Formation of listening and speaking skills in high school students

Formation of develop the ability of high school students to logically and reasonably express their thoughts in front of an audience, based on various reading and listening materials, in everyday life situations and using various speech etiquette.

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Дата добавления 04.09.2023
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Размещено на

Institute of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Humay Alikishiyeva,

PhD student in philosophy program,

Leading specialist



Systematic work should be carried out in schools for the formation of listening and speaking skills in students. In order to form a communicative culture in students, first of all, the philosophical meanings of the concept of culture and communicativeness should be widely understood by the students, as well as by the pedagogues involved in language teaching. The formation of any skill in language teaching should be considered not just as the realization of a standard, but as the development of the student's life skills. In order to form the listening and speaking skills of upper class students, teachers should have high culture in this field and should play the role of an example for the students. In order to form listening and speaking skills in high school students, systematic and consistent work and development of verbal communication in students is in the center of attention as an important issue. Research studies and analysis of high school textbooks have shown that listening and reading materials must be chosen correctly in order to develop communication skills in students, fiction should be widely used, students should be activated both in class and in daily social life in terms of communication, they should be able to think and react to the expressed opinion. In relation to the solution of the mentioned issues, students:

• they should be in active communication conditions in Azerbaijani language classes and other classes every day;

• should acquire the ability to express their thoughts orally and in writing;

• should use the expressive possibilities of speech;

• should show their personal opinion about the issue;

• should be able to use Gestures and mimes on the spot;

• should be able to use Context-appropriate speech tags, etc.

In Azerbaijan, the formation of active communication is carried out with the use of artistic reading materials, monologues and dialogues in which speech tags are actively used, and the methodology of teaching practical writing skills. However, the lack of research in this field requires the expansion of the content of the work to be carried out on the formation of communication skills in Azerbaijani language classes, as well as in other classes and extracurricular activities, and the application of more active methods.

Key words: listening comprehension; speaking; skills; communicative skills; student; teacher.



Алікішиєва Хумай Аріф, аспірант філософської програми, провідний спеціаліст Інституту освіти Азербайджанської Республіки. Баку, Азербайджан.

У школах необхідно проводити систематичну роботу з формування в учнів навичок аудіювання та мовлення. Щоб сформувати в учнів комунікативну культуру, насамперед, студентам, а також педагогам, які займаються викладанням мовою, необхідно широко усвідомити філософський зміст поняття культури та комунікативності. Формування будь-якого вміння в навчанні мови слід розглядати не просто як реалізацію стандарту, а як розвиток життєвих навичок учня. Для формування навичок аудіювання та усного мовлення старшокласників вчителі повинні мати високу культуру в цій галузі та бути прикладом для учнів. Для формування у старшокласників навичок аудіювання та мовлення в центрі уваги як важливе питання - систематична і послідовна робота та розвиток мовленнєвого спілкування учнів. Дослідження та аналіз підручників середньої школи показали, що для розвитку комунікативних навичок учнів необхідно правильно підбирати матеріали для аудіювання та читання, широко використовувати художню літературу, активізувати учнів як на уроці, так і в повсякденному суспільному житті щодо спілкування, вони мають вміти мислити і реагувати на висловлену думку. Стосовно вирішення зазначених питань студенти мають:

• щодня перебувати в умовах активного спілкування на уроках азербайджанської мови та інших уроках;

• набувати вміння висловлювати свої думки усно і письмово;

• використовувати виражальні можливості мови;

• висловити свою особисту думку з приводу проблеми;

• вміти використовувати жести та міміку на місці;

• вміти використовувати мовні теги, що відповідають контексту, тощо.

В Азербайджані формування активного спілкування здійснюється з використанням засобів художнього читання, монологів і діалогів, у яких активно використовуються мовні позначки, та методикою навчання практичним навичкам письма. Проте недостатня кількість досліджень у цій галузі вимагає розширення змісту роботи з формування комунікативних навичок на уроках азербайджанської мови, а також на інших уроках і позакласній роботі, а також застосування більш активних методів.

Ключові слова: розуміння на слух; розмова; уміння; комунікативні навички; учень; учитель.

Formulation of the problem

Of particular importance in the lessons of the Azerbaijani language is the formation of listening comprehension and a culture of speaking among high school students. Systematic work is being carried out to develop students' listening and speaking skills both at the level of general secondary education and at the level of complete secondary education. According to the requirements of the modern education system, the conversational skills that students will acquire during their studies in grades 5-11 are determined on the basis of standards. Systematic work on the formation of listening and speaking skills should be carried out in the upper grades. The study that we will consider will highlight a number of points that are important in the formation of students' listening and speaking skills according to standards, as well as the formation of a culture of conveying their opinion to the listener in high school students. will be included in the analysis. It should be noted that for the formation of listening and speaking skills in high school, the following main issues are considered:

• be able to listen to the speaker;

• to express the attitude to the opinion of the speaker;

• correctly use information obtained from various sources of information;

• to determine the main idea in the listened text;

• express your opinion convincingly and systematically.

It is necessary to analyze the important nuances in the formation of the above skills among high school students and convey to the teaching staff the ability to use them when teaching in a secondary school. During the study, a systematic analysis was planned of the activities that were planned to be implemented in the lessons of the Azerbaijani language for the formation of speaking skills and culture in high school.

Analysis of major research and publications

In recent years, the work of a number of researchers related to this problem has been published. A number of articles were published and research was carried out by such scientists as A. Abbasov, B. Ibadova, S. Huseynov, F. Ismailova, S. Aslanova, A. Rashidli and others related to mastering the skills of listening and speaking and building lessons. When studying foreign literature, most often we come across studies related to the features of listening and reading materials related to teaching English to foreign students. In this area, the works of such researchers as Z. Tawil [6], J. Richards, M. Idrisova, B. Smakulov, M. Tusupbekov, A. Sarychoban, L. Karakurt [7] and others should be noted. Although familiarity with these works is positive in terms of improving the overall quality of the works, there has been no comprehensive research related to texts in the Azerbaijani language.

Aim and tasks

school student speech audience

The purpose of the study is to develop the ability of high school students to logically and reasonably express their thoughts in front of an audience, based on various reading and listening materials, in everyday life situations, as well as using various speech etiquette.

Based on this goal, it is planned to implement a number of tasks.

• choosing the right sample text;

• systematic presentation of the text to the student;

• providing students with the identification of the main idea in the opinion heard;

• creating conditions for students to demonstrate understanding of the listened (read) text on the basis of various questions;

• teaching the student the ability to systematically express their thoughts;

• learning to use speech etiquette.

The correct implementation of these goals and objectives in the lessons of the Azerbaijani language is the main direction of activity in the formation of communication skills and culture among high school students.

The theoretical backgrounds

The formation of a communicative culture, more precisely, the skills of listening and speaking among high school students is carried out in accordance with the legislative and regulatory documents of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In addition to the standards intended for implementation in curricula, philosophical and theoretical points that are important for the formation of a communicative culture are taken as a basis. The formation of the ability of high school students psychologically and pedagogically to make logical judgments in accordance with the natural sequence of development, to understand the text read or listened to, to understand the idea of the text, to master the text and convey it to the listener, is the theoretical basis of the study.

Primitive people communicated with each other using various sounds, gestures and facial expressions, when there was no speech yet, they tried to make them understand each other through non-verbal communication. Therefore, it can be said with certainty that communication has existed since the very beginning of human society. Undoubtedly, changes in human society and thinking have led to the development of this concept. Today, one of the most important skills of a modern person is his communication skills.

A person's communication skills give him ample opportunities to live comfortably in the modern world, maintain communication with people, and take a worthy place in society. When the concept of communication, which is part of the concept of a great culture, becomes a skill, we become witnesses of what a great role it plays in shaping a person as a citizen-person with rich moral qualities, clear and fluent speech, distinguished by exemplary behavior and culture.

Knowledge, skills, skills to establish relationships, the ability to maintain psychological contact, achieve a clear understanding in communication, etc. is a communicative culture. The communicative culture of a person expresses the existence of his language and general cultural behavior. Communicative culture is an indicator of the importance of human development and the level of development in modern society.

The formation of a communicative culture of the individual should become one of the main concerns of society.

Communication skills are the foundation of people's ability to communicate successfully in our time. Thus, these skills help him to communicate with people in all areas. Man is the only creature that combines two worlds. On the one hand, it is the body of nature, subject to physical, chemical and biological laws. On the other hand, a person combines the cultural world with various socio-cultural qualities created by him - the level of education, logical thinking, memory, purposefulness.

Communication in a broad sense is the transmission of information by a person in the form of speech, gesture, image, symbolic forms. At this time, a person is not only satisfied with the transfer of information, but also forms, clarifies and develops it. We propose to study the concept of communicative culture in two directions.

Communicative culture consists of two words. First, let's look at the word culture. Culture comes from the Latin word "culture" and includes the meanings of upbringing, education, development, respect, and is a concept that includes a person's life skills. This is the main subject of culture-philosophy, cultural studies, history, linguistics, ethnology, and pedagogy.

The subjects taught at the general education level are important in shaping the listening and speaking skills of high school students. The language of instruction of each country plays an important role in shaping the general speaking skills of students studying in that country. The teaching of subjects, the presentation of his student, the expression of his opinion on issues play an important role in the development and formation of the prosodic side and expressive forms of his speech. However, no matter how linguistic knowledge and communication skills develop in the teaching of all subjects, the result is not as effective as the achievements achieved in the Azerbaijani language classes. From this point of view, we involved the issues of speech development, as well as listening and speaking of high school students directly in the lessons of the Azerbaijani language.

At the lessons of the Azerbaijani language, students first of all learn the norms of the literary language and acquire the ability to use them in their speech. This process is gradual and requires special responsibility and systematic. When we talk about the problem of acquiring communication skills by high school students, many details arise related to speech and various forms of communication. Although it is impossible to get a clear idea of each of these details within the framework of a small study, we will try to give an idea of the various features of verbal communication.

When forming the listening and speaking skills of high school students in the document “State standard and programs (curricula) of the general education level”, the speech skills of a student who has completed the general education level are summarized as follows.

A student who has received a general secondary education must be able to:

• analyze texts in different styles and genres that he listened to and read,

• communicating its content to someone in a concise, and partly in expanded form;

• use monologue and dialogic forms of speech;

• be able to prepare a plan, thesis, review, project, express an opinion;

• logically substantiate your ideas with the help of examples and evidence;

• summarize the main points expressed in various opinions;

• communicate in a foreign language;

• demonstrate that he has the skills of written and oral communication in his native language, has up-to-date information about the literature, history, culture, art of his country, prominent figures, as well as about the forces opposing his homeland [8].

One of the main places in the formation of communication is the ability of students to listen, understand and speak. When we look at the content lines of the Azerbaijani language subject in the modern education system, we see that the subject is grouped into four content lines:

• listening and speaking;

• reading;

• letter;

• language rules [8].

To develop students' listening and speaking skills, it is necessary to be able to listen to the speaker, understand what he is saying, express his attitude to the speaker's opinion, evaluate information, benefit from information received from various sources of information, choose the main idea from secondary ones, form skills of persuasive presentation their opinion, etc. Develop the student's speech skills, flexibly perceive the information in the listened text and make clear and accurate judgments based on it, exchange information, make logical, coherent and persuasive speeches in accordance with the goal and level of the audience.

All content lines of the subject of the Azerbaijani language are involved in the process of communication formation. However, the formation and development of speech communication occurs in students directly during the implementation of the content line of listening and speaking. Consider the norms included in speech for the formation of students' speaking skills [3].

The qualities of speech for the formation of speaking skills are given in many literatures [1], [2], [4] as follows:

• accuracy of speech;

• purity of speech;

• wealth of speech;

• clarity of speech;

• expressiveness of speech;

• logic of speech;

• harmony of speech;

• accuracy of speech;

• brevity of speech;

• connectedness of speech

• originality of speech;

* expressiveness and emotionality of speech.

Such a listing of speech qualities is not the same for all literature. However, in order to form these qualities in students, it is important to choose the right texts for reading and listening and to develop students' speech in a visual form, starting from the primary grades.

If these qualities are not taken into account in the formation of oral speech during the development of the student's personality, then serious problems are found in the implementation of the requirements provided for by state standards.

The current situation in educational institutions has been studied in order to improve the listening and speaking skills of students experimentally. As a result of the study, it was found that students of a general education school face difficulties in establishing direct verbal communication. The rapid development of information and communication technologies and the fact that students communicate their thoughts to each other in writing rather than orally lead to a weakening of oral speech skills and poor use of speech etiquette in their speech [9].

Certain difficulties are observed in the process of communication. Usually they are social and psychological in nature. These difficulties arise due to the fact that a person has certain individual psychological characteristics. According to psychologists, in order to overcome difficulties in the process of communication, it is necessary to instill in people communication skills and improve the culture of communication [10].

In order to overcome the difficulties faced by students in oral communication, a survey was conducted of 170 respondents, including teachers (30 people), students (80 people) and parents (60 people), and the current situation was determined. When analyzing the results of the survey, it was found that 70% of students experienced difficulties in oral communication and used speech etiquette incorrectly.

During the analysis of the survey conducted among the respondents, it became clear that teachers and parents are concerned about the lack of communication between students. Students who spend most of their time on tablets and computers have poor communication skills. Thus, it is difficult for them to express and defend their opinions, to listen carefully and patiently to what is in front of them, to use words accurately and correctly when speaking. Many teachers cited lack of reading as the main reason for all this. They believe that the more a student with communicative abilities reads fiction, the more accurate and correct his speech will be. Teachers also noted the frequency of use of gestures and facial expressions by students, as it is difficult for them to express their thoughts during communication.

With the use of speech etiquette, we only see more use of speech etiquettes such as "hello, bye, thank you.”

Teachers attributed most of the students' speech defects to a lack of vocabulary. Teachers mostly complained about the weakness of the culture of listening to students. Thus, in surveys, the fact that students often interrupt each other during debates and discussions, do not listen to the end, and do not show tolerance is assessed as a negative situation.

We partially agree with this opinion. So, such cases are observed among students today. The reason for this is that the skills of debating are not taught in time and properly. It is during these methods that students learn mutual respect, tolerance, listening and must respond not to the personality of the speaker, but to his opinion.

A group of teachers pointed out that students' poor communication skills were the main reason they provided more theoretical knowledge during class.

In general education schools, an experiment was conducted to form students' communicative culture and the ability to freely express their thoughts. At the first stage of the experimental classes for 2 weeks, the students listened to monologues and dialogues from various works. They were interviewed and asked to comment on the speaker's speech. They were asked to share their thoughts about finding words and phrases they don't like in the speaker's speech, their favorite way of speaking.

After the process of listening and analyzing (understanding) dialogues and monologues with examples of the correct speech of students was carried out, they proceeded to the second stage of working with them. At this time, students first voiced monologues and dialogues from works and films selected by the teacher (before the formation of selection skills), and then independently.

When applying the technique, attention was paid to the mistakes made by students during speech by giving a small signal sound at that moment (this could be a bell or a simple knock). At the moment when a student acting out a monologue or participating in a dialogue hears this voice, he himself determines which word or phrase he pronounced incorrectly or made intonation errors, and this process continued until the speech became normal. This methodical experiment on the development of students' speaking skills was carried out in the classroom for 2 (two) months.

During the experiment, students' speech was recorded both at the beginning and at the end of the process. The audio recordings were then listened to and improvements in speech (intonation, stress, pronunciation, expressiveness, voice control, etc.) between the start and end of the process were taken into account.

When implementing the methodology, as the last step, the students listened to dialogues and monologues that were incorrectly voiced. At that time, students first listened to this sample of speech, and then corrected mistakes by repeating this part.

During the implementation of the methodology, students were asked to read a sample of fiction. During this time the students were told that they could apply the words and phrases used in fiction and that this was part of the task. This stimulated students' interest in fiction and encouraged them to choose the right expressions in their speech.

When implementing the methodology, work was carried out in parallel on writing samples. By written means (composition, story, etc.), students formed descriptive skills on the chosen topic. Poetic and artistic description of natural phenomena, a more artistic narrative about occurring events, etc., such cases ensured the development of students' writing skills and the ability to correctly build sentences. After applying the methodology, it was determined that during repeated surveys conducted by class, students noted an improvement of 40%. Pupils studying in experimental classes no longer experience difficulties in communication, they know how to correctly express their thoughts, use gestures and facial expressions, and also use various speech etiquette.

It should be noted that in addition to the implementation of the standards intended to be introduced into education to improve the colloquial speech of high school students in secondary schools, the training of teaching staff should also be improved. The teacher must demonstrate the skills of correct and expressive speech by personal example directly during the lesson.

Research methods

In the course of the study, pedagogical research methods suitable for implementation in secondary schools were used to form the listening and speaking skills of high school students. Such research methods as: observation, pedagogical experiment, interview, creation of a problem situation were used, which are the main methods of forming a culture of communication among students. Experiments have been conducted in a number of educational institutions and successful results have been achieved so that students theoretically understand the text being read (listened to), use logical and figurative thinking, and bring the text to the next audience, introducing something of their own. In addition to using inductive and deductive methods such as analysis, synthesis, evaluation, empirical methods were also used, such as simplifying an idea and communicating it to an audience.

Research results

From the final results of the study, we can conclude that there are fundamental problems in the field of speech communication of students, that is, in the formation of their listening and speaking skills. The most important of them, as noted by respondents during the survey, is associated with a lack of communication and verbal communication of students with each other in a more limited framework. The penetration of information and communication technologies into people's lives and the fact that they spend more and more time with electronic devices also leads to a weakening of speaking skills.


As a result of the study, we can say that:

• more time should be devoted to verbal communication of students in schools;

• work on the formation of listening and speaking skills should be more systematic and consistent;

• the participation of students in social events should be strengthened;

• Students should be given the opportunity to convey their thoughts more through verbal communication.

• it is necessary to strengthen the consolidation of reading fiction and works on figurative speech;

• students should be encouraged to make extensive use of situational speech etiquette, gestures and facial expressions during communication.

Prospects for further research in this direction. In our opinion, the expansion of the scope of research and applied methods to improve students' listening and speaking skills is one of the main factors that determine our positive results.


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1. N. А. Abdullayev, Basics of speech culture. Baku, Azerbaijan, 2013.

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10. How To Improve Effective Communication Skills In Students. [Online]. Available: Data zvernennia: Hrud. 06, 2022.

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    курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 10.04.2012

  • The most common difficulties in auding and speaking. Psychological characteristics of speech. Linguistic characteristics of speech. Prepared and unprepared speech. Mistakes and how to correct them. Speaking in teaching practice. Speech, oral exercises.

    курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 01.04.2008

  • Effective reading is essential for success in acquiring a second language. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills. The characteristic of methods of Teaching Reading to Learners. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension. Approaches to Correcting Mistakes.

    курсовая работа [60,1 K], добавлен 28.03.2012

  • Main part: Reading skills. A Writing Approach to–Reading Comprehension–Schema Theory in Action. The nature of foreign-language teaching. Vocabulary teaching techniques.

    курсовая работа [23,8 K], добавлен 05.12.2007

  • School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4 - 6. The ideal of mass education with equal opportunity for all. Higher education, tuition fees.

    реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013

  • Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.

    отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013

  • Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.

    презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 28.11.2012

  • Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.

    презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012

  • Investigation of the main reasons English language jelly. Characteristics of the expansion content Total Physical Response; consideration of the basic pedagogical principles of its use in teaching language inostannomu junior and senior school age.

    курсовая работа [40,2 K], добавлен 21.02.2012

  • Principles of asr teсhnology. Performance and designissues in speech applications. Current trends in voise-interactive call. Difining and acquiring literacy in the age of information. Content-based instruction and literacy development.

    курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 21.01.2008

  • Роль субъектной позиции обучающегося в процессе освоения образовательных программ. История и перспективы движения World Skills в России, его эффективность для формирования профессиональных компетенций, повышения престижа и популяризации рабочих профессий.

    статья [20,9 K], добавлен 07.08.2017

  • What is the lesson. Types of lessons according to the activities (by R. Milrood). How to write a lesson plan 5 stages. The purpose of assessment is for the teacher. The students' mastery. List modifications that are required for special student.

    презентация [1,1 M], добавлен 29.11.2014

  • Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.

    презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011

  • Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.

    презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015

  • Transfer to profile training of pupils of 11–12 classes of 12-year comprehensive school its a stage in implementation of differentiation of training. Approaches to organization of profile education and their characteristic, evaluation of effectiveness.

    курсовая работа [39,4 K], добавлен 26.05.2015

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