Introduction of the discipline "Fundamentals of military management" in the system of future communications officers training
Formation of management and communication skills of future officers of communication units at the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization named after Cool heroes. A combination of traditional and innovative learning approaches.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 07.09.2023 |
Размер файла | 21,4 K |
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Military Institute of telecommunications and informatization
named after the Heroes of Kruty
Introduction of the discipline «Fundamentals of military management» in the system of future communications officers training
Oleh Pavlenko PhD of Pedagogical Science
The article describes the program of the academic discipline «Fundamentals of military management (including NATO staff procedures) » to ensure formation of managerial competence of future officers of communications units during training at the higher educational institution of Ukraine. It is determined that the modern needs of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, theoretical and practical aspects of training communication specialists to perform their functions in professional situations require improving the effectiveness of professional training of cadets for managerial activities during training in higher military educational institutions. Therefore, the objective necessity is the need to create an integral pedagogical system for the formation of managerial skills of future officers of communication units during organization of the educational process at the Military Institute of telecommunications and informatization named after Heroes of Kruty in the disciplines of professional and combined-arms training, one that would combine traditional and innovative approaches to professional training. To complete this goal, a special academic discipline «Fundamentals of military management (including NATO staff procedures) » was developed and implemented. The discipline includes the following blocks of content modules: «Management and leadership of military units» «Fundamentals of management and decision- making»; and module «NATO staff procedures».
Key words: military management, professional training, future officers of communications units, Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Впровадження навчальної дисципліни «Основи військового управління» в систему підготовки майбутніх офіцерів підрозділів зв'язку
Олег Павленко кандидат педагогічних наук Військовий інститут телекомунікацій та інформатизації імені Героїв Крут, Україна
У статті схарактеризовано програму навчальної дисципліни «Основи військового управління (в тому числі штабні процедури НАТО)» для забезпечення формування управлінської компетентності майбутніх офіцерів підрозділів зв'язку під час навчання у вищих військових навчальних закладах України. Визначено, що сучасні потреби підрозділів Збройних Сил України, теоретичні та практичні аспекти підготовки фахівців зв'язку до виконання їхніх функцій у ситуаціях службово-бойового характеру потребують підвищення ефективності професійної підготовки курсантів до управлінської діяльності під час навчання у вищих військових навчальних закладах. Відтак, об'єктивною необхідністю є потреба у створенні цілісної педагогічної системи формування управлінських умінь майбутніх офіцерів підрозділів зв'язку під час організації освітнього процесу у Військовому інституті телекомунікацій та інформатизації імені Героїв Крут з дисциплін професійної та загальновійськової підготовки, в якій би поєднувалися традиційні та інноваційні підходи до професійної підготовки майбутніх офіцерів Збройних Сил України. З цією метою було розроблено і впроваджено програму вивчення навчальної дисципліни «Основи військового управління (в тому числі штабні процедури НАТО)», яка включає наступні блоки змістових модулів: «Управління та керівництво військовими частинами», «Основи управління та прийняття рішень» та модуль «Штабні процедури НАТО».
Ключові слова: військове управління, професійна підготовка, майбутні офіцери-зв'язківці, Збройні Сили України.
Now, the managerial activities of the leadership of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are becoming more complex and multifaceted. Its content follows from the requirements and features of the service and combat activities of the AFU units. Features of managing units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are determined by the content of tasks that an officer must perform. Performing such tasks requires responsibility for personnel, weapons, and technical means, which, in general, requires the formation of managerial competence of future officers in the process of their professional training in higher military educational institutions. At the same time, the development of an integral system to enhance management skills of future communications officers and especially the features of the managerial competence formation have not been covered yet. Accordingly, there is a need to create an integral pedagogical system for the formation of managerial skills of future officers of communications units during training in higher military educational institutions of Ukraine (Masliy, 2017: 144; Shumovetska, 2021: 101). The article aims to characterize the discipline "Fundamentals of military management to ensure formation of managerial competence of future officers of communications units during training at the higher military educational institution of Ukraine. Analysis of recent research and publications. In general, the purpose, tasks, content, requirements and specifics of professional activity of military personnel are revealed in the works of well-known Ukrainian and foreign scientists. Features of military pedagogy and psychology were studied by G. Artyushyn, M. Neshchadym, V. Yagupov. Professional training of future communications officers was researched by L. Oliynyk, I. Romanyuk O. Shcherbiy and others. However, despite a fairly large number of studies, the methods of forming the managerial competence of communications officers have not been fully studied.
Results and discussion
Military education is currently a component of the national education system in Ukraine and covers more than 150 specializations and 70 specialties. Training of military specialists is conducted in the field of knowledge «Military Sciences, National Security, State Border Security» and within 21 «civilian» fields of knowledge in licensed specialties and specializations. These are more than 70 specialties and almost 150 specializations (Yagupov, 2013: 293; Soroka, 2019: 229). According to V. Shemchuk, the main task of the military education system is «the professionally-oriented training of officers of the operational and tactical level by forming, deepening, expanding, updating and developing their general scientific, military-professional and managerial knowledge, skills, abilities necessary for further career advancement, as well as providing an opportunity to obtain another specialty based on the previously obtained educational- qualification level and acquired practical military-professional and managerial experience» (Shemchuk, 2016: 262).
Features of the management of the main units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including communications units, are determined by the content of tasks that an officer must perform, taking into account the basic principles of managing troops, taking into account the specific situation in a modern combined-arms combat, such as: unity of command; personal responsibility of commanders for decisions taken and the results of performing tasks; centralization of management in combination with the initiative of subordinates; constant knowledge and analysis of the situation, predicting the development of events; firmness and perseverance in implementing decisions and plans; high organization in the work of management bodies; knowledge of subordinate personnel, support from subordinate commanders (Balendr, 2019: 22; Spacey, 2000: 31; Townsend, 1997: 121). Therefore, the objective necessity is the need to create an integral pedagogical system for the formation of managerial skills of future officers of communication units during organization of the educational process at the Military Institute of telecommunications and informatization named after Heroes of Kruty in the disciplines of professional and combined-arms training - one that would combine traditional and innovative approaches to professional training. For this purpose, the Military Institute of telecommunications and informatization developed and implemented a program for studying the discipline «Fundamentals of military management (including NATO staff procedures)», which is included in the disciplines of military professional training cycle and is compiled in accordance with the educational-professional program «Cybersecurity in information and telecommunications systems» of the first (Bachelor's) level of training, under the Specialty «Cybersecurity».
The subject of study of the discipline is the theory and practice of the basics of military management and practical work of commanders on the organization of unit management, content, technology of justification and decision-making, international standards and Euro-Atlantic procedures for the work of headquarters and unit management, as well as their implementation taking into account the current factors in the leadership of military units. The sequence of studying the discipline is based on links with the academic disciplines «General Tactics», «Military Topography», «Small Arms and Fire Training», «Radiation, Chemical, Biological Protection of Units (Including Ecology)», «Field Manuals of the Armed Forces of Ukraine» and «Management of Daily Activities of Units».
In turn, the discipline provides for the study of the disciplines «Military practice», «Military internship (according to the specialty)», as well as the academic discipline «Fundamentals of management and decision-making in military sphere» of the cycle of general training of the professional training program «Computer Science» of the second (Master's) level of training of applicants for the Master's degree. The methodological basis for studying the discipline is the teaching of educational material in logical completed parts with the formation of a clear understanding of the main issues among cadets. To achieve the ultimate goal of achieving the required level of formation of skills and knowledge of cadets, a contextual approach to learning and problem-based learning are used during the study of the discipline. For visual representation and demonstration of the main concepts and objects of the discipline, basic laws, connection of theoretical provisions with practice, teaching aids and distance learning technologies are used to deliver the discipline. The purpose of teaching the discipline «Fundamentals of military management (including NATO staff procedures)» is to provide cadets with knowledge of the theoretical foundations of military management, components of military management systems, theoretical decision-making bases, basic provisions of combat charters, guiding documents, collections and instructions, forms of basic combat documents, orders and instructions, international standards and procedures for the work of NATO headquarters to manage units while performing combat tasks and when participating in international peacekeeping operations; acquisition by cadets of the skills to organize and directly conduct combat and individual training activities, monitor its implementation, plan and implement measures for maintaining constant combat readiness, conduct planning documents on combat readiness and mobilization work, prepare various types of service documents using the ability to process information on a computer, apply communication and information technologies in the process of preparing, making and implementing managerial decisions.
Competencies that are acquired during studying the academic discipline:
Ability to plan, organize and conduct the main types of combat (combat operations), make optimal decisions based on the analysis of the information received, clearly define combat tasks for subordinate units (firepower), navigate in difficult combat conditions, organize work on the management of the unit taking into account international standards and Euro-Atlantic procedures for the work of headquarters.
The ability to organize and directly conduct combat training of personnel, control its progress, and coordinate subordinate units. According to the requirements of the educational and professional program, the following learning outcomes were defined and formulated:
- apply the acquired knowledge and understanding of the processes of planning, preparing, conducting and providing combat by a combined-arms unit (tactical group) to make informed decisions in combat conditions, solve atypical tasks, maintain constant combat readiness, give orders and bear responsibility for their implementation;
- develop and maintain service and combat documents, conduct tactical calculations, and make optimal decisions based on the analysis of the information received and the situation.
Content of the academic discipline «Fundamentals of military management (including NATO staff procedures)».
In general, 120 hours / 4 ECTS credits were allocated for mastering the discipline. The first block of content modules «Management and leadership of military units» contains the module «Theoretical foundations of military management», which considers the following issues:
Army management system. Subject and object of management. Military management. Managers and military managers. One-dimensional theories (schools) of management. Multidimensional theories (schools) of management and military management. General approaches to managing a military organization. Definition, essence, types and stages of planning. Regulation of organizational processes in military units. Event management of military events. The essence of delegation, responsibility, and authority. Elements, stages, and diagram of the communication process. Military organizational and managerial communication culture. Definition and classification of management decisions. Methodology for making individual and collective managerial decisions in a military organization. Planning and control as functions of managing a military unit. Communication as a linking function of the management process of a military unit. Management decision as a binding function of the management process of a military unit. Empirical understanding of leadership and the essence of the leadership process. Commander's power, form of power, and balance of power. Commander's authority and the content of the commander's authority. Commander's leadership, content, and characteristics. Definition and classification of influence styles. Comparative evaluation of the three main management styles. Management style «Management grid system». The second block of content modules «Fundamentals of management and decision-making» contains the module «Fundamentals of organization of division management», which studies the following issues:
Subject and content of the academic discipline. Definition, purpose, tasks, and functions of troop management. The command and control system and its elements. Laws of command and control of troops and their essence. Principles of command and control of troops and their content. Requirements for the management of troops. Emergence and development of combined-arms headquarters. Classification of headquarters. Purpose and tasks of headquarters. Battalion headquarters and its functions. Duties of battalion headquarters officials. Control points and their requirements. Brigade and battalion control points. Location and movement of control points is a method of sequential operation. Parallel operation method. Types of combat documents and their requirements. Purpose, content and rules of registration of combat documents in the battalion management level. institute management officer innovative
The content module «Information and analytical work in military administration bodies» deals with the following issues:
Information and analytical activity and its role in the training of information analysts. Scientific processing of documents as a component of information activities. Main types of Information documents, general characteristics. General methodology for creating an information product. Main types of information documents. Finding out the task/solution for developing an information document. Search and collection of information. Primary processing, study and clarification of information. Procedure for writing informational and informational-analytical documents. Basic forms of Information documents. BLUF format. Recommendations for presenting information documents. Report of IAP results. Conducting intelligence analysis using SWOT, PEST, and SNW methods. Selection and primary processing of information material for writing an information document. Writing a BLUF-format of information document. Formulation of the conclusion of the information document. Development of presentation material. Development of the IAP results report.
The content module «NATO staff procedures» provides for the study of:
Fundamentals of peacekeeping operations. Fundamentals of staff procedures. Planning process according to NATO standards. Basics of determining a point on a map using the military rectangular coordinate system (MGRS). Practical map reading using the military rectangular coordinate system (MGRS). Mission Command and Detailed Command. The procedure for a commander to receive a combat order (TLP). Main reports in the course of conducting tactical actions. The order of work of the unit commander on the organization of tactical actions, section in attack (using the program of simulation of tactical actions «FollowMe»), section in defense (using the program «FollowMe»), the platoon in attack (using the program «FollowMe»), platoon in defense (using the program «FollowMe»). Functions and responsibilities of officials of the tactical and operational center (TOC). Intelligence preparation of the battlefield. Military decisionmaking process (MDMP).
Types and forms of training performance monitoring
An integral part of the training process is the system of monitoring and reporting on the quality of educational material learning by cadets. The main purpose of the control measures is to ensure the scientific level of knowledge acquired by cadets, their skills and abilities.
Monitoring the quality of cadet training includes:
• input control;
• current monitoring;
• self-control;
• intermediate control;
• modular control;
• final control.
The number of control events, the forms of their implementation, and the frequency are communicated to cadets at the beginning of the study of the discipline and the academic semester.
Input control is conducted before studying the academic discipline in order to determine the level of training of cadets in the academic disciplines. It is held at one of the first classes on tasks that correspond to the educational material of previous disciplines. Based on the results of entrance control, measures are developed to provide individual assistance to cadets, adjust the educational process.
Current monitoring -- assessment of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the cadet in a specific content module. It is conducted by teachers at all types of training sessions. The main forms of current control: oral survey, written control, testing using ICT, preparing the laboratory works, research papers, etc. provided for in the module program. The main purpose of the current control is for the teacher to constantly receive information about the quality of students' learning of the discipline material, check the readiness of cadets to perform subsequent training tasks, and manage their learning motivation.
Self-control is intended for self-assessment by cadets of the quality of assimilation of educational material in a specific section of the academic discipline. For this purpose, textbooks for each topic, as well as tactical tasks for group exercises on maps and tactical exercises on the ground, provide questions for self-control.
Intermediate control from the credit module is conducted by the teacher according to the current rating of the cadet.
Modular control means evaluating the results of training cadets to study the educational material based on the results of current controls and control measures. Modular control is mandatory. Based on the results of current control, a cadet cannot be exempt from modular control.
Final control is carried out in the form of a differentiated test within the time period established by the schedule of the educational process and in the amount of educational material determined by the program of the discipline.
Tools for diagnosing learning performance
Means of diagnosing the success of training cadets in the discipline «Fundamentals of military management (including NATO staff procedures)» are control tasks in the discipline.
Nowadays the modern needs of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, theoretical and practical aspects of training communication specialists to perform their functions in professional situations require improving the effectiveness of professional training of cadets for managerial activities during training in higher military educational institutions. Therefore, the objective necessity is the need to create an integral pedagogical system for the formation of managerial skills of future officers of communication units during organization of the educational process at the Military institute of telecommunications and informatization named after Heroes of Kruty in the disciplines of professional and combined-arms training that would combine traditional and innovative approaches to professional training. To complete this goal, a special academic discipline «Fundamentals of military management (including NATO staff procedures)» was developed and implemented.
Джерела і література
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Balendr A., Komarnytska O., Islamova O., Khamaziuk O., Lusan P., & Biliavets A. (2021). Online learning facilitation in foreign language training for border guards. Laplage Em RevistaЮ. № 7(2). Р. 336-345. [in English]. URL:
Soroka O., Kalaur S. & Balendr A. (2019). Monitoring of Corporate Culture Formation of Specialists of Social Institutions. Postmodern Openings/Deschideri Postmoderne. № 11. [in English]. URL:
Shumovetska S., Didenko О., Boreichuk D., Balendr A., & Snitsa T. (2021). Pedagogical Conditions of Organizational Culture Formation of Future Border Guard Officers. Postmodern Openings. № 12 (1Sup1). Р. 90-112. [in English]
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презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 28.11.2012Развитие системы e-learning в Европе. Виртуальный институт Германии. Дистанционное образование в Германии. Рассылка учебных материалов. Передача знаний из учебного заведения студенту и контроль его работы посредством CD-Rom, виртуальные конференции.
реферат [22,3 K], добавлен 04.08.2010