a quarter (21%), got the highest - optimal level of readiness. The students of the Control Group, who studied according to the traditional scheme, had the insignificant changes in the distribution by the levels.

The data indicate positive results of the work carried out during the generatig experiment on the readiness formation for preventive activities of future social workers. Thus, the provided evidence, based on the material of the obtained empirical data and their analysis according to three specified criteria, serves as a sufficient basis for confirming the high efficiency of the developed pedagogical conditions of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers. The results of the experimental work confirmed the hypothesis put forward at the beginning of the experiment that the process of readiness forming for preventive activities of future social workers can be effectively carried out under a certain set of relevant pedagogical conditions.

Due to the developed and implemented effective pedagogical conditions for readiness formation for preventive activities, as well as a close cooperation with curators of academic groupsand student self-government, by using methods of observation, conversation and re-diagnosis accordingtoselectedmethodologies, certainpositive changes were noted in the levels of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers due to its organization in terms of personal and active approaches. The results of the research illustrate the level of readiness for preventive activities of students by comparing the readiness coefficient for control and experimental groups. The presented data indicate positive results of the research carried out during the formation experiment on the readiness formation for preventive activities of future social workers. Thus, the provided evidence, based on the material obtained empirical data and their analysis according to three specified criteria, serves as a sufficient basis to confirm the effectiveness of the implemented pedagogical conditions of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers and confirm the hypothesis put forward at the beginning of the research work.

The carried out research does not exhaust all aspects of the problem studied. In the future, it is necessary to focus on the development of issues of improving the readiness for preventive activities of future social workers, in-depth professional training of future social workers to interact with different groups of clients, the development of a prompt system of retraining and advanced training of the specialists in the social and pedagogical sphere engaged in direct practical preventive activities.


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