Principles of selection of educational texts for students of Chinese universities who study Ukrainian as a specialty

In the article analyses the selection of textbooks for Chinese students majoring in Ukrainian. In traditional classrooms, teachers organize activities mainly around passages in the textbooks while consolidate knowledge through after-class practice.

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Дата добавления 19.09.2023
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Principles of selection of educational texts for students of Chinese universities who study Ukrainian as a specialty

Gao Yuanyuan,

Head of the Department of Ukrainian Language Xi'an International Studies University,

Yaremchuk I.V.,

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Ukrainian Language Xi'an International Studies University,

In the article analyses the selection of textbooks for Chinese students majoring in Ukrainian, the structure of passages and grammar knowledge are reflected within. In traditional classrooms, teachers organize activities mainly around passages in the textbooks while consolidate knowledge through after-class practice. Reading, as the core of language acquisition, can guarantee the accumulation of language experience, which is also the prerequisite of oral competence that can free learners from sub-conscious attention due to the repetition of the same language unit and further help them acquire the grammatical rule of word usage. In philological reading, the objective of analysis and interpretation is cultural and country information, and the goal is to know the culture of the people through the knowledge and the study of texts of their language. Linguistic reading is aimed at learning your own language through in-depth reading. Therefore, the teaching texts for first-year students must meet the following requirements: exemplary (maximum compliance of the text in content and form with the general methodological concept of training); accessibility (the language side of the educational texts should not complicate their understanding; the language training of students and the stage of study are also taken into account); cognitive value of the educational text; the level of novelty of information; scientificity of the text; art of the text. In our opinion, it is necessary to take into account the above requirements when selecting educational texts, so that students can achieve optimal assimilation of a separate grammatical topic and master the maximum possible amount of lexical material. With that, this paper sets the standard for choosing passages for textbooks, namely national conditions and culture of Ukraine and Ukrainian linguistic points for the very beginners.

Key words: Ukrainian language, educational text, selection criteria, authentic text, cultural aspect of reading, linguistic aspect of reading.


Статтю присвячено проблемі відбору навчальних текстів для формування україномовної лексичної компетенції у студентів китайських університетів, які вивчають українську мову як спеціальність. У методиці навчання іноземним мовам найбільш традиційною формою подання навчального матеріалу з метою його подальшого закріплення у системі вправ є викладання та вивчення мови за навчальними текстами. Читання є важливим за своєю психологічною природою як мовленнєва діяльність забезпечує накопичення позитивного мовного досвіду, наявність якого є необхідною умовою правильного усного мовлення, без залучення свідомої уваги читача завдяки багаторазовій повторюваності мовних одиниць у різноманітних контекстах, завдяки чому у свідомості читача уточнюються семантичні межі і норми вживання лексичних одиниць (сполучуваність, наповнення граматичних структур, співвіднесення з різноманітними ситуаціями спілкування). Крім цього, опрацювання навчальних текстів є уже знайомим для студентів із шкільних років.

У статті виділено основні критерії для відбору навчальних текстів, описано поняття автентичного тексту. Охарактеризовано також культурологічний та лінгвістичний аспекти читання, які впливатимуть на відбір навчальних текстів для першого курсу. При філологічному читанні об'єктом аналізу та інтерпретації є культуро- та країнознавча інформація, а метою - пізнання культури народу через пізнання його мови і вивчення текстів цією мовою. Лінгвістичне читання скероване на вивчення власне мови через поглиблене читання і вивчення текстів цією мовою. Навчальні тексти для студентів першого курсу повинні відповідати таким вимогам як: зразковість (максимальна відповідність тексту за змістом і за формою до загальної методичної концепції навчання); доступність (мовна сторона навчальних текстів не повинна утруднювати їх розуміння, до уваги береться також мовна підготовка студентів та етап навчання); пізнавальна цінність навчального тексту; рівень новизни інформації; науковість та художність тексту. На нашу думку, відбирати навчальні тексти потрібно із врахуванням вищезгаданих вимог, завдяки чому можна досягти оптимального засвоєння окремої граматичної теми, забезпечити оволодіння максимально можливою кількістю лексичного матеріалу. Також проаналізовано навчальні тексти у підручниках української мови як іноземної та проблеми, які виникають при використанні вищезгаданих підручників для китайських студентів.

Ключові слова: українська мова, навчальний текст, критерії відбору, автентичний текст, культурологічний аспект читання, лінгвістичний аспект читання.ukrainian language educational text

Posing a problem

For better implementing the Belt and Road initiative, the government of the People's Republic of China has launched Ukrainian as a major in a batch of language universities of China. Every year more and more Chinese students begin to learn Ukrainian. Given the differences in the structure of the two languages, special attention should be paid to the selection of educational material for the formation of Ukrainian-language lexical competence among Chinese students.

Analysis of recent research and publications

In the methodology of teaching a foreign language, the issue of qualitative and quantitative selection of educational material, especially educational texts, is especially relevant, which would ensure the mastery of lexical, grammatical and stylistic minimums by students. Of course, in the method of teaching foreign languages, the most traditional form of presentation of educational material under the aim of further consolidating it through exercise is teaching and learning the language according to educational texts [8, p.134]. The text is a specific segment of speech or expression (oral and/or written) relating to a specific area. In the process of performing a certain task, it becomes an act of speech activity and can be both a support and a goal, both a product and a process [3].

Setting a task

To ensure the teaching result of Ukrainian as a specialty in higher educational institutions of China, one important task is to compile textbooks, in the process of which the selection of educational texts and exercises should take into account regional and cultural characteristics.

Presentation of the main material

Working with authentic texts plays a leading role in the knowledge of the culture of the country whose language is studied, in intriguing motivation, maintaining interest and ensuring the relationship of learning with life [9]. According to the methodological principle of text-centric orientation, when teaching foreign languages in regions geographically distant from the native countries, the texts of various forms of presentation serve as the main source of information about the world of the new language and culture for students [11]. The texts meet the information and cognitive needs of students, serve as a support for stimulating the educational speech interaction of students on professional topics, complement their knowledge by reproducing and semantically processing the information received, and expand the communicative capacity of students to real communication. Texts act as communicative units at two levels: cognitive, which serves for the intensification and content content of the act of communication, that is, a hierarchy of communicative and cognitive programs, and linguistic, which reflects the linguistic and linguistic forms of implementation of these programs [2, p. 30].

Reading by its psychological nature as a speech activity ensures the accumulation of positive speech experience, the presence of which is a necessary condition for proper oral speech, without attracting the conscious attention of the reader due to the repeated repetition of language units in various contexts. The semantic boundaries and norms of the use of lexical units (compatibility, filling of grammatical structures, correlation with various situations of communication) are clarified in the reader's mind [4, p.11]. In addition, the processing of educational texts is already familiar to students from school years. So when teaching Ukrainian for Chinese students who study Ukrainian as a specialty, one should:

1) At the beginning of the course, use materials that students already have;

2) Use the material bounded by the text frames, create a variety of exercises whose language and content is for better acquision;

3) Place the texts in a certain sequence to ensure the cyclicity of the educational process including visibility and repeatability and increase the volume of educational material and control [10, p. 135].

When one considers educational text as a source of not only content, but also linguistic information, it is necessary to take into account 1) cultural (reading of this type is called philological) and 2) linguistic (reading of this type is called linguistic) aspects that will affect the selection of educational texts for the freshmen. In philological reading, the object of analysis and interpretation is cultural and country information, and the goal is to know the culture of the people through the knowledge of their language and the study of texts in this language. Linguistic reading is aimed at learning your own language through in-depth reading. The object of analysis and interpretation of such reading is the text as a speech work from the perspective of using linguistic means to express a certain communicative intention [8, p. 135]. This will affect the selection of educational texts, since at the initial stage of studying the Ukrainian language it is more expedient to prevail in philological reading - students will more easily memorize information of a country and cultural nature and at the same time the form of its expression due to their interest.

In the process of selecting educational texts, the sources are also important:

1) The sources of selection should be original fiction (novels, passages of novels and poems, poems), interviews, reports on a scientific topic and newspaper / magazine articles.

2) It is also possible to create "clean" texts on a certain grammatical topic by the compiler.

3) Make adaptation from a lower level ofUkrainian language proficiency of already selected texts.

Authentic text is the center of any act of speech communication, an external substantive connection between the one who produces and those who perceive, no matter communicating face to face or from a distance [3, p. 93]. The educational text can be both a separate work and a passage, but it is necessary to have a completed plot or storyline, with a volume of 1500 to 6000 printed characters [8, p. 136]. You can also select texts included in Ukrainian language textbooks published in Ukraine. When selecting authentic texts, it is necessary to take into account the correspondence of the content of the authentic text and the topic under study; social significance and problems; the moral and ethical aspect in the choice of topics and the formulation of issues submitted for discussion in the group; relevance of the subject of authentic text [9, p. 381]. The creation of "clean" texts on a certain grammatical topic based on the adaptation to a lower level of proficiency in the Ukrainian language of already-selected texts are also very important in the selection of educational texts for first-year students of Chinese universities who study Ukrainian as a specialty, because unlike the English language they have studied and contibue to study at school, students are just beginning to learn Ukrainian in the first year (that is, the purpose of the educational texts in the first semester may be to study a simple sentence, etc.).

Now in Ukraine many textbooks are published on the Ukrainian language as a foreign language. For example, you can mention tutorials such as Step 1; Step 2; Ukrainian. Modular course; Step by step, etc. [See 1, 5, 6, 7]. However, it is worth noting the difficulties that arise when teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language to Chinese students according to the above-mentioned textbooks. Sometimes there is a non-compliance with the principles of gradual presentation of grammatical material. That is, when students work out the topic of the present tense of the verb, verbs in the form of the past tense already occur in the educational text to this topic. This requires an additional explanation from the teacher. Since this topic is paid attention to in the following sections, it is not worth dwelling in detail on this topic. But when performing exercises, students also try to use the forms of the past tense, but since the text takes only a form of the past tense for the verb 1 person of the singular masculine gender, this leads to errors in the formation of the form 1 person of the singular female gender.

You can also give an example about the conjugation of adjectives. Although conjugation is given in only singular, in the text and exercises there are already adjectives in the form of a plural, and this again leads to errors in the use of adjectives in examples and exercises. It is worth considering the following two sentences, which are presented in the topic "Local case of singular nouns": "Олег вивчає теоретичну фізику на фізичному факультеті " - the example also uses an adjective in the form of a local case, and during reading students have difficulty understanding the paradigm of adjective cancellation, because this topic has not yet been worked out. Given that the native language for them is Chinese, which is an isolated language, and there is no paradigm of cases, this creates difficulties for perceiving material that goes beyond the topic. "Студенти вже не роблять помилок у домашньому завданні". Here, in addition to the sweeper in the form of a local case, the form of the generic case of the noun in the plural is also presented. The formation of forms of the accusative and local case before this lesson was given only for singular, the formation of forms of the generic viminka has not yet been studied at all.

Therefore, the teaching texts for first-year students must meet the following requirements:

1) Exemplary - maximum compliance of the text in content and form with the general methodological concept of training;

2) Accessibility - the language side of the educational texts should not complicate their understanding; the language training of students and the stage of study are also taken into account;

3) Cognitive value of the educational text;

4) The level of novelty of information;

5) Scientificity of the text;

6) Art of the text.


This paper focuses on the selection of educational texts for students of Chinese universities who study Ukrainian as a specialty. In our opinion, it is necessary to take into account the above requirements when selecting educational texts, so that students can achieve optimal assimilation of a separate grammatical topic and master the maximum possible amount of lexical material.


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