Integration of education for sustainable development into the curricula of foreign language studies for professional purposes in heis of Ukraine

The article argues the expediency of the implementation of education for sustainable development in HEIs of Ukraine, the prerequisites for the greening of education in today’s conditions are determined. Based on the theory of sustainable development.

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Дата добавления 13.09.2023
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Integration of education for sustainable development into the curricula of foreign language studies for professional purposes in heis of Ukraine

Lesya Korolchuk,


Associate Professor at the Department of International Economic Relations

Lutsk National Technical University (Lutsk, Ukraine)


Lecturer at the Department of Foreign and Ukrainian Philology

Lutsk National Technical University (Lutsk, Ukraine)

The article argues the expediency and relevance of the implementation of education for sustainable development in HEIs of Ukraine, the prerequisites for the greening of education in today's conditions are determined. The transition to education for sustainable development is considered as the basis of the strategic development of Ukrainian institutions of higher education, the planning of the educational process, programmatic and substantive content of educational disciplines.

The author's approaches to the definition of greening of education on the way to sustainable development have been studied, which agree on the need tofill all educational disciplines with ecological content, including the discipline “Foreign language for professional purposes”, which requires the involvement of specialized specialists with an interdisciplinary approach to carry out scientific research on this issue in order to bring disciplines in accordance with relevant trends.

Based on the theory of sustainable development and the interdisciplinary nature of sustainable development education, a hypothetical assumption is made about the universal nature of the program results ofsustainable development education during the study of the discipline “Foreign language for professional purposes” by students of any specialty, and ways and means of integrating education for sustainable development in the study programs of this discipline are proposed. In particular, methodological recommendations are given for the formation of the content part of the foreign language study program in a professional purposes based on the theory of sustainable development; one of the trans-professional approaches to the meaningfulfilling of educational programs with significant extracurricular topics is proposed, based on the interdisciplinary nature of education for sustainable development; attention is focused on the motivational aspect of the integration of education for sustainable development into the curricula offoreign language learning for professional purposes in HEIs of Ukraine by means of empowerment pedagogy.

Key words: education for sustainable development, greening of education, study program (curricula).


кандидат економічних наук, доцент кафедри міжнародних економічних відносин Луцького національного технічного університету (Луцьк, Україна)

Ірина ВОЙТЕНКО, greening education study program

викладач кафедри іноземної та української філології Луцького національного технічного університету (Луцьк, Україна)


У статті агрументовано доцільність та актуальність впровадження освіти для сталого розвитку у ЗВО України, визначено передумови екологізації освіти в умовах сьогодення. Перехід до освіти сталого розвитку розглядається, як основа стратегічного розвитку українських закладів вищої освіти, планування навчального процесу, програмного та змістовного наповнення навчальних дисциплін.

Досліджено авторські підходи до визначення екологізації освіти на шляху до сталого розвитку, які сходяться на необхідності наповнення екологічним змістом усіх навчальних дисциплін і, в тому числі, дисципліни «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням», що вимагає залучення профільних спеціалістів з міждисциплінарним підходом для здійснення наукових досліджень щодо даної проблематики заради приведення дисципліни у відповідність до релевантних тенденцій.

Спираючись на теорію сталого розвитку та міждисциплінарний характер освіти сталого розвитку зроблено гіпотетичне припущення про універсальний характер програмних результатів освіти сталого розвитку під час вивчення дисципліни «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням» здобувачами будь-якої спеціальності, а також запропоновано шляхи та засоби інтеграції освіти для сталого розвитку у навчальні програми вивчення даної дисципліни. Зокрема, дано методологічні рекомендації щодо формування змістовної частини програми вивчення іноземної мови за професійним спрямуванням на основі теорії сталого розвитку; запропоновано один із транс профільних підходів до змістовного наповнення навчальних програм значимими надпредметними темами, спираючись на міждисциплінарний характер освіти для сталого розвитку; зосереджено увагу на мотиваційному аспекті інтеграції освіти сталого розвитку у навчальні програми вивчення іноземної мови за професійним спрямуванням у ЗВО України засобами емпауермент-педагогіки.

Ключові слова: освіта для сталого розвитку, екологізація освіти, навчальна програма.

Statement of the problem in a general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks

In today's conditions, we are witnessing many natural cataclysms, climate changes, the disappearance of biological species and other ecological metamorphoses with a minus sign. Back in the second half of the 20th century evidence of the depletion of global natural resources and the limitation of assimilative capabilities of the planetary ecosystem appeared. The revolutionary work of the new vision was the first report of the Club of Rome “Limits to Growth” (1972), which gave a serious reason to think about the physical limits of the economic growth of mankind (Donella H. Meadows, 1972). The lack of global thinking, operating only visible, comprehensible parts of the whole for the eye and the human mind when making management decisions create an illusory sense of the limitlessness of the world and its resources, in connection with which economic growth in its essence presupposed the maximization of the scale of processing natural resources by capitalist factories.

Despite the large number of skeptics who question the global nature of environmental problems, the world community has made the transition to a model of sustainable development based on the concept of the same name, which is a collection of ideas, provisions and postulates of various sciences, including philosophy, sociology, economics, ecology, which is recognized as the dominant ideology of the development of human civilization in the 21st century. The term “sustainable development” is interpreted as a process of economic and social changes, in which the exploitation of natural resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of scientific and technical development, the development of the individual and institutional changes are coordinated among themselves and strengthen the current and future potential for satisfying human needs. needs and which is aimed at improving the quality of human life while preserving the sustainability of the ecosystem.

The concept of sustainable development has become the number one issue on the UN agenda, which is reflected in the UN Millennium Declaration, adopted in 2000 by 189 countries at the UN Millennium Summit, which defines the Millennium Development Goals, that is a comprehensive framework of values, principles and key factors development until 2015, as well as in the Outcome Document of the UN Summit on Sustainable Development and the adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda within the framework of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly in New York in September 2015 “Transforming our world: a sustainable agenda development until 2030”, where 17 sustainable development goals and 169 tasks were approved (Transforming our World, 2015).

Ukraine, like other UN member states, has joined the global process of ensuring sustainable development. In order to establish the strategic framework of the national development of Ukraine for the period until 2030, based on the principle of “leaving no one behind”, an inclusive process of adaptation of the Sustainable Development Goals was launched. Each global goal was considered taking into account the specifics of national development. Sustainable development was defined as the global goal of the national strategy of our country until 2020. Ukraine took 36th place in the ranking of 165 countries in the world according to the sustainable development index, which is compiled annually by the UN and the Bertelsmann Foundation (Jeffrey D. Sachs, et al., 2021).

One of the most important aspects of the effective implementation of the concept of sustainable development is appropriate quality education, which is the foundation for the transformation of the world economic system to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible model - a green, circular, closed economy, because such a transition requires special knowledge about the environment and its interaction with all areas of human life. Such knowledge is no longer limited to the development of only natural sciences, but must be integrated into all sciences without exception, which creates a serious challenge for all levels of education, because it requires the total greening of education and training and, as a result, the transition to education for sustainable development (ESD).

Institutions of higher education, as a center of scientific research and production of progressive thoughts, should be interested in active participation in the process of integration of ESD into the national educational system. Rebecca Warden aptly comments on this issue: “Universities cannot be leaders in the pursuit of sustainable development and continue to conduct their activities as before. However, HEIs are faced with a choice: either take the initiative and lead change in areas such as climate justice, poverty reduction and gender equality, or become mere followers of social change started by others” (Rebecca Warden, 2020).

Sandra Caeiro and Ulisses M. Azeiteiro consider that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), within their mission and activities, have an important responsibility in the transformation of societies and, in particular, in contributing to the development of a more sustainable society. These institutions can implement sustainable development in different dimensions, according or not to a holistic approach, from education and curricula, campus operation, organizational management, external community and research, to assessment and communication (Sandra Caeiro and Ulisses M. Azeiteiro, 2020).

According to the survey conducted The European University Association (EUA), which represents more than 800 universities and national rectors' conferences in 48 European countries, in 2021 greening is a topic of high interest in the area of learning and teaching - around 80% or more of institutions consider greening in their offer of extra curricula activities (94%), in their study programmes (79% bachelor degree, 82% master degree), in dedicated elective modules (84%), and in their curriculum reform (86%) (Greening in Europ., 2021).

Ukraine's declared European integration intentions include following the best practices of EU countries in education in particular. The transition to sustainable development education should form the basis of the strategic development of Ukrainian institutions of higher education, planning of the educational process, programmatic and substantive content of educational disciplines. Since the educational discipline “Foreign language for professional purposes” provides a competent approach (Polikarpova Yu., 2017) to learning a foreign language, aimed at developing practical skills, forming skills and gaining experience in using a full set of theoretical knowledge in practice, for which language is a means and tools for solving practical tasks in cooperation with foreign partners, and not as an end in itself, knowledge about the environment, which is relevant in today's conditions and already has an interdisciplinary universal character, can become part of the content of the course for all specialties.

Analysis of the latest research and publications in which the solution to this problem was initiated and on which the author relies

Many works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists are devoted to the study of the process of greening of state education on its way to sustainable development, who consider the greening of education as a process of transforming today's education into education for sustainable development, which has an interdisciplinary and complex nature, the basis of which is ecological science. The majority believes that sustainable development education involves the universal nature of environmental knowledge, which is interpreted for the student through the prism of all academic disciplines. Thus, Dubovych I. considers the following as a method of greening of education: “fundamentalization of ecological disciplines and greening of all other educational subjects” (Dubovych I., 2006). Lukianova L. in her scientific research defines greening of education as: “the foundation of solving the problems of environmental education in the specific sense of this concept and a guide for changes in the teaching of all other disciplines” (Lukianova L., 2012).

V. Krysachenko and M. Khylko hold a similar opinion, believing that: “the greening of modern science should take place in two directions: by expanding the subject of environmental science and by filling already known sciences with ecological content” (Krysachenko V., Khylko M., 2002). Recognizing education as the most effective tool for implementing the strategy of sustainable development, Tunytsia Yu. emphasizes: “the need to saturate training programs for specialists in all fields with ecological aspects in order to form an ecological and economic way of thinking, instead of one-sided traditional economic thinking” (Tunytsia Yu. et al., 2019).

Foreign literature has merged that tries to understand how sustainability is being incorporated in higher education. It has been done according to the following approaches: “build-on” means that sustainability concepts and analysis are introduced as separate courses or degrees; “build-in”, means that sustainability is introduced on all educational courses offered (Disterheft et al., 2015; Ramisio et al., 2019; Shawe et al., 2019).

The European University Association (EUA) defines greening as increasing awareness and taking concrete action towards a green, environmentally- friendly and resource-efficient university. This may address the university's mission and campus, and its members, but also entails a contribution towards its larger community and surroundings. It may or may not be part of a broader approach to address the sustainable development and contribute to the 2030 Agenda (Greening in Europ., 2021).

In turn, the implementation of sustainable development education in the “Foreign language for professional purposes” educational course requires the involvement of specialized specialists with an interdisciplinary approach to carry out scientific research on this issue in order to bring the discipline in line with relevant trends.

Formulation of the goals of the article, setting of tasks

This research aims to achieve the following objectives: to study the relevance of implementing education for sustainable development in HEIs; to explore the author's approaches to defining the greening of education; to propose ways and means of integrating education for sustainable development into the curriculum of foreign language learning for professional purposes in HEIs.

Presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results

Based on the theory of sustainable development, according to which the concept is based on three components (Kahn M., 1995): economic, which involves optimizing the use of natural resources in production processes and maintaining the economic growth of the economic system in conditions of resource limitation; social, which involves human centrism and preservation of the stability of social and cultural systems; as well as ecological, focused on the preservation of our planet to ensure our livelihood and for the next generations of humanity, and, in addition, on the interdisciplinary nature of ESD, it is possible to assert the universal nature of the program results of ESD during the study of the discipline “Foreign language for professional purposes” applicants of any specialty.

As O. Vysotska points out: “The peculiarity of ESD is that it covers environmental, economic and social issues of education and upbringing from the point of view of forming a new system of value orientations and behavior models of the younger generation and society in general” (Vysotska O., 2011).

Thus, the integration of ESD into foreign language study programs for professional purposes in HEIs should be carried out on the basis of the conceptual foundations of the theory of sustainable development, and therefore the formation of the substantive part of the discipline study program should include its economic, social and environmental components, namely:

1. The economic component should provide for obtaining the following set of program results: - operation of the concept of “quality life” as one of the components of the concept of sustainable development; - skills of economical resource and energy consumption, rational consumption, reduction of raw materials costs; - development of a high level of social mobility, education of a culture of innovation, creativity and success.

2. In turn, the social component can provide for the following program results: - formation of humanistic values and priorities; - the development of emotional intelligence and the ability to empathize, the ability to stand in the position of another person, to recognize his thoughts, while at the same time defending his own position, without degrading the dignity of another person; - development of non-confrontational consciousness, focused on cooperative and non- conflictual activities; - development of a high information culture, which involves media literacy, awareness of sustainable development issues, activation of critical thinking.

3. The environmental component may include the following program results: - assimilation by students of education of knowledge about the state of the environment, the synergy of man and nature, measures to preserve ecosystems, ways of getting out of the ecological crisis; - the formation of an ecological worldview and ecoculture based on the disclosure of the content and implementation of norms and principles of environmental ethics and ethics of responsibility; - education of patriotic feelings, love for the native land; - assimilation of basic knowledge and skills regarding a healthy lifestyle, harmonization of relations between man and the natural environment; - awareness of ways to join the environmental movement, the development of environmental organizations at the level of HEIs, the region, the state, the EU, etc.

Also, taking into account the interdisciplinary nature of ESD, for its integration into foreign language study programs for professional purposes in HEIs, it is advisable to use the means of a crosscutting content line, as a trans-profile approach to the content of educational programs with significant extracurricular topics for the formation of social activity in students, responsibility and environmental awareness, as a result of which they will carefully take care of the environment, realizing the importance of sustainable development for the preservation of the environment and the development of society. Moreover, an important aspect of such an approach is the observance of the principles of sequence (from simple to complex) and concentricity (permanent further complication of the initial material, with expansion, enrichment of the content with new components, with a deepening of consideration of the connections and dependencies between them) in order to ensure systematicity elaboration of meaningful topics.

We believe that, in addition to the meaningful content of foreign language study programs for professional purposes within the framework of the theory of sustainable development, it is important to pay special attention to the motivational aspect based on one of the directions of humanistic pedagogy - empowerment pedagogy, which involves providing a person with motivation and inspiration for action. In this context, for the integration of ESD into the curricula of disciplines in higher education through the means of a cross-cutting content line, it is important to form in the student of education a clear understanding of the importance and priority of sustainable development in modern society and the awareness of oneself as a significant effective element of the socio-economic system not only on household level, and generally university, local, state and international. It is necessary to convey to the student information about a full set of relevant ways of his involvement in the processes of sustainable development and greening of the economy, about the real possibilities of his participation in the framework of professional, public, socio-political, or international project activities.

In this case, the involvement of higher education students in international project activities for sustainable development within the framework of learning a foreign language, which is actually a means of communication with foreign partners and implementation of international relations in all spheres of social life, deserves special attention. It is the participation of students in international projects that will allow them to maximally apply the acquired program results in the course of mastering the discipline “Foreign language for professional purposes” in the practical area.

Conclusions from this study and prospects for further research in this direction

Thus, the effective integration of ESD into foreign language learning programs for professional purposes in higher education requires the concentration of the teacher's efforts on the meaningful content of the course, as well as on the selection of pedagogical methods that would ensure the maximum motivation of students to be involved in the processes of sustainable development. In our opinion, the most appropriate in this case may be problem-oriented learning or in groups using interactive learning methods, whereby a foreign language will be used as a means of communication between group participants and the facilitator, or individual research work with a subsequent presentation of the obtained results in a foreign language.

Great attention should also be paid to the selection of educational materials in connection with the integration of ESD into the curricula of foreign language studies for professional purposes in HEIs. The perspective of further research on this issue may lie in the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for the creation of new teaching aids for learning a foreign language of a holistic interdisciplinary nature based on the theory of sustainable development and relevant methodological tools for learning a foreign language.

Today, higher education institutions should be more interested than ever in the development of the ESD, which will allow our state to get on the rails of innovative development, overcome the consequences of ecocide after the barbaric Russian invasion, reduce the impact of the anthropogenic factor on the environment, increase the gap between economic growth and environmental damage, preserve our planet for next generations. The training of future specialists in various spheres of social life on the basis of ESD will increase their compliance with the requirements of the modern world situation, and therefore the demand on the domestic and international labor markets.


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10. Ramisio, P.J., Costa Pinto, L.M., Gouveia, N., Costa, H. and Aretes, D. (2019). Sustainability strategy in higher education institutions: lessons learned from a nine-year case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 222, p. 300-309. https:// URL:

11. Rebecca Warden (2020). Sustainable development: Are universities ready to lead? University World News. 10 March. URL:

12. Sandra Caeiro and Ulisses M. Azeiteiro (2020). Sustainability Assessment in Higher Education Institutions. Sustainability, 12 (8):3433. URL: Higher_Education_Institutions

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